COT-DLP-Kinder-Q1-Week 6

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Surigao del Sur

School CASTILLO ELEMENTARY Grade Level Kindergarten


Daily Lesson Plan Teacher AIRESH S. VILLONES Learning Area LITERACY

Date: October 13, 2023 Quarter: 1 Week 6


A.Content Standards The child demonstrates an understanding of

body parts and their uses.

The child shall be able to take care of oneself

and the environment and able to solve problems
B. Performance
encountered within the context of everyday

Competencies/ Identify one’s basic body parts (PNEKBS-ID-I)
- Tell the basic body parts
- Demonstrate the ability to point to and touch
Knowledge various body parts on themselves
Skills - Show skills to always protect oneself.
Attitude -Give the importance of the body parts.
II. CONTENT Identifying one’s basic body parts.


A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide Most Essential Learning Competencies for

pages Kindergarten
Curriculum Guide for Kindergarten
B. Other Learning Powerpoint presentation,Manila paper, pictures,
posters, TV,Laptop

Strategy Differentiated activity, singing,drawing

Homeroom Guidance, Health, Music, Math,

English, Filipino

Value Focus Importance of Body Parts


Greetings, Prayer, Singing of National Anthem, COT-INDICATOR 5

Daily Exercise, Checking of Attendance Show learner’s behavior
constructively by applying positive
and non-violent discipline to ensure
learning-focused environments.
Before the classes start, set standard or house
(PPST Indicator 2.6.2)
rule. That they should avoid making extra noises
except in doing group activity. That they should KRA 2 -Objective 5- Learning
Environment and Diversity of
not answer in chorus, the behave and active Learners.
group will be given a ribbon or star meaning
Giving of standards ensure that
additional points. pupils have some rules to follow ang
to have manageable classroom and
positive atmosphere.

A. Reviewing Before we proceed with our new lesson, let us

previous lesson or review first the lesson that we took up yesterday. Show COT-INDICATOR 8
presenting the new
lesson Can you still remember our lesson yesterday? Selected, develop, organized and
used appropriate teaching and
(Elicit) learning resources, including ICT, to
address learning goals.
It was all about the four basic emotions. (PPST Indicator 4.5.2)

Show powe rpoint presentation for review.

KRA 3. Objective 9

Curriculum and Planning.

Using appropriate teaching and

learning resources especially with
the new technology will enhance
more learning to 21st learners.

B. Establishing a Show COT-INDICATOR 8

purpose for the Selected, develop, organized and
lesson Begin by singing a familiar body parts song (e.g., used appropriate teaching and
"Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes"). Encourage learning resources, including ICT, to
the students to join in and sing along. address learning goals.
(PPST Indicator 4.5.2)

Based on the song, what body parts were

KRA 3. Objective 9.
Curriculum and Planning.
Can you touch your eyes?nose? ears?
Using appropriate teaching and
learning resources especially with
the new technology will enhance
Give the objectives. more learning to 21st learners.

Identify the basic body parts.

Use Powerpoint presentation

Let us sing the song again. (Music Integration)

Can you still remember the body parts that were INDICATOR 4
C. Presenting mentioned in the song? Managed classroom structure to
examples/instances engage learners,individually or in
of the new lesson groups,in meaningful
exploration,discovery and hands on
Activity: Gallery Walk activities with range of physical
(Explore) learning. (PPST Indicator 2.3.2)

(Teachers Supervised
I have pictures posted on the walls. Roam KRA 2-Objective 4 - Learning Environment
around and collect one. Tell the name of each and Diversity of Learners
body part and paste it on the board.

D. Discussing new Now let us name the picture of the basic body
concept and parts that you get.
practicing new skills Applied a range of teaching
#1 How many eyes do you have?knees? toes? Let’s strategies to develop critical and
count. creative thinking as well as higher
order thinking skills.
(Math Integration- Counting) (PPST Indicator 1.5.2)

Show a mirror and ask them to look at their faces.

Guide them to identify their eyes, nose, mouth,
ears, and hair. Encourage them to touch and
point to these body parts while saying their KRA 1-Objective 3

names. Content Knowledge and Pedagogy

Ask the following questions. The art of questioning from lower

thinking skills to Higher order thing
What body part do we use to see? skills that will be given to pupils will
develop their critical thinking to
What are some body parts we use to walk? improve their decision making and

E. Discussing new Now, based on the activity that we had. Can you COT INDICATOR 2 Use a
concepts and tell me what is our lesson for today? range of teaching strategies that
practicing new skills enhance learners achievement in
literacy and numeracy skills.
#2 (PPST Indicator 1.4.2)

(Explain) It is all about the basic body parts.

KRA 1-Objective 2- Content
Knowledge and Pedagogy

We have basic body parts. Literacy and numeracy are the basic
skills that pupils should be
We are going to name them. developed that is why in this lesson
reading and numeracy is integrated
to help pupils read and count
number symbols.

Show Powerpoint presentation during discussion

or pictures of basic body parts in the absence of
laptop and TV.

Can you touch your head?

In Sinugbuanong Binisaya we call it “ulo”.
In Filipino we call it ‘ulo”.
(Filipino Integration)
Apply knowledge of content
And in English we call it “head”. within and across curriculum
teaching areas
(English Integration)
(PPST Indicator 1.1.2)

Why is it essential to take care of our bodies?

What are some ways we can keep our bodies KRA 1-Objective 1- Content
Knowledge and Pedagogy
Integration with other subject areas
Never put anything in your ears like sticks and
pencils because they can harm your ears.
(Health integration)

F. Developing Group work. (Differentiated activity) .(

mastery (Leads to
Group 1- Cut and Paste – Cut the body parts
and paste them on the face.

Group 2- Match the body parts

Group 3- Body Puzzle

Again, remember that in doing group activities
you have to help one another so that everyone
has a share of the output. Do not be too noisy
and avoid roaming around. And after that post
your work on the board.

G. Finding (Individual Activity)

practical/ COT-INDICATOR 1
application of Conduct a fun body part scavenger hunt. Call out Apply knowledge of content
concepts and skills within and across curriculum
a body part name, and the pupils need to touch or teaching areas
in daily living point to that body part on their own bodies. For
(PPST Indicator 1.1.2)
example, say, "Touch your nose!" and let them
(Elaborate) respond by touching their noses.

KRA 1-Objective 1- Content

Knowledge and Pedagogy

Integration with other subject areas

Gather the pupils back in a circle and review Planned, managed and implemented
and abstractions developmentally sequenced teaching
what they've learned about body parts. Ask and learning processes to meet
about the lesson questions like, "What is this?" while pointing to curriculum requirements and varied
different body parts on the poster. teaching context.

(Elaborate) (PPST Indicator 4.1.2)

KRA 3-Objective 7-Curriculum and


A well planned , managed and

implemented developmentally
sequenced teaching learning process
will ensure learners to achieve the
objective of the learning

I. Evaluating Identify and match the body parts with their shadows. COT- INDICATOR 9
Learning Designed, selected, organized and
use diagnostic,
formative/summative assessment
(Evaluate) strategies consistent with
curriculum requirements.

(PPST Indicator 5.1.2)

KRA 4-Objective 10

Assessment and Reporting

This assessment is appropriate to

the objective in this lesson to
measure if the learner understand
the lesson very well.

J. Additional Draw your favorite pet and show it to the class

activities for tomorrow. Identify its basic parts of the body.
application or


A.No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation

B.No. of learners who require

additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%

C. Did the remedial lessons work? No.

of learners who have caught up with
the lesson

D. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these work?

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:


Kindergarten Teacher School Head

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