Classifications of Vegetables

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Color Components
1. Gourd Family 1.Chlorophyll – a fat soluble compound responsible
- squash, pumpkin, cucumber, cantaloupe for the green color of plants.
2. Seed and Pods
Beans, peas, corn, okra 2. Carotenoids – the yellow, orange to red soluble
3. Fruits Vegetables pigments found in plants
- avocado, eggplant, sweet pepper, tomato
4. Root and Tubers 3. Flavonoids
- beef, carrot, radish, turnip, artichoke, potato, - Anthoxanthin which is responsible for the yellow
sweet potato pigments.
5. Cabbage Family - Anthocyanins which is responsible for red and
- cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, blue to violet pigments
- onion, scallion, leek, garlic, shallots 1. Vitamin A - Green leafy vegetables are sources
7. Leafy Greens of vitamin A.
- spinach, lettuce
8. Stalks, Stem and Shoots Example: alugbati, ampalaya leaves, kalabasa
- artichoke, asparagus, celery, fennel, bamboo leaves ,malunggay, petchay, sili leaves
9. Mushrooms 2. Vitamin C- promotes a healthy immune system,
- shitake, Enoki, King Trumpet helps wounds heal, maintains blood vessels and
connective tissue and aids in absorption of iron.
B. According to chemical composition
1. Carbohydrates rich vegetables - seeds, roots Example: cabbage – type vegetables bell peppers
and tubers lettuce potatoes dark green
2. Protien rich vegetables - legumes, peas, beans and yellow vegetables.
3. Fat rich vegetables - nuts, olives, avocado
4. High moisture content - mushroom, tomatoes, 3. Vitamin B Complex - helps prevent infections
radish, green leafy vegetables
Example:ampalaya tops, kulitis, pepper leaves,
C. According to nutritive value saluyot,dried beans
1. Vitamin A rich vegetables - green leafy and
yellow fruits and vegetables 4. Complex Carbohydrates -they provide energy for
2. Vitamin C rich vegetables - yellow vegetables the body more slowly than simple carbs, but they
3. Vitamin B (complex) - legumes, peas, beans also provide energy for a longer period of time.

COMPONENTS OF VEGETABLES Example: wheat bran, whole grain breads and

A. Flavor Components cereals, cabbage, carrots, Brussels sprouts
1. Sugar Fructose
– the natural sugar that provides the sweetness in BASIC CUTTING KNIFES
vegetables. 1. Chopping – done with a straight, downward
cutting motion.
2. Glutamic Acid –This forms a product called 2. Chiffonade (shredding) – making very fine
monosodium glutamate when parallel cuts.
combined with salt. It is found in large amount 3. Dicing – producing cube shapes
from young and fresh 4. Diamond (lozenge) – thinly slicing and cutting
vegetables. into strips of appropriate width
5. Mincing – producing very fine cut usually for
3.Sulfur compounds –Give the characteristic strong onions and garlic
flavor and odor of some vegetables like onions, 6. Julienne-knife cut in which the food item is cut
leeks, garlic, chives, cabbage and broccoli. into long thin strips, similar to Matchsticks.
7. Pays Anne (Fermi ere) – making curved or  Parmientier - Potatoes
uneven cuts of the same thickness.  Princesse - Asparagus
8. Rondelle– making cylindrical cut  Provencale - Tomatoes with garlic, parsley,
9. Bias –making diagonal cut. mushrooms, and olive
10. Oblique, or roll cuts – making diagonal cut by
rolling the long cylindrical vegetables WAYS OF COOKING VEGETABLES\
1. Boiling ang steaming
EFFECTS ON COOKING VEGETABLES 2. Sauteing and pan-frying
1. Changes in texture 3. Braising
2. Water is either lost or absorbed 4. Baking
3. Changes in color 5. Deep-frying
4. Changes in nutrients
Classifications of Seafood
GENERAL RULES IN VEGETABLE Fish products are divided into two categories
1. Don't overcook.
2. Cook as close to service time as possible and I. Fin fish - fish with fins and internal skeletons
in small quantities. Avoid holding for long A. Saltwater fish
periods on a steam table. 1. Flatfish
3. If the vegetable must be cooked ahead, a. flounder
undercook slightly and chill rapidly. Reheat at b. Sole
service time. 2. round fish
4. Never use baking soda with green vegetables. a. black sea bars
5. Cut vegetables uniformly for even cooking. b. bluefish
6. Cook green vegetables and strong-flavored c. Cod
vegetables uncovered. d. Grouper


1. Color 1. cat fish
2. Appearance on plate 2. tilapia
3. Texture 3. eel
4. Flavor
5. Seasonings
6. Sauces II. Shell fish - fish with external shells but no
7. Vegetables combination internal bone structure. They have hard outer
 Bouquetiere - Bouquet of vegetables Two classifications of Shellfish
 Printaniere - spring vegetables
 Jardiniere - Garden of vegetables A. Mollusks are soft sea animals
 Primeurs- First spring vegetables 1. bivalves - they have a pair of hinged shells
 Clamart - Peas (clams, oysters)
 Ceecy - Carrots 2. univalves – they have a single shell (abalone)
 Doria - Cucumbers cooked in butter 3. cephalopods - (octopus, squid)
 Dubarry - Cauliflower
 Fermiere - Carrots, turnips, onions, and celery B. Crustaceans - are animals with segmented
cut into uniform slices shells and jointed legs (shrimps, crabs)
 Florentine - Spinach
 Florestiere - Mushroom A. Fat fish - are those that are high in fat.
 Judic - Braised lettuce (salmon, tuna, trout, mackerel)
 Lyonnaise - Onions B. Lean fish - are those that are low in fat. (sole,
 Nicoise - Tomato concasse cooked with garlic cod, red snapper, bass)
Market Forms celery cut into uniform slices
1. Whole or round - completely intact, as caught  Forestiere - mushrooms
2. Drawn - viscera removed  Lyonnaise - onions
3. Dressed -- viscera, scales, head, tail and fins  Nicoise- tomatoes concasse cooked with
removed garlic
4. Steaks- cross-section slices, each containing a
section of backbone
5. Fillets - boneless side of fish, with or without
6. Butterflied fillets - both sides of a fish still
joined, but with bones removed
7. Sticks or tranches cross-section slices of fillets

Checking freshness of fish

Fin Fish
1. Fresh and mild odor
2. Eyes are clear, shiny and bulging
3. Red or pink gills
4. Texture of flesh is firm or elastic
5. Shiny scales, and tightly cling, on skin

Fundamentals of Plating
A. Balance - select foods and garnishes that offer
variety and contrast
 color - two or three colors on a plate
 shapes - variety of shapes
 textures - variety of textures
 flavors

B. Portion size
 match portion sizes and plates - select
plates large enough to hold a items
without crowding
 balance the portion sizes of the items on
the plate- don't let the main item get lost
with excessive garnish
 arrangement on the plate

C. Serve hot food hot, on hot plates

Serve cold food cold, on cold plates

 Examples of Garnishes or Accompaniment

for Plating
 Bouqetiere - bouquet of vegetables
 Jardinière- garden vegetables
 Clamart - peas
 Crecy - carrots
 Doria - cucumbers (cooked in butter)
 DuBarry - cauliflower
 Fermiere - carrots, turnips, onions and

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