Classifications of Vegetables
Classifications of Vegetables
Classifications of Vegetables
Color Components
1. Gourd Family 1.Chlorophyll – a fat soluble compound responsible
- squash, pumpkin, cucumber, cantaloupe for the green color of plants.
2. Seed and Pods
Beans, peas, corn, okra 2. Carotenoids – the yellow, orange to red soluble
3. Fruits Vegetables pigments found in plants
- avocado, eggplant, sweet pepper, tomato
4. Root and Tubers 3. Flavonoids
- beef, carrot, radish, turnip, artichoke, potato, - Anthoxanthin which is responsible for the yellow
sweet potato pigments.
5. Cabbage Family - Anthocyanins which is responsible for red and
- cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, blue to violet pigments
- onion, scallion, leek, garlic, shallots 1. Vitamin A - Green leafy vegetables are sources
7. Leafy Greens of vitamin A.
- spinach, lettuce
8. Stalks, Stem and Shoots Example: alugbati, ampalaya leaves, kalabasa
- artichoke, asparagus, celery, fennel, bamboo leaves ,malunggay, petchay, sili leaves
9. Mushrooms 2. Vitamin C- promotes a healthy immune system,
- shitake, Enoki, King Trumpet helps wounds heal, maintains blood vessels and
connective tissue and aids in absorption of iron.
B. According to chemical composition
1. Carbohydrates rich vegetables - seeds, roots Example: cabbage – type vegetables bell peppers
and tubers lettuce potatoes dark green
2. Protien rich vegetables - legumes, peas, beans and yellow vegetables.
3. Fat rich vegetables - nuts, olives, avocado
4. High moisture content - mushroom, tomatoes, 3. Vitamin B Complex - helps prevent infections
radish, green leafy vegetables
Example:ampalaya tops, kulitis, pepper leaves,
C. According to nutritive value saluyot,dried beans
1. Vitamin A rich vegetables - green leafy and
yellow fruits and vegetables 4. Complex Carbohydrates -they provide energy for
2. Vitamin C rich vegetables - yellow vegetables the body more slowly than simple carbs, but they
3. Vitamin B (complex) - legumes, peas, beans also provide energy for a longer period of time.
Fundamentals of Plating
A. Balance - select foods and garnishes that offer
variety and contrast
color - two or three colors on a plate
shapes - variety of shapes
textures - variety of textures
B. Portion size
match portion sizes and plates - select
plates large enough to hold a items
without crowding
balance the portion sizes of the items on
the plate- don't let the main item get lost
with excessive garnish
arrangement on the plate