The document outlines a scheme of work for a Grade 12 1st term maths class. Over 11 weeks, topics covered include surds, matrices and determinants, indices and logarithms, arithmetic of finance, linear and quadratic equations, graphs of sine and cosine functions, and revision/examination. Key objectives are defined for each topic to be covered each week.
The document outlines a scheme of work for a Grade 12 1st term maths class. Over 11 weeks, topics covered include surds, matrices and determinants, indices and logarithms, arithmetic of finance, linear and quadratic equations, graphs of sine and cosine functions, and revision/examination. Key objectives are defined for each topic to be covered each week.
The document outlines a scheme of work for a Grade 12 1st term maths class. Over 11 weeks, topics covered include surds, matrices and determinants, indices and logarithms, arithmetic of finance, linear and quadratic equations, graphs of sine and cosine functions, and revision/examination. Key objectives are defined for each topic to be covered each week.
The document outlines a scheme of work for a Grade 12 1st term maths class. Over 11 weeks, topics covered include surds, matrices and determinants, indices and logarithms, arithmetic of finance, linear and quadratic equations, graphs of sine and cosine functions, and revision/examination. Key objectives are defined for each topic to be covered each week.
1 Surds (1.) Differentiate between rational and irrational numbers (2.) Define surds (3.) State the rules used when performing operations on surds (4.) Reduce surds to their basic forms (5.) Understand similar surds (6.) Perform the operations of addition and subtraction on surds (7.) Find conjugates of binomial surds (8.) Rationalise surds (9.) Perform the operations of multiplication and division on surds 2 Matrices and (1.) Define a matrix Determinants 1 (2.) Understand the notations of matrices (3.) Identify the different types of matrices and perform the addition and subtraction operation (4.) Perform scalar multiplication of two by two matrices and three by three matrices (5.) Multiply two matrices 3 Matrices and (1.) Find the transpose of a Determinants 2 matrix (2.) Find the determinants of (2 × 2) matrices (3.) Determinants of (3 × 3) matrices (4.) Understand and apply equality of matrices (5.) Find inverse of (2 × 2) matrices 4 Matrices and (1.) Solution of two Determinants 3 simultaneous linear equations in two unknowns by matrix method (2.) Solution of two simultaneous linear equations in two unknowns by determinants method (Cramer’s rule) 5 Indices and Logarithms (1.) State the laws of indices and logarithms (1.) Apply the laws of indices and logarithms to: (a.) simplify expressions involving indices and logarithms; (b.) solve equations involving indices and logarithms. 6 Arithmetic of Finance (1.) Solve problems on (NB: Week 7: Midterm Break) simple interest, compound interest, depreciation, hire purchase, etc.
8 Linear and Quadratic (1.) Solve quadratic
Equations 1 equations using: (a.) factorisation method; (b.) completing the square method; (c.) quadratic formula method; (d.) graphical method. 9 Linear and Quadratic (1.) Solve word problems Equations 2 on; (a.) linear equations; (b.) quadratic equations. (2.) Solution of simultaneous linear and quadratic equations by algebraic and/or graphical method 10 Graphs of Sine and Cosine Draw graphs of sine θ and cosine θ for 0° ≤ 𝜃 ≤ 360° and use the graphs to solve related trigonometrical problems 11 Revision/Examination Revision/Examination
End of Grade 11 1st Term Maths Scheme of Work
Grade 11 2nd Term Maths Scheme of Work
Week Topic Objectives 1 Mensuration 1 (1.) Find surface area of a sphere and hemisphere (2.) Find volume of a sphere and hemisphere 2 Mensuration 2 (1.) Find the surface areas and volumes of composite solids (2.) Find the areas and volumes of similar shapes 3 Longitude and Latitude (1.) Describe the earth as a sphere (2.) Differentiate between great and small circles (3.) Identify lines of latitude and longitude, equator and prime meridian, centre and radius on sphere (4.) Determine the angles of latitude and longitude (5.) Calculate distances between two points or places along: (a.) parallels of latitude; (b.) great circles (i.e. longitude and latitude). (6.) Solve problems on latitude and longitude 4 Coordinate Geometry of (1.) Find the gradient and Straight Lines intercepts of a straight line (2.) Apply various forms of equation of a straight line (3.) Determine the distance between two given points on x-y plane; (4.) Determine the midpoint of a straight line connecting two points (5.) Solve problems on parallel and perpendicular lines (6.) Find the angle between two intersecting straight lines; (7.) Find the coordinates of point of intersection of two intersecting straight lines 5 Differentiation (1.) Understand the meaning of differentiation (2.) Differentiate polynomials (3.) Use rules of differentiation to differentiate complex algebraic expressions (4.) Apply differentiation 6 Integration (1.) Understand that (NB: Week 7: Midterm Break) integration is the reverse of differentiation (2.) Find indefinite integrals (3.) Recognise some standard integrals (4.) Integrate some functions using techniques of integration (5.) Apply integration