MTP II Answers
MTP II Answers
MTP II Answers
To Equity 30,000 18,000 12,000 By profit for the 1,10,700 66,420 44,280
Shares year 5:3:2
(W.N. 1)
To Bank – 54,300 17,420 6,880 By Machinery* A/c 10,000 6,000 4,000
(W.N. 2)
Total 2,70,300 1,71,420 98,880 2,70,300 1,71,420 98,880
` `
To Realisation Account 14,84,000 By 8% Preference Shares 3,08,000
_______ By Equity Shares 11,76,000
14,84,000 14,84,000
(ii) In the Books of Alex Ltd.
Journal Entries
Dr. Cr.
` `
Business Purchase A/c Dr. 14,84,000
To Liquidators of Beta Ltd. Account 14,84,000
(Being business of Beta Ltd. taken over)
Goodwill Account Dr. 1,40,000
Building Account Dr. 4,20,000
Machinery Account Dr. 4,48,000
Inventory Account Dr. 4,41,000
Trade receivables Account Dr. 2,80,000
Bank Account Dr. 56,000
To Retirement Gratuity Fund Account 56,000
To Trade payables Account 2,24,000
To Provision for Doubtful Debts Account 21,000
To Business Purchase A/c 14,84,000
statutory reserves, of the transferor company should be incorporated in the financial statements of
transferee company.
4. (a) (i) Capital Funds –
Tier I : ` in crore
Equity Share Capital 600
Statutory Reserve 470
Capital Reserve (arising out of sale of assets) 105
Less: Profit & Loss (Dr. bal.) (30)
Capital Funds - Tier II :
Capital Reserve (arising out of revaluation of assets) 25
Less: Discount to the extent of 55% (13.75)
(ii) Risk Adjusted Assets
Funded Risk Assets ` in Percentage Amount
crore weight ` in crore
Cash Balance with RBI 35.50 0 —
Balances with other Banks 15 20 3
Claims on banks 52.50 20 10.50
Other Investments 70 100 70
Loans and Advances:
(i) guaranteed by government 22.50 0 —
(ii) guaranteed by PSUs 110 0 —
(iii) Others 9,365 100 9,365
Premises, furniture and fixtures 92.50 100 92.50
Leased Assets 40 100 40
(b) Statement showing computation of 'Net Owned Fund'
S. No ` in lakhs
Paid up Equity Capital 200
Free Reserves 600
(i) A 800
In shares of subsidiaries 250
In debentures of group companies 400
(ii) B 650
(iii) 10% of A 80
Cost 9,20,000
Less: Depreciation to date (2,82,500) 6,37,500
5. Inventories 6,90,000
Increase in value as per FIFO 12,000 7,02,000
6. Other current assets
Prepaid expenses (After adjusting sales 52,500
promotion expenses to be written off each
year) (65,000 -12,500)
Working Note:
Adjusted revenue reserves of MNT Ltd.:
` `
Revenue reserves as given 5,05,000
Add: Provision for doubtful debts [3,43,000 X 2/98) 7,000
Add: Increase in value of inventory 12,000 19,000
Less: Sales Promotion expenditure to be written off (12,500)
Adjusted revenue reserve 5,11,500
(b) Calculation of Profit/Loss on disposal of investment in subsidiary
Particulars `
Proceeds from the sale of Investment 30,00,000
Less: A Ltd.'s share in net assets of B Ltd. (28,00,000)
Working Note:
A Ltd.’s share in net assets of B Ltd.
Net Assets of B Ltd. on the date of disposal 35,00,000
Less: Minority Interest (20% of ` 35 lakhs) (7,00,000)
A Ltd.'s share in the net assets of B Ltd. 28,00,000
6. (a) Basic Earnings per share (EPS) =
Net profit attributable to equity shareholders
Weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the year
= = ` 4.80 per share
4,57,500 Shares (as per working note)
Working Note:
Calculation of weighted average number of equity shares
As per AS 20 ‘Earnings Per Share’, partly paid equity shares are treated as a fraction of equity
share to the extent that they were entitled to participate in dividend relative to a fully paid equity
share during the reporting period. Assuming that the partly paid shares are entitled to participate
in the dividend to the extent of amount paid, weighted average number of shares will be calculated
as follows:
Date No. of equity Amount paid Weighted average no. of equity
shares per share shares
` ` `
1.4.2023 6,00,000 5 6,00,000 х 5/10 х 5/12 = 1,25,000
1.9.2023 5,40,000 10 5,40,000 х 7/12 = 3,15,000
1.9.2023 60,000 5 60,000 х 5/10 х 7/12 = 17,500
Total weighted average equity shares 4,57,500
(b) Events occurring after the balance sheet date are those significant events, both favourable and
unfavourable, that occur between the balance sheet date and the date on which the financial
statements are approved by the Board of Directors in the case of a c ompany, and by the
corresponding approving authority in the case of any other entity.
Assets and liabilities should be adjusted for events occurring after the balance sheet date that
provide additional evidence to assist the estimation of amounts relati ng to conditions existing at
the balance sheet date or that indicate that the fundamental accounting assumption of going
concern is not appropriate.
In the given case, financial statements are approved by the approving authority on 30 June 202 3.
On the basis of above principles, following will be the accounting treatment in the financial
statements for the year ended at 31 March 2023:
(i) Since on 31 March 2023, Tee Ltd. was expecting a heavy decline in the demand of the
stitching machine. Therefore, decline in the value during April, 2023 will be considered as an
adjusting event. Hence, Tee Ltd. needs to adjust the amounts recognized in its financial
statements w.r.t. net realisable value at the end of the reporting period. Accordingly, inventory
should be written down to ` 4,000 per machine. Total value of inventory in the books will be
50 machines x ` 4,000 = ` 2,00,000.
(ii) A fire took place after the balance sheet date i.e. during 2023-2024 financial year. Hence,
corresponding financials of 2022-2023 financial year should not be adjusted for loss occurred
due to fire. However, in this circumstance, the going concern assumption will be evaluated.
In case the going concern assumption is considered to be appropriate even after the
occurrence of fire, no disclosure of the same is required in the financial statements.
Otherwise, disclosure be given.
(iii) Since the transfer of risk and reward and sale was complete in the month of
May, 2023 when conveyance and possession got complete, no revenue should be recognised
with respect to it in the financial statements of 2022-2023. However, a disclosure for the
same should be given by the entity.
(iv) Since the notice has been received after 31 March but before 30 June 2023 (approval date),
the said grant shall be adjusted in the financial statements for financial year 2022-2023
because the violation of the conditions took place in the financial year 2022-2023 and the
company must be aware of it.
(c) As per AS 9 ‘Revenue Recognition’, in a transaction involving the rendering of services,
performance should be measured either under the completed service contract method or under the
proportionate completion method as the service is performed, whichever relates the revenue to the
work accomplished. In the given case, income accrues when the related advertisement appears
before public. The advertisement service would be considered as performed on the day the
advertisement is published and hence revenue is recognized on that date. In this case, 15.03.202 3
is the date of publication of the magazine. Hence, ` 3,00,000 (` 2,40,000 + ` 60,000) is recognized
as income in March, 2023. The terms of payment are not relevant for considering the date on which
revenue is to be recognized. Since, the revenue of ` 3,00,000 will be recognised in the March,
2023, ` 60,000 will be treated as amount due from advertisers as on 31.03.202 3 and
` 2,40,000 will be treated as payment received against the sale. However, if the publication is
delayed till 02.04.2023 revenue recognition will also be delayed till the advertisements get
published in the magazine. In that case revenue of ` 3,00,000 will be recognized in the year ended
31.03.2023 after the magazine is published on 02.04.2023. The amount received from sale of
advertising space on 10.03.2023 of ` 2,40,000 will be considered as an advance from advertisers
as on 31.03.2023.
(d) Calculation of Total Remuneration payable to Liquidator
Amount in `
2% on Assets realized 25,00,000 x 2% 50,000
3% on payment made to Preferential creditors 75,000 x 3% 2,250
3% on payment made to Unsecured creditors (Refer W.N) 39,255
Total Remuneration payable to Liquidator 91,505
Working Note:
Liquidator’s remuneration on payment to unsecured creditors =
Cash available for unsecured creditors after all payments including liquidation expenses,
payment to secured creditors, preferential creditors & liquidator’s remuneration
= ` 25,00,000 – ` 25,000 – ` 10,00,000 – ` 75,000 – ` 50,000 – ` 2,250 = ` 13,47,750.
Liquidator’s remuneration on payment to unsecured creditors = 3/103 x ` 13,47,750 = ` 39,255
(e) Journal Entries in the books of Suvidhi Ltd.
Date Particulars Dr. (`) Cr. (`)
31.3.23 Bank A/c (60,000 shares x ` 30) Dr. 18,00,000
Employees stock compensation expense A/c Dr. 4,80,000
To Share Capital A/c (60,000 shares x ` 10) 6,00,000
To Securities Premium 16,80,000
(60,000 shares x ` 28)
(Being shares issued under ESOP @ ` 30 to 1,200