Estimation of Global Solar Radiation Using Gopinathan and Rietveld Model For Putrajaya Malaysia
Estimation of Global Solar Radiation Using Gopinathan and Rietveld Model For Putrajaya Malaysia
Estimation of Global Solar Radiation Using Gopinathan and Rietveld Model For Putrajaya Malaysia
ISSN 2229-5518
Solar radiation data plays a vital role in the design and implementation of any solar energy
related project. Renewable energy engineers and scientists, always employ solar radiation
data of the area under consideration for effective discharge of their duties. For the areas
where the measured data is not available, the most common way of obtaining the data is by
calculating with the appropriate regression model. This study, estimated the global solar
radiation of Putrajaya (latitude, 2.9264°N, longitude, 101.6964°E) Malaysia. In the
estimation, two sunshine based empirical models (Gopinathan and Rietveld) were
considered, the data used was obtained through simulation from the satellite using
Meteonorm software package 7.1.3. The calculated and the simulated values were
compared. To determine the accuracy of the models, three commonly used statistical error
methods were employed, root mean square error(RMSE), mean bias error(MBE), and
R2which is the coefficient of determinant. From the result, it was observed that only
Gopinathan model that is fit for the estimation of global solar radiation in Putrajaya with a
coefficient of determinant of 0.9849, while Rietveld model poorly performed with R2 of -
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 9, Issue 7, July-2018 491
ISSN 2229-5518
radiation data plays an important role in building an integrated solar power system, but this
data is not readily available in many developing countries. Therefore, in such regions where
the measured solar radiation data is not available, the common way of estimating solar
radiation data is by using other Meteorological data parameters that are readily available
Over the years, different researchers around the world have tried to develop an empirical
model that could be used for the estimation of global solar radiation using different
Meteorological parameters as, the relative humidity, Temperature, Sunshine duration and
cloudiness [7]. Among all the above mentioned Meteorological parameters, the most
commonly used and readily available is the sunshine duration. Atmospheric conditions and
geographical location are the determining factors of the amount of solar radiation for a
given region. Therefore, since the amount of solar radiation falling on the earth surface is
affected by climatic and geography of a place, evaluating the amount of solar radiation of a
given region is of paramount importance.
Putrajaya in Malaysia is blessed with untapped solar radiation resources throughout the
year, but lack meteorological station were the measured global solar radiation data could be
obtained. However, other Meteorological parameters like sunshine duration is readily
available at the nearby Meteorological stations.
1.1. Background
Throughout the history of mankind solar radiation has been used in various ways as a
renewable energy resource. Different solar radiation technologies were applied form of
drying, heating, and warming by the ancient people (solar architecture and technology,
1980). The first mechanical solar powered engine was developed in the 19thcentury using a
concentrated solar radiation [3]. Becquere in the year 1839 made the first discovery of
photovoltaic effect which pioneered the world to the first production of photovoltaic cell in
the 1950s which gave a clear mind-set on the use of solar radiation for electricity generation
[9]. The world today has various kinds of solar technologies in application.
The world is faced with the challenges of increase in concentration of Co2 emissions in the
atmosphere, global warming, possible shortage of fossil fuel, and the environmental
pollution resulting from burning of fossil fuel. To meet the energy demand of the people
and save the environment, the world is forced to look for a clean and abundant energy
source which is solar energy.
The sun at the Temperature of about 5700k can radiates a power of approximately
1.6×107w/m2, but due to some climatic factors not all the energy radiated reaches the earth
surface [14]. The extraterrestrial solar radiation reaching the earth top atmosphere which
called the solar constant Isc with a value of 1367w/m2[8]. Most of the solar radiation from
the sun are either deflected of absorbed by some certain gases and water vapour present in
the atmosphere, of all the total energy from the sun only 50% of it reaches the earth
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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 9, Issue 7, July-2018 492
ISSN 2229-5518
The solar radiation data provide an information on the total amount of the energy from the
sun that falls on the surface of the earth at a location within a given period [28]. This data
provides the values of energy received from the sun per unit area at a given location. The
availability of solar radiation data is a prime mover in the design of any solar energy system.
Presently, there are only two methods of obtaining the amount of solar radiation falling on
the earth surface [29]. The use of a measuring instrument (direct method) and by using
empirical models and other Meteorological parameters that are readily available.
The direct method of obtaining solar radiation data is further divided into two
1. Using ground mounted instrument like pyranometers and
2. Using satellite
Under good and adequate maintenance, Pyranometers gives the most accurate and reliable
solar radiation data of a place at a given period. The use of empirical models in the
estimation of global solar radiation is of great importance, since Meteorological stations are
mostly not available in many parts of the world due to high cost of installation and
maintenance. Therefore, new empirical models are continually suggested and improving the
already existing once.
1.3. Global solar radiation models
Engineers and scientists around the world have developed empirical models that could be
used for the estimation of global solar radiation from different meteorological parameters.
The availability of meteorological data is the determining factor type of empirical model to
be used for the estimation of global solar radiation of a place [2]. Therefore, it is important
to select the most appropriate model. Below are the classifications of empirical models
based on input data.
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ISSN 2229-5518
Among all the types of models mentioned above, the most commonly used is the sunshine
based, cloud based, and the Temperature based models. The three mentioned
meteorological parameters can precisely and easy be obtained. [2], carried out a review of
global solar radiation estimation models and their meteorological parameters presented in
Table 1. below.
From the Table 1 above it can be observed that, the most widely applied parameter in the
estimation of the global solar radiation is the sunshine duration. The reason is it can be
easily and cheaply obtained without the use of any complex equipment. [7], Presented a
linear and quadratic form of global solar radiation estimation models using the monthly
mean sunshine hour for Ranchi India a tropical location. In their findings, the quadratic
models gave better estimation as compared with that of the linear models. [30], Correlated
seven different empirical models, to evaluate the performance of the selected models, five
different statistical methods were used. It was suggested that the models that gave the best
result could be used for the estimation of global solar radiation in the province of Turkey.
[31], Compared various empirical models based on the Angstrom-prescotte model using the
monthly average sunshine hour, to test the performance of the models three statistical
error test methods were used. They concluded that the models that were selected gave an
accurate estimation for Ranchi India. [11], Classified various global solar irradiance
estimation models into three categories based on selected geographical locations. They
tested the effectiveness and limitations of the models using statistical methods, among all
the considered models, the linear models that were based on Angstrom Prescotte model
gave an estimation like that of the measured data. [1], examined various empirical models
using a daily sunshine hour obtained from Sarawak State Malaysia. Six different models
were compared but none of models showed a similar characteristic, a new model was
introduced based on the obtained data and was tested using two statistical test methods,
the newly introduced model gave a better prediction of the global solar irradiance in all the
three selected regions from Sarawak State. It was suggested that the newly developed
model could be used in any part of Malaysia with similar climatic condition. [32], suggested
a new empirical relation for the prediction of average monthly global solar radiation based
on the correlation of Rietveld, Benson et al., and Ogelman et al. The newly suggested
Akinoglu and Ecevit gave a better estimation of the global solar radiation. [33], estimated
the global solar radiation using the quadratic form of Angstrom-Prescotte model and was
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ISSN 2229-5518
compared with those developed for Nigeria. The estimated values showed a relationship
between index of clearness and the relative sunshine with the quadratic models depending
on the climate of the area. In their study, they concluded that the isotropic model can be
used to predict the global solar radiation on a tilted surface in Nigeria and any region with
similar climatic conditions. [34], examined some of the existing Meteorological data
measurements of the global solar radiation for Italy. To determine where errors were made
during the measurement using Angstrom-Black linear relation. In the result, a relative error
of 10% in the measured Meteorological data for Italy was observed. [35], Predicted the
global solar irradiance using monthly mean sunshine duration. To establish the accuracy of
the models, four error statistical test methods were employed. The calculate and the
measured data were compared. They concluded that all the selected models gave a better
estimation. They suggested that the models could be used for the prediction global solar
radiation in the coastal areas of Malaysia. [36] Made a comparative analysis of various
empirical models using the measured data and the estimated global solar radiation on a
horizontal surface for 52 different cities around the world. To compare the percentage
errors in the obtained data and the estimated values, four statistical error test methods
were used. It was obtained that Halawani and Rehman model gave an acceptable estimation
with a very low percentage error. [37], Suggested a new empirical model for the prediction
of global solar irradiance on a horizontal surface for locations that falls within the latitude of
60°N and 70°N. The effectiveness of the model was tested using statistical methods and was
compared with other established model but the newly developed Gopinathan model gave
an accurate result. [38], Used a sunshine hour duration to evaluate the global solar radiation
in Nairobi Kenya, using different solar empirical relations based on Angstrom-Prescotte
model. To test the effectiveness of the models under consideration, three statistical
methods were employed. They concluded that all the models used in the estimation when
compared, only Akinoglu and Ecevit model gave the best estimation. [39], a final year
project report, used Angstrom- Prescotte model to evaluate the global solar radiation of
Putrajaya with only daily sunshine hour and hourly solar radiation. In his report, he
suggested that the model could be used for a feasibility study on global solar radiation in
Putrajaya, Malaysia. [6], In their study presented a new model that could be used in
predicting direct and diffuse solar radiation for a clear sky. The calculated values obtained
from the newly proposed model was compared with the measured meteorological data in
Morocco. The result obtained using the proposed model reviled that the model could be
used to predict global solar radiation throughout the seasons of the year for the area under
consideration by using the geographical information of the area. [19], developed a new
mathematical computer based model that could be used to predict global solar radiation
using hourly sunshine duration as an input data. To evaluate the performance of the newly
developed model, the predicted and the measured data was compared using two different
statistical tests methods. They concluded the newly proposed model could be used for the
prediction of global solar insolation of the area under consideration. [2], made a review of
global solar radiation estimation models and classifying them based on the type of
meteorological data. To establish the effectiveness of the selected models, they employed
various statistical test methods. In their findings, they found out El-Metwally model gave the
most accurate solar radiation value.
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𝐻𝑜 𝑆𝑜
11 𝐻 𝑆 China [24]
= 0.176+0.563( )
𝐻𝑜 𝑆𝑜
12 𝐻 𝑆 Nigeria [25]
= 0.23+0.38( )
𝐻𝑜 𝑆𝑜
13 𝐻 𝑆 China [24]
= 0.1332+0.6471( )
𝐻𝑜 𝑆𝑜
14 𝐻 𝑆 Algeria [23]
= 0.309+0.368( )
𝐻𝑜 𝑆𝑜
This study focuses on providing information on the global solar insolation falling on the
horizontal surface in Putrajaya Malaysia through empirical relationship procedures. Firstly,
by making a review of some models and their related parameters as used by different
researchers, then selecting the most appropriate empirical model based on the available
meteorological data, estimating the global solar radiation of Putrajaya, comparing of
simulated and calculated values, and finally evaluating the performance of the models
through statistical error test methods.
The parameters used for this study was 2016 monthly average sunshine duration and
monthly average global solar radiation. The parameters were obtained from the nearest
meteorological station in Kuala Lumpur via satellite through simulation Meteonorm
software package 7.1.3. Each day of the month was taken from the first of January to
December 31st for the evaluation. To calculate for the unknown parameters, the declination
angle and the hour angle were calculated first using equations (1) and (2)[5].
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δ = 23.45sin[360/365(284+n)] (1)
ω= cos-1(-tan𝜑tanδ) (2)
Where, δ is the declination angle in (degree), n is the number of days, ω is the hour angle in
(degrees), and 𝜑 latitude of the area under consideration. From the declination and hour
angle s obtained, the value for extraterrestrial solar radiation Hoon the horizontal surface
was calculated via a relationship in equation (3)[5],.
24 2𝜋𝑛
𝐻𝑜 = 𝐼 sc [1+0.033cos ( )] [𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜔𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜑𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛿 + 𝜔𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜑𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛿] (3)
𝜋 365
Where, Isc is the solar constant with a value of (1367w/m2), then calculating the maximum
possible sunshine duration using equation (4) below
So = 2/15*ω (4)
Since the simulated parameters were monthly average, the monthly average values of the
calculated was taken. To determine the global solar radiation for Putrajaya, two sunshine
based empirical models were employed, (Gopinathan and Rietveld) respectively using the
relations below.
𝑎 = −0.309 + 0.539𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜑 − 0.0693ℎ + 0.290( ) (5)
𝑏 = 1.527 − 1.027𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜑 + 0.096ℎ − 0.359 � � (6)
[6], link a relationship between regression constant a and b in equation (5) and (6) above
with sunshine duration, latitude, and elevation. [10], on the other hand, established a
relationship between regression constant a and bin equation (7) and (8) with sunshine
a = 0.10 + 0.24� � (7)
b = 0.38 +0.08( ) (8)
Where Hgcal. is the calculated global solar radiation and to calculate for the clearness index,
the equation below was used
KT = Hgcal./Ho (10)
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To determine the accuracy of the selected models, three commonly used statistical methods
were employed, root mean square error(RMSE), mean bias error(MBE), and R2 which is the
coefficient of determinant. Generally, low root mean square error indicates good result, and
as well high mean bias error indicates over estimation and when negative shows
underestimation of the values. For the coefficient of determinant R2 when the value is closer
to one, the more precise the result. Below are the definitions of the statistical methods used
in the study.
%𝑅𝑀𝑆𝐸 = ×100 (14)
R2 = 1 − (15)
Where 𝑋𝑖 is referred to the ith value calculated solar radiation, 𝑌𝑖 is the ith value of simulated solar
radiation,𝑌𝑚 mean simulated values, R2 is the coefficient of determinant and n is the number of
data set points
3. Results
Table 2. Monthly global solar radiation related parameters for Putrajaya Malaysia.
Months 𝑺 (Hrs) Hgsimulated HoExtraterrl. So (Hrs) δ (degrees) 𝝎 (radians) 𝝎 (degrees)
2 2
(kwh/m /mon (kwh/m /mo
.) n
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Table 3a. Summary of monthly average regression constant, clearness index, and sunshine
duration ratio (Gopinathan model)
Months A B Hg cal. Hg sim. / Hg cal. Hg cal. /Ho S/So
January 1.1319 0.2919 85.8172 0.9089 0.8544 0.5063
1.2769 0.1124 85.1763 0.9274 0.9031 0.5351
1.1754 0.2380 86.2409 0.8348 0.8693 0.5087
1.0739 0.3637 86.0905 1.0221 0.8338 0.4829
1.0449 0.3996 85.1324 0.9514 0.8234 0.4778
0.8709 0.6150 76.2956 0.9043 0.7578 0.4299
0.8999 0.5791 79.9424 0.9757 0.7691 0.4486
Table 3b. Summary of monthly average regression constant, clearness index, and sunshine
duration (Rietveld model)
Months A B Hg cal. Hg sim. / Hg cal. Hg cal. /Ho S/So
January 2.04 2.76 289.28 0.2696 2.880 0.5063
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Fig 4. Graph of the simulated GSR against modelled GSR
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Gopinathan 1.1839 0.2276 2.2095 0.6550 2.7533 0.7548 0.9849
Rietveld 2.1009 2.8420 19.1469 19.1469 0.2258 0.2385 -7.5325
4. Discussions
To calculate for the regression constant of each of the models selected, geographical
coordinate and other meteorological parameters were taken into consideration. Model
effectiveness is an important factor to consider when estimating global solar radiation for
an area. A model is said to have performed well or reliable if the value of coefficient of
determinant R2 is closer to 1. Therefore, the monthly average coefficient of determinant R2
for both the selected model were calculated as presented in Table 4. Gopinathan model
gave the value of R2 to be 0.9849 indicating a very excellent relationship with the monthly
average solar radiation and other meteorological data, while Rietveld model on the other
hand performed very poor giving the value of R2 to be -7.5325. For each of the selected
models, the solar radiation fraction HgCal ./Ho, and sunshine duration S/So was calculated as
presented in Tables 3a and 3b.To evaluate the performance of the selected models,
statistical methods were employed, root mean square error(RMSE), mean bias error(MBE),
and their respective percentages as presented in Table 4. Low root mean square error
indicates good result, and as well high mean bias error indicates over estimation and when
negative shows underestimation of the values.
From all the statistical analysis carried out, monthly mean RMSE for Gopinathan was found
to be 2.2095kwh/m2//mon. and MBE to be 0.655kwh/m2/mon., while the %RMSE is 2.733
and %MBE is 0.7588 showing a good relationship with the solar radiation estimation model.
For Rietveld model, the values for RMSE and MBE was found to be the same at
19.1469kwh/m2/mon. while the %RMSE and %MBE was found to be 0.2258 and 0.2385
respectively. Though, the monthly mean percentage the that was found in Rietveld model is
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low, but it poorly performed in the value of coefficient of determinant R2. To know if any
relationship between the models exist in the estimation of global solar radiation for
Putrajaya, a graph GSR obtained by each model was plotted against the months of the year
shown in Fig.3. It was observed that, the models have no any relationship throughout the
months of the year. The simulated values and the modelled values, was also plotted as
presented in Fig. 4. The Rietveld model was still observed not to have any similarities with
the simulated value, Gopinathan model on the other hand has indicated a strong
relationship with the simulated global solar radiation values except for the months of
March, April, and August with the highest values of 100.7917kwh/m2/mon.,
93.7713kwh/m2/mon., and 86.2409kwh/m2/mon. which also correspond with the simulated
highest values to be 93kwh/m2/mon., 82kwh/m2/mon., and 82kwh/m2/mon. Table 3a.
Considering the clearness index obtained by Gopinathan model, the lowest value for
HgCal/Hoto be 0.7578kwh/m2/mon. and S/So to be 0.4299 corresponding with the lowest
HgCal76.2656kwh/m2/mon. in the month of November. For the simulated, the lowest the
clearness index HgSim./Ho and the Hgsim corresponded with that of Gopinathan in the same
month of November having the values of 0.9043kwh/m2/mon and 71kwh/m2/mon. This,
indicate a strong relationship between Gopinathan model and the simulated GSR. The
values of clearness index obtained by Rietveld model, have neither indicated any
relationship with the simulated or the Gopinathan model as presented in Fig 5.
5. Conclusions
The solar radiation data gives an information on the total amount of the energy from the
sun that falls on the surface of the earth at a location within a given period. This data
provides the values of energy received from the sun per unit area at a given location. The
availability of solar radiation data is a prime mover in the design of any solar energy system.
The study estimated the global solar radiation of Putrajaya using two sunshine based
models, Gopinathan and Rietveld model. The values obtained by the models were compared
with the simulated data, statistically tested to evaluate their performances, and established
a correlation for Putrajaya using Gopinathan model. when compared with the simulated
values, only Gopinathan model indicated a strong relationship while the Rietveld model has
overestimated the global solar radiation for Putrajaya. On the bases of statistical test,
Gopinathan model also performed excellently by giving the value coefficient of determinant
R2 to be 0.9849, while Rietveld model has failed by giving the value of coefficient of
determinant R2 to be -7.5325. Therefore, Gopinathan model gave the most accurate result
which makes the model to be reliably used for the estimation of global solar radiation in
The solar radiation data provide an information on the total amount of the energy from the
sun that falls on the surface of the earth at a location within a given period. This data
provides the values of energy received from the sun per unit area at a given location.
This study was basically focused on the sunshine-based models for the estimation of global
solar radiation for Putrajaya Malaysia and any other location with similar climatic
conditions. However, they are many places exist where solar radiation data is not readily
available. Therefore, it is important to consider other readily available meteorological data
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parameters like; Relative humidity, air temperature, dewpoint temperature, and soil
temperature for the estimation of global solar radiation. Thus, it could be concluded that a
given area or a location, correlation will be suitable to estimate the monthly average daily
solar radiation. Therefore, future researchers should expand their research to using other
available meteorological data in other to make solar radiation estimation more accurate for
Putrajaya Malaysia
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