Job Debriefing Form: JDD No
Job Debriefing Form: JDD No
Job Debriefing Form: JDD No
4 Page: 1
1a. Did Frank's participate in a documented pre-job safety meeting? If No, explain þ Yes ¨ No
1b. Were any Behavioral Base Safety (BBS) cards submitted to the client? e.g. STOP þ Yes ¨ No
If Yes, how many? 30
2. Did anyone (Frank's or otherwise) suggest an improved way of getting any part of the ¨ Yes þ No
job done in a safer manner? If yes, explain
3. Any safety suggestions - provide a brief summary of how Frank's can improve ¨ Yes þ No
safety and/or communications on the job? If yes, explain
4. Did Frank's crew have any First Aid Cases, Accidents, or Incidents while on location? If Yes, explain ¨ Yes þ No
5. Were there any near misses on this job involving Frank's crew? If yes,explain ¨ Yes þ No
6. Did Frank's have equipment on this job that was dressed wrong? If yes, explain ¨ Yes þ No
7a. Were there any delays (NPT) caused by Frank's during rig up or down? ¨ Yes þ No
If yes, give total Hrs 0 Min 0
7b. Were there any delays (NPT) caused by others during rig up or down? ¨ Yes þ No
If yes, give total Hrs 0 Min 0
8a. Were there any delays (NPT) caused by Frank's during pipe running operation? ¨ Yes þ No
If yes, give total Hrs Min
8b. Were there any delays (NPT) caused by others during pipe running operation? ¨ Yes þ No
If yes, give total Hrs Min
8c. Explain delays / downtime
8d. Were there any problems with equipment provided by Frank's during the job? ¨ Yes þ No
If yes, what type of equipment?
If yes, was an EFR generated? No ¨ Yes þ No
9. Did Frank's fail to send any equipment to this rig that was ordered by the customer? If yes,explain ¨ Yes þ No
10. Any information needs to be passed on to the next Frank's crew going to this rig? If yes, explain ¨ Yes þ No
11. Were there any problems with any Frank's crew member on this job? If yes, explain ¨ Yes þ No
OPS-QR-032 (Rev. N) Ref: OPS-P- Page: 2
Arrived at Rig
String 2
Departed Rig String 3
String 4
Rig-Up Operations
Running Operations
Date Ran Float collar Date Ran 1st Joint aft FC Date Ran LastJoint b4 Hanger Date Ran Hanger Run/Pull/Rack-Back
Delay Hr Min Delay Cause
29-Jun-19 18:25 30-Jun-19 08:25 29-Jun-19 18:50 29-Jun-19 18:45 Pull
3 55 After making up the landing joint into the running tool & perform overpull, observe backflow.
Rig-Down Operations
Put check in box of all equipment provided by Frank's on this job. If equipment was provided by someone other than Frank's, check oher
and indicate service provider.
If you experienced any problems with equipment please ensure you complete an Equipment Fault Report (EFR) form
Service: Service Provider: Casing Job Type: Completion Job Type:
þ Casing Tools / Crew þ Frank's ¨ Other ¨ Conductor ¨ Lower Completion/Screen
¨ Fill-up Tool / Crew ¨ Frank's ¨ Other ¨ Surface ¨ Isolation
¨ Laydown Machine ¨ Frank's ¨ Other þ Intermediate ¨ Completion Tubing
Specialty Job Type: ¨ Outer Riser ¨ Inner Riser ¨ Landing String þ Other
OPS-QR-032 (Rev. N) Ref: OPS-P- Page: 3
Question 1 : Was he able to identify hazards and controls for each job step?
Question 2 : Did he verify that equipment was fit for use?
Question 3 : Was he able to rig-up / function test equipment according to operating procedures?
Question 4 : Was he able to carry out work as instructed?
Question 5 : Did he operate the equipment competently?
Question 6 : Did he keep equipment in good working condition?
Question 7 : Did he follow safe work practices?
Question 8 : Was he able to explain the use of Stop Work Authority?
Question 9 : Rate his knowledge of the tool / equipment operated?
Crew Superviso
OPS-QR-032 (Rev. N) Ref: OPS-P- Page: 4
NPT Detail:
How would you rate each Frank's service that applies to this job? CATEGORY
General Comments :
Frank's values your opinion, if you have a suggestion as to how we can better serve your needs, we'd like to hear from you.
Please check (tick) the box below this statement and you will be contacted by a management representative from the
nearest Frank's office.