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Lifshitz in
hospital bed.



Former President Donald Trump glow-
ers Tuesday in court, where Michael
Cohen (far left) testified. Trump’s
ex-top aide Mark Meadows (right) and
Georgia election fraud lawyer Jenna
Ellis (center) also are set to sing for
prosecutors targeting Trump.


l Georgia lawyer Ellis admits guilt, will testify

l Cohen details billions in fraud at civil trial

l Meadows gets immunity to spill on Jan. 6

2 Wednesday, October 25, 2023 DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com


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Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Vol. 105 — No. 122
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evacuation of scores from Midtown shelter
Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY, and BY MICHAEL GARTLAND
additional mailing offices. Daily News camera logo:
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS isn’t a matter of “if” people will be When the FDNY returned to temporary capacity — the inspec-
reg. U.S. Pat. & TM Off.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Daily
sleeping on the streets, “it’s when.” conduct additional inspections, tors opted to shut it down, the
News, Circulation fulfillment, 270 Duffy Ave., Suite Mayor Adams said Tuesday “What we are concerned about Varlack said, they found the city’s official noted.
C, Hicksville, NY 11801. All materials submitted to that more than 100 migrants is we are going to run out of plac- safety measures insufficient. The Touro facility is one of
Daily News are subject to same terms applied to
submission of content to NYDailyNews.com. Those were housed in a Manhattan es, and you’re going to start to see “Every single location was several city-run sites the fire de-
terms can be found at NYDailyNews.com/terms shelter even though it ultimately people sleeping on the streets,” he opened with the FDNY and partment has slapped with vacate
under “User Content.”
was found to be unsafe because said, later adding, “This is going Department of Buildings having orders due to safety violations.
the city has few options — and to hurt, and it’s not going to be come in and done an inspection,” Another site on that list includes
that New Yorkers could soon see pretty.” she said. St. John’s Villa Academy, a shut-
migrants could sleeping on the Regarding the situation at the A spokesman for the FDNY tered Staten Island school that
NEW YORK LOTTERY streets. Touro building — and vacate or- declined to comment on the was the target of anti-migrant
Midday: 044 Win 4: 8416 “We are out of room,” Adams ders at migrant shelters — Adams situation at Touro and referred protests for weeks.
Pick 10: 1-7-9-10-14-17-18-21-24-26-27-
said. said migrants aren’t going to be questions to Mayor Adams’ press Adams wouldn’t say Tuesday
Take 5 Midday: 19-20-21-28-34 The removal of migrants Mon- put in places where a “life-threat- office. how many migrant shelters have
day from the shelter at the old ening issue” exists and that the city Shelters such as the one at received similar vacate orders
NEW JERSEY LOTTERY Touro College building on the wouldn’t violate safety laws. Touro were initially viewed as from the Fire Department.
West Side was prompted by an Fire alarms have been out of stopgaps for housing migrants, The controversy over where
Midday Pick 3: 101 Pick 4: 0968
FDNY inspection that found it service at the Touro shelter for according to one administration and how to shelter migrants has
For updated results, read the e-edition at didn’t have a functioning fire safe- months. Adams’ chief of staff, Ca- official. When FDNY inspectors been boiling over for months. Ad-
NYDailyNews.com. ty system in place. mille Joseph Varlack said the city examined the facility, they did so ams has projected the migrant cri-
At a news briefing Tuesday, put in place “mitigating strategies” with that in mind, but after three sis will cost the city $12 billion by
Adams said the migrant crisis has like hiring people to serve as “fire months — when it became clear 2025 and has said it will “destroy”
become so dire in the city that it guards” during that time period. it was no longer functioning in a the city if not addressed properly.
DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com Wednesday, October 25, 2023 3

Majority worry migrant

crisis will ‘destroy’ NYC
BY DAVE GOLDINER some 52% saying they would like to
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS see another candidate run in 2024.
Not surprisingly, Trump also gets
New Yorkers are increasingly poor marks from New Yorkers,
concerned about the flood of with just 36% having a favorable
undocumented immigrants arriv- view of the four times-indicted
ing in the city and are souring on ex-president compared with 59%
President Biden with a year to go who see him negatively.
before the 2024 election, a new poll New Yorkers still prefer Dem-
revealed Tuesday. ocrats over Republicans and by a
A large and growing majority of 12% margin hope to see Team Blue
New Yorkers say the migrants pose retake Congress in the 2024 vote.
a “serious problem” and 58% agree Gov. Hochul is about even with
with Mayor Adams’ statement voters, with 45% approving of the
made last month that crisis could job she’s doing and 45% disapprov-
“destroy New York City,” a new ing, down a hair from last month,
Siena College poll of voters found. according to the poll.
“Seldom do we see an issue The poll suggests the increasing
where at least 79% of Democrats, number of migrants arriving in
Republicans, independents, men, New York continues to be a major
women, upstaters, downstaters, issue driving negative views of the
Blacks, whites, Latinos, Catholics, state’s Democratic leaders and
Jews, and Protestants all agree: the Biden.
migrant influx is a serious problem,” By an overwhelming 35% mar-
pollster David Greenberg said. gin, New Yorkers say authorities
Biden slumps to new lows in the should “work to slow the flow of
poll, which said 52% of New York- migrants rather than accept and
ers disapprove of the job he’s doing assimilate them,” the poll said.
and just 45% approve. Even though New Yorkers dis-
The Democratic president leads approve of the job Adams is doing
former President Donald Trump on the migrants, 57% “seriously
by an anemic 46%-to-37% margin agree” with his claim the influx
in deep blue New York, compared could “destroy” the Big Apple,
with a 20-point edge just last compared to 32% who disagree.
month. A narrow plurality of Democrats
Biden’s edge over Trump is even agrees with Adams along with ma-
narrower, just 7%, when voters are jorities of Blacks and even Latino
given the options of independent voters, the poll showed.
candidates Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Crime is also still a key issue for
and Cornel West. New Yorkers, the poll said.
The numbers are particularly Even as police statistics show
grim compared with Biden’s land- crime sharply decreasing in New
slide 61%-38% win over Trump in York City, just 9% of voters said
the Empire State three years ago. crime was less of a concern while
“The good news for Biden is the 57% said it’s getting worse.
election is more than a year away,” On other major issues, New
Mayor Adams (inset) said Tuesday Greenberg said. “The bad news is Yorkers strongly support aid to
that the city has no place to put there’s more bad news.” Ukraine by about a 13% margin
continuing surge of migrants and About 70% of Democrats still and back more aid for embattled
that New Yorkers are “going to say Biden is doing a good job, with Israel by a whopping 25% edge.
start to see people sleeping on the
Hate crimes spiking citywide;
At turns, he’s taken swipes at
both President Biden and the
state program and that about 75
units are now available.
through the front door,” she said.
Mayor Adams voiced his own
51 incidents tallied last week
state government for not doing “They’ve hit some obstacles,” frustrations Tuesday. Hate crimes have spiked city- compared to two such incidents in
enough to help the city. she said of the state’s resettlement He told reporters he wants wide since conflict exploded earli- the same time frame last year.
On Tuesday, his deputy mayor, efforts. “We’re waiting for furni- ideas “from anywhere on the er this month in the Middle East, Despite the uptick, hate crimes
Anne Williams-Isom directed her ture, or we’re waiting for other globe” about how to help address sending ripples around the world, are still down overall, Kenny em-
own frustration at the state gov- things. I might be like, ‘Let’s put the crisis and suggested his ad- according to the NYPD. phasized. He attributed the spike
ernment, noting that it has only an air mattress in there and let’s ministration hold a roundtable Prior to Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack on to the possibility more people are
accepted about 20 families as part get this done.’ Somehow people with “those who have great ideas Israel, hate crimes were down 21% reporting such crimes amid head-
of the its migrant resettlement don’t have the same sense of ur- that think they know how to across the five boroughs compared lines about Israel’s war on Hamas.
program — a drop in the bucket gency, I think, that we do.” solve this problem.” to the same time frame last year, “For lack of a better term, we are
when considering the more than Williams-Isom said the situa- “I’m open to have folks come Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny saying [there’s] an increase in our
120,000 migrants who’ve arrived tion shows why the city needed into the room with their ideas of said in a news briefing. decrease,” Kenny said.
to the city since last year and to force single adult migrants how they solve having 2,500 peo- But last week alone saw 51 hate As of Oct. 15, 385 people had
more than 60,000 remain in city out of shelter after 30 days and ple and somedays 4,000 a week,” crimes, putting a dent in this year’s been the victim of a hate crime,
care. families with children out after he said. progress. They are now down just according the NYPD. At the same
“I wish I could say I could stop 60 days — a policy that’s weath- The mayor also said that ac- 13% when comparing 2023 and time last year, 512 people had filed
at 20 families,” she said. “Every ered criticisms for creating more cepting migrants sleeping on the 2022, according to Kenny. hate crime complaints..
day we are trying to figure out chaos and instability for already streets is “new territory” for the Of the dozens of bias crimes last In response to the violence in
how do we make sure that people struggling asylum seekers. city. While planning around that week, 30 were antisemitic. During the Middle East, law enforcement
are where they need to be.” “That’s the only way I’m going is not yet entirely clear, the city the same seven-day stretch last officials in the city and across the
She added that the city has to be able to make space in this would aim to prioritize assistance year, there were seven such crimes. state have bolstered security.
referred over 100 families to the system for people who come for children and families. There were four attacks against Rocco Parascandola
Palestinian people last week, and Elizabeth Keogh
4 Wednesday, October 25, 2023 DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com

Trump’s former lawyer Cohen comes face-to-face with
ex-prez & tells civil fraud trial how Don inflated net worth

Protesters gather at Manhattan courthouse Tuesday where Michael Cohen (right) launched
bombshell testimony at his former boss, ex-President Donald Trump (far right), looking less than
thrilled at civil fraud trial. ap. POOL VIA AFP/GETTY

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS The once-devoted Trump loy- decisions and risk projections. and low liabilities. for paying off porn star Stormy
alist testified that Trump ordered He said Trump’s adult kids were “[Trump was] the only one who Daniels and an assortment of
Michael Cohen faced Donald him to increase the value of his in the know about his financial could accept them,” Cohen said of unrelated crimes, was executive
Trump for the first time in five assets based on “arbitrarily select- statements, providing data from the fraudulent numbers. VP at the Trump Org and Trump’s
years at his Manhattan fraud trial ed” numbers when presented with various ventures they oversaw at During a fiery cross-examina- “special counsel” for a decade, be-
Tuesday — where he told a judge a copy of Trump’s 2011 financial the company. tion, Trump lawyer Alina Habba coming Trump’s personal lawyer
in hotly-anticipated testimony that statement. He told the court that He said the process usually zeroed in on Cohen’s record of ly- when he was elected president.
he ballooned his boss’s net worth his and convicted finance chief started with a phone call from ing. On direct, he denied commit- He’s described himself overall as
to “whatever number” he wanted Allen Weisselberg’s jobs were “to Trump’s assistant, Rhona Graff, ting tax evasion despite pleading Trump’s fixer.
and faced a grilling from the for- reverse-engineer” Trump Organi- beckoning Cohen to his desk at guilty to it. “Whatever issues he had, what-
mer president’s lawyers about his zation asset classes to reach figures Trump Tower. “You are admitting that you lied ever created ire for him, he would
history of lies. Trump wanted. “I would come into the office,” to Judge Pauley?” Habba asked. bring it to me in order to resolve
Trump’s fixer-turned-foe, who “I was tasked by Mr. Trump Cohen said, adding that Weis- “I’ve already stated that, yes,” it,” Cohen said shortly after taking
used to say he’d “take a bullet” for to increase the total assets, based selberg would go with him if not Cohen replied. the stand.
his boss, took the stand shortly af- upon a number that he arbitrarily already there. “And the topic was During another portion of his After serving as Trump’s chief
ter noon in state Attorney General elected,” Cohen said, adding that the statement of financial condi- testimony, Cohen told the court mouthpiece for a decade, Trump’s
Tish James’ case against Trump he also worked on Trump’s state- tion. He would look at the total Trump lied about his net worth by fiercely protective pitbull lawyer
and his adult children and top ments in 2012 through 2015. assets, and he would say, ‘I’m actu- billions to try and secure a loan to changed his tune shortly after the
company lieutenants as the trial When AG lawyer Colleen Fa- ally not worth $4.5 billion, I’m re- buy the Buffalo Bills in 2014 for feds raided his Manhattan resi-
entered its fourth week in Man- herty asked Cohen what he altered ally worth more — six.’ Okay. Then $1 billion. In trying to broker the dences in the spring of 2018.
hattan Supreme Court. the values to, he said, “Whatever he would direct Allen and I to go sale, Trump told Morgan Stanley In the ensuing months, he start-
Attending his trial for a sixth Mr. Trump told us to.” back to Allen’s office and return he was worth more than $8 billion ed spilling to authorities about
time, Trump sat back in his chair Cohen said he was in a “gang of after we achieved the desired goal.” — when the AG says he was really how his boss ran his business and
with his arms crossed, looking four” at the Trump Org — with ex- Cohen said that Trump netted worth $2.3 billion. his presidential campaign. After
directly at his former right-hand ecs Weisselberg, Rob Lieberman, favorable premiums from insur- Cohen, who last saw Trump previously lying for him under
man once he took his seat in the and Matthew Calamari — tasked ance companies by falsely assign- at Mar-a-Lago in 2018 before he oath, Cohen that August told the
witness box. with overseeing Trump’s insurance ing high values to his properties pleaded guilty and went to prison feds he paid off women Trump
DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com Wednesday, October 25, 2023 5

Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis

flips on former president
with plea deal in Georgia

Former campaign lawyer Jenna

Ellis Tuesday pleaded guilty and
flipped on former President Don-
ald Trump in the Georgia election
conspiracy case.
In a major blow to Trump, Ellis
tearfully admitted her role in the
alleged sprawling effort to steal the
2020 election.
“If I knew then what I knew
now, I would have declined to rep-
resent Donald Trump,” Ellis said in
an emotional mea culpa.
Ellis suggested that she was led
astray by more senior lawyers on
Team Trump. Among them was the election.
Rudy Giuliani, one of Trump’s Significantly, Ellis was accused
co-defendants. of participating alongside Giuliani
“I failed to do my due diligence,” in amplifying the false claims,
she said. some of which they spewed at a
Ellis joins two other onetime legislative hearing in December
Trump lawyers, Sidney Powell and 2020.
Kenneth Chesebro, in pleading That would potentially make
guilty and agreeing to testify against her cooperation a particularly
Trump and his co-defendants. dire sign for the ex-New York City
The Ellis plea deal means four mayor. Giuliani, who has already
out of Trump’s 18 co-defendants been found liable of defaming two
in the racketeering conspiracy case Atlanta election workers, worked
have pleaded guilty, a grim sign for with Ellis and Powell in what they
Trump and his acolytes. boasted was an “elite legal strike
Ellis pleaded guilty to making force” to overturn Biden’s win in
false statements in Georgia during court.
the Trump campaign’s effort to The legal effort failed dismally as
overturn his narrow loss to Pres- scores of courts rejected Trump’s
ident Biden in the battleground election appeals. The former pres-
Peach State. ident allegedly incited a violent
The bogus claims of widespread crowd of his extremist supporters
voter fraud amounted to a key to physically prevent Congress
prong of Trump’s alleged sweeping from certifying Biden’s win on Jan.
plot to stay in power after losing 6.

Ex-chief of staff Meadows

slept with on his orders to silence
them and secure him the White
House, implicating the then-pres-
trial. He was disbarred the same
Judge Arthur Engoron, in
in his Georgia case Tuesday,
admitting her role in the alleged
sprawling effort to steal the 2020
gets immunity on Jan. 6
ident as “Individual-1.” a pretrial ruling that stripped election. She followed two other BY DAVID MATTHEWS investigators appear to contradict
The same summer, he began Trump, Weisselberg, and their one-time Trump lawyers to flip NEW YORK DAILY NEWS a book he wrote — “The Chief’s
cooperating in special counsel co-defendants of their New York this week, Sidney Powell and Chief” — that described the election
Robert Mueller’s probe, later business licenses, found they Kenneth Chesebro. Former White House Chief of as “stolen” and “rigged” with an as-
pleading guilty to lying to Con- committed fraud by using the In more bad news for Trump, Staff Mark Meadows will testify sist from “allies in the liberal media”
gress about his dealings with the fraudulent calculations — off by ABC reported later Tuesday that against Donald Trump in exchange who dismissed “actual evidence of
Kremlin and when negotiations billions — in banking agreements his former White House Chief of for immunity in special counsel fraud, right there in plain sight for
to develop a Trump Hotel in and loan applications from 2014 Staff Mark Meadows has been Jack Smith’s probe of the ex-presi- anyone to access and analyze.”
Moscow stopped in 2016 as to the final year of Trump’s granted immunity in special dent’s efforts to overturn the 2020 Meadows reportedly told investi-
Trump sought the presidency. presidency. counsel Jack Smith’s case into election, according to a new report. gators he had not seen any evidence
Cohen served three years in Trump’s fighting the remain- Trump and his allies’ alleged Meadows spoke with Smith’s in- of voter fraud.
custody for the hush money pay- ing six claims at the trial set to efforts to overturn the 2020 vestigators multiple times this year, He also told them he never heard
offs and other financial crimes last through December and still election. including once under oath in front Trump say he lost.
in what late Manhattan federal stands to lose $250 million and Outside the courtroom, a de- of a federal grand jury, after he was While Meadows hasn’t been
court Judge William Pauley de- the power to run a company in flated sounding Trump lambast- granted immunity in exchange for charged in Smith’s federal case,
scribed as “a veritable smorgas- the state where he crafted the ed his once-trusted consigliere his testimony, ABC News reported. he — along with Trump and several
bord of fraudulent conduct.” billionaire businessman image he as a “disgraced felon” and said In those discussions, Meadows others — is facing charges in Georgia
Before he went upstate, his sold to voters. he wasn’t worried about his said he repeatedly told Trump his related to the alleged efforts to over-
February 2019 testimony before The trial is one of many legal testimony. accusations of voter fraud in the turn the election.
the House Oversight Committee woes facing the former president, “I haven’t seen him in years,” 2020 presidential election were Earlier Tuesday, former cam-
about Trump’s habit of manip- including 91 felonies in four crim- Trump said. “You know his re- baseless. paign lawyer Jenna Ellis pleaded
ulating the value of his assets inal cases and a slew of lawsuits. cord. It’s a horrible one. All you “Obviously we didn’t win,” a guilty and flipped on the ex-pres-
sparked James’ investigation, In a major blow, his former cam- have to do is ask the Southern source quoted Meadows as saying, ident in the Georgia election con-
leading to the case now on paign lawyer Jenna Ellis flipped District of York.” according to ABC News. spiracy case. Trump has denied all
Meadows’ statements to the allegations.
6 Wednesday, October 25, 2023 DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com

Kin of hostages
make plea at UN
to push for release
of Gaza captives

What started as a gap year in Israel for

Long Island native Omer Neutra has turned
into the cruelest of circumstances — being
held hostage by the terrorists who plunged
the region into chaos.
“His values were peace and love and
support,” Omer’s father Ronen Neutra said
Tuesday, 17 days after the terrorist group
Hamas attacked Israel and kidnapped
scores of hostages. “We need our son back.
Bring our kids back.”
He made his impassioned plea at the
United Nations in Midtown, where families
of kidnapped loved ones appealed to world
leaders for help securing their release.
Israeli officials estimate more than 200
Grandma, 85, describes harrowing attack,
hostages are still being held by Hamas. Only
four have been released so far.
Omer Neutra joined the Israel Defense
Forces during his gap year, according to his
beating, scary trip to Gaza through tunnels
“He was protecting the villages on the
border on the morning when this hap-
pened, and they were attacked and taken,”
said Orna Neutra, the kidnapped soldier’s
mother. “We’re not satisfied knowing that
it’s been 17 days and nothing’s been moving.
That’s what we’re not satisfied with.”
The parents’ pleas were punctuated by a
display in the plaza across the street, where
names and pictures of the missing hostages
were laid beside pairs of empty shoes.
“It’s a way for us to make this huge num-
ber something that the eye can understand.
These are little shoes of 4-years-old girls
that danced and walked in the kibbutz and
now are held hostages in Gaza,” Shany Gra-
not-Lubaton of Morningside Heights told
CBS News.
“We just want people to realize how
real this is for us. These are our family, our
friends. This is what it looks like. These are
real people.”
Ruby Chen, who lives in Flatbush,
Brooklyn, said her 19-year-old son Itay was
“We’re representing 220 families of kids,
Holocaust survivors, women being held
hostage,” Chen said. We feel and believe,
with all of you, that these are crimes against
At a rally last week in Times Square, Is-
raeli diplomat Israel Nitzan promised his
country would work tirelessly to get the
hostages home. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS as she briefed reporters on Tuesday at spree that followed.
“Make no mistake, Hamas are war crimi- Tel Aviv’s Ichilov Hospital, a day after Israel’s military has launched a devas-
nals for murdering 1,400 innocent civilians, JERUSALEM — Eighty-five-year-old Hamas released her and 79-year-old Nurit tating war on Gaza in an effort to crush
for kidnapping 200 civilians,” Nitzan, the Yocheved Lifshitz spoke of a “hell that we Cooper. “They didn’t care if they were Hamas, and its airstrikes into Gaza after
acting general consul of Israel in New York, never knew before and never thought we young or old.” the attack have killed more than 5,000
said on Thursday. “They will pay the ulti- would experience” as she described the Her 83-year-old husband, Oded, re- people, according to the Hamas-led Gaza
mate price because they miscalculated big harrowing Oct. 7 assault on her kibbutz by mains a hostage in Gaza. Health Ministry. Lifshitz’s captors hustled
time and they have awakened the lion.” Hamas terrorists and the horror of being Lifshitz, a member of Kibbutz Nir Oz, her onto a motorcycle, took her watch and
At Tuesday’s UN Security Council meet- taken hostage into the Gaza Strip. was among the more than 200 Israelis jewelry and beat her with sticks, bruising
ing, Secretary of State Antony Blinken Lifshitz was the first of the four hostages and foreigners seized after heavily armed her ribs and making it difficult to breathe,
called for universal condemnation of released so far to speak of their experience, Hamas terroritsts broke through Israel’s she said.
Hamas’ terrorism and the immediate release from the initial attack through the more multibillion-dollar electric border fence Once in Gaza, she walked several kilo-
of the hostages. than two weeks of captivity. and fanned across southern Israel, over- meters to a network of tunnels that she de-
“I implore every member here, use your “Masses swarmed our houses, beat peo- running nearly two dozen communities, scribed as “looking like a spider web.” She
voice, use your influence, use your leverage ple, and some were taken hostage,” said military bases and a desert rave. More than reached a large room where 25 people had
to secure their unconditional and immediate Lifshitz, speaking softly from a wheelchair 1,400 people died in the daylong killing been taken but was later separated into a
release,” he said.
DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com Wednesday, October 25, 2023 7

Columbia University has postponed an annual fund-raising blitz amid firestorm over the
administration’s response to the Israel-Hamas war. SHUTTERSTOCK

Columbia University putting off

Former hostage Yocheved
Lifshitz speaks Tuesday outside
hospital in Tel Aviv after she
was released by Hamas last
de fund-raising amid war response
BY CAYLA BAMBERGER Hamas’ attacks on civilians killed 1,400
night (inset, at left, with fellow NEW YORK DAILY NEWS
Israelis and held hundreds more hostage.
hostage Nurit Cooper). GETTY Reports have also emerged of an alleged
Columbia University has postponed Columbia medical center administrator
its annual 24-hour fundraising blitz amid saying “I hope every one of these people
criticism by students and alumni of the ad- die” about pro-Palestinian student protest-
ministration’s response to the Israel-Hamas ers, according to a clip aired on Columbia
war, escalating tensions on campus and student radio station WKCR.
growing demands for the ouster of a uni- A couple of law students at Columbia
versity professor. lost job offers at the prestigious firm Davis
The decision comes after major donors Polk after statements that the firm said
at other Ivy League schools pulled their are in “direct contravention” with their
support over how college campuses are principles.
handling rising tensions as the death toll in “I would guess the issue is that this is a
the Middle East continues to climb. very inflamed moment,” said Ann Marcus,
“After careful consideration and con- professor and director of the Steinhardt In-
sultation with university and alumni stitute for Higher Education Policy at New
leadership, we decided that this is not the York University. “People are very upset
appropriate time to move forward with about the Israel/Gaza situation. Student
Columbia Giving Day,” Columbia spokes- groups on both sides. Faculty making highly
woman Samantha Slater told the Daily partisan statements.”
News on Tuesday. “It is postponed for the Marcus added Columbia could be con-
time being, and a decision on rescheduling cerned that those handling the fund-raising
will be made in the near future.” calls “might get unwelcome comments and
Columbia raised roughly $28 million questions” during this politically fraught
from donors in more than 100 countries on time. More than 700 Palestinians were
Giving Day in 2021, according to promo- killed in the Israeli military’s counteroffen-
tional materials sent to alumni during last sive on Tuesday, according to figures from
year’s event. the Gaza Health Ministry reported by The
It was not clear on Tuesday if Columbia New York Times, in what Hamas is calling
had alienated any donors, but online users the highest single-day death toll since the
claiming to be alumni pledged on social me- war began.
dia and a viral online petition to scale back Still, “universities must weather this mo-
their giving. Columbia did not answer ques- ment and stick to their principles in terms
tions about which alumni had been consult- of both academic freedom and resistance to
ed or the timing of those conversations. outside pressures,” she said.
Deep-pocketed supporters of the Univer- A student-led petition calling for Mas-
sity of Pennsylvania and Harvard Universi- sad’s ouster had reached close to 57,300
ty, including Apollo CEO Marc Rowan and signatories as of Tuesday morning.
The Wexner Foundation, founded by the “Not one more penny in donations from
former Victoria’s Secret CEO Les Wexner, me,” wrote one user, who said she gradu-
smaller group with four others. she said. have cut ties with their alma maters and ated from Barnard College and Columbia
The people assigned to guard her “told Lifshitz and Cooper were the second other college programs they funded. University Graduate School of Architec-
us they are people who believe in the pair of hostages to be released. On Friday, Massive dueling protests at Columbia ture, Planning and Preservation, who called
Koran and wouldn’t hurt us.” Hamas freed two Israeli-American wom- garnered national media attention earlier for the professor’s firing.
Lifshitz said captives were treated well en. Israel’s government has said returning this month after an Israeli student was “Alumni need to refuse to donate to these
and received medical care, including med- all hostages safely is a top priority. allegedly assaulted in charges brought as institutions that take our money, and slap
ication. The guards kept conditions clean, Israel overlooked warnings that some- a hate crime. The victim told the student us with this bigotry,” said another.
she said. Hostages were given one meal a thing was afoot ahead of the attack, Lif- newspaper that he had hung photographs Columbia students were scheduled to
day of cheese, cucumber and pita, she said, shitz said. of Hamas’ hostages that Maxwell Fried- participate in a national pro-Palestine walk-
adding that her captors ate the same. “We were the scapegoat of the govern- man, 19, later tore down, leading to the out on Wednesday afternoon, according to
Lifshitz and her husband were peace ment,” she said. “They [Hamas] warned altercation. social media. Their demands include that
activists who regularly drove Palestinian us three weeks before they taught us a Passions on campus have further been Columbia divest from Israel and cancel a
patients from Gaza to receive medical lesson. A huge crowd arrived at the road. sparked by media coverage of an Oct. 8 arti- Columbia global center in Tel Aviv, among
treatment in Israeli hospitals. But in They burned fields. They sent incendiary cle by Columbia modern Arab politics Prof. other national and international calls.
captivity, the hostages told their captors, balloons to burn the fields, and the army Joseph Massad on “the stunning victory of The delay in the fund-raising blitz was
“We don’t want to talk about politics,” didn’t take it seriously.” the Palestinian resistance over the Israeli first reported by the student newspaper
military,” a day after the terrorist group Columbia Spectator.
8 Wednesday, October 25, 2023 DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com

Biden honors CUNY

science professors

Philip and Karen Sarachik,

relatives of late CUNY physics
professor Myriam Sarachik,
accept posthumous National
Medal of Science from President
Biden Tuesday in Washington.
Also honored was CUNY’s
Sheldon Weinbaum (inset) for
his work in biomedical and
mechanical engineering.

And that’s another House speaker hopeful out

BY DAVE GOLDINER The Trump statement came as about 25 candidates who started the day vying for of hard-liners ousted ex-House Speaker
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS far right-wing Republicans refused to back the gavel, knocking off Rep. Mike Johnson Kevin McCarthy,
Emmer in a closed-door meeting, a number (R-La.), a far right-wing choice, on the fifth Reps. Steve Scalise of Louisiana and
Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) Tuesday that was more than enough to torpedo his ballot. Jim Jordan of Ohio followed by winning
abruptly dropped out of race for House bid. After three weeks of leaderless chaos and the GOP nomination. But their bids fal-
speaker after far right-wing supporters of Republicans now need to brutal infighting, some Repub- tered amid strong opposition from various
former President Donald Trump refused to choose a fourth candidate to licans predicted the GOP was factions.
support him. lead their House majority af- ready to set aside the interne- Democrats have so far avoided getting
Just a couple of hours after Emmer won ter Emmer joined Reps. Steve cine bloodletting. That proved involved in the GOP-on-GOP violence
the backing of a majority of Republicans, Scalise and Jim Jordan in falling to be nothing more than wishful with lawmakers voting in lockstep for
he was forced to pull out amid implaca- short of the 217 fellow GOP law- thinking. Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries on the
ble opposition by about two dozen GOP makers needed to win the gavel Besides Johnson, Rep. Kevin House floor.
lawmakers. on the House floor. Hern (R-Okla.) showed sig- That could change if Republicans con-
Trump also denounced Emmer, dooming It looks increasingly unlikely nificant backing as head of the clusively prove themselves unable to elect
his bid for the gavel and putting dysfunction- that any Republican lawmaker conservative Republican Study a speaker anytime soon.
al Republicans back to square one. can amass the needed support. Committee, a key GOP faction. Democrats could agree to allow some
“Voting for a Globalist RINO like Tom But it’s not at all clear what that Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.), Republican to win by voting for that can-
Emmer would be a tragic mistake!” Trump Republicans will do about the an eloquent voice in the pro- didate or abstaining en masse.
wrote on his social media site, insulting Em- stalemate. Trump wing of the party, also amassed Jeffries has said Democrats would
mer as a Republican in name only. It took Emmer, who is No. 3 GOP support. consider negotiating a solution but would
“I have many wonderful friends wanting House leader, three hours and five ballots Hern and Donalds eventually dropped insist on a compromise that would allow
to be Speaker of the House and some are behind closed doors to win a majority vote out, along with several others who were votes on crucial foreign aid for Ukraine
truly great Warriors,” Trump said. “RINO in a closed-doors meeting of about 220 ousted in earlier votes. and Israel, along with a spending pack-
Tom Emmer, who I do not know well, is not Republicans. The GOP unleashed the drama on it- age to keep the government open past a
one of them.” He won 117 votes to beat out six other self three weeks ago when a small group Thanksgiving shutdown deadline.
DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com Wednesday, October 25, 2023 9

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10 Wednesday, October 25, 2023 DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com

Blldg emissions
loophole fight
‘Good faith’ delay takes
heat from pols
ols at hearing

Activists (main photo) push for Local Law 97, which requires large buildings to reduce
carbon emissions, possibly with green energy such as solar panels (above). AP

BY TÉA KVETENADZE achievable and they’re necessary.” staffing, pointing to the city government’s in order to make things easier for building
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Councilman Lincoln Restler said the hiring freeze. owners and the real estate industry,” testi-
proposed rules would “undermine the “[The department] currently doesn’t fied former civil servant Edith Kantrowitz,
Elected officials and environmental intent of the law and severely compromise have the capacity to review every com- who opposes the proposed rules.
activists criticized rules they say would our ability to meet the emissions targets.” pliance plan for those requesting a delay, Several speakers voiced their apprecia-
weaken the city’s efforts to crack down “We must send a clear message to every so we cannot expect them to be able to tion for the “good faith” allowances. Others
on emissions from large buildings during a building owner and every building manager handle this massive influx of paperwork,” went further and said the rules are still too
Tuesday hearing. in New York City that efficiency upgrades said Councilman Christopher Marte burdensome.
Local Law 97 is set to go into effect next are not optional,” the Brooklyn Dem added. (D-Manhattan). “All this would do is delay “I see that as a way to lock in property
year and will require thousands of the city’s The city has cited pandemic delays as the program even further.” owners to make sure that they do get ul-
largest buildings to curb their carbon emis- one reason for the two-year allowance. De- Rudansky told the Daily News that the timate compliance,” Councilman James
sions or pay stiff penalties. partment of Buildings spokesman Andrew department’s vacancy rate is currently 13%, Gennaro (D-Queens) said of the directive.
Rules outlined last month would allow Rudansky pointed out that “good faith” similar to prepandemic levels, and said the “I support the rules. They are certainly
for owners who aren’t in compliance but provisions were included in the original agency is “continuously planning ahead” faithful to the law that we all passed.”
show “good faith efforts” to get a two-year text of Local Law 97 when it was passed for the rollout of Local Law 97. “Overall, these rules go far to ensuring
extension — something many owners have in 2019. Buildings are New York City’s largest the city’s financially struggling rental
welcomed but environmental activists say “Some buildings have an easier and less single source of greenhouse gas emissions, housing is better able to comply with the
could “gut” the legislation. costly road to reducing their emissions. according to the city comptroller’s office. law,” said Adam Roberts of the Community
“Don’t promulgate rules that contain Others have a much harder and extended And while most buildings subject to Local Housing Improvement Program.
dangerous delays and unnecessary loop- pathway,” said the Building Department’s Law 97 are already in compliance, many of The Buildings Department will review
holes,” said organizer Eric Weltman of Laura Popa. the remaining 11% or so have been pushing the public comments and release a final
Food & Water Watch. “The law’s stan- A number of elected officials expressed back. version of the proposed rules by the end of
dards are realistic, they’re practical, they’re concern stemming from the agency’s “We don’t want to see this law weakened the year.

4 school buses stolen from Bx. lot over 3 days

NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Square, cops said. Blondell Ave., police said.
On Sunday morning, thieves No arrests have been made, and
A crew of crooks broke into a swiped a mini-yellow school bus the buses have not been recovered.
Bronx parking lot early Tuesday from the same lot, an NYPD Investigators are wondering if
to steal three yellow school buses, spokeswoman said. the same crew committed the first
police said. Crooks returned about theft as a dry run for the bigger
It was the second time this 12:30 a.m. Tuesday and managed heist, a police source said.
week buses were stolen from the to drive three yellow school buses Cops were scouring the area
lot (photo) on Blondell Ave. near out of the lot. Those stolen buses for surveillance footage that could
Eastchester Road in Westchester were last seen heading east on help them identify the crooks.
DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com Wednesday, October 25, 2023 11

Fellow crossing
guards mourn
Queens victim

Crossing guards from across

the city gathered to mourn their
beloved colleague who was killed
by a dump truck driver in Queens
last week.
“She was a very sweet lady,” vigil
organizer Daniel Hill said of Kry-
styna Naprawa. “Always checking.
Always concerned.”
Naprawa was guiding pedes-
trians at the corner of Woodhav-
en Blvd. and Atlantic Ave. in
Woodhaven around 8 a.m. Friday
when Hector Yepes, a driver for
Manolos Trucking LLC, struck
her as he turned onto the avenue,
police said.
The school
crossing guard
was knocked to
the ground and
Yepes ran her
over. Naprawa,
63, died at the
Yepes, 39,


was charged
with failure to
yield and fail-
ure to exercise
due care in the tragic crash.
“I honestly felt like it could have
been avoided if people would only
pay attention,” crossing guard Wes-
ley Batson said at Monday's vigil.
Heartbroken girlfriend weeps after man is shot dead in B’klyn
“Whether people realize it or not,
we risk our lives trying to protect BY EMMA SEIWELL, Cumberbatch's roommates
the public, people like yourself.” ROCCO PARASCANDOLA also heard the shots.
Batson worked with Naprawa AND THOMAS TRACY “When they heard gunshots
for about a year and remembered NEW YORK DAILY NEWS they automatically went to him
her as “a wonderful person.” to find out like if he heard it,
“Every day she was out here, no too,” Ashley said. “But when
matter what,” Hill recalled. “Snow, The heartbroken girlfriend of they came out to come look, it
sleet or rain. This definitely puts a man shot in the lobby of his was him.”
into perspective the respect that Brooklyn apartment building Medics rushed the victim to
is needed. I feel that some people visited the crime scene Tuesday Kings County Hospital, but he
don't respect crossing guards.” hours after his slaying and wept could not be saved.
Batson was just one of many over his blood trail. Police recovered about five
crossing guards at the vigil who The 32-year-old victim, Rick shell casings but have made no
agreed they work “a dangerous Cumberbatch, stepped into the arrests.
job.” lobby of the Crown Heights Cumberbatch leaves behind a
“I almost got hit three times cross- building just before 11 p.m. Mon- 9-year-old daughter.
ing people this past school year,” said day and was shot multiple times “He didn't have no beef with
Peter Acededo. “People don't care in the head and body. nobody. This is why I'm con-
anymore. It's gotten worse.” “He didn't even make it Rick Cumberbatch (above) was shot dead in the lobby of his building fused,” Ashley said. “And why
Crossing guard veteran Michelle out the door,” Cumberbatch's (top) in Brooklyn Monday night. “He didn’t even make it to the door,” they thought to come to where
Durston called upon the city for a girlfriend, Kshana Ashley, told his girlfriend told the Daily News Tuesday. he lay his head at.”
“mass hiring” in the wake of Napra- the Daily News as she sobbed Cumberbatch's twin sister
wa's death. hysterically over a trail of dried from somebody. And I don't no way, I was just on the phone mourned his death on Facebook.
“The Police Department has blood on the lobby floor Tues- know what the hell … I don't with him!'” “Our bond remains unbreak-
helped, but when you are out on day morning, marking her boy- know what happened.” The sound of gunshots able even beyond death,” she
these streets and on these corners, friend's last moments. “They got Ashley learned Cumberbatch echoed throughout the apart- posted. “A brother is a special
we are overstressed because we are him right here. This is so sad.” had been shot after a friend ment building as startled tenants kind of friend. One that shares
short,” she said. Ashley and Cumberbatch had posted on Instagram about the called 911. the same bloodline as you. Your

“There is usually just one guard at been dating for a few months, slaying in the lobby on New “I heard the gunshots. About death hit very differently. I'm not
dangerous intersections where there she said. She was on the phone York Ave. near Prospect Place half dozen. Just ‘Pop! Pop! sure I can come out of this.”
need to be at least four.” with her boyfriend just before he in Instagram. Pop!'” said one resident who The murder comes amid a con-
Also in attendance was Napra- was shot. “I had to come here because wished not to give his name out tinued drop in slayings across the
wa's son-in-law, who represented the “I was the last person to talk I couldn't believe it,” she said. of fear of reprisal. “I hit the floor city. Through Sunday, 319 people
family as they continued to mourn to him,” Ashley, 29, said. “He “I had to come here to really after about three shots and called had been killed, down 12% from
the victim. said, ‘I'm about to head outside.' visualize (it). Everybody's call- 911 while I was on the floor. It the 363 victims during the same
“My wife was devastated,” said He was going to get something ing me, but I'm like, ‘There's was very unsettling.” time frame last year.
David Witt.
12 Wednesday, October 25, 2023 DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com

Adams campaign backers take

pleas in straw donor scheme
Shahid Mushtaq (r.),
the co-defendants, Shamsuddin Riza, told
Yahya Mushtaq to “use a straw man” to
along with his brother
funnel cash to Adams’ campaign, prosecu-
Yahya, have pleaded
Two brothers who own a Queens con- tors allege.
guilty to conspiracy in
struction safety company have pleaded The defendants hoped that by funnel-
straw donor scheme
guilty to helping orchestrate a straw donor ing the illicit cash to Adams, they’d net
they ran for Mayor
scheme that aimed to generate illegal lucrative city contracts and otherwise get
Adam’s 2021 campaign.
public matching funds for Mayor Adams’ favorable treatment from his administra-
2021 campaign, Manhattan prosecutors tion once he took office, prosecutors said.
announced Tuesday. Adams’ 2021 campaign says it has re-
Shahid and Yahya Mushtaq, owners of turned donations identified as illegal by
Ecosafety Consultants, entered their pleas Bragg’s indictment.
on one misdemeanor conspiracy charge While neither Adams nor his campaign
each during an afternoon hearing before are directly accused of wrongdoing, Ra-
Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Althea chel Atcheson, a top aide to the mayor,
Drysdale. They won’t face jail time as a was in contact with Montgomery during
result of their pleas, but agreed to both the alleged scheme and helped organize a
pay $500 fines and complete 35 hours of fund-raiser with him for the mayor, accord-
community service each, said Doug Co- ing to a DA document first reported by the
hen, a spokesman for Manhattan District Daily News.
Attorney Alvin Bragg, who’s bringing the Adams also appears to have been in
Adams campaign straw donor case. touch with Montgomery about a 2021
Neither Adams nor his campaign are campaign fund-raiser, prosecutors say.
implicated in the indictment or accused of “[Adams] said he doesn’t want to do
wrongdoing. straw donor indictment, including Dwayne co-defendants made dozens of contribu- anything if he doesn’t get 25 Gs,” Mont-
The Mushtaqs’ company, which is also Montgomery, a former NYPD inspector tions to Adams’ campaign in the names of gomery is quoted in court documents as
named as a defendant in the case, entered who served alongside Adams in the NYPD individuals who were unaware their identi- telling one of his co-defendants, Shamsud-
a deferred prosecution agreement as part and has maintained a friendship with him ties were being used for that purpose — so- din Riza, in an intercepted phone call.

of the guilty pleas. That agreement will ever since, according to City Hall officials. called “straw donors.” The co-defendants Since Bragg unsealed the indictment
require the company “to make witnesses Asked for comment on Tuesday’s guilty used the straw donors to work around against the Mushtaqs and their co-defen-
available and provide information and pleas, Evan Thies, Adams’ 2021 campaign limits on how much money they could dants, The News and other outlets have
documents upon request” as Bragg con- spokesman, referred the Daily News to a personally contribute to Adams, a setup reported on other sets of donations to
tinues to prosecute the straw donor case statement he issued after the indictment that illegally increased the amount of pub- Adams’ 2021 campaign that are raising
against the Mushtaqs’ co-defendants, Co- was first unsealed in July: “The campaign lic matching funds the Adams campaign eyebrows.
hen said. always held itself to the highest stan- qualified for, prosecutors allege. Law enforcement and election watch-
The Mushtaqs could not be reached for dards, and we would never tolerate these Among the unsuspecting straw donors dogs earlier this month said three do-
comment after their pleas. actions.” were employees of Ecosafety, according to nations highlighted by The News set off
Besides the Mushtaqs, four other indi- According to Bragg’s indictment, the Bragg. alarm bells because the people listed as the
viduals have been charged as part of the Mushtaqs, Montgomery and the other In an intercepted conversation, one of contributors denied giving the money.

‘Lead czar’ quits after 5 mos. to work on migrant crisis

BY CHRIS SOMMERFELDT Despite the hiring freeze, Adams rep direction. as lead czar also served as chief of staff to
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Charles Lutvak said City Hall is looking According to the report, 2,713 New York Adams’ former chief housing officer, Jessica
to fill Blake’s post. He would not provide City kids under age 6 tested positive for el- Katz, did not return a request for comment
The city is once again without a lead czar. a timeline for how soon her successor will evated levels of lead in their bloodstreams this week.
Jasmine Blake, who was appointed in be identified. in Fiscal Year 2023, which spanned from Before joining the Adams administration,
April to spearhead the Adams adminis- “We are in the process of identifying a July 2022 through this past June. That’s an Blake served as a top spokeswoman for
tration’s efforts to root out the toxic heavy new citywide lead compliance uptick from 2,546 in Fiscal Year ex-NYCHA CEO Shola Olatoye, who was
metal from residential buildings, quietly officer to build on these success- 2022 and 2,603 in Fiscal Year accused by the Department of Investigation
stepped down from that position last es and continue to protect our 2021. in 2018 of falsely testifying before the City
month, the Daily News has learned. young people from the dangers Lutvak pointed to a different Council that 4,200 agency workers had re-
Her resignation as citywide lead com- of lead,” Lutvak said. statistic in arguing Adams’ ad- ceived special training on inspecting public
pliance officer, or “lead czar,” came as she Lead is mostly found in cer- ministration is effective in the housing complexes for lead paint.
was tapped to serve as a “resettlement di- tain types of paint, and ingesting battle against lead poisoning. Lonnie Portis, an environmental justice
rector” at the city’s public hospital system, chips of it or inhaling the dust it “The Adams administration advocate who helps lead the NYC Coalition
a spokesman for Mayor Adams confirmed creates can cause a range of se- is taking action every day to to End Lead Poisoning, said it’s troubling
this week. Blake’s new role is focused on vere long-term health complica- protect families from lead poi- Blake’s post is vacant, especially since this
helping with resettlement efforts at city tions, including cognitive issues, soning, with the city driving week marks National Lead Poisoning Pre-
sites, including shelters, servicing the tens with children under age 6 seen down childhood lead exposure vention Week.
of thousands of mostly Latin American as being at especially high risk. by 93% since 2005,” he said. “It’s just bad timing to learn this week
migrants who have arrived since last year, New York City Housing Authority com- Before Adams appointed Blake (photo) that this position is sitting empty, given how
according to the spokesman. plexes have experienced severe problems as lead czar, the post had been unfilled much attention it got back in April,” Portis
Meantime, the lead czar post has been with lead poisonings. since 2020, when then-Mayor Bill de Bla- said. “This is the time that people around
sitting empty, and Adams implemented a Blake’s exit as czar came the same sio’s pick, Kathryn Garcia, who doubled the country are trying to raise alarm about
hiring freeze across the city government on month Adams released the annual Mayor’s as his Sanitation commissioner, stepped the dangers of lead. It’s unfortunate because
Oct. 1, citing budgetary constraints driven Management Report, which showed data down. who knows when that position is going to
by the migrant crisis. on lead in children heading in the wrong Blake, who prior to her five-month stint be filled.”
DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com Wednesday, October 25, 2023 13


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14 Wednesday, October 25, 2023 DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com

Adams to keep
co-op, says he
made area ‘safe’

The story around an apartment

Mayor Adams co-owns in Brook-
lyn’s Prospect Heights neighbor-
hood took another turn Tuesday
as he said he will keep his stake in
the unit after all because it makes
for a “great investment” now that
he has made the area “safe.”
“I don’t know if you realize it,
but Prospect Heights is now a hot
place to own property,” Adams
said at City Hall when asked why
he revealed last week he has de-
cided to maintain his ownership
in the co-op unit on Prospect
“I made great investments,” he
continued, “I moved into areas
where a lot of folks didn’t want to
move in. You know, I made areas
safe on that block. … Many folks
did not want to come in — I made
it safe, and now everyone is enjoy-
ing the great work I have done.”

MTA hires Carroll sex case

A spokesman for Adams would
not say exactly how the mayor be-
lieves he made the neighborhood
The Prospect Heights pad first
drew scrutiny during the 2021

att’y to fight congest suit

mayoral campaign when reports
raised concern about Adams
having for years failed to list his
co-ownership of the unit in man-
datory financial disclosure forms.
At the time, Adams blamed the sit-
uation on Sylvia Cowan, a “good
BY EVAN SIMKO-BEDNARSKI friend” he said he bought the
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS apartment with in 1988. He said
he gifted his co-op share to her in
The MTA has a new lawyer in its fight to 2007, but that she had failed to file
bring congestion pricing to New York City. paperwork to reflect the transfer.
Roberta Kaplan — a prominent litigator After being inaugurated as
known for securing gay marriage rights and mayor in January 2022, Adams
representing writer E. Jean Carroll in her sex- said that while he thought he
ual assault case against Donald Trump — has had given his portion to Cowan
signed on to argue the transit agency’s case in in 2007, the transfer remained
a federal lawsuit brought by New Jersey. ongoing. He blamed the delay in
Kaplan and two other attorneys from her part on an accountant he said he
firm, Kaplan Hecker & Fink, filed paperwork relied on for the transfer who had
in New Jersey federal court Tuesday to appear fallen on hard times and ended up
on the transit agency’s behalf. homeless.
MTA officials confirmed the lawyer’s This past June, Adams spokes-
hiring. man Fabien Levy said the transfer
“We are deeply committed to congestion to Cowan remained ongoing for
pricing and have confidence in Roberta Ka- unspecified “tax-related” reasons
plan’s ability to assist in delivering a clear path after the Daily News discovered
past this pro-traffic lawsuit, to fight climate that the mayor’s annual financial
Roberta Kaplan, who represented E. Jean Carroll in her suit against Donald Trump, has been
change and enable better transit on behalf disclosure listed him as still being
hired by MTA to make its case vs. New Jersey, which is suing to block congestion pricing. GETTY
of the people of New York,” John McCarthy, a co-owner.
MTA’s head of external relations said in a Then, while answering an
statement. patterns throughout the region. that led up to the current congestion pricing unrelated question at a press
The administration of New Jersey Gov. Phil Neither New York State, which passed the plan. conference last week, Adams said
Murphy sued the federal Transportation De- underlying law requiring congestion pricing “Far from the expedited, rushed process he continues to “own a co-op” in
partment in July, seeking to halt New York’s in 2019, nor the MTA, which is counting on that New Jersey’s complaint erroneously Prospect Heights. After that com-
plan to charge drivers entering lower Manhat- congestion pricing revenues to cover $15 portrays, the environmental review for this ment, City Hall confirmed to Po-
tan a yet-to-be-determined fee. billion in capital projects, were named as project has in fact taken far longer, and at litico that Adams was referring to
The federal suit claims that the U.S. De- defendants in the New Jersey suit. significantly greater cost, than anticipated,” the Prospect Place apartment and
partment of Transportation and the Federal But earlier this month the transit agency attorneys for the MTA argued in court earlier that he has decided to not offload
Highway Administration failed to conduct a filed to join the feds as defendants, arguing this month. his share to Cowan after all.
“comprehensive” and “complete” environ- that the MTA had a material interest in de- MTA crews have been installing tolling in- Cowan’s name is listed on the
mental review of the Empire State’s plan, fending the policy in court. frastructure across lower Manhattan in recent buzzer for the apartment she co-
which New Jersey claims will have significant MTA officials have repeatedly expressed months in anticipation of a spring 2024 start owns with Adams, The News was
environmental impacts by changing traffic confidence in the multi-year review process to congestion pricing. able to confirm during a visit to
the address Tuesday afternoon.
DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com Wednesday, October 25, 2023 15

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Registered voters in Manhattan

and Queens will see several races
for judgeships on the Civil and
Supreme Court level across their
boroughs for the Nov. 7 general
Much of the action this elec-
tion season is happening on the
civil court branch, where judges
preside over tenant-landlord
disputes, small-claim matters of
upwards of $50,000 and low-level
criminal offenses. There are civil
courts that either oversee an en-
tire borough or are broken into
municipal districts per borough.
In most cases, candidates are run-
ning unopposed, making them the
de facto winner well before voters
hit the polls.
This year there are also races
for state Supreme Court, the top
judicial branch for elected judges
presiding over criminal prosecu-
tions and civil cases. While Civil
Court judges have a decade-long
term, a Supreme Court judge has
a 14-year term.
Here’s a list of races voters in Queens Supreme Court in
Manhattan and Queens will see Jamaica, where those elected
on the ballot to bench hear cases.
Relying on campaign websites,
biographies, and other documents,
the Daily News used publicly
available information to bring
you snapshots of who is running


for a judicial post. Because these
judges are state positions, the city’s
ranked-choice voting process will
not apply.
Judge of the Civil Court –
Voters can choose up to two
candidates in this race.
Yael Wilkofsky [Democrat]:
A principal law clerk at the New
York Supreme Court Appellate
Division (First Department), Yael
Contests in Manhattan and Queens will decide
Wilkofsky looks to rise to the
bench after over ten years of legal A civil court judge since 2018, the New York attorney general to eight years as an arbitrator in Democratic Club.
experience in the private and pub- Phaedra Perry looks to make the presiding over cases in Housing Small Claims Court. Her tenure
lic sector. She was backed this year switch to Justice of the Supreme Court, Leslie A. Stroth has risen there has coincided with work at
Judge of the Civil Court –
by the Manhattan Democratic Court after over 20 years of legal up the legal world to serve as an the law firm Weiss & Rosenbloom, 7th Municipal Court District-
Party as among those “most highly
qualified” to ascend to the post.
experience. A U.S. Air Force vet-
eran, Perry has served as an acting
acting Supreme Court justice.
Among Stroth’s most recent rul-
P.C., which specializes in personal
injury, wrongful death and em-
Dana Marie Catanzaro [Demo- Supreme Court judge and presid- ings was one in April this year ployment discrimination claims. Registered voters living in
crat]: A law partner at Litchfield ed over cases at Bronx Criminal where she denied the NYPD’s Krugman also picked up an en- Washington Heights and Inwood
Cavo LLP – specializing in insur- Court. She won a civil court judge- motion to dismiss a lawsuit where dorsement from the Manhattan will see this special general elec-
ance cases – Dana Marie Catan- ship in 2016 after being backed by five people claimed to be unjustly Democratic Party. tion race on their ballot. Voters can
zaro looks to ascend to the bench the Manhattan Democratic Party arrested during the city’s George choose one candidate.
for the first time. Like Wilkofsky, boss Keith Wright. Floyd protests in 2020.
Judge of the Civil Court Denise Dominguez [Public
Catanzaro was also picked by the Lyle E. Frank [Democrat]: A
Judge of the Civil Court – District – 6th Municipal Service Party]: With her tenure
Manhattan Democratic Party as
among the “most highly qualified”
Criminal Court and Civil Court
judge since 2016, Lyle E. Frank – District – 3rd Municipal Court District – Manhattan expiring this year as a judge on the
civil court circuit, Judge Denise
to hear a case in civil court. has presided over several high
profile cases, notably one in which
Court District – Manhattan The special general election race
will appear on the ballot for voters
Dominguez is seeking another
term on the bench. Prior to becom-
Justice of the Supreme he ruled the city cannot force mu- This special general election registered in Manhattan’s East ing a judge, Dominguez served as
Court – 1st Judicial District nicipal retiree workers to pay for race will appear on the ballot Side from 59th to 110th streets. attorney for the Legal Aid Society,
– Manhattan health coverage. Before becoming
a judge, Frank was an attorney for
for those living on the West Side
of Manhattan between 14th and
Voters can choose one candidate.
Anna Mikhaleva [Democrat]:
Criminal Defense Division.

Registered voters in lower Man- the New York City Council. 64th streets. A law clerk at the New York Su-
Judge of the Civil Court –
hattan will see this race on their Leslie A. Stroth [Democrat]: Andrea Krugman [Democrat]: preme Court’s civil branch, Anna 6th Municipal Court District
ballot. They case choose up to
three candidates.
With stints that include serving
as a public defender to working
The only candidate on the ballot
(check), Andrea Krugman looks
Mikhaleva is the lone candidate
for the seat. She was endorsed
– Queens
Phaedra Perry [Democrat]: as an assistant district attorney for to lead a courtroom after spending this year by the Jim Owles Liberal Registered voters in Flushing,
DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com Wednesday, October 25, 2023 17

City judge contests

Queens County
Registered voters in Queens
will see this race appear on their
ballot. Voters can only choose one
Sandra Pérez [Democrat]:
With experience representing
defendants and plaintiffs, Sandra
Pérez says she has a “unique
perspective on the intricacies of
our justice system.” Pérez served
as an assistant district attorney
in Brooklyn before moving to
private practice. During her run
for the June primary, Pérez was
backed by the Queens County Bar
Association and the New York
City Bar Association.
Sharmela Bachu [Republican]:
The owner of a private practice
specializing in personal injury
that’s been open for the last 30
years in Kew Gardens, Sharmela
Bachu looks to parlay her expe-
rience to the civil court on the
Republican line.
Judge of the Civil Court – 1st
Municipal Court District –
The district covers Long Island
City and Astoria. Voters can
choose one candidate.
Michael H. Goldman [Demo-
crat]: After coming up short in the
race for civil court judge in 2021,
Michael Goldman looks to make

history as the first openly gay
judge for the Queens civil court
system (check). His legal experi-
ence goes back nearly 30 years,
working most of his professional
career in New York’s courts, serv-
ing as a court attorney, law clerk
and a small claims arbitrator for
the borough’s courts.

those sitting on the bench for years to come Judge of the Civil Court
– District – 4th Municipal
Court District – Queens
Whitestone and Fresh Meadows unable to pay for his services. Party, Gary Muraca looks to take year. He began his career as a law Voters registered in Jamaica
can only pick one candidate. his decades of experience as an clerk. and Laurelton will choose one
Evelyn Gong [Democrat]: Ev-
Justice of the Supreme attorney to the bench, following Scott Dunn [Democrat/Re- candidate.
elyn Gong’s legal experience has Court – 11th Judicial in the footsteps of his brother who publican]: Since 2017, Scott Dunn Delsia G. Marshall [Demo-
taken her from helping Fortune
500 companies to representing
District – Queens is a judge on Long Island. Mura-
ca’s legal background includes
has presided as a judge in Queens
Criminal Court after spending 30
crat]: Delsia Marshall is currently
running her own practice on per-
children in need. While she was Registered voters in Queens handling real estate, immigration, years in the U.S. Attorney’s Office sonal injury law and now looks to
endorsed by the Queens Demo- can choose up to five candidates criminal, and matrimonial cases. for the Eastern District of New take her decades of experience as
cratic Party, various law enforce- for this race. Karen Lin [Democrat]: Karen York, specializing in immigration a civil court judge for Queens 4th
ment unions and local elected Cassandra A. Johnson [Dem- Lin has etched a long career in the cases. Dunn is also the only can- Municipal District. She’s repre-
leaders, she was not backed by ocrat]: After winning a judgeship New York’s judicial system, work- didate in the race to run on both sented clients on both sides of the
the New York City Bar Associa- two years ago in Queens Civil ing as an attorney representing the Democratic and Republican aisle, litigating cases in car crashes
tion during the June primary for Court 4th Judicial District, John- clients in Family Court, a chief of tickets. along with slips and falls.
previously donating to political son looks to transition to the 11th staff to a Manhattan state Senator, Jessica Earle-Gargan [Dem-
campaigns. Judicial District. Prior to becom- and a principal attorney in New ocrat]: A judge at Queens Civil
Judge of the Civil Court –
William D. Shanahan [Re- ing a judge, Johnson served for York Supreme Court. Her legal Court, Jessica Earle-Gargan’s legal 2nd Municipal Court District
publican/Conservative]: William
Shanahan has spent over 30 years
several years a referee for Queens
Supreme Court, where she pre-
experience has been lauded by the
New York City Bar Association
career spans into Brooklyn, where
she served as an assistant district
– Queens
litigating cases in the criminal sided over trials and hearings and Queens Bar Association. attorney. After a stint working Sandra M. Mu oz [Democrat]:
and civil courts, both as an senior focused on foreclosures, matri- Peter J. Kelly [Democrat]: Peter in the legal department for State An attorney with a private prac-
assistant district attorney for the mony disputes and other cases. J. Kelly’s experience on the bench Farm Insurance, Earle-Gargan tice in Queens specializing in
Nassau County District Attor- She also worked as an attorney goes back to the 1990s, when he began working in the Queens ju- family disputes, Sandra Mu oz is
ney’s Office and in private prac- for the city’s Human Resources served as a civil court judge in dicial system where she served as running unopposed for the judi-
tice. He’s worked in Wall Street, Administration. Queens. Since 2011, Kelly has a principal attorney and principal cial seat having secured support
insurance giant Allstate and done Gary Muraca [Republican]: served as a judge in Surrogate’s court before becoming a judge. from the Queens Democratic
some pro bono work for clients Backed by the Queens Republican Court, with his term expiring next Party.
Judge of the Civil Court –
18 Wednesday, October 25, 2023 DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com

Feds to pay $3.4B more for 2nd Ave. subway

BY EVAN SIMKO-BEDNARSKI neglected for far too long.”
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS The money is part of a so-called full fund-
A section of Second Ave.
ing grant agreement from the Federal Transit
Subway near E.112th St. The
The federal government is expected to Administration, meant to enable new transit
feds have agreed to pay another
kick in $3.4 billion in funds to complete the construction projects and expansions.
$3.2 billion to move the project
next phase of New York City’s long-delayed The next phase of the Second Ave. line
Second Ave. subway project, Sen. Chuck will connect the eastern section of Harlem
Schumer and Rep. Adriano Espaillat an- to the Q train at E. 96th St. and Second Ave,
nounced Tuesday. adding service at E. 106th St. and E. 116th
“This is the largest Capital Investment St. The track will then turn west and connect
Grant in the history of the program,” Schum- with the No. 4, 5 and 6 trains at E. 125th St.
er said in a statement. “This grant is signif- and Lexington Ave.
icant not only in its size, but also in where People living in that part of the city have
it’s going. been without train service for decades. The
The funds will be used to build public now-demolished Second Ave. elevated line
transit in a neighborhood that has been ceased service north of 59th St. in the 1940s,

and the Third Ave. elevated line stopped The agency is still seeking contractors to
PROFESSOR KARAMO serving East Harlem and the Bronx in the
begin work relocating utilities to facilitate
construction of the station at E. 106th St.,
International Spiritual Healer Clairvoyant From Africa A public comment notice circulated last and negotiations are still underway for
week by the New York Metropolitan Tran- some of the properties needed for con-
I CAN HELP WITH ALL YOUR PROBLEMS sit Council — a consortium of governmen- struction and station access.
tal bodies charged with transit planning The Second Ave. subway was first pro-
MARTIAL & LOVE SITUATIONS — included the expected $3.4 billion in posed in 1920. Construction had a fitful
RETURN OF LOVED ONES QUICK / LOVE EXPERT FTA funding as a portion of the total of the start in the 1970s and was quickly aban-
BUSINESS / EXAMS / CAREER / JOBS estimated $7.7 billion net cost for “Phase 2 doned amid a city fiscal crisis.
construction support activities.” A few stops of the long awaited subway
COURT CASES / BAD LUCK AND BLACK MAGIC That includes site preparation, design, finally opened to riders in 2017. That por-
VOODOO PROTECTION / IMPOTENCY and real estate costs for the new tunnel and tion of the line, a tunnel under Second Ave.
CHILD PROBLEMS / HEALTH ISSUES subway stations, according to NYMTC. from E. 65th St. to E. 105th St., currently
The FTA money is subject to a two-week serves as the three northernmost stations
OR EVIL SPIRIT AND MORE congressional review period next month. on the Q line.
EVEN THE MOST DESPERATE CASE The MTA declined to comment Tuesday, The MTA has plans for two additional
on either the money or on any updated phases of construction — for a total of four
CALL TODAY 646-331-8597 completion date for Phase 2. An MTA fact — to eventually link 125th St. to Hanover
Donation Only after the results sheet issued in 2018 said construction Square in lower Manhattan along what will
would take about nine years. be known as the T line.
DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com Wednesday, October 25, 2023 19

42 states sue Alaska Airlines pilot

Meta, claiming Joseph Emerson (left) is

being held on 83 counts
of attempted murder in

it addicted kids Oregon and also faces

federal charges after
allegedly scuffling with
BY THERESA BRAINE crew and trying to shut
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS off a plane’s engines
during a Sunday flight.
Dozens of states, including SHUTTERSTOCK

New York, sued Facebook’s and

Instagram’s parent company Meta
on Tuesday for alleged harm the
platforms knowingly cause teens,
especially girls, in a single-minded
quest for profits.
New Jersey and Connecticut also
joined the suit against Meta Platforms
Inc., which was filed in federal court
in Oakland, Calif. In all, 42 states
took action against Meta — 33 states
that signed onto the federal lawsuit,
and nine attorneys general who filed
suits separately in their respective
states and the District of Columbia.
The complaint alleges Meta knew
the harm its platforms could cause
teens and young adults but continued
its practices, even as a mental health
crisis took hold among the same
demographic. The federal lawsuit
also charges that Meta routinely col-
lects information on kids under 13
without their knowledge or parents’
permission, which is illegal at the
federal level.
“As recently as 2020, Meta con-
tinued to intentionally design its

platforms to manipulate dopamine
responses in its young users to maxi-
mize time spent on its platforms,” the
suit said, singling out a neurotrans-
mitter associated with pleasure that
is known to contribute to addiction.

Off-duty aviator on ’shrooms tries to kill jet’s engines

“Meta did not disclose that its algo-
rithms were designed to capitalize
on young users’ dopamine responses
and create an addictive cycle of
The practices, and the harm they BY DAVID MATTHEWS to a railing and didn’t make any
cause, came to light with a Wall NEW YORK DAILY NEWS disturbance from the rear,” pas-
Street Journal report in 2021 that led senger Bailey Beck told SFGate.
to a congressional hearing, though The off-duty Alaska Airlines After landing in Portland,
New Jersey Attorney General Mat- pilot who was arrested over the Emerson was arrested without
thew Platkin said some states were weekend after trying to turn off a further incident.
already investigating at the time. plane’s engines midair told inves- According to the criminal
“Kids and teenagers are suffering tigators he had taken psychedelic complaint, Emerson told investi-
from record levels of poor mental mushrooms, according to a new gators he suffers from depression,
health, and social media compa- federal complaint. hadn’t slept in more than 40
nies like Meta are to blame,” New Joseph Emerson, 44, of Pleas- hours and had taken psychedelic
York State Attorney General Letitia ant Hill, Calif., was charged with mushrooms. He thought he was
James said in a statement. “Meta one count of interfering with having a nervous breakdown.
has profited from children’s pain by flight crew members and atten- He told police he pulled the
intentionally designing its platforms dants, the Department of Justice emergency shutoff handles be-
with manipulative features that make announced on Tuesday. cause he thought he was asleep
children addicted to their platforms Individuals convicted of this and wanted to wake up.
while lowering their self-esteem ... charge face civil fines and po- “The officer and Emerson
and they must be held accountable.” tential jail time, according to the talked about the use of psyche-
Meta allegedly hid those harms Federal Aviation Administration. delic mushrooms, and Emerson
from the public and continued re- Emerson was hitching a ride in complaint. He was seated near the back said it was his first time taking
fining its algorithms to get better at the jump seat on a Horizon Air “After a brief physical struggle of the plane but tried to grab mushrooms,” according to the
keeping children and teens engaged (a subsidiary of Alaska Airlines) with the pilots, Emerson exited the handle of an emergency exit complaint.
with constant alerts, infinite scroll flight from Everett, Wash., to the cockpit,” according to the before he was stopped by a flight Emerson also faces state
and other features. San Francisco on Sunday eve- Justice Department. attendant. charges in Oregon, including 83
Meta said in a statement that it has ning when he allegedly tried to The pilots warned the cabin However, passengers report- counts of attempted murder, 83
introduced more than 30 tools “in shut down the plane’s engines crew Emerson was “losing it.” edly were unaware of the serious- counts of reckless endangerment
support of teens and their families” by engaging the fire suppression The pilots diverted to Portland ness of the situation. and one count of endangering an
and expressed disappointment “that system and cutting off fuel. A International Airport, but the sit- “It was really bizarre because aircraft.
instead of working productively with disruption to the plane’s power uation wasn’t clear just yet. there was no overheard commo- He remains in custody in Mult-
companies across the industry to supply “[would have turned] the Emerson was put in wrist re- tion to alert the passengers. The nomah County Detention Center
create clear, age-appropriate stan- aircraft into a glider within sec- straints after telling an attendant, man walked from the cockpit to in Portland until he can appear in
dards for the many apps teens use, onds” and could have caused a “You need to cuff me right now, the back of the plane by himself, federal court to be arraigned on
the attorneys general have chosen crash, according to the criminal or it’s going to be bad.” where he was then handcuffed the new charge.
this path.” With News Wire Services
20 Wednesday, October 25, 2023 DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com

Jenna Ellis plea

Lawyers and liars nails Rudy’s coffin
uesday’s guilty plea by

oy Cohn, the evil, crooked, disbarred New Trump trusted his lawyers, going back 50 years Jenna Ellis in Georgia is a
York lawyer, who mentored a young Donald when Cohn was first retained after the Nixon De- bigger deal than people may BY DENNIS AFTERGUT
Trump and taught him many of the nasty ways partment of Justice accused the Trump family real recognize.
to bully, cheat and lie, was loyal to his client, estate business of illegally discriminating against mi- It’s a death-knell for keep Trump in power.
but he still would absolutely sell out Trump to nority renters of their apartments. The charges were co-defendant Rudy Giuliani’s trial Giuliani will know this. The
save himself from prison. true, but Cohn concocted a phony suit against DOJ. prospects in the Fulton County, pressure on him to negotiate a plea
The moral, for an immoral man, is that a lawyer Misusing the legal system was Cohn’s specialty and Ga. prosecution of Donald Trump deal will be crushing for a moun-
who engages in a crime with a client has no protec- Trump learned well. and others for trying to overturn the tain of reasons:
l The overwhelming evidence

tion from prosecution. rump trusted Cohen to do his dirty work, like 2020 election.
And so many of Trump’s other attorneys have arranging the $130,000 hush money payment There are many reasons. against him;
been lining up to rat out the rat in chief, as we saw to Stormy Daniels, which landed Cohen in Let’s start with the most im- l the incentive to avoid a 20-
vividly yesterday, first with a morning guilty plea trouble. After he was convicted of federal portant. Ellis pleaded specifically year RICO conviction;
by lawyer Jenna Ellis before an Atlanta judge in the felonies and disbarred in 2019 — by the same to aiding and abetting a felony l his lack of funds to afford the
Georgia election interference criminal case. The Manhattan appellate court that disbarred Cohn committed by him! That kind of legal bills arising from a protracted
afternoon saw disbarred New York lawyer Michael two months before he died in 1986 — Cohen told plea will be very hard for Giuliani trial and the motions leading up to
Cohen, Trump’s one-time fixer, spilling the beans Congress about Trump’s false bookkeeping before to defend against. it;
before a Manhattan judge in state Attorney General Cohen reported to prison. Ellis, a former Trump campaign l any kind of leniency he can
Tish James’ civil case over Trump’s fake valuation of Manhattan District Attorney Cy Vance was lawyer, will be called to testify. obtain in exchange for his testimo-
his holdings. listening to Cohen’s testimony and started a crim- She’ll explain in detail how her ny against Trump.
Ellis’ plea, in the wide-ranging conspiracy indict- inal probe. In 2022, new DA Alvin Bragg wrongly criminal actions were in support of Ellis is not the only potential
ment against Trump et al brought by Fulton County dropped the prosecution, but Tish James picked it up Giuliani. co-conspirator with testimony to
District Attorney Fani Willis, was the third by a on the civil side. Her testimony will be credible give against Giuliani. On Oct. 19,
Trump lawyer in that case. Last week, Sidney Powell Trump has already been found guilty. The ongoing because lawyers don’t confess to Sidney Powell, his one-time Trump
switched sides and then so did Ken Chesebro. trial downtown will establish the size of his financial felonies unless the charges are true. “elite strike team” co-member,
Powell and Chesebro are also two of the six penalty. The four pending criminal cases (by Willis, Felony convictions can easily get pleaded guilty and agreed to testify
unnamed co-conspirators in Special Counsel Jack Smith and the document case by Smith and the them disbarred. against any of the defendants.
Smith’s federal indictment of Trump brought in hush-money payments by Bragg) could put Trump Because Ellis was Giuliani’s right Note that Ellis’s plea names
Washington. Ellis was evidently too small a fish for in prison. hand in the effort to overturn the another defendant along with Gi-
Smith. There’s another New York lawyer, whose law election, she will know where the uliani. It states that she also aided
A very big fish is Mark Meadows. He is no lawyer, license has been suspended by that same appellate bodies are buried. Her testimony and abetted Ray Stallings Smith in
but as Trump’s White House chief of staff was the court, Rudy Giuliani. He is Smith’s co-conspirator will be devastating. the crime. Smith, Trump’s one-time
top of the food chain during those nightmare years. No. 1 and also a target of Willis. It was U.S. Attorney She was with Giuliani at their Georgia attorney, also appeared
Meadows has cut his own deal with Smith to testify, Giuliani who helped bring down Cohn in 1986 by Dec. 3, 2020 appearance before with Giuliani and Ellis before Geor-
ABC News reported yesterday. Tellingly, Meadows forcing him to pay $7 million in taxes, interest and Georgia legislators, falsely claiming gia legislators on Dec. 3.
is not one of the half dozen co-conspirators and can penalties for nearly three decades of stiffing the IRS. that thousands of people had voted Seeing Ellis’s plea, he is likely to
provide a road map to Smith. Giuliani should save himself and rat out Trump. illegally. The pair asked those legis- be among the next co-defendants to
lators to lead an effort to revoke its admit guilt and agree to testify. If so,
certification of Biden’s election win he will have more testimony to give

Work gets flexible in the state.

Days before, on Nov. 30, she
appeared with Giuliani before the
against Giuliani.
From the start of Fulton County
District Attorney Fani Willis’ case,

obody likes to see hollowed-out office build- COVID pandemic experiment but by the years since, Arizona legislature, where she told Ellis’s plea was likely a central part
ings; New York needs the precious property is that working outside the office can be a great boost members: “You’re the last step to of Willis’ plan: Work her way from
tax revenue that comes with fuller occupancy, to morale in many contexts, and has even been linked make sure that this election is not the smaller fish to the Great White
and small businesses desperately need the to some productivity gains. But working in the office corrupted.” Shark, the conspiracy’s lead.
associated foot traffic. But an equally big is essential for facilitating effective communications, And sitting next to Giuliani at That’s not Rudy. But he was the
problem for the sound governance of the city is a hol- giving department heads a clear sense of what staffers a similar hearing in Pennsylvania remora, the fish that ride on sharks
lowed-out municipal workforce, one that’s unable to are up to, providing new hires a clear sense of compa- on Nov. 25, then-President Trump feeding off scraps they drop. And
attract or retain talent to do a range of critical jobs ny or agency culture, and more. spoke to the meeting via a call on because they keep so close, the

due in part to utterly inflexible policies that demand hat complex reality is leading many wise her cell phone! scavengers learn the ins and outs of
employees come in five days a week, no exceptions. workplaces to a happy medium of two-, She likely has testimony to give how the sharks operate.
After far too long denying the reality of what we three- or four-day-a-week hybrid work. So is against Trump, too. Indeed, per the Can you imagine the testimony
once called telework — refusing to give an inch, lest the fact that in a healthy job market where Georgia indictment, she was with that Giuliani would have to give
employees take a mile — Mayor Adams earlier this many would-be employees aren’t beggars but him in the Oval Office on Nov. 25 against Trump? No one was closer
year started to wake up, bending to allow hybrid choosers, rules that utterly forbid hybrid work put meeting with those legislators. to the kingpin than Giuliani, save
work schedules for some unionized employees in a employers at a structural disadvantage. As for Giuliani, the indictment perhaps for former White House
pilot program. The welcome awakening continued Surveying the landscape this month, Gallup con- states that the two placed multiple Chief of Staff Mark Meadows.
Monday, as Adams, citing the success of that trial, cluded that “approximately 40% of remote-capable calls to Bryan Cutler, speaker of the And Giuliani is bound to have
expanded the pilot to include about 16,500 non- employees have shifted from working entirely on-site Pennsylvania House of Represen- a lot to say about Meadows, as
unionized employees in higher-up roles. to either a hybrid or exclusively remote work arrange- tatives and Jake Corman, president well. Recall the Jan. 6 Committee
It makes good sense: If a manager’s entire team ment.” Nor is this likely to be a high-water mark: An pro tem of the Pennsylvania Senate, testimony of Cassidy Hutchinson,
is working from home on Mondays and Fridays, for August 2023 survey of 500 senior business executives in the Trump lawyers’ quest to enlist Meadows’ chief aide, that on Jan.
instance, it’s pure folly to demand that he or she sit revealed that the people calling the shots think that them in decertifying the legislature’s 2, Giuliani emerged from a meeting
alone in the office. Next, how about granting flexi- both hybrid and work-from-home arrangements will determination that President Biden with Meadows and told her, “We’re
bility to more than the small subset of union and continue to grow in the future. had won the state’s election. going to the Capitol on Jan. 6.”
non-union employees included in the pilot? Why not For a time in the immediate wake of the pandemic, Recall that she stood behind Gi- Immediately after, Meadows told
include all city workers with the obvious exception of it made sense for Adams and Gov. Hochul to demand uliani at the infamous November her, “It could get real bad.”
teachers, cops, firefighters and others who absolutely public workers return to their desks, as they tried to 2020 “meltdown” press confer- For now, Ellis is a small fish who
need to show up in person? lead by example to get flagging central business dis- ence where coloring of some kind has turned into a canary against
It’s easy to romanticize working from home as tricts humming again. streaked down from his sideburns. Giuliani. Her guilty plea and agree-
saving a frustrating, time-consuming commute and That time has passed; for a while now, it’s been Ellis will have testimony to ment to sing could end up putting
granting better work-life balance with no drawbacks. obvious that hybrid work is here to stay. Slowly but give about dozens and dozens of him and his former patron in a
It’s just as easy to pillory it as a sop to lazy employees surely, Adams and his commissioners are arriving at conversations, including those pre- cage.
who want nothing more than to knit in sweatpants. the right place. Now they must keep learning and paring for those calls and all those Aftergut, a former federal prosecu-
The more nuanced truth, proven not just by the adapting. appearances. She will tell of their tor, is of counsel to Lawyers Defend-
tactics to implement the scheme to ing American Democracy.
DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com Wednesday, October 25, 2023 21


Community-based child care should be welcomed

mom in the hospital ready to A child doesn’t need legal representa- we have the right to choose who will help
give birth has no one to keep her
BE OUR GUEST tion or court involvement in these sce- us in times of need. We have the right to
3-year-old child. A parent delays BY LAURA GALT narios. They need child care. They need be a great parent without people poking
elective surgery because they have a community to surround them with in our business and without the system
no one to watch their kids for the receive no payment or stipend for pro- support while their mom gives birth or telling us that we are not good enough!
recovery period. A mom of a 5-year-old viding this service. They are simply good while their dad has surgery. They need We have the right to be a parent!
needs a mental health break after her neighbors who want to support fellow connections to community members who l
parents passed away. A grandma raising NYC families. care. Community members who are vol- I hope that they see us as a person, as
3-year-old twins is hospitalized with A group of law firms that represent untarily giving their time and homes to a human being that loves their children
pneumonia and needs someone to take children have sued in Rensselaer Coun- other community members because they and if I have to go to the emergency room
care of the twins. A dad of six kids has ty, claiming that these regulations are don’t want children unnecessarily caught or take care of my health without the
one child that needs a bone marrow unnecessary based on the argument that up in the child welfare system. Administration for Children’s Services or
transplant and wants to be able to stay parents already have a viable option in Safe Families is an organization that is the system getting involved that would
some nights with his hospitalized child. New York: to voluntarily place their ready to recruit community members to be the best help I can get!
These parents have nowhere to turn. children in foster care. The law firms are provide free overnight child care for fam- l
They don’t have family or friends to call advocating that children need legal rep- ilies with no other options. This lawsuit, So they are saying we can’t get help
for help. They don’t have the resources resentation and oversight from the courts which has a hearing today, is blocking without the system getting involved? Do
to pay for overnight child care. What simply because their families do not have our ability to provide such resources to they know how hard your life would be
should these parents do? viable child care options. families. The scenarios at the beginning when the system gets involved?
New York’s state Office of Children I challenge the law firms to find even are not hypothetical. They are all calls We continue to receive calls from par-
and Family Services has passed regu- one child who would prefer foster care that Safe Families NYC has received over ents requesting hosting. New York, what
lations that provide a free communi- over staying in a community member’s the last year. Hear directly from parents are we supposed to tell these parents?
ty-based response for these parents. It is home. A home the parent has chosen who have requested hosting from Safe To voluntarily place their child in foster
called “hosting.” where their parent can visit them at Families NYC: care? No one would inflict that harm on
Hosting allows thoroughly vetted any time. A home where their parent l a child. And aside from these hosting
community members to voluntarily pro- can pick them up at any time. Find one So they are saying I am a bad parent if regulations, there are no other options.
vide short term child care in their home child that would rather talk to a lawyer I am going through something in my life? New York, help us bring community
for parents who have no other options. than have their parent make a child care l resources to families. We hope you’ll join
These community members and their decision on their behalf. A parent who This is discriminating against the us in the mission to surround families
homes are highly screened to ensure that makes all decisions on their behalf be- rights of parents in New York City. We with community support.
hosted children are safe and well cared cause they love them and know what’s have the right to choose to help our- Galt is the NYC director of Safe Families
for. The volunteer community members best for them. selves, we have the right to fix our lives, for Children.
22 Wednesday, October 25, 2023 DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com

Email to [email protected] or post your letter to

Voice of the People, Daily News, PO Box 7180, New York, NY 10008.
Please include full name, address and daytime phone number.
The Daily News reserves the right to edit letters.

Don’t like rules? You better get used to them.

aint James, L.I.: To Voicer Maxim Veksler: You stated you are
a high school student who has been denied freedom, the very
embodiment of this country. You cited as examples of this denial
of freedom the inability to leave school grounds at your pleasure,
inability to leave the cafeteria or a classroom at your pleasure and
being told by staff what you can and can’t do.
You should be thankful you live in a country that offers free public
education from kindergarten through college. Secondly, you are not
being denied your American right of “freedom,” you are simply being
asked to follow basic rules implemented to assist in the education and
safety of you and your fellow classmates.
Adulthood is just around the corner and your freedom will be
impacted to a degree you can’t even imagine. Your employer will have
rules. When you get paid, the government will reduce your wages
with taxes (more rules). You will have to pay rent to have a roof over
your head (more rules). You will have to pay for whatever mode of
transportation you use (more rules). If you decide to marry or have a
significant partner, I assure you there will be many infringements on
your freedom.
Start following the rules of society at your young age, because they
will always exist and will increase exponentially as you grow older. If
you find a world where you can do whatever you wish whenever you
wish with no negative repercussions, please give me a call because I’d
like to live there, too! Carmine E. Esposito


Big block pointing out counterproductive the United States, New York is #6 belongs up there. Honorable moped on the sidewalk.
Manhattan: What the heck did obfuscations by elite officials. the prime target of terrorism. mention to #52, CC Sabathia, John Francis Fox
Leonard “Samurai Jack” Williams Secretary of State Tony Blinken We are most vulnerable because which should be retired as well.
have for his Sunday breakfast? remarked that, despite Israel’s of incompetent leadership. It Todd Schuster Staying put
Susan A. Stark right to defend itself, “it’s is inconceivable that in these Oakland Gardens: To Voicer
important that operations be times, Mayor Adams has invited Sure to snarl Isabelle Mele: As two senior
Fire-starters conducted in accordance with undocumented immigrants, Manhattan: What will happen citizens, we love New York. Both
Brooklyn: How many more international law, humanitarian most who are not vetted, into the to traffic if the East Side casino of us were born here and have
times do we need to pick up the law, the law of war as applicable, city, and has reduced the police and affordable housing are done no intention of leaving! We are
paper and see another problem and that everything has to be department’s anti-terrorism together, as suggested by the optimistic and believe that it’s
caused by e-bikes? Last week, a done to minimize loss of civilian unit drastically. The mass pro- Soloviev Group, in order to make better to light one candle than
fire started because of an e-bike’s life.” I could not agree more. But Palestine demonstrations that are “Freedom Plaza” a reality? It curse the darkness. At present,
lithium battery as the bike was what reality are we subscribing to taking place is a strong indication would likely lead to total chaos, New York City is declining
resting against a wall. Five people when Gaza City is being flattened that we have allowed the wrong I believe. Along 38th St. to 41st because of poor leadership, but
were injured, three critically. with indiscriminate bombing of people into America. St. near the East River is the First rather than whine and complain,
This past weekend, there was densely populated residential Nicholas Maffei Ave. bus, which draws lots of we speak to our representatives
another fire in a warehouse sectors? When the United people. When the United Nations in government, write letters to
holding around 300 e-bikes. Just Nations, Human Rights Watch, Untruthful track record building has a special visit, like newspapers and take voting
add these two incidents to the Amnesty International and high- Bronx: To Voicer Arthur Bressler: the president of the United States, seriously when choosing
list going back to 2022, when profile commentators in Haaretz Citing what the United States those buses can’t get through, candidates who will act in the
there were nine deadly crashes are pointing out the illegality government says is not proof. It and that usually lasts a week. best interests of the city and state.
involving e-bikes. So far in 2023, of such collective punishment, is far from it, considering this is Hopefully, they’ll understand this For years, we’ve been voting a
that number is in the double how is the rest of the world the government that said Saddam and find another way. straight Conservative Party line
digits. Now throw in all the fires supposed to align with Blinken’s Hussein had weapons of mass Alan D. Lehrer because this party, formed in
caused by these bikes while they nonsensical proposal? destruction and that a ship was 1962, truly represents our values.
are idle. What more evidence do Ravi Katari bombed in the Gulf of Tonkin, Safety concerns We suggest you do your civic
our politicians need to see that among many other lies used Sunnyside: It was a huge duty and look into this party’s
the “e” in e-bike should stand for Military might to justify our attacking other mistake for Marissa Miller to platform.
“eliminate.” John De Angelo Kew Gardens Hills: If Israel was nations. Richie Nagan say that “we did not want a Thomas and Constance Dowd
really interested in the genocide lot of police presence” at this
Blood relations of the Palestinians, as the pro- Ready to retire year’s Trans Visibility March Falling dominoes
Rural Retreat, Va.: I got my DNA Hamas demonstrators allege, this New Windsor, N.Y.: While (“‘Reclaiming our time,’ ” Oct. San Francisco: Eventually, a
results and shared them with my war would have been over in 10 #13 should never be retired for 21). Doesn’t Miller realize that house of cards will always fall, be
family. My little brother responds, minutes. Barry Koppel A-Roid, there should be a second the greater number of police it from a slight breeze or a tremor.
“Same as mine,” to which I #6 to be retired in Monument officers you have makes life With the guilty pleas of Sidney
replied, “I would hope so.” My Domestic front Park along with four-time World safer for everyone, whether they Powell, Kenneth Chesebro
sisters chimed in with laughing Yonkers: President Biden has Series champion manager Joe are transgender or cis-gender? and Jenna Ellis, we have seen a
emojis. Kathleen Cobbs made it easy for acts of terrorism Torre, and that’s Roy White. One That’s especially true today since major gale-force wind strike the
to be committed in America. of the most underrated to ever a percentage of police officers Georgia RICO case against the
Both sides of his mouth It is that terrorists have taken put on the pinstripes, Roy was are either gay or transgender, Covfefe Kid, et al. Hopefully,
Brooklyn: It goes without advantage of his open borders not only a terrific player, but he and some are both. The most these plea deals will spur an
saying that the Oct. 7 massacre and are now in our midst. Biden’s conducted himself with class ironic part of her statement is avalanche as the rats scurry to get
of Israeli civilians by Hamas obstruction of America’s oil and professionalism. He also that it was printed on the same off the sinking ship. The question
terrorists was a deplorable and supply has enriched the Iranian played on two championship day as a story about an elderly now is: With the plea-deal train
savage crime. Nevertheless, it oil trade significantly, allowing the teams in 1977 and 1978. There man attacked by a moped rider leaving the station, who will be
remains important to underscore mullahs to finance these horrific are several numbers that should who hurt him severely when the left holding an expired ticket?
good-faith arguments while attacks. Unfortunately, here in probably not be retired, but Roy’s man asked him to stop riding his Let’s go RICO! Jimmy Layton
DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com Wednesday, October 25, 2023 23


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24 Wednesday, October 25, 2023 DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com

Taking a different tone An employee at the

Grevin Museum in
Paris on Tuesday
adjusts the skin tone

on The Rock’s wax figure

on the wax figure of
Dwayne “The Rock”
Johnson, after the
actor complained
about its pale skin

BY EVAN ROSEN reaching out to the museum to update the skin color. the museum later shared a statement with Deadline,
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS He also shared a video of comedian James Andre Jef- promising to make corrections to the figure itself.
ferson Jr. poking fun at the figure, with the comic saying “Dwayne Johnson is right, and we noticed it and
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s wax figure at the The that the museum artists made The Rock look like a will obviously remedy it as quickly as possible and
Grevin Museum in Paris is receiving an update, after a “pebble,” David Beckham, a part of the royal family send him new photos once completed,” said a museum
wave of online criticism and pressure from the movie star or an H&R Block employee. spokesman.
himself to fix the sculpture’s skin tone. “For the record, I’m going to have my team reach The wax figure was first unveiled in Paris on Oct. 16
The museum says it has remedied the issue, which out to our friends at Grevin Museum, in Paris France and the museum announced that artist Stéphane Barret
some had considered to be a “whitewashing” of the ac- so we can work at ‘updating’ my wax figure here with relied solely on photos and videos to depict the “Black
tor’s heritage, BBC News reported. some important details and improvements — starting Adam” star.
Johnson, who was born to a black Nova Scotian father with my skin color,” Johnson captioned the video. The process was described as “painstaking,” with Bar-

and Samoan mother, posted Monday on Instagram, ad- Museum director Yves Delhommeau originally ret redoing the model’s eyes three times, according to a
dressing the controversy and sharing that his team was blamed the skin tone mishap on a “lighting issue,” but press release.

Road-rage punch death of man, 66, in DEATH NOTICES 212-210-2111

The New York Daily News extends condolences to
the families and loved ones of those who have passed.

Queens was not hate crime, say police In Memoriam

Clemente, Dolores A.
BY ELIZABETH KEOGH the deadly assault, police said.
AND ROCCO PARASCANDOLA A City Hall spokesperson deferred comment to the 10/25/22 - 1st
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS NYPD, noting the mayor’s office was not privy to any in- Anniversary In
formation regarding Singh’s death beyond what the police Heaven. You are
department shared with them. loved & missed
The 66-year-old Sikh man killed in a Queens road-rage Singh’s family previously arranged a meeting with Adams everyday. The
incident was not the victim of a hate crime, police said Tuesday. on Monday evening in which they planned to push for hate beautiful memories
Jasmer Singh died a day after he rear-ended Gilbert Augus- crime charges against Augustin, who was charged with man- you shared with all
tin’s Ford Mustang on the Van Wyck Expressway near Hillside slaughter and assault, among other lesser charges. The meet- of us, keeps you
Ave. in Kew Gardens on Thursday afternoon, according to ing didn’t happen since Singh’s widow wasn’t feeling well, close in our hearts.
cops. according to his son, who goes by Mr. Multani. Knowing your are
Both Augustin’s car and Singh’s blue Toyota He insists the incident was a hate crime.
reunited with Dad
had dents and scratches, but no one was injured “The intensity of the attack and the circum-
- Dominick Jr, & are
in the crash. stances, it is a hate crime,” he told the Daily News
After an argument, Augustin, 30, repeatedly on Tuesday.
watching over us all
punched Singh in the face. The older man fell to “She was right there in the car. She was the as our Guardian Angels. We Love & Miss
the ground, suffering a brain injury as his head witness,” Multani said of his mother. “(Augustin) you All. Michael (Serina), Bobby (Diane)
hit the pavement. commented on his turban. She’s not fluent in En- - Grandchildren Samantha (Chris & baby
Medics rushed Singh to Jamaica Hospital glish, but she heard the word turban.” CJ) Bobby (Alexis), Michael, & Gianna
Medical Center in critical condition, but he could Also calling for hate crime charges is the New
not be saved.
“100% not a hate crime,” Chief of Detectives
York chapter of the Council on American-Islamic
Quarto, Lenny
Joseph Kenny said at a news briefing, adding that “We urge law enforcement authorities to thor- Happy Anniversary in Heaven,
Augustin “never indicated that the assault stemmed from the oughly investigate whether there was a bias motive for this Your life was a blessing, your memory
nationality or race.” horrific crime and to bring appropriate charges based on the
a treasure, u r loved beyond words and
On Sunday, Mayor Adams condemned the “hatred that took results of that investigation,” CAIR-NY Executive Director
this innocent life” on social media and noted his team would Afaf Nasher said Tuesday. “We extend our deepest condo-
missed beyond measure. Love always,
be meeting with the Sikh community in light of Singh’s death. lences to the Singh family and the Sikh community of New your children, grandchildren n great
The NYPD’s Hate Crime Task Force was never investigating York City.” grandchildren.
DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com Wednesday, October 25, 2023 25

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26 Wednesday, October 25, 2023 DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com

Hig 7 ° i °
r .

8/55 o
For Wednesday, October 25
5 Flexibility is the name of the game. The sensitive Moon contradicts perfectionist Venus, pushing
us to put on a brave face to keep the peace. We’re strengthened as the Moon sextiles changeable
Uranus, improving our ability to adapt to any circumstances. Finally, the Moon conjoins dreamy
Neptune, heightening our intuitions. We should pay attention to the spiritual and imaginative
sides of our souls — these will allow us to stay safe in any storm.
V Index Today
Almanac Yesterday ARIES LIBRA
Statistics for New York City through 2 3 2
0 1 0 MARCH 21-APRIL 19 SEPT. 23-OCT. 22
7 p.m. yesterday Today is meant for sleeping You might be struggling to
8 am 10 am Noon 2 pm 4 pm 6 pm
Temperature AccuWeather.com UV Index™ in. You might be feeling under interpret the signals someone
Higgh//Low.......................... 64°//47° 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 the weather, which can get else is sending you, while they
Normal high/low .............. 62°/49° Very High; 11+ Extreme. in the way of plans. Don’t feel feel like you’re purposefully
Record higgh.................. 79° in 2001 as if you have to push through the pain. Set misunderstanding them. Coming to a satisfying
Record low ................... 31° in 1969 Marine Forecast aside temporary joy in favor of healthy healing. conclusion won’t be a simple process. Be honest
Take this time to rest and rejuvenate in order to about what you feel, and the other person will
Precipitation New York Harbor: Wind SW 6-12 prepare for activities ahead. likely reciprocate it.
mph today. Seas 2 feet or less.
ach 24 hrs througgh 7 p.m. yest. .. 0.00” Visibility clear.
Air Quality Coney Island: Wind SSW 7-14 mph TAURUS SCORPIO
The presence of man-made pollutants APRIL 20-MAY 20 OCT. 23-NOV. 21
today. Seas 2-4 feet. Visibility clear
affecting aspects of human health. Optimism isn’t always the You’ve got ample opportunity
lantic City y to the horizon.
71/56 Todayy’s forecast ............ Moderate right path. Sometimes you’re to show off your innovative
Yesterday ..................... Moderate Sandy Hook: Wind SSW 10-20 going through something skills. You’re equipped to think
ay Forecasts and mph today. Seas 2-4 feet. Visibility difficult, and it’s healthy to acknowledge those outside of the box, but it’s
graphics provided Source: NYDC
“S/G” denotes Sensitive Groups clear to the horizon. hardships and recognize that they won’t last also a time where you could be experiencing
by AccuWeather, forever. This burden shouldn’t fall entirely on excessive peer pressure. Lean into your own
Inc. ©2023 Montauk: Wind SW 10-20 mph
Moon Phases today. Seas 2-4 feet. Visibility clear
your shoulders. Reach out to loved ones in order ideas and trust that others will recognize your
Sun and Moon Full Last New Fiirst to give yourself that extra support. creativity during this time.
to the horizon.
Rise Set
Sun 7:18 a.m. 6:02 p.m.
Moon 4:35 p.m. 3:12 a.m. Octt 28 Nov 5 Nov 13 Nov 20 GEMINI SAGITTARIUS
MAY 21-JUNE 20 NOV. 22-DEC. 21
Loved ones may not Your maturity could be
understand what you’re going elevating you to new places
through inside. You potentially throughout the day. It might
don’t want to burden the be anxiety-inducing to receive
people around you with what you’re feeling, heavier responsibilities, perhaps because you’re
or you may believe your opinion would wound unsure of yourself, but consider taking on the
someone that you love. It’s up to you whether to challenge anyway. You will never grow if you
disclose or to conceal — follow your intuition. never try anything new.

JUNE 21-JULY 22 DEC. 22-JAN. 19
Others may not totally You’re committed to growth,
understand your dreams, but but that commitment is about
you are still capable of gaining to be tested. Some people
their support. It can be stress- aren’t able to follow you. If
ful to try and explain yourself, they exude negativity or try to
and it may not be received well. It’s grind time. drag you back into bad habits, you have to be
Recenter yourself around your goals and prove strong and push forward. Don’t be unkind, but
yourself to others through results. make an effort to keep moving.

JULY 23-AUG. 22 JAN. 20-FEB. 18
Supporting roles aren’t usually Some people are currently not
your thing, but today is an meant to stay, and that’s okay.
exception. That being said, Instead of hurting yourself and
it’s understandable if you’re them by refusing to let go, do
a little hesitant to take time your best to move on. This kind
away from your own pursuits. If you were down of separation could be painful, but try taking
on your luck, others would likely be there to give a step back and allowing the relationship to
you a hand as well. organically fade away. It is for the best.

AUG. 23-SEPT. 22 FEB. 19-MARCH 20
You might not want to let It might come as a shock to
the other person know what you to see that someone you
you’re thinking. Perhaps you’re care about isn’t working as a
keeping a surprise from the team on your connection. They
other person, or you could might be taking you for granted, which would
be containing a secret that would hurt them. be a topic that needs discussion. Don’t be afraid
Reflect on your intentions towards this person to ask for what you need emotionally, and those
and know that you can control the outcome. Try who are truly meant to be in your life will show
to keep your actions above board. up for your support.
DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com Wednesday, October 25, 2023 27


An extra array of word games, search and other tests to help you pass the time at home
by Jacqueline E. Mathews

ACROSS 36 Oxford, for one

1 “__ for All Seasons”; Oscar- 37 “The Man Who __ Too Much”;
winning film James Stewart movie
5 Series for Catherine Bell 38 “Little House on the Prairie” role
8 Easy stride 40 Book spine info
9 Em and Bee 41 “The Suze __ Show”
12 Had supper 42 Arthur of tennis
13 Ferrer of “NCIS: Los Angeles” 43 “Bill __ the Science Guy”
14 Heartburn cause 44 “__ dead people”; Cole’s line in
15 Hanks and Selleck “The Sixth Sense”
16 “The __ Adventures of Old
Christine” DOWN
18 Next month: abbr. 1 Waitress at Mel’s Diner
19 “__ Improvement” 2 “Wisdom of the Crowd” actress
20 New thought 3 Ridiculed
21 Sherman Hemsley sitcom 4 “__ and Stacey”
23 Pitfalls 5 __ Pressly of “Mom”
24 Small horse
25 Gentile of “The Goldbergs”
Summer months: abbr.
26 Carrie Underwood and Jordin 10 “__ Valley”; Kyra Sedgwick
Sparks series
28 Howard and Perlman 11 “The Big __”; film for Bogart and Level 1 2 3 4
29 “__ Plus 8” Bacall
30 “Eyes Wide __”; Tom Cruise film 12 “American __!” Complete the grid so each row, column
32 “__ Big Girl Now” 13 June, to the Beaver and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains
35 Suffix for differ or exist 15 Actor Danza every digit from 1 to 9. For strategies
17 “How the West __ Won” on solving Sudoku, visit sudoku.org.uk.
19 Egg producers
20 “__ Man”; Robert Downey Jr. film
22 “The __”; Anderson Cooper
adventure game show
23 Horse’s gait
25 “__ Grit”; Jeff Bridges movie
26 Storekeeper on “The Waltons”
27 “Book ’em, __”
30 Glow
31 Garden implement
33 Free-for-all
34 Sense of wonderment
36 Kill
37 “__ the Girls”; film for Morgan
Freeman and Ashley Judd
39 File drawer, perhaps
(c) 2017 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
All Rights Reserved. 40 Skater Babilonia

NSTRUCTIONS:: Find as maanyy wo ords as you u can by linkkingg
B U P H letters up
p, do
own, sidde-to-side
e and
d diagoonally,, wrritiing
g words
on a blankk she
eet of papeer. You
u may only use each lettter box © 2020 The Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. All rights reserved. 1/29/20
once withhin a sing
gle word. Play wiith a friend and d com mpare
G O K E word findds, cro
ng out com mmon words.

3 letters = 1 poiint 151+ + = Champ p
4 letters = 2 points 1011-150 = Expert
By David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek 5 letters = 3 points 61 - 100 = Pro
6 lettters = 4 points 31 - 60 = Game er
7 letters = 6 points 21 - 30 = Rookie
8 letters = 10 points 11 - 20 = Amateur
9+ letters = 15 points 0 - 10 = Try again

Boggle BrainBusters Bonus


We put special brain-busting words into the grid

of letters. Can you find them?


the grid of letters.

BOGGLE is a trademark of Hasbro, Inc. 7-28-21
2021 Hasbro, Inc. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency. All Rights Reserved.
Answers to Tuesday’s Boggle BrainBusters:


www..bogglebrainbusters.com SPAIN ITALY POLAND FRANCE
28 Wednesday, October 25, 2023 DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com
Mother Goose & Grimm is on vacation.
Pooch Cafe
Hagar the Horrible

© 2023 Dist. by Andrews McMeel

for UFS Previous Puzzle
How to Play
Each row must contain the
numbers 1 to 9; each column
must contain the numbers 1
to 9; and each set of 3 by 3
boxes must contain the
numbers 1 to 9.
Red & Rover

The Argyle Sweater

One Big Happy

Between the Lines

Jump Start
DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com Wednesday, October 25, 2023 29
Today’s Crossword
Gasoline Alley

ACROSS 3 Summit 34 Film spool

1 Regrettably 4 Timesaving way 35 “Citizen —”
5 Ranked to go 38 Gangster’s gun

10 Soft drink 5 “Yay, team!” 39 Anonymous

14 Rolling in dough 6 In the 41 New dad’s
15 Dress in finery neighborhood of handout
16 — Khayyam 7 Reliance 43 Stonestreet of
17 Gunner’s need 8 Relaxation “Modern Family”
18 Overnight visitor 9 Henna is one 44 Tribal emblems
20 Oktoberfest drinks 10 Woos 45 Dwindles,
22 Employ 11 Last Greek letter with “out”
23 Pressures 12 Beam of light 46 Stolen goods
24 Besmirch 13 Liberal — dealer
26 Musical instrument 19 Culpability 47 Kind of gun
27 Repeal a law 21 Take a cruise 48 Roof parts
30 Know-it- — 25 Hospital workers 49 Outback country
31 Otherworldly 26 Snaky move 50 “Whatever
32 Sign over a door 27 Politician — Perot — Wants”
Grand Avenue

33 Clumsy vessel 28 Repeat 52 Nurse in the East

36 Attempt 29 Barge 53 Puccini heroine
37 Bird that wades 30 Body spray brand 54 Make ready
39 Jumping insect 32 Energy unit 56 Upper limit
40 Farm animal 33 Thomas — Edison 57 GPS info
41 Rocky outcrop

10/25 © 2023 UFS/Dist. by Andrews McMeel for UFS

44 Color
45 Cotton fabric
46 Former tadpoles
48 Not of this world
49 — — hasty retreat
50 Back muscle,
for short
51 Gripping device
55 Clandestine
Pearls Before Swine

58 African ruler
59 Con job
60 Wide-awake
61 “It’s the — old
62 That girl’s
63 Fashionable no
64 Spacecraft

1 Graceful horse
2 Rickey ingredient

JUMBLE by David L. Hoyt & Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter
to each square to form four ordinary words.

Now arrange the circled letters

to form the surprise answer as
suggested by the cartoon.



CARTOON — The women who committed to losing weight by walking were making — GREAT STRIDES
30 Wednesday, October 25, 2023 DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com

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Define the user experience, inter- to Support all internal portfolio Google Project Sunroof & decar- Software Development Engineer York, New York 10036, of its plan to #4082; Nicole Arias-Sanchez #4119;
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user flows, information architec- teams, and all distribution chan- BI, Excel, & R Language. Negoti- details/200510711) Design and de- The Agency is closing its affairs. Any #4408. Donald Bader, DCA #865815
ture, sketches and wireframes, nels across the platform, with ate key contractual terms and con- velop high performance software creditor should present its claim & Patrick Williams, DCA #1377072,
and visual design. Some positions insurance regulatory, accounting ditions of energy supply contracts for e-commerce systems. $138,900 - for payment against the Agency by Auctioneers as Agents. Lienor re-
may allow for telecommuting. and liability expertise with a view and agreements with commodity $208,300/yr. May be eligible for disc serves the right to refuse or accept
suppliers. Sal range $96,346-$96,346. bonus/comm/shareholder opp and
January 1, 2024 either by mail or in
Some positions may require to helping them position or design any bid. All bidders must register
travel. To apply, email resume to: investment management products Resumes to [email protected]. other benefits. Learn more about person to 150 East 52nd Street, New with newyorkstorageauctions.com.
[email protected]. Must and services in a way that is Apple benefits: York, New York 10022. 10/24/23 7518727
reference requisition number. appropriate for insurers. (ref. https://www.apple.com/jobs/us/
EOE. code(s) R232759: $135000 - $140000). ITI, Inc., a wholly-owned subsid- benefits.html. Apple is an EOE/AA
Vice President, Application iary of Intra-Cellular Therapies, m/f/disability/vets. To Satisfy A Storage Lien, D.
Alstom Transport USA Inc. Engineer, Senior Engineer II Inc. (New York, NY) seeks Strauss Auctioneers & Appraisers Storage Post will sell at Public
seeks Communications Engineer to Participate in the complete Associate Director, Statistical Pro- Trader – New York, NY. LLC. Auctioneers will sell Auction under New York Lien law
(Multiple Positions) in Long software development lifecycle gramming to provide statistical Telecommuting permitted up under N.Y. State Law On Wed., online via newyorkstorageauctions.
Isl City, NY. Diagnose & reslve (SDLC), including the inception programming support including to 20% of the week. Structure, November 8th, 2023 at 10:00 A.M. com for cash only on November
netwk prblms. Rvw & eval reqsts of projects, requirements gather- technical guidance of statistical price, & manage equity exotic (any items not sold during the 9, 2023 at 1:00PM and on such
from enginrs, mgrs & technicians ing, architecture, development, programming to clinical project risk spanning retail structured above mentioned date will be succeeding days and times as
for netwk & sys modifcat'ns. deployment, and maintenance of teams as well as managing products, light exotic derivatives, sold continuously thereafter with may be necessary at 30-28 Starr
Travel to var loc's thruout US applications. Three (3) days in CROs, and implement quality & equity-linked hybrids within auction dates depending upon our Ave, Long Island City, NY 11101,
reqd up to 30%. Telecommtg office and two (2) days remote control process. Reqs Master's a client-focused trading team. discretion) For Maya Properties the property described as cartons,
may be permitted up to 40% of per week. (ref. code(s) R232630: degree or foreign equivalent in Sal. range: $285,000 - $285,000 per LLC d/b/a Moishe’s Self Storage, furniture, office furnishings &
time, dep on biz need. $139,859- $192500 - $210000). Statistics, Biostatistics, Computer year. For reqs & to apply, visit 840 East 134th St., Bronx, NY 10454 supplies, household goods and
$153,844.90. CONTACT: visit Vice President, Relationship Man- Science or closely related field plus https://careers.jpmorgan.com & Property Described As Household/ other effects belonging to: Sanja
jobsearch.alstom.com & search ager - Client Service to work with 2 yrs of exp in pharmaceutical apply to job #:210459597. EOE, Business Records Of: Trent Brown Kabalin #002434, Joann A. De
keyword 434499. client businesses and key partners clinical trials. 2 yrs of exp must AAE, M/F/D/V. JPMorgan Chase 2330, Jirlis Duran 2416, Jose Los Rios #007633, Samuel Kim
groups across BlackRock to enable include: Statistical programming & Co. All rights reserved. www. Felipe 3429, Shanea Sylvester C/O Axiom Construction Corp
sales productivity and deeper support for studies in early and/ jpmorganchase.com. 3451, Delbert Garnett 3455, Steven #006043, Cesar Carrion #007629,
Associate for Analysis Group, Inc.
in (New York, NY) to conduct client relationships via strategic or late-stage clinical development, Ettinger/Billet Feit & Preis CPA Lionel Thomas #04B352, Bryan
empirical research in economics sales process enhancements and including analyzing data Writing PC 4325/4326, Joseph Soto 4417, J. Vargas Alexander #006063,
analytics. (ref. code(s) R232661: SAS programs to create data sets, Darien Jackson/G Lounge 4622, Ryan P. Preston #05B230, Chris
and finance, with specific focus ar-
eas such as price theory, financial
modeling, industrial organiza-
$170000 - $200000).
Associate, GAAPS Alts Finance
Team to Prepare financial
tables, figures, and listings report-
ing results of clinical trials; SAS
language, procedures, and options
Merchandise Michael Taylor 6353, Tiffany Atiles
BN49, Nicholas, Lobaccaro D5063,
Patrick Yussuf 6335. Cash Only
Titsworth #04B269, Jocelyn Estrella
C. Connolly #006216, Maia A.
tion, labor and health economics, Marinelli #003114, Ejil Patanao
reporting, including SEC filings commonly used in clinical trial Sale. Must Bring Your Own Locks. #002069, Kira S. Young #001060,
accounting and econometrics.
Requires: Master's degree in and related disclosures, as well
as management reporting. (ref.
reporting including the Macro
language; CDISC SDTM and
Stuff Wanted Please Note: All auction par-
ticipants at Maya Properties LLC
Etienne Ramos Esteban #05b112.
economics, finance, business or a Donald Bader & Patrick Williams,
code(s) R232833: $137500 - $142500). AdaM models and transforming BUYING BASEBALL CARDS d/b/a Moishe's Self Storage must
related quantitative field (willing $$$ Also All sports Cards Certf'd
Auctioneers as Agents. Lienor re-
to accept foreign education equiva- Vice President, Portfolio Manage- raw data into these standards; adhere to our COVID-19 protocols, serves the right to refuse or accept
ment - BlackRock Obsidian Fund Experience working with safety Memorabilia & Graded Cards, which mirror the New York State/
lent) plus two years of experience Prefer Pre-1980, paying top dollar; any bid. All bidders must register
in a related occupation using to Perform portfolio management data such as generating safety CDC guidelines, upon entering the with newyorkstorageauctions.com.
tasks including raising orders, tables for adverse experiences, small or lrg collections. Call Henry
advanced research and analysis warehouse. Auctioneer As Agent 10/25/23 7519364
methodologies or, alternatively, handling cash flows, and monitor- along with ECG and various DCA No #0863566.
a Ph.D/ABD degree in econom- ing positions, performance, and lab data, commonly used in the 10/25 & 11/1/23 7513412
ics, finance, business or a related risk. (ref. code(s) R232870: $184000 pharmaceutical industry. Position
quantitative field (willing to accept - $205000). reqs 10% domestic & international Notice is hereby given a license,
foreign education equivalent) and Associate, Core Portfolio Manage- travel. Salary: $140,000 - $175,000/ number 1371815 for on-premises Notice is hereby given a license,
one year of experience in teaching/ ment to Manage Multi-Asset port- yr. Send Resume: ATTN: Hannah beer, wine, cider and liquor has ID: NA-0340-23-142554 for on-prem-
research. Specific skills/other folios for a wide array of portfolio Ameen, [email protected], or been applied for by the undersigned ises beer, wine, cider and liquor has
requirements - Demonstrated Ex- management responsibilities. (ref. 430 East 29th Street, Suite 900, New to sell beer, wine, cider and liquor been applied for by the undersigned
pertise: (i) applying quantitative code(s) R232845: $131500 - $147500). York, NY 10016. No calls. EEO/AA at retail in a restaurant in a food to sell beer, wine, cider and liquor
methods in economic and financial Associate, Investment Strategy & employer. hall under the Alcoholic Beverage at retail in a restaurant under the
research analysis, (ii) performing Research to Coordinate, prepare, Control Law at 230 Park Avenue, Alcoholic Beverage Control Law
qualitative economic and financial and conduct operational due Ground Floor, Stall 10, New at 170 Broadway, 3rd Floor, New
research analysis, and (iii) utiliz- diligence reviews on existing and Lead Full Stack Developer sought York, NY 10169 for on-premises York, NY 10038 for on premises
ing statistical software such as potential hedge fund investments. by Enerknol Inc in NY, NY. Srv consumption. consumption.
SAS, STATA, SPSS, or R. May gain 5% travel required at various do- as full stack tech lead on dev side JV US HF Vanderbilt 2 LLC Highate Hotels, L.P.
experience in a graduate program. mestic and international locations. & liaison b/w tech & biz ops; lead
Multiple positions available. Sal- (ref. code(s) R232842: $120000 - team of dvlprs; collect & prcs
ary: $180,000.00 - $222,500.00/year. $137500). energy data. Req Masters in Comp

Health Care
Submit resume to Analysis Group, Associate, Market Risk Manage- Sci + 4 yrs exp in job offd, Sftwr
Inc., Juliet Cofie, 111 Huntington ment to Manage risk of portfolios Dvlpr or Sftwr Eng in dsgng &
Avenue 14th Floor, Boston, Mas- within BlackRock's Separately dev web & cloud bsd apps w/web
sachusetts 02199. Managed Accounts (SMA) busi- & WSGI srvrs (Apache, Nginx,
ness. (ref. code(s) R232847: $147500 Gunicorn, uWSGI); using web
- $156500). frmwrks (Flask, Django, Express,
Associate, Portfolio Manage- Spring, FormSpider); using prgmg
ment to Assist in the execution of lang (Python, PHP, Java, PL/SQL,
financial analytical efforts across C, C++); using databs (MySQL,
RENTING? recurring and ad-hoc client en-
gagements. (ref. code(s) R232835:
$132500 - $140000).
MongoDB, ElasticSearch); using
Javascript; using web dev tools
(ELK Stack, Docker, Kubernetes);

SELLING? Vice President, Technology Imple-

mentation to Serve as a subject
matter expert on PEARS to
using sys admin pltfrms (Linux,
AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Digital
Ocean); prdcing tech doc; &
support key business drivers and indxing docs for databs srch-
processes. 20% travel to various ability. Salary $169,229. Send CV to
domestic locations required. (ref. [email protected]
code(s) R232877: $170000 - $185000).
For full information &
to apply online, visit us Product Manager (Job ID#:
at the following website PM0911) sought by Finco Services
https://careers.blackrock.com/ & INC (DBA: Current) in NY, NY,
search by ref. code(s) above. offer: $116,917~$175,000/yr: Lead
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Rooms for Rent
products; Collaborate w/ dsgnrs, St. Albans, Queens - Beautiful fur-
engineers, & data analysts; nished room. $1100/mo, 1 mo rent
Drive product dvlpmt by defining +1 mo sec. Mature male pref.
BlackRock Institutional roadmap epics, spacing feature Owner 917-560-2296
Services, Inc. has the follow- stories, & overseeing implmtn &
ing positions in New York, NY.
Associate, Applied Analytics
to serve as a technical expert
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client portfolio diagnostics, as
launch of product features; Run
simultaneous experiments across
various parts; Closely measure
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ness Mgmt, IT, Mgmt Info Systems
well as analyzing data to drive
thought leadership insights, while
being versed in the BlackRock
product suite. (ref. code(s)
R232778: $130000 - $137500).
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prevention technology firm/en-
vrmt; Proficient in SQL & Python;
Pets To place an ad, go to
For full information & to apply
online, visit us at the following
Telecommuting is acceptable w/
in U.S. This position does not offer
To place an
To place an ad, call ad call
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sponsorship. Mail CV w/ Job ID#:
PM0911 to Emily, 45 W 18th St, 7th Placeanad.NYDailyNews.com
212-210-2111 above. Fl, NY, NY 10011. 212-210-2111
DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com Wednesday, October 25, 2023 31
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Freire, and in accordance with its rights as holder of the UNDER A CERTAIN PROPRIETARY LEASE (THE UNDER A CERTAIN PROPRIETARY LEASE (THE
security, CitiMortgage, Inc., by Matthew D. Mannion Licensed “LEASE”) BY AND BETWEEN ASHOK NIHALANI “LEASE”) BY AND BETWEEN ESTATE OF MOHAMMAD
conduct a public sale of the security consisting of 846 shares of APARTMENT 6B (THE “SECURED PARTY”) LOCATED AT TENANTS CORP. (THE “SECURED PARTY”) COVERING
Montclair Gardens, Inc., and all right title and interest in and 86-16 60TH AVENUE, ELMHURST, NEW YORK 11373, WHICH APARTMENT 4D (THE “APARTMENT”) LOCATED AT 86-
to a proprietary lease to Apartment 409 in a building known DEFAULT RESULTED IN THE TERMINATION OF THE 16 60TH AVENUE, ELMHURST, NEW YORK 11373, WHICH
NY 11372, together with fixtures and articles of personal (DCA#1434494), WILL SELL THE 284 SHARES OF STOCK LEASE, MATTHEW D. MANNION, LICENSED AUCTIONEER
property now or hereafter affixed to or used in connection with OF THE LESSOR (THE “SHARES”) APPURTENANT TO (DCA#1434494), WILL SELL THE 329 SHARES OF STOCK OF
Apartment 409 on November 8, 2023 at 10:30 AM, on the front THE APARTMENT AND ALL THE RIGHT, TITLE AND THE LESSOR (THE “SHARES”) APPURTENANT TO THE
88-11 Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, NY 11435, in satisfaction of BEGINNING AT 12:20 P.M. ON NOVEMBER 1, 2023 AT the IN AND TO THE LEASE AT PUBLIC AUCTION BEGINNING
an indebtedness in the principal amount of $49,826.61 plus inter- FRONT STEPS OF QUEENS COUNTY SUPREME COURT AT 1:20 P.M. ON NOVEMBER 1, 2023 ON THE FRONT STEPS
est from January 1, 2022, subject to open common charges. BUILDING, LOCATED AT 88-11 SUTPHIN BLVD, JAMIACA OF THE QUEENS COUNTY SUPREME COURT BUILDING,
APARTMENT IS SOLD “AS IS.” The secured party reserves NY 11435: : LOCATED AT 88-11 SUTPHIN BOULEVARD, JAMAICA, NY.
the right to bid and to adjourn, delay or terminate the sale
without notice or to withdraw any of the aforesaid collateral Apartment 6B located at 86-16 60TH Avenue, Elmhurst, New Apartment 4D located at 86-16 60TH Avenue, Elmhurst New
from the auction. York, and monthly maintenance $886.08. York, and monthly maintenance $1,026.48.

Property Lease for each Apartment shall be payable by certi- LESSOR AS A HOLDER OF A SECURITY INTEREST IN LESSOR AS A HOLDER OF A SECURITY INTEREST IN
fied or bank check as follows: a ten percent (10%) deposit is THE SHARES AND LEASE HEREIN DESCRIBED BASED THE SHARES AND LEASE HEREIN DESCRIBED BASED
required with a successful bid, and the balance of the purchase UPON THE NON-PAYMENT OF MAINTENANCE, LATE UPON THE NON-PAYMENT OF MAINTENANCE, LATE
price shall be payable within thirty (30) days. All certified/bank CHARGES, ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL FEES. THE CHARGES, ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL FEES. THE
attorneys. The sale shall be subject to the further conditions REJECT ALL BIDS TO THE EXTENT THAT THE AMOUNT REJECT ALL BIDS TO THE EXTENT THAT THE AMOUNT
set forth in the Auction Rules and Terms of Auction Sale which BID FOR THE APARTMENT IS NOT BID FOR THE APARTMENT IS NOT GREATER THAN
such revision thereto as may be announced at the start of the OWING ON THE APARTMENT. THIS SALE IS SUBJECT APARTMENT. THIS SALE IS SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL
to comply with all governmental health requirements in effect SMITH, BUSS & JACOBS, LLP, AS ESCROW AGENT, (NO & JACOBS, LLP, AS ESCROW AGENT, (NO ENDORSED
at the time of sale including but not limited to, wearing face ENDORSED CHECKS OR ENDORSED MONEY ORDERS CHECKS OR ENDORSED MONEY ORDERS WILL BE
coverings and maintaining social distancing (at least 6-feet WILL BE ACCEPTED) IN AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO TEN ACCEPTED) IN AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO TEN PERCENT
apart) during the auction, while tendering deposit and at PERCENT (10%) OF THE SUCCESSFUL BID IS REQUIRED (10%) OF THE SUCCESSFUL BID IS REQUIRED AT
any subsequent closing. Bidders are also required to comply AT KNOCKDOWN TO PURCHASE THE APARTMENT. KNOCKDOWN TO PURCHASE THE APARTMENT. NO CASH
in addition to the conditions set forth in the Terms of Sale. COMMENCEMENT OF BIDDING. UNLESS PROPER FUNDS OF BIDDING. UNLESS PROPER FUNDS HAVE BEEN
Please direct all inquiries with respect to the auction sale or TO BID. THE BALANCE OF THE SUCCESSFUL BID IS BALANCE OF THE SUCCESSFUL BID IS PAYABLE AT
400 Meridian Centre Blvd., Suite 200, Rochester, New York FORTY-FIVE (45) DAYS OF THE AUCTION DATE, TIME (45) DAYS OF THE AUCTION DATE, TIME BEING OF THE
CALL, SMITH, BUSS & JACOBS, LLP AT (914) 476-0600 BUSS & JACOBS, LLP AT (914) 476-0600 BETWEEN 3:00 - 5:00
Dated: September 22, 2023 BETWEEN 3:00 - 5:00 P.M. P.M.
Rochester, New York

18 “I’ll second 44 One gazing into 4 “For ___’s 33 Boatload 52 Video call
that!” a crystal ball sake!” 34 Nights before app
19 Computer 45 Singer DiFranco 5 Verbal holidays 53 Scat singer
command for 46 Penny, perhaps, defamation 35 Foul Fitzgerald
making a in poker 6 Person moving 36 Subj. with de- 54 Like a
physical copy 47 Bowler’s target from place to mand curves canceled
20 *Rue? (Hint: In 49 Bout stopper, place 40 Mexican mister check
each starred briefly 7 Assist criminally 43 Orange skin tone 55 Big name in
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part to the last 58 Garment that 9 Montreal MLB 49 Flung “sides” or
word) can also be a syn- team, once 51 “The Boy Who “turns”
23 “Nope” onym of “mask” 10 Bratty girl who Cried Wolf” 57 Cried
24 Interject 59 Fruit-filled visited Willy writer 58 Cornfield cry
25 Upper-left pastry Wonka’s choco- Tuesday’s Puzzle Solved
computer key 60 Handmade craft late factory
26 Kind of wave in site 11 Still competitive
math 61 Dennis the Men- 12 Construction
28 Short time, for ace’s mother site marker
short 62 World’s largest 13 Channel based
30 Book after John furniture retailer in Atlanta
34 *Ra? 63 Play thing? 21 Bounced off, as
37 Gardener’s 64 Walked in a pool for feedback
bagful 65 In stitches 22 Kind of center or
10/25 ©2023 Andrews McMeel Syndication
38 “Cousin” played 66 Kind or sort room
ACROSS 9 Kick out, 16 Only by Joe Pesci 27 Meditation goal
1 Talk as a element 39 Pool stick DOWN 28 Riyadh resident
hoarsely tenant that starts 40 Soothing 1 Actress Saoirse 29 Barely managed,
5 Fly 14 “Garfield” with an X ointment 2 Name hidden in with “out”
in the dog 17 Deli counter 41 Besides that “Dana Delany” 31 All-out effort
ointment 15 Brain area call 42 *Flo? 3 ESP 32 DVR pioneer
32 Wednesday, October 25, 2023 DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com

Foreclosures Foreclosures Foreclosures Foreclosures Foreclosures Foreclosures

Pursuant to a Security Agreement dated October 2, 2008 ex- vs. NEIL NISSEN, MELISSA NISSEN A/K/A MELISSA
“LEASE”) BY PHINETTA RICHARDS (THE “LESSEE”) ecuted by Marcia Grostein to Emigrant Mortgage Company,
Inc. and assigned to Emigrant Bank, secured party, in ac- Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale duly entered
APARTMENT 2B (THE “APARTMENT”) LOCATED AT cordance with its rights as holder of the Security, Mannion
1275 EAST 51st STREET, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK, WHICH on October 29, 2019, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at pub-
Auctions, LLC, by Matthew D Mannion, DCA #1434494 and/or lic auction at Queens Supreme Court, Courthouse steps, at 88-11
DEFAULT RESULTED IN THE TERMINATION OF THE John O’Keefe, DCA #2013965, will conduct a public sale of the
LEASE, MATTHEW MANNION, LICENSED AUCTIONEER Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, New York 11435, on November 17,
security consisting of 106 shares of stock of 25 East 69th Street 2023 at 10:00 A.M., premises known as 21522 48TH AVENUE,
(DCA# 1434494), WILL SELL THE 339 SHARES OF STOCK Tenants Corp. (the “Corporation”) all right, title and interest
in and to a Proprietary Lease between said Corporation and 11364. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the
THE APARTMENT AND ALL THE RIGHT, TITLE AND debtor for Apartment 5B in building known as 25 East 69th
INTEREST IN AND TO THE LEASE AT PUBLIC AUCTION buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and
Street, New York, NY together with all fixtures and articles of being in the Borough and County of Queens, City and State of
BEGINNING AT 9:45 A.M. ON NOVEMBER 2, 2023 AT THE personal property now or hereafter affixed to or used in con-
‘FOOT” OF KINGS COUNTY COURTHOUSE STEPS, 360 New York, Block: 7393, Lot: 7. Approximate amount of judg-
nection with said apartment on November 1, 2023 at 10:00AM at ment is $941,556.32 plus interest and costs. Premises will be
ADAMS STREET, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK 11201 the base of the front steps of the 60 Centre Street Courthouse, 60 sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index # 704919/2019.
Centre St., New York, NY 10007, in satisfaction of an indebted- All parties shall comply with the Eleventh Judicial District’s
Apartment 2B, 1275 East 51st Street, and monthly maintenance ness in the unpaid principal amount of $356,230.95 plus interest,
$972.43. COVID-19 Policies
late fees, attorney fees, maintenance in arrears and all other concerning Public Auctions of foreclosed properties. These
charges. Apartment is sold “AS IS” AND POSSESSION TO policies, along with the Queens
LESSOR AS A HOLDER OF ASECURITY INTEREST IN County Foreclosure Auction Rules, can be found on the Queens
to: payment of all sums due, if any, to the Corporation and Supreme Court - Civil Term
THE SHARES AND LEASE HEREIN DESCRIBED BASED the consent if necessary, of said Corporation; any existing
UPON THE NON-PAYMENT OF MAINTENANCE, LATE Website: htttps://www.nycourts.gov/LegacyPDFS/
tenancy; payment of all expenses and fees of the secured party COURTS/11jd/supreme/civilterm/partrules/Foreclosure_
CHARGES, ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL FEES. THE with respect thereto; terms of sale and auctioneer’s fees; flip-
tax; State, City and County transfer tax. The secured party If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the
REJECT ALL BIDS TO THE EXTENT THAT THE AMOUNT reserves the right to bid. Terms: an official bank or certified
BID FOR THE APARTMENT IS NOT GREATER THAN sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid.
check made payable to Terenzi & Confusione, P.C. for ten The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the
THE AMOUNT OF THE PAST DUE SUM OWING ON THE (10%) percent of price bid. The Auctioneer must enforce any
APARTMENT. THIS SALE IS SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, the Mortgagee’s attorney, or the
requirements currently in effect at the time of sale regarding Referee.
OF THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER BY THE BOARD OF social distancing and face coverings.
DIRECTORS OF THE LESSOR. A BANK OR CERTIFIED For Sale information, please visit Auction.com at www.
CHECK OR MONEY ORDER, PAYABLE TO SMITH, BUSS & Auction.com or call (800) 280-2832.
Mannion Auctions, LLC, by Matthew D Mannion, DCA #1434494 HELMUT BORCHERT, Esq., Referee
JACOBS, LLP, ESCROW AGENT, (NO ENDORSED CHECKS and/or John O’Keefe, DCA #2013965 (Auctioneer (212-267-6698)
OR ENDORSED MONEY ORDERS WILL BE ACCEPTED) Roach & Lin, P.C., 6851 Jericho Turnpike, Suite 185, Syosset,
IN AN AMOUNT EQUAL TO TEN PERCENT (10%) OF New York 11791, Attorneys for Plaintiff
Attorneys for Emigrant Bank
We are a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any infor- TENANTS CORP. (THE “SECURED PARTY”) COVERING
CLOSING WHICH SHALL BE HELD WITHIN FORTY-FIVE mation obtained will be used for that purpose.
DEFAULT RESULTED IN THE TERMINATION OF THE Apartment 1J located at 86-16 60TH Avenue, Elmhurst New
1275 EAST 51st STREET, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK, WHICH York, and monthly maintenance $1,082.64.
Apartment 6E located at 86-16 60TH Avenue, Elmhurst New
York, and monthly maintenance $1,594.32. THE AMOUNT OF THE PAST DUE SUM OWING ON THE
Apartment 2D, 1275 East 51st Street, and monthly maintenance APARTMENT. THIS SALE IS SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL
BUSS & JACOBS, LLP AT (914) 476-0600 BETWEEN 3:00 - 5:00
ace an ad, go to
BUSS & JACOBS, LLP AT (914) 476-0600 BETWEEN 3:00 - 5:00
P.M. To pl

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Foreclosures Foreclosures Foreclosures Foreclosures Foreclosures Foreclosures
BY VIRTUE OF DEFAULT of a security agreement executed
on November 25, 2019, by Edith Loman, now deceased, and in
accordance with its rights as holder of the security, Rocket
Mortgage, LLC f/k/a Quicken Loans, LLC f/k/a Quicken Loans
Inc. by Matthew D. Mannion Licensed Auctioneer DCA #
secured party, in accordance with its rights as holder of the 1270 EAST 51st STREET, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK, WHICH
1434494 or John O’Keefe License Auctioneer DCA ##2103965 of
Security, by Mannion Auctions, LLC c/o Matthew D. Mannion, DEFAULT RESULTED IN THE TERMINATION OF THE
Mannion Auctions, LLC, Auctioneer, will conduct a public sale
Auctioneer DCA 1434494 and/or John O’Keefe, Auctioneer DCA LEASE, MATTHEW MANNION, LICENSED AUCTIONEER
of the security consisting of 224 shares of Prospects Owners
2109635, will conduct a public sale of the security consisting (DCA# 1434494), WILL SELL THE 346 SHARES OF STOCK
Corp. and all right title and interest in and to a proprietary
lease to Apartment #1305 in a building known as and by the
right, title and interest in and to a Proprietary Lease between THE APARTMENT AND ALL THE RIGHT, TITLE AND
street address, 45 Tudor City Place, New York, NY 10017,
said Corporation and debtor for apartment LBY-F in the INTEREST IN AND TO THE LEASE AT PUBLIC AUCTION
together with fixtures and articles of personal property now
building known as 99-72 66TH ROAD, REGO PARK NY 11374, BEGINNING AT 10:00 A.M. ON NOVEMBER 2, 2023 AT THE
or hereafter affixed to or used in connection with Apartment
together with all fixtures and articles of personal property ‘FOOT” OF KINGS COUNTY COURTHOUSE STEPS, 360
#1305 on November 15, 2023 at 10:00 A.M. at the portico at the
now or hereafter affixed to or used in connection with said ADAMS STREET, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK 11201
top of the front steps of the New York County Supreme Court,
apartment on NOVEMBER 8, 2023 at 11:45 AM on the front
60 Centre Street, New York, New York 10007, in satisfaction of
steps of the Queens County Supreme Court Building, located Apartment 6A, 1270 East 51st Street, and monthly maintenance
an indebtedness in the principal amount of $82,164.33 plus inter-
at 88-11 Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, NY, in satisfaction of an $995.45.
est from December 1, 2020, subject to open common charges.
indebtedness in the principal amount of $74,172.78 plus interest,
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Mr. Cooper (“Seller”), as secured creditor of Vivian Cafiso Please direct all inquiries with respect to the auction sale or
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of the Debtor in the collateral described below at public sale. NOTICE OF SALE 14618, (585) 546-6448.
The collateral to be sold is described as follows: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that in accordance with applicable
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1. UCC Financing Statement recorded on December 27, 2011 at New York, by virtue of certain Event(s) of Default under that Rochester, New York
CRFN 2011000446987 as assigned, covering the Stock Certificate certain Ownership Interests Pledge and Security Agreement
representing 54 shares of stock and Proprietary Lease for Unit dated as of October 20, 2022 but effective as of July 1, 2022
No. 9G at 210 East 36th Street, Apt. 9G, New York, NY 10016. (the “Pledge Agreement”), executed and delivered by Nancy PUBLIC AUCTION NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF
J. Haber (the “Pledgor”), and in accordance with it rights COOPERATIVE APARTMENT
2. 54 shares of stock per the Stock Certificate and Power issued as holder of the security, Maguire Perry LLC (the “Secured BY VIRTUE OF DEFAULT of a security agreement originally
by 210 East 36th Owners Corp. (“Corporation”) represented Party”), by virtue of that certain UCC-1 Filing Statement made executed on October 26, 2011, by Mohammed Faltihi Ali a/k/a
by Certificate number 483 including all personal property of in favor of Secured Party, in accordance with Article 9 of the Mohammed Faltihi-Ali, and in accordance with its rights as
the Debtor, affixed to or used in connection with Unit No. 9G, Uniform Commercial Code of the State of New York, Secured holder of the security, CitiMortgage, Inc., by Matthew D.
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The public sale shall take place on November 1, 2023 at 10:30 (“Schechtman”), at Meridian Investment Sales, with offices such revision thereto as may be announced at the start of the
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Terms of Sale. SCHEDULE A: PLEDGOR: NANCY J. HABER, An indi- with the Foreclosure Auction Rules and COVID-19 Health
vidual. ISSUER: 1819 WEEKS AVE. REALTY CORP., a New Emergency Rules issued by the Supreme Court of this County
Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper York corporation. INTERESTS PLEDGED: 100% membership in addition to the conditions set forth in the Terms of Sale.
Dated: October 5, 2023 interest.
The UCC1 was filed on December 8, 2022 with the New York State Please direct all inquiries with respect to the auction sale or
/s/ Jennifer T. Abenhaim, Esq. Department of State under the Filing No. #202212080506188. The the collateral to Davidson Fink LLP, Foreclosure Department,
Woods Oviatt Gilman LLP UCC3 Assignment was filed on December 20, 2022 under Filing 400 Meridian Centre Blvd., Suite 200, Rochester, New York
Attorneys for Seller No. 202212208577749. 14618, (585) 546-6448.
500 Bausch & Lomb Place KRISS & FEUERSTEIN LLP, Attn: Jerold C. Feuerstein,
Rochester, NY 14604 Esq., Attorneys for Secured Party 360 Lexington Avenue, Suite Dated: October 2, 2023
Tel.: 855-227-5072 1200, New York, New York 10017, (212) 661-2900 Rochester, New York
34 Wednesday, October 25, 2023 DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com


New-look Nets have potential to be top-3 seed in
East, or they could fall out of it completely

They are still a star away Joel Embiid could be on
market as 76ers deal
with fallout from James

from moving out of middle

Harden situation, but if
Knicks want him, as is
reported, they’d have to
give up several of their
best players plus some

he Knicks have signed enough role players winning a title as the Rangers did before June of
serious draft capital. AP
now, and have certainly set some kind of 1994, another time the Knicks made it to the Finals.
world’s record for signing ex-Villanova Wild- We know that Knicks fans are forever. They contin-
cats. The Knicks found themselves a real and ued to pack the Garden through all the losing, and
appealing star last season, if not a superstar, in all the times when Dolan raised ticket prices. But in
Jalen Brunson. They even managed to win a playoff a world where you are either moving towards the
series, something they have now done exactly twice big trophy or away from it, who looks at this Knicks
in this century, which means in the century when team, as young and athletic as it is, and sees it making
James L. Dolan has become the face of the executive even the conference finals this season? Or next?
suite at Madison Square Garden, and who knows Who sees them going toe-to-toe with the Bucks of
more about facial recognition than Jimmy? Giannis and Chris Middleton and Damian Lillard, or
The Knicks play hard for Tom Thibodeau. Twice the Celtics of Jayson Taytum and Jaylen Brown and
in the last three seasons they’ve been in the 4-5 first Kristaps Porzingis and now Jrue Holliday, who may
round series in the East- help the Celtics more than
ern Conference. But the Lillard is going to help the
question Knicks have to
ask themselves as another MIKE Bucks? It’s a lot of question
marks, I know. So, too, are
Knicks season is about to
begin is this:
LUPICA the 2023-24 Knicks, who
could make a move up to
When is this enough for No. 3 in their conference,
a fan base that has been or go the other way if
waiting almost as long for a anything ever happens to
title as Jets fans have? Brunson.
Or maybe the real question to ask about the Somehow there was this fever dream around
Knicks, under Dolan and quiet man Leon Rose, is here, because there always a fever dream like it with
this: the Knicks, all the way back to LeBron, that Giannis
Where are they going this season, north or south, was somehow going to end up at the Garden. He
and that doesn’t mean up Eighth Ave. or down wasn’t, even before he signed that $186 million
Seventh? extension with the home team. Now the next long-
It is without question that the Knicks have es- shot dream is Joel Embiid, who looks around at his
tablished themselves as a nice, middle-class team immediate future in Philadelphia and wakes up one
under the leadership of Rose and Thibodeau and morning and decides he’s the one who wants to go
William Wesley, the great and mysterious Wizard of play somewhere else, and the somewhere else is 33rd
Oz at The Garden. And they did play the Heat, who Street, New York City.
went on to the NBA Finals, a very hard series in the Again: Brunson is terrific, and should have
second round last spring before final losing by four been an All-Star last season. Julius Randle, as
points in Game 6 in Miami. head-scratchingly inconsistent as he can be, has
It is also an absolute fact that Rose has only been already been an All-Star. RJ Barrett, a former No. 3
on the job as Dolan’s top basketball executive since pick in the draft, is still a work in progress, though he
March of 2020, which is not a lifetime in professional still doesn’t turn 24 until next June. Josh Hart, ex-Vil-
sports, but is still a long time. lanova Wildcat, is a high-level role player, you bet,
The Knicks seem, at least for the time being and and Donte DeVincenzo, also ex-Villanova Wildcat,
perhaps for the foreseeable future, stuck in the mid- is going to be a crowd favorite at the Garden, almost
dle of the Eastern Conference. They’re not where without question.

Phil (The Thrill) Jackson left them when he became he Knicks still need a superstar. As good as
Dolan’s basketball savior-in-chief, which means Brunson is, you saw the difference between
nowhere. They’re no longer one of the NBA’s lost him and Jimmy Butler last spring when the
franchises, which they were under Jackson and the money was on the table. The Knicks need
way they once were under a basketball confidence someone like Embiid, or Luka Doncic or —
man named Isiah Thomas. don’t laugh — Ja Morant, the player the Grizzlies
But where are the Knicks, exactly, going into a sea- drafted right before the Knicks took Barrett in that
son when two Eastern Conference teams — Bucks, same draft. The whole world knows how Morant
Celtics — are considered co-favorites to win an NBA looked like an idiot last season, as he seemed almost
title? Are they better than the Heat, or Cavs, or even drunk with pride being an idiot waving around
the Nets? And by the way? Chris Young took over guns. Maybe he won’t be anything more than that.
the Texas Rangers the same year that Leon Rose took Or maybe he’s learned a lesson before blowing
over the running of the Knicks. You know where the what should be a promising career, the way Latrell
Rangers are going? They’re going to a World Series Sprewell once did at the Garden.
that opens in their ballpark on Friday night. The Knicks are an appealing team. They are.
The Knicks haven’t played for the title since 1999. They’re going to be fun to watch. But, in the words of
They are moving up on having gone as long without the great Al McGuire, when do they move uptown?
DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com Wednesday, October 25, 2023 35
if adolis garcia played a full season like he played in the alcs, his
162 game numbers would be OUTTA MY HANDS
AVG .357, OBP .400, SLG .893*, 116 HR*, 347 RBI* As NFL trade deadline nears, Saquon knows his
*would be a new single season record.
fate with Giants is not something he can control

REALLY BIG DEAL ‘Rumor’ has it Knicks want to

make trade for Embiid, would
send Sixers huge haul for MVP
meet a high asking price.
The Phoenix Suns, for example, sent Mikal Bridges
and Cam Johnson — two players the Nets now view as
Is it for real this time? foundational pieces — as well as four first-round picks
There appears to be renewed interest in a Joel Em- plus an additional pick swap to acquire Kevin Durant
biid trade to New York now that the James Harden from Brooklyn.
saga has poured into the start of the Philadelphia 76ers Another example: The Portland Trail Blazers were
regular season. able to come away with Deandre Ayton, Jrue Holiday,
The Knicks, according to The Philadelphia Inquir- and Toumani Camara, plus a pick and two pick swaps
er, are willing to trade not one, not two, but three of in the Damian Lillard deal with the Milwaukee Bucks
Julius Randle, RJ Barrett, Evan Fournier and Mitchell — then traded Holiday to the Boston Celtics for an
Robinson, plus draft compensation to the Sixers to additional two first-round picks, rim-protecting center
acquire the NBA’s reigning Most Valuable Player of Robert Williams, plus reigning Sixth Man of the Year
the Year. Malcolm Brogdon
Knicks head coach Tom Thibodeau chalked up the For starters, the Knicks have seven first-round picks
report as “all rumors” and said he didn’t feel the need they can trade: three in 2024 and one each in 2025,
to speak about the Embiid talks with the players in his 2026, 2028 and 2030.
locker room. Then there are the player assets: Randle, Robinson,
“(Trade rumors are) part of the NBA now, so it’s Barrett and Fournier were named in the Inquirer’s re-
like, obviously we’re not dealing with any hypothet- port, but Immanuel Quickley is also a trade candidate
icals,” Thibodeau said after Tuesday’s practice in Tar- now that he and the Knicks did not agree to a contract
rytown. “We love the guys we have. Leon’s (Knicks extension ahead of Monday’s 6 p.m. deadline.
president Leon Rose) job is to survey the league, which The Knicks, however, must also consider what their
he does. He and his staff are on top of everything. threshold is in a deal.
“So if there’s something at the end of the day that Just how many players can they give up before it
can make the team better, he’ll take a look at it, but hurts the team? Just how many assets can they sur-
if not, just keep going forward. We love the guys we render before they don’t have enough to pull off a
have. Just focus on our improvement and get ready to subsequent deal?
play day by day.” The Knicks have also been in the market for Dono-
The Embiid rumors reignited early Tuesday morn- van Mitchell and were among the favorites to land the
ing after Harden, a perpetual malcontent, requested a New York native in a deal with the Utah Jazz before
trade from Philly, then proceeded to skip all but one they handed RJ Barrett a contract extension, rendering
day of Sixers training camp and preseason due to a Barrett ineligible to be included in the deal with the
fractured relationship with 76ers GM Daryl Morey. Jazz.
The Knicks, of course, have long been rumored to The Knicks could feasibly pull off a trade for Em-
have interest in trading for Embiid if he were to be- biid, then — provided they still have their cupboards
come available on the market. stocked with assets — negotiate a subsequent deal for
The Sixers big man averaged 33 points, 10 re- Mitchell, who is rumored to be on the first plane out
bounds, four assists, 1.7 blocks and a steal on 54 of Cleveland once his deal with the Cavaliers expires
percent shooting from the field last season. He is one in 2025.
of the most dominant players in NBA history, but due For now, it appears the Embiid report was
to Harden’s status, Embiid is now stuck in superstar preemptive.
purgatory. An Embiid trade is not expected to come until next
The Cameroonian superstar center is entering the summer if it comes at all, according to league sources.
first season of a four-year, $213 million extension, but There’s also the politics of trades being negotiated
his co-star is a no-show demanding a trade — and in public: The Miami Heat, for example, were favorites
without an elite player in return, the Sixers won’t sniff to land Lillard and came up short only because the
the NBA Finals any time soon. Trail Blazers did not want to crumble under the public
The Sixers, of course, are self-aware: They know pressure to send their star guard to South Beach.
Embiid’s prime is now, and it would be the basketball As usual in The City, the Knicks will be tied to any
equivalent of a criminal offense to waste his talents on superstar who suddenly becomes available on the
a middling team. trade market. Point guard Jalen Brunson repeated
The Sixers also know Embiid’s value is highest now, Thibodeau’s company line when discussing trade
coming off of an MVP season. Trading Embiid to the rumors after practice on Tuesday.
Knicks is a solution that benefits the Sixers because “We’re not dealing with any hypotheticals,” Brun-
the Knicks are one of few teams with enough assets to son said. “I think I’m gonna say that every time.”
36 Wednesday, October 25, 2023 DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com

Opener vs. Celtics should

show Knicks where they
stand in East hierarchy



Nothing says NBA season is

back like waking up to the league’s
toughest opening seven-game
schedule-makers this season: The
Knicks have gone 31-42 combined
in the first leg of each of the past
three seasons, and while they’re
trying to turn a new leaf, their sea-
son-opening slate of games is doing
The Celtics’ power dynamic-shift-
ing moving rattled across the East-
ern Conference like an earthquake,
and the Knicks are first in line to feel
the aftershock. Boston was already
within arm’s reach of an NBA title
years getting to know him, playing
against him. He’s a guy in this league
that everyone has great things to say
about him. So as a teammate, as a
competitor, Boston got a really big
piece, and so that’s something we
Dallas before Porzingis’ midseason
deal to the Wizards.
“KP was a great teammate. We
got along really well, and playing off
each other: Great guy,” Brunson said
after Tuesday’s practice. “Him going
stretch, including a home opener them no favors. with a foundation built on Jayson have to look after.” there [to Boston] just gives them an-
against a team favored to make it to “We know how talented they Tatum and Jaylen Brown. Kristaps The Knicks, of course, know other powerful weapon. The things
the NBA Finals. are, but I think it’ll show you exactly Porzingis adds elite-level rim pro- Porzingis and his game all too well. that he can do, stretch the floor. Just
Well, NBA season is back for the where we are and what we have tection and three-point shooting, They drafted the Latvian seven-foot- their play style. He fits it perfectly.”
Knicks, who kickoff their campaign to work on and everything else,” while Jrue Holiday is a champi- er fourth-overall in the 2015 NBA Tatum, unquestionably, is the
with a rivalry game against the Knicks head coach Tom Thibodeau onship-winning point guard who Draft, then traded him to the Dallas head of Boston’s snake. He has
Boston Celtics — the team favored said after Tuesday’s practice. “And doubles as one of the NBA’s best Mavericks after he missed the entire played against the Knicks 20 times
to win the Eastern Conference in a it’s a long season and I want our point-of-attack defenders. 2018-19 season due to injury. The in his career and is averaging 22
poll of all 30 NBA general manag- focus to be on what we have to “That’s a big get. He’s obviously Mavericks traded Porzingis to the points on 43% shooting from the
ers — at Madison Square Garden on do each and every day. Don’t skip a great player and the things he’s Washington Wizards in the Spencer field in those games. Those num-
Wednesday. ahead. If we win, I don’t want us too able to do on both sides of the ball Dinwiddie deal, then the Wizards bers decrease to just 20.6 points
It’s a tough draw for a Knicks excited about winning. If we lose, I is going to them as a team,” Thibo- sent him to Boston as part of a three- on 40.6% shooting in games at
team hoping to buck a trend of poor just want us to focus on that daily deau said after the move was made team deal. Madison Square Garden. Tatum
starts to the regular season, but it’s improvement and what we have to during training camp in Charleston, Jalen Brunson and Porzingis also averages 23.8 points and 9.8
the hand they were dealt by the do to be a successful team.” S.C. “He’s a great guy. Over the spent three seasons as teammates in rebounds in season-opening games
DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com Wednesday, October 25, 2023 37

When Quentin Grimes and Knicks take court against

Jrue Holiday and Celtics tonight, it will be first of
seven difficult games to start season. So Julius
Randle (below) and coach Tom Thibodeau (l.) should
Minus extension, Immanuel
know where team stands pretty early on. GETTY, AP

quickly turns focus to year

ahead: ‘I know my value’ — and both San Antonio’s Devin Vassell and Min-
NEW YORK DAILY NEWS nesota’s Jaden McDaniels inked five-year extensions
worth $135 million and $136 million, respectively.
While most of Immanuel Quickley’s Monday fol- “Happy for ’em. Excited for ’em. God opens up
lowed the script, one scene was off-book. doors for everybody,” Quickley said on Tuesday.
He practiced hard. His chef made some good eats. “Just because one door opens up for someone else
He talked to his mother and his sister. doesn’t mean you’re not gonna get your blessing, as
And he failed to come to an agreement on a con- well. So whoever gets paid, you want everyone to be
tract extension with the Knicks ahead of Monday’s 6 successful. Never hate on nobody, ’cause your door,
p.m. deadline. your time might come.”
Quickley is now entering the final year of his rook- Then, there’s the lower end of the extension
ie contract with no assurances. If he plays well, he’ll spectrum: Boston’s backup point guard Payton
be paid handsomely. If he doesn’t, he could be avail- Pritchard signed a three-year, $30 million extension.
able at a discount. And a future in New York is no Orlando’s backup point guard Cole Anthony agreed
longer promised. He can — and to a three-year, $39 million ex-
likely will — test restricted free Immanuel
tension, and Dallas’ Josh Green
agency next summer, though Quickley signed a three-year, $41 million
the Knicks reserve the right to extension.
match any competing offer they Atlanta’s backup big man
deem within their budget. Onyeka Okongwu also signed a
On the surface, it appears four-year, $64 million deal.
Quickley likes the odds. He’s Ironically, Quickley and
the kind of guy who bets on Toppin headline the list of 2020
himself. He believes in the draft picks without a contract
work, in the process of getting extension. Philadelphia’s star
better. guard Tyrese Maxey is also
“I’m always about setting entering the final season of
goals and being better today his rookie deal without a new
than I was yesterday,” he said. contract.
“So contract, no contract: I’m Quickley said he spoke to
here for the season. I’m here for the team to try to be Maxey last week but declined to go into specifics
the best version that I can each and every day. To try about the conversation. He said he isn’t disappointed
to dominate. That’s why I’m here.” he was unable to get an extension done.
There are now questions, however, to answer “At the end of the day business is always business,”
about Quickley’s future with the Knicks. Quickley said. “If both sides can’t come to an agree-
The shifty scorer addressed the elephant in the ment, it’s nothing too much crazy with that but like I
room head-on: He is a backup point guard, and the said, I’m focused on getting better tomorrow, getting
starter, Jalen Brunson, could be a first-time All-Star better the next day, and it’s gonna be like that the

this season. whole year.”
The Knicks traded Obi Toppin in part due to his Knicks head coach Tom Thibodeau has spoken
defensive shortcomings but also because Julius Ran- in support of his sixth man during the negotiating
dle — a three-time All-Star — plays the lion’s share of process during training, even declaring himself “a big
the minutes at the four, Toppin’s position. Quickley guy” ahead of Monday’s extension deadline.
Quickley is in a similar predicament, though he’s Thibodeau still remains hopeful an extension gets
more well-rounded of a player than Toppin. The done at the end of the season.
reigning Sixth Man of the Year runner-up does not “I don’t know [why an extension didn’t get done],”
believe Brunson’s abilities impact his own contract the Knicks coach said on Tuesday. “I love what he
value. brings to our team. I love the way he works. So hope-
In fact, Quickley believes the two can be a dy- fully it works out.
over his six-year career. preseason finale: a 25-point loss to namic duo for the Knicks — provided, of course, the “It’s the business side of basketball. That’s what he
Tatum, however, is averaging the Washington Wizards. The Wiz- Leon Rose-led front office offers an extension worth has his agent for. And then hopefully at the end of the
26.7 points in his last 11 games ards are projected as a lottery team signing. year, we can get back to it. So, I’m hopeful it all works
against the Knicks and scored 40 in this season. The Celtics are favored “Jalen’s a great player. I know my value, and he’s out. We love Quick. So, have a great season, and then
49 minutes in their last regular-sea- to emerge from the East. a great player, as well,” Quickley said. “The way that we sit down and we talk again.”
son meeting in March. The Knicks don’t care. They’re we can be able to play on the floor together, I think If Quickley has a great season, today’s price will
Jaylen Brown is averaging 26.5 suiting up and ready to start the it’s unique as far as him playing on and off the ball, I not be tomorrow’s price — and if Quickley’s price fur-
points in his last 11 games against NBA season, regardless of who’s can play on and off the ball. ther spikes, he could play his way out of The Garden.
the Knicks, feasting as the second up next on the docket. “But nah: I know my value, and I know who I am, And into some serious cash from another team.
option when the defense keys in on “I want us to establish a strat- and I’m gonna continue to keep getting better.” The San Antonio Spurs, Utah Jazz and Orlando
Tatum, including a 46-point effort at egy of how we prepare for each It remains unclear, however, if the Knicks will be Magic are three teams armed both with 2024 cap
The Garden back in Oct. 2021. and every opponent, because in willing to pay top dollar for two players at the same space and question marks at the point guard spot.
The Celtics used to be a two-man this league when you look ahead position — or if they view Quickley and Brunson Quickley is a reserve in New York, but he can easily
show. Now they can beat you in at of somebody or past somebody, as compatible starters given both are listed as 6-2 be another team’s starting lead guard.
least four ways — and that doesn’t you’re going to get beat,” Thibo- guards. Brunson was in a similar predicament when the
include two wild cards: starting deau said on Tuesday. “Everyone Quickley said he’s been watching as other mem- Dallas Mavericks didn’t sign him to a contract exten-
guard Derrick White, and veteran in this league is capable of beating bers of his 2020 NBA Draft class secured life-chang- sion, paving the way for a four-year, $104 million deal
center Al Horford, who now comes you, so you have to understand ing contracts. with the Knicks last summer.
off the bench. how important it is to prepare Most notably, Minnesota’s Anthony Edwards, “Life throws you curveballs, it’s all about how you
The Knicks have been locked-in- to play, to prepare to win. That’s Charlotte’s LaMelo Ball, Indiana’s Tyrese Haliburton respond,” Brunson said of Quickley’s contract situa-
to the Celtics since their messy vital.” and Memphis’ Desmond Bane each agreed to exten- tion. “He has a great mindset, great mentality. He’s
sions totaling $200 million over the next six years mentally built for it.”
38 Wednesday, October 25, 2023 DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com

Smith, Cam

heal in time
for opener
he Nets are rounding into form just in time
for the regular season.
Dennis Smith Jr., who sprained his
ankle less than two weeks ago, is off the
Nets’ injury report, putting him on track to
play in tonight’s opener against the Cavaliers at
Barclays Center.
The Nets are also set to have Cam Johnson,
who missed the entire preseason with a ham-
string strain but has practiced fully every day
since being cleared late last week.
“He’s looked good,” coach Jacque Vaughn
said of Johnson after Tuesday’s practice. “I think

Nets could go from third seed

he’s still trying to feel how he plays with differ-
ent guys on the floor. That will come as he gets
more minutes, because he wasn’t able to do that
with the

but over-
all it’s a
luxury of
him on
to out of it, depending on breaks
the floor, another option for us, and someone
who understands what we’re doing on both
ends of the floor.”
Johnson hurt his left hamstring right before
this month’s training camp, costing him an
opportunity to practice and play alongside
teammates such as point guard Ben Simmons.
A lingering back injury limited Simmons to 42 Ben Simmons
games last season — and only three after the is Nets’ biggest
February trade that brought Johnson and Mikal question mark
Bridges over from Phoenix for Kevin Durant. heading into 2023-
The 27-year-old Johnson played well with the 24 season, which
Nets, averaging a career-high 16.6 points over begins tonight.
25 games, and signed a four-year, $108 million
deal in the offseason.
“He’s the best three-point shooter in the
league, both catch-and-shoot, off-the-move,
all that stuff,” guard Spencer Dinwiddie said
Tuesday of Johnson. “He provides a premium
of spacing and gravity that we’ll definitely need
out there.”
The explosive Smith, meanwhile, signed a
one-year deal with the Nets in the offseason af-
ter averaging 8.8 points per game with Charlotte
last season. He hurt his left ankle after landing
on a defender two minutes into the Nets’ second BY PETER SBLENDORIO after back-to-back injury-plagued seasons. with defense and effort. He hopes more
preseason game — an Oct. 12 win over the Israe- “I think everybody wants to prove some- time together without the grind of regu-
li club Maccabi Ra’anana — and didn’t appear in thing this year. We got guys who just want lar-season games allowed his players to
the final two preseason contests. Expectations for the Nets entering the to play hard and play team basketball, build chemistry in recent weeks and get
2023-24 season are much different than which is going to be exciting and fun. It’s used to running with Simmons, who at
GILES, WATFORD’S ROLES last year’s. a fresh start.” 6-10 has a unique style as an up-tempo,
Harry Giles and Trendon Watford won’t just Gone are Kevin Durant and Kyrie The Nets return many of the players who pass-first point guard.
be bench-warmers for the Nets, Vaughn said Irving, who failed to deliver on champi- finished last season with the team, but they “We have a really good group,” Vaughn
Tuesday. onship-or-bust aspirations before their plan to operate much differently this time said Tuesday. “I think (it’s) a group that’s
Both are expected to receive playing time af- midseason trades last February ended a around. Durant’s trade to Phoenix and gonna be dedicated to playing for each
ter joining the Nets in the offseason and making roller-coaster era of Brooklyn basketball. Irving’s trade to Dallas brought back four other, and that’s huge, and really sacri-
the team’s opening day roster. Here now are the new-look Nets, whose new starters in Mikal Bridges, Cam John- ficing for each other. I think that’s how
“I think they will be valuable, not only in the roster boasts depth and versatility but lacks son, Spencer Dinwiddie and Dorian Fin- you play team basketball, and that’s how
locker room, but … they’ll get a chance to play,” a clear-cut superstar or much experience ney-Smith, forcing coach Jacque Vaughn I want to coach, where on a nightly basis
Vaughn said. playing together. to patch together his lineups during the that you’re doing your part, you’re ac-
Giles, who has battled back from knee issues, Few teams begin the season with a great- stretch run. countable for not letting your teammate
last appeared in an NBA game in 2021. The er range of outcomes than the Nets, whose Complicating that effort was Simmons’ down.”
former first-round pick averaged 10 points and coach and players acknowledge their lingering back injury, which limited his So just how good can these Nets be?
seven rebounds in two preseason games for the identity remains a work in progress before production and ultimately ended his sea- In an absolute best-case scenario,
Nets. tonight’s opener against the Cavaliers at son after 42 games. Simmons played only Simmons would return to form as the
Watford, meanwhile, scored at least 10 points Barclays Center. three games with the new core fully intact. unicorn-like floor general who averaged
in each of his three preseason games. “A lot of guys just have a chip on their Vaughn spent this month’s training nearly 16 points, eight rebounds and eight
shoulder,” said Ben Simmons, the three- camp and preseason instilling a team-bas- assists per game during his four years
time All-Star who says he’s finally healthy ketball approach, saying he wants to win with Philadelphia. Bridges would prove
DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com Wednesday, October 25, 2023 39

Saquon on trade
possibility: ‘I
can’t control that’
aquon Barkley said Giants GM Joe Schoen and
coach Brian Daboll pulled him aside last week to
assure him of his worth after he was asked about
possibly being traded before the NFL’s Halloween
“I wouldn’t say it’s a sigh of relief. It didn’t cross my
mind,” Barkley said after Sunday’s 14-7 victory over the
Commanders. “I don’t even think about it. I know you guys
are doing your job and asking the question.
“There was a conversation during the week from
(Daboll) and Joe,” he added. “They pulled me aside and
talked to me. I can’t control that, if it doesn’t happen or it
does happen. What I can control is how I come to work
every single day and how I compete, my mindset and my
work ethic. That’s what I’m going to continue to do.”
Barkley, 26, consistently has said he wants to remain a
Giant. He said it again last week after Thursday’s practice.
“Sitting here, everyone knows how I feel. Everyone
knows I don’t want to get traded,” Barkley said. “I don’t
think anybody in their right mind would want to get traded
anywhere. It’s not an easy thing to do. You’ve got to move.
I have a family. I would love to be here.
“But like I said,
it’s not in my con-
trol,” Barkley con-
tinued. “My focus
is to be the leader I
can be for this team BY PAT LEONARD
and get this thing
on the right track.”
Hours before the Giants’ win over Washington, NFL
Network reported the team “doesn’t intend to trade” Bark-
ley. Beating the Commanders improved the Giants to 2-5,
too, with Sunday’s game against the Jets (3-3) on deck for
Schoen’s team to possibly build some momentum.
But there are no absolutes in this business, and there
won’t be in this situation until the deadline passes.
Even Barkley said of trade possibilities: “That may come
into question if this thing doesn’t get turned around, but
right now … we’re focused on trying to get a spark, get our
mojo back and get this thing turned around.”
Trading Barkley wouldn’t make sense for the Giants
from a ticket-selling standpoint even if they lose to the Jets,
because he’s the primary player fans pay to see on Sundays.
But from the football business side, it could be a bene-
fit for Schoen to acquire assets for a valuable player who
might not re-sign next spring anyway — especially if the
Giants fall to 2-6 this weekend and the season continues
to look like a huge bust.
Barkley is only playing on a one-year franchise tag, and
the 26.1 points he averaged over 27 opponents making adjustments on but the people that are gonna play considering how his contract negotiations soured with the
games after his trade was no fluke and Bridges as the focal point of the de- are 30, 27, 28, stuff like that, so we’re Giants this past offseason, keeping him to try to re-sign him
would continue to ascend as a scorer. fensive game plans. The spacing issues in a winning position,” Dinwiddie in March would be a gamble.
Johnson and Dinwiddie would make that plagued the Nets throughout the said during the Nets’ media day. “Not In the end, though, what might matter most is what any
40% of their three-pointers as catch- preseason — Simmons and the sim- necessarily, obviously, a championship NFL teams offer Schoen for Barkley if and when they call
and-shoot beneficiaries playing with ilarly-sized Claxton started together position like we were with the super- before Tuesday’s 4 p.m. deadline.
Simmons. And shot-blocking center despite neither being shooters — would stars, so it’s somewhere in the middle.” Schoen will be on the phone anyway with players like
Nic Claxton would anchor a top-tier persist. They would fail to upgrade the The Nets finished last season as Leonard Williams, Parris Campbell, Xavier McKinney and
defense with numerous players who NBA’s second-worst rebounding unit the No. 6 seed, but went just 12-15 Adoree Jackson as logical potential trade candidates due to
can guard multiple positions. through a “committee” approach in with Bridges, Johnson, Dinwiddie and some combination of their on-field values, contracts and
Should each of those question which guards and forwards up their Finney-Smith in the fold. This season, roles — or lack thereof, in Campbell’s case.
marks hit, the Nets could challenge efforts on the glass, as general manager they plan to put more on the plate of And listening to an offer for Barkley always could bring
for the Eastern Conference’s No. 3 Sean Marks described. Bridges, whose scoring uptick comple- the same result as looking for one. Unless Schoen plans to
seed, behind only Milwaukee’s super- If each of those problems occurred, mented his established elite defense. simply hang up.
team led by Giannis Antetokounmpo the Nets would likely miss the playoffs, Bridges says he’s embracing the
and Damian Lillard, and the loaded without a long-proven 20-point scorer challenge. GRAY, PEART ON IR
Celtics, who added Kristaps Porzingis to pencil into their lineup every night “Who wouldn’t want this type of The Giants placed RB Eric Gray (calf) & OT Matt Peart
and Jrue Holiday to Jayson Tatum and to cover up other roster shortcomings. pressure, this type of expectations?” (shoulder) on injured reserve. They officially signed RB
Jaylen Brown this offseason. In reality, the Nets seem to be Bridges said. “If you really love the Jashaun Corbin to the active roster and OLB Justin Hollins
There’s also the worst-case scenar- somewhere in between: A team that game and you really wanna be the best to the practice squad. They also claimed RB Deon Jackson
io in which Simmons doesn’t return challenges for the No. 5 or No. 6 seed you can be as a player, you would want off waivers.
to the All-Star version of himself or in the East but could end up in the this type of feel where, OK, you’re the He is left tackle Andrew Thomas’ high school teammate
suffers another injury. Scoring would dreaded play-in tournament as well. main guy … and everything is on your and good friend.
remain an issue in this scenario, with “We’re young in terms of our depth, shoulders.”
40 Wednesday, October 25, 2023 DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com

Garcia celebrates
after Rangers secure
a spot in World Series
with Game 7 victory
Monday night in
Houston. GETTY

Slugging Garcia helps put
Rangers in World Series

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Cuban slugger known as “El mph fastball from Bryan Abreu. deep after striking out four times we did was really special. It was
Bombi” stretched his RBI streak When García immediately earlier in a game — something he really fun to watch.”
HOUSTON — Rangers slugger with a single in the first inning of the turned and got into the face of also did in a regular-season home The 30-year-old García was the
Adolis García went through the pennant-deciding game. He added catcher Martin Maldonado, the game Sept. 3, with four Ks against MVP of Cuba’s top professional
full range of emotions during a an opposite-field solo homer to benches and bullpens cleared and Minnesota before a walk-off homer league in 2015, then was allowed
record-setting performance in the right in the third, a two-run single in the game was delayed 12 minutes in the ninth inning. by the Cuban government to play in
ALCS, from that anger after getting the fourth and then went deep again before order was restored. Umpires He began ALCS Game 7 with Japan in 2016. But he never went
plunked to the wide and constant in the eighth to push the Rangers to determined that Abreu intentionally hits in his first three at-bats, just home after four games for the Yo-
smiles when celebrating a pennant. an 11-3 lead. threw at the slugger, who was also missing another homer when his miuri Giants, instead defecting and
García was named MVP of the “You can’t really deny that ejected for his aggressive reaction. first one ricocheted off the very top eventually signing as a minor-league
ALCS after setting a record for RBI October has that type of emotion, Abreu was suspended two games, a of the left-field wall. free agent with the Cardinals in
in a postseason series with 15 and has that type of situation around punishment delayed until the start The 15 RBI broke the previous 2017.
extending his home run streak to it,” he said. “For myself, I just try to of the next regular season after he postseason record held by Nelson The Rangers acquired García for
four games by going deep twice in keep myself focused on the task at appealed. Cruz, who knocked in 13 for the cash considerations in December
Game 7 as Texas beat the Astros, hand, try to perform, try to control Houston won that game, 5-4, on Rangers in the 2011 ALCS against 2019 after he was removed from
11-4, on Monday night. He’s also the things that I can, and have the Jose Altuve’s three-run homer in the Detroit the last time they went to the the roster by the Cardinals, who
the first player with RBI in six success that we can have.” ninth. World Series. His 20 RBI in these also traded Randy Arozarena, who
straight games within a postseason It was an eventful series for García — amid a chorus of boos playoffs are the most ever by a player went on to be the ALCS MVP for
series. García, who hit a go-ahead, three- from the Houston crowd — then before the start of the Fall Classic, Tampa Bay in 2020.
“I think that these types of games, run homer in the sixth inning of struck out in his first four at-bats and one shy of David Freese’s mark “It was a really beautiful experi-
when there’s a lot of emotions, the Game 5, spiking the bat and taking in Game 6 on Sunday night, before for most in a postseason overall. ence, really, the one I had in Japan.
fans out there, they are rallying for a slow trot punctuated with a stomp hitting a grand slam in the ninth in- “He’s a bad man, isn’t he?” short- ... Once I was in Cuba and knew I
their team, it fuels me,” García said. on the plate after putting the Rangers ning of a 9-2 win that forced the de- stop Corey Seager said. “To be able was leaving, I always had my sights
“It’s motivation that helps me out ahead. In his following at-bat, he was ciding game. He was the first player to come into this atmosphere and set to playing baseball in the Unit-
when I’m playing.” hit on the top of the left arm by a 98.9 ever in an MLB playoff game to go get booed every at-bat and do what ed States,” García said.
Melvin’s Giant step
DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com Wednesday, October 25, 2023 41

Baby Yanks bask

in the desert sun
San Fran hires skipper away from Padres
hile all eyes are on the postseason right
now, there are other baseball games being
In the Arizona Fall League, a handful
of Yankees prospects have been suiting up The Giants have hired manager Bob Melvin away from the the year.
for the Mesa Solar Sox. That includes two young division rival Padres, three people with direct knowledge of the The fact that he is playing at all is noteworthy. After a stand-
hitters, Caleb Durbin and Benjamin Cowles, who agreement said Tuesday. out first two seasons at Clemson, Ross was found to have a
are making the most of their opportunities at the The 61-year-old Melvin will be returning to the Bay Area congenital fusion condition in his neck and spinal area that
plate. where he grew up, cheered for and later played on the Giants required career-threatening surgery. Ross returned to play an-
Neither farmhand is ranked among the Yan- and then managed the Athletics from 2011-21. An introduc- other season for the Tigers, then turned professional, where the
kees‘ top prospects, but Durbin entered Tuesday tory news conference is planned for today. Chiefs were one of the few teams willing to clear him medically
slashing .347/.492/.612 with five doubles, one Melvin had one year left on his contract with San Diego, but to play.
triple, two home runs and eight RBI over 14 AFL leaves amid reports of friction with general manager A.J. Prel-
games. He’s also stolen nine bags while adding an ler. Melvin managed the PRIDE TAPE BACK IN NHL
11:6 walk-to-strikeout ratio. Padres for two seasons, NHL players will be allowed to use Pride tape this season
Cowles, meanwhile, was hitting .333/.449/.539 reaching the 2022 NL after all with the reversal of a ban that sparked a backlash
with two doubles, two homers, eight RBI and two Championship Series around hockey and among LGBTQ+ advocates in sports.
stolen bases over his first 12 games. He walked eight but then missing the The league, players’ union and a committee on inclusion
times and struck out 13 times over that stretch. playoffs this season with agreed to give players the option to represent social causes
Oddly enough, Durbin and Cowles have hom- a $258 million payroll, the third-highest in the majors. It’s un- with stick tape during warmups, practices and games. The
ered in the same innings twice this autumn. clear if the Padres will receive compensation. move announced Tuesday rescinds a ban on rainbow-colored
Durbin, Pride tape for on-ice activities that was provided to teams ear-
a 23-year- CHIEFS’ ROSS PLEADS NOT GUILTY lier this fall as guidance for theme nights.
old infield- Chiefs wide receiver Justyn Ross pleaded not guilty Tues- “We are so very grateful to everyone who believes hockey
er out of day to charges of misdemeanor domestic battery and criminal should be a safe, inclusive and welcoming space for all,” the
Washington damage to property and was expected to be released later in makers of Pride Tape said on social media. “We are extremely
University the day after posting $2,500 bond. happy that NHL players will now have the option to volun-
BY GARY PHILLIPS in St. Lou- Ross is due again in court on Dec. 4. The Chiefs said they tarily represent important social causes with their stick tape
is, mostly were aware of his arrest, but had no comment. throughout season.”
played second base in 2023. He spent 22 games Ross was arrested Monday and the sheriff’s offense in John- The NHL Players’ Association said it was “pleased to see
with High-A Hudson Valley and 47 contests with son County, Kansas, originally indicated on his booking re- the league’s policy has been revised so that players are free to
Double-A Somerset. cord that he was accused of causing damage of up to $25,000, support causes they believe in.”
Known as a high-average hitter in college, which would have been a felony. That total was adjusted to Pride nights became a hot-button issue in hockey after six
Durbin slashed .304/.395/.427 between the two under $1,000. players chose not to participate in pregame warmups last season
levels. He added 17 doubles, four homers, 25 RBI The 23-year-old Ross has been a bit player for the defending when their team wore rainbow-themed jerseys. Teams this sea-
and 36 stolen bases. Super Bowl champions this season. He has been active in their son are not allowed to wear any kind of theme jerseys, including
Durbin hasn’t displayed much power — he has first seven games but has just three catches for 34 yards on military appreciation and Hockey Fights Cancer, for warmups.
just 12 minor-league homers — but the right-hand-
ed swinger has shown a knack for making contact
since the Yankees acquired him in the trade that
sent Lucas Luetge to Atlanta last December.
Cowles, meanwhile, was a 10th-round pick
of the Yankees’ in the 2021 draft. The Rochester
native attended Maryland, and he played 106
games at High-A this past season. There, Cowles
hit .254/.356/.393 with 18 doubles, 10 homers,
41 RBI and 23 stolen bases before finishing the
season with three games at Triple-A Scranton/
Wilkes-Barre. Cowles picked up two hits over
nine plate appearances at Triple-A.
Like Durbin, Cowles spent most of his time at
second base in 2023. However, he logged plenty
of innings at the hot corner and shortstop. He also
gave left field a shot while in Scranton.

Dubai’s Baseball United, a new, first-of-its-kind
professional baseball league serving the Middle
East and South Asia, held its inaugural draft on
Monday. A few former Yankees were selected,
including Robinson Canó, Didi Gregorius and
Bartolo Colon.
Canó and Gregorius were drafted by the Dubai
Wolves in the first round, while the Karachi Mon-
archs picked the 50-year-old Colon in the second
round. Other draftees with notable MLB careers
included Pablo Sandoval, Andrelton Simmons,
and Jair Jurrjens.
Mariano Rivera is one of the investors in the
league, which is starting off with just four teams.
Elsewhere in the world, ex-Yankees first base-
man Greg Bird recently signed with the Australian
Baseball League’s Melbourne Aces. Meanwhile,
current Yankees utilityman Oswaldo Cabrera is
playing winter ball for the Tiburones de La Guaira
in his native Venezuela. There, Cabrera is playing
alongside his brother, Leobaldo, a former Yankee
prospect himself.
Former Padres manager Bob Melvin leaves San Diego to take over in San Francisco. AP
42 Wednesday, October 25, 2023 DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com



N.Y. Red Bulls vs. Charlotte, 7:30p.m.
Boston 0 0 .000 — Ray Allen 2973 1300 7429 .400 Sporting KC vs. San Jose, 9:30p.m.
Philadelphia 0 0 .000 — James Harden 2754 1000 7594 .363
LEAGUE CHAMPIONSHIP SERIES Brooklyn 0 0 .000 — Reggie Miller 2560 1389 6486 .395 EASTERN FIRST ROUND
AMERICAN LEAGUE) NATIONAL LEAGUE (All Games on TBS) New York 0 0 .000 — Kyle Korver 2450 1232 5715 .429 #1 FC Cincinnati vs. Wild Card winner
Texas 4, Houston 3 Philadelphia 3, Arizona 3 Toronto 0 0 .000 — Damian Lillard 2387 769 6410 .372 G1: Sun., Oct. 29 in Cincinnati, 8 p.m.
Sunday, Oct. 15: G1, Texas, 2-0. Monday, Oct. 16: G1 at Philadelphia, 5-3. Vince Carter 2290 1541 6168 .371 G2: Sat., Nov. 4 vs. TBD, 7 p.m.
Monday, Oct. 16: G2, Texas, 5-4. Tue., Oct. 17: G2 at Philadelphia, 10-0. SOUTHEAST W L PCT GB Jason Terry 2282 1410 6010 .380 x-G3: Sat., Nov. 11 in Cincinnati, 2 p.m.
Wed., Oct. 18: G3, Houston, 8-5. Thursday: G3 at Arizona 2-1. LeBron James 2261 1421 6563 .345 #2 Orlando City SC vs. #7 Nashville SC
Atlanta 0 0 .000 — Jamal Crawford 2221 1327 6379 .348
Thursday, Oct. 19: G4 , Houston, 10-3. Friday, Oct. 20: G4 at Arizona, 6-5. G1: Mon, Oct. 30 in Orlando, 7 p.m.
Miami 0 0 .000 — Klay Thompson 2213 716 5318 .416
Friday, Oct. 20: G5 at Houston, 5-4. Saturday, Oct. 21: G5 Philadelphia 6-1. Ge 2: Tue., Nov. 7 in Nashiville, 9 p.m.
Orlando 0 0 .000 — Paul Pierce 2143 1343 5816 .368
Sunday, Oct. 22: G6, Texas 9-2. Monday, Oct. 23: G6 Arizona 5-1. x-G3: Sun., Nov. 12 in Orlando, 5 p.m.
Charlotte 0 0 .000 — Kyle Lowry 2078 1078 5659 .367
Monday, Oct. 23: G7, Texas 11-4. Tuesday: G7 at Philadelphia, late #3 Columbus vs. #6 Atlanta United
Washington 0 0 .000 — Paul George 2010 793 5271 .381 G1: Wed, Nov. 1 in Columbus 7:30 p.m.
Jason Kidd 1988 1391 5701 .349 G2: Tue., Nov. 7 in Atlanta, 7 p.m.
WORLD SERIES CENTRAL W L PCT GB Dirk Nowitzki 1982 1522 5210 .380 x-G3: Su., Nov. 12 in Columbus | 7 p.m.
(Best-of-7; if necessary; all games on Ch. 5) Tuesday, Oct. 31: Game 4 Detroit 0 0 .000 — Joe Johnson 1978 1277 5331 .371 #4 Philadelphia vs. #5 New England
Texas vs. Arizona/Philadelphia x-Wednesday, Nov. 1: Game 5 Milwaukee 0 0 .000 — J.J. Redick 1950 940 4704 .415 G1: Sat., Oct. 28 in Philadelphia, 5 p.m.
Friday: Game 1 x-Friday, Nov. 3: Game 6 Chicago 0 0 .000 — J.R. Smith 1930 977 5178 .373 G2: Nov. 8 in Foxbourough, Mass., 7 p.m.
Saturday: Game 2 x-Saturday, Nov. 4: Game 7 Cleveland 0 0 .000 — Eric Gordon 1878 818 5068 .371 x-G3: Sun., Nov. 12 in Philadelphia, 3 p.m.
Monday, Oct. 30: Game 3 Indiana 0 0 .000 — Kevin Durant 1863 986 4841 .385
Chauncey Billups 1830 1043 4725 .387 WESTERN FIRST ROUND
Arizona 5, Philadelphia 1 Texas 11, Houston 4 WESTERN CONFERENCE Kobe Bryant 1827 1346 5546 .329 #1 St. Louis CITY SC vs. Wild Card winner
MONDAY’S RESULT MONDAY’S RESULT SOUTHWEST W L PCT GB Wesley Matthews 1821 950 4845 .376 G1: Sun., Oct. 29 in St. Louis, 10 p.m.
Arizona AB R H BI SO AVG Texas AB R H BI SO AVG New Orleans 0 0 .000 — Rashard Lewis 1787 1049 4625 .386 G2: Sun., Nov. 5 vs. TBD, 5 p.m.
Dallas 0 0 .000 — Peja Stojakovic 1760 804 4392 .401 G3: Sat., Nov. 11 in St. Louis, 6 p.m.
Carroll rf 4 1 1 0 2 .130 Semien 2b 5 1 1 0 0 .207
Memphis 0 0 .000 — Carmelo Anthony 1731 1260 4873 .355 #2 Seattle FC vs. #7 FC Dallas
Marte 2b 5 0 2 2 2 .423 Seager ss 5 2 3 1 0 .258
Houston 0 0 .000 — Dale Ellis 1719 1209 4266 .403 G1: Mon., Oct. 30 in Seattle, 9 p.m.
Moreno c 5 0 1 0 0 .261 Carter lf 4 2 1 2 0 .240
San Antonio 0 0 .000 — Buddy Hield 1705 548 4240 .402 G2: Sat., Nov. 4 in Dallas, 9 p.m.
C.Walker 1b 2 0 0 0 1 .105 Garcia rf 5 3 4 5 0 .357 Steve Nash 1685 1217 3939 .428 x-G3: Fri., Nov. 10 in Seattle, 10 p.m.
Pham dh 4 1 1 1 1 .118 Garver dh 3 1 1 1 1 .250
NORTHWEST W L PCT GB Kemba Walker 1670 750 4642 .360 #3 LAFC vs. #6 Vancouver FC
Gurriel Jr. lf 4 1 1 1 1 .217 a-Jnkwski ph-dh1 0 1 0 0 .500 Chris Paul 1642 1214 4448 .369 G1: Sat, Oct. 28 in Los Angeles, 8 p.m.
Thomas cf 2 1 1 0 0 .231 Heim c 5 0 2 0 1 .250 Portland 0 0 .000 — Mike Conley 1624 1025 4250 .382 G2: Sun., Nov. 5 in Vancouver, 7:30 p.m.
Longoria 3b 4 0 1 1 2 .125 Lowe 1b 4 1 1 2 3 .259 Minnesota 0 0 .000 — Jason Richardson 1608 857 4344 .370 x-G3: Thu., Nov. 9 in Los Angeles, 10 p.m.
Rivera 3b 0 0 0 0 0 .125 Jung 3b 5 1 1 0 1 .200 Oklahoma City 0 0 .000 — Trevor Ariza 1605 1118 4579 .351 #4 Houston FC vs. #5 Real Salt Lake
Perdomo ss 4 1 2 0 0 .286 Taveras cf 5 0 0 0 2 .227 Denver 0 0 .000 — Mike Miller 1590 1032 3910 .407 G1: Sun., Oct. 29 in Houston, 6 p.m.
TOTALS 34 5 10 5 9 TOTALS 42 11 15 11 8 Utah 0 0 .000 — Nicolas Batum 1589 993 4355 .365 G2: Mon., Nov. 6, Salt Lake City, 9 p.m.
CJ McCollum 1579 665 3995 .395 x-G3: Sat., Nov. 11 in Houston, 4 p.m.
Philadelphia AB R H BI SO AVG Houston AB R H BI SO AVG PACIFIC W L PCT GB Danny Green 1577 830 3945 .400 (x-if necessry; bet-of-3)
Schwarber dh 2 0 0 0 1 .368 Altuve 2b 5 2 2 1 0 .313 Phoenix 0 0 .000 — Kevin Love 1566 874 4231 .370
Turner ss 4 0 0 0 1 .238 Bregman 3b 4 2 2 1 0 .231 Kyrie Irving 1559 671 3983 .391 NWSL PLAYOFFS
Sacramento 0 0 .000 — SUNDAY NOV. 5, SEMIFINALS
Harper 1b 3 0 0 0 2 .263 Alvarez dh 4 0 3 1 1 .481 L.A. Lakers 0 0 .000 — Glen Rice 1559 1000 3896 .400
Bohm 3b 4 0 2 0 1 .273 Eddie Jones 1546 954 4147 .373 #6Gotham FC vs. #2Portland, 7p.m.
J.Abreu 1b 5 0 2 1 0 .286 L.A. Clippers 0 0 .000 —
Stott 2b 4 0 1 0 0 .238 Tim Hardaway 1542 867 4345 .355 #4OL Reign vs. #1San Diego, 9:30p.m.
Brantley lf 5 0 0 0 0 .118 Golden State 0 0 .000 —
Realmuto c 4 1 1 0 1 .261 Tucker rf 5 0 1 0 1 .154 Nick Van Exel 1528 880 4278 .357 ENGLISH PREMIER LEAGUE
Castellanos rf 4 0 0 0 2 .050 McCormick cf 2 0 1 0 0 .235 TUESDAY’S RESULTS Mike Bibby 1517 1001 3999 .379 CLUB GP W D L GF GA PT
Marsh lf 4 0 2 1 2 .333 Pena ss 4 0 1 0 1 .160 L.A. Lakers at Denver, late Bradley Beal 1514 695 4070 .372
Rojas cf 3 0 0 0 0 .143 Patty Mills 1496 860 3850 .389 Tottenham 9 7 2 0 20 8 23
Maldonado c 2 0 0 0 1 .125 Phoenix at Golden State, late
TOTALS 32 1 6 1 10 Manu Ginóbili 1495 1057 4055 .369 Man City 9 7 0 2 19 7 21
Diaz c 2 0 0 0 0 .125
Tim Hardaway Jr. 1465 657 4054 .361 Arsenal 9 6 3 0 18 8 21
Arizona 030 010 100 5 10 0 Liverpool 9 6 2 1 20 9 20
Atlanta at Charlotte, 7p.m. Player 3P G 3PA 3P%
Philadelphia 010 000 000 1 6 1 Texas 301 402 010 11 15 0 Aston Villa 9 6 1 2 23 13 19
Boston at New York, 7p.m. Lou Williams 1457 1123 4146 .351
Houston 101 000 101 4 12 0 Michael Finley 1454 1103 3880 .375 Newcastle 9 5 1 3 24 9 16
E: Soto (). LOB: Arizona 7, Philadelphia 7. Houston at Orlando, 7p.m.
Danilo Gallinari 1426 728 3732 .382 Brighton 9 5 1 3 22 18 16
2B: Longoria (1), Realmuto (2). 3B: Marte a-singled for Garver in the 8th. LOB: Texas Washington at Indiana, 7p.m.
Brent Barry 1395 912 3442 .405 Man United 9 5 0 4 11 13 15
(1). HR: Pham (1), off Nola; Gurriel Jr. 9, Houston 11. 2B: Seager (2), Carter (3), Cleveland at Brooklyn, 7:30p.m.
Antoine Walker 1386 893 4264 .325 West Ham 9 4 2 3 16 16 14
(1), off Nola. RBIs: Pham (1), Gurriel Jr. Altuve (3), Bregman (1). 3B: Alvarez (1). Detroit at Miami, 7:30p.m.
Bojan Bogdanovi 1378 662 3497 .394 Chelsea 9 3 3 3 13 9 12
(2), Longoria (1), Marte 2(3), Marsh (3). HR: Seager (2), off Javier; Garcia (4), off Minnesota at Toronto, 7:30p.m.
Dan Majerle 1360 955 3798 .358 Crystal Palace 9 3 3 3 7 11 12
SB: Stott (4), C.Walker (1), Perdomo (1), Brown; Lowe (2), off B.Abreu; Garcia (5), New Orleans at Memphis, 8p.m.
Baron Davis 1332 835 4159 .320 Wolverhampton 9 3 2 4 11 15 11
Marte (1), Thomas (1). S: Carroll. Runners off Urquidy; Bregman (3), off Scherzer; Oklahoma City at Chicago, 8p.m.
Terrence Ross 1329 733 3673 .362 Fulham 9 3 2 4 8 15 11
left in scoring position: Arizona 6(Marte, Altuve (3), off Leclerc. RBIs: Seager (3), Sacramento at Utah, 9p.m.
Jrue Holiday 1328 906 3631 .366 Brentford 9 2 4 3 14 12 10
Moreno, Longoria, C.Walker, Pham 2); Garcia 5(15), Garver (4), Carter 2(2), Lowe Dallas at San Antonio, 9:30p.m.
Player 3P G 3PA 3P% Notting. Forest 9 2 4 3 10 12 10
Philadelphia 3(Turner, Stott, Realmuto). 2(4), J.Abreu (5), Bregman (5), Alvarez (9), Portland at L.A. Clippers, 10:30p.m.
Evan Fournier 1326 672 3501 .379 Everton 9 2 1 6 9 14 7
RISP: Arizona 1for 10; Philadelphia 1for 7. Altuve (5). SB: Carter (2), Garcia (1), Heim
Mitch Richmond 1326 976 3417 .388 Luton Town 9 1 2 6 8 17 5
Runners moved up: Perdomo, Rojas. GIDP: (1), McCormick (1). Runners left in scoring THURSDAY’S GAMES
Ryan Anderson 1325 649 3491 .380 Burnley 9 1 1 7 7 23 4
Longoria, Pham. DP: Philadelphia 2(Bohm, position: Texas 5(Carter, Jung 4); Hous- Philadelphia at Milwaukee, 7:30p.m.
Allan Houston 1305 839 3247 .402 Bournemouth 9 0 3 6 6 20 3
Stott, Harper; Turner, Stott, Harper). ton 5(Altuve, Maldonado, Diaz, Brantley, Phoenix at L.A. Lakers, 10p.m.
Mike Dunleavy 1304 986 3460 .377 Sheffield United 9 0 1 8 7 24 1
ARIZONA IP H R ER BB SO ERA Tucker). RISP: Texas 6for 10; Houston 2for
14. Runners moved up: Pena. GIDP: Brant- FRIDAY’S GAMES Terry Porter 1297 1274 3360 .386
Kelly, W, 1-1 5 3 1 1 3 8 4.22
Kentavious Caldwell-Pope FRIDAY’S MATCH
Thompson, H, 1 1⅓ 2 0 0 0 0 2.08 ley. DP: Texas 1(Semien, Seager, Lowe). Detroit at Charlotte, 7p.m. Crystal Palace vs. Tottenham, 3p.m.
Saalfrank ⅔ 0 0 0 0 0 10.80 Denver at Memphis, 7p.m. 1295 759 3544 .365
Ginkel 1 1 0 0 0 0 0.00 New York at Atlanta, 7:30p.m. Mookie Blaylock 1283 889 3816 .336
Sewald 1 0 0 0 0 2 0.00 Scherzer 2⅔ 4 2 2 2 2 9.45 Khris Middleton 1267 684 3264 .388 SATURDAY’S MATCHES
Montgomery, W, 2-0 2⅓ 3 0 0 0 11.29 Miami at Boston, 7:30p.m. Chelsea vs. Brentford, 7:30a.m.
PHILADELPHIA IP H R ER BB SO ERA Sborz 1⅔ 1 1 1 0 0 1.50 Oklahoma City at Cleveland, 7:30p.m. D.J. Augustin 1262 976 3311 .381
Player 3P G 3PA 3P% Bournemouth vs. Burnley, 10a.m.
Nola, L, 1-1 4⅓ 6 4 4 2 4 3.48 Chapman 1⅓ 2 0 0 0 0 2.45 Toronto at Chicago, 8p.m.
Leclerc 1 2 1 1 1 1 6.75 Vernon Maxwell 1256 855 3931 .320 Arsenal vs. Sheffield United, 10a.m.
Lorenzen 1⅔ 1 0 0 1 1 0.00 Houston at San Antonio, 8p.m.
Kerkering 1 2 1 1 0 1 7.71 Clifford Robinson 1253 1380 3515 .356 Wolverhampton vs. Newcastle, 12:30 p.m.
HOUSTON IP H R ER BB SO ERA Brooklyn at at at Dallas, 8:30p.m.
Kimbrel 1 0 0 0 1 2 12.00
Soto 1 1 0 0 0 1 6.75 Javier, L, 1-1 ⅓ 4 3 3 1 0 7.50 L.A. Clippers at Utah, 9:30p.m. Stephen Jackson 1252 858 3763 .333
Marcus Morris 1252 783 3328 .376 SUNDAY’S MATCHES
Inherited runners-scored: Saalfrank Maton ⅔ 0 0 0 0 2 0.00 Orlando at Portland, 10p.m.
Brown 2 2 1 1 0 2 1.80 Shane Battier 1250 977 3254 .384 West Ham vs. Everton, 9a.m.
1-0, Lorenzen 1-0. Umpires: Home, Tripp France ⅔ 5 4 4 1 1 12.00
Golden State at Sacramento, 10p.m. Aston Villa vs. Luton Town, 10a.m.
Gibson; First, Andy Fletcher; Second, C.J. Miles 1250 849 3487 .358
Neris 1⅓ 0 0 0 2 1 2.84 KNICKS SCHEDULE Brighton vs. Fulham, 10a.m.
Carlos Torres; Third, Dan Iassogna; Right, B.Abreu 1 1 2 2 0 1 7.20 Derek Fisher 1248 1287 3341 .374
Hedo Türko lu 1246 997 3246 .384 Liverpool vs. Notting. Forest, 10a.m.
Lance Barksdale; Left, Mike Muchlinski. T: Urquidy 2 2 1 1 0 1 8.31
Stanek 1 1 0 0 0 0 6.75 REGULAR SEASON Man United vs. Man City, 11:30a.m.
3:02. A: 45,473(42,901). *- in-season tournament game
Inherited runners-scored: Montgom- MLS SEASON LEADERS
THIS DATE IN BASEBALL ery 1-0, Chapman 1-1, Maton 2-0, Neris October 25 : vs. Boston, 7 p.m.
Goals Shots
2-0. IBB: off Scherzer (Alvarez). HBP: October 27: at Atlanta, 7:30 p.m.
Denis Bouanga LAFC 20 Juan Hernandez Columbus 165
OCT. 25 B.Abreu (Garver), Chapman (McCormick). October 28: at New Orleans, 7 p.m.
Luciano Acosta Cincinnati 17 Denis Bouanga LAFC 137
1911: Fred Merkle’s 10th-inning sacrifice Umpires: Home, Dan Bellino; First, Mark October 31: at Cleveland, 7:30 p.m.
Giorgos Giakoumakis Atlanta 17 Hany Mukhtar Nashville 117
fly scored Larry Doyle to give the New Ripperger; Second, James Hoye; Third, November 1: vs. Cleveland, 7:30 p.m.
Juan Hernandez Columbus 16 Thiago Almada Atlanta 109
York Giants a 4-3 win over the Philadelphia Doug Eddings; Right, Jordan Baker; Left, *November 3: at Milwaukee, 7:30 p.m.
Hany Mukhtar Nashville 15 Christian Benteke DC United 107
Athletics in the World Series. The victory Marvin Hudson. T: 3:20. A: 42,814(41,000). November 6 : vs. L.A. Clippers, 7:30 p.m.
Brian White Vancouver 15 Brian White Vancouver 95
cut the A’s lead in the Series to 3-2. November 8: vs. San Antonio, 7:30 p.m.
Christian Benteke DC United 14 Riqui Puig LA Galaxy 88
1978: Gaylord Perry of the San Diego Career postseason homers November 12: vs. Charlotte, Noon
Julian Carranza Philadelphia 14 Bongo. Hlongwane Minnesota 85
Padres becomes the first pitcher to win PLAYER HR G H SLG November 13 : at Boston, 7:30 p.m.
Daniel Gazdag Philadelphia 14 Julian Carranza Philadelphia 84
the Cy Young Award in both leagues. Perry Manny Ramírez 29 111 117 .544 November 15: at Atlanta, 7:30 p.m.
Alan Pulido Sporting KC 14 Luciano Acosta Cincinnati 83
wins the National League award with a Jose Altuve 26 102 115 .502 *November 17: at Washington, 7 p.m.
Facundo Torres Orlando 14
21-6 record and a 2.72 ERA. Bernie Williams 22 121 128 .480 November 18: at Charlotte, 6 p.m. Shots on Goal
1981: Steve Yeager and Pedro Guerrero hit Derek Jeter 20 158 200 .465 Assists Juan Hernandez Columbus 58
back-to-back homers in the seventh inning Kyle Schwarber 20 63 51 .560 NETS SCHEDULE Thiago Almada Atlanta 19 Denis Bouanga LAFC 54
to lead the Los Angeles Dodgers to a 2-1 Albert Pujols 19 88 97 .572 Hector Herrera Houston 17 Hany Mukhtar Nashville 49
win over the New York Yankees and take a George Springer 19 67 74 .529 REGULAR SEASON Carles Gil New England 15 Brian White Vancouver 44
3-2 lead in the World Series. Alex Bregman 18 96 83 .433 *- in-season tournament game Luciano Acosta Cincinnati 14 Thiago Almada Atlanta 43
1986: The New York Mets rallied for three Carlos Correa 18 85 91 .508 October 25 : vs. Clevleand, 7:30 p.m. Eduard Loewen St. Louis CITY 14 Luciano Acosta Cincinnati 40
runs with two outs in the 10th inning Nelson Cruz 18 50 52 .631 October 27: at Dallas, 8:30 p.m. Cristian Espinoza San Jose 13 Christian Benteke DC United 40
against the Boston Red Sox and pushed Reggie Jackson 18 77 78 .527 October 30: at Charlotte, 7 p.m. Ryan Gauld Vancouver 12 Bongo. Hlongwane Minnesota 36
the World Series to a decisive seventh Mickey Mantle 18 65 59 .535 November 1: at Miami, 7:30 p.m. Mauricio Pereyra Orleando 12 Riqui Puig LA Galaxy 34
game. The tie-breaking run scored on David Ortiz 17 85 88 .543 *November 3: at Chicago ,8 p.m. Carlos Vela LAFC 12 Julian Carranza Philadelphia 33
Boston first baseman Bill Buckner’s error Jim Thome 17 71 49 .448 Daniel Gazdag Philadelphia 11
November 4: vs. Boston, 8 p.m.
on Mookie Wilson’s slow grounder. Carlos Beltrán 16 65 66 .609 Juan Hernandez Columbus 11 Cautions
November 6: vs. Milwaukee, 7:30 p.m.
1987: The Minnesota Twins, behind Frank Bryce Harper 16 47 50 .638 Alex Irinel Matan Columbus 11 Andres Reyes NY Red Bulls 12
November 8: vs. L.A. Clippers, 8 p.m.
Viola, won their first World Series champi- Babe Ruth 15 41 42 .744 Hany Mukhtar Nashville 11 Franco Escobar Houston 11
onship by beating the St. Louis Cardinals *-November 10: at Boston, 7:30 p.m.
Corey Seager 15 72 67 .473 Connor Ronan Colorado 11 Derrick Jones Charlotte 11
4-2 in Game 7, becoming the first team to November 12: vs. Washington, 3 p.m.
Jayson Werth 15 63 57 .524 Erik Thommy Sporting KC 11 Jose Martinez Philadelphia 11
win four home games. *November 14: vs. Orlando, 7:30 p.m.
through Monday; baseball-reference Brayan Vera Salt Lake 11
DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com Wednesday, October 25, 2023 43

MONDAY’S RESULT After 7 games After 6 games
Minnesota 7 9 6 0 — 22 Jones 151 104 68.9 884 5.85 2 Z.Wilson 182 110 60.41097 6.03 4
First Quarter Taylor 80 53 66.2 571 7.14 2 Rodgers 1 0 0.0 0 0.0 0
Min: Addison 20pass from Cousins (Joseph Campbell 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 TEAM 183 110 60.1 957 6.0 4
AMERICAN FOOTBALL CONFERENCE kick), 4:48. TEAM 231 157 68.01250 6.3 4 OPPONENTS 214 141 65.91300 6.41 8
Second Quarter OPPONENTS 221 137 62.01499 7.15 8 PASSING PCT. INT PCT LG RATE
EAST W L T PCT PF PA HOME AWAY AFC NFC DIV Minnesota: FG Joseph 21, 7:33. Z.Wilson 2.2 5 2.7 68t 73.4
Miami 5 2 0 .714 240 187 3-0-0 2-2-0 3-1-0 2-1-0 1-1-0 San Francisco: McCaffrey 3run (Moody PASSING PCT. INT PCT LG RATE Rodgers 0.0 0 0.0 0 39.6
Buffalo 4 3 0 .571 198 118 3-1-0 1-2-0 2-3-0 2-0-0 1-2-0 kick), 1:01. Jones 1.3 6 4.0 58 71.7 TEAM 2.2 5 2.7 68t 73.1
N.Y. Jets 3 3 0 .500 113 119 2-2-0 1-1-0 2-2-0 1-1-0 1-1-0 Minnesota: Addison 60pass from Cousins Taylor 2.5 0 0.0 42 95.4 OPPONENTS 3.7 8 3.7 58t 80.6
New England 2 5 0 .286 101 177 1-3-0 1-2-0 2-2-0 0-3-0 2-1-0 (kick failed), :07. Campbell 0.0 0 0.0 0 0
Third Quarter TEAM 1.7 6 2.6 58 79.9 RUSHING ATT. YDS AVG LG TD
Minnesota: FG Joseph 20, 6:59. OPPONENTS 3.6 4 1.8 69t 88.1 Bre.Hall 66 426 6.5 83 2
SOUTH W L T PCT PF PA HOME AWAY AFC NFC DIV San Francisco: McCaffrey 35pass from Cook 39 109 2.8 10 0
Jacksonville 5 2 0 .714 173 146 2-2-0 3-0-0 3-2-0 2-0-0 2-1-0 Purdy (Moody kick), 5:54. RUSHING ATT. YDS AVG LG TD Z.Wilson 19 98 5.2 16 0
Houston 3 3 0 .500 135 113 2-1-0 1-2-0 2-2-0 1-1-0 1-1-0 Minnesota: FG Joseph 54, :20. Barkley 74 284 3.8 34 1 Carter 6 36 6.0 9 0
Indianapolis 3 4 0 .429 178 191 1-3-0 2-1-0 3-3-0 0-1-0 2-2-0 Fourth Quarter Jones 38 197 5.2 17 1 Gipson 3 31 10.3 18 0
Tennessee 2 4 0 .333 104 117 2-1-0 0-3-0 2-3-0 0-1-0 0-1-0 San Francisco: FG Moody 55, 13:21. Breida 37 99 2.7 8t 1 Davis 1 4 4.0 4 0
Taylor 17 65 3.8 20 0 Bawden 1 1 1.0 1t 1
TEAM STATS SF MIN Gray 13 27 2.1 8 0 TEAM 135 705 5.2 83 3
NORTH W L T PCT PF PA HOME AWAY AFC NFC DIV First downs 18 24 Brightwell 9 19 2.1 5 0 OPPONENTS 185 811 4.4 48t 2
Baltimore 5 2 0 .714 171 97 2-1-0 3-1-0 4-2-0 1-0-0 2-1-0 Third down efficiency 5-9 8-13 W.Robinson 2 8 4.0 7 0
Cleveland 4 2 0 .667 134 115 3-1-0 1-1-0 3-2-0 1-0-0 1-2-0 Total Net Yards 325 452 TEAM 190 699 3.7 34 3 RECEIVING NO. YDS AVG LG TD
Pittsburgh 4 2 0 .667 103 127 2-1-0 2-1-0 3-1-0 1-1-0 2-0-0 Rushes-yards 22-65 21-74 OPPONENTS 192 961 5.0 76t 10 G.Wilson 32 369 11.5 68t 2
Cincinnati 3 3 0 .500 100 127 2-1-0 1-2-0 0-3-0 3-0-0 0-2-0 Passing 260 378 Conklin 20 227 11.4 37 0
Punt Returns 0-0 1-4 RECEIVING NO. YDS AVG LG TD Lazard 14 210 15.0 39 1
Kickoff Returns 1-34 2-41 Waller 35 380 10.9 27 1 Bre.Hall 13 113 8.7 25 0
Interceptions Ret. 1-0 2-0 W.Robinson 23 163 7.1 22 0 Carter 9 44 4.9 10 0
Kansas City 6 1 0 .857 178 105 3-1-0 3-0-0 4-0-0 2-1-0 2-0-0 Comp-Att-Int 21-30-2 35-45-1 Slayton 18 258 14.3 31 0 Cook 9 46 5.1 15 0
Las Vegas 3 4 0 .429 112 161 2-1-0 1-3-0 2-3-0 1-1-0 1-1-0 Sacked-Yards Lost 1-12 0-0 Barkley 16 87 5.4 32t 2 Ruckert 4 36 9.0 23 0
L.A. Chargers 2 4 0 .333 144 155 1-2-0 1-2-0 1-3-0 1-1-0 1-1-0 Punts 1-62.0 1-42.0 Campbell 16 85 5.3 17 0 Uzomah 4 22 5.5 9 1
Denver 2 5 0 .286 148 217 1-3-0 1-2-0 0-4-0 2-1-0 0-2-0 Fumbles-Lost 1-1 0-0 Hodgins 12 120 10.0 24 1 Cobb 3 20 6.7 12 0
Penalties-Yards 5-37 5-35 Breida 11 54 4.9 22 0 Gipson 1 4 4.0 4 0
NATIONAL FOOTBALL CONFERENCE Time of Possession 25:04 34:56 Hyatt 9 195 21.7 58 0 Hardman 1 6 6.0 6 0
RUSHING: San Francisco, McCaffrey 15-45, Brightwell 5 47 9.4 18 0 TEAM 110 1097 10.0 68t 4
EAST W L T PCT PF PA HOME AWAY AFC NFC DIV Purdy 5-19, Kittle 1-2, Mitchell 1-(- 1). Bellinger 4 22 5.5 8 0 OPPONENTS 141 1371 9.7 58t 8
Philadelphia 6 1 0 .857 186 141 3-0-0 3-1-0 2-1-0 4-0-0 1-0-0 Minnesota, Mattison 8-39, Akers 10-31, Shepard 4 26 6.5 13 0
Dallas 4 2 0 .667 154 100 2-0-0 2-2-0 3-0-0 1-2-0 1-0-0 Powell 1-5, Cousins 2-(- 1). Cager 2 17 8.5 9 0 INTERCEPTIONS NO. YDS AVG LG TD
Washington 3 4 0 .429 140 190 1-2-0 2-2-0 1-1-0 2-3-0 0-2-0 PASSING: San Francisco, Purdy 21-30-2- Bredeson 1 0 0.0 0 0 Whitehead 8 0 0.0 0 0
N.Y. Giants 2 5 0 .286 85 174 1-2-0 1-3-0 0-2-0 2-3-0 1-1-0 272. Minnesota, Cousins 35-45-1-378. Gray 1 1 1.0 1 0 Adams 1 45 45.0 45 0
RECEIVING: San Francisco, Kittle 5-78, Aiyuk TEAM 157 1455 9.3 58 4 Quinn.Williams 1 7 7.0 7 0
5-57, Jennings 5-54, McCaffrey 3-51, McCloud OPPONENTS 137 1580 11.5 69t 8 Bry.Hall 1 5 5.0 5 0
SOUTH W L T PCT PF PA HOME AWAY AFC NFC DIV 2-20, Dwelley 1-12. Minnesota, Hockenson Davis 1 1 1.0 1 0
Atlanta 4 3 0 .571 115 133 3-1-0 1-2-0 1-1-0 3-2-0 2-0-0 11-86, Addison 7-123, Osborn 5-47, Powell 4-64, INTERCEPTIONS NO. YDS AVG LG TD Mosley 1 0 0.0 0 0
Tampa Bay 3 3 0 .500 103 104 1-3-0 2-0-0 0-0-0 3-3-0 1-1-0 Akers 2-30, Oliver 2-6, Mattison 2-3, Chandler Pinnock 1 102 102.0 102t 1 TEAM 13 58 4.5 45 0
New Orleans 3 4 0 .429 133 127 1-2-0 2-2-0 2-2-0 1-2-0 1-1-0 1-12, Tr.Jackson 1-7. Okereke 1 7 7.0 7 0 OPPONENTS 5 53 10.6 32 0
Carolina 0 6 0 .000 112 186 0-2-0 0-4-0 0-1-0 0-5-0 0-2-0 PUNT RETURNS: San Francisco, None. Banks 1 6 6.0 6 0
Minnesota, Powell 1-4. McFadden 1 5 5.0 5 0 SACKS NO.
KICKOFF RETURNS: San Francisco, TEAM 4 120 30.0 102t 1 Jefferson 3.0
NORTH W L T PCT PF PA HOME AWAY AFC NFC DIV McCloud 1-34. Minnesota, Nwangwu 2-41. OPPONENTS 17 183 10.8 97t 2 Huff 2.5
Detroit 5 2 0 .714 174 151 2-1-0 3-1-0 1-1-0 4-1-0 1-0-0 INTERCEPTIONS: San Francisco, Ward 1-0. Johnson 2.0
Minnesota 3 4 0 .429 151 152 1-3-0 2-1-0 0-2-0 3-2-0 1-0-0 Minnesota, Bynum 2-0. DEFENSIVE SACKS Quinc.Williams 2.0
Green Bay 2 4 0 .333 130 132 1-1-0 1-3-0 0-2-0 2-2-0 1-1-0 MISSED FIELD GOALS: San Francisco, Thibodeaux 5.5 Lawrence 2.0 Franklin-Myers 1.0
Chicago 2 5 0 .286 158 188 1-3-0 1-2-0 1-2-0 1-3-0 0-2-0 Moody 40. Minnesota, Joseph 50. Williams 1.5 Pinnock 1.0 Thomas 1.0
NFL INJURY REPORT Davidson 0.5 McFadden 0.5 Woods 1.0
TEAM 11.0 OPPONENTS 37.0 Quinn.Williams 0.5
San Francisco 5 2 0 .714 201 109 3-0-0 2-2-0 1-1-0 4-1-0 2-0-0 GROSS NET IN OPPONENTS 20.0
Seattle 4 2 0 .667 144 118 2-1-0 2-1-0 0-1-0 4-1-0 1-1-0 TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS
L.A. Rams 3 4 0 .429 155 141 1-3-0 2-1-0 1-2-0 2-2-0 2-1-0 at BUFFALO BILLS
Gillan 331613 48.9 44.9 11 64 0 GROSS NET IN
Arizona 1 6 0 .143 127 182 1-2-0 0-4-0 0-1-0 1-5-0 0-3-0 TAMPA BAY: DNP: G Matt Feiler (knee), S
TEAM 331613 48.9 44.9 11 64 0 PUNTING NO. YDS AVG AVG 20 LG BLK
Kaevon Merriweather (ankle), DT Vita Vea
OPP. 281343 48.0 44.6 12 63 0 Morstead 291389 47.9 44.4 12 58 0
(groin). LIMITED: WR Chris Godwin (neck),
WEEK 8 WEEK 9 QB Baker Mayfield (knee). FULL: RB Chase TEAM 291389 47.9 44.4 12 58 0
PUNTRETURNS NO. FC YDS AVG LG TD FOES 22 978 44.5 38.2 8 55 0
Gray 7 0 28 4.0 14 0
Tampa Bay at Buffalo, 8:15p.m. (Prime) Tennessee at Pittsburgh, 8:15p.m. (Prime) BUFFALO: DNP: TE Dawson Knox (wrist),
Shepard 3 0 10 3.3 5 0 PUNTRETURNS NO. FC YDS AVG LG TD
TE Quintin Morris (ankle), LB Baylon Spec-
Jackson 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 Gipson 10 0 137 13.7 65t 1
SUNDAY’S GAMES SUNDAY, NOV. 5 tor (hamstring). LIMITED: LB Von Miller
Slayton 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 TEAM 10 0 137 13.7 65t 1
N.Y. Jets at N.Y. Giants, 1p.m. (Ch. 2) Miami vs. (NIR-resting player/knee), DT Ed Oliver
TEAM 10 0 38 3.8 14 0 OPPONENTS 10 0 62 6.2 18 0
Atlanta at Tennessee, 1p.m. Kansas City (Frankfurt), 9:30a.m. (toe), DT Jordan Phillips (back). FULL:
OPPONENTS 14 0 98 7.0 23 0
Houston at Carolina, 1p.m. Minnesota at Atlanta, 1p.m. QB Josh Allen (right shoulder), LB Terrel
Jacksonville at Pittsburgh, 1p.m. Seattle at Baltimore, 1p.m. Bernard (knee), T Spencer Brown (knee), KICKOFFRETURNS NO. YDS AVG LG TD
KICKOFFRETURNS NO. YDS AVG LG TD Gipson 6 143 23.8 30 0
L.A. Rams at Dallas, 1p.m. Arizona at Cleveland, 1p.m. CB Kaiir Elam (ankle).
Campbell 1 21 21.0 21 0 TEAM 6 143 23.8 30 0
Minnesota at Green Bay, 1p.m. L.A. Rams at Green Bay, 1p.m. JETS SCHEDULE Gray 4 58 14.5 20 0 OPPONENTS 2 11 5.5 11 0
New England at Miami, 1p.m. Tampa Bay at Houston, 1p.m.
TEAM 5 79 15.8 21 0
New Orleans at Indianapolis, 1p.m. Washington at New England, 1p.m. (Ch. 5) REGULAR SEASON (3-3) OPPONENTS 4 112 28.0 38 0 OFF. DEF.
Philadelphia at Washington, 1p.m. Chicago at New Orleans, 1p.m. Sept. 11: vs. Buffalo, W 22-16 (OT) FUMBLES/RECOVERIES FUM REC. REC.
Cleveland at Seattle, 4:05p.m. (Ch. 5) Indianapolis at Carolina, 4:05p.m. Sept. 17: at Dallas, L 30-10 OFF. DEF. Cook 1 0 0
Baltimore at Arizona, 4:25p.m. N.Y. Giants at Las Vegas, 4:25p.m. (Ch. 5) Sept. 24: vs. New England, L 15-10 FUMBLES/RECOVERIES FUM REC. REC. Eguavoen 0 0 1
Cincinnati at San Francisco, 4:25 p.m. (Ch. 2) Dallas at Philadelphia, 4:25p.m. (FOX) Oct. 1: vs. Kansas City, L 23-20 Barkley 1 0 0 Gipson 3 0 0
Kansas City at Denver, 4:25p.m. Buffalo at Cincinnati, 8:20p.m. (CH. 4)* Oct. 8: at Denver, W 31-21 Breida 1 0 0 Bre.Hall 2 1 0
Chicago at L.A. Chargers, 8:20p.m. (Ch. 4) Oct. 15: vs. Philadelphia, W 20-14 Campbell 0 1 0 Bry.Hall 0 0 1
MONDAY, NOV. 6 Oct. 22: Bye Ezeudu 0 2 0 Jefferson 0 0 1
MONDAY, OCT. 30 L.A. Chargers at N.Y. Jets, 8:15p.m. (Ch. 7) Oct. 29: at Giants, 1 p.m. Glowinski 0 1 0 McDonald 0 1 0
Las Vegas at Detroit, 8:15p.m. (Ch. 7) Nov. 6: vs. L.A. Chargers, 8:15 p.m. Gray 3 0 0 Tomlinson 0 1 0
Nov. 12: at Las Vegas, 8:20 p.m. Hodgins 1 0 0 Quinc.Williams 0 0 1
NFL CALENDAR Nov. 19: at Buffalo, 4:25 p.m. Jones 4 1 0 Quinn.Williams 0 0 1
free agents to whom the “UFA Tender” Nov. 24: vs. Miami, 3 p.m. McCloud 0 2 0 Z.Wilson 3 1 0
Oct. 31: All trading ends for 2023 at 4:00 was made. If still unsigned after this date, Dec. 3: vs. Atlanta, 1 p.m. McFadden 0 0 1 TEAM 9 4 5
p.m., New York time. such players are prohibited from playing Dec. 10: vs. Houston, 1 p.m. Schmitz 1 1 0 OPPONENTS 9 3 3
in NFL in 2023. Dec. 17: at Miami, 1 p.m. Shepard 1 0 0 SCORE BY QUARTERS
Nov. 1: Players with at least four previous Prior to 4:00 p.m., New York time, dead- Dec. 24: vs. Washington, 1 p.m. Taylor 1 1 0 1 2 3 4 OT TOT
pension-credited seasons are subject to line for Clubs to sign their restricted free Dec. 28: at Cleveland, 8:15 p.m. Thibodeaux 0 0 1 TEAM 5 40 24 38 6 113
the waiver system for the remainder of agents, including those to whom the Week 18: at New England, TBD TEAM 13 9 2 OPPONENTS 44 44 9 22 0 119
the regular season and postseason. “June 1 Tender” was made. If such players OPPONENTS 6 2 4 TOUCHDOWNS
remain unsigned after this date, they are GIANTS SCHEDULE SCORING TD RUN REC RET SAF PTS
Nov. 5: NFL International Game at Frank- prohibited from playing in NFL in 2023. *Zuerlein 0 0 0 0 0 47
furt Stadium (Frankfurt, Germany) Miami REGULAR SEASON (2-5) Bre.Hall 2 2 0 0 0 12
1 2 3 4 OT TOT
Dolphins vs. Kansas City Chiefs Dec. 12-13: Special League Meeting/Front Sept. 10: vs. Dallas, L 40-0 G.Wilson 2 0 2 0 0 12
TEAM 6 33 23 23 0 85
Office Accelerator, Irving, TX Sept. 17: at Arizona, W 31-28 Bawden 1 1 0 0 0 6
OPPONENTS 40 54 46 34 0 174
Nov. 12: NFL International Game at Frank- 2024 Sept. 21: at San Francisco, L 30-12 TOUCHDOWNS Gipson 1 0 0 1 0 6
furt Stadium (Frankfurt, Germany) India- Oct. 2: vs. Seattle, L 24-3 SCORING TD RUN REC RET SAF PTS Bry.Hall 1 0 0 1 0 6
napolis Colts vs. New England Patriots Jan. 6-7: Week 18 Oct. 8: at Miami, L 31-16 *Gano 0 0 0 0 0 37 Lazard 1 0 1 0 0 6
Oct. 15: at Buffalo, L 14-9 Barkley 3 1 2 0 0 18 Uzomah 1 0 1 0 0 6
Nov. 14: At 4:00 p.m., New York time, sign- Jan. 8: Clubs may begin signing free agent Oct. 22: vs. Washington, W 14-7 Breida 1 1 0 0 0 6 %Seibert 0 0 0 0 0 4
ing period ends for Franchise Players who players for the 2024 season. Oct. 29: vs. Jets, 1 p.m. Hodgins 1 0 1 0 0 6 Z.Wilson 0 0 0 0 0 4
are eligible to receive offer sheets. Earliest permissible date for clubs to Nov. 5: at Las Vegas, 4:25 p.m. Jones 1 1 0 0 0 6 Cobb 0 0 0 0 0 2
Prior to 4:00 p.m., New York time, dead- renegotiate or extend the rookie contract Nov. 12: at Dallas, 4:25 p.m. Pinnock 1 0 0 0 0 6 TEAM 9 3 4 2 2 103
line for clubs to sign their unsigned Fran- of a drafted rookie who was selected in Nov. 19: at Washington, 1 p.m. Waller 1 0 1 0 0 6 OPPONENTS 10 2 8 0 1 107
chise and Transition Players, including any round of the 2021 NFL Draft or any TEAM 8 3 4 0 0 78 *-5-of-5 on extra pts; 14-of-15 on field goals
Nov. 26: vs. New England, 1 p.m.
%-1-of-1 on field goals; 1-of-1 on extra points
Franchise Players who were eligible to undrafted rookie who signed in 2022. Any Dec. 3: Bye OPPONENTS 22 10 8 0 0 159
receive offer sheets until this date. If still permissible renegotiated or extended Dec. 11: vs. Green Bay, 8:15 p.m. *-10-of-14 on field goals; 7-of-7 on extra pts FIELD GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+
unsigned after this date, such players are player contract will not be considered a Dec. 17: at New Orleans, 1 p.m. FIELD GOALS 1-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50+ Zuerlein 0/0 4/4 5/5 4/4 1/2
prohibited from playing in NFL in 2023. rookie contract, and will not be subject to Dec. 25: at Philadelphia, 4:30 p.m. Gano 0-0 2-2 2-3 3-5 3-4 Seibert 0/0 0/0 1/1 0/0 0/0
Prior to 4:00 p.m., New York time, dead- the rules that limit rookie contracts. Dec. 31: vs. L.A. Rams, 1 p.m. TEAM 0-0 2-2 2-3 3-5 3-4 TEAM 0/0 4/4 6/6 4/4 1/2
line for clubs to sign their unrestricted Week 18: vs. Philadelphia, TBD OPPONENTS 0-0 3-4 4-4 2-2 0-4 OPPONENTS 0/0 5/5 5/6 2/3 3/4
44 Wednesday, October 25, 2023 DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com
Through Monday MONDAY’S RESULT
ATLANTIC GP W L OT PTS GF GA Montreal 1 0 2 — 3
F 10 Artemi Panarin 5 3 4 7 1 2 0 0 0 21 .143 MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL
Buffalo 1 0 0 — 1
Boston 5 5 0 0 10 16 7 D 23 Adam Fox 5 1 4 5 4 6 1 0 0 7 .143 AMERICAN LEAGUE
Detroit 6 5 1 0 10 30 15 F 20 Chris Kreider 5 4 1 5 3 6 2 1 1 13 .308 First Period: 1, Montreal, Barron 1 (Mona- OAKLAND: Claimed LHP Anthony Kay off
Toronto 6 4 2 0 8 23 20 F 93 Mika Zibanejad 5 0 5 5 3 2 0 0 0 14 .000 han, Xhekaj), 2:56; 2, Buffalo, Skinner 3 waivers from the N.Y. Met.
Montreal 5 3 1 1 7 16 16 F 72 Filip Chytil 5 0 4 4 0 2 0 0 0 13 .000 (Dahlin, Cozens), 7:13 (pp) NATIONAL LEAGUE
Ottawa 5 3 2 0 6 21 15 D 79 K’Andre Miller 5 0 3 3 1 2 0 0 0 5 .000 Penalties: Gallagher, MTL (Tripping), 7:05; Krebs, N.Y. METS: Sent C Michael Perez, SSs
D 56 Erik Gustafsson 5 1 1 2 4 2 0 0 0 9 .111 BUF (Boarding),14:51; Montreal bench, served Jonathan Arauz and Danny Mendick,
Tampa Bay 6 2 2 2 6 20 24
F 24 Kaapo Kakko 5 1 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 10 .100 by Pezzetta(Too Many Men on the Ice), 17:06 OF Rafael Ortega and RHP Vinny Nittoli
Florida 5 2 3 0 4 14 17
F 13 Alexis Lafreniere 5 2 0 2 1 2 0 0 0 5 .400 Second Period: Penalties: Xhekaj, MTL outright to Syracuse (IL).
Buffalo 6 2 4 0 4 13 18
F 16 Vincent Trocheck 5 1 1 2 0 9 1 0 1 8 .125 (Roughing), 5:42; Okposo, BUF (Slashing),
METRO. GP W L OT PTS GF GA D 8 Jacob Trouba 5 1 1 2 0 16 0 0 0 10 .100 14:47; Barron, MTL (Cross Checking), 19:04 BASKETBALL
F 50 Will Cuylle 5 1 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 4 .250 Third Period: 3, Montreal, Gallagher 2 NATIONAL BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION
Philadelphia 5 3 1 1 7 16 13 F 26 Jimmy Vesey 3 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 3 .000 (Savard, Pearson), 3:31; 4, Montreal, Pear- CHARLOTTE: Signed G Ish Smith. Waived G
N.Y. Rangers 5 3 2 0 6 15 12 F 12 Nick Bonino 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 .000 son 3 (Gallagher, Newhook), 16:53 (pp) Edmond Sumner.
Columbus 5 3 2 0 6 15 16 F 21 Barclay Goodrow 5 0 0 0 0 12 0 0 0 3 .000 Penalties: Monahan, MTL (Tripping), 10:16; HOUSTON: Waived G Trevor Hudgins.
Carolina 6 3 3 0 6 28 30 D 6 Zac Jones 1 0 0 0 -2 0 0 0 0 4 .000 Tuch, BUF (Cross Checking), 14:57 PORTLAND: Waived C Ibou Badji.
N.Y. Islanders 4 2 1 1 5 9 10 Shots on Goal: Montreal 4-9-13—26;
D 55 Ryan Lindgren 4 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 .000
New Jersey 4 2 1 1 5 15 15 Buffalo 7-17-13—37 FOOTBALL
F 71 Tyler Pitlick 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 .000
Pittsburgh 5 2 3 0 4 16 16 Power-play opportunities: Montreal 1 of 3; NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE
D 4 Braden Schneider 5 0 0 0 -1 2 0 0 0 7 .000
Washington 5 1 3 1 3 7 19 Buffalo 1 of 5 ARIZONA: Promoted TE Blake Whiteheart
F 17 Blake Wheeler 5 0 0 0 -3 0 0 0 0 10 .000
Goalies: Montreal, Allen 2-0-1 (37 shots-36 from the practice squad to the active
TEAM TOTALS 5 15 26 41 14 71 4 1 3 152 .099 saves); Buffalo, Comrie 1-1-0 (26-23)
WESTERN CONFERENCE OPPONENT TOTALS 5 12 21 33 -16 89 4 0 2 119 .101 roster. Placed TE Zach Ertz on injured
CENTRAL GP W L OT PTS GF GA A: 13,507 (19,070); T: 2:25 reserve. Released S K’Von Wallace and CB
NO GOALTENDER GP MINS AVG W L OT SO GA SA SV% G A PIM Referees: Tom Chmielewski, Furman South
Colorado 5 5 0 0 10 21 8 31 Igor Shesterkin 4 210 3.14 2 2 0 0 11 91 0.879 0 0 2 Quavian White from the practice squad.
Linesmen: Mitch Hunt, Brad Kovachik ATLANTA: Promoted DT LaCale London
Dallas 4 3 0 1 7 12 10 32 Jonathan Quick 2 86 0.7 1 0 0 0 1 28 0.964 0 0 0
Arizona 5 3 2 0 6 13 9 TEAM TOTALS 5 300 2.4 3 2 0 0 12 119 .899 15 26 71 CAREER ASSIST LEADERS from the practice squad to the active
Nashville 6 3 3 0 6 18 16 OPPONENT TOTALS 5 300 2.8 2 3 0 0 14 151 .901 12 21 89 through Monday; hockey-reference roster. Released DT Ali Ankou from the
St. Louis 4 2 1 1 5 9 11 PLAYER A GP G PTS practice squad.
Minnesota 5 2 2 1 5 18 21 ISLANDERS STATISTICS Wayne Gretzky1963 1487 894 2857 CAROLINA: Signed OLB Luiji Vilain from
Winnipeg 5 2 3 0 4 16 21 Through Monday Ron Francis 1249 1731 549 1798 the Minnesota practice squad and OL
Brett Toth from the Philadelphia practice
Chicago 6 2 4 0 4 14 18 POS NO. PLAYER GP G A PTS +/- PIM PP SH GW S PCTG Mark Messier 1193 1756 694 1887
squad. Reinstated G Austin Corbett from
F 29 Brock Nelson 4 3 1 4 4 0 0 0 0 14 .214 Ray Bourque 1169 1612 410 1579
injured reserve. Placed S Jeremy Chinn,
PACIFIC GP W L OT PTS GF GA F 21 Kyle Palmieri 4 1 3 4 3 0 0 0 0 11 .091 Jaromír Jágr 1155 1733 766 1921
OLB Yetur Gross-Matos and TE Giovanni
F 13 Mathew Barzal 4 1 2 3 2 2 1 0 1 15 .067 Paul Coffey 1135 1409 396 1531
Vegas 6 6 0 0 12 25 11 Ricci on injured reserve. Released G Justin
D 8 Noah Dobson 4 1 2 3 3 0 0 0 0 13 .077 Joe Thornton 1109 1714 430 1539
Vancouver 5 3 2 0 6 20 13 McCray from the practice squad.
F 14 Bo Horvat 4 2 1 3 3 2 0 0 0 16 .125 Adam Oates 1079 1337 341 1420
Los Angeles 5 2 2 1 5 21 19 CLEVELAND: Signed RB Jordan Wilkins to
F 18 Pierre Engvall 4 0 2 2 0 4 0 0 0 2 .000 Steve Yzerman 1063 1514 692 1755
Calgary 6 2 3 1 5 16 23 the practice squad.
F 53 Casey Cizikas 4 1 0 1 -1 6 0 0 1 5 .200 Gordie Howe 1049 1767 801 1850
Edmonton 5 1 3 1 3 13 20 DALLAS: Signed TE Eric Saubert, LB Buddy
F 15 Cal Clutterbuck 4 0 1 1 -1 0 0 0 0 5 .000 Marcel Dionne 1040 1348 731 1771
Seattle 6 1 4 1 3 11 21 Johnson and Gs Chris Glaser and Adam
F 27 Anders Lee 4 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 7 .000 Mario Lemieux 1033 915 690 1723
Anaheim 5 1 4 0 2 11 15 Pankey to the practice squad.
F 17 Matt Martin 4 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 3 .000 Joe Sakic 1016 1378 625 1641 DETROIT: Released WR Marvin Jones.
San Jose 5 0 4 1 1 7 20
D 3 Adam Pelech 4 0 1 1 2 11 0 0 0 3 .000 Doug Gilmour 964 1474 450 1414 Placed RB Mohamed Ibrahim on injured
D 6 Ryan Pulock 4 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 .000 Mark Recchi 956 1652 577 1533 reserve. Signed RB Jermar Jefferson to the
D 25 Sebastian Aho 4 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 5 .000 Sidney Crosby 954 1195 553 1507 practice squad.
Toronto 4, Washington 1
D 4 Samuel Bolduc 3 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Al MacInnis 934 1416 340 1274 HOUSTON: Re-signed LB Cory Littleton.
New Jersey at Montreal, late
F 20 Hudson Fasching 3 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 3 .000 Larry Murphy 929 1615 288 1217 Signed CB D’Angelo Ross to the practice
Colorado at N.Y. Islanders, late
F 16 Julien Gauthier 1 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Stan Mikita 926 1396 541 1467 squad.
N.Y. Rangers at Calgary, late
F 10 Simon Holmstrom 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Bryan Trottier 901 1279 524 1425 INDIANAPOLIS: Signed DT Ross Blacklock
Anaheim at Columbus, late
D 24 Scott Mayfield 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 .000 Phil Housley 894 1495 338 1232 to the practice squad. Released S Henry
Buffalo at Ottawa, late
F 44 Jean-Gabriel Pageau4 0 0 0 -3 0 0 0 0 6 .000 Dale Hawerchuk891 1188 518 1409 Black from the practice squad.
Carolina at Tampa Bay, late
D 28 Alexander Romanov4 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 5 .000 Nicklas Lidström878 1564 264 1142 JACKSONVILLE: Re-signed QB Nathan
Dallas at Pittsburgh, late
F 26 Oliver Wahlstrom 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Phil Esposito 873 1282 717 1590 Rourke to the practice squad.
San Jose at Florida, late
TEAM TOTALS 4 9 16 25 13 35 1 0 2 120 .075 Denis Savard 865 1196 473 1338 KANSAS CITY: Signed DT Mike Pennel to
Seattle at Detroit, late
OPPONENT TOTALS 4 10 19 29 -12 31 4 0 2 124 .081 Bobby Clarke 852 1144 358 1210 the practice squad. Released WR Daniel
Boston at Chicago, late
NO GOALTENDER GP MINS AVG W L OT SO GA SA SV% G A PIM Henrik Sedin 830 1330 240 1070 Arias from the practice squad.
St. Louis at Winnipeg, late
30 Ilya Sorokin 3 181 2.32 2 0 1 1 7 81 0.914 0 0 0 Alex Delvecchio 825 1550 456 1281 LAS VEGAS: Signed LB Darius Harris and
Edmonton at Minnesota, late
40 Semyon Varlamov1 59 3.05 0 1 0 0 3 43 0.93 0 0 0 Gilbert Perreault814 1191 512 1326 K James McCourt to the practice squad.
Vancouver at Nashville, late
TEAM TOTALS 4 242 2.5 2 1 1 1 10 124 .919 9 16 35 Johnny Bucyk 813 1540 556 1369 Released TE John Samuel Shenker and LB
Arizona at Los Angeles, late
OPPONENT TOTALS 4 242 2.25 2 2 0 0 9 120 .925 10 19 31 Mike Modano 813 1499 561 1374 Mykal Walker from the practice squad.
Philadelphia at Vegas, late
Pierre Turgeon 812 1294 515 1327 Released TE Noah Togiai from the practice
DEVILS STATISTICS Jari Kurri 797 1251 601 1398 squad injured reserve.
Washington at New Jersey, 7:30p.m. Through Monday Guy Lafleur 793 1126 560 1353 L.A. RAMS: Released K Brett Maher.
POS NO. PLAYER GP G A PTS +/- PIM PP SH GW S PCTG Peter Š astný 789 977 450 1239 MIAMI: Reinstated CB Nik Needham off
THURSDAY’S GAMES F 86 Jack Hughes 4 4 6 10 -2 4 2 0 1 22 .182 Patrick Kane 786 1180 451 1237 the physically unable to perform (PUP)
Anaheim at Boston, 7p.m. F 63 Jesper Bratt 4 3 5 8 1 2 2 0 0 10 .300 Mats Sundin 785 1346 564 1349 list. Placed OL Isaiah Wynn on injured
Colorado at Pittsburgh, 7p.m. D 7 Dougie Hamilton 4 3 2 5 -2 2 2 0 0 15 .200 Brian Leetch 781 1205 247 1028 reserve.
Columbus at Montreal, 7p.m. F 56 Erik Haula 3 2 1 3 1 4 1 0 1 9 .222 Jean Ratelle 776 1280 491 1267 NEW ENGLAND: Waived QB/WR Malik
San Jose at Tampa Bay, 7p.m. D 71 Jonas Siegenthaler 4 0 3 3 -1 4 0 0 0 5 .000 V Damphousse 773 1378 432 1205 Cunnigham. Released DE Trey Flowers.
Seattle at Carolina, 7p.m. F 73 Tyler Toffoli 4 1 2 3 -3 0 1 0 0 16 .063 Teemu Selänne 773 1451 684 1457 NEW ORLEANS: Signed G Tommy Kraemer
Winnipeg at Detroit, 7p.m. D 6 John Marino 4 0 2 2 -1 4 0 0 0 3 .000 Chris Chelios 763 1651 185 948 to the practice squad. Released TE J.P.
F 28 Timo Meier 4 0 2 2 -3 8 0 0 0 7 .000 Evgeni Malkin 762 1068 475 1237 Holtz from the practice squad. Reinstated
Minnesota at Philadelphia, 7:30p.m.
F 18 Ondrej Palat 4 0 2 2 -2 2 0 0 0 5 .000 Nicklas Bäckström7611101 271 1032 LB Ryan Connelly from the practice squad
Ottawa at N.Y. Islanders, 7:30p.m.
F 10 Alexander Holtz 4 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 5 .000 Bernie Federko 761 1000 369 1130 injured reserve.
Toronto at Dallas, 8p.m.
D 43 Luke Hughes 4 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 6 .167 Doug Weight 755 1238 278 1033 N.Y. GIANTS: Signed RB Jashaun Corbin.
N.Y. Rangers at Edmonton, 9p.m.
F 20 Michael McLeod 4 1 0 1 -2 2 0 0 0 6 .167 Anže Kopitar 751 1297 395 1146 Signed OLB Justin Hollins to the practice
St. Louis at Calgary, 9p.m.
D 88 Kevin Bahl 4 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Larry Robinson 750 1384 208 958 squad. Placed RB Eric Gray and T Matt
F 14 Nathan Bastian 3 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 7 .000 Denis Potvin 742 1060 310 1052 Peart on injured reserve. Claimed RB Deon
F 13 Nico Hischier 4 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 7 .000 Norm Ullman 739 1410 490 1229 Jackson off waivers from Cleveland.
Montreal 3, Buffalo 1
F 42 Curtis Lazar 3 0 0 0 -1 2 0 0 0 0 .000 Ryan Getzlaf 737 1157 282 1019 N.Y. JETS: Reinstated DB Jarrick
Toronto 4, Washington 1 F 91 Dawson Mercer 4 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0 4 .000 Bernie Nicholls 734 1127 475 1209 Bernard-Converse from the physically
F 92 Tomas Nosek 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 .000 Rod Brind’Amour732 1484 452 1184 unable to perform (PUP) list. Signed
Toronto 1 3 0 — 4 WR Lance McCutheon to the practice
D 2 Brendan Smith 4 0 0 0 -2 2 0 0 0 7 .000 Luc Robitaille 726 1431 668 1394
Washington 0 1 0 — 1 squad. Released S Tyreque Jones from
F 11 Chris Tierney 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Daniel Alfredsson713 1246 444 1157
First Period: 1, Toronto, Rielly 1 (Domi, TEAM TOTALS 4 15 27 42 -19 40 9 0 2 136 .110 Jean Béliveau 712 1125 507 1219 the practice squad. Waived LB Hamsah
Liljegren), 12:53 (pp) OPPONENT TOTALS 4 14 23 37 19 48 5 0 1 130 .108 Scott Stevens 712 1635 196 908 Nasirildeen.
Penalties: Kampf, TOR (Hooking), NO GOALTENDER GP MINS AVG W L OT SO GA SA SV% G A PIM Jeremy Roenick 703 1363 513 1216 PHILADELPHIA: Signed DT Noah Ellis and
2:24; Backstrom, WSH (Hooking), 5:58; 40 Akira Schmid 2 127 3.31 1 0 1 0 7 65 0.892 0 1 0 Dave Andreychuk698 1639 640 1338 LB Brandon Smith to the practice squad.
Kuznetsov, WSH (Delay of Game), 10:57; 41 Vitek Vanecek 2 115 3.62 1 1 0 0 7 65 0.892 0 0 0 Brendan Shanahan6981524 656 1354 PITTSBURGH: Signed LB Caleb Johnson
Holmberg, TOR (Holding), 18:23 TEAM TOTALS 4 247 3.5 2 1 1 0 14 130 .892 15 27 40 and TE Scotty Washington to the practice
Second Period: 2, Toronto, Tavares OPPONENT TOTALS 4 247 3.5 2 1 1 0 14 135 .890 14 23 48 COLLEGE BASKETBALL squad. Released OL Obinna Eze and TE
3 (Rielly, Bertuzzi), 5:41; 3, Toronto, Noah Gindorff from the practice squad.
Nylander 5 (Matthews), 6:29. 4, Toronto, NHL SCORING LEADERS AP PRESEASON WOMEN’S SAN FRANCISCO: Signed S Tayler Hawkins
Matthews 7 (Klingberg, Marner), 15:07 Through Monday ALL-AMERICAN TEAM to the practice squad. Released S Tre
(pp). 5, Washington, Ovechkin 1 (Carlson, PLAYER, TEAM GP G A PTS +/- PIM PP SH GW S PCT Votes (out of 36) from a 60-member Norwood from the practice squad.
Wilson), 19:49 (pp) Alex DeBrincat, Detroit 6 8 4 12 7 0 2 0 1 19 42.1 national media panel: TENNESSEE: Signed LB Joe Jones and RB
Penalties: Giordano, TOR (Interference on Dylan Larkin, Detroit 6 3 8 11 5 9 2 0 1 27 11.1 PLAYER, TEAM, HT, CL VOTES Jonathan Ward to the practice squad.
breakaway (Penalty Shot)), 2:45; Wilson, Elias Pettersson, Vancouver 5 2 8 10 5 0 1 0 0 12 16.7 Caitlin Clark, Iowa: 6-foot, sr. 36 Released RB Jacques Patrick from the
Jack Hughes, New Jersey 4 4 6 10 -2 4 2 0 1 22 18.2 27.8 ppg, 8.6 apg, 7.8 rpg practice squad.
WSH (Unsportsmanlike Conduct), 14:10;
Brodie, TOR (Tripping), 18:16 John Tavares, Toronto 5 2 7 9 0 0 0 0 1 23 8.7 Angel Reese, LSU: 6-3, sr. 35
Third Period: None William Nylander, Toronto 5 4 5 9 -2 2 1 0 0 20 20.0 23.0 ppg, 15.4 rpg, 1.8 spg. HOCKEY
Leon Draisaitl, Edmonton 5 4 5 9 0 8 3 0 0 18 22.2 Paige Bueckers, UConn: 5-11, jr. 22 NATIONAL HOCKEY LEAGUE
Penalties: None
Nikita Kucherov, Tampa Bay 6 6 3 9 -3 2 3 0 1 26 23.1 2022 stats: 14.6 ppg, 4.0 rpg, 3.9 apg. CAROLINA: Recalled D Dylan Coughlin
Shots on Goal: Toronto 5-9-3—17; Wash-
J.T. Miller, Vancouver 5 2 6 8 4 4 1 0 0 14 14.3 Cameron Brink, Stanford: 6-4, sr. 19 from Springfield (AHL).
ington 17-12-8—37
Connor McDavid, Edmonton 5 2 6 8 -3 6 1 0 0 13 15.4 15.1 ppg, 9.6 rpg, 3.5 bpg. CHICAGO: Activated C Phillipp Kurashev
Power-play opportunities: Toronto 2 of 3;
Jesper Bratt, New Jersey 4 3 5 8 1 2 2 0 0 10 30.0 Elizabeth Kitley, Virginia Tech: 6-6 18 from injured reserve.
Washington 1 of 3
Mikko Rantanen, Colorado 5 4 4 8 4 0 1 0 1 19 21.1 grad student, 18.2 ppg, 10.7 rpg, 2.4 bpg FLORIDA: Recalled F Mackie Samoskevich
Goalies: Toronto, Woll 2-1-0 (37 shots-
from Charlotte (AHL).
36 saves); Washington, Kuemper 1-2-1 Evgeni Malkin, Pittsburgh 5 4 4 8 1 6 0 0 1 20 20.0 Mackenzie Holmes, Indiana: 6-3 18
MONTREAL: Recalled D Gustav Lindstrom
(17-13) David Pastrnak, Boston 5 5 3 8 5 0 1 0 1 23 21.7 grad student, 22.3 ppg, 7.3 rpg, 68.8% FG%
from Laval (AHL) as an emergency backup
A: 16,641 (18,277) Sam Reinhart, Florida 5 6 2 8 5 2 2 1 1 19 31.6 Others receiving votes: Georgia Amoore,
goaltender (EBUG).
T: 2:20 Brayden Point, Tampa Bay 6 0 7 7 -5 2 0 0 0 14 0.0 Va. Tech; Aaliyah Edwards, UConn; Azzi
NASHVILLE: Reassigned F Nolan Burke
Referees: Frederick L’Ecuyer, Kelly Suther- Kevin Fiala, Los Angeles 5 0 7 7 -3 0 0 0 0 12 0.0 Fudd, UConn; Rori Harmon, Texas; Rickea
from Milwaukee (AHL) to Atlanta (ECHL).
land Artemi Panarin, N.Y. Rangers 5 3 4 7 1 2 0 0 0 21 14.3 Jackson, Tennessee; Cotie McMahon, Ohio
WASHINGTON: Returned G Clay Stevenson
Linesmen: Scott Cherrey, Julien Fournier Jesperi Kotkaniemi, Carolina 6 3 4 7 -2 8 0 0 0 15 20.0 State, Olivia Miles, Notre Dame; Aneesah
to Hershey (AHL). Recalled G Hunter Shep-
Seth Jarvis, Carolina 6 4 3 7 -3 2 3 0 1 18 22.2 Morrow, LSU; Charisma Osborne, UCLA;
ard from Hershey.
Alissa Pili, Utah; Hailey Van Lith, LSU.
DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com Wednesday, October 25, 2023 45

SPORTS CALENDAR (Subject to change)


N. Mex. St. (5-3) at La. Tech (3-5), late
Tenn. Martin (6-1) at Gardner-Webb (3-4),
ETSU (2-5) at Furman (6-1), 2p.m.
Morgan St. (1-5) at Norfolk St. (2-5), 2 p.m.
Clemson (4-3) at NC State (4-3), 2p.m.

(225½)at New York
at Orlando 4 (221½) Houston
WED THU FRI SAT SUN MON TUE Liberty (7-0) at W. Kentucky (4-3), late NC A&T (1-6) at Hampton (3-4), 2p.m. at Indiana 7½ (234½)Washington
OCT25 OCT26 OCT27 OCT28 OCT29 OCT30 OCT31 Mercer (5-3) at W. Carolina (5-2), 2:30 p.m. Atlanta 3½ (235) atCharlotte
WEDNESDAY’S GAMES Lindenwood (Mo.) (3-4) at Tennessee St. Cleveland 2½ (220½) at Brooklyn
Jacksonville St. (6-2) at FIU (4-4), 7p.m. (5-2), 3p.m.
NYJ at Miami 9 (219½) Detroit
UTEP (2-6) at Sam Hou. St. (0-7), 8p.m. SE Mo. (3-4) at Nicholls (3-3), 3p.m.
1:00 Minnesota 1½ (222½) at Toronto
P.M. Lincoln U. (Cal.) (0-5) at Kennesaw St. at Memphis 1 (227½) New Orleans
THURSDAY’S GAMES (1-5), 3p.m.
CH. 2 at Chicago 1 (228½) Okla. City
LIU Brooklyn (1-6) at CCSU (3-4), 7p.m. MVSU (1-6) at Alcorn St. (4-3), 3p.m.
Georgia St. (6-1) at Ga. So. (5-2), 7:30 p.m. Sacramento 1½ (238) at Utah
NYG Bethune-Cookman (1-6) at
Syracuse (4-3) at Va. Tech (3-4), 7:30 p.m. Dallas 3½ (229½)atSanAntonio
1:00 Grambling State (3-4), 3p.m.
SC St. (3-4) at NC Cent. (6-1), 7:30p.m. The Citadel (0-7) at Samford (4-4), 3 p.m. at LA Clippers 9 (228) Portland
CH. 2 Virginia (2-5) at Miami (5-2), 3:30p.m.
FRIDAY’S GAMES So. Miss. (1-6) at App. St. (3-4), 3:30 p.m. NHL WEDNESDAY
Brown (3-3) at Penn (5-1), 7p.m. Campbell (4-3) at Richmond (5-3), 3:30 FAVORITE LINE UNDERDOG LINE
BOS ATL NO CLE at New Jersey -225 Washington +184
FAU (3-4) at Charlotte (2-5), 7:30p.m. p.m.
7:00 7:30 7:00 7:30
P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. Miss. St. (4-3) at Auburn (3-4), 3:30p.m.
AP Top 25 in Birmingham, Ala., 3:30p.m. FAVORITE NOW O/U UNDERDOG
#1Georgia (7-) vs. Florida (5-2) in Duke (5-2) at Louisville (6-1), 3:30p.m. Jacksonville St 7½ (45½) at FIU
Jacksonville, Fla., 3:30p.m. Bryant (3-4) at Chas. So. (3-4), 4p.m. at Sam Houston3½ (36½) UTEP
7:30 8:30 7:00
#3Ohio State (7-) at Prairie View (3-4) at Fla. A&M (6-1), 4 p.m. THURSDAY
P.M. P.M. P.M.
Wisconsin (5-2), 7:30p.m. N. Ala. (3-5) at Austin Peay (5-2), 4p.m. FAVORITE NOW O/U UNDERDOG
#4Florida State (7-0) at Ark. St. (3-4) at La.-Monroe (2-5), 5p.m. at Ga Southern 1½ (63½) Georgia St.
Wake Forest (4-3), noon La-Lafayette (4-3) at S. Ala. (4-3), 5p.m. at Virginia Tech2½ (47½) Syracuse
#5Washington (7-0) at Texas So. (2-5) at Southern U. (4-3), 5 p.m. FRIDAY
9:00 10:00 7:30
Stanford (2-5), 7p.m. Marshall (4-3) at Co. Carolina (4-3), 6 p.m. FAVORITE NOW O/U UNDERDOG
P.M. P.M. P.M.
#6 Oklahoma (7-0) at Kansas (5-2), noon Presbyterian (3-4) at Davidson (5-2), 7 p.m. Florida Atlantic 4½ (41½) at Charlotte
#7Texas (6-1) vs. BYU, (5-2) 3:30p.m. NW St. (0-6) at McNeese St. (0-7), 8p.m. SATURDAY
#8 Oregon (6-1) at #13 Utah (6-1), 3:30 p.m. Midwest FAVORITE NOW O/U UNDERDOG
#10 Penn St. (6-1). vs. Indiana (2-5), noon Houston (3-4) at Kansas St. (5-2), noon
7:30 7:00 5:00 Oklahoma 10 (65½) at Kansas
#11Oregon State (6-1) at Maryland (5-2) at Northwestern (3-4), noon
P.M. P.M. P.M. at SMU 20½ (58½) Tulsa
Arizona (4-3), 10:30p.m. Oklahoma (7-0) at Kansas (5-2), Noon
TNT MSGSN MSGSN at Penn State 31½ (45½) Indiana
#12Mississippi (6-1) vs. N. Iowa (4-3) at Illinois St. (4-3), 1p.m.
Vanderbilt (2-6), 7:30p.m. at Army 10 (47½) UMass
OTT CBJ DET Valparaiso (1-6) at Butler (5-3), 1p.m.
#14Notre Dame (6-2) vs. at Texas A&M 14 (53½) S. Carolina
7:30 7:00 7:30 Stetson (3-4) at Drake (4-3), 1p.m.
Pittsburgh (2-5), 3:30p.m. Maryland 13½ (48½) atN’thwestern
P.M. P.M. P.M. W. Mich. (2-6) at E. Michigan (4-4), 1 p.m.
#17North Carolina (6-1) at Ind. St. (0-7) at N. Dakota (4-3), 2p.m. at UCF 7 (59½) West Virginia
MSGSN MSGSN MSGSN at Boston College14½ (51½) UConn
Georgia Tech (3-4), 8p.m. Mo. St. (3-4) at Yngstown St. (4-3), 2 p.m.
#18Louisville (6-1) vs. S. Dak. St. (7-0) at S. Dak. (6-1), 2p.m. at Kansas State16½ (59½) Houston
CHA Florida State 20 (51½)at Wake Forest
#20Duke (5-2), 3:30p.m. Marist (4-3) at St. Thomas (Minn.) (5-3),
7:30 W. Michigan 3 (45½) at E. Michigan
#19Air Force (7-0) at 2p.m.
P.M. Clemson 10 (43½) at NC State
Colorado State (3-4), 7p.m. MurraySt.(2-5)atN.Dak.St.(5-2),3:30p.m.
APPLE Memphis 7½ (69½) at North Texas
#21Tennessee (5-2) at Miami (Ohio) (6-2) at Ohio (6-2), 3:30 p.m.
Kentucky (5-2), 7p.m. Purdue (2-5) at Nebraska (4-3), 3:30 p.m. at Miami 18½ (47½) Virginia
#22Tulane (6-1) at Rice (4-3), 4p.m. Mich. St. (2-5) at Minnesota (4-3), 3:30 p.m. at Appalach. St. 17½ (55½)Southern Miss
#23 UCLA (5-2) vs. Colorado (4-3), 7:30 p.m. S. Illinois (5-2) at W. Illinois (0-7), 4p.m. Georgia 14½ (47½) at Florida
BASKETBALL SECN #24USC (6-2) at California (3-4), 4p.m. Southwest at Notre Dame 20½ (44½) Pittsburgh
GOLF #25James Madison (7-0) vs. South Carolina (2-5) at Texas A&M (4-3), at Auburn 6½ (43½) MississippiSt.
7 p.m.: Knicks vs. Celtics, ESPN Old Dominion (4-3), 8p.m. noon
7:30 p.m.: Nets vs. Cavaliers, YES 10 p.m.: LPGA Tour: The Maybank East
at Nebraska 2½ (39½) Purdue
Tulsa (3-4) at SMU (5-2), noon Iowa State 2½ (47½) at Baylor
9:30 p.m.: Mavericks vs. Spurs, Championship, First Round, Kuala Columbia (2-4) at Yale (3-3), noon Jackson St. (5-3) at UAPB (1-6), 3p.m. at Ohio 6½ (39½)Miami (Ohio)
ESPN Lumpur Golf and Country Club, Indiana (2-5) at Penn St. (6-1), noon Texas A&M Commerce (1-6) at Houston at Minnesota 7 (39½) Michigan St.
Howard (3-4) at Del. St. (1-6), noon Christian (3-4), 3p.m.
FOOTBALL Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, GOLF Duquesne (4-3) at Sacred Heart (1-7), noon Memphis (5-2) at N. Texas (3-4), 3p.m.
at Louisville 4½ (46½) Duke
at UTSA 18½ (46½) East Carolina
7 p.m.: Jacksonville St. at FIU, 2 a.m. (Thursday): Asia-Pacific Tenn. Tech (2-5) at Rbt Morris (2-5), noon Iowa St. (4-3) at Baylor (3-4), 3:30p.m. Oregon 6½ (48½) at Utah
Amateur Championship: First Stonehill (3-4) at Wagner (2-5), noon E. Carolina (1-6) at UTSA (4-3), 3:30p.m.
CBSSN UMass (1-7) at Army (2-5), noon Incarnate Word (6-1) at Lamar (4-3), 4 p.m.
at Texas 17½ (50½) BYU
8 p.m.: UTEP at Sam Houston St., Round, Royal Melbourne Golf Club, UConn (1-6) at Boston Col. (4-3), noon Tarleton St. (5-3) at Cent. Arkansas (5-2),
USC 10½ (67½) at California
Tulane 10½ (54½) at Rice
ESPN2 Melbourne, Australia, ESPN2 Lafayette (6-1) at Georgetown (4-4), 12:30 5p.m.
p.m. at S. Alabama 10½ (54½) La Lafayette
HOCKEY 4 a.m. (Thursday): DP World Troy (5-2) at Texas State (5-2), 7p.m.
at La Monroe 2½ (56½) Arkansas St.
Holy Cross (4-3) at Fordham (5-2), 1 p.m. Cincinnati (2-5) at Oklahoma St. (5-2), 8 p.m.
Tour: The Commercial Bank Qatar at Boise State 5½ (48½) Wyoming
7:30 p.m.: Devils vs. Capitals, TNT Bucknell (2-5) at Colgate (3-4), 1p.m. West
SOCCER Masters, First Round, Doha Golf Merrimack (4-3) at St. Francis (Pa.) (2-5), N. Colo. (0-7) at Montana (6-1), 3p.m. Marshall 4 (45½) at Co. Carolina
1p.m. Abilene Chr. (4-3) at S. Utah (2-5), 3p.m. Tennessee 3½ (51½) at Kentucky
Club, Doha, Qatar, GOLF
2:55 p.m.: UEFA Champions TENNIS
New Hampshire (4-3) at Rhode Island Montana St. (6-1) at Idaho (5-2), 4p.m. Washington 26½ (59½) at Stanford
(4-4), 1p.m. Troy 4½ (52½) at Texas State
League Group Stage: Atletico E. Wash. (3-4) at Portland St. (3-4), 4 p.m.
3 a.m.: WTA Elite Trophy Zhuhai Princeton (3-3) at Cornell (3-3), 1p.m. UC Davis (4-3) at N. Arizona (2-5), 4p.m. Air Force 11½ (48½)at Colorado St.
Madrid at Celtic, Group E, CBSSN Albany (NY) (5-3) at Maine (2-6), 1p.m. Morehead St. (3-4) at S. Dgo (1-6), 5 p.m.
Round Robin Vienna-ATP, Ba- Ohio State 14½ (43½) at Wisconsin
7:30 p.m.: Red Bulls vs. Charlotte, Stony Brook (0-7) at Villanova (5-2), 2 p.m. Wyoming (5-2) at Boise St. (3-4), 5:30 p.m. at UCLA 17½ (63½) Colorado
sel-ATP Early Rounds, TENNIS Delaware (6-1) at Towson (3-4), 4p.m. Wash. St. (4-3) at Ariz. St. (1-6), 8p.m.
APPLE Dartmouth (3-3) at Harvard (5-1), 4p.m. at Mississippi 24½ (63½) Vanderbilt
6 a.m.: WTA Elite Trophy Zhuhai E. Ky. (3-4) at Utah Tech (2-5), 8p.m.
11 p.m.: Liga MX: Atletico San Luis South Idaho St. (3-4) at Sacra. St. (5-2), 9p.m.
Washington St. 6½ (51½)at Arizona st.
Round Robin Vienna-ATP, Ba- NorthCarolina 11½ (63½) atGeorgiaTech
at Juarez, FS1 West Virginia (4-3) at UCF (3-4), Noon New Mexico (3-4) at Nevada (1-6), 10:30
GOLF sel-ATP Early Rounds, TENNIS Monmouth (NJ) (3-4) at William & Mary p.m. at Oklahoma St.7½ (53½) Cincinnati
(4-3), 1p.m. atJamesMadison19½ (48½) OldDominion
1 a.m. (Thursday): WTA Elite Tro- UNLV (6-1) at Fresno St. (6-1), 10:30p.m.
9 a.m.: St. Andrews Links Colle- Chattanooga (6-2) at VMI (3-4), 1:30 p.m. San Jose St. (3-5) at Hawaii (2-6), 11:59 p.m. Oregon State 3½ (56½) at Arizona
phy Zhuhai Round Robin, TENNIS at Fresno State 7½ (58½) UNLV
giate: Final Round, Old Course TENNIS
3 a.m. (Thursday): WTA Elite at Nevada 1½ (49½) New Mexico
at St. Andrews Golf Links, St. SUNDAY
Trophy Zhuhai Round Robin Vien-
Andrews, Scotland, GOLF ATP ERSTE BANK OPEN Stan Wawrinka, 6-3, 7-6(8). FAVORITE NOW O/U UNDERDOG
WOMEN’S VOLLEYBALL na-ATP, Basel-ATP Early Rounds, Tuesday at Wiener Stadthalle; Vienna; San Jose State 10 (60½) at Hawaii
TENNIS indoors, hardcourt
6 p.m.: Northwestern at Ohio St., MEN’S SINGLES, ROUND OF 32 Tuesday at Centro Libanés Mexicano de NFL WEEK 8 THURSDAY
6 a.m. (Thursday): WTA Elite Tampico, Tampico, Mexico; out, hard
BTN #3Andrey Rublev d. Alexei Popyrin, FAVORITE NOW O/U UNDERDOG
Trophy Zhuhai Round Robin Vien- 7-6(5), 6-4. WOMEN’S SINGLES, ROUND OF 32
at Buffalo 8½ (42½) Tampa Bay
7 p.m.: North Carolina at Duke, #1 Caroline Dolehide vs.
na-ATP, Basel-ATP Early Rounds, #4Stefanos Tsitsipas d. Dominic Thiem,
ACCN 7-6(5), 6-4. Ashley Lahey, late
TENNIS #6Tommy Paul d. Alex Muller, 6-3, 6-1. #5 Kamilla Rakhimova vs.
8 p.m.: Indiana at Illinois, BTN Raluka Serban, late FAVORITE NOW O/U UNDERDOG
#7Frances Tiafoe d. Daniel Evans, at Miami 9½ (47) New England
8 p.m.: Tennessee at Missouri, 1-4, retired. #6 Emina Bektas vs.
Renata Zarazua, late Philadelphia 6½ (43½) atWashington
Tomas Machac d. Aleksandar Vukic,
#7 Katie Volynets vs. Atlanta 2½ (37) at Tennessee
GOLF 6-3, 6-1.
Ana Sofia Sanchez, late Houston 3 (43) at Carolina
Lorenzo Sonego d. Francisco Cerundolo,
#8 Emiliana Arango vs. at Dallas 6½ (45½) LA Rams
6-4, 5-7, 6-2.
LPGA MONEY LEADERS 17. Nelly Korda 15 $1,182,157 Grigor Dimitrov d. Lorenzo Musetti, Daniela Martinez Guerrero, late Jacksonville 2½ (41½)at Pittsburgh
RK GOLFER EV MONEY 18. Rose Zhang 10 $1,111,656 Anastasia Tikhonova d. NY Jets 3 (36½) at NY Giants
6-3, 6-4.
1. Allisen Corpuz 21 $2,975,303 19. Leona Maguire 17 $1,109,725 Daniela Schekaiban, 6-0, 6-0. Minnesota 1½ (42½) at Green Bay
2. Lilia Vu 17 $2,764,803 20. Atthaya Thitikul 18 $1,044,842 ATP SWISS INDOORS BASEL Katarina Kozarov vs. at Indianapolis 1½ (42½) New Orleans
3. Ruoning Yin 18 $2,646,166 21. Carlota Ciganda 19 $1,000,233 Tuesday at St. Jakobshalle, Basel, Swit- Carole Monnet, late at Seattle 3 (40½) Cleveland
22. Amy Yang 17 $986,806 zerland, indoors-hardcourt Varvara Lepcheko vs. at San Francisco5½ (45½) Cincinnati
4. Charley Hull 16 $2,298,894 MEN’S SINGLES, ROUND OF 32
5. Celine Boutier 19 $2,280,340 23. Ashleigh Buhai 20 $954,925 Jana Kolodynska, late Baltimore 8½ (44) at Arizona
#1Holger Rune d. Miomir Kecmanovic,,
6. Hyo Joo Kim 18 $2,043,459 24. Ally Ewing 18 $937,678 1-6, 7-5, 6-3. Jessica Hinojosa Gomez vs. Kansas City 7½ (46½) at Denver
7. Yuka Saso 19 $1,719,958 25. Hannah Green 18 $920,268 #4Hubert Hurkacz d. Dusan Lajovic, Panna Udvardy, late at LA Chargers 8½ (46½) Chicago
8. Angel Yin 16 $1,617,216 26. Cheyenne Knight 20 $915,185 7-6(2), 6-3. Ajla Tomljanovic vs. MONDAY
9. Minjee Lee 17 $1,552,475 27. Linn Grant 13 $912,982 #5 Alex de Minaur d. Diego Schwartzman, Whitney Osuigwe, late
28. Grace Kim 19 $862,091 6-4, 6-4. LATE MONDAY, ROUND OF 32
10. Ayaka Furue 20 $1,528,417 #7Nicolas Jarry d. Adrian Mannarino, FAVORITE NOW O/U UNDERDOG
29. Georgia Hall 20 $831,552 #4 Anna Kalinskaya d. Jessie Aney, 6-1, 6-1
11. Xiyu Lin 18 $1,505,956 7-6(6), 6-7(2), 6-4. Katrina Scott vs. Hailey Baptiste, late at Detroit 8½ (45½) Las Vegas
12. Jin Young Ko 15 $1,499,053 30. Anna Nordqvist 16 $829,919 Dominic Stricker d. Benjamin Hassan, Ann Li d. Heather Watson, 4-6, 6-1, 6-3.
13. Nasa Hataoka 20 $1,449,992 31. Maja Stark 19 $800,578 7-6(2), 6-2. Fernanda Contreras Gomez d. For the latest odds, go to
14. Hae Ran Ryu 22 $1,438,360 32. Ariya Jutanugarn 21 $774,182 Tallon Griekspoor d. Victoria Jimenez Kasintseva, 6-2, 7-5. FanDuel Sportsbook,
15. Brooke M. Henderson 21 $1,403,715 33. A Lim Kim 19 $771,078 Thiago Seyboth Wild, 7-6(4), 2-6, 6-3.
Alexander Shevchenko d. https://sportsbook.fanduel.com/
16. Megan Khang 18 $1,293,856 34. Aditi Ashok 17 $735,837
46 Wednesday, October 25, 2023 DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com


6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM

CBS Evening Inside Edition Entertainment Survivor - Castaways start dreaming of their The Amazing Race - Teams must balance traditional CBS 2 News at (11:35) The Late Show With
News (N) (N) Tonight (N) favorite foods. (N) pots on their heads. (N) 11PM (N) Stephen Colbert (N) 
3 WJLP M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Bev. Hillbillies Green Acres Hogan's Heroes Hogan's Heroes C. Burnett Perry Mason 
NBC Nightly News 4 NY at 7 Access Quantum Leap (N) Magnum P.I. - Magnum and Rick Chicago P.D. News 4 NY at 11 (11:35) The Tonight Show
News (N) (N) Hollywood (N) race to find a missing witness. (N) (N) Starring Jimmy Fallon (N) 
Family Feud Extra (N) TMZ (N) The Masked Singer (N) Snake Oil - Celebrity advisers Ice- The 10 O'Clock News (N) Family Feud Family Feud Modern Family
T and Natasha Leggero. (N)
ABC World News Jeopardy! (N) Wheel of Celebrity Jeopardy! (N) Celebrity Wheel of Fortune (N) The $100,000 Pyramid (N) Eyewitness (11:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live! (N) 
(N) Fortune (N) News at 11 (N)
9 WWOR Dish Nation (N) Family Feud (N) Family Feud (N) Dateline Dateline Family Feud Family Feud TMZ Live (N) People Puzzler
10/55 WLNY King Last Man Last Man News (N) CBS News New 48 Hours (N) Judge Judy Judge Judy Neighbor Neighbor Family Guy
11 WPIX PIX11 News (N) Sports (N) Big Bang Sullivan's Crossing (N) The Spencer Sisters (N) PIX11 News at Ten (N) Seinfeld Seinfeld Friends
13 WNET America PBS NewsHour (N) Spy in the Ocean (N) (P) NOVA (N) Secrets of the Dead (N) (SP) Amanpour and Company (N) MetroFocus
21 WLIW  NewsHour MetroFocus Tell Me More Antiques Roadshow The American Buffalo MetroFocus BBC News Amanpour (N) 
25 WNYE Whole Truth Brooklyn Savvy Her Big Idea Date While Bare Feet in NYC BK Made Eating $9.99 Neighborh Blueprint: NYC Secrets Neighborhood 
31 WPXN (6:00)  BlueBlood Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods Blue Bloods 
41 WFUT2  Examiner Dateline Dateline Dateline Dateline The Last 24 The Last 24 
47 WNJU Noticias (N) Exatlón Estados Unidos: All-Stars (N) Vuelve a mí (N) Secretos de sangre (N) Noticiero 47 (N) (11:35) Noticias Betty en NY 
A&E (6:00)  First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 The First 48 (11:05) The First 48 (12:05) First 48 
AMC (6:00)  THIRTEEN GHOSTS ('01) + A NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET ('10) ++ Jackie Earle Haley. HOUSE OF WAX ('05) ++ Chad Michael Murray, Brian Van Holt, Elisha Cuthbert.
ANPL (6:00)  Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Catch 
BBCA (6:00)  Bones Bones Bones Bones Bones Bones Bones 
BET (6:25) As. Living House of Payne House of Payne Neighbor Neighbor Tyler Perry's Sistas (N) Ms. Pat (N) Ms. Pat (N) Tyler Perry's Sistas Ms. Pat
BRV  Housewives Real Housewives The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (N) (SP) Real Housewives Housewives/NYC Winter House
CBSSN Football (N) College Football - Jacksonville State at Florida International (N) Football (N) Inside College Football (N) Auto Racing 
CNBC  MadMoney Last Call (N) Shark Tank Shark Tank (N) Shark Tank Shark Tank Shark Tank 
CNN (6:00)  Situation Erin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) The Source With (N) CNN NewsNight (N) Laura Coates Live (N) Cooper 360 
COM Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Seinfeld Daily Show (N) South Park South Park
DISN Big City Greens Big City Greens Big City Greens Hailey's on It! Hailey's on It! Hailey's on It! Hailey's on It! Molly McGee Molly McGee Pretty Frk Pretty Frk Bluey
DSC  Expedition Expedition Unknown Expedition Unknown Ghost Adventures (N) Expedition Bigfoot (N) Ghost Adventures (N) Expedition 
E!  MR. DEEDS STEP BROTHERS ('08) ++ John C. Reilly, Will Ferrell. House of Villains House of Villains E! News (N) Sex and the City Sex and the City
ESPN (6:00)  NBA NBA Basketball - Boston Celtics at New York Knicks (N) NBA Basketball - Dallas Mavericks at San Antonio Spurs (N) SportCtr (N) 
ESPN2 (6:00)  SportCtr NFL Live College Football - Texas-El Paso at Sam Houston State - From Bowers Stadium in Huntsville, Texas (N) SportsCenter (N) Riyadh
FAM (4:30)  CRAFT GOOSEBUMPS 2: HAUNTED HALLOWEEN ('18) ++ THE HAUNTED MANSION ('03) ++ Terence Stamp, Eddie Murphy. The 700 Club The Simpsons
FBN (6:00)  Bottom Kudlow Legends & Lies: The Real West Legends & Lies: The Real West Legends & Lies: The Real West Legends & Lies: The Real West L&L: Real West 
FNC (6:00)  Bret Baier The Ingraham Angle (N) Jesse Watters Primetime (N) Hannity (N) Gutfeld! (N) Fox News at Night (N) The Five 
FOOD (6:00)  Grocery Guy's Grocery Games Guy's Grocery Games Guy's Grocery Games (N) Guy's Grocery Games Guy's Grocery Games Grocery 
FX (6:00)  VENOM: LET THERE BE CARNAGE ++ AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON ('15) +++ Chris Hemsworth, Mark Ruffalo, Robert Downey Jr.. X-MEN: FIRST CLASS ('11) +++ 
HBO  X-MEN: DAY... REAL Sports EDGE OF TOMORROW ('14) +++ Emily Blunt, Tom Cruise. FOCUS ('15) ++ Margot Robbie, Will Smith. (11:45) LEAVING LAS VEGAS 
HGTV House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters (N) Bargain Block (N) Hunters (N) House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters Bargain 
HIST (6:00)  Pawn Stars Do America Pawn Stars Do America (N) (SP) (10:05) Forged in Fire (N) (11:05) Pawn Stars PawnStar 
HLN Forensic Files II Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files Forensic Files
ID (6:00)  See No See No Evil See No Evil 48 Hours on ID (N) Caught in the Net (N) Crimefeed (N) 48 Hours on ID 
IFC 3's Comp. 3's Comp. 3's Comp. 3's Comp. 3's Comp. 3's Comp. 3's Comp. 3's Comp. 3's Comp. Cooper's Bar (N) 3's Comp. 3's Comp.
LIFE (6:00)  Castle Castle Married at First Sight - The other eight singles make final preparations. (N) (10:35) Married at First Sight Married 
LIFEMOV (6:00)  IF I CAN'T HAVE YOU ('23) Jackée Harry. LOOK WHO'S STALKING ('23) Alissa Filoramo. (P) STALKED BY HER PAST ('22) Christian Keyes, Meta Golding. LOOK WHO'S ...
LOGO 3's Comp. 3's Comp. 3's Comp. 3's Comp. 3's Comp. 3's Comp. 3's Comp. 3's Comp. 3's Comp. 3's Comp. 3's Comp. 3's Comp.
MAX (6:05)  APPALOOSA ('08) +++ Ed Harris. GONE GIRL ('14) +++ Rosamund Pike, Neil Patrick Harris, Ben Affleck. SIGNS ('02) +++ Joaquin Phoenix, Mel Gibson. BLACK BUTTE...
MSG Knicks (N) Lights Out Xtreme Fighting - LXF 10 The Juice Bar Knicks (N) The Bettor The Juice Bar Knicks The Bettor The Juice Bar
MSGSN The Bettor Tennis Classics - 2022: Rafael Nadal vs. Sebastian Korda The Bettor The Juice Bar Tennis Classics - 2022: Rafael Nadal vs. Nick Kyrgios 
MSNBC (6:00)  AriMelber The ReidOut (N) All In With Chris Hayes (N) Alex Wagner Tonight (N) Last Word With Lawrence (N) 11th Hour (N) Wagner 
MTV Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness The Challenge (N) Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculous (N) Ridiculous (N) Ridiculousness
NGEO  ASmuggler To Catch a Smuggler To Catch a Smuggler To Catch a Smuggler (N) To Catch a Smuggler To Catch a Smuggler A Smuggler 
NICK The Loud House Young Dylan (N) Slimetime (N) Nick News (N) SpongeBob Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends Friends
OWN (6:00)  Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Love-List 
OXY (6:00)  Dateline: Unforgettable Dateline: Unforgettable (N) Dateline: Unforgettable Dateline: Unforgettable Dateline: Secrets Uncovered 
PARMT Two Half Men Two Half Men Two Half Men THE WOLF OF WALL STREET ('13) +++ Jonah Hill, Margot Robbie, Leonardo DiCaprio. DEPARTED 
SHO (6:15)  LARA CROFT: TOMB RAIDER ('01) ++ MARY SHELLEY'S FRANKENSTEIN ('94) ++ Robert De Niro. (10:05) TRAIN TO BUSAN ('16) +++ Jung Yu-mi, Gong Yoo. NOTORIOUS 
SMITH (6:00)  America Aerial America How Did They Build That? Mystery of the Lost Pyramid Genghis Khan's Mongolia How Did They Build That? Mystery-Lost 
SNY AmazinFin Gary, Keith & Ron 18 Mets Classics - Mets vs. Yankees - From Sept. 3, 2020. Pete Alonso walk-off. SportsNite (N) SportsNite (N) SportsNite (N)
STZENC (5:25)  ANNIE ('14) + (7:25) GIRL MOST LIKELY ('12) ++ Kristen Wiig. (9:15) SLAUGHTERHOUSE RULEZ ('18) Finn Cole, Simon Pegg. SAW II ('05) ++ Tobin Bell, Donnie Wahlberg. 
SUND (6:00)  Law Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order 
SYFY  CURSE OF C... CULT OF CHUCKY ('17) Jennifer Tilly, Brad Dourif, Fiona Dourif. Chucky (N) (10:05) SurrealEstate (N) (11:05) CHILD'S PLAY 2 ('90) ++ Alex Vincent. 
TBS Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang All Elite Wrestling: Dynamite (N) Young Sheldon Young Sheldon Young Sheldon Young Sheldon Young Sheldon
TCM (5:45)  THE STRANGE LOVE OF MARTHA IVERS SOYLENT GREEN ('73) +++ Edward G. Robinson, Charlton Heston. THE OMEGA MAN ('71) ++ Anthony Zerbe, Charlton Heston. WRECK OF T... 
TLC  My600-Lb My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life - Latonya found the man she wants to marry. The Man Who Gets a Boob Job 40-Year-Old Child: A New Case My 600-Lb 
TMC (6:05)  THE BALLAD OF LEFTY BROWN ('17) SAHARA ('05) ++ Steve Zahn, Matthew McConaughey. (10:05) THE CROW ('94) +++ Brandon Lee. (11:50) SURGE ('20) 
TNT (6:00)  Lucifer Pre-Game (N) NHL Hockey - Washington Capitals at New Jersey Devils - From Prudential Center in Newark, N.J. (N) Post-Game (N) FAST FIVE ('11) ++ Paul Walker, Vin Diesel. 
TOON Courage the Dog King of the Hill King of the Hill Bob's Burgers Bob's Burgers Bob's Burgers American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! American Dad! Rick and Morty Rick and Morty
TRUTV Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers Imp. Jokers ANT-MAN ('15) +++ Michael Douglas, Evangeline Lilly, Paul Rudd. 
TRVL (6:00)  Paranormal Caught on Camera Paranormal Caught on Camera Paranormal Cam. - UFOs crash a party; a seance goes horribly wrong. Paranormal 
TVLND Andy Griffith Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond Raymond (11:05) King (11:40) King (12:15) King 
USA (6:00)  Law-SVU Law & Order: SVU (N) Law & Order: SVU (N) Chucky (N) (10:05) Law & Order: SVU (11:05) Law & Order: SVU (12:05) Chucky 
VH1  BROTHERS DJANGO UNCHAINED ('12) +++ Christoph Waltz, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jamie Foxx. BROTHERS ('09) +++ Tobey Maguire. 
YES Brooklyn Nets Pregame (N) NBA Basketball - Cleveland Cavaliers at Brooklyn Nets (N) Postgame (N) Slab (N) Yanks Mag. Homegrown Basketball 
DAILY NEWS NYDailyNews.com Wednesday, October 25, 2023 47


E TROAL Wednesday, October 25, 2023


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