Seachem Brochure Sept 2017

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Conditioners • Filtration • Medications • Test Kits • Substrates

• Accessories • Freshwater • Saltwater • Pond

Updated August 2017

Throughout this brochure you will see the word ‘special’ next
to codes. These are sizes we do not currently stock but please
get in contact and we will be happy to order them in.

See page 12 for sizes available


Aquavitro Salinity makes 850ltr from a large bucket at a salt level of 1.0264 or 35 ppt. The retail price = £92.99
this works out at 10.9p per ltr. However, bare in mind many hobbyists use premixed salt water mixed at a ratio of
1.024/25 or 31-32ppt as the dilution, this is a difference of 10% which will make a change to costings.

Mixing salinity at these levels will make it even cheaper, for example at 1.024/25 Aquavitro Salinity will
mix 935ltr per bucket, this now works out at 9.9p per ltr.

Aquavitro Salinity costs are 10.9p per ltr at natural sea water level and 9.9p per ltr at 1.024/25.

This means that with every water change you do in your aquarium in the future, Aquavitro Salinty could
potentially save you pounds. On top of this Aquavitro is the only salt to have independently tested batch
guarantees so every bucket is guaranteed within the specific parameters listed of natural sea water.

No mixing or rolling of buckets, no mag differences, no pH fluctuations, no KH swings from one bucket to the
next as you see with many salts. No need to add any pH buffers or elements to get in the water what is missing
from most salts around.
Prices correct at time of going to print

salinity™ is a blend of salts specifically formulated for the reef aquarium that
contains all essential major, minor, and trace components found in natural reef
waters, but contains no toxic or non-essential components. Additionally, salinity™
is the most concentrated salt blend on the market. With a hydration level of <0.5%
salinity™ will yield a greater volume of prepared saltwater at a salinity of 35‰ per
unit of weight than any other salt mix currently on the market.

salinity™ is identical to the distribution of

anions and cations found in Natural Sea Water
(NSW). We have compiled data from all the
oceans and seas on the Earth, and have targeted
the midpoint of the range for each element.
We guarantee to be within ± 3% of the
midpoint. For example, at a salinity of 35‰,
for calcium, magnesium, and strontium, we
have the following targets and ranges. Calcium:
target 422 mg/L, range 409 to 435 mg/L
Magnesium: target 1336 mg/L, range 1296 to
1376 mg/L Strontium: target 8.4 mg/L, range 8.1
to 8.7 mg/L Alkalinity and pH values vary widely
over the Earth’s oceans. salinity™ will be within
the following ranges: pH: 8.4 to 8.6 Alkalinity:
3.2 to 3.8 meq/L.

75L 020394
460L 020396
Aquavitro Salinity Salt
850L 020397
4000L 020398


Fuel™ is a comprehensive carbohydrate,
Fuel™ is a comprehensive carbohydrate,
vitamin, amino acid, polyunsaturated fatty
vitamin, amino acid, polyunsaturated fatty
acid, and trace element supplement
acid, and trace element supplement
developed to address nutritional
developed to address nutritional
requirements commonly associated with
requirements commonly associated with
corals. fuel™ contains ascorbic acid in a
CALCIFICATION corals. fuel™ contains ascorbic acid in a
base of chlorella, which contains a rich
calcification™ is a concentrated (140,000 base of chlorella, which contains a rich
assortment of amino acids and vitamins.
mg/L) optimized blend of ionic and assortment of amino acids and vitamins.
The health benefits of chlorella are widely
bioavailable gluconate-complexed calcium The health benefits of chlorella are widely
known and while spirulina, a similar algae,
designed to restore and maintain calcium known and while spirulina, a similar algae,
has been regularly used in the industry,
to levels found in natural seawater, without has been regularly used in the industry,
aquavitro™ is the first to utilize the vastly
affecting pH. These two forms of calcium aquavitro™ is the first to utilize the vastly
superior chlorella. fuel™ is formulated to
are combined in calcification™ to provide superior chlorella. fuel™ is formulated to
provide nutrients available from natural
the hobbyist with a convenient way to provide nutrients available from natural
tropical reef waters.
ensure peak coral growth and health. tropical reef waters.
Chlorella is a unique algae that grows in
Chlorella is a unique algae that grows in
150ml 0206479 fresh water. It is extremely high in enzymes,
fresh water. It is extremely high in enzymes,
350ml 020648 vitamins and minerals, including the full
vitamins and minerals, including the full
1Ltr 0206672 vitamin-B Complex. It is over-flowing with
calcification vitamin-B Complex. It is over-flowing with
unsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, and
4Ltr 028184 unsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, and
proteins. There are also vitamins found in
20Ltr Special proteins. There are also vitamins found in
Chlorella including: Vitamin C, pro-vitamin
Chlorella including: Vitamin C, pro-vitamin
A (B-carotene), thiamine (B1), riboflavin
A (B-carotene), thiamine (B1), riboflavin
(B2), pyridoxine (B6), niacin, pantothenic
EIGHT.FOUR (B2), pyridoxine (B6), niacin, pantothenic
acid, folic acid, Vitamin B12, biotin, choline,
Many competing buffers for reef aquaria are acid, folic acid, Vitamin B12, biotin, choline,
Vitamin K, lipoic acid, and inositol. Minerals
simply sodium bicarbonate. Such buffers Vitamin K, lipoic acid, and inositol. Minerals
in Chlorella include: phosphorus, calcium,
have a pK of only 8.0 in saltwater and simply in Chlorella include: phosphorus, calcium,
zinc, iodine, magnesium, iron, and copper. It
are unable to maintain a pH above 8.0. The zinc, iodine, magnesium, iron, and copper. It
contains a higher level of amino acids than
low buffering pK is a function of the low contains a higher level of amino acids than
spirulina and is FDA approved for use with
carbonate/bicarbonate ratio. spirulina and is FDA approved for use with
ornamental fish.
ornamental fish.
150ml 0206539
eight.four™ supplies a properly balanced 150ml 0206419
350ml 020654
(carbonate/bicarbonate) buffer system that fuel 350ml 020642
yields an industry leading pK of 8.6 which vibrance 1Ltr 0206678
1Ltr 0206666
makes pH maintenance of 8.3-8.5 easy. A 4Ltr 0208183
higher pK increases the buffer’s ability to 20Ltr Special
counteract inevitable acidic sources in the
water. eight.four™ will safely raise marine
pH while adjusting alkalinity. eight.four™
contains a concentrated, balanced blend of
bicarbonate and carbonate salts designed
to restore disrupted buffer systems and
increase carbonate alkalinity.

150ml 0206499
350ml 020650
eight.four 1Ltr 0206674
4Ltr 0208181
20Ltr Special

This range is not authorised

to be sold online

Historically, reef-centric product lines were established on a foundation of knowledge and developed through the assimilation of data as it
arose. Understandably, new information about reef keeping yields new reef products, but these new revelations have typically resulted in
broadening a product line, rather than refining it. And while this process has basically worked, we thought it was time to take a step back and
rethink reefkeeping.
Starting from a foundation of chemistry and reef physiology, we have distilled the essential components into a no-compromises, rigorously
optimized product line. Primary focus during development was given not only to the requirements of the reef but also to the requirements
of the hobbyist. The results of our efforts are now at hand - the result is aquavitro™. The paradigm shift has begun.
Is aquavitro™ replacing the Seachem reef line?
Not at all. Simply put, GM’s production of the Cadillac line was not meant to replace Chevrolet, nor was Toyota trying to replace it’s brand
with Lexus. These are just attempts to offer a higher end item to those wishing to have that as an option.
We still think Seachem has offered the best reef line available, until now. Now Seachem will offer the TWO best reef lines. aquavitro™ allows
us to offer a new line using the experience we’ve accrued in our 27 year history without alienating customers who have come to know and
love the Seachem line.
Our goal is to have a line that is an outlet for rapid response to the advent of new technologies and information as they arise, something we
couldn’t do with the very well established Seachem line. We’ve distilled the essential components of reef keeping into a no compromises,
rigorously optimized product line. We’re committed to maintaining that optimization.

A paramount factor in the proper A frequent occurence in reef systems is low
maintenance of an aquarium is the dilution pH, while calcium and alkalinity are at op-
of accumulated waste by scheduled water timal levels. Raise one and the others may IONS
changes. This requires the removal of fall. One of the primary reasons for this is an Like calcium and strontium, magnesium is
chlorine or chloramine or both from the improper carbonate/bicarbonate ratio. The used in the calcification of skeletons of reef
new water. With the advent of chloramine, buffer ratio changes as a natural organisms. In many cases, magnesium is
thiosulfate has proven inadequate, causing consequence of the buffer’s ability to used in place of calcium for calcification. In
the release of ammonia. At acid or neutral counteract acidifying sources such as addition to its role in calcification,
pH, this is not of serious consequence. organic acids (produced naturally from magnesium is used by organisms ranging
However, at alkaline pH it can be waste) or introduced from non-pH from bacteria, to coralline algae to fish.
devastating, particularly if the tap water is controlled husbandry products. In this case,
heavily treated with chloramines. adding more buffer would unnecessarily How can you be sure if magnesium levels
result in a rise in alkalinity and a drop in are deficient? There are a couple of
alpha™ is a concentrated conditioner for calcium. The first product of its kind, indications; severely depleted levels of
saltwater. It is 50% more active than Prime™ balance™ ends this see-saw effect. It resets magnesium (below 800 mg/L) can cause
and 375% more active than the next closest this ratio by converting bicarbonate into depressed pH levels and an inability to
competitor. alpha™ removes chlorine, carbonate in order to reassert a higher pH maintain proper calcium levels (more on
chloramine and ammonia. It converts without affecting calcium level. ionic imbalance).The best way to tell if you
ammonia into a safe, non-toxic form that is need a magnesium supplement, though, is
readily utilized by beneficial bacteria and balance™ is an optimized blend of sodium to test for it using a magnesium test kit such
reef inhabitants such as clams. alpha™ may and potassium hydroxides with a NSW ratio as Seachem’s Reef Status™ Magnesium,
be used during tank cycling to alleviate (27:1) of sodium to potassium to avoid ionic Borate and Carbonate Alkalinity.
ammonia/nitrite toxicity. imbalance with long term use.
150ml 0206519
alpha™ detoxifies nitrite and nitrate, aquavitro™ offers other solutions designed
350ml 020652
allowing the biofilter to more efficiently to address the unique challenge of raising
remove them. alpha™ also promotes the pH in a reef environment. ions™ addresses ions 1Ltr 0206676
production and regeneration of the natural the problem of low magnesium which is 4Ltr 0206677
slime coat on fish. alpha™ is non-acidic and a cause of low buffering pK and pH. eight. 20Ltr Special
will not impact pH, nor will it over activate four™ addresses deficiencies in pK found
skimmers. Use at start-up and whenever in competing products by providing a
adding or replacing water. properly balanced (carbonate/bicarbonate) AQUAVITRO PRODUCTS
150ml 0206439 150ml 0206459 THROUGH THE CLICK & COLLECT
350ml 020644 350ml 020646 SERVICE BUT CAN BE
alpha 1Ltr 0206668 balance 1Ltr 0206670 PURCHASED IN STORE AT
4Ltr 0208182
20Ltr Special 20Ltr Special

This range is not authorised to be sold online 5

purfiltrum™ is a unique macro-porous
synthetic polymer that removes soluble
and insoluble organic impurities from water SEED
5 to 10 times faster and more completely
Aquavitro Seed is a way to quickly and
than all other competing products. It is the
safely establish a biofilter for the aquarium
highest capacity organic filtration resin on
to prevent new tank syndrome and other
the market outperforming even Purigen®,
negative aspects of the initial biological
binding 10 to 15% more organic material.
cycle. Seachem notes the bacteria was
purfiltrum™ controls ammonia, nitrites and
specifically developed for hardiness and
nitrates by removing nitrogenous organic PHOSFILTRUM
their ability to adapt to a wide variety of
waste that would otherwise be converted Introducing phosfiltrum™! This is an environmental conditions.
into these harmful chemicals. purfiltrum™ Ultra High Capacity (GFO) phosphate
will not reduce the levels of trace elements, and silicate removal. It is harder and 150ml 0206551
and it significantly raises redox. It polishes less fragile than other GFO’s and 350ml 0206553
water to unparalleled clarity. purfiltrum™ is the highest binding capacity of Seed
1Ltr Special
progressively darkens as it removes any phosphate remover per gram!
impurities, and is easily renewed by treating 4Ltr 0208179
phosfiltrum™ has a distinctive dark
with bleach per recommended regeneration brown color that identifies it as the
instructions. purfiltrum™ is designed for premier product in the industry REMEDIATION
both marine and freshwater use.
Once the tank is established, Remediation
100ml 0206572 50g 0206563 is a natural organic waste management
225ml 0206574 160g 0206565 product to break down the waste and
Purfiltrum 450ml 0206576 320g 0206567 detritus down to improve water quality
and clarity. remediation rapidly and safely
4Ltr Special 3kg Special
breaks down excess food, sludge, and
20Ltr Special 15kg Special waste. The bacterial colonies from aquavitro
AQUARIUM TOOLS remediation naturally cleans your substrate,
helping to trap particulates and increase
This line of a dozen individual tools are made of premium stainless steel and may be
water clarity.
used in freshwater or marine aquariums. They are designed for the highly detailed and
occasionally tedious work of aquascaping and trimming the most meticulous of planted 150ml 0206557
and reef aquariums, and to remain durable even with the stresses of coral cutting and 350ml 0206559
salt water corrosion. remediation
1Ltr Special
4Ltr 0206560
Straight Shears 25cm 0206700
Curved Shears 25cm 0206703
Double Curved Shears 25cm 0206706
Straight Spring Shears 15cm 0206709
Curved Spring Shears 15cm 0206712
Soil Spade 30cm 0206715
Straight Fine Tip Forceps 0206718 BIOGEN
Curved Fine Tip Forceps 0206721 biogen™ is a carbon-based biopolymer
Forceps 45° 1/4 20cm 0206723 (PHA) designed to reduce nitrate and
phosphate. In a fluidized bed reactor, it
Wide Grasp Forceps 0206724 will support the growth of bacteria that
Straight Forceps 25cm 0206727 consume nitrate and phosphate over
10% more efficiently than the leading
Double Curved Forceps 20cm 0206729 competitor. Reducing phosphate and
Curved Forceps 25cm 0206730 nitrate can enhance coral coloration and
reduce nuisance coatings of rock and
Coral Cutter 18cm 0206733 decorations.
Crescent Coral Cutter 19cm 0206734 225ml 0206580
Scalpel 20mm 16cm 0206737 450ml 0206582
Biogen 750ml 0206584
Scalpel 40mm 16cm 0206738
4L 0206586
Picks 2pk 15cm 0206739 20L Special


When precision matters, the Seachem Digital Spoon Scale is the perfect companion tool for
the serious aquarist. Accurate and easy to use, it will ensure precise dosing of any chemical
or supplement up to 300 grams in 0.1 increments. The LCD display will display results in
either grams or ounces and can be switched at the push of a button. It is corrosion resistant
and colored to resist stains. It runs on 2 AAA batteries (included) with an easy-access battery
6 Digital Spoon Scale 0206740
premier™ is a conditioner specifically envy™ is a comprehensive carbohydrate, Iron is immobile in plants; this means
designed for the planted aquarium. It vitamin, amino acid, and polyunsaturated that plants cannot deliver iron from older
removes chlorine and chloramines while fatty acid supplement that addresses the leaves to new ones. Therefore, deficiency
adding potassium. premier™ is non-acidic micro and trace nutritional requirements symptoms appear first on new or young
and will not impact pH. Use at start-up and of plants. envy™ contains ascorbic acid in a leaves. Because plants use iron to produce
whenever adding or replacing water. base of chlorella that contains a rich chlorophyll, a lack of iron results in
assortment of amino acids and vitamins. chlorosis, or yellowing, of the younger
premier™ is a concentrated solution of leaves. Stems may also appear short and
potassium thiosulfate which removes both Chlorella is a unique algae that grows in slender. If the deficiency is severe and
chlorine and chloramines. Although a fresh water. It is extremely high in enzymes, prolonged, each new leaf emerges lighter
thiosulfate-based conditioner is not vitamins and minerals, including the full in color than the preceding leaf.
recommended for saltwater aquaria vitamin-B Complex. It is over-flowing with
because of the ammonia produced when it unsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, and propel™ is a concentrated (10,000 mg/L)
reacts with chloramines, it is perfect for the proteins. There are also vitamins found in source of ferrous iron. This ferrous iron is a
planted Chlorella including: Vitamin C, pro-vitamin mixture of readily available and
aquarium. The ammonia produced from A (B-carotene), thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), time-released iron.
chloramine by premier™ is predominantly pyridoxine (B6), niacin, pantothenic acid,
in the ammonium form, and is thus rapidly folic acid, Vitamin B12, biotin, choline, If iron is provided in the ferric form (Fe3+)
scavenged by plants*. It also serves as a Vitamin K, lipoic acid, and inositol. Minerals then it must be reduced by the plant to
minor source of potassium. in Chlorella include: phosphorus, calcium, the ferrous form (Fe2+) before it can be
zinc, iodine, magnesium, iron, and copper. utilized. This process of conversion (known
Directions It contains a higher level of amino acids as reduction) requires the plant to expend
Use one inner capful (7 mL) of premier™ for than spirulina and is FDA approved for use physiological energy. propel™ provides iron
every 70 US gallons (265 L) of water. with ornamental fish. already in the ferrous form thus
premier™ may be added to the aquarium enhancing iron utilization. In addition,
directly, but it is best if added to new water Directions propel™ contains a reducing agent that
first. If adding directly to aquarium, base Shake well before using. Use one inner helps convert any iron present (such as iron
dose on aquarium volume. capful (7 mL) for every 40 US gallons (150 from substrate) into the
For exceptionally high chloramines L) of water three times per week, or as ferrous form.
concentrations, a double dose may be used. required to maintain plant growth.
Directions: Use one inner capful (7 mL) per
150ml 0206379 150ml 0206339 70 US gallons (280 L) of water three times
350ml 020638 350ml 020634 per week, or as needed to maintain about
premier 1Ltr 0206690 envy 1Ltr 0206686 0.10 mg/L iron.
4Ltr Special 4Ltr 0208163
150ml 0206399
20Ltr Special 20Ltr Special
350ml 020640
propel 1Ltr 0206692

Note: The aquavitro cap offers multiple dosing solutions depending on the size of your system. Each inner cap
thread is approximately 2 mL. The inner cap contains 7 mL, while the outer ring contains 28 mL (35 mL when both
are filled to the level of the inner cap.) When filled to the top, the cap contains 49 mL. 7
Nitrogen is one of the three macro nutrients Phosphorus is one of the three macro General hardness is the divalent metal
(NPK) required by plants. It is a component nutrients (NPK) required by plants. It is a cation content of the water. In most water
of proteins and nucleic acids. Nitrogen is component of ATP, NADP, nucleic acids and this is comprised primarily of calcium and
mobile in plants. This means the plants membrane phospholipids. Phosphorus is magnesium. Soft water has a low
divert these nutrients from older leaves mobile in plants; this means that the plants concentration of dissolved divalent cations,
to new leaves. Thus, deficiency symptoms divert these nutrients from older leaves to hard water a high concentration.
appear in older leaves first. Nitrogen newer leaves. Thus, deficiency symptoms The native environment of some plants
deficiency symptoms include chlorosis; appear in older leaves first. Deficiency (Cryptocoryne, Aponogeton, etc.) is soft,
slow growth; and small, stunted plants symptoms include dark, dull, or discolored whereas others (Sagittaria subulata, Riccia
with large root systems. leaves. fluitans, etc.) are more acclimated to hard
Nitrogen comes in a variety of forms activate™ is a concentrated (6,000 mg/L P) water. In order to replicate these
(nitrate, ammoniacal, urea). While plants phosphorus source. When used as directed, environments it may be necessary to adjust
can use all three forms the form that is activate™ will enhance and accelerate the hardness.
preferred varies by species. Thus nitrogen growth of aquatic plants without enhancing mineralize is a blend of divalent salts
supplements derived solely from just one algae growth. For maximum benefit, use designed to restore or increase general
form (nitrates) will not be as effective as a with synthesis™. hardness.
supplement that provides all three forms. When used with aquavitro’s nitrogen Directions: Use one inner capful (7 mL) for
synthesis™ is a concentrated (32,000 mg/L supplement, synthesis™ at the same dose (7 every 15 US gallons (56 L) once a week (or
N) nitrogen source. synthesis™ is unique mL/250 US gallons) both products provide as needed) once target GH is reached. This
in that it provides nitrogen in all three nitrogen and phosphorus in a 5:1 N:P ratio. dose raises GH by 1 meq/L (2.8 dGH). Target
forms. Approximately 50% of the nitrogen activate™ is made with potassium salts a lower general
in synthesis™ is derived from an organic of various phosphates, and is therefore a hardness for soft water, a higher value for
source (urea), while the remaining nitrogen source of potassium as well. It contains hard water.
splits at about 25% each from nitrate and 8,800 mg/L of potassium.
ammoniacal sources. 150ml 0206359
When used with aquavitro’s phosphorus Directions 350ml 020636
supplement, activate™, at the same dose (7 Use one inner capful (7 mL) per 250 US
mineralize 1Ltr 0206688
mL/250 US gallons) both products provide gallons (950 L) twice a week (or as needed).
This dose increases phosphate by 0.15 4Ltr Special
nitrogen and phosphorus in a 5:1 N:P ratio.
mg/L, and potassium by 0.06 mg/L. 20Ltr Special
Use one inner capful (7 mL) per 250 US
150ml 0206299 CARBONATE
gallons (950 L) twice a week (or as needed).
350ml 020630 Carbonate hardness, (KH), is a measure of
This dose increases total nitrogen by 0.24
1Ltr 0206682 the bicarbonate & carbonate content of the
mg/L. This is the same amount of nitro- activate
water. Carbonate hardness contributes to
gen that would be present if all nitrogen 4Ltr Special
pH stability and can also act as a CO2
were present in the nitrate form at 1 mg/L. 20Ltr Special backup reserve if CO2 levels fall too low.
Because not all nitrogen is in the nitrate
form, you will measure a 0.25 mg/L nitrate carbonate™ is derived from potassium
increase immediately after dosing. bicarbonate. It increases both carbonate
hardness and potassium. The concentration
Note: For smaller dosing, use the included of carbonate™ is 2000 meq/L (5600 dKH). In
pipette. Filled to the base of the bulb, the addition, it contains 78,300 mg/L
pipette holds 1 mL. potassium.
Directions: Add 49 mL (one full cap) to 25
150ml 0206289 US gallons (95 L) of water once a week (or as
350ml 020629 needed). This dose raises carbonate
hardness by 1 meq/L (2.8 dKH).
synthesis 1Ltr 0206680
For unbuffered water or in the absence of
4Ltr Special CO2 injection, use 1/4 to 1/2 dose to avoid
20Ltr Special impacting pH. Plant preferences vary, but
a good rule of thumb is about 1-2 meq/L
(3-6 dKH). This dose increases potassium by
40 mg/L.

150ml 0206309
350ml 020632
carbonate 1Ltr 0206684
4Ltr Special
20Ltr Special


Aquasolum 2kg 6pk 0210020 Aquasolum 4kg Special
Prime is the complete and concentrated Safe™ is the complete and concentrated Stability will rapidly and safely establish
conditioner for both fresh and salt water. conditioner for both fresh and salt water. the aquarium biofilter in freshwater and
Prime™ removes chlorine, chloramine and Safe™ removes chlorine, chloramine and marine systems, thereby preventing the #1
ammonia. Prime™ converts ammonia into a ammonia. Safe™ converts ammonia into a cause of fish death: “new tank syndrome”.
safe, non-toxic form that is readily removed safe, non-toxic form that is readily removed Stability™ is formulated specifically for the
by the tank’s biofilter. Prime™ may be used by the tank’s biofilter. Safe™ may be used aquarium and contains a synergistic blend of
during tank cycling to alleviate ammonia/ during tank cycling to alleviate ammonia/ aerobic, anaerobic, and facultative bacteria
nitrite toxicity. Prime™ detoxifies nitrite nitrite toxicity. Safe™ detoxifies nitrite which facilitate the breakdown of waste
and nitrate, allowing the biofilter to more and nitrate, allowing the biofilter to more organics, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. Unlike
efficiently remove them. It will also detoxify efficiently remove them. Safe™ is non-acidic competing products, the bacteria employed
any heavy metals found in the tap water and will not impact pH. Safe™ will not by Stability™ are non-sulfur fixing and will not
at typical concentration levels.Prime™ also overactivate skimmers. Use at start-up and produce toxic hydrogen sulfide. Stability™ is
promotes the production and regeneration whenever adding or replacing water. completely harmless to all aquatic organisms
of the natural slime coat. Prime™ is non-acidic as well as aquatic plants, thus there is no
and will not impact pH. Prime™ will not 50g 5000 020022 danger of over use.
overactivate skimmers. Use at start-up and 250g 25000 020025
whenever adding or replacing water. Safe 50ml 020068
1kg special
100ml 400 020070
4kg 0208187
50ml 500 020039 250ml 1000 020073
100ml 1000 020040 AMGUARD™ 325ml 020074
AmGuard™ safely, rapidly and efficiently Stability
250ml 2500 020042 500ml 2000 020076
325ml 020043 removes toxic free ammonia. It is safe to use 2Ltr 8000 020079
during tank cycling and is ideal for treating
Prime 500ml 5000 020044 4Ltr 020788
unexpected emergency situations. AmGuard™
1Ltr 020045 reacts with free ammonia within minutes 20Ltr special
2Ltr 20000 020046 and does not alter pH. Ammonia can exist in
4Ltr 40000 020048
two forms: free and ionized. It is only the free
20Ltr special form that is toxic. Traditional ammonia test Pristine™ uses bio-augmentation, a
kits convert all ammonia to free ammonia by non-chemical and natural method, to
CLARITY™ raising pH to 12–14; at this pH AmGuard™ improve water quality. It provides bacteria
cannot function and thus a false positive that break down excess food, waste and
Clarity™ is the ultimate clarifier for both detritus in freshwater and marine systems.
reading will result. Use Ammonia Alert™ or
fresh and saltwater. It employs an advanced It will also reduce excess nutrients (e.g.
MultiTest™: Free & Total Ammonia to directly
polymeric flocculating agent that is both reef ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites) that may
monitor levels of free ammonia. AmGuard™
and plant safe. Clarity™ is the only clarifier fuel the growth of nuisance and
also removes chlorine and chloramines.
on the market that does it all! Clarity™ will disease-causing organisms. Pristine
clear all types of clouding: bacterial and other increases water clarity and promotes overall
biological type blooms, chemical clouding, 100ml 2000 020062 better health for the aquatic environment.
and particulate clouding (i.e. stirred up 250ml 5000 020064
gravel bed). When Clarity™ clears up bacterial AmGuard 500ml 10000 020065 100ml 400 0200502
clouding it helps to accelerate and enhance
4Ltr 40000 020066 250ml 1000 0200504
the colonization of the biological filter by
efficiently relocating these natural biofilms to Pristine 500ml 2000 0200506
the biosupport media in the filter. Freshwater 4Ltr 8000 0200508
and Marine. Plant and reef safe. 20Ltr 0200510

100ml 400 020008

250ml 1000 020010
Clarity StressGuard™ is the premium slime coat
500ml 2000 020013 protection product. StressGuard™ will reduce
4Ltr 0208178 stress and ammonia toxicity whenever
handling or transporting fish. StressGuard™
binds to exposed protein in wounds to
promote healing of injured fish and to reduce
the likelihood of primary and secondary
infections. StressGuard™ is compatible with
Kit contains: all medications except those that are copper
4x Stressguard 100ml based. StressGuard™ is not amine based and
4x Clarity 100ml will not interfere with Purigen® or HyperSorb™
4x Prime 100ml regeneration. StressGuard™ does not coat
4x Stability 100ml resins or clog filtration like competing “slime
Seachem Starter Kit coat” type products can.
50ml 020080
100ml 020082
250ml 020084
500ml 020086
4Ltr 0208173
20Ltr special

HeadStart™ conditioners pack combines
Prime™, Stability™, and Clarity™ into one
convenient pack. It’s great for any aquarist
but is ideal for the beginner.
Sizes: 3 x 100 mL

Head Start water 020660

10 conditioner pack
MATRIX CARBON™ PURIGEN™ Renew™ is ideal for use in systems where
phosphate released from all activated
Purigen™ is a premium synthetic adsorbent
MatrixCarbon™ is a truly unique activated carbons poses a problem. Renew™ is also
that is unlike any other filtration product.
carbon. It is formed as a spherical bead for less aggressive than carbon, making it well
It is not a mixture of ion exchangers or
optimum hydrodynamics, and will not pack. suited for reefs and planted aquaria. It is also
adsorbents, but a unique macro-porous
It permits maximum water flow and contact beneficial for use in soft water aquaria where
synthetic polymer that removes soluble and
with its high density of macroporous binding the pH-raising property of many carbons is
insoluble impurities from water at a rate
sites. MatrixCarbon™ has a very low ash not an asset. Renew™ will remove organics
and capacity that exceeds all others by over
content as indicated by its minimal impact and particulates in the sub-micron range; it
500%. Purigen™ controls ammonia, nitrites
on pH. Even when added to distilled water, it will also help control ammonia, nitrates, and
and nitrates by removing nitrogenous
does not raise pH above 7.0.While all carbons phosphates. This product is sold by volume.
organic waste that would otherwise release
contain phosphate, regardless of false claims Cited weight is minimal weight.
these harmful compounds. Purigen’s™
to the contrary, MatrixCarbon™ has the lowest
impact on trace elements is minimal. It
detectable leachable phosphate content of all 100ml Bagged 20 020210
significantly raises redox. It polishes water
major carbon brands tested. MatrixCarbon™ 250ml 40 020212
to unparalleled clarity. Purigen™ darkens
outperforms other high grade carbons by 500ml 80 020214
progressively as it exhausts, and is easily
at least two-fold when compared for total
renewed by treating with bleach. Purigen™ 1Ltr 160 special
capacity to remove aquarium organic matter,
is designed for both marine and freshwater Renew 2Ltr 320 special
rate of adsorption, and duration of use. This
use. This product is sold by volume. Cited 4Ltr 640 special
product is sold by volume. Cited weight is
weight is minimal weight.
minimal weight. 20Ltr special
100Ltr special
100ml 40 020760 100ml Bagged 100 020230
250ml 100 020762 250ml 250 020233
500ml 200 020764 500ml 500 020235
Matrix 1Ltr 400 special Purigen 1Ltr 1000 020236
Carbon 2Ltr 800 special 2Ltr 2000 020237
4Ltr 1600 020766 4Ltr 4000 020238
20Ltr special 20Ltr special
100Ltr special

The Bag™ is an innovative welded filter bag
with a durable non-stitched seam. It has
a 180 micron mesh, is resistant to bleach,
caustics, and acids, and comes with a
convenient resealable locking closure. It is
available in a convenient 5” x 10” size. It is
ideal for all filtration products and has an
DE*NITRATE™ exceptionally long life.
de*nitrate™ removes nitrates, nitrites,
ammonia, and organics from both fresh and The Bag 020250
MATRIX™ marine water. The high porosity of de*nitrate™
Matrix™ is a highly porous media designed supports the proliferation of both aerobic
to provide exceptionally efficient biofiltration and anaerobic bacteria that further remove
for single site removal of ammonia, nitrite, these toxic aquarium byproducts. Even
and nitrate from freshwater, marine, and reef when exhausted as an organic adsorbent,
aquaria. Each liter of Matrix™ provides over de*nitrate™ continues to be an excellent
160,000 cm2 (170 sq. ft.) of surface, equivalent support for the biological filter and does not
to over 40 L (10 gallons) of typical plastic ball have to be removed. This product is sold by
media! This product is sold by volume. Cited volume. Cited weight is minimal weight.
weight is minimal weight.
100ml 0200998
250ml 25 020092 250ml 25 020100
500ml 50 020094 500ml 50 020102 ZIP BAG
1Ltr 100 020096 1Ltr 100 020104 Durable Seams & Corrosive Proof Zipper
2Ltr 200 020098 de*nitrate
Matrix 2Ltr 200 020106 Secure Media. Excellent Choice for Most Filter
4Ltr 400 020099 4Ltr 400 0208177 Media. No Strings or Ties.
20Ltr special 20Ltr 2000 020108 12.5x5.5” 0202512
Zip Bag
100Ltr special 100Ltr special 19x17” 0202514 11
HyperSorb™ is a synthetic adsorbent that
outperforms all other blended synthetic
media and carbons. It removes organic
waste, toxic vapors and other pollutants.
In freshwater it will help stabilize the ionic
PhosGuard™ rapidly removes phosphate SeaGel™ is a blend of MatrixCarbon™ balance and will help control ammonia, nitrite,
and silicate from marine and freshwater and PhosGuard™. MatrixCarbon™ is an & nitrate. Easily regenerated with household
aquaria. It is not recommended for ultracapacity carbon for the removal of bleach. For use in both freshwater and marine.
phosphate buffered freshwater. organic and color impurities. PhosGuard™ is
PhosGuard™ is highly porous for high a powerful remover of phosphate, silicate, 100ml Bagged 0200882
capacity and bead-shaped for optimum toxic metals, and acids. Both components 250ml 0200884
water flow. It outperforms all competing are bead shaped for optimum water HyperSorb
2Ltr special
products. 500 mL easily treats over 150 flow characteristics and penetration. The
gallons*. This product is sold by volume. components enhance each other and are 4Ltr special
Cited weight is minimal weight. ideal for reef and marine use. May also be
used in freshwater that is not phosphate
buffered. This product is sold by volume.
100ml Bagged 30 020130 Cited weight is minimal weight.
250ml 75 020132
100ml Bagged 25 020200
500ml 150 020134
250ml 60 020202
1Ltr 300 020136
PhosGuard 500ml 120 020204
2Ltr 600 020137
1Ltr 240 special
4Ltr 0201375 SeaGel
2Ltr 480 special
20Ltr 020138
4Ltr 960 0208175
100Ltr special
20Ltr special
100Ltr special CUPRISORB™
CupriSorb™ is a powerful adsorbent of
copper and heavy metals. CupriSorb™ will
remove copper more rapidly and efficiently
than carbon and is thus ideal for emergency
copper removal. It extracts all types of copper
from water and, if in continuous use, from the
gravel/substrate bed as well. CupriSorb™ will
allow maintenance of invertebrates in copper-
treated tanks by removing copper leaching
from substrates.
100ml Bagged 60 020240
250ml 150 020243
500ml 300 020245
1Ltr 600 special
4Ltr 2400 special
20Ltr 12000 special
PhosBond™ is a revolutionary new product PhosNet™ is a granular ferric oxide (GFO)
that combines the phosphate removing with high porosity, high surface area and
capabilities of both aluminum oxide and high binding capacity. It will rapidly remove
granular ferric oxide into a singular phosphates and silicates from both
material forming a synergistic effect. It freshwater and saltwater and will not
rapidly removes phosphates and silicates release them back into your aquarium.
from saltwater and freshwater, combining It exhibits stronger binding than most
the best of both types of phosphate competing products and consequently can
removers. Its high porosity and surface reduce phosphates and silicates to very low
area give it a large binding capacity, while levels. PhosNet™ also offers less dust and ZEOLITE™
its physical strength and integrity assures thus is easier to use than most competing Binds ammonia and heavy metals. Highest
that it will not break down from mechanical GFO products. ammonia binding capacity of any zeolite.
stress. Marine and freshwater.

100ml 60 0201290 50 G Bagged 25 0201282

100ml Bagged 0202201
Bagged 125g 60 0201284
250ml 0202203
250ml 150 0201292 250g 120 0201286
Phosnet 500ml 0202205
Phosbond 500ml 300 0201294 500g 0201287 Zeolite
1Ltr 0202207
1Ltr 600 0201296 2kg 020498
2Ltr 0202210
4Ltr 2400 0201298 10kg special
4Ltr 0202212
12 20Ltr 12000 0201299

Maintenance alert device • Matrix Bio Media • Filter foam

Filter basket • Fully adjustable flow regulation
Surface skimmer intake • Heater holder • Self-priming pump
Adjustable intake flow • Adjustable leveling device

Tidal 55 = up to 200L / 1000L/H / 5w / filter vol. 1.2L

Tidal 75 = up to 300L / 1500L/H / 7w / filter vol. 1.9L
Tidal Power Filter 55 1000l/h 0192010 Tidal 110 = up to 400L / 2000L/H / 10w / filter vol. 3.2L
Tidal Power Filter 75 1500l/h 0192012
Tidal Power Filter 110 2000l/h 0192014

55 Foam
2pk - 0192100
75 Foam
2pk - 0192102
110 Foam
2pk - 0192103
55 Matrix 55 Matrix Carbon 55 Zeolite
250ml - 0192108 140ml - 0192120 190ml - 0192130
75 Matrix 75 Matrix Carbon 75 Zeolite
350ml - 0192110 190ml - 0192123 250ml - 0192133
110 Matrix 110 Matrix Carbon 110 Zeolite
500ml - 0192112 275ml - 0192126 375ml - 0192136

Non-scratch, dual - surface algae pad for glass and
acrylic. Micro abrasive technology with added durable
scrubbing side. No soaps or detergents, effectively Duo Pad 1pk 0207702
removes algae from scratches. Algae Pad 3pk 0207704
ALGAE PAD Algae Pad 18pk 0207706
Non-scratch algae pad for glass and acrylic. Melamine
foam, micro abrasive technology. No soaps or
detergents, effectively removes algae from scratches.


Reef Fusion 1™ and Reef Fusion 2™ are the foundation of a system
formulated to provide the essentials for the reef aquarium. Reef Fusion 1™
provides calcium, while Reef Fusion 2™ provides alkalinity. When used
together, the Reef Fusion™ system will maintain calcium and alkalinity levels.
Reef Fusion 1™ provides not only 100,000 mg/L of ionic calcium, but also
includes biologically appropriate levels of magnesium, strontium, boron,
iron, manganese, and molybdenum.
Reef Fusion 2™ contains a mixture of carbonates and bicarbonates at an al-
kalinity of 4400 meq/L. It is designed to restore and maintain alkalinity in the
reef aquarium and provide calcareous species with the essential carbonate
needed for growth.
500ml 0205172 When used as directed, Reef Fusion 1™ and Reef Fusion 2™ will maintain the
1ltr 0205174 critical levels of calcium and alkalinity necessary for healthy coral growth,
Reef Fusion 1 2ltr 0205176 while providing biologically appropriate levels of other elements and trace
4ltr 0205178
20Ltr special WHY IT'S DIFFERENT
Reef Fusion is different from our other calcium and carbonate
500ml 0205180 supplements in that Reef Fusion 1 & 2 are specifically designed to be used
1ltr 0205182 together in a simple 1:1 ratio. There are similar products on the market, but
Reef Fusion 2 2ltr 0205184 the Reef Fusion system is the most concentrated two part system for main-
4ltr 0205186 taining calcium and carbonate alkalinity available.
20Ltr special
Reef Phytoplankton™ is a concentrated blend of
green and brown marine phytoplankton designed
to provide the essential fatty acids, proteins,
vitamins, amino acids, with biological carotenoids
for invertebrate diet. Size ranges from 1-20 μm to
feed a broad range of tropical marine aquarium
filter feeders and invertebrates.

Reef Phytoplankton™ contains a natural

source of carotenoids which provides essential
proteins as well as a more bioavailable source of
pigmentation when compared to other natural
sources and synthetic pigments. Carotenoids
provide the extra benefit of antioxidant activity.

In addition, Reef Phytoplankton™ is enhanced to

increase the bioavailability of important nutrients
such as proteins, lipids, B vitamins, and other
organic pigments, thus, corals expend less energy REEF KIT
to derive the nutritional benefit Kit contains:
4x Reef Plus 100ml
4x Reef Complete 100ml
250ml 02053802 Reef Zooplankton™ is a concentrated blend of
4x Reef Carbonate 100ml
500ml 02053804 marine zooplankton designed to provide the es- 4x Reef Calcium 100ml
Reef 2Ltr 02053806 sential fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, amino acids,
Phytoplankton with biological carotenoids for coral growth. The
4Ltr special Seachem Reef Kit
20Ltr special particle size range is 12.5-500 μm to feed a broad 0200384
250ml 02053814 range of marine aquarium inhabitants.
500ml 02053816
Reef 2Ltr 02053818
4Ltr special
20Ltr special


Reef Advantage Magnesium™ is a Reef Iodide™ is a concentrated (8,000 mg/L) Reef Builder ™ raises carbonate alkalinity
concentrated (80,000 ppm) optimized stabilized potas sium iodide source for reef without immediately impacting on pH. With
blend of magnesium, chloride, and sulfate aquaria that will restore and maintain iodide long term use there will be a tendency to
salts designed to restore depleted levels levels to those found in natural sea water. It is stabilize at pH 8.3. Carbonates and calcium are
of magnesium with minimal impact to formulated to provide a safe source of iodide essential to all coral growth. If either becomes
the ionic ratios found in natural sea water. that will not convert to toxic free iodine under deficient, coral growth will cease, followed
Reef Advantage Magnesium™ contains no storage or reef conditions. Iodine is as toxic as by a rapid decline in coral health. Used as
ammonia! This is a common contaminant chlorine and should never be used in a reef directed, Reef Builder™ will not deplete
in every liquid magnesium supplement system. However, iodide is as safe as chloride. calcium, magnesium, or strontium which
on the market. Severely depleted levels of usually tend to precipitate with increasing
magnesium (below 800 mg/L) can cause Iodide is an important element required alkalinity. Reef Builder™ and Reef Buffer™ may
depressed pH levels and an inability to by invertebrates and many soft corals be used together. Use Reef Builder™ to raise
maintain proper calcium levels. Magnesium (gorgonians, sarcophytons, etc). carbonate alkalinity without affecting pH.
depletion is commonly associated with the Use Reef buffer™ to raise carbonate alkalinity
use of kalkwasser. 100ml 2000 020402 and pH.
250ml 5000 020404 50g 800 020504
300g 1200 020424
500ml 10000 020406 300g 4000 020505
600g 2400 020426 Reef Iodide
2000ml 020408 600g 8000 020506
Reef Advantage 1.2 kilo 4000 020428 Reef Builder
4Ltr 0208171 1.2Kg 16000 020507
Magnesium 2.2 kilo 8000 020429
20Ltr special 4Kg 020509
14 4 kilo
20 kilo
16000 020430
20kg special
Reef Kalkwasser™ is a pure calcium hydroxide
with unsurpassed purity and solubility
characteristics. Calcium hydroxide is used to
REEF PLUS prepare limewater (kalkwasser) solutions that
REEF COMPLETE Reef Plus™ is a full spectrum reef supplement will maintain calcium concentrations at natural
containing trace elements, vitamins, and seawater levels. Kalkwasser solutions maintain
Reef Complete™ is a concentrated (160,000 calcium directly and carbonate alkalinity
mg/L) optimized blend of ionic calcium amino acids demonstrated to have a
positive impact on the growth of corals and indirectly. However, its capacity to perform
designed to restore and maintain calcium these functions is dependent on evaporation
to levels found in natural seawater without other desirable reef creatures. Reef Plus™ is
formulated to provide nutrients available from rate and CO2 concentration. If these two factors
affecting pH. Calcium and carbonates are are insufficient you can provide additional
essential to all coral growth. If either becomes natural tropical reef waters. Contains vitamin
B12, vitamin C, thiamine, inositol, choline, calcium with Reef Advantage Calcium™, Reef
deficient, coral growth will cease, followed by Complete™, or Reef Calcium™, and carbonate
a rapid decline in coral health. To prevent this iodide, and other essential constituents at pH
8.3. Reef Plus™ is nitrate/phosphate free. alkalinity with Reef Builder™ or Reef Carbonate™
you must provide calcium (Reef Complete™) (do not mix these directly with a kalkwasser
and carbonates (Reef Builder™ or Reef solution).
100ml 400 020532
Carbonate™). 250g 83 020522
250ml 1000 020534 500g 166 020524
100ml 400 020481
500ml 2000 020536 Reef Kalkwasser 1Kg 333 020526
250ml 1000 020483 Reef Plus
500ml 2000 020485 2Ltr 8000 020537 2Kg 6660 020527
Reef Complete 4Ltr special 20kg special
2Ltr special
4000ml 020489 20Ltr special
20ltr special
REEF TRACE Reef Advantage Strontium™ restores and
Reef Trace™ supplies a broad range of trace maintains strontium to levels found in natural sea
REEF CALCIUM water. Strontium is utilized by corals in the same
elements demonstrated to be necessary
Reef Calcium™ is a concentrated (50,000 mg/L) for proper reef health and growth. Trace manner as calcium and holds a similar importance
bioavailable polygluconate complexed calcium elements are normally depleted by utilization, in maintaining a vigorous level of growth. It is
intended to maintain calcium in the reef oxidation and precipitation. The latter two most useful in densely populated aquariums
aquarium without altering pH. processes occur more rapidly than with other requiring a continuous supply of strontium. Reef
Reef Calcium™ may be used alone to maintain micronutrients. This makes it important to Advantage Strontium™ is a highly concentrated
calcium but will provide enhanced levels of restore trace elements on a regular basis. Reef (30,000 ppm), ionically balanced strontium
coral growth when used in conjunction with Trace™ may be used alone or in conjunction supplement that can be added directly to the tank
an ionic calcium supplement (Reef Complete™, with Reef Plus™. Best results are obtained when (no predissolving required).
Reef Advantage Calcium™). Reef Calcium™ is both are used. Reef Trace™ is nitrate/phosphate 70g 020432
intended to maintain calcium levels; if calcium free. 300g 020434
becomes seriously depleted one should either 100ml 400 020462 600g 020436
Reef Advantage
perform a water change or use an ionic calcium 250ml 1000 020464 Strontium 1.2kg special
supplement to restore the depleted level of 500ml 2000 020465
calcium. Reef Trace 4kg special
100ml 400 020491 2Ltr special 20kg special
250ml 1000 020493 4Ltr 020467
20Ltr special REEF REACTOR
500ml 2000 020495
Reef Calcium A high-purity source of aragonite, which supplies
2Ltr special
all important elements for optimal ionic balance
4Ltr 0208169 and robust coral growth & colouration in reef
20Ltr special aquaria. It is available in two sizes. It is intended
REEF BUFFER for use in calcium reactors where it is dissolved
slowly with the addition of CO2. As it dissolves,
Reef Buffer™ is intended primarily for use it provides calcium, magnesium, strontium,
in a reef system where the maintenance of potassium & carbonates among other important
a pH of 8.3 is often difficult. When used as elements for reef aquaria. Excellent at increasing
directed Reef Buffer™ will raise the pH of your and stabilizing alkalinity, which also supports a
reef system to 8.3 without fear of accidentally stable pH & encourages the rapid formation of
overshooting the pH to a dangerous level. coral skeletal material. With high levels of both
Reef Buffer™ will also raise carbonate calcium and magnesium, it offers an excellent
alkalinity. Reef Buffer™ is a blended product means of balanced supplementation for rapid
and is not just sodium carbonate. Reef growth & propagation of corals & calcareous
Builder™ should be used to raise alkalinity animals in reef aquaria. It possesses the highest
when pH is not a problem. level of soluble potassium of all competing
Use Seachem’s MultiTest: Marine pH & brands while exhibiting the lowest levels of both
Alkalinity™ to check pH and total alkalinity. aluminum and phosphorus.
50g 400 020452 LG 1-3cm 2L 0204972
250g 2000 020454 LG 1-3cm 4L 0204974
500g 4000 020456 LG 1-3cm 20L special
Reef Buffer Reef Reactor
1Kg 8000 020457 MD 0.5-1cm 2L 0205012
4Kg 32000 020458
20kg special
MD 0.5-1cm 4L
MD 0.5-1cm 20L
Reef Carbonate™ is a concentrated (4,000 Reef Glue is a superior cyanoacrylate gel for
meq/L) optimized blend of carbonate and gluing and mounting coral frags and colonies
bicarbonate salts designed to restore and REEF ADVANTAGE CALCIUM to reef rock or plugs. It bonds within seconds
maintain alkalinity in the reef aquarium. Reef Advantage Calcium™ is a non-caustic and has excellent control, hold and durability
Calcium and carbonates are essential to all (pH 8.3–8.6) optimized blend of ionic characteristics. It can even be used
coral growth. If either becomes deficient, coral calcium designed to restore and maintain underwater. Reef Glue can be used for any
growth will cease, followed by a rapid decline calcium to levels found in natural seawater. aquascaping in freshwater or saltwater
in coral health. To prevent this you must Calcium and carbonates are essential to all aquariums or for any plastics repairs. Reef
provide carbonates (Reef Carbonate™) and coral growth. If either becomes deficient, Glue comes in an aluminum tube for
calcium (Reef Advantage Calcium™ or Reef coral growth will cease, followed by a rapid extended stability life beyond products
Complete™). decline in coral health. To prevent this you contained in plastic bottles - it won’t dry up in
must provide calcium (Reef Advantage the tube. Reef Glue is an excellent addition to
100ml 400 020442 the Seachem line of products.
Calcium™) and carbonates (Reef Builder™ or
250ml 1000 020444 Reef Carbonate™). Reef Advantage Calcium™
500ml 2000 020446 also includes magnesium and strontium in Reef Glue 20g 0202602
Reef Carbonate
2Ltr special amounts proportionate to typical utilization
4Ltr 0208170 ratios (100:5:0.1, Ca:Mg:Sr). This allows one
20Ltr special to maintain these two important elements
while maintaining calcium. Unlike limewater
REEF STRONTIUM (kalkwasser), Reef Advantage Calcium™ does
Reef Strontium™ is intended to restore and not have a caustic pH and will not deplete
maintain strontium to levels found in natural magnesium.
seawater without affecting pH. Strontium is 250g 2000 020471
utilized in the same manner as calcium and
500g 4000 020473
holds a similar importance in maintaining a Reef Advantage
vigorous level of growth. 1Kg 8000 020475
4Kg 32000 020477
Reef Strontium™ contains 10,000 mg/L of
available strontium as a gluconate complex. 20kg special
Gluconate complexation confers several
benefits: it increases the bioavailability of Secure base for freshly cut corals and polyps.
the strontium, it provides a rich source of Contains calcium and magnesium sources for
metabolic energy to help maintain peak rapid growth. Unique shape aids
coral growth, and it inhibits strontium overgrowth of encrusting coral or polyps.
precipitation/alkalinity depletion. Ideal for use with Seachem Reef Glue.

100ml 400 020512 Coral Plugs x12 0202604

250ml 1000 020514
Reef Strontium 500ml 2000 020516
4Ltr 0208176
20Ltr special

Reef Dip™ contains elemental iodine
complexed to a protective slime coat for safely
and gently disinfecting corals. It is effective HYDRO TOTE
against bacteria, fungus, and protozoans. The HydroTote™ is a collapsible jug that
It may be used prophylactically (without holds up to 20 L (5 gallons). It’s perfect
REEF PACK FUNDAMENTALS evidence of disease) or to remedy diseased for customers that get their saltwater, RO
The Fundamentals Pack combines those specimens. It is safe to use with both stony water, or DI water at their local fish store.
products essential for any reef (Reef Complete™, and soft corals. It is also safe for anemones and When not in use, it easily folds up to take
Reef Carbonate™, and Reef Plus™). polyps. up less space. It pours easily and can with-
stand a drop of up to 3 meters while full.
Reef Pack Fundamentals 020468 100ml 25 020412 Dealers asked for it, and Seachem deliv-
250ml 50 020414 ered. HydroTote™ is the ideal space saving
REEF PACK ENHANCER Reef Dip 500ml 100 020416 alternative for shops carrying current 5
4Ltr 0208166 gallon hard jugs that simply consume too
Reef Pack Enhancer™ provides those products
much space in the shop.
that will enhance and accelerate growth 20Ltr special
in any reef system (Reef Calcium™, Reef
Hydrotote 10ltrs 020387
Strontium™ and Reef Iodide™)
Hydrotote 20ltrs 020389
16 Reef Pack Enhancer 020469
Vibrant Sea™ is a highly concentrated blend of salts formulated for marine and reef
aquariums that contains all essential major, minor, and trace components found in natural
seawaters, plus the added advantage of enhanced potassium levels. Its formulation is ideal
for the reef environment and will provide accurate seawater concentrations of magnesium,
calcium, and strontium with proper alkalinity and pH for closed reef aquarium systems.

Vibrant Sea™ is an anhydrous salt, which allows for unparalleled uniformity from batch to
batch as well as the ability to produce more saltwater from less salt. In addition, it is highly
soluble and can mixed and used in the same day.
227L/60gal 020382
NOURISH Vibrant Sea
833L/220gal 020383
Nourish™is a comprehensive vitamin, amino
acid, and trace element supplement
developed to address nutritional MARINE TRACE
requirements commonly associated with Marine Trace™ supplies a broad range
MARINE BUFFER long term closed system housing of of trace elements demonstrated to be
freshwater ornamental fish. Nourish™ necessary for proper fish health and
Marine Buffer™ will safely raise marine pH
contains potassium iodide in a heavy base growth. Unlike terrestrial animals, fish
to 8.3. It will not raise pH above 8.3 even if
of spirulina and chlorella. The nutrient obtain nutrients from both their food
inadvertently overdosed. Marine Buffer™ is
iodine is essential for the biosynthesis of and environment. Trace elements
a blended product and is not just sodium
the thyroid hormones thyroxine and are normally depleted by utilization,
bicarbonate or sodium carbonate, commonly
triiodothyronine.* Both spirulina and oxidation and precipitation, thus it is
sold as a substitute. Such products can raise
chlorella contain a rich assortment of amino important to restore them on a regular
pH to dangerous levels if not used properly.
acids and vitamins. Nourish™ can be used basis. Marine Trace™ contains only those
Marine Buffer™ contains sodium, magnesium,
on marine ornamental fish; however, it is elements actually demonstrated to be
calcium, strontium, and potassium salts of
specifically designed for freshwater fish required by fish.
carbonate, bicarbonate, chloride, sulfate, and
where a variety of thyroid related ailments
are often encountered (especially among 250ml 020552
50g 020542 cichlids) 500ml 020554
250g 020544 Marine Trace
50ml 020780 4Ltr special
500g 020546
100ml 020783 20Ltr special
Marine Buffer 1Kg 020547
Nourish 250ml 020786
4Kg 020549
500ml 020789
20kg special
4Ltr special
100kg special

Vitality™ is a comprehensive vitamin, amino
acid, and trace element supplement devel-
oped to address nutritional LIQUID MARINE BUFFER
requirements commonly associated with Liquid Marine Buffer™ will safely raise
REPLENISH long term closed system housing of marine marine pH to 8.3 while adjusting
ornamental fish. Vitality™ contains ascorbic alkalinity. It will not raise pH above
Replenish™ is a proprietary blend of salts
acid in a heavy base of spirulina and 8.3 even if inadvertently overdosed.
designed to replenish physiologically
chlorella. Ascorbic acid is a cofactor in Liquid Marine Buffer™ contains a
relevant minerals that are removed by
the hydroxylation of proline and lysine to balanced blend of bicarbonate,
reverse osmosis or deionizing filtration.
components of procollagen, the precursor carbonate and borate salts designed
Replenish™ restores General Hardness (GH)
of collagen, necessary for the formation of to raise pH and restore disrupted
using a balanced blend of both “soft”
connective tissues, scar tissue in wound buffer systems to the proper balance.
(sodium, potassium) and “hard” (calcium,
repair, and bone matrix.* Both spirulina and Use Seachem’s MultiTest: Marine pH
magnesium) salts. Restoration of mineral
chlorella contain a rich assortment of amino & Alkalinity™ to check pH and total
content is essential since a complete lack
acids and vitamins. Vitality™ can be used on alkalinity.
of minerals will result in osmotic stress
freshwater ornamental fish; however, it is
in those species whose osmoregulation
specifically designed for marine fish where 250ml 020562
systems are adapted to a mineralized
lateral line degeneration disease is often 500ml 020564
environment. Severe osmotic stress can Liquid
result in osmotic shock which will lead to Marine Buffer 4L 0208167
rapid death. 50ml 020800 20L special
100ml 020820 100ml 020803
250ml 020822 250ml 020806
Replenish 500ml 020824 500ml 020809
4L 020826 4ltr 0208165
20Ltr SPECIAL 20Ltr special
Discus Trace™ supplies a broad range of trace CICHLID LAKE SALT
elements demonstrated to be necessary for Cichlid Lake Salt™ is a chemically sound
proper fish health and growth. Unlike terrestrial blend of salts designed to replicate the
animals, fish obtain nutrients from both their natural environment of cichlids. It contains
GOLD BASICS food and environment. Trace elements are all physiologically essential elements such
Gold Basics™ is designed to provide the normally depleted by utilization, oxidation and as magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium,
optimal bowl environment for goldfish. Gold precipitation, thus it is important to restore and includes trace components such as
Basics™ removes any chlorine, chloramine, them on a regular basis. Discus Trace™ contains iron, aluminum, and iodide. It does not
and ammonia. It buffers the water to a pH only those elements actually demonstrated to contain harmful or unnecessary ingredients
of 7.0 and promotes vigorous health and be required by fish. Aquarium Use Only! Keep such as nitrates, phosphates, arsenic,
growth. Away from Children! lithium, or cadmium. Use Seachem’s Cichlid
GOLD TRACE DISCUS BUFFER Trace™ to restore and maintain important
Gold Trace™supplies a broad range of trace trace elements between water changes.
elements demonstrated to be necessary Discus Buffer™ helps to replicate the ideal
for proper fish health and growth. Unlike Discus environment (low pH & low GH. 250g 020302
terrestrial animals, fish obtain nutrients from Discus Buffer™ will lower pH and keep it
500g 020304
both their food and environment. Trace lowered. Discus Buffer™ also softens water by
precipitating calcium and magnesium. Use 4kg special
elements are normally depleted by utilization, Cichlid Lake Salt
Discus Trace™ to restore the proper level of trace 1Kg 020305
oxidation and precipitation, thus it is
important to restore them on a regular basis. elements required by thriving, healthy Discus. 20Kg 020306
Gold Trace™ contains only those elements 50g 020180 100kg special
actually demonstrated to be required by fish.
250g 020364
500g special
American Cichlid Salt™ is a chemically sound
Discus Buffer 1kg special blend of salts designed to replicate the
4kg special natural environment of South American
20kg special cichlids (e.g. Apistogramma, Oscars, Rams,
100kg special Angels, Crenicara, Geophagus).
250ml 020374 50g 020292
Discus Trace 500ml 020375 250g 020294
4Ltr 0208162 American Cichlid salt
4kg special
20kg special

Gold Buffer™ is a non-phosphate buffer that
will maintain the ideal pH for goldfish while
not enhancing algae growth. Depending on
dosage, Gold Buffer™ raises pH and buffers
between 7.2 and 7.8. It is gentle, safe, and MALAWI/VICTORIA BUFFER
enhances the freshwater environment. It is
Malawi/Victoria Buffer™ is a blend of carbonate
compatible with all other Seachem buffers.
salts designed to enhance the natural
Contains sodium, potassium, magnesium, and
environment of cichlids by increasing hardness,
other bicarbonate salts. 50 g treats 72 gallons.
buffer capacity, and pH. It is formulated
GOLD SALT to maintain a pH of 7.8–8.4. For optimum
Gold Salt™ is designed to provide the optimal replication of the Malawi/Victoria environment,
use with Cichlid Lake Salt™ and Cichlid Trace™ CICHLID TRACE
environment for all goldfish species. The
salt is also well suited for routine aquarium Cichlid Trace™ supplies a broad range
freshwater use. It does not impact pH or 300g 020190 of trace elements demonstrated* to be
provide buffering. For pH control use Gold 600g 020192 necessary for proper fish health and
Buffer™. growth. Unlike terrestrial animals, fish
1.2kg 020196
Malawi/Vic Buffer obtain nutrients from both their food and
4kg special environment. Trace elements are normally
Gold Buffer 70g 020584 20kg special depleted by utilization, oxidation and
300g 020569 100kg special precipitation, thus it is important to restore
70g 020575 250g 020322 them on a regular basis. Cichlid Trace™
300g special contains only those elements actually
500g special
Gold Salt demonstrated* to be required by fish.
4kg special Tanganyika 1kg 020326
20kg special Powder Buffer
4kg special 250ml 020340
Gold Basics 50ml 020578 500ml special
20kg special Cichlid Trace
250ml 020581
18 Gold Trace 500ml special
4Ltr special
Entice™ is an all natural scent and flavor PARA GUARD AROWANA BUFFER
enhancer for finicky eaters. Simply soak any ParaGuard™ is the only fish and filter safe Arowana Buffer adjusts pH to 6.5 for either a
food item in Entice™ to attract the interest aldehyde based (10% by weight) parasite low of high pH and maintains it there for 2-4
of finicky eaters. Ideal for all marine and control product available. Unlike highly weeks. I safely softens water by precipitating
freshwater fish. toxic and difficult to use formalin based calcium and magnesium. It also improves the
medications, ParaGuard™ contains no ability of Arowanas to resist infections. It is
250ml 020750
formaldehyde or methanol and will not the buffer of chioce for conditioning water for
500ml 020752 alter pH. ParaGuard™ employs a proprietary, Asian Arowanas.
Entice 1ltr special synergistic blend of aldehydes, malachite
2ltr 020753 green, and fish protective polymers that Ajustst Ph To 6.5 • Softens Water
4ltr 0208185 effectively and efficiently eradicates many Optimal Enviromental Replication For Asian
ectoparasites (e.g. ich, etc.) and external Arowanas • Enhances Immunit
fungal/bacterial/viral lesions (e.g., fin rot). It
is particularly useful in hospital and receiving
GarlicGuard™ is an appetite/flavor 250g 0203422
tanks for new fish and whenever new fish are
enhancer for freshwater and saltwater fish. introduced to a community tank. 500g 0203424
GarlicGuard™ will help renew the interest Arowana Buffer
1kg special
of poor or finicky eaters. GarlicGuard™ 4kg special
100ml 200 020722
contains the naturally derived, active
ingredient found in garlic, allicin, which 250ml 500 020724
has been demonstrated to possess health 500ml 1000 020726
promoting benefits. Allicin possesses strong ParaGuard
2Ltr 4000 020728
anti-oxidant properties (similar to Vitamin 4Ltr 8000 020730
C) which promote enhanced health through
20Ltr 020731
elimination of dangerous free radicals. For
enhanced health benefits, GarlicGuard™
also contains Vitamin C. Freshwater and
Marine. Reef safe.

100ml 020700
250ml 020702
500ml 020704
GarlicGuard 1ltr special
2ltr special
4ltr 0208174
20ltr special
Seachem’s Betta Basics™ is designed to
FRESH TRACE provide the optimal environment for both
betta and plant. Betta Basics™ removes any
Fresh Trace™ supplies a broad range of trace
chlorine, chloramine and ammonia. It
elements demonstrated to be necessary for
buffers the water to a pH of 7.0 and
proper fish health and growth.
promotes vigorous health and growth.
Unlike terrestrial animals, fish obtain
nutrients from both their food and 60ml 020037
environment. Trace elements are normally 250ml special
Betta Basics
depleted by utilization, oxidation and
2Ltr special
precipitation, thus it is important to restore
them on a regular basis. Fresh Trace™
contains only those elements actually
demonstrated to be required by fish
250ml 020140
Cupramine™ is superior to copper sulfate, Fresh trace
500ml 020142
chloride & citrate: it is non-acidic, less toxic
to fish, remains in solution, and does not 4Ltr special
contaminate the filter bed. It is superior to
chelates: it is fully charged (ionic), and active FISH BAGS
at low concentrations, and is removable with Printed Front And Back Reduces Light
carbon. Creating Stress-Free Enviroment
50ml 250 020712 Rounded Bottom Prevents Fish From
100ml 500 020714 Getting Trapped In Corners.
250ml 1250 020716 Easy To Follow Pictorial Acclimation
Cupramine Instructions Printed On Back 6” X16”
2Ltr 10000 020718 Success Fish Bags 150x406 0200385
4Ltr 020720 1000
20Ltr special 19


Goldfish is a premium and nutritionally NutriDiet™ Cichlid Flakes is a complete,
15g 020840
balanced diet formulated to meet the hormone-free, color-enhancing diet for
requirements of goldfish. It contains only the Cichlids. It contains only the highest quality 30g 020842
highest quality ingredients without low ingredients without low nutritional value Goldfish Flake 50g special
nutritional value fillers. It has been fortified fillers. It has been fortified with garlic, 100g special
with garlic, chlorella, and Vitamin C for chlorella and Vitamin C for enhanced 500g special
enhanced health and immunity and contains health and immunity and contains a broad 15g 020870
a broad spectrum of all the important spectrum of all the important components
30g 020872
components needed in a their diet: protein, needed in a Cichlid diet: protein, fat,
fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Chlorella Flakes 50g special
100g special
NutriDiet® Chlorella Flakes is a fortified Tropical is a premium and nutritionally
chlorella flake food for all freshwater and balanced diet formulated to meet the 15g 020874
marine fish. The health benefits of chlorella requirements of all tropical freshwater
30g 020876
are widely known and while spirulina, a community fish. It contains only the highest
similar algae, is regularly used in fish diets, quality ingredients without low nutritional Brine Shrimp Flakes 50g special
we have opted to utilize the vastly superior value fillers. It includes garlic and Vitamin 100g special
chlorella. NutriDiet® Chlorella Flakes have C for enhanced health and immunity 500g special
been fortified with GarlicGuard™ for and contains a broad spectrum of all the 15g 020877
enhanced health and immunity and contain important components needed in a fish 30g 020879
a broad spectrum of all the important diet: protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins
Discus Flakes 50g special
components needed in a fish diet: protein, and minerals.
fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. 100g special
500g special
NutriDiet® Shrimp Flakes is a premium and Marine is a premium and nutritionally
15g 020850
nutritionally balanced diet formulated to meet balanced diet formulated to meet the
the requirements of marine and freshwater requirements of all marine fish. It contains 30g 020852
fish. It contains only the highest quality only the highest quality ingredients without Cichlid Flakes 50g special
ingredients including shrimp, fish, and squid. low nutritional value fillers. It has been 100g special
It has been fortified with GarlicGuard™ and fortified with garlic, chlorella, and Vitamin C 500g special
chlorella for enhanced health and immunity for enhanced health and immunity and
15g 020830
and contains a broad spectrum of all the contains a broad spectrum of all the
important components needed in marine and important components needed in a marine 30g 020832
freshwater fish diets: protein, fat, fish diet: protein, fat, carbohydrates, Tropical Flakes 50g special
carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. vitamins and minerals. 100g
components needed in a fish diet: protein, fat, 500g
carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.
DISCUS FLAKES NutriDiet® Marine Plus Flakes is a premium
15g 020860
NutriDiet® Discus Flakes is a premium and and nutritionally balanced diet formulated
to meet the requirements of all marine fish. 30g 020862
nutritionally balanced diet formulated to meet
It contains only the highest quality Marine Flakes 50g special
the requirements of all discus. It contains only
the highest quality ingredients including fish, ingredients including fish, plankton, krill, 100g special
shrimp, and earthworms. It has been fortified and shrimp. It has been fortified with 500g special
with GarlicGuard™, chlorella, and Vitamin C for GarlicGuard™, chlorella, and Vitamin C for 15g 020866
enhanced health and immunity and contains a health and immunity. It contains a broad
30g 020868
broad spectrum of all the important spectrum of all the important
components needed in a marine fish diet: Marine Plus Flakes 50g special
components needed in a discus diet: protein,
protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and 100g special
fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.
protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. 500g special
minerals.components needed in a fish diet:
20 protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and
Professional test kits designed by Professional people for the
Hobbyist market. Accurate results guaranteed.
Seachem is the only company to supply reference solutions in each
kit. The Ammonia tests free and total ammonia and so is the only
test kit which can distinguish between toxic and no toxic ammonia
Barry Cuda & Ruby Bard
Lil’ Alert Mates™ are innovative color devices for
continuously detecting and monitoring toxic free ammonia.
They work just like Ammmonia Alert™ but are designed to
appeal to the young aquarist. A sensor changes reversibly
from yellow to green to blue, relative to the ammonia
concentration. No test kits, chemicals, or procedures are
needed. The device detects less than 0.05 mg/L (ppm) free
ammonia and alerts you to the #1 killer before any sign
of stress. It lasts over a year and replacement sensors are
available. Marine or freshwater use.
In the absence of free ammonia the unit will assume a
yellow or faint yellow-green color. It is normal for the dry
sensor to have a greenish hue. It may take up to a few days
for a dry sensor to equilibrate with the water.

Barry Cuda 020111

Fred Snapper 020112
Ruby Barb 020113

Phosphate x75 020620 Ph+Alkaline x75 020610

Silicate x75 020622 Ammonia x75 020612
Iodine/Iodide x75 020624 Nitrite/Nitrate x75 020614
Marine Basic x75 020626 Copper x75 020616 Ammonia Alert™ is an innovative color device
Reef Special x75 020628 Iron x75 020618 for continuously detecting and monitoring
toxic free ammonia. A sensor changes
reversibly from yellow to green to blue,
relative to the ammonia concentration. No
REEF STATUS STRONTIUM test kits, chemicals, or procedures are needed.
This kit measures strontium by first The device detects less than 0.05 mg/L (ppm)
seperating the strontium in the sample free ammonia and alerts you to the #1 killer
by a chemical precipitation and filtration, before any sign of stress. It lasts over a year
followed by a sensitive titration in 0.5 mg/L and replacement sensors are available. Marine
increments. Each kit runs 50 tests. Now uses or freshwater use.
an easier to read non-fluorescent indicator!
pH Alert™ is a unique color device designed
This kit measures all types of calcium,
to be placed in the aquarium or filter and
including gluconate calcium. The method
monitor pH continuously. A sensor changes
is based on specific titration with a unique
color reversibly to alert you shifts to in pH
indicator. Measures in increments of 5 mg/L.
levels between 5.8 and 8.2. No tests, no strips,
Each kit runs 150 tests.
just constant readings. Freshwater Only.
Ammonia Alert (1yr) 020110
75 titration tests each for borate, carbonate
& magnesium. Directly measures pH Alert (3-6months) 020109
Reef Status Calcium 150 020600
magnesium. Measures carbonate and pH (3-6months) and 020114
Reef Status Strontium 50 020603 Ammonia (1yr)
borate alkalinity. Interference free. Easy test
Reef Status Magnesium 75 020604 combi pack
validation with included reference
pH and Ammonia 020115
combi pack (both 1yr) 21
Flourite, Red, Black & Dark Meridian™ is an all natural oolitic (spherical Silver Shores™ Aragonite is an all natural
or egg shaped) aragonite substrate for all substrate for all types of marine, reef and
Flourite™ is a specially fracted stable porous
reef and marine aquaria. Meridian™ is the tropical aquaria. Simply rinse before use to
clay gravel for the natural planted aquarium.
premium aragonite substrate for the reef remove any residual dust. To determine the
Its appearance is best suited to planted
aquaria. It’s grain size (a fairly uniform .25 - number of bags required for your aquarium,
aquaria, but may be used in any aquarium
.50 mm) is ideally suited to reef inhabitants please note that each bag (10 kg, 22 lbs)
environment. Flourite™ is most effective
and it’s chemical composition will assist occupies a volume of 7500 cm3 (0.26 cu. ft.).
when used alone as an integral substrate
in stabilizing calcium and alkalinity while To determine your desired volume multiply
bed, but it may be mixed with other gravels.
preventing large pH declines. Unlike tank width by length by desired depth.
Gravel modifiers such as laterite are not
competing “wet” products marketed under
necessary. Flourite™ is not chemically coated or
the guise of being “live”, Meridian™ is
treated and will not alter the pH of the water.
sold dry, thus you pay only for gravel and Flourite 7Kg 020950
Although pre-washed, it should be rinsed
not for unneeded water. These products
before use to remove residual dust. Dust can Flourite 4pk 3.5kg 0209996
imply that they contain living, microscopic
also be minimized by filling tank slowly and
animals when in fact they only contain Flourite Red 7Kg 020951
dispersing water so that the Flourite™ bed is
common bacteria. Dry or wet, there are
not disturbed. Slight initial cloudiness is normal Flourite Red 4pk 3.5kg 0209997
bacteria on every substrate available. If
and will clear rapidly (2–12 hours). This bag is
one is concerned with shortening the tank Flourite Black 7Kg 020955
sufficient for about a 5 cm (2 inch) deep bed in
cycle time for a new system, then the use
a typical 40 L (10 gallon) tank. Recommended Flourite Black 4pk 3.5kg 0209998
of a product designed for that particular
use is 1 kg (2 lbs) for approximately each 200
purpose would be more appropriate (such Flourite Dark 7Kg 020956
cm2 (31 in2) of tank bottom at a depth of 5 cm
as Seachem’s Stability™).
(2 in). Flourite Dark 4pk 3.5kg 0209999

ONYX SAND PEARL BEACH Grey Coast 4pk 3.5Kg 0210002

Onyx Sand™ is a specially fracted, stable Pearl Beach™ Aragonite is an all natural Grey Coast 10kg special
porous gravel for the natural planted substrate for all types of marine, reef and Onyx Sand 7Kg 020953
aquarium. Being carbonate rich, Onyx Sand™ tropical aquaria. Simply rinse before use to
provides an advantage to any plants able remove any residual dust. To determine the Onyx Sand 4pk 3.5kg 0209992
to utilize bicarbonates. Although ideally number of bags required for your aquarium, Onyx Gravel 7Kg 020952
suited to planted aquaria, it may be used in please note that each bag (10 kg, 22 lbs)
any aquarium environment. Onyx Sand™ occupies a volume of 6500 cm3 (0.23 cu. ft.). Flourite sand Black 7kg 020954
is most effective when used alone as an To determine your desired volume multiply Flourite Sand 4pk 3.5kg 0209994
integral substrate bed, but it may be mixed tank width by length by desired depth.
with other gravels. Gravel modifiers such as Flourite Sand Black 4pk 3.5kg 0209995
laterite are not necessary. Onyx Sand™ is not GRAY COAST Meridian 4pk 3.5Kg 0210000
chemically coated or treated but does have
™ Calcite is an all natural calcite substrate Meridian 10kg special
a slight buffering capacity that may raise pH
for all types of marine, reef and tropical
by 0.1 - 0.5 pH units (depending on source Pearl Beach 4pk 3.5Kg 0210001
aquaria. Its chemical composition will
water characteristics). Although pre-washed, it
assist in stabilizing calcium and alkalinity Pearl Beach 10kg special
should be rinsed before use to remove residual
while preventing large pH declines. Unlike
dust. Dust can also be minimized by filling
competing “wet” gravels, Gray Coast™
tank slowly and dispersing water so that the
is sold dry: this bag contains 35% more
Onyx Sand™ bed is not disturbed. Slight initial
gravel than a bag of wet gravel of equal
cloudiness is normal and will clear rapidly
weight. These products imply that they
(2–12 hours). This bag is sufficient for about
contain living, microscopic animals when
a 5 cm (2 inch) deep bed in a typical 40 L (10
in fact they only contain common bacteria.
gallon) tank. Recommended use is 1kg (2 lbs)
Dry or wet, there are bacteria on every
for approximately each 200cm2 (31 in2) of tank
substrate available. If one is concerned with
bottom at a depth of 5cm (2in)
shortening the tank cycle time for a new
system, then the use of a product designed
for that particular purpose .
Fluorite is an easy to use substrate due to
the unique netting which allows for easier
flushing/washing before placing in the aquarium. Unlike other substrates, fluorite
will not break down over time so there is no need to replace (not including sands)

Kit contains:
4x Flourish 100ml
4x Flourish Iron 100ml
4x Flourish Excel 100ml
4x Flourish
Advance 100ml

Seachem Planted Kit

22 0200383
Flourish Iron™ is a highly concentrated Acid Regulator™ adjusts pH to the acidic range (4.5
Flourish™ is a comprehensive plant
(10,000 mg/L) ferrous iron (Fe+2) gluconate – 5.5) and softens water by precipitating calcium
supplement for the natural freshwater
supplement. It should be used in those and magnesium. Acid Regulator™ supports the
aquarium. It contains a rich assortment of
cases where the iron requirements exceed establishment of the optimal environment for
important micro elements, trace elements
that which can be delivered by Flourish™ all acid acclimated species (e.g. neons and other
and other nutrients. These include calcium,
at the recommended dose or signs of iron tetras, etc.). For further freshwater environment
magnesium, iron and other important
deficiency appear (such as short and slender enhancement, use Fresh Trace™ to restore the
elements that have been shown to be
stems or yellowing between veins.) Plants proper level of trace elements required by thriving,
beneficial to aquatic plants. For macro
are able to much more easily derive a benefit healthy freshwater community fish.
element (NPK) fertilization, use Flourish
from Flourish Iron™ than from EDTA-iron
Nitrogen™, Flourish Phosphorus™ or Flourish 50g special
sources because all EDTA iron is in the ferric
Potassium™ as needed. 250g 020117
(Fe+3) state. Since plants require iron in the
50ml 0209598 ferrous state, additional physiological energy 500g special
Brackish Salt
100ml 1200 020960 must be expended in order to extract the 1kg special
250ml 3000 020962 ferric iron from EDTA-iron and then convert it 4kg special
Flourish 500ml 6000 020964 to the ferrous form. Contains no phosphate 20kg special
or nitrate.
2Ltr Special
50ml Special
100ml 1000 020996
20Ltr Special
250ml 2500 020997 Alkaline Regulator™ adjusts pH to the alkaline range
Flourish Iron 500ml 5000 020998 (7.1 – 7.6) and supports the establishment of the
FLOURISH TABS 2Ltr 0209983
optimal environment for all alkaline acclimated
Flourish Tabs™ are growth stimulating tablets species (e.g. bosemani, various other rainbows etc.).
4Ltr 0209985
for plant roots. They contain essential trace 50g special
20Ltr Special
elements, amino acids, and vitamins. They are 250g 020119
rich in iron, manganese, magnesium, calcium, Alkaline
potassium, inositol, choline B12, biotin, and
BRACKISH SALT 500g special
other factors that have been determined Seachem’s Brackish Salt™ Unlike other 1kg special
to be beneficial to aquatic plant roots. They aquarium salts currently available to the 4kg special
contain no phosphate or nitrate that would hobbyist, Brackish Salt™ is more than just a
simple sodium chloride product. These other
promote algae proliferation. Each pack of ten
tablets treats a 12 X 30 inch plant bed twice. salts can burn leaves and roots in a planted Neutral Regulator™ adjusts pH to neutral
For best results, use in combination with aquarium. However, Brackish Salt™ does (pH 7.0) from either a low or high pH and
Flourish™ not cause this type of damage, and actually maintains it there. It softens water by
provides many nutrients crucial to healthy precipitating calcium and magnesium
10 tabs 020969
Flourish Tabs plant growth. Dosing of Brackish Salt™ allows while removing any chlorine, chloramine,
40 tabs 020972 for specific duplication of different brackish or ammonia. The use of Neutral Regulator™
water environments found worldwide (such makes other conditioning unnecessary. To
FLOURISH EXCEL as the waters of Sumatra or the waters of lower pH below 7.0 use Neutral Regulator™
Flourish Excel™ is a source of bioavailable Borneo). Brackish Salt™ can also be dosed for with Acid Regulator™ (or Discus Buffer™).
organic carbon. All plants require a source general brackish water community aquariums To raise pH above 7.0 use with Alkaline
of carbon. This is typically obtained from and general freshwater community aquarium. Regulator™. All of these products will enhance
CO2, but, may also be derived from simple Brackish Salt™ is a safe and effective and stabilize the freshwater aquarium
organic compounds (such as photosynthetic alternative to the sodium chloride based environment. Use Fresh Trace™ to restore the
intermediates). Therefore, one can derive a aquarium salts so prevalent proper level of trace elements required by
substantial benefit with the use of Flourish thriving, healthy freshwater community fish.
Excel™ either alone or in conjunction with 300g 020298
CO2 injection. Flourish Excel™ also has 600g 020288 50g 020121
iron reducing properties which promote Brackish Salt 4kg special 250g 020122
the ferrous state of iron (Fe+2), which is 20kg special 500g 020123
more easily utilized by plants than ferric
100kg special Neutral Regulator 1kg special
iron (Fe+3). Flourish Excel™ is an integral
component of Seachem’s plant products 4kg 020124
and is recommended for use with the 20kg special
entire Flourish™ line as well as our Flourite™ 100kg special
and Onyx Sand™ substrates. Contains no
250ml special
phosphate or nitrate.
Liquid neutral 500ml special
50ml Special 4ltr 020126
100ml 1000 020985 FlOURISH GLUE
250ml 2500 020987
Flourish Glue™ is a superior cyanoacrylate
Flourish Excel 500ml 5000 020988
gel for attaching moss and plants to rocks,
2Ltr 020989 driftwood, and even grave
4Ltr 020990
20Ltr Special Flourish Glue 8g 0209391 23
Acid Buffer™ is a non-phosphate buffer to Flourish Phosphorus™ is a safe solution (4500
lower pH and buffer with Alkaline Buffer™. mg/L phosphate) of potassium phosphate
Both buffers are designed for the planted that takes the guess work out of phosphate
aquarium or for very hard water where dosing. Unlike competing products that mix
phosphate buffers may pose an algae or nitrate and phosphate in a fixed ratio, Flourish
cloudiness problem. Acid Buffer™ lowers pH Phosphorus™ (being nitrate free) allows you
and buffers between 5.0 and 8.0 when used to dose phosphorus according to the needs
with Alkaline Buffer™. As Acid Buffer™ lowers of your plants without the risk of overdosing
pH it converts carbonate alkalinity (KH) into nitrates. When used as directed Flourish
available CO2. It may also be used to safely Phosphorus™ will enhance and accelerate the
lower pH in marine water. growth of aquatic plants without enhancing
FLOURISH TRACE algae growth.
70g 500 020170
Flourish Trace™ supplies a broad range of 300g 3000 020172 100ml 2000 020966
trace elements demonstrated to be necessary 250ml 5000 020967
600g Special
for proper plant health and growth (see
right panel for signs of deficiencies). Trace Acid Buffer 1.2kg Special Flourish 500ml 020968
elements are normally depleted by utilization, 4kg 0208186 Phosphorous 2000ml 0209681
oxidation and precipitation. The latter two 20kg Special 4000ml 02096812
processes occur more rapidly than with other 100kg Special 20Ltr Special
micronutrients. This makes it important to
restore trace elements on a regular basis.
Flourish Trace™ may be used alone or in ALKALINE BUFFER FLOURISH POTASSIUM
conjunction with Flourish™. Best results are Flourish Potassium™ contains 50,000 mg/L
Alkaline Buffer™ is a non-phosphate buffer to
obtained when both are used. of potassium suitable for the natural planted
raise pH and alkalinity (KH) and buffer with
aquarium. Potassium is one of several elements
50ml Special Acid Buffer™. These buffers are designed for
that are vitally important to maintaining a
100ml 400 020946 the planted aquarium or for very hard water
vigorous level of growth in a planted aquarium.
where phosphate buffers may pose an algae
250ml 1000 020947 Potassium can become depleted in a rapidly
or cloudiness problem. Alkaline Buffer™
Flourish Trace 500ml 2000 0209475 growing system or when the source water has
raises pH and buffers between 7.2 and 8.5. It
2Ltr 8000 020949 a low mineral content. In these cases potassium
could become the limiting factor to growth.
4Ltr 020948 70g 120 020160
Use Flourish Potassium™ to prevent potassium
20Ltr Special 300g 300 020162 depletion (signs of which include yellowing in
600g Special older leaves) and maintain the highest level of
Alkaline Buffer 1.2kg Special growth.
Nitrogen is one of the main three macro
4000g 020163 50ml Special
nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium:
NPK) required by plants and can often 20kg Special 100ml 600 020991
become the limiting factor to growth in 100kg Special 250ml 1500 020993
a Åourishing system. Flourish Nitrogen™ Flourish 500ml 020994
is a concentrated (15,000 mg/L) blend of EQUILIBRIUM Potassium
2000ml 020995
nitrogen sources. It provides nitrogen in Equilibrium™ is specifically designed to 4000ml 0209955
both the nitrate form and the plant-preferred establish the ideal mineral content for the
ammonium form. However, no free ammonia 20Ltr Special
planted aquarium. Equilibrium™ contains
is released because the ammonium in Flourish no sodium or chloride (which can be
Nitrogen™ is complexed and unavailable until detrimental to a planted aquarium at
utilized by the plants. Flourish Nitrogen™ elevated levels). Equilibrium™ is ideally
also provides nitrate for those plants that can suited for use with RO (reverse osmosis)
100ml 2000 020940 or DI (deionized) water or any mineral
deficient water. Equilibrium™ raises the
250ml 5000 020942 essential mineral/electrolyte content
Flourish 500ml 020943 (General Hardness) of the water to balance
Nitrogen 2000ml 020944 with and promote stability of the carbonate
4000ml 020945 hardness. To maintain KH, we recommend
20Ltr Special Alkaline Buffer™.

PLANT PACKS 300g 020981

600g 020983
Plant Pack Fundamentals is an excellent Equilibrium
pack for beginning aquatic gardeners. It
contains Flourish™, Flourish Iron™, Flourish 24kg Special Seachem Flourish Advance is a fantastic
Excel™. addition to the Seachem planted range.
This product targets the roots and the
Plant Pack Enahncer: NPK combines shoots of the plants by using natural
Flourish Nitrogen™, Flourish Phosphorus™, phytohormones (plant hormones)
Phytohormones are chemical messengers
that co-ordinate cellular activities, they are
Plant Pack Fundamentals 020959 naturally occurring compounds that play
Plant Pack Enhancer NPK 020958 a vital role in regulating plant growth in a
variety of ways. Seachem Flourish advance
is non toxic and is completely safe for fish,
aquatic organisms and of course, plants.

50ml 0209651
100ml 0209652
Flourish 250ml 0209653
Advance 500ml 0209654
2L 0209655
24 4L 0209656

Pond Flourish™ is a liquid growth stimulator for pond plant
stems and leaves. It contains a broad spectrum of essential
trace elements, vitamins, and amino acids. It is rich in iron,
manganese, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. It contains
no phosphates or nitrates that would promote algae
proliferation. A 2 Liter size treats over 100,000 US gallons.

500ml 019420
Pond Flourish
1L 019422


Pond Flourish Iron™ is the companion product to Pond
Flourish™ and Pond Flourish Tabs™. It is a complexed ferrous
iron product that contains 10,000 mg/L of iron and is ideal for
POND PRIME iron maintenance in the natural pond.
Pond Prime® is a complete conditioner that removes
chlorine, chloramine, and detoxifies ammonia and 500ml 019430
Pond Flourish Iron
nitrite. It also provides essential ions and stimulates 1L 019432
natural slime coat. Pond Prime® also enhances nitrate
removal. It will also detoxify any heavy metals found in
the tap water at typical concentration levels.
500ml 019300
Pond Flourish Tabs™are growth stimulating tablets for plant
1L 019302 roots. They contain essential trace elements, amino acids,
Pond Prime and vitamins. They are rich in iron, manganese, magnesium,
2L 019304
calcium, potassium, inositol, choline B12, biotin, and other
4L 019306 factors that have been determined to be beneficial to aquatic
plant roots. They contain no phosphate or nitrate that would
POND STABILITY promote algae proliferation. Each pack of ten tablets treats a 12
Pond Stability® will rapidly and safely establish the X30 inch plant bed twice.
pond biofilter in new ponds, thereby preventing
fish deaths due to incomplete biofilter cycling. Pond Pond Flourish Tabs 30tabs 019440
Stability® will also prevent and reduce sludge build up.
Pond Stability® is formulated specifically for the pond
and contains a synergistic blend of aerobic, anaerobic,
and facultative bacteria which facilitate the breakdown
of waste organics, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. The
bacteria employed by Pond Stability® are non-sulfur
fixing and will not produce toxic hydrogen sulfide.
Pond Stability® is completely harmless to all aquatic
organisms as well as aquatic plants, thus there is no
danger of over use.

500ml 019310
Pond Stability 1L 019312
4L 019314

Pond Clarigen™ is the ultimate clarifier for ponds. It
employs an advanced polymeric flocculating agent
that is pond safe. Pond Clarigen™ is the only clarifier on
the market that does it all! Pond Clarigen™ will clear all
types of clouding.

500ml 019320
Pond Clarigen
1L 019322

Pond HealthGuard™ is a safe disinfectant to
promote the control of parasitic, bacterial,
fungal, and viral infestations of fish in
ponds. It contains no malachite green or
other dye based disinfectants that can
discolor or quaternary disinfectants that
foam. Used as directed, it is safe for fish, PLEASE NOTE THE
plants, and the biological filter. PACKAGING ON THESE PRODUCTS
500ml 019370

Pond HealthGuard 1L 019372

4L 019974

Pond pH Buffer™ is designed to raise pH
and buffer decorative ponds without the
use of phosphates. It is ideal for use with
planted ponds containing koi, goldfish,
or other pond fish. It is not eutrophic
and will not promote algae growth. It is
particularly useful in raising the pH in liner
ponds. Buffers between 7.2 and 8.2, but POND MATRIX
preferentially around 7.4–7.6. Pond Matrix™ is a high porosity biomedia
that provides efficient biofiltration for the
500ml 019400 removal of nitrogenous waste in ponds.
Pond pH Buffer Plastic bio-materials provide only external
1L 019402
surface area, whereas Pond Matrix™
provides internal macroporous surface
area. These macropores are ideally sized for
the support of nitrifying and denitrifying
bacteria. This allows Pond Matrix™, unlike
other forms of biomedia, to remove
nitrate along with ammonia and nitrite,
POND ACID BUFFER simultaneously and in the same filter. Pond
Pond Acid Buffer™ is designed to lower Matrix™ is completely inert and will not
pH in decorative ponds without the use of breakdown. It need not be replaced. It is
phosphate or phosphoric acid. It is ideal also more suitable for use as a clean soil
for use with planted ponds containing replacement for growing pond plants. Use
koi, goldfish, or other pond fish. It is not 1–2 Liters of Pond Matrix™ for each 100 US
eutrophic and will not promote algae gallons. Since the majority of the bacteria
growth. It is particularly useful in lowering are internal, Pond Matrix™ may be rinsed
the pH in concrete ponds. when needed without damaging the filter.
Pond Matrix™ is compatible with all types of
wet or wet-dry filters.
500ml 019390
Pond Acid Buffer
1L 019392
1L 019350
Pond Matrix 2L 019352
4L 019354

Pond Salt™ is a chemically sound
blend of salts designed to replicate
POND PHOSGUARD the native ionic environment of
Pond PhosGuard™ is a non-herbicidal, goldfish and koi without adversely
environmentally sound approach to the impacting on pond plants when
problem of phosphate control in ponds. It is used at the recommended dosage.
a filter adsorbent that removes phosphates, It can also be useful to temporarily
silicates, and organic nutrients. reduce nitrite toxicity in an
emergency situation. It does not
impact pH.
1L 019360
Pond Phosguard
2L 019362 1kg 019380
Pond Salt
2kg 019382


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