Aditya CV
Aditya CV
Aditya CV
R ESEARCH Broadly interested in theoretical statistics and applied probability; particularly in causal inference,
nonparametric methods, random graphs, random matrices and their applications in statistics.
1. Ghosh, A., Deb, N., Karmakar, B., & Sen, B. (2021+). Efficiency and Robustness of Regression
(Un)-Adjusted Rosenbaum’s Rank-based Estimator in Randomized Experiments. Submitted.
(Preprint available at
2. Ghosh, A. (2019). An asymptotic formula for the Chebyshev theta function. Notes on Number
Theory and Discrete Mathematics, 25(4), 1-7. (Journal link)
TALKS • PCM Memorial Lecture, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata Summer 2022
Title: The synthetic control method in causal inference
• D. Basu Memorial Lecture, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata Fall 2021
Title: Large low-rank matrix completion
• Online Reading Group on Functional Data Analysis Summer 2021
Title: Two-sample testing of the equality of mean functions
• Students’ Learning Seminar, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata Spring 2021
Title: Matching estimators in causal inference