DOarC 20230714 WA0000
DOarC 20230714 WA0000
DOarC 20230714 WA0000
Series 2
A Compilation of Assessment Questions Covering the
Syllabus upto End of term 2 as per the Curriculum Design
• Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided at the top of this page.
• Answer ALL questions in section I and ONLY THREE questions in section II.
• All answers and workings must be written on the question paper in the spaces provided below each
• Show all steps in the calculations, giving your answers at each stage in the spaces provided.
• Non-programmable silent electronic calculators and KNEC mathematical tables may be used, except
where stated otherwise
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 TOTAL
Question 14 15 16 17 18 TOTAL
b) Find the cube root of 3.375 using prime factor method (2marks)
2.5 2
2. Evaluate using the table of reciprocals: + (4 marks)
0.0842 64.5
3 27𝑥 3 𝑦 9
3. Simplify the expression √ (2 marks)
7. A bank in Kenya buys and sells foreign currencies as follows.
Currency Buying(Ksh) Selling(Kshs)
1Sterling 134.20 134.65
1US dollar 71.40 71.84
A tourist arrived in Kenya with 4500 US dollars. He converted all the dollars to Kenya shillings at the
bank. While in Kenya he spent Kshs 215,000 and then converted the remaining amount to sterling
pounds in the same bank. Calculate the amount he received in sterling pound. (3marks)
7. The length of an arc of a circle is 8.8cm. If the arc subtends an angle 144° at the centre, calculate;
a) the radius of the circle (Take 𝜋 = 22/7) (2 marks)
8. Determine the number of sides of a regular polygon whose sum of interior angles is 14400. (2marks)
9. A shopkeeper made a loss of 20% by selling a trouser at Sh. 960. What profit would he have made if he
had sold it at sh.1500 (3marks)
10. A student spent 2⁄7 of his pocket money on stationeries, a third on food-stuffs and 5⁄8 of the remainder
on transport. If he had Ksh. 150 left, how much pocket money did he have at the beginning? (3marks)
12. A two-digit number is 18 more than the number formed by reversing the digits. If the sum of the digits is
10. Find the number. (3 marks)
1 1 3 1
14 ÷ 𝑜𝑓 5 − 3 × 1
3 4 4 3
a) Calculate
(i) The perimeter of the land (3marks)
b) A private developer bought this piece of land at a price of Ksh 400,000 per hectare and later sold the
all land at 2.25 million shillings. Determine;
(i) The price at which he bought the whole piece of land (2marks)
16. a) A straight line L1, whose equation is 3y – 2x = -2 meets the x-axis at R. Determine the coordinates of
R. (2 marks)
17. A cylindrical tank of diameter 3.6m and height 2.5m internally is two-thirds full of juice.
iii) the amount of money realized from the sale of the juice (2 marks)
(b) Under a rotation the vertices of P1Q1R1 are P1(1,4), Q1(2,0) and R1(4,-1). Find the centre and angle
of rotation using points P and Q. (4marks)
(c) Triangle PQR is enlarged with scale factor 3 centre O (0,0) to give triangle P2Q2R2. Draw triangle
P2Q2R2 and state its co-ordinates. (2marks)
(a)Write your Name and Adm Number in the spaces provided.
(b)Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided.
(c)Answer all questions in this paper.
(d)All your answers must be written in the spaces provided.
(e)This paper consists of 11 printed pages.
(f)Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all pages are printed as
indicated and that no questions are missing.
(g) Candidates must answer all the questions in English.
You traveled to South Africa three weeks ago for a business trip which would last for three
years. Your younger brother who is in form three has sent you his end of term one results and to
your surprise, he has drastically dropped. Write a letter to your elder who is at home requesting
him to offer pieces of advice to your brother on the poor academic performance.
Compiled and Distributed by Kenya Educators Consultancy, P.O.BOX 15400-00500, Nairobi.
Tel 0724333200 E-mail ORDER MARKING SCHEMES & SIMILAR RESOURCES AT or Contact 0724333200/0768321553/0795491185
Compiled and Distributed by Kenya Educators Consultancy, P.O.BOX 15400-00500, Nairobi.
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Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow
Substance Abuse has emerged in recent decades as a major concern both on and off the job.
Although reasons vary, substance abuse can be a way that some people try to manage or reduce
But it is important to be clear on what is generally meant by a drinking problem. In all cases
related to alcohol abuse, a common factor is the unfavorable effect alcohol has on the health or
well-being of the drinker and his or her associates. Common signs and symptoms that frequently
indicate a drinking problem include being constantly absent from work, causing on-the-job
accidents and expressing grievances most of the time.
Alcoholic employees can sometimes go undetected for years. Coworkers cover up for those
unable to perform their jobs because of drunkenness. Even managers may be adept at concealing
their alcohol abuse problems. Their secretaries or loyal associates may cover up for them.
Alcoholics can be clever at inventing “credible” excuses when detected: “I must have a drink or
two when I’m entertaining customers, of course.”
Drug abuse, or drug addiction, exists when the taking of drugs, whether prescribed or non-
prescribed, legal or illegal, causes difficulties in any area of an individual’s life. Years ago, the
stereotype of the drug user was either of a glazed-eyed musician frantically beating his sticks on
a tight skin or a person who dwelt in a slum. Mass publicity on drug abuse has long since caused
that stereotype to fade from view.
Complicating the ongoing war on drugs are changes in public attitude and drug-use patterns. It
sometimes seems that no sooner is progress made in combating one illegal drug than a different
kind of substance abuse comes into vogue. Ethyl alcohol was the social drug during prohibition
(1920-1933), marijuana became the social drug of the 1960s and 1970s and some observers
believe that crack cocaine and possibly ecstasy – another so-called upper – became the social
drugs of the 1980s and 1990s. The drug of choice and people’s attitude toward them may change,
but the problem of drug abuse appears to be continuing unabated.
Pinpointing the specific symptom of alcohol and drug abuse problems is not a simple task. A
supervisor’s main responsibility therefore should not necessarily be uncovering evidence of
dependency on alcohol and drugs but instead being observant for declining job performance.
Yet there are certain behavioral patterns that some excessive users of alcohol and drugs display.
These patterns can sometimes be spotted through simple observation. Increasingly though,
employers are taking more aggressive steps to ferret out substance abuse among their
workforces. A growing number of companies, especially large ones with many employees and
those in business with potential to effect public health or safety, are adopting drug-testing
The signs of alcohol dependency, unfortunately, do not always become manifest until the middle
of the late stages of the problem. No wonder some managers have mistaken an employee’s
euphoric appearance for the “look of love”. The earlier treatment begins, naturally, the earlier
treatment begins, naturally, the easier it will be. A person could experience some isolated
incidents of such drinking problems without necessarily being a alcoholic, however, alcohol
abuse usually results in declining job performance.
1. What is the main reason given for substance abuse? (2mks)
2. From paragraph two, state three ways in which alcohol abuse can unfavorably affect the
workmate of a drunker? (3mks)
4. What was the common misconception about who a drug user was? (2mks)
7. In not more than 55 words, summarize the reasons that make it difficult to effectively
deal with substance abuse. (4mks)
8. Why do you think the author of the passage cautions supervisors against hastily
concluding that one is a drug abuser? (2mks)
a. Study the oral literature below and answer the questions that follow. (10marks)
Teddy told Terry to tick ten tall ticks.
(a) Andika jina lako na nambari yako katika nafasi ulizoachiwa juu.
(b) Tia sahihi yako kisha uandike tarehe ya mtihani katika nafasi ulizoachiwa hapo juu.
(c) Jibu maswali yote.
(d) Majibu yote yaandikwe katika nafasi ulizoachiwa.
(e) Majibu yote ni lazima yaandikwe kwa lugha ya Kiswahili
(f) Usitoe ukurasa wowote kutoka kwenye mtihani huu.
(g) Karatasi hii ina kurasa 8 zilizopigwa chapa.
(h) Watahiniwa ni lazima wahakikishe kwamba kurasa zote za karatasi hii zimepigwa
chapa sawasawa na kuwa maswali yote yamo.
1 15
2 40
3 15
4 10
Miaka michache iliyopita, kila aliyekuwa amesoma alikuwa na bahati ya kupata kazi katika
ofisi za humu nchini. Wote waliofika darasa la saba au pengine kidato cha pili na zaidi wale
waliofuzu mtihani wa kidato cha nne, walinyakuliwa juu kwa juu na wizara mbalimbali za
serikali au pengine waliandikwa kazi na makampuni. Kwa vile kila mmoja wao alipata kazi
ya kuajiriwa, hakuna aliyejishugulisha na kazi za mtu binafsi kama useremala, uashi, ukulima,
uvuvi na kadhalika – kazi kama hizo ziliachiwa wale tu ambao hawakupata fursa ya kuenda
Siku hizi mambo yamebadilika. Licha ya kuwa na elimu ya darasa la saba au kidato cha pili
na pengine cha nne, hata wale wenye shahada za vyuo vikuu nao pia wamezifungia shahada
hizo mashubakani zikiota ukungu huku wenyewe wakijipurukusha kulima au kufuga; na wale
ambao bado hawajakata shauri kama hili, wako barabarani wakipiga lami.
Wakoloni walifanya kosa moja kubwa sana ambalo tumeligundua tu baada ya kunyakua uhuru
wetu. Kosa lenyewe ni lile la kuwafanya wananchi waliopata elimu wasipende kushika kazi
zinazochafua mikono. Walijua tu kwamba mashamba yao na hata mitambo yao ingalifilisiwa
na ile ya waafrika; kwa hivyo ingaliwabidi hata wao waje wawatumikie wenyeji. Ndipo
walipokata shauri kutowaamsha waliolala ili wasije wakalala wao.
Katika karne hii, wataalamu wameshawishika kuitumia elimu yao kufanya kazi za mashamba,
ujenzi na ufundi wa mitambo. Ijapokuwa baada ya kazi kama hizo mikono huwa imejaa tope
au masizi, pato lake ni kubwa ajabu, jambo la kuvutia zaidi katika makazi kama haya ni
kwamba mwananchi huwa ni ‘bwana’ mwenyewe, hujitegemea mwenyewe bila kochokocho.
Kila moja wetu anaelewa kinaganaga kwamba kazi kama ya ukulima huleta donge kubwa zaidi
ya kazi zote; kwani kila mfanyikazi humwelekea mkulima baada ya kumaliza kazi yake.
Mkulima naye hutoa jasho jingi wakati wa kulima shamba. Baadaye atapekua magugu na
visiki aviweke katika matita ili aviteketeze moto. Baada ya muda kidogo atapanda na angoje
hadi mbegu zake zianze kuchipuza. Mara maua huchanua na mazao kujionyesha. Baada ya
kuvuna, kazi yake kubwa huwa ni kuanika na kuanua nafaka zake. Wakati huo, mazao yake
huwa yatanga mara yuapanga mara yuapangua mipango juu ya uuzaji. Mazao yafikapo
nyumbani, pengine mkulima huipamba nyumba yake na akawaita marafiki zake ili awakirimu
kwa vyakula na vinywaji. Karamu ikiisha hana budi kupambua mapambo yote. Huyoo, aenda
kuuza bidhaa zake; akirudi yuakaa raha mstarehe akila na kuburudika pamoja na familia yake.
Je kuna kazi yenye raha zaidi ya ukulima?
Watu wengi hufikiria maana ya neno ‘kulima’ ni kushika jembe tu. Hiyo si kweli kwani kuna
ukulima namna nyingi, kama vile ufugaji wa ng’ombe, mbuzi au kuku. Hata ufugaji wa samaki
au utunzaji wa nyuki pia waweza kuitwa ukulima. Dhamira ya taifa letu changa ni kuwapatia
mwangaza wananchi wake waliomo mashuleni, kwamba wangojewa kwa hamu wajiunge na
wenzao katika kulijenga taifa lenye nguvu, ili katika kujisaidia wenyewe pia waongeze pishi
katika kulipa taifa mwongozi mema yasiyokinai kazi zilizokuwa zikiitwa ‘chafu’ lakini ambazo
ndizo hasa kiini cha maendeleo na kujitegemea.
(e). Fafanua mambo matatu yanayochochea watu kupendelea ukulima kwa mujibu wa
kifungu (alama 3)
(f) Kwa kurejelea kifungu hiki, fafanua maana ya ‘wamezifungia shahada hizo
mashubakani zikiota ukungu huku wenyewe wakijipurukusha kulima au kufuga’
(alama 2)
/p/ na /b/
i) ritifaa
ii) mshazari
i) Mwanafunzi anasoma
j) Andika sentesi hii upya ili neno lililopigwa mstari liwe kitenzi. (alama 1)
i) ganda
ii) ficha
o) Akifisha
i) kiwete………………………….
ii) ukuta………………………….
b) Mbali na kipera hiki, bainisha vipera vingine vitano vinavyopatikana katika utanzu
huu. (alama 5)
1. All Questions are Compulsory
2. Write your Answers in the Spaces Provided
3. Wrong Spelling of Technical Terms shall be Penalized
Max Student’s
Score Score
b) Diastema
2. a) Identify the function of a microscope shown by the arrow in the diagram below
Identity ………………………………………………………………………………(1mk
b) Give the importance of the concept identified in a) in microscope work
c) State the formula for calculation of magnification when using a light microscope
b) Give TWO reasons why digestion of starch stops in the stomach of animals
State the importance of the labelled parts to the function of the apparatus shown: (2mks
i) Part W……………………………………………………………………………………
ii) Part Z ……………………………………………………………………………………
Enzyme K
Fatty Acid + C Lipid + D
8. Explain why the following happen in a human body during mountain climbing
a) The number of red blood cells increase (2mks
b) The blood vessels within the nose may burst leading to nose bleeding (1mk
11. Study the photomicrograph shown below to answer the questions that follow
12. a) State TWO adaptive features that increase surface area in the ileum (2mks
14. State TWO ways osmosis is important to the body of a dog (2mks
a) Which letter represents the stem of a monocot plant (1mk
c) State TWO ways in which Q will differ with a section of the root of the same plant
Q Root
17. The set up shown below can be used to demonstrate a given physiological process
a) State the expected result on the level of sucrose solution in the straw (1mk
b) Account for your answer in a) above (2mks
a) Account for the observation made on the rate of movement of the air bubble when the
setup is transferred to a windy area (2mks
b) Why is it advisable to cut the leafy shoot under water (1mk
22. Protein digesting enzymes like trypsin and pepsin are released in their inactive forms in
the alimentary canal
a) What is the biological significance of this? (1mk
b) Name the compounds that convert these compounds to their active forms (2mks
i) Trypsinogen …………………………………………………………………………
ii) Pepsinogen ………………………………………………………………………….
a) Account for the rate of enzymatic reaction in the A-B direction (2mks
b) Give TWO limiting factors at B-C (2mks
Compiled and Distributed by Kenya Educators Consultancy, P.O.BOX 15400-00500, Nairobi.
Tel 0724333200 E-mail ORDER MARKING SCHEMES & SIMILAR RESOURCES AT or Contact 0724333200/0768321553/0795491185
26. Consider the experimental set up shown below
Account for the results obtained in test tube B in case boiled yeast was used (2mks
• Write your name and other details on the space provided above
• Answer all the questions in the spaces provided for each question.
• All working must be clearly shown where necessary.
• Mathematical tables and non-programmable electronic calculators may be used.
For Examiners Use Only
This paper consists of 10 printed pages. Students should check to ascertain that all pages are printed as
indicated and that no questions are missing.
2. In the laboratory, there are two types of flames; with reasons, state which flame is used
(a) Heating………………………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………………………………………… (1 mark)
(b) Lighting………………………………………………………………………………………
…………………………………………………………………………………… (1 mark)
3. Define the term drug abuse. (1 mark)
4. Shanty accidentally mixed iron fillings, iron (III) chloride crystals and sulphur powder.
Describe how she would obtain each of the substances separately. (3 marks)
6. Matter exists in three states. Describe how particles behave in each state according to
kinetic theory of matter.
8. Solutions may be classified as strongly basic, weakly basic, neutral, weakly acid, or
strongly acidic. The information below gives solutions and their pH values. Study it and
answer the questions that follow.
Classify the solutions in the table using the stated classifications. (2 Marks)
9. A farmer tested soil in his farm and found out that its pH was 5.5. This was below the
recommended pH of 7.0. Suggest how the farmer could achieve the recommended pH of
soil in his fam. (1 mark)
12. The set – up below was used to obtain a sample of iron metal.
(a) Write two equations for the reactions which occur in the combustion tube. (2 marks)
Equation 1:
Equation 2:
(b) Name the gas collected in the gas jar. ...…………………………………… (1 mark)
(c) Give two uses of carbon (II) oxide that are also uses of hydrogen. (2 marks)
13. (a) Name one natural source of water for a chemical industry. (1 mark)
(b) Kerosene is a hydrocarbon. Name the product of burning kerosene that is a liquid at
room temperature. …………………………………………………………………… (1 mark)
Compiled and Distributed by Kenya Educators Consultancy, P.O.BOX 15400-00500, Nairobi.
Tel 0724333200 E-mail ORDER MARKING SCHEMES & SIMILAR RESOURCES AT or Contact 0724333200/0768321553/0795491185
(c) Metal Y can displace metal X from its oxide. Hydrogen can reduce the oxide of metal
X. Metal X does not react with water, while metal Y reacts with water moderately. Metal
Z reacts with explosively with water. Arrange the metals and hydrogen from the most
reactive. (1 mark)
(a) Complete the diagram to show how a dry sample of gas Q may be collected. (2 marks)
(b) Give a reason why calcium is not the most appropriate metal for use in this preparation.
(1 mark)
(c) Write an equation for the reaction for the formation of gas Q. (1 mark)
15. Complete the key shown below for sub atomic particles. (3 marks)
17. The ionic radii of the ions of Q and R are given as follows: Q2+ = 2,8,8 and R- = 2,8.
(a) Complete the table below: (2 marks)
Element Group Period
(b) Write the formula of the product formed when Q and R react. (1 mark)
(b) State two observations made when warm sodium metal in a deflagrating spoon is
lowered in a gas jar full of chlorine gas? (2 marks)
19. The following table gives the number of protons in the nucleus of some elements. The
letters do not represent the actual symbols of elements. Use it to answer the questions
that follow.
Element E F G H I J K L
Number of 3 12 6 17 10 19 14 35
(a) Which elements belong to the same group of the periodic table? (2 marks)
(b) How will the reactivity of element F compare with that of element E? Explain. (2 marks)
(b) Predict the type of bonding in the product formed if elements W and X were to be reacted.
Give the formula of the resulting compound. (2 marks)
Compiled and Distributed by Kenya Educators Consultancy, P.O.BOX 15400-00500, Nairobi.
Tel 0724333200 E-mail ORDER MARKING SCHEMES & SIMILAR RESOURCES AT or Contact 0724333200/0768321553/0795491185
Type of bond…………………………………… Formula of compound ………………………
21. The table below show the physical properties of some substances. Use it to answer the
questions that follow.
24. Sketch a heating curve to illustrate the heating curve of pure water from 20oC to boiling.
(1 mark)
25. Name the type of bond and structure of each of the following: (2 marks)
(a) Aluminium
(b) Silicon
(c) Chlorine
(d) Diamond
26. Using iodine molecule, illustrate the difference between covalent bonds and weak Van
der Waals forces of attraction. (2 marks)
Instruction to candidates
• This paper consists of two sections: A and B
• Answer all questions in section A and B in the spaces provided
• All workings must be clearly shown, and Use the CONSTANTS given where necessary.
✓ Gravitational acceleration, ‘g’ = 10m/s2
✓ Density of fresh water = 1000kg/m3
✓ Density of mercury = 13.6g/cm3
• Silent, non-programmable calculator may be used
1-14 25
15 12
16 11
17 13
18 11
19 08
1. Mercury on a clean glass slide collects into small spherical balls as shown in figure 1 below. Explain why
. (1 mark)
Drops of mercury
3. The figure below shows how to determine the volume of an irregular solid by displacement method
using a eureka can and a burette. The burette was initially empty before the solid was immersed into the
eureka can. If the mass of the solid is 25g, determine the density of the irregular solid. (3 marks)
Figure 2
4. Give a reason why a concrete beam reinforced with steel does not crack when subjected to changes in
temperature. (1 mark)
Figure 3
State the correct reading of the scale if the instrument has a zero error of -0.02cm. (2 marks)
7. The figure 4, below shows a circular ring of a thin steel washer. Determine the center of gravity of the
washer. (1 mark)
Figure 4
8. The figure 5, below shows a circuit diagram for controlling temperature of a room.
contact Power supply
Bimetallic strip
Figure 5
(b) Describe how the circuit controls the temperature of the room when the switch, S is closed
(3 marks)
10: 25:38
Figure 6
10. One of the laws of reflection of light is that: the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection are equal.
State the other law. (1 mark)
11. It is advisable for a driver moving a vehicle on muddy soil to remove some air from the tyres. Explain
(2 marks)
12. Two straight conductors carrying current are placed side-by-side as shown below in figure 7. Complete
the diagram by showing the field due to the current and the direction of motion of the two conductors:
(2 marks)
Figure 7
13. State the advantages a diverging mirror has over a plane mirror when used as a rear- view in vehicles.
(2 marks)
14. Using a ray diagram, illustrate how a barber may use a curved mirror as a shaving mirror
(2 marks)
(a) Define the following terms:
i. Focal point of a concave mirror (1 mark)
(b) Figure 8 shows a ray of light incident on a convex mirror. Complete the diagram to show how the
incident ray is reflected by the mirror. (2 marks)
Incident ray
Principal axis
Reflecting surface
Figure 8
a. Convex mirrors
b. Parabolic mirrors
Reflecting surface
Object pin
Mirror 1
Mirror 2
Figure 9
(a) State the basic law of magnetism (1 mark)
(b) Figure 10 shows an incomplete circuit of an electromagnet. Complete the circuit between X and Y by
drawing the windings on the two arms of the core such that A and B are both North poles when the
switch S is closed. Indicate the direction of the current on the windings drawn.
(2 marks)
Figure 10
(c) State TWO factors that affect the strength of an electromagnet (2 marks)
Soft-iron plate
Figure 11
i. Sketch the magnetic field pattern between the two magnets (1 mark)
ii. Give a reason why soft iron is used as a core of the coil of an electric bell. (1 mark)
(e) Figure 12, shows a horse- Shoe magnet whose poles are labeled and two other magnets near it. Iron
nails are attracted to the lower ends of the magnets as shown. Identify the poles marked X and Y.
(2 marks)
Figure 12
(f) Using domain theory, explain the difference between a magnet and magnetic material. (2 marks)
i. Define ‘electric current’ and state it’s SI unit (2 marks)
(c) State two advantages of an alkaline cell over a lead acid cell (2 marks)
(d) A current of 0.08A passes in a circuit for 2.5 minutes. How much charge passes through a point in the
circuit? (3 marks)
i. State the basic law of electrostatics (1 mark)
i. Identify the part labelled, A (1 mark)
Figure 13
iii. Explain how you would test for the part labelled, A (2 marks)
(b) A small drop of oil has a volume of 5 x 10-8m3. When it is put on the surface of some clean water, it
forms a circular film of 0.lm2 in area;
(b) The figure below is a beaker completely filled with water as shown:
Figure 14
A certain mass of common salt is added into the beaker but the water did not spill. Explain.
(2 marks)
(c) Suggest any two reasons why diffusion in gases is faster than in liquids (2 marks)
(d) Smoke is introduced into a transparent smoke-cell containing air. The smoke cell is well illuminated
and then viewed under a microscope.
i. State the use of the microscope (1 mark)
a). Write your name, class and Admission number in the spaces provided above.
b). Answer all the questions
c). All answers must be written in the space provided in this booklet.
2. a) What is Isostacy? 1 mk
b) Differentiate between lava and magma. 2 mks
a) Calculate the total crop production for the year 2001. 2 mks
b) Calculate the percentage increase in coffee production between year 2001 and 2002. 2 mks
c) Using a scale of 1cm to represent 50,000 metric tons, draw a comparative bar graph to
represent the above data in the graph paper provided. 8 mks
8. The diagram below represents a section of a topographical map. Use it to answer the
questions that follow.
50 51 52 53 54 55 56
a) If one grid square represents 1km2, calculate the area of the forest/shaded part in the above
diagram. 2 mks
e) With the aid of well labeled diagram, explain the formation of Rift Valley by tension forces.
7 mks
This paper consists of 3 printed pages. Candidates should check to ascertain that all pages are printed as indicated and
that no questions are missing.
1. State one limitation of written sources of information on History and Government (1mk)
2. Identify two ways in which Homo erectus attempted to improve his life (2mks)
3. Name one type of dwelling used by early man during Stone Age period (1mk)
Compiled and Distributed by Kenya Educators Consultancy, P.O.BOX 15400-00500, Nairobi.
Tel 0724333200 E-mail ORDER MARKING SCHEMES & SIMILAR RESOURCES AT or Contact 0724333200/0768321553/0795491185
4. Give one reason why early agriculture was done along the river valleys (1mk)
5. State one way in which poor transport has led to food shortage in the Third World (1mk)
6. Name one community in Kenya that belong to the Southern Cushites (1mk)
7. Identify the main reason why the Mijikenda lived in Kayas (1mk)
8. Give two evidence to show that the Chinese reached Kenyan coast before 16th Century (2mks)
9. State two ways in which mission stations promoted the spread of Christianity in Kenya (2mks)
10. Define the term dual citizenship (1mk)
11. Identify one symbol of national unity in Kenya (1mk)
12. Give two main trade items during Trans-Saharan trade (2mks)
13. State two methods used to acquire slaves during West Africa during Trans-Saharan trade (2mks)
14. Outline one way in which development of wheel promoted early transport (1mk)
15. Identify one advantage of using pipeline over vehicles in transporting oil (1mk)
16. Give two uses of bronze in early Egypt (2mks)
17. State the main factor for the growth of Kilwa as an early urban center in Africa (1mk)
18 a) State five reasons which influenced the migration of Plain Nilotes to their present homeland in Kenya
b) Explain five results of the migration and settlement of the Maasai during the pre-colonial period (10mks)
19 a) Identify five factors that led to the growth of towns along the Kenyan coast before 19th Century (5mks)
b) Explain five reasons for the decline of the Portuguese rule along the coast in the 19th Century (10mks)
20 a) State five roles of the Tuaregs during the Trans-Saharan trade (5mks)
b) Describe five positive effects of the Trans-Saharan trade on the people of West Africa (10mks)
21 a) Give five reasons why Britain was the first country to industrialize in Europe (5mks)
b) Explain six ways in which the development of iron technology affected African communities (12mks)
22 a) State three circumstances under which citizenship by registration can be revoked (3mks)
23 a) Give three ways in which education promote national unity in Kenya (3mks)
b) Explain six peaceful ways methods of conflict resolution in the society (12mks)
b) Explain six ways in ways in which the Bill of Rights protect rights of the individuals (12mks)
- Answer all questions in the spaces provided
iv)Road construction
5. Highlight four circumstances under which a trader may transport his goods by air
(4 Marks)
i) ………………………………………………………………………………………
ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………
iii) ………………………………………………………………………………………
iv) ………………………………………………………………………………………
6. State four characteristics of economic resources. (4mks)
i) ………………………………………………………………………………………
ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………
iii) ………………………………………………………………………………………
iv) ………………………………………………………………………………………
8. Outline four reasons why one would prefer a letter to a telephone to send a message.
(4 Marks)
i) ………………………………………………………………………………………
ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………
iii) ………………………………………………………………………………………
iv) ………………………………………………………………………………………
9. State four advantages of using a cheque to make a payment compared to cash (4 Marks)
i) ………………………………………………………………………………………
ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………
iii) ………………………………………………………………………………………
iv) ………………………………………………………………………………………
14. Highlight four functions of the Kenya External trade Authority (KETA) (4 Marks)
i) ………………………………………………………………………………………
ii) ………………………………………………………………………………………
iii) ………………………………………………………………………………………
iv) ………………………………………………………………………………………
15. State the unit of carriage for each of the following modes of transport. (4 Marks)
17. Explain five factors that may limit entrepreneurial growth in Kenya (10 Marks)
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18. Discuss five circumstances under which a partnership may be dissolved. (10 Marks)
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• Write your name, admission number and class in the space provided.
• This paper consists of three sections: A, B and C
• Answer all the questions in sections A, B and C in the spaces provided.
A 1 – 16 30
B 17 – 22 30
C 23 – 24 40
b) Opportunity cost
7. State the functional difference between a pruning saw and a sickle. (2 mks)
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8. State two main functions of the crop in the digestive system of poultry. (1 mk)
9. Give three symptoms of excessive nitrogen in plants. (1 ½ mks)
10. Name two main categories of tomatoes. (1mks)
11. Name the following vitamins:
i) Its deficiency leads to retarded growth, poor eyesight and reduced resistance to
diseases. (1 mk)
ii) Found in whole grains and can be synthesized by micro- organisms in the rumen.
iii) Helps in reproduction and its deficiency causes sterility and premature birth. (1mk)
12. State four factors that determine the type of irrigation to be used in an area. (2 mks)
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17. Study the illustration below and answer the questions that follow.
18. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.
19. The diagram below illustrates some parasites study them and answer the questions that
a) Identify the parasite A,B,C (3 mks)
b) Name the part of the host where the parasites A and B are found. (1 mk)
c) Name the intermediate host of parasite C. (1 mk)
20. A farmer is required to prepare 100 kg of ration of 30% digestible crude protein (DCP)
from simsim seed cake containing 50% DCP and maize meal 10% DCP. Using Pearson’s
square method, calculate the amount of simsim and maize the farmer requires. (5 mks)
22. A farmer spreads lime on the soil at the rate of 0-.3 kg per m2.
a) How much lime will be needed for one hectare of land? (2 mks)
b) State the role of each of the following components of the compost manure. (4 mks)
i) Farm yard manure
c) Give four factors that should be considered when siting the compost pit.
(4 mks)
This paper consists of 2 sections, A and B. Answer all questions in both section in the spaces
Where drawings and diagrams are required, they should be included within the text of your
answers in the spaces provided.
A 30
B 50
This paper consists of 6 printed pages, Candidates should check to ascertain that all pages are
printed and that all questions are printed.
(ii) List any two painting surfaces and media (2mks)
Surfaces………………………………… ………………………………………………………
Media…………………………………… …………………………………………………………
3 Name and illustrate in the space bellow any 4 shading techniques that create texture and 3D
effect on a form. (8mks)
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4 Use the chart below to answer the questions that follow.
(i)Secondary colour…………………………………………..
(b) Give any three factors to consider when undertaking the activity mentioned in 5[a] above
b) What are the components of a book cover? (Use an illustration to place the above named
components) (8mks)
3 what is the difference between serifs and san serif letters? (Draw any letters to illustrate the
(b)Name any 4 types of illustrations (4mks)
………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………
………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………
b) Using illustrations, name any two types of layout (4mks)
6. In the space bellow, draw a quick thumbnail sketch of ‘’a toddler playing in a pool of water’’
Instructions to candidates:
1 Name English kiswahili maths Biology pyhsics C/Studies Total Average
2 Sally 60 76 42 76 66 77
3 Jane 56 45 53 65 45 72
4 Philip 65 58 47 64 65 46
5 George 56 66 30 85 48 60
6 Mary 74 68 59 83 36 57
7 James 80 72 45 74 54 70
8 Tina 78 55 37 71 63 56
9 Subject
Using the above information,
(b) Enter appropriate formulas to compute the Average mark in each subject (3 marks)
(c) Enter the total marks for each student (3 marks)
(d) Enter the Average marks for each student (3 marks)
(e) Format the table as follows:
i. Set the direction of the labels to 45 degrees (2marks)
ii. Centre vertically all the records (2 marks)
(f) Create an embedded bar chart for average mark per subject titled BRIGHT STAR PERFORMANCE in
its own page (8 marks)
(g) Add a column of marks for Chemistry and enter the following data for each student:78,56,67,81,72,68,53
starting from Sally down to Tina (4 marks)
(h) Rank the students starting from those with the highest total mark (3 marks)
(i) In cell I10 count the number of students who scored 490 marks and above. (3marks)
(i) Filter the data using the Biology column and display only those rows with marks less than 80 (3 marks)
(j) Print the worksheet and the graph (2 marks)
A Computer netwok is a group of computers and other devices connected together by a suitable
media. The computer networks have evolved from simple linking of computers on a common
transmission media to highly managed and optimized data and information transfer systems. This
means that apart from data comunications, the focus is now squarely on how best to utilize network
Network software can be classified into two main groups namely: M
1. Network operating systems M
2. Network protocol N
Advantages of computer Networks A
➢ Multiple users can communicate, exchange and share information O
➢ Resource sharing including program, data base, hardware etc. is possible
By definition comunications refers to the transfer of information from one place to another between two
individuals using agreed symbols, signs or even human behavior such as nodding. Exchange of information
relies on a communication system to convert, amplify and send signal through a common medium. Message,
Sender, Medium and Receiver are the essential components of communication systems.
In case communication involves the sending of information over a significant distance, it must use
telecommunications as an aid. By definition, telecommunications refers to the transmission of information
between distant locations by some electromagnetic means.
Data communications is defined as the interchange and processing of encorded (digital that is, 1s and 0s)
information between distant locations using telecommunications.
Data communications is regarded as the collection and distribution of the electronic representation of
information which can be text, voice, graphics or image, from and to remote computing facilities. As
information can only be carried to the remote site provided that the information carrier supports that
particular type of data transmission, information may undergo data conversion processes if the nature of data
signal is incompatible with the characteristics of the signal carrier.
This are set of rules and procedures that govern communication between two different device or people .
In computer networking, protocols refer to the rules and technical procedures that govern
communication between different computers.
(B) :
i. Centre and double underline the title Computer Software (2 marks)
ii. Convert the paragraphs beginning with “By definition communications…..” to the end Into
hanging indent. (4 marks)
iii. Move the paragraph under protocols and paste after the table (2 marks )
iv. Insert and center your name, admission number and the name of your school as a footer so as
to appear © name ,admission number, and the name of your school. (4 marks)
vi. Insert a picture of a computer and wrap the picture behind the table (4 marks)
ix. Print the document network software and computer communication (2marks)
Instructions to candidates
1. Write your name and admission number in the spaces provided above.
2. Sign and write the date of examination in the spaces provided above.
5. Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are
printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.
A. Read the following passages and answer the questions that follow after each passage.
Passage 1
Bonjour Lola,
J’ai fait de gros progress en français je le comprends et je sais le parler nien mieux mentainant.
Je suis dentist dans un nouveau cabinet depuis une semaine et j’aimè mon travail. Mes collègues
sont gentils et m’ont bien accueillie. Comme c’est proche, de la maison, je peux y aller, à pied,
c’est très agreeable. Mon mari a enfin trouvé une place d’architecte et travaille sur un important
projet d’immeuble avec son équipe.
A bientôt, je t’embrasse
Vrai faux
a) en bus
b) à pied
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c) en bateau
Passage II
Jules, Paul et Marie sont trois amis très proches. Ils sont toujours ensembles. On les appelle (les
copains inseparables). Jules et Paul ont il ans mais Marie a 10 ans. Ils sont tous dans la meme
école. Leurs matières préférées sont la géographie et le sport. Ils ont souvent de bonnes notes
Cette semaine, ils ont un projet pour le cours de géographie. Leur projet s’appelle (Qu’est- ce
que nous devons faire pour avoir un monde proper?) Les trios amis ont choisi de nettoyer la
rivie’re de leur village para qu’ils adorent cetre rivie’re bleue. En été, ils y nagent et leurs parents
y font de la pêche para qu’il y a beaucoup de poisons dedans. Mais aujourd’hui les trios amis ne
soont pas contents et ils sont très furieux. Ils trouvent beaucoup de déchets dans l’eau. Leur
rivie’re est très sale. Ils se demandent (pourquoi les gens jettent leurs déchets dans la rivière?
B. Complete the following sentences with the correct article: à la en, au, aux, à l’ (6pts)
2. Tous les éhidiants _______________ (finir) les examons de la fin du trimester puis ils
vont en vacances.
E. Beginning as indicated, rewrite the sentences, avoiding unnecessary repetitions ( le, la,
les, leur, y, en)
Exemple: Tu habites à Kisumu?
Oui, ______________
Oui, j’y habite.
Oui, il ______________________________________
Non, il ______________________________________
Oui, je ______________________________________
Et monsieur Kilosho?
G. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of (l’article partitif) de, de la,
des, du de l’ (6pts)
3. Je parle français.
1. 2021
2. 1983
3. 80
4. 289
.Instructions to students
a) Write your name, admission number and class in the spaces provided
b) Sign and write the date of the examination in the spaces provided
c) This paper consists of three sections: A, B and C
d) Answer all the questions in sections A and B and any two questions from section C
e) Answers to all the questions must be written in the spaces provided in the paper
f) This paper consists of 16 printed pages
g) Students should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as
indicated and that no questions are missing
h) Students should answer the questions in English
3. Identify two reasons why pork should be thoroughly cooked before serving. ( 2 marks )
12. Identify the two ways man-made fibres are classified. ( 1 mark )
14. Mention four things that can stain the clothes of a sick person. ( 2 marks )
16. Give three reasons why pockets should be emptied before washing. ( 3 marks )
17. Draw four symbols that may be found on a dark loose coloured cotton shirt. ( 2marks )
18. Outline three dangers of poorly built congested houses in urban areas. ( 3 marks )
19. Give two differences between a soak pit and a cesspool. ( 2 marks )
20. Mention two reasons why classroom windows should be kept open during the day. (1 mark )
21. Identify two reasons for clearing bushes around the home. ( 2 marks )
b) Describe how you will clean the silver platter to be used in serving. (5 marks)
c) Give the steps you will follow in laundering her sheer silk blouse for the occasion
a) Outline four ways of eliminating malaria infections. ( 4 marks )
b) Give three qualities of a good kitchen knife. ( 3 marks )
c) Mention three ways of maintaining the appearance of clothes. ( 3 marks )
d) Give four ways of avoiding cracks on the feet. ( 4 marks )
e) Discuss three reasons why linen is used in making dish cloths. ( 6 marks)
a) Mention four rules to observe when removing stains. ( 4 marks )
b) Explain four ways of enhancing health in young people. ( 8 marks )
c) Discuss three ways insecurity can lead to malnutrition. ( 6 marks )
d) Give four general information found on a garment care label. ( 2 marks )
1. a) State the reasons why mankind needed revelation of the Qur’an. (5mks)
b) Explain the lessons that Muslims can learn from the last three verses of Surah Al-
Bagarah. (7mks)
2. a) Discuss the reasons why the prophet (p.b.u.h) discouraged the writing of Hadith
during his time. (4mks)
b) Give the characteristics of Hadith in the 2 period of growth and development.
c) Explain the ways in which the swahabas helped in the transmission of Hadith.
6. a) Give five reasons why the family is considered as the foundation of Islamic society.
b) What is the rationale behind the prophets marriages in Islam. (5mks)
7. a) Identify four human rights issues in the Madina constitution that are found in
modern charters and constitutions. (4mks)
b) State five themes found in the prophets farewell speech. (5mks)
c) Derive lessons from the battle of Badr. (5mks)