McKinsey The Future of Wealth and Growth Hangs in The Balance

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Global Balance Sheet

The future of
wealth and
growth hangs
in the balance

Jan Mischke
Olivia White
Eckart Windhagen
Jonathan Woetzel
Michael Birshan
Sven Smit
Arvind Govindarajan
Szabolcs Kemeny

Janet Bush

May 2023
McKinsey Global Institute
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MGI Directors MGI Partners

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McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance ii
Table of contents

McKinsey Global Institute ii


At a glance iv

Introduction  1

Two decades of growing ‘paper wealth’ but slow economic growth 6

Are the forces that propelled global balance sheet growth shifting? 14

Four scenarios cover the range of plausible economic outcomes to 2030 20

Working for accelerated productivity, but preparing for less

favorable outcomes 30

Appendix 34

Acknowledgments 40

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance iii
At a glance
— Asset price inflation over the past two — By far the most desirable outcome is to
decades has created about $160 trillion in accelerate productivity so that economic
“paper wealth.” Economic growth was sluggish, growth catches up with the balance sheet.
inequality rose, and every $1.00 in investment Only this scenario combines strong growth in
generated $1.90 in debt. income, wealth, and balance sheet health.
— Current tremors in the financial system — Decision makers will need the imagination
may signal a shift in how the world borrows, to prepare for the full range of scenarios
lends, and accrues value, with a wide range of while maintaining steadfast determination
plausible long-term scenarios. We model four to achieve the best. Accelerating productivity
economic scenarios—return to past era, higher growth will require countering headwinds, such
for longer, balance sheet reset, and productivity as aging or more complex supply chains, through
acceleration—to understand what the future well-directed investment to seize the power of
might hold for the world’s balance sheet. both technology and human capital.
The die is not yet cast.
— Three of the potential scenarios are far from
ideal—two are “pick your poison” and the third
a double dose. Volatility may prove temporary
and balance sheet expansion may resume
as savings bid up the price of existing assets
once again rather than flowing to productive
investments. Or high inflation and interest rates
could persist, resembling the US economy after
the 1970s oil shock. The worst case would look
more like Japan after its real estate and equity
bubble burst in the 1990s, with drawn-out
deleveraging and a sharp contraction in asset
prices. For instance, US equities and real estate
values might drop by more than 30 percent
between now and 2030.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance iv
Four broad economic and balance sheet scenarios to 2030 are possible.

Return to Higher for Balance Productivity

past era longer sheet reset
Lorem ipsum acceleration

Like United States Like United States Like Japan post–real Like United States
post–global financial post–oil shock, 1970s estate bubble, 1990s post–WWII, late
crisis, late 2000s–2010s 1940s–1950s

What Back to weak investment Strong desired Fiscal and monetary Technology deployment
would and savings glut investment and tightening; financial and productive
consumption despite system “accidents” investment
happen headwinds to growth

What it Sluggish growth, rising Gains in nominal but loss Asset correction and Growth in real wealth,
means wealth on paper, growing in real wealth balance sheet stress declining balance
balance sheet risk sheet risk

Growth1 Slightly below trend2 About 0–1 p.p. above About 1 p.p. below trend About 1 p.p. above trend

Inflation1 About 0–1 p.p. below About 2 p.p. above target About 1 p.p. below target About 1 p.p. above target
target3 after initial spike5

Real rate1 About -1%4 About 0% About -1–0% About 1%

(after an initial spike)

Growth in asset values, US example (real, CAGR 2022–30, %)

Equity 6 -1 -4 4

Real estate 3 -1 -4 1

Bonds 1 0 2 5

Currency and 1 -2 -1 -2

¹2022-30 average. ²Assuming a return to 2008–16 average in the United States after recession in 2023. 3 2 percent US inflation target. 4Central bank policy
rates. 52022-30 average here is 0–1 p.p. above target due to this initial spike.
Note: Total market values do not describe asset performance.
Source: Citibank; Consensus Economics; Deloitte Insights; EconForecasting; Goldman Sachs; IMF; JPMorgan; Morgan Stanley; OECD; PwC; USDA; World Bank;
McKinsey Global Institute analysis

McKinsey & Company

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance v
Recent turbulence in the banking world comes against a backdrop of higher interest rates colliding with high
leverage amid heightened geopolitical tensions. This is a major change in background conditions from the
years of loose money and seemingly endless increases in wealth.
Over the past two decades, the global balance sheet expanded much faster than GDP. Debt grew, as did
asset prices. But productivity and economic output did not keep pace, and inequality rose (for more detail,
see Box 1, “What is the global balance sheet?”).1
By late 2022, instability in the global economy and the balance sheet had become apparent.2 In 2022 alone,
households lost $8 trillion of wealth.
The future of wealth and economic growth hangs in the balance. How long might stress in the financial
system last? Is the world facing a major rebalancing in its balance sheet?3 How severe could the impact on
real estate, equity, and debt become, and what might happen to deposits? What is the optimal course of
action for stakeholders, from investors to financial institutions to policy makers?

The rise and rise of the global balance sheet: How productively are we using our wealth? McKinsey Global Institute, November 2021.
Global balance sheet 2022: Enter volatility, McKinsey Global Institute, December 2022.
Adam Tooze, “We are living through a trillion-dollar rebalancing,” Financial Times, March 31, 2023.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 1
The range of plausible long-term paths remains wide. Much depends on whether the world returns to an
era of weak investment and a glut of savings, entailing slow GDP growth, low interest rates, and unabated
expansion of the global balance sheet. On another path, stronger consumption and higher investment
requirements for the net-zero transition, supply chain reconfiguration, or defense lead to persistently higher
inflation and interest rates. What would the policy response be, and could strong tightening trigger an asset
price correction and balance sheet reset? Or could productivity growth come to the rescue, generating
higher rates of economic growth as capital is redirected toward productive investment opportunities?
In this paper, the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) models four scenarios to capture the range of potential
outcomes. We call them “return to past era,” “higher for longer,” “balance sheet reset,” and “productivity
acceleration.” In the most desirable scenario by far, productivity accelerates so that economic growth
catches up with the balance sheet, thereby combining fast GDP growth, rising wealth, and a healthier
balance sheet. The three other scenarios are all far from ideal, each in its own way.
The stakes are high. The economic, banking, and investment landscape of the next ten years may look
very different from that of the past 20 years. The differential impact of the scenarios on economic output
is enormous, and the fallout for the balance sheet an order of magnitude larger still. MGI has developed a
model for the economy and the balance sheet for the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany.
A balance sheet reset in the United States would lower annual GDP growth by 1.7 percentage points,
compared with an accelerated productivity scenario (Exhibit 1). Likewise, total household wealth would be
$48 trillion lower in a reset scenario than in a productivity acceleration one. 4 Beyond a potential decline
in wealth, which would likely produce its own scarring effects, a reset with material asset price correction
would also mean that many debt-financed assets end up underwater. This would amplify existing stress in
the financial system. For this reason, decision makers need to pay close attention to balance sheet impact
when making choices for economic policy.

The economic, banking, and

investment landscape of the next
ten years may look very different
from that of the past 20 years.

These numbers exclude the “return to past era” scenario in which the rise in wealth would be higher still but unsustainable in the long run.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 2
Exhibit 1
GDP growth varies by 1.7 percentage points and household wealth by
$48 trillion across scenarios in the United States.

Inflated and unsustainable change

Change in 2030 outcomes by scenario, United States

Return to Higher for Balance Productivity
Baseline past era longer sheet reset acceleration

Real GDP growth,

(2022–30 average)
1 p.p.

1.5% 1
0.2 p.p.
–0.4 p.p.
–0.6 p.p.

Household wealth,
$147T $44T

Primary channel of Asset price Inflation Asset Productive

wealth adjustment inflation, dampening correction new capital
“wealth real value of formation
illusion” wealth

1All figures in terms of 2022 dollars. Average forecasted growth over 2022-30 by Federal Reserve according to FOMC March 2023 projections.
2All figures in terms of 2022 dollars.
Source: Federal Reserve; MGI Global Balance Sheet (GBS) model; McKinsey Global Institute analysis

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McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 3
Box 1
What is the global balance sheet?
To construct a global balance sheet, MGI added up all real assets in the economy (for example, real estate,
infrastructure, machinery, commodities, and intangibles) as well as all financial assets and liabilities (for instance,
equity, debt, loans, deposits, pension assets, and liabilities).1 All sectors are included—households, government,
and nonfinancial and financial corporations (Exhibit 2). All assets and liabilities are valued at market prices.2
The global balance sheet has three components that interlock: (1) the financial sector: financial assets and
liabilities held by financial institutions, which help intermediate those held by other sectors; (2) the financial
system: financial assets and liabilities held by households, governments, and nonfinancial corporations, often
used to finance real assets with capital or net worth held by other people or institutions; and (3) the real economy:
real assets and the net worth resulting from creating those assets. 3

Countries included in MGI’s global balance sheet work are Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Central and Eastern Europe (including
the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, and Slovenia), China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the
United States. The global average is an extrapolation derived from a weighted average of 30 countries (based on GDP) that account for
approximately 77 percent of global GDP.
As per the guidelines stipulated in Valuation of debt securities at both market and nominal value, IMF Committee on Balance of Payments
Statistics, October 2020. Market values and par values have historically approximated each other and diverged in episodes of quick
changes in interest rates over the past 20 years; see “Market value of U.S. government debt,” Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, accessed
May 5, 2023.
The “correct” size of finance has been debated for a while. See, for instance, Robin Greenwood and David Scharfstein, “The growth of
finance,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, volume 27, number 2, Spring 2013.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 4
Exhibit 2
The global balance sheet consists of three interlocking balance sheets of,
coincidentally, ~$500 trillion to $600 trillion each.

Size of balance sheet, consolidated data,1 Debt and Equity Currency and Other financial
$ trillion in 2021, % loans deposits assets

Assets Liabilities and net worth

Financial assets held by Liabilities held by

financial corporations financial corporations

490 500
The financial sector 9
Creates and intermediates assets 9 24
in the financial system; measures
the use of intermediaries in the 24
financial system 38

58 25


Financial assets held by Liabilities held by households,

households, governments, and governments, and
nonfinancial corporations nonfinancial corporations
520 520
The financial system (i.e., balance 7
sheet of nonfinancial sectors) 24
Allows the separation of wealth
from investment in and ownership 42
of real assets; measures the value 27
of future obligations to each other

43 51

Nonfinancial assets Net worth

620 610
The real economy
Drives growth and wealth; measures Other nonfinancial
the value to a marginal owner 31

69 Real estate

Moved from unconsolidated financial data in 2020 report to consolidated, which reduced financial assets and liabilities by about $100 trillion each.

Note: The global average is an extrapolation derived from a weighted average of 30 countries based on GDP representing 77% of global GDP. Figures may not
sum to 100%, because of rounding.
Source: Federal Reserve Board; national statistics offices; OECD; World Bank; McKinsey Global Institute analysis

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McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 5
Two decades of growing ‘paper
wealth’ but slow economic growth
The past two decades stand in marked contrast to the post–World War II historical trajectory of global
wealth (and debt) accumulation. Before the turn of the millennium, growth in global net worth largely
tracked GDP growth. But then something unusual happened. Around the year 2000, with timing that varied
by country, net worth, asset values, and debt began growing significantly faster than GDP (Exhibit 3).
In contrast, productivity growth among G-7 countries has been sluggish, falling from 1.8 percent per year
between 1980 and 2000 to 0.8 percent from 2000 to 2018. 5

All productivity figures drawn from Alistair Dieppe, ed., Global productivity: Trends, drivers, and policies, World Bank, 2021.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 6
Exhibit 3

The global balance sheet began rapidly outgrowing GDP in about 2000.

Global1 net worth market prices relative to nominal GDP, 1970–2021

Net worth/GDP, %

1,200 China
1,100 Global average
US households2
United States


Pre-2000 average
700 across sample countries

600 +170 p.p.

500 to +$160T




1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

¹Global average is derived from 30 countries that account for ~77% of global GDP: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Central and Eastern Europe
(Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, and Slovenia), China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico,
Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, and United States.
²For the United States, household net worth and country net worth differ markedly due to high values of corporate equity relative to assets.
Source: OECD; McKinsey Global Institute analysis

McKinsey & Company

Between 2000 and 2021, asset price inflation created about $160 trillion in “paper wealth.” Valuations of
assets like equity and real estate grew faster than real economic output.6 And each $1.00 in net investment
generated $1.90 in net new debt. In aggregate, the global balance sheet grew 1.3 times faster than GDP.
It quadrupled to reach $1.6 quintillion in assets, consisting of $610 trillion in real assets, $520 trillion in
financial assets outside the financial sector, and $500 trillion within the financial sector.
Balance sheet expansion accelerated during the pandemic as governments launched large-scale support
for households and businesses affected by lockdowns.7 During 2020 and 2021, global wealth relative
to GDP grew faster than in any other two-year period in the past 50 years. The creation of new debt
accelerated to $3.40 for each $1.00 in net investment.

The resulting increase in capital deployed needed to generate a dollar of output—or decline in capital productivity—is mostly concentrated
in real estate and declining real estate yields. Gross fixed capital formation in real terms has stayed broadly consistent with output growth.
For a detailed discussion of pandemic effects, see Global balance sheet 2022: Enter volatility, McKinsey Global Institute, December 2022.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 7
Values of all major asset types grew relative to GDP as real interest rates declined
By 2021, four types of assets made up 80 percent of the three interlocking global balance sheets (financial
sector, financial balance sheet of nonfinancial sectors, and the real economy): real estate (27 percent),
equity (21 percent), debt (20 percent), and currency and deposits (12 percent). 8 All four have risen relative
to GDP since 2000, including real estate by 33 percent more, equity by 100 percent more, and debt by
90 percent more. Currency and deposits grew 124 percent faster than GDP.
The broad pattern of growing asset value holds across economies, but with variations in timing and relative
pace of growth across asset types.9 Taking the United States as an example, the four largest balance sheet
items outgrew GDP by between 50 percent (real estate) and 200 percent (equity) at market values relative
to 1995 values (Exhibit 4).10 In the United Kingdom, growth was faster still in real estate and debt, and slower
in equity. In Germany, balance sheet expansion was less pronounced across asset classes.

Exhibit 4
Growth in US assets has outpaced that of GDP since about the mid-1990s.

Change in asset value at market prices relative to nominal GDP, 1970–2021

US asset value/GDP, indexed to 1995 = 100 Growth in asset

1995–2021, %

Equity +208

Currency and
Bonds +55
150 Real estate +51



1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

Source: Federal Reserve Board; national statistics offices; OECD; World Bank; World Inequality Database; McKinsey Global Institute analysis

McKinsey & Company

The remainder of the balance sheet includes other nonfinancial assets, such as mineral and energy reserves, intangibles, and equipment,
and other financial assets, such as monetary gold and special drawing rights.
In this analysis, definitions are as follows: equity is consolidated equity liabilities of nonfinancial and financial corporations; real estate
is land, dwellings, and nonresidential buildings assets across sectors; debt is consolidated debt liabilities of nonfinancial corporations,
households, and governments; bonds are short-term and long-term debt securities liabilities for all nonfinancial and financial corporations
(corporate bonds) and government (government bonds); and currency and deposits are currency and deposit liabilities of financial
institutions, including the central bank. All are measured at market value.
For the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany, due to the dot-com bubble, 1995 is a better reference point than 2000 for global
analyses in this paper. In 2021, the contribution to the US balance sheet of these line items was: equity $52 trillion, real estate $58 trillion,
bonds $38 trillion, and currency and deposits $25 trillion.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 8
A structural decline in real interest rates underpinned the expansion of the balance sheet, all while economic
growth remained sluggish. For example, in the United States, forward-looking expectations for real interest
rates steadily declined between 1995 and 2021. Low interest rates encouraged borrowing, lowering the cost
of loans and bonds and spurring commercial banks to collect—and create—deposits. In highly simplified
terms, an overhang of capital chased too few productive investment opportunities, and much of it flowed to
real estate and equity, driving up prices. Debt rose faster than net investment, and paper wealth grew.
In the rest of this section, we explore the drivers of balance sheet growth across the four asset classes.11

Falling real interest rates fueled the rise of real estate values
The decline in real interest rates has played a remarkable role in driving real estate valuations (Exhibit 5).
Investors could afford to pay more for a property with a given rent, and therefore value-to-rent multiples
rose. The cost of equity for real estate also fell, amplifying the effect. This meant that the effective yield of
real estate, or cap rates, dropped.12
Despite this marked decline in yields, rents (including imputed rents on owner-occupied buildings) kept
growing. The rent share of GDP expanded (in the United States) or declined (in the United Kingdom and
Germany) modestly while growth in the number and quality of buildings trailed GDP growth by a wide
margin.13 Scarcity of supply—particularly in superstar cities—played a role.14 Almost one-third of the global
value of real estate is concentrated in those cities, where further densification faces political difficulties
and prices have been high and rising over the past several decades. This trend has slowed over the past few
years, and prices have gone up less in these cities than elsewhere as the pandemic increased work-from-
home arrangements and some people moved farther away from work.15
There are some country variations. In the United States, for example, the market value of real estate
expanded 1.5 times faster than GDP from 1995 to 2021. While there was a significant correction after the
global financial crisis, the rise quickly resumed. Declining real interest rates drove almost the entire increase.

To quantify the relative importance of different drivers, MGI uses a class-specific discounted expected cash-flow model, varying parameters
across our scenarios in a model-consistent way. This was then fitted to, and back-tested with, asset data in MGI’s global balance sheet
database. See the appendix for more information on valuation methodology.
Cap rate is a term used in the real estate industry to describe net operating income relative to the value of a building. The widespread use in
the industry of cap rates and cap rate projections is often based more on empirical observation and trends than scientifically backed, and
this may have contributed to the evolution of price. See Donald MacKenzie, An engine, not a camera: How financial models shape markets,
MIT Press, August 2008.
The stock of capital in buildings grew more slowly than GDP in real or constant currency terms. It did grow faster than GDP in nominal terms
as construction costs escalated much faster than general inflation, and real estate including land grew faster still as land prices soared.
MGI focused on the relationship in constant currency, as land price effects mostly reflect the changes in interest rates and capital included
separately in this analysis, and escalation of construction costs affects new buildings only on the margin. Regardless of the chosen metric,
the rent share of GDP overall, which combines capital stock growth and rent relative to capital stock, was remarkably constant, growing
slowly in the United States and declining slowly in the United Kingdom and Germany.
MGI’s 2018 analysis of superstars looked at 3,000 of the world’s largest cities and defined 50 of them as superstars. This group of 50
accounted for 8 percent of global population but 21 percent of world GDP. Their average per capita GDP was 45 percent higher than that of
peers in the same region and income group, and the gap has grown. The growth of superstar cities is fueled by gains in median labor income
and wealth from real estate and investor income. See Superstars: The dynamics of firms, sectors, and cities leading the global economy,
McKinsey Global Institute, October 2018; and Jo Constantz, “A $300,000 salary feels like $100,000 in the priciest US cities,” Bloomberg,
April 15, 2023.
An MGI report on the effects of the pandemic and working from home on real estate is due to be published in mid-2023.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 9
In the United Kingdom, real estate grew even more strongly relative to GDP than in the United States.
Declines in the real estate cost of equity played a comparatively larger role. As investors felt prices could
only go up, risk perceptions and the cost of equity declined sharply before the global financial crisis.
After correcting upward as a result of that crisis, the cost of equity fell again.16

Exhibit 5
Real estate market value growth was driven mostly by falling real interest rates
in the past era.

Growth in market value of real estate; change in multiples of GDP (starting year = 100)

x GDP multiple Positive impact Negative impact

US real estate UK real estate Germany real estate

Driver 1995–20211 1997–20211 1996–20211

Multiple of GDP
in start year 100 2.5 100 2.3 100 3.5

Change in building
stock relative to GDP -11 -16 -9

Change in rent
relative to GDP 5 -13 -9

Change in expected
rent growth -1 0 1

in Fall in real
value-to interest rates 38 21 55
Implied cost of
equity changes 9 77 -21

Multiple of GDP
in end year 151 3.8 184 4.3 126 4.4

Time periods differ due to data availability.
Change in the building capital stock relative to GDP (both in constant currency terms).
Source: BIS Quarterly Review, March 2015; MGI GBS model; national statistics offices; Oxford Economics; McKinsey Global Institute analysis

McKinsey & Company

Interestingly, the cost of equity for real estate did not seem to alter much with changes in interest rates in any of the three countries. Broadly,
investors take account of interest rate risk, moving risk premiums up when interest rates fall and vice versa. As a result, in the United States,
for instance, the cost of real estate equity declined only a little during the “irrational exuberance” of the 2005–07 bubble, expanded with the
bust, and declined again during a run-up in prices between 2020 and 2021.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 10
In Germany, real estate values experienced a long period of decline relative to GDP in the late 1990s and
early 2000s as a real estate bubble in eastern Germany following reunification corrected. As a result, the
German real estate industry went through the global financial crisis relatively unscathed and then began to
catch up rapidly as interest rates declined.
Declining real interest rates drove growth in equities, and in the United States, increasing returns on
capital also played an important role
Falling real interest rates boosted equity values across economies as future earnings were discounted at a
lower rate. In both the United Kingdom and Germany, falling rates were responsible for all of the growth in
equity values relative to GDP between 1995 and 2021. In the United States, they contributed about one-third
of this growth (Exhibit 6).

Exhibit 6
Equity market value growth was fueled by declining real interest rates in the
past era and, in the United States, also a rising earnings share of GDP.

Growth in market value of equity (listed and unlisted); change in multiples of GDP (starting year = 100)

x GDP multiple Positive impact Negative impact

US equity UK equity Germany equity

Driver 1995–20211 1997–20211 1996–20211

Multiple of GDP
in start year 100 1.0 100 1.8 100 0.8

Change in capital
stock relative <1 <1 0
to GDP2

Change in
earnings 142 -34 0
relative to GDP

Change in
expected growth -11 -19 13

Change in
Fall in real
price- 65 107 85
interest rates
Implied risk
premium 12 -30 -15

Multiple of GDP
in end year 309 2.9 124 2.3 183 1.4

Time periods differ due to data availability.


Change in corporate capital (excl. land) relative to GDP, both in current prices.

Source: BIS Quarterly Review, March 2015; MGI GBS model; national statistics offices; Oxford Economics; McKinsey Global Institute analysis

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McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 11
However, another powerful factor was also at work in the United States: a rising GDP share of corporate
earnings, which contributed two-thirds of the growth in equity values versus GDP. The earnings share
of GDP rose by 80 percent from 1995 to 2021 to 12.3 percent—the highest share in a century (Exhibit 7).
The earnings share grew despite the fact that the stock of corporate capital, as is common, closely
tracked GDP.17
A number of factors contributed to this increase in earnings relative to GDP, as past MGI research shows.18
One was company-level superstar effects, particularly in the digital economy.19 Others include rising
automation and a decline in labor bargaining power in some sectors, including from globalization, offshoring,
and shifts in production to less unionized states.20 Changes in corporate tax rates may also have played
a role.

Exhibit 7
US corporate profits as a share of GDP have increased since the mid-1990s and
are at historic highs.

Corporate profits as share of GDP, indexed to 1997 = 100, 1995–2021

180 US
160 profits



80 corporate



1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

Source: MGI GBS model; national statistics offices; Oxford Economics; World Bank; McKinsey Global Institute analysis

McKinsey & Company

For this analysis, MGI uses the stock of nonfinancial corporate capital, excluding land but including intangibles, relative to GDP, both at
current market values.
A new look at the declining labor share of income in the United States, McKinsey Global Institute, May 2019.
Superstar effects refers to a large share of profits and growth going to a small number of firms and regions, thus generating very high returns
on invested capital. For more information, see Superstars: The dynamics of firms, sectors, and cities leading the global economy, McKinsey
Global Institute, October 2018. Also see Thomas Philippon, The great reversal, Harvard University Press, October 2019.
Anna Stansbury and Lawrence H. Summers, The declining worker power hypothesis: An explanation for the recent evolution of the American
economy, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2020.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 12
Our analysis suggests that investors did not—and do not—expect the earnings share to rise further.
Yet investors do seem to build in an expectation for the earnings share to remain at today’s high levels and
for long-term real interest rates to stay low, judging by current US equity valuations.21

For each $1.00 of net new investment, $1.90 of new debt was created
With equity values climbing, debt rose sharply, too, and, with it, equivalent wealth for lenders and bond
holders. By the end of 2021, in the United States, Japan, China, and all major European economies other
than Germany, debt was not only higher relative to GDP than in 2000 but even increasing from the peak
following the 2008 global financial crisis. In the United States the figure climbed from 2.5 to 2.8 times GDP,
in the United Kingdom from 2.5 to 2.8, in Japan from 3.4 to 4.3, and in China from 1.6 to 2.7. In Germany,
debt remained stable at about 2.0 times GDP.22
Globally, for every $1.00 of net investment, $1.90 of additional debt was created.23 Much of this debt
financed new purchases of existing assets. Rising real estate values and low interest rates meant that
households could borrow more against existing homes. Rising equity values meant that corporates could
use leverage to reduce their cost of capital, finance mergers and acquisitions, conduct share buybacks, or
increase cash buffers. Governments also added debt, particularly in response to the global financial crisis
and the pandemic. Interestingly, rising bond prices as interest rates declined played only a minor role driving
the debt-to-GDP ratio, as the time range used is much longer than typical bond maturities.24

Currency and deposits in commercial and central banks have expanded

Growth in deposits exceeded GDP growth in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany. In the
United States, the volume of currency and deposits in commercial and central banks expanded from 0.6
times GDP in 1995 to 1.2 times GDP in 2021; it is now 80 percent higher relative to GDP than the average
of the past century. In the United Kingdom deposits grew from 1.9 times GDP in 2000 to 3.5 times GDP in
2021, and in Germany from 1.4 times GDP to 1.9 times GDP.
In the United States, the rise unfolded in three waves, with varying drivers. Loose mortgage lending before
the global financial crisis in 2008 triggered the first wave. At the financial system level, every new loan
requires a corresponding new deposit.25 A second wave came with quantitative easing and thus the creation
of central bank (or “outside”) money in response to the crisis.26 Finally, a third wave occurred with another
round of quantitative easing in response to the pandemic. Moreover, the support for households and firms
during the COVID-19 pandemic led to excess saving as households spent less during lockdowns.27

To value assets in our three classes, we use class-specific discounted expected cash flows, varying parameters across our scenarios in a
model-consistent way. See Robin Greenwood and David Scharfstein, “The growth of finance,” Journal of Economic Perspectives, volume
27, number 2, Spring 2013; and Jason Furman and Wilson Powell III, “A tight US labor market stays tight,” Peterson Institute for International
Economics, September 2022. For a different approach, see Òscar Jordà et al., “The rate of return on everything, 1870–2015,” The Quarterly
Journal of Economics, volume 134, issue 3, August 2019.
Short- and long-term loan and bond liabilities for governments, households, and nonfinancial corporations at market prices.
Outside the financial sector.
As a simplified intuition, in the very long run and at the total economy level, every bond is eventually held to maturity.
A new deposit is created with every new loan, and therefore new lending means new money creation and growing deposits at the financial
system level. This is about the creation of so-called inside (or endogenous) money, as opposed to central-bank-controlled outside or high-
powered money. See Michael McLeay, Amar Radia, and Ryland Thomas, “Money creation in the modern economy,” Quarterly Bulletin, Bank
of England, March 14, 2014.
The analysis includes central bank as well as other financial sector deposits.
Excess savings and pent-up demand were particularly high in the United States. Here, the less developed social security system meant
that support measures (like the Paycheck Protection Program) could not be targeted precisely. See Jérémie Cohen-Setton and Jean Pisani
Ferry, When more delivers less: Comparing the US and French COVID-19 crisis responses, Peterson Institute for International
Economics, 2020.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 13
Are the forces that
propelled global balance
sheet growth shifting?
Weak investment and excess saving have prevailed over the past several decades, underpinning expansion
of the global balance sheet.28 There was a relative paucity of productive options for savers—retail as well
as institutional—and the price of existing homes and shares duly rose. GDP growth remained below its
structural potential. Central banks kept interest rates low to stimulate economic activity, aiming for their
inflation targets.29 This was classic “secular stagnation.”30
Might this be changing? Much in the world certainly seems to be shifting, from geopolitics to technology,
energy systems, and demographics. 31 It is possible that the more structural forces behind high savings and
weak investment will themselves shift, although this remains a matter of uncertainty and debate.

Ex post, savings—domestic and foreign capital inflows—and investment are arithmetically identical in an economy, balanced out by
the interest rate but also by changes in GDP growth and the broader economic equilibrium, but this report uses the notions of “savings
overhang” and “investment overhang” in an ex ante understanding.
This may have entailed a drop in real interest rates beyond the effect of the savings overhang. See Claudio Borio, Piti Disyatat, and Phurichai
Rungcharoenkitkul, What anchors for the natural rate of interest? BIS working papers number 777, March 2019.
See, for instance, Lawrence H. Summers, “Accepting the reality of secular stagnation,” Finance & Development, International Monetary
Fund, March 2020; and Kathryn Holston, Thomas Laubach, and John C. Williams, “Measuring the natural rate of interest: International
trends and determinants,” Journal of International Economics, volume 108, supplement 1, May 2017.
See also On the cusp of a new era? McKinsey Global Institute, October 2022; World economic outlook: A rocky recovery, International
Monetary Fund, April 2023; and Global financial stability report: Safeguarding financial stability amid high inflation and geopolitical risks,
International Monetary Fund, April 2023.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 14
Will investment requirements and demand for capital grow after
decades of decline?
Over the past several decades, there has been too little productive investment. In advanced economies,
net investment has declined as a share of GDP. In the 2010s, this ratio was roughly 50 percent lower than
before the 2008 financial crisis in Europe, and 40 percent in the United States (Exhibit 8). 32 Markedly, in
the aftermath of the global financial crisis, private-sector investment plummeted in the face of uncertainty
and weak demand outlooks. 33 Capital deepening (growth in capital stock per worker) dropped to the lowest
rate in the post–World War II period. Public investment has also lagged, including in infrastructure and
affordable housing. In infrastructure, for example, past MGI analysis showed that the United States invested
about 0.4 percent of GDP less than the estimated amount needed to support economic growth between
2010 and 2020. 34

Much in the world certainly seems

to be shifting, from geopolitics to
technology, energy systems, and
demographics. It is possible that the
more structural forces behind high
savings and weak investment will
themselves shift, although this remains
a matter of uncertainty and debate.

The sharpest decline occurred around the time of the global financial crisis, but net investment never fully recovered thereafter. Note that
MGI looks at net investment here rather than the more common gross investment figure, because net investment corresponds to long-term
capital stock buildup and creating long-term stores of value.
Solving the productivity puzzle: The role of demand and the promise of digitization, McKinsey Global Institute, February 2018; and
Innovation in Europe: Changing the game to regain a competitive edge, McKinsey Global Institute, October 2019.
Bridging global infrastructure gaps, McKinsey Global Institute, June 2016; the cited figure comes from subsequent unpublished
annual updates.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 15
Exhibit 8

Are the forces underpinning weak investment and a glut of savings shifting?

Net fixed investment as a share of GDP, %, 1990–2021


United States

1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

Total compensation share of gross value added,2 Gini coefficient,3

%, 1947–2022 index 0–100, 1979–2022


United States 40


United States
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020

Number of people aged 65 and over per one person aged 20 to 64 years, %, 1990–2022



+12 p.p.
+11 p.p.
United States

1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

¹Includes Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden.
Adjusted for self-employed income (non-farm business sector, ~75% of total economy), from Labor Productivity and Costs database, Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Gini index measures the extent to which the distribution of income or consumption expenditure among individuals or households within an economy deviates
from a perfectly equal distribution. A Lorenz curve plots the cumulative percentages of total income received against the cumulative number of recipients,
starting with the poorest individual or household. The Gini index measures the area between the Lorenz curve and a hypothetical line of absolute equality,
expressed as a percentage of the maximum area under the line. Thus, a Gini index of 0 represents perfect equality, while an index of 100 implies perfect
All countries included in footnote 1 and United Kingdom.
Source: OECD; US Bureau of Labor Statistics; World Bank World Development Indicators; McKinsey Global Institute analysis

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McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 16
Uncertainty is high and decisions can yet determine the path ahead, but overall, investment, and thus
demand for capital—and its cost—could well rise substantially. Even if not all incremental investment is
productive, economic growth could accelerate.
— Infrastructure investment rises. Particularly in the United States, a shift appears to be emerging after
decades of underinvestment in infrastructure. For example, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act,
signed into law in November 2021, provides for an incremental $550 billion in government spending
focused on public transit, high-speed broadband, clean drinking water, and electric vehicle charging
infrastructure. 35 Higher infrastructure investment will accelerate productivity growth.
— Energy transition gains momentum. MGI research suggests that the net-zero transition alone will need
incremental investment equivalent to about two percentage points of GDP in the 2020s. 36 This will likely
initially dampen productivity growth at first but could accelerate it in the long run. 37
— Intangible assets continue to grow. Investment in intangible assets, such as in digitization and R&D,
has risen and will continue to rise steadily as they become structurally more important for the economy.
However, two factors have limited the speed of this growth. First, the skills needed to deploy intangible
assets have been in short supply. This could change with increased investment in skill building and
deployment of easier-to-use AI technology. Second, intangible assets have struggled to serve as a
vehicle for long-run savings. Because of their shorter life cycles, they can absorb savings only for a more
limited period before becoming obsolete or passing value on to consumers as competition picks up.
While regulation could limit such spillovers, this would be negative for growth. 38
— Geopolitics drive a stepping up in investment related to defense, supply chains, and industrial
policy. More fractured geopolitics may increase investment in supply chain reconfiguration, industrial
policy initiatives, and defense—with mixed outcomes for productivity. New business investment is rising
in areas like chips and clean tech, and supply chains are being reconfigured. 39 Done well, this can lead
to more resilient and still productive local economies, but it can also lead to less efficiency at a global
scale. In the case of defense, European economies have tended to not invest in line with their NATO
commitments, but in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, they are stepping up. While some of these
investments may generate productivity, especially at the national level, politically induced investments
do generally face the risk of unproductive capital allocation. 40

Updated fact sheet: Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, White House, August 2, 2021.
This includes spending across energy- and land-use systems such as power, mobility, and buildings, to name a few. It includes some
categories of physical assets that are typically considered consumer durables, for example passenger cars. It also includes spending on
both low-emissions assets (for example, renewable power) and some high-emissions assets (for example, internal combustion engine
vehicles and gas-based power), which would continue, especially in the early years of the transition. See The net-zero transition: What it
would cost, what it could bring, McKinsey Global Institute, January 2022; Global trade: The complication of concentration, McKinsey Global
Institute, January 2023; and Toward a sustainable, inclusive, growing future: The role of business, McKinsey Global Institute,
November 2022.
During the transition, many investments will not be commercially viable and will duplicate existing higher-emitting capital stock. But in
the long run, many sectors will see productivity grow. To name just one example, electric vehicles require much less labor to produce and
maintain than more complex internal combustion engine cars.
Where companies can obtain superstar position or use IP protection, they can keep the value of their intangibles for longer.
Examples of such industrial policy include the Inflation Reduction Act and the CHIPS and Science Act in the United States in 2022, and
the European Chips Act proposed by the European Commission, also in 2022. See “CHIPS for America Act & FABS Act,” Semiconductor
Industry Association, accessed May 5, 2023; and “European industrial strategy,” European Commission, accessed May 5, 2023.
Lee J. Alston et al., Brazil in transition: Beliefs, leadership, and institutional change, Princeton University Press, 2016.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 17
Are the forces behind the savings glut on the wane?
Three factors that drove a glut of savings in the past stand out. Each of them may be shifting:
— Rising inequality and declining labor share of income: Reversal under tight labor markets?
For decades, inequality rose and the labor share of income declined. 41 This has reduced consumption
by channeling a disproportionate share of value creation to the wealthy, who tend to save more than the
population overall. 42 Rising saving by the wealthy has bid up prices for assets, particularly those with
expected higher returns. At the same time, corporate earnings have grown rapidly, particularly in the
United States, driving equity valuations and thus balance sheet growth further.
Some of the factors underpinning income inequality and declining labor shares may shift in the longer
term, boosting consumption relative to savings. In the United States in recent years, the trajectory
on both, labor share and inequality, has already become much flatter (again, see Exhibit 8). Workers’
bargaining power could rise if the labor market remains tight and unions regain influence, particularly
in the United States. 43 Superstar dynamics and globalization, which lifted incomes for all but not in the
same way for everyone, are being exposed to changing domestic and global politics and rules.44 Talent
shortages have boosted wages in general, particularly for higher-skill workers. 45 At the same time,
automation has undermined the wages of low- and medium-skill workers. 46 The advent of generative AI
may affect the wage premium for skills. For now, it is too soon to know where we are going. In 2022 and
early 2023, wage growth did accelerate markedly, but in most economies it remained below inflation,
and earnings have grown faster. 47
— Aging: Shift from saving for retirement to spending in retirement? An aging population has
consequences for an economy’s aggregate savings rate. 48 The conventional view holds that households
accumulate wealth to prepare for retirement and then run down savings in retirement. But, with some
variation across countries, households have not been spending savings as much as the conventional
argument suggests, rather keeping capital as precautionary savings and to be inherited by their
offspring; this is the so-called retirement savings puzzle. 49

For a discussion of the drivers of labor share declines, see A new look at the declining labor share of income in the United States,
McKinsey Global Institute, May 2019.
MGI research estimated that differences in the marginal propensity to consume between lower- and higher-income quintiles added about
one percentage point of GDP to US savings between 2000 and 2014, and more recent research also highlights the strong influence of
inequality on savings and interest rates. See Solving the productivity puzzle: The role of demand and the promise of digitization,
McKinsey Global Institute, February 2018. Also see Atif Mian, Ludwig Straub, and Amir Sufi, What explains the decline in r*? Rising income
inequality versus demographic shifts, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, August 2021.
For more information about the role of declining bargaining power in the past, see, for example, Anna Stansbury and Lawrence H. Summers,
The declining worker power hypothesis: An explanation for the recent evolution of the American economy, Brookings Papers on Economic
Activity, Spring 2020. For a discussion of the role of bargaining power on inflation, see Guido Lorenzoni and Iván Werning, Inflation is
conflict, NBER working paper, April 2023.
David H. Autor and David Dorn, “The growth of low-skill service jobs and the polarization of the US labor market,“ American Economic
Review, volume 103, number 5, August 2013.
The future of work after COVID-19, McKinsey Global Institute, February 2021.
See, for example, Claudia Goldin and Lawrence F. Katz, “Long-run changes in the wage structure: Narrowing, widening, polarizing,”
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Fall 2007.
See Isabel Schnabel, “Inflation in the euro area and US—causes, persistence and outlook,” European Central Bank, April 2023; Oscar Arce,
Elke Hahn, and Gerrit Koester, “How tit-for-tat inflation can make everyone poorer,” The ECB Blog, European Central Bank, March 30, 2023;
and Isabella M. Weber and Evan Wasner, “Sellers’ inflation, profits and conflict: Why can large firms hike prices in an emergency?” Review of
Keynesian Economics, volume 11, number 2, April 2023.
See, for instance, James M. Poterba, “Retirement security in an aging population,” American Economic Review, volume 104, number 5,
May 2014; Karen E. Dynan, Wendy Edelberg, and Michael G. Palumbo, “The effects of population aging on the relationship among aggregate
consumption, saving, and income,” American Economic Review, volume 99, number 2, May 2009; Andres Papetti, Demographics and the
natural real interest rate: Historical and projected paths for the euro area, European Central Bank Working Paper Series number 2258,
March 2019; Atif Mian, Ludwig Straub, and Amir Sufi, What explains the decline in r*? Rising income inequality versus demographic shifts,
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, August 2021; and Marco del Negro et al., “Safety, liquidity, and the natural rate of interest,” Brookings
Papers on Economic Activity, Spring 2007.
This difference varies with national conditions. For instance, in a defined-benefits system, based on social security contributions (payroll
taxes) to a pay-as-you-go system, there is less incentive to save. The capacity to save also differs across income strata, and differences
across nations in inequality matter. See Charles Yuji Horioka and Luigi Ventura, “Do the retired elderly in Europe decumulate their wealth?
The importance of bequest motives, precautionary saving, public pensions, and homeownership,” Review of Income and Wealth,
December 2022.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 18
Do demographics therefore imply a continuous savings glut, or are we more likely to experience a
“great reversal”? The mainstream view’s answer is that the savings surplus is set to continue for an
extended period. 50 But a minority position holds that the trend is about to break, that consumption
expenditure (such as old-age healthcare costs) could rise substantially, and aggregate savings could
fall. 51 In addition, a rising dependency ratio means that the number of people dissaving in retirement
relative to those saving during working life will grow (again, see Exhibit 8). Balance sheet expansion—
asset valuation effects—also may play a role. If retirees no longer benefit from the same rate of asset
price appreciation as in past decades, they will have to consume more of their savings.
— Savings glut from net exporters: Retreating? Particularly after the 1997 Asian financial crisis,
economies in the region built up large foreign reserves to self-insure as a buffer against future shocks,
which repeatedly led to sudden stops in capital flows. Much of this pool of reserves was invested in
US Treasuries, bidding up their prices, which is tantamount to lowering their yields.52 The stunning net
exports of China, but also of other net exporters like Japan and oil-exporting countries, added to this
trend. China’s foreign reserves peaked at nearly $4 trillion in 2014, of which more than $1 trillion was
directly invested in US Treasuries. But those holdings have since declined. Amid rising geopolitical
tensions, the future path remains to be seen.

Can supply respond?

If the balance between investment and savings does shift, headwinds from demographics and geopolitics
may make it difficult to meet the demand generated. Global labor supply grew rapidly in recent decades,
adding capacity to an economy with soft demand. In advanced economies, rising participation by women
has so far compensated for a rising share of the population in retirement age. However, as the population
continues to age, the relative number of working-age people will continue to fall.53 In addition, about
60 million workers around the world ultimately serve North American demand, and about 50 million
European demand. 54 Geopolitical forces may affect these global flows and increase supply pressures locally.
On the upside, technology promises to generate tailwinds for supply. Could they move the economy from
productivity stagnation to more innovation in and diffusion of technology? Past decades were characterized
by slow productivity growth across advanced economies. 55 So far, digitization has not translated into
increasing productivity growth. But this could change as adoption spreads and technologies such as
artificial intelligence add new capabilities. 56

Olivier Blanchard, Fiscal policy under low interest rates, The MIT Press, 2023.
This view has been defended by, for instance, Charles Goodhart and Manoj Pradhan, in The great demographic reversal: Ageing societies,
waning inequality, and an inflation revival, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Ben S. Bernanke, Why are interest rates so low, part 3: The global savings glut, Brookings Institution, April 2015; Charles Bean et al.,
Low for long? Causes and consequences of persistently lower interest rates, Geneva Reports, number 17, 2015; Brad W. Setser, The return of
the East Asian savings glut, Council on Foreign Relations, October 2016.
This holds broadly across the globe, with the notable exception of Africa.
Based on OECD estimates of trade in employment. Figures include estimates of workers in every country serving final demand located in
North America or Europe, excluding workers serving intraregional demand (for example, workers in Germany serving demand in France).
Includes both manufacturing and services but not primary resources. See Global flows: The ties that bind in an interconnected world,
McKinsey Global Institute, November 2022.
Solving the productivity puzzle: The role of demand and the promise of digitization, McKinsey Global Institute, February 2018.
See The future of work and innovation: Robert Gordon and Erik Brynjolfsson debate at TED2013, TED Blog, April 23, 2013; Robert J. Gordon,
The rise and fall of American growth: The U.S. standard of living since the Civil War, Princeton University Press, 2016; and Eric Brynjolfsson
and Andrew McAfee, The second machine age: Work, progress, and prosperity in a time of brilliant technologies,
W. W. Norton & Company, 2014.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 19
Four scenarios cover the
range of plausible economic
outcomes to 2030
To provide a window into an uncertain future, MGI developed four scenarios for how the economy and
the global balance sheet might evolve in the period to 2030 (Exhibit 9). They differ in how forcefully and
persistently the balance of desired savings and investment described in the previous section will shift, and
in choices about monetary and fiscal policy as well as productivity investments. Each scenario—return to
past era, higher for longer, balance sheet reset, and productivity acceleration—includes a pathway to 2030
for GDP growth, inflation, and interest rates, the aim being to explore the longer-term trajectory rather than
to make short-term predictions for the next year or two (Exhibit 10).57 MGI built a quantitative scenario model
for the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany, but the characteristics are applicable more broadly.

MGI applied a multiple-step approach to developing the macroeconomic scenarios. The first step was setting average and end-of-period
growth, real interest rates, and inflation based on the fundamental characteristics defining the scenarios. Interest rates and inflation were
calibrated using an adjusted Taylor rule that determines a typical policy rate given a certain rate of inflation. Next came overlaying the results
of a general equilibrium model—created by McKinsey in collaboration with Oxford Economics—as well as data from historical reference
periods to determine the shape of the curves in the shorter run. Finally, the results were fine-tuned in collaboration with economic experts
and external forecasts. For shorter-term scenarios developed by McKinsey and Oxford Economics, see “2023, a testing year: Will the
macro-scenario range widen or narrow?” McKinsey & Company, January 2023.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 20
Exhibit 9
Four broad economic and balance sheet scenarios to 2030 are possible.

Return to Higher for Balance Productivity

past era longer sheet reset
Lorem ipsum acceleration

Like United States Like United States Like Japan post–real Like United States
post–global financial post–oil shock, 1970s estate bubble, 1990s post–WWII, late
crisis, late 2000s–2010s 1940s–1950s

What Back to weak investment Strong desired Fiscal and monetary Technology deployment
would and savings glut investment and tightening; financial and productive
consumption despite system “accidents” investment
happen headwinds to growth

What it Sluggish growth, rising Gains in nominal but loss Asset correction and Growth in real wealth,
means wealth on paper, growing in real wealth balance sheet stress declining balance
balance sheet risk sheet risk

Growth1 Slightly below trend2 About 0–1 p.p. above About 1 p.p. below trend About 1 p.p. above trend

Inflation1 About 0–1 p.p. below About 2 p.p. above target About 1 p.p. below target About 1 p.p. above target
target3 after initial spike5

Real rate1 About -1%4 About 0% About -1–0% About 1%

(after an initial spike)

Growth in asset values, US example (real, CAGR 2022–30, %)

Equity 6 -1 -4 4

Real estate 3 -1 -4 1

Bonds 1 0 2 5

Currency and 1 -2 -1 -2

¹2022-30 average. ²Assuming a return to 2008–16 average in the United States after recession in 2023. 3 2 percent US inflation target. 4Central bank policy
rates. 52022-30 average here is 0–1 p.p. above target due to this initial spike.
Note: Total market values do not describe asset performance.
Source: Citibank; Consensus Economics; Deloitte Insights; EconForecasting; Goldman Sachs; IMF; JPMorgan; Morgan Stanley; OECD; PwC; USDA; World Bank;
McKinsey Global Institute analysis

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McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 21
Exhibit 10
There are several plausible pathways for macroeconomic variables.

Example scenarios for the United States 2022–2030 average

Real GDP growth, YoY, %

Projection Productivity acceleration 2.5

Higher for longer 1.7

Return to past era 1.1

0 Balance sheet reset 0.9

Federal Reserve
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030

Inflation, YoY, %

Higher for longer 4.0

5 Productivity acceleration 3.2

Balance sheet reset 2.6

Return to past era 2.3

CBO forecast2 3.2
1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030

Nominal interest rates,3 %

Higher for longer 4.0

Productivity acceleration 3.6


Balance sheet reset 1.9

Return to past era 1.5

CBO forecast2 2.8

1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030

FOMC projections (March 2023).


CBO projections (February 2023).


Central Bank Policy Rates.


Source: Oxford Economics; McKinsey Macro Scenarios; OECD; CBO; Federal Reserve; McKinsey Global Institute analysis

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McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 22
Each of the pathways is plausible; none were developed using extreme or low-probability assumptions
(for more detail, see Box 2, “Development of macroeconomic scenarios”). 58

Box 2
Development of macroeconomic scenarios
MGI developed four scenarios that differ in how forceful and persistent shifts in savings and investment will be, as
well as in what the societal and policy response will be. We then translated the four scenarios into macroeconomic
pathways for GDP growth, inflation, and interest rates. Through these pathways, we aim to understand
trajectories to 2030 rather than make short-term predictions over the next year or two.

Each pathway is plausible; none were developed using extreme or low-probability assumptions, such as a
material worsening of global tension leading to a broadening of global conflict, or a global collapse in financial
systems—both of which would trigger a sharp increase in risk premiums and a massive decline in asset prices.1

While each of the scenarios has historical analogies, there are also marked differences.

— Return to past era versus 2000–20. This scenario looks very similar to what the United States and other
countries have experienced over the past ten to 20 years.

— Higher for longer versus 1970s stagflation in the United States.2 Inflation is lower, at 4.0 percent per
year versus 9.3 percent per year on average in the 1970s, thanks to stronger central bank action. The real
market value of equity declines more slowly, at minus 2.0 versus minus 3.8 percent per year. Real estate
performs less well, at minus 1.0 versus plus 3.4 percent per year total market value growth in real terms, as it
is starting from a much higher level relative to GDP today than in the 1970s and because of a stronger interest
rate response.

See Jeffrey Frankel, “Black swans: A comment on ‘Financial cycles: What? How? When?’ by Claessens, Kose and Terrones,” in Richard
Clarida and Francesco Giavazzi, NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics, University of Chicago Press, 2011.
Defined as the period from 1973 to 1981.

History is littered with examples of “black swan” events. Risks such as a material worsening of global tension leading to a broadening of
global conflict, or a global collapse in financial systems—both of which would trigger a sharp increase in risk premiums and a massive decline
in asset prices—are not covered by MGI’s scenarios. See also Jeffrey Frankel, “Black swans: A comment on ‘Financial cycles: What? How?
When?’ by Claessens, Kose and Terrones,” in Richard Clarida and Francesco Giavazzi, NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics,
University of Chicago Press, 2011.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 23
Box 2 continued

— Balance sheet reset versus 2008 global financial crisis or Japan in the 1990s. As in the 2008 crisis,
equity and real estate sharply correct. In this scenario, however, the structural drivers of savings versus
investments point the other way, the natural rate of interest is higher, and monetary policy does not come to
the rescue in the same way. As a result, the total market value of equity decreases by 4.0 percent per year in
real terms through 2030 (compared with an increase of 3.2 percent per year over the period surrounding the
global financial crisis). 3 So does real estate in real terms (minus 4.0 percent per year in real terms, compared
with minus 2.3 percent during the 2008 global financial crisis). This situation somewhat resembles Japan in
the 1990s; total net worth relative to GDP contracted by 20 percent from 1990 to 2000 and was still down
17 percent from its peak 30 years later, in 2021.

— Productivity acceleration versus 1990s. This scenario somewhat resembles the period of very rapid
productivity growth in the late 1990s and early 2000s as the development of PCs, software, and other
technologies finally led to an acceleration in productivity growth, resolving the Solow Paradox. 4 Real GDP
growth accelerated by 1.1 percentage points (from 3.4 percent per year on average to 4.5 percent on average),
compared with 0.9 percentage points in this scenario (from 2.2 percent per year on average to 3.0 percent on
average). The real market value of equity grew faster, at 12.5 versus 4.0 percent per year in this scenario, as it
started from less elevated levels. The real market value of real estate grew at 4.2 percent per year historically,
compared with 1.0 percent per year in this scenario.

In the United States, current forecasts by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the US Federal Reserve
appear to fall at about the midpoint of the four MGI pathways. The same applies to market-implied interest and
inflation expectations. According to data from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, markets expect inflation to
sharply decline in 2023, reaching about 4 percent, and eventually falling to 2.4 percent in 2030. The yield curve
of US Treasuries suggests that markets expect the nominal central bank interest rates to come down gradually as
inflation is subdued, reaching 3.3 percent by 2030.

The period surrounding the global financial crisis is defined as 2005 to 2013.
The Solow Paradox is named after Nobel laureate Robert Solow, who said in 1987, “You can see the computer age everywhere but in the
productivity statistics.” See Solving the productivity puzzle: The role of demand and the promise of digitization, McKinsey Global Institute,
February 2018.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 24
Return to past era scenario: Unsustainable balance sheet expansion at the
expense of GDP growth
It remains possible that shocks will prove temporary, the structural overhang of savings will prevail,
low interest rates will return, and balance sheet expansion will resume. At first blush, this scenario may
appear attractive because wealth continues to grow. But that growth comes at the expense of real economic
output, accentuates inequality, and continues to raise the risk of financial stress and future corrections
(all numbers in this and the three other scenarios are for the United States).
— What happens: Secular stagnation returns. In this scenario, inflation comes down over the next
couple of years to well below 2 percent. Labor market tightness subsides, and unemployment settles
at previous or slightly elevated rates. Demand is weak and mediocre GDP growth resumes, averaging
roughly 1 percent between now and 2030. The earnings share of GDP continues to grow. Smart money
chases opportunities in capital appreciation, such as real estate, rather than productive investment.
Real interest rates turn slightly negative again. Capital is misallocated, and productivity growth
remains low.
— Balance sheet outcomes: Continued expansion and vulnerability. The balance sheet continues its
secular expansion relative to GDP, but, as before, remains vulnerable to future shocks and disruptions.
The total market value of equity, adjusted for inflation, grows roughly in line with past rates as the
tailwinds of strong earnings and low interest rates continue. The value of real estate continues to benefit
from low interest rates. The total value of bonds grows as leveraging resumes. Only deposits modestly
retreat as central banks reduce the size of their balance sheets. Real household wealth grows by a
cumulative 28 percent, or $40 trillion on paper, with rising wealth inequality.

The “return to past era” scenario

may appear attractive, but growth
comes at the expense of real economic
output, accentuates inequality, and
continues to raise the risk of financial
stress and future corrections.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 25
Higher for longer scenario: Using inflation to lower balance sheet vulnerabilities
at the expense of price stability
If investment picks up and the savings glut wanes in a meaningful and persistent way despite headwinds
impeding GDP growth, inflationary pressure may become entrenched. Then if policy tightening remains
moderate due to financial stability risks, the economy may experience a higher for longer scenario.
This scenario has parallels with 1970s stagflation in the United States, albeit with somewhat lower inflation
(4 percent rather than 9 percent). 59 While the lack of price stability in this scenario is problematic, it comes
with solid income growth, positive (if not impressive) growth in wealth, and improved balance sheet stability.
— What happens: Persistently elevated inflation and rates. In this scenario, inflation settles at roughly
4 percent as tight labor supply continues and the net-zero transition, supply chain reconfiguration, and
national defense add two to three percentage points to the investment share of GDP. Nominal wages rise
quickly, and consumption is strong. Policy rates rise in response but, with rising stress in the financial
system, not by enough to bring inflation down to target. Strong demand and higher investment—even if
not all of it is productive—support GDP growth somewhat above the recent trend. With bargaining power
shifting in favor of workers and more forceful competition policy, corporate earnings grow more slowly
than labor income and GDP. Risk premiums rise by one to two percentage points relative to averages
over the past decade as volatility stays high.
— Balance sheet outcomes: Stagnation in real values and balance sheet contraction relative to GDP.
The size of the balance sheet overall starts to revert toward historic averages relative to GDP, due to
the combination of inflation and somewhat stronger GDP growth. As earning growth slows, the total
market value of equity (adjusted for inflation) contracts in absolute terms and as a multiple of GDP.
The market value of real estate falls in real terms as higher interest rates weigh more strongly for
investors than inflation protection benefits and additional construction. Debt and deposits grow to
finance higher investment, but more slowly than inflation; their ratios to GDP also decline.60
Real household wealth contracts by a cumulative 8.5 percent or $12.6 trillion.

While the lack of price stability in

the “higher for longer scenario” is
problematic, it comes with solid
income growth, positive (if not
impressive) growth in wealth, and
improved balance sheet stability.

Defined as the period from 1973 to 1981.
Debt servicing cost would still increase over time with higher interest rates. For a broader discussion of the relationship of debt and inflation,
see M. Ayhan Kose et al., Government debt has declined but don’t celebrate yet, Brookings Institution, February 2023; and Christopher J.
Neeley, Inflation and the real value of debt: A double-edged sword, Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis, August 2022.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 26
Balance sheet reset scenario: A drawn-out recession is the worst case for wealth,
income, and financial stability
Tighter policy, perceptions of rising risk, and stress or even failures in financial systems could lead to a sharp
correction in asset values as well as a prolonged recession and a period of deleveraging. Monetary and fiscal
policy cannot come to the rescue as they did in the global financial crisis because balance sheets are already
large. This scenario bears some resemblance to what happened in Japan in the 1990s.61
— What happens? A very hard landing and an almost-lost decade. Forceful monetary and fiscal
tightening ends the bout of inflation. But higher real interest rates expose elevated debt levels and asset
prices, which drop significantly. Financial institutions come under pressure with potential additional
bank closures; value losses in bonds as well as in commercial and other real estate bite strongly into
capital buffers. In the worst case, liquidity crunches force a fire sale of assets, further depressing values
and triggering more systemic financial stress. Affected countries—and even the global economy—face
debt restructuring or a drawn-out period of deleveraging. Uncertainty and risk premiums rise materially,
and monetary and fiscal policy softens again to stabilize economic activity. Balance sheet adjustment
drags down economic growth via deleveraging and thus weak demand as consumers pay back debt
rather than spending. The supply side sees zombification of firms, banks, and assets, as well as capital
starvation and weak investment. Deleveraging could last for a decade, and GDP growth would be one
percentage point lower than in the previous decade. What makes the situation particularly difficult is
that almost all sectors and countries are affected simultaneously at this stage, but deleveraging of one
sector or country typically requires another one to add debt.62 Socializing the losses could accelerate
the adjustment, but it is more difficult to achieve with already-high public debt and long central bank
balance sheets.63
— Balance sheet outcomes: Asset correction and deleveraging. Overall, the size of the balance sheet
corrects relative to GDP. The total market value of equity declines in real terms and as a multiple of
GDP. Equities are negatively affected by a brief spike in real interest rates (but then supported as rates
come down again), increased uncertainty and risk premiums, and muted GDP growth and earnings
expectations. For instance, US equities and real estate values might drop by more than 30 percent
between now and 2030. Real estate values fall in real terms and relative to GDP, driven primarily by
higher rates as well as falling tolerance for risk. Bond premiums grow, and debt and deposits come under
pressure from deleveraging, although the public sector is assumed to have to further grow its debt to
stabilize the economy. Real household wealth declines by a cumulative 20 percent—as in the case of
total net worth in Japan in 1990 to 2000—or $30 trillion by 2030.64

For an account of that period, see Richard Koo, Balance sheet recession: Japan’s struggle with uncharted economics and its global
implications, John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
Alternatives are debt restructuring, or wealthy households consuming their savings so that indebted ones can pay off their debt.
One example is the global financial crisis, in which households and financial institutions deleveraged on the back of the public sector’s
growing its debt. Another is the large current account surpluses that Japan and Sweden generated after their respective real estate bubbles
popped, to support domestic deleveraging.
See Barry Eichengreen et al., In defense of public debt, Oxford University Press, 2021.
In Japan, net worth was still down 17 percent from its peak 30 years later, in 2021.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 27
Productivity acceleration scenario: The Goldilocks outcome; rapid
GDP growth improves wealth and balance sheet health
The scenario decision makers should strive toward is the one in which investment strengthens and is
productive, accelerating productivity growth. This scenario somewhat resembles the period of very rapid
productivity growth in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The balance sheet grows, but less quickly than GDP,
and therefore is healthier and more sustainable.
— What happens? Productive investment and technology adoption step up to drive productivity.
The forces outlined in the previous section lead to continued strong demand and an abundance of
attractive investment opportunities. New investment materially accelerates productivity growth and
GDP growth by one percentage point compared with the past decade. Faced with tight labor markets,
firms accelerate investment in and adoption of digital and automation technology, fostering productivity
growth. Reimagined supply chains remain efficient, and a new wave of emerging economies provides
ample global labor. Industrial policy successfully drives innovation and technology. Fast supply growth
moderates inflationary pressure. Inflation declines to target while real interest rates rise to about
1 percent on average, further supporting productive capital allocation.
— Balance sheet outcomes: Sustainable growth. Thanks to rapid GDP growth, the size of the balance
sheet overall as a multiple of GDP declines slightly. The total real market value of equity grows only
modestly more slowly than in the past, but it declines relative to accelerating GDP. Faster economic
growth nearly compensates for losing tailwinds from a growing earnings share of GDP and a slight
headwind from rising real interest rates. The value of real estate (adjusted for inflation) broadly
stagnates, and it therefore declines relative to GDP.65 The total value of bonds grows to finance higher
investment despite headwinds from interest rates. In a stable economy, deposits shrink in real terms as
central banks roll back their balance sheets with quantitative tightening. Real household wealth grows
by a cumulative 11 percent or $16 trillion.

The divergence of asset values and debt from GDP may end,
reshaping the economic, banking, and investment landscape
Decision makers have become used to a balance sheet, both debt and asset values, that outgrew GDP for
decades, but the next decade could see the world heading in a materially different direction. In all but one
scenario—the return to past era—current asset price and financial system volatility prove to be only the early
signs of a fundamental shift in how the balance sheet grows relative to GDP. In three of the four scenarios,
the balance sheet contracts relative to GDP, be it via asset correction and deleveraging, inflation higher than
nominal asset and debt growth, or faster GDP growth (Exhibit 11).

The sensitivity of real estate prices to real interest rates is much higher than for equity, and their sensitivity to GDP growth lower.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 28
Exhibit 11
In all but the “return to past era” scenario, the size of the balance sheet and its
major components declines relative to GDP by 2030.
Total market value as multiple of GDP (2022 = 100), United States

2030 scenarios

Return to Higher for Balance Productivity

past era longer sheet reset acceleration

Equity 145 79 70 111

Real estate 116 79 69 87

Bonds 101 88 109 116

Currency and
102 76 85 68

Average change
119 81 79 96

Source: MGI GBS Model; McKinsey Global Institute analysis

McKinsey & Company

Growth in equity, real estate, bonds, and deposits looks markedly different than in the past two decades.
For instance, during the past 20 years, the total market value of the equity of listed as well as unlisted
companies has grown by 5 percent annually in real terms; in the period to 2030, rates vary between minus
four percent in a balance sheet reset scenario and plus six percent in a return to past era scenario. (Note that
these numbers represent total market value growth, not performance, nor price.) 66
There are similarities and variations depending on the country. Notably, equities decline less in Germany and
the United Kingdom than in the United States in the higher for longer and balance sheet reset scenarios,
largely reflecting the fact that they did not experience as large a run-up in corporate earnings. In real estate,
Germany and the United Kingdom experience a smaller decline relative to GDP than the United States in
the higher for longer and productivity acceleration scenarios as interest rates rise less amid somewhat
slower growth.

Growth in the market value of all assets is not the same as performance. Volume effects such as new share issuances, new privately held
firms, and newly built real estate drive part of the growth in total market values, but this does not result in higher prices for owners of assets
today. MGI estimates that annual asset price growth could be roughly one to three percentage points lower than growth in total asset market
values. However, asset performance includes annual yields, such as dividends or rents, which are not included in these calculations.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 29
Working for accelerated
productivity, but preparing
for less favorable outcomes
Decision makers will need to adjust their thinking to potentially a very different world economy and
global balance sheet in the decade ahead, and indeed for an unusually wide range of potential outcomes.
This calls for longer-term thinking, and a much broader set of indicators—including the global balance sheet
itself—to be accounted for in strategy and planning than arguably they have been used to. Governments
and corporations alike should collectively strive toward accelerated productivity growth, the only one of
MGI’s modeled scenarios that achieves strong growth in income and wealth over the long term and a healthy
global balance sheet. At the same time, however, they should actively prepare for less favorable outcomes.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 30
Striving toward higher productivity is vital
Productivity growth and the choices made to achieve it are of preeminent importance in the current
environment. Only an acceleration of productivity growth can underpin economic growth in the long
term—and a healthy, sustainable global balance sheet. The situation has become much more urgent and
important. Typically, policies to drive productivity achieve a few tens of basis points of additional economic
growth. Now, the difference in household wealth between a productivity acceleration and a balance sheet
reset scenario amounts to $48 trillion in the United States alone. Monetary and fiscal policy makers face a
predicament: fail to tighten enough, and inflation stays uncomfortably high; tighten too much, and wealth
and the financial system face stress. Without faster GDP growth, the line between these outcomes may be
very thin.
What is needed to achieve a productivity acceleration scenario? First and foremost, it requires productive
capital allocation and investment as well as more rapid adoption of digital tools, MGI research has shown
(see the appendix for more detail on actions to drive productivity growth).67 Reshaping the financial system
to focus capital allocation toward new, productive capital formation could also help. What could shift the
relative attractiveness of financing new businesses and projects in energy or infrastructure versus financing
existing asset transactions like mortgages for existing homes at ever-rising prices or leveraged buyouts?
Moving toward higher productivity growth also requires decision makers to believe that it is achievable and
to translate it into a credible outlook. If firms prepare for a slowdown in GDP growth or a recession, they are
less likely to invest. Instead, waiting becomes attractive. Real estate developers, for instance, expecting
lower prices, will delay developing new projects. Banks focused on strengthening their balance sheets will
tighten lending standards, reducing the production of loans. All this might set the scene for a self-fulfilling
prophecy of doom and gloom. Leadership from both public and private sectors will need to articulate the
basis for the acceleration scenario in order to make it happen.

Only an acceleration of productivity

growth can underpin economic growth
in the long term—and a healthy,
sustainable global balance sheet.

See Infrastructure productivity: How to save $1 trillion a year, McKinsey Global Institute, January 2013; A blueprint for addressing the global
affordable housing challenge, McKinsey Global Institute, October 2014; Bridging global infrastructure gaps, McKinsey Global Institute,
June 2016; Tera Allas, “How the public sector fits in the productivity puzzle,” McKinsey Center for Government, January 2018; Solving the
productivity puzzle: The role of demand and the promise of digitization, McKinsey Global Institute, February 2018; Will productivity and
growth return after the COVID-19 crisis? McKinsey Global Institute, March 2021; The net-zero transition: What it would cost, what it could
bring, McKinsey Global Institute, January 2022; Anthony B. Atkinson, The Atkinson review, final report: Measurement of government
output and productivity for the national accounts, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005; William J. Baumol et al., The cost disease: Why computers get
cheaper and health care doesn’t, Yale University Press, 2013; Gabriel J. Felbermayr, Hendrik Mahlkow, and Alexander Sandkamp, Cutting
through the value chain: The long-run effects of decoupling the East from the West, CESifo EconPol Policy Brief number 41, 2022; and
Rekindling US productivity for a new era, McKinsey Global Institute, February 2013.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 31
Firms will need to develop strategies to get ahead of a broad range of
long-term outcomes
Since uncertainty may persist for at least some time, firms will need to plan for multiple scenarios.
Past strategies may work well in a return to past era. Yet the other possibilities, and particularly the higher
for longer and balance sheet reset scenarios, involve ruptures that arguably need a material shift in thinking,
particularly among investors and financial institutions. Reacting to shifts in the macro environment will
no longer suffice. Firms should identify markers for which scenario the world is headed toward, plan for a
sufficiently broad set of scenarios, and test risk management approaches, as well as adjusting business
models and seeking new growth opportunities.
— Identify markers for which scenario the world is headed toward. Many players still emphasize
short-term financial indicators such as the latest inflation readings, an interest rate decision by the US
Federal Reserve or Bank of Japan, and the reaction to any of these in the financial markets. Longer-term
structural shifts generally attract less attention.
Given today’s high uncertainty and structural forces shaping possible futures, decision makers need
to look further ahead.68 This means tracking indicators on the factors that might drive investment and
savings, which are now shifting. They should also look at long-run drivers of supply and productivity
growth, as well as the political and economic constraints that may shape the trajectory of fiscal and
monetary policy (for more detail on potential markers, see the appendix).
— Plan for a sufficiently broad and long-term set of scenarios. What consequences would business
bear, for instance, if interest rates and inflation stayed high for a decade or, in contrast, if GDP growth
were to materially accelerate? To provide some examples:
• How can investors and asset managers develop foresight and adjust asset portfolios? “Everything will
be fine if you take a ten-year perspective” may apply less than in the past, whether for asset prices,
financing conditions, or economic parameters. The scenarios have significantly different outcomes
for different asset classes, and these need to be accounted for. For instance, in a higher for longer
scenario, asset managers will want to contemplate reducing their relative weighting of growth equity
funds. In several scenarios, cap rates would rise and stay higher, affecting investment cases for real
estate developers.69
• How can banks rethink deposit models and secure liquidity and longer-term funding in the transition
to a new interest rate regime? In several scenarios, deposits will fall at a systemic level, not only for
individual banks.
— Test and strengthen risk management approaches. This might include bolstering equity buffers,
strengthening balance sheets, or offloading macro risk. Stress-testing business models and balance
sheets to these scenarios—or reverse stress-testing which parameters and thresholds would expose the
largest vulnerabilities—should be a priority.

Dominic Barton, Dezsö Horváth, and Matthias Kipling, eds., Re-imagining capitalism, Oxford University Press, 2016.
Cap rates are the quotient of net operating income divided by the market value of real estate. A cap rate compression results in rising prices
that deliver windfall profits for real estate investors.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 32
— Adjust business models and seek new growth opportunities. A sustained shift in the macro
environment can make some business models partially obsolete and others newly attractive.
To provide some examples for the questions that may be asked:
• For investors, how to prioritize opportunities to capture value creation, including earnings and
rent growth in scenarios where multiples no longer expand? Even with market headwinds, there
will, of course, be opportunities in individual investments, from neighborhood redevelopment in
postpandemic real estate to new business models in corporations. And in any case, increasing fiscal
support, with rising investment in defense, energy, automation, and AI, could be available.
• For financial institutions, how to restructure business models that often are still hardwired into an
expanding balance sheet, abundant liquidity, and substantial maturity transformation of liabilities?
What sources of revenue beyond net interest income could be most promising across scenarios?
Examples for fee-based income include payments, advisory transaction pricing and facilitation,
the origination and financing of new capital projects, and ecosystem services such as real estate
brokerage and moving services. Mortgages (even more so in commercial real estate) and Lombard
loans may require a critical reappraisal.
• For banks, how to anticipate substantial shifts of product, customer segment, and geographic
attractiveness? Increasing the speed of capital and business reallocation could pay off and capture
money in motion ahead of competitors. In a higher for longer scenario, for instance, lower- and middle-
income and -wealth quintiles could make up some of the ground they lost to higher-income and wealth
quintiles. M&A opportunities will abound.

The turbulence of recent times is a shock to the system after a period of relative calm for the global economy
and uninterrupted decades of rising wealth (and debt) on paper. The path ahead is highly uncertain,
the range of possible scenarios unusually wide. The situation demands that assumptions be revisited
and planning, strategy, and business models adjusted. The adjustment from what went before may well
be prolonged.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 33
This appendix has the following sections:
— MGI’s approach to decomposing drivers of market value growth in equity, real estate, bonds,
and deposits
— MGI’s approach to modeling expansion or contraction of asset values relative to GDP
— A broader suite of markers
— Levers that drive productivity growth

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 34
MGI’s approach to decomposing drivers of market value growth in equity,
real estate, bonds, and deposits
To value assets, MGI used class-specific, discounted expected cash flows, varying parameters across the
scenarios in a model-consistent way. This approach takes account of changes in the quantity of bonds,
stocks, and buildings; changes in cash flows or income generated from them; and changes in how the cash
flows are valued or the multiples of value applied to income. In simplified terms, this multiple is the inverse of
the discount rate, or of the weighted average cost of capital minus the rate of growth. The exact approach
varies by asset type, as follows:
— Real estate. The factors used in the model are the total rent income for owners (determined by rent as
a share of GDP, including imputed rent for owner-occupied buildings, and the net operating margin);
rent growth expectations (estimated via market-implied inflation expectations and rent growth above
inflation from historical data); and the cost of capital (50 percent real estate cost of debt per the risk-free
long-term rate and the mortgage spread, and 50 percent the real estate cost of equity).
— Equities. The factors used are total corporate earnings (after interest, depreciation, and tax) as a share
of GDP, generated by unlisted as well as listed firms; earnings growth expectations (estimated via
market-implied inflation expectations, real GDP growth, and expected earnings growth above inflation
and GDP growth); and the cost of capital (determined by the risk-free long-term interest rate and the
equity market risk premium).
— Corporate and government bonds. The factors used are the par value of corporate and government
bonds relative to GDP and the yield to maturity (as determined by the coupon rate, maturity, and the risk
premium as well as expectations on real interest rates and inflation). Interestingly, while there can be
substantial swings in bond values when interest rates change, when looking at long periods well beyond
average maturities, the impact from interest rate changes becomes less important.
— Currency and deposits. The change in total stock of deposits relative to GDP is linked to interest rates,
lending, and monetary policy (that is, the provision of bank reserves by central banks).70 As there is no
valuation effect, we have not built a model to decompose drivers.

MGI’s approach to modeling expansion or contraction of asset values

relative to GDP
MGI built a scenario model to understand the evolution of the global balance sheet and project the total
economy market value of all nonfinancial corporate equity (unlisted and listed), real estate, bonds, and
currency and deposits. This model accounts for volume and valuation effects.
On the volume side, the stock of corporate capital as well as the stock of real estate (price adjusted)
have grown slightly more slowly than GDP; this analysis assumes that the same relationship holds.
Depending on the scenario, an increase in the investment rate of GDP is added. For bonds, a baseline
of growth with GDP is assumed and is then adjusted by scenario based on the investment, inflation, and
leveraging or deleveraging environment. For currency and deposits, steady growth with GDP as a baseline
is used and is adjusted for scenario-specific monetary policy environments. As currency and deposits are
currently at very elevated levels compared with historical averages, in most cases that means a contraction.
The main reason for that is less provision of bank reserves or quantitative tightening.
On the valuation side, the same asset pricing models, calibrated for the historical decomposition of drivers
of value growth, are applied. Growth, inflation, and interest rate parameters are applied from the macro
model. For earnings relative to GDP, continued growth, stagnation, or partial mean reversion to historic
averages are assumed, depending on the scenario. The rent share of GDP has been relatively constant

Deposit assets are looked at by households, corporations, and governments.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 35
historically. Some variations are assumed depending mostly on consumer purchasing power by scenario
in the future. The development of equity risk premiums has historically evolved in a relatively narrow band,
with obvious deviations during episodes of boom and bust. The average of the previous era was applied in
most scenarios, with an increase in risk premiums in the balance sheet reset scenario and, to a lesser extent,
in the higher for longer scenario. Real estate risk premiums have been highly volatile, but the total cost of
equity has been fairly flat outside of boom and bust periods. For this reason, in this case, too, averages for
the cost of equity in the previous era are applied. There is an uptick in the cost of equity in the balance sheet
reset scenario.
The results of the modeling are shown in Exhibits A1 and A2. The primary swing factors are GDP growth,
the earnings share of GDP, real interest rates, and risk premiums.

Exhibit A1

Shifts in profit share of GDP and real interest rates are important contributors
to equity-to-GDP changes.
Contributions to increase in equity total market value relative to GDP, United States, 2022–30
(2022 = 100)
X GDP multiple Positive impact Negative impact

Return to Productivity Higher for Balance

Driver 0past50
era 100 150 0acceleration
50 100 150 0longer
50 100 150 0sheet
100 150

100 2.4 100 2.4 100 2.4 100 2.4
ratio in 2022

Real interest negative
15 -15 -8 19
rates outlook as interest
rates are
Inflation outlook -2 -1 0 -2

Profit share
20 0 -16 -10
of GDP

Real GDP
growth outlook 4 25 11 -1

Risk premium 8 2 -9 -36

ratio in 2030 145 3.4 111 2.6 79 1.9 70 1.7

Note: Change in expected excess rent or profit assumed to not have a long-term effect. We apply year-over-year changes in modeled values to the actual ratio to
GDP in 2022, leading to modeling errors in 2022 and 2030.
Source: MGI GBS Model; McKinsey Global Institute analysis

McKinsey & Company

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 36
Exhibit A2

The real-estate-to-GDP ratio primarily changes because of shifts in the rental

share of GDP, real interest rates, and risk premiums.
Contributions to increase in real estate total market value relative to GDP, United States, 2022–30
(2022 = 100)
X GDP multiple Positive impact Negative impact

Return to Productivity Higher for Balance

Driver 0past50
era 100 150 0acceleration
50 100 150 0longer
50 100 150 0sheet
100 150

Real estate-
to-GDP ratio 100 3.9 100 3.9 100 3.9 100 3.9
in 2022

Real interest negative
9 -10 -5 10
rates outlook as interest
rates are
Inflation outlook -2 -1 0 -2

Rental share
of GDP 4 0 -4 -9

Real GDP
growth outlook 0 1 0 0

Risk premium 4 -3 -12 -30

Real estate-
to-GDP ratio 116 4.5 87 3.4 79 3.1 69 2.7
in 2030

Note: We apply year-on-year changes in modeled values to the actual ratio to GDP in 2022, leading to modeling error in 2022 and 2030. Change in expected
excess rent/profit assumed to not have an effect in long term.
Source: MGI GBS Model; McKinsey Global Institute analysis

McKinsey & Company

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 37
A broader suite of markers
— Investment acceleration and productivity impact. Are net-zero commitments accelerating and being
followed through with real investment in a long-run, affordable way? Is defense spending picking up
materially? Are supply chains shifting in resilient but still efficient ways or in more politically driven ones
that add mercantilism to national security concerns and result in duplication and inefficiencies?
— Inequality, wage, and profit dynamics. Are wages in lower quintiles rising notably faster than in the
top quintile in the case that labor bargaining power recovers consistently and increases? Are political
and regulatory approaches to competition policy, pricing (or market power), and taxation becoming
more robust?
— Aging dynamics. Are retirement ages rising faster than life expectancy or the other way round?
Are retirees continuing to save the way they did in past decades, or are diminished asset price gains
forcing them to exhaust savings more rapidly? Will they save more to prevent this?
— Global capital flows and supply chains. Is there continued openness to trade in sectors where there
are no national security concerns or a lasting shift toward protecting domestic producers? How are
cross-border capital flows shifting?
— Monetary and fiscal policy and financial stress. Will central bankers remain committed to fighting
inflation if significant financial stress is looming? Will the public and its elected leaders accept elevated
inflation or financial stress and asset losses? Which institutions would become insolvent if they needed
to recognize losses on (commercial) real estate or long-dated bonds as well as long-duration loans
(“mark to market”), and how much do they matter for the broader financial system and for doom-loop
effects for asset prices if they are forced to sell under stress?

Levers that drive productivity growth

What drives productivity growth has been discussed extensively in past MGI research. Priorities could
include the following:
— Enable more rapid digitization. Policy makers would do well to pay particular attention to doing
what they can to enable accelerated diffusion of technology. By doing so, more firms could reap the
full benefits of automated business processes and customer interaction, artificial intelligence, new
materials, and so on. This could add a full percentage point to productivity and GDP growth.71
— Drive productive investment, including in skills. Priorities could include public investment in areas
from infrastructure to basic research to education and skills; overhauling land markets to support
affordable housing development; and setting the conditions for investment related to the net-zero
transition to pick up.72 It will be important to ensure that industrial policies—that is, investment launched
and supported by the public sector, such as the US Inflation Reduction Act and the CHIPS and Science
Act—add to innovation and productivity.

Solving the productivity puzzle: The role of demand and the promise of digitization, McKinsey Global Institute, February 2018; and Will
productivity and growth return after the COVID-19 crisis? McKinsey Global Institute, March 2021.
Infrastructure productivity: How to save $1 trillion a year, McKinsey Global Institute, January 2013; Bridging global infrastructure gaps,
McKinsey Global Institute, June 2016; A blueprint for addressing the global affordable housing challenge, McKinsey Global Institute,
October 2014; The net-zero transition: What it would cost, what it could bring, McKinsey Global Institute, January 2022.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 38
— Transform public-sector productivity. In the public sector, from education to healthcare, there are
ample productivity opportunities. Tackling those could be a big win, particularly in the aftermath of
considerable expansion in the public sector and stress on public services as the result of a wave of
government intervention and increased healthcare demands during the pandemic.73
— Initiate structural reform to drive productivity in the private sector. Smart regulation is particularly
important. Regulation, addressing externalities, is often necessary and desirable, yet too much
bureaucracy, complexity, and red tape can be as harmful as uncertainty and a lack of clarity about what
the rules will be. Each sector has specific step-up opportunities, including expanded adoption of digital
technologies, such as online retail, electric and autonomous mobility, smart grids, and industrialized
construction. It will be critical to hasten progress.
— Maintain openness to trade. Considerations related to strategic autonomy are arguably leading to a
shift in the patterns of global cross-border flows, and this may continue.74 The search is under way for
a new balance between national security concerns and cost-efficient production. Cutting through the
value chain comes, inevitably, with lost opportunities.75 Yet it is important to keep in mind that the most
resilient systems are not the most local ones, but the most diverse ones.76 The Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development has found that a “localized regime” in which trade was 18 percent lower
would result in the level of global GDP being 6 percent lower.77

The public-sector productivity imperative, McKinsey Global Institute, March 2011; Tera Allas, “How the public sector fits in the productivity
puzzle,” McKinsey Center for Government, January 2018; Anthony B. Atkinson, The Atkinson review, final report: Measurement of
government output and productivity for the national accounts, Palgrave Macmillan, 2005; and William J. Baumol et al., The cost disease:
Why computers get cheaper and health care doesn’t, Yale University Press, 2013.
Global flows: The ties that bind in an interconnected world, McKinsey Global Institute, November 2022; and “The complication of
concentration in global trade,” McKinsey Global Institute, January 2023.
Gabriel J. Felbermayr, Hendrik Mahlkow, and Alexander Sandkamp, Cutting through the value chain: The long-run effects of decoupling the
East from the West, CESifo EconPol Policy Brief number 41, 2022.
Global flows: The ties that bind in an interconnected world, McKinsey Global Institute, November 2022; and “The complication of
concentration in global trade,” McKinsey Global Institute, January 2023.
Global value chains: Efficiency and risks in the context of COVID-19, OECD Policy Responses to Coronavirus (COVID-19), 2021.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 39
This is the third publication in MGI’s ongoing research on the global balance sheet, a lens on the health and
wealth of the global economy. It builds on MGI’s 2021 report The rise and rise of the global balance sheet:
How productively are we using our wealth? and its 2022 paper Global balance sheet 2022: Enter volatility.
The research was led by Jan Mischke, an MGI partner in Zurich; Olivia White, a McKinsey senior partner
and a director of MGI in San Francisco; Eckart Windhagen, a McKinsey senior partner and a member of the
MGI Council in Frankfurt; Jonathan Woetzel, a McKinsey senior partner and a director of MGI in Shanghai;
Michael Birshan, a McKinsey senior partner and a member of the MGI Council in London; Sven Smit, a
McKinsey senior partner and chairman of MGI in Amsterdam; Arvind Govindarajan, a McKinsey partner in
the Boston office; and Szabolcs Kemeny, director of research at McKinsey in Budapest. The team was led
by Jorge Sanchez Cumming, a McKinsey consultant in London, and Varun Char, a McKinsey consultant
in New York. The team comprised Mohammed Abo Taleb, Oni Bhaumick, Alexander Green, Malik Jabati,
and Mario Rojas. We are grateful to MGI fellow Rebecca J. Anderson for her guidance; to MGI director and
senior partner in Sydney Chris Bradley; and to Janet Bush, MGI executive editor, who helped write and edit
the report.
We give particular thanks for his committed guidance and input to Hans-Helmut Kotz, a resident fellow
at the Minda de Gunzburg Center for European Studies at Harvard University, a senior fellow of the
Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE, and an MGI adviser. We also thank Paul Ackermann, former
vice chairman, Wells Fargo Securities; Guy Moszkowski, Santander Holdings USA Inc. board member;
Jonathan Lurie, managing partner, Realty Corporation Ltd.; Alan M. Taylor, C. Bryan Cameron Chair
in International Economics and distinguished professor of economics and finance at the University of
California, Davis; and John Walsh, former acting comptroller of the currency and executive director of the
Group of Thirty.
We are also grateful for enormously helpful discussions about the global balance sheet with a number of
leading experts. We thank Marco Buti, Tommaso Padoa-Schioppa Chair, European University Institute;
Karen Dynan, professor, Harvard Kennedy School; Barry Eichengreen, professor, UC Berkeley; Gabriel
Felbermayr, president, WiFo, Vienna; Olivier Garnier, director general for Economics and International at
Banque de France; Charles Goodhart, professor, London School of Economics; Joachim Nagel, president,
Deutsche Bundesbank; Adam Posen, president, Peterson Institute for International Economics; Manoj
Pradhan, founder and CEO, Talking Heads; Andrew Sheng, chairman, the George Town Institute of Open and
Advanced Studies, Penang, Malaysia; and Ignazio Visco, governor, Banca d’Italia. While we are grateful for
all their input, any errors are our own.
Many McKinsey colleagues gave us input and guidance, namely Ashwin Adarkar, Andreas Bohn,
Sarah Dahlgren, Miklos Dietz, Ben Dimson, Jonathan Dimson, Jon Godsall, Eric Hazan, Tom Isherwood,
Somesh Khanna, Tim Koller, Ida Kristensen, Pankaj Kumar, Ju-Hon Kwek, Jean-Christophe Mieszala,
Marco Piccitto, Jon Seitz, Joydeep Sengupta, and Christian Zahn. We would like to thank Niklas Berglind,
Maria Bernier, Alain Imbert, Bunsho Kure, Erik Rong, Bjorn Sass, and Atushi Yamazaki for their country-
specific economic expertise.
Finally, we want to thank Rachel Robinson, MGI director of publishing; Vasudha Gupta, MGI’s manager of
editorial operations; David Batcheck, MGI digital editor; and MGI specialist Tim Beacom. We appreciate the
help of our external communications colleagues Rebeca Robboy, Shannon Ensor, and Nienke Beuwer.
This research contributes to our mission to help business and policy leaders understand the forces
transforming the global economy. As with all MGI research, it is independent and has not been
commissioned or sponsored in any way by any business, government, or other institution.

McKinsey Global Institute | The future of wealth and growth hangs in the balance 40
McKinsey Global Institute
May 2023
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