2324 - CL10 PT 2 - CW Notes
2324 - CL10 PT 2 - CW Notes
2324 - CL10 PT 2 - CW Notes
Ans. The lesson brings out the conclusion that man is a product of
circumstances and environment. Hari Singh was just a boy of fifteen but
was an experienced and fairly a successful hand. Circumstances made him
a thief. In spite of being no use to Anil, he was retained to work for him.
They say old habits die hard. After all, a thief couldn’t leave stealing and
cheating. He made a rupee every day from the buying of the day’s supplies.
However, Anil was not a fool. He knew everything and also all about the
theft. But he was kind, large-hearted and full of human sympathy. He
taught the unfortunate boy to write his name. He also promised him to teach
him how to write sentences and add numbers. This left a deep impression
on the boy-thief. He started realizing that education could bring him respect
and money. Though Hari Singh breached Anil’s trust but Anil was all
forgiving and compassionate. In the heat and excitement of theft, Hari
Singh forgot about education. Then came the true realization and
transformation. The boy –thief realized that the only man who could help
him was the man he had robbed a few hours ago. Then he realized the value
of education that could give him respect and more money than he could get
by stealing. He realized where he should go. Large-hearted Anil not only
forgave him but also gave him a fifty-rupee note, and promised to pay him
Q2. Appraise the chief characteristics of Anil in about 100-150 words.
Ans: Anil is a generous, large-hearted and understanding man who is
twenty-five years old and unmarried. He doesn’t have a regular income. He
writes for magazines. Whenever receives a cheque, he goes out and
celebrates with his friends. Anil is a simple man who is ever-ready to help
even a worthless boy like Hari Singh. He knows that Hari Singh lied that
he knew how to cook. Still, he allows him to work for him. Anil is a
progressive young man. Being a writer himself, he knows the value of
education. He teaches Hari Singh to write his name. He promises to teach
him to write whole sentences and to add numbers. Anil knew all about the
theft. He knew how and when Hari had stolen the money and put it back
under the mattress. Neither his lips nor his eyes showed anything about it.
He didn’t want to hand Hari Singh over to the police. It would have mined
him. The thief had no option but to return to such a generous and large-
hearted person. The reformer, Anil rewarded the boy-thief by giving him a
fifty rupee note. He also promised to pay him regularly. Thus, we can say
that Anil was a thorough Gentleman.
Q3. Write a brief character-sketch of Hari Singh in the light of his honesty.
Express your opinion also.
Ans: Hari Singh, a boy of fifteen, was an experienced and successful thief.
He was successful because of his cleverness and intelligence. He planned
everything meticulously before choosing his victims. He went to places
where he would meet an unsuspecting victim. He would then win his
confidence to get a job. After sometime he used to run away after stealing
money from there. Then he used to change his name to befool the police
and his former employers. He was a liar. He got a job as a cook, though he
could not cook well. He was a greedy boy. He was cruel enough to rob a
simple and trusting man like Anil. He was able to steal six hundred rupees
from his house. But, there is transformation in the end of the story, when
he decides to come back to Anil and keep his trust alive. This shows that
there is goodness concealed in even the worst of men.
Q.4. What was Hari Singh reactions to the prospects of receiving an
Ans: Hari Singh thinks that the possibility of obtaining an education would
help him in his declaration which is stealing (by hiring fake documents
etc.) and he would grow as a rich man. Once he acquired a scholarship,
there would be no limits to what he could achieve in this job of being a
robber and conning and tricking people. But after stealing Anil’s property
he looks at getting educated in new enlightenment. In the exercise of the
theft, he had ignored about learning to write complete sentences. He now
understood that it was an easy matter to steal and sometimes quite as simple
to be found. But to be a really big man, a talented and respected man, he
required to be an educated person for then he would be able to gain far
more money than the few thousand rupees he stole that night. He came
back to Anil because it was raining and he had no spot to go. He also
understood that the only person whom he could trust and depend upon to
make him into a respectable man.
Q5. Why does not Anil hand the thief over to the police? Do you think most
people would have done so? In what way is Anil different from such
Ans. Anil did not hand over the thief to the police maybe because he knew
that Hari Singh had realized his mistake. He was feeling guilty for what he
had done and wanted to mend his ways. This was the reason why he had
come back and put the money back to its place. Anil wanted to give him a
chance to become a better person. No, I don't think that anybody in
today’s world would have done so because to do so, a person needs to have
a lot of patience and compassion which is missing in most of the people
today. In today's world a thief is considered a criminal even if he
realizes his mistake. It takes a lot of courage to trust someone who has
broken your trust once. Although i feel that if a person realizes his mistake
he must be given another chance to win back your trust.
Q6. Money can’t make a man as much as education can. Elucidate the
Ans:The statement stands true in almost all the aspects of life. Money may
buy us all the luxuries and fulfil our needs but it cannot buy us knowledge,
civilized thinking, skills and abilities to achieve our dreams. Education lays
the platform for all to act upon our goals according to our abilities.
Education enables us to keep up with the fast moving world. It opens the
door to opportunities we do not know even exist. Money, on the other hand,
can assist us to a certain level. It can buy us a plan but education gives us
the knowledge of its execution. Just as in the story ‘A Thief s Story’, Hari
Singh prioritized the chance of being literate over a few hundred rupees,
we must understand that education can help us to achieve whatever we
Q.7.Hari Singh didn’t board the express and returned to Anil. Why did he
return? On what values does this incidence put light on?
Ans:Hari Singh was a thief and he had stolen Anil’s money. After the theft,
he realized that he had robbed not only Anil but also himself of the chance
of being literate and having a bright future. His conscience pricked him to
think what all he could have got had he not done this. It was difficult for
him to rob Anil but it was tougher for him not to go back. He realized that
he could not make tea, buy daily supplies and learn how to read and write
then. His inner self did not agree to bypass this and forced him to return.
Hari’s return to Anil shows that despite indulging in criminal acts, he still
had a practical and positive attitude towards life. It is the awakening of
Hari’s conscience and Anil’s love and care that reformed Hari’s character.
It teaches us that love alone can change a person. Anil’s understanding
nature and care changed Hari’s thinking to mend his ways for good.
Q8.’The Thief’s Story ‘is an in-depth study of the human mind. Discuss.
Ans.The human mind is a very complex thing. It is a mixture of opposite
opinions.Sometimes a man fails to understand his own mind. In this story
the same thing has been presented by Ruskin Bond through the character of a
thief boy HariSingh. The boy starts working for Anil. His primary aim was to rob
him. Anil’s carelessness wins his heart. But the boy’s bad mind provokes him to
rob Anil of his money. One day he robs his six hundred rupees in fifties and runs
away to the station. But his good mind stops him boarding the train. He decides
to come back to Anil and return his money. So this story is an in-depth study of
the human mind.
1.The story reflects a change of a person from darkness to light.”-Discuss.
Ans. The story “The Thief’s story” by Ruskin Bond reflects the change of
a person from darkness to light. The narrator was a thief and was quite
experienced. He was a boy of fifteen years old. He used to change his name
every month in order to stay away from the police and the other employees.
He came to Anil for the same purpose. But Anil’s behaviour towards the
narrator changed him. The narrator flattered that Anil looked like a
wrestler. He even lied to him that he could cook. But Anil found that he
couldn’t cook, so he promised to teach him cooking. He taught him to write
his name and even told that he would teach him to write whole sentences
and numbers. One day, Anil brought a small bundle of notes and showed it
to the narrator. But he couldn’t stop himself from stealing. He escaped from
there and tried to catch the train. But then he found himself to be guilty. He
realised that he had made a mistake. He wanted to become educated. So,
he went back to Anil and the next morning Anil declared that he will be
paid from the next day. Moreover, he will also teach him to write full
2. Hari Singh suffered dualities of mind and at last, decided the good one”-
Discuss the statement.
Ans. In the story “The Thief’s story” by Ruskin Bond, Hari Singh, the thief,
suffered dualities of mind and at last decided the good one. At the age of
only fifteen years, he became an experienced one. He kept changing his
names in order to escape from the police and the other employees. Later,
he started living with Anil and learnt to write his name. Later, he tried to
rob Anil and escaped from there. He found that robbing a man like Anil
was quite difficult. He tried to escape by train but couldn’t go. He returned
back to Anil as he wanted to be educated. He wanted to learn whole
sentences and become a respected person in the society. That’s why he
returned the bundle of notes and the next day Anil promised to pay him
regularly from them.
3. The story is an embodiment of didactic lesson where a human must learn
what should be their course of action in life.”-Evaluate the statement.
Ans. The story “The Thief’s story” by Ruskin Bond is truly an embodiment
of didactic lesson. The thief, who was very skilled in stealing, had a wish
to become educated and become a respected person in the society. Anil was
so simple that he provided shelter to a stranger who was actually a thief.
He was like his teacher. He taught him to write his name and told that he
would also teach him to write full sentences. Not only that, but his attitude
also changed a thief and made him a good person. The narrator wanted to
become educated and was quite interested in learning. He realised his
mistake and returned the money to its owner. Anil got to know the matter,
and he might have punished the narrator but instead, he forgave him and
even announced that he would be paying him regularly from the next day.
Moreover, he also told that he would teach him to write whole sentences
from then. This would make the child thief an educated one.