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Research Journal of Textile and Leather (RJTL)

Available online at https://www.rjtl.org

Volume: 1, Issue: 2, 53-55, 2020
ISSN: 2708-3632
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46590/rjtl.2020.010204
Removal of Nicotine by Sorption Technique using Titanium Dioxide and
Mentha Peperita with Hydrophobic Treatment
R. Parthipan1, K. Rajkaran1, P.Rekha1, M.Soniyaa1* and M. Jesima2
Final Year Student, 2Assistant Professor,
Department of Fashion Technology, Sri Krishna Engineering College, Chennai-18, Tamil Nadu, India.
Paper History Abstract: Textile is an indispensable part of human life. Textile finishing not only
Received : July 2020 enhances the feel and drape of fabrics but can also provide extraordinary hygienic
Accepted : August 2020 properties like making it anti-microbial. The titanium dioxide doped with
Published : August 2020 Nanoparticles increases their susceptibility to sorption of nicotine and accelerates its
decomposition. Extraction of menthe piperita is applied to the fabric with titanium
dioxide. Hydrophobic and vinegar (used as modrant) by boiling with dip and dry
method on 100% cotton plain-woven fabric water-based super hydrophobic coating is
an aqua emulsion and containing flammable solvent regarding water, soil and oil
repellency after drying. The Sample with higher antimicrobial activity is found by the
Corresponding Author results and a Government is made for women. This Study makes a way for the usage
of eco-friendly and safe product which is produced using mentha on cotton fabric.
[email protected] Keywords: Anti-Bacterial activity, Dip and Dry, Mentha Piperita, Titanium Dioxide.
Citation: R. Parthipan, K. Rajkaran, P.Rekha, M.Soniyaa and M.Jesima, Removal of Nicotine by sorption technique using
Titanium dioxide and Mentha Peperita with Hydrophobic Treatment, Research Journal of Textile and Leather, 1(2), 53-55,

Natural treatment using herbal plant Mentha Piperita
Handloom Textile materials, because of their specific works as antimicrobial in textile finishing. Herbal
characters and affect the content of volatile pollutants Medicinal Plant has been the basis of treatment and
in the environment, including constituents of tobacco cure for various disease and physiological condition in
smoke The susceptibility of sorption was tested and it traditional method practised in India. It is precisely the
was found cotton fabric has the susceptibility of natural biomedical effect, which forms the basics for
absorption nicotine, which is a highly addictive sanitized and mentactive odour in textile finishing [5].
component [1].
Hydrophobic solution and vinegar act as a mordant
The decomposition by Titanium dioxide doped which helps in odour free and stain free and it is soil,
chemical treatment. A comparison of the oil, water repellent.[6]
decomposition of rate constants for the modified and
unmodified fiber shows that the decomposition process Inherent properties of textile fibres provide an
runs from 1.6 to 2.9 times faster for the modified fibers opportunity for the growth of microorganisms. Herbs
depending on the nature of modification[2]. are copiously available in nature, non-toxic and are
economical. Extracts from a plant which exhibit anti-
In our study, the photocatalytic effectiveness of the bacterial properties.
fibers was evaluated based on sorption and the nicotine
decomposition rate under the different condition and Due to their eco-friendly nature, it has a higher% of
also studied the effect of the photocatalytic acceptance in the market. These antibacterial extracts
modification on the Physicochemical properties of can be used as the textile finishing agents in the solvent
fibers[3]. [7].

Cotton fiber contains physical and chemical properties 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS
that induce good comfort, thermal resistant, high Materials Cotton is a natural vegetable fiber which
durability, absorbency, ease of finishing and dyeing. It provides good warmth, feel and texture to the wearers
is one of the most preferable fibre because it has good comfortable. Cotton fiber can attain good absorption
drape and texture [4]. and moisture content. Selecting100%. Pure cotton for

Parthipan, et.al, Research Journal of Textile and Leather (RJTL), 1(2) , 53-55, 2020
this study to obtain the accurate product. Cotton fabric 3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
may contain natural impurities, and they are removed
3.1 Antibacterial Activity
by scouring Process during manufacturing
Table 1. display the antibacterial activity of control
2.1 Collection of Plant Materials
and treated sample against staphylococcus Aureus and
The plant Mentha peperita was obtained from the Escherichia coli were evaluated by disc diffusion
natural environment. The plant is placed under the method.
sunlight. Those plants are placed under room Table 1. Antibacterial Test
temperature. The dried plants of Menthapeperita have
Antimicrobial properties which aid in natural treatment. Reduction of
Test Microorganism
2.2 Collection of Chemical Material Bacteria ( %)
Escherichia coliform 99.9 %
The Titanium dioxide can decompose the nicotine by
sorption technique. Titania powder is dry roasted and
Staphylococcus aureus 99.9 %
set for further treatment with mentha. 3.2 Colour Fastness to Washing
2.3 Method of Extraction Table 2 displays the antibacterial activity was
The herbs are dried under sunlight for about 2 to 3days. evaluated after washing at 40˚C for 30 minutes. The
Then the titania powder is boiled for30 minutes, After herbal finished fabric showed good antibacterial
that mentha extract are allowed to is mix well in the activity against both staphylococcus aureus and
boiled water, now the solutions were prepared. The Escherichiacoli.
mentha and titania fine powder is boiled well for one Table 2. Colour Fastness to Washing
hour under a suitable temperature for deep penetration
Particulars Report Value
of the fine powder in the water.
Colour Change
2.4 Method of Finishing 4
Sample cloth 25cm x 25cm cotton woven fabric was Staining
treated with 500ml of optimized treated solution. The Acetate 4-5
solution was stirred well for better fixation for every 10 Cotton 3
minutes. The fabric was dipped into the solution for Nylon 3
about 6-7 hours. Then the fabric sample is taken out, Polyester 3
squeezed and dried for 12 hours (shadow dry) without Acrylic 4-5
washing. After drying the fabrics are treated with the Wool 4-5
hydrophobic solution for stain, oil, water repellent. 3.3 Abrasion Resistance
2.5 Evaluation of Test Report Table 3 display the abrasion resistance of the sample
As per the ASTM test method, The antimicrobial was evaluated by Martindale abrasion tester. The
activity of the control sample was evaluated by the sample showed a good report value.
American Association of Textiles Chemist and Table 3. Abrasion Resistance
Colorists 100 Test method. The sample was neutralized
in phosphate buffer solution at 24+/- 1˚C for 1 hour. Particulars Value
The samples were placed on the surface of the medium
Length (Wales) Grade-4
and the dishes were kept for incubation at 40˚C for 24
hours. At the end of the incubation, the zone of Width(Course) Grade-4
incubation was formed around the fabric was ensured
in centimetre and recorded. 4. CONCLUSIONS

The treated sample was analyzed for their wash The results proved that the selected herb and chemical
durability by subjecting the samples to washing and such as Mentha piperita and titanium dioxide were
testing their antimicrobial efficiency by Disc diffusion suitable for antibacterial finishing on woven cotton
method. The ISO 105 C06 : 2010 test method was fabric. The hydrophobic solution used is stain resistant.
followed to analyze the colour fastness to washing. The The herbal finished sample showed good antibacterial
laundro meter was used for this purpose. The abrasion activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia
resistance of the sample was tested in Martindale coliform. Hence it is considered as Eco-friendly
abrasion tester. The ISO 12945-2-2010 test method was method of finishing.

Parthipan, et.al, Research Journal of Textile and Leather (RJTL), 1(2) , 53-55, 2020
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