ML Assignments

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Shri K J Polytechnic, Bharuch

Computer Engineering Department

Subject Code : 4350702 Semester : 5
Subject Name: Introduction of Machine Learning Class : DIV 2
Teaching Scheme(hrs. per week) : TH : 3 PR : 4 Term : 231
Faculty Name : Neha Dalwadi Term Date: 27/07/2023 to 16/12/2023
(Internship 27/07/23 to 30/8/23)

Assignment – 1 (CO1)
1. Define machine learning
2. Describe the four types of machine-learning systems.
3. What is the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning.
4. Name the unsupervised tasks.
5. Why are testing and validation important?
6. Differentiate between classification and regression.
7. Which type of machine learning system should you use to learn spam email detection? Brief
about selected model.
8. Which type of machine learning system should you use to make a
robot learn how to walk?
9. Explain suitable learning model to increase supermarket revenue.
10. What are different tools and technologies available for solving problems
in machine learning? Give details about any two of them.

Assignment – 2 (CO2/CO3)
1. Write a Pandas program to implement following operation
• to convert a NumPy array to a Pandas series
• to convert the first column of a DataFrame as a Series
• to create the mean and standard deviation of the data of a given Series
• to sort a given Series: [12,25,6,4,8,10,21,22]
2. Describe about ndarray with syntax in Python.
3. Write a Pandas program to create a plot of Open, High, Low, Close, Adjusted Closing prices
and Volume of given company between two specific dates.
4. List mathematical and statistical functions with syntax on Numpy array in python.
5. Write syntax to create a 3x3 matrix with values ranging from 15 to 30.
6. Write syntax to create another shape from an array without changing its data (2*1 to 1*2).
7. What is significance of Pandas library?
8. Differentiate between Numpy and Pandas.
9. Write command to create Series object from a list of values.
10. Create a series having the names of 3 students in your class and assign their roll numbers
as index values. Also use attributes: index, dtype, shape, ndim with series.
11. Differentiate between and plt.savefig() in Matplotlib. Write syntax to plot line
graph with blue color, and title.
12. Exolain Matplotlib functions plot(), bar() with all possible arguments.
Shri K J Polytechnic, Bharuch
Computer Engineering Department
Assignment – 3 (CO1/CO4)
1. If you have a set that contains a huge number of features (millions of them), which
regression algorithm should you use, and why?
2. Explain, in details, the process of evaluating the performance of a classification model.
3. Can the performance of a learning model be improved? If yes, explain how.
4. Write short note on Holdout method and K-fold Cross validation.
5. Is there a way to use a classification model for a numerical data or a regression model on a
categorical data? Explain your answer.
6. Define Classification Model. How to evaluate the performance of Classification Model?
7. What are the main activities involved when you are preparing to start with modelling in
machine learning?
8. Give the purpose of confusion matrix and explain it with example.

Assignment – 4 (CO4)
1. What is supervised learning? Why it is called so?
2. Give an example of supervised learning in a hospital industry.
3. Give any three examples of supervised learning.
4. What is classification and regression in a supervised learning?
5. Give some examples of common classification algorithms.
6. What are the advantages of the kNN algorithm?
7. What are the disadvantages of the kNN algorithm?
8. Explain, in brief, the decision tree algorithm.
9. What is node and leaf in decision tree?
10. What is entropy of a decision tree?
11. Define kernel in the SVM model.
12. What are the factors determining the effectiveness of SVM?

Assignment – 5 (CO5)
1. How unsupervised learning is different from supervised learning? Explain with some
2. Mention few application areas of unsupervised learning.
3. What are the broad three categories of clustering techniques? Explain the characteristics of
each briefly.
4. Describe how the quality of clustering is measured in the k-means algorithm?
5. Describe the main difference in the approach of k-means and k-medoids algorithms with a
neat diagram.

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