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Life Skills

C20-COMMON-508; LIFE SKILLS ( Lab Practice)









State Board of Technical Education and Training, A.P.

This is to certify that Mr / Ms. ____________________________________

bearing PIN ____________________________of THIRD year Diploma in

___________________branch has attended the required number of Lab

classes of C20-Common-508;Life Skills as part of the fifth / sixth semester

academic programme during the years ____________________. This is a

bona fide record of his / her lab practice of Life Skills and has been

accepted / rejected after the check.

External Examiner English faculty in charge

( Internal Examiner)

Head of General Section


C20-COMMON-508; LIFE SKILLS ( Lab Practice)

State Board of Technical Education and Training,

A.P. Mangalagiri

In the context of globalization, acquisition of technical skills,

communicative ability and soft skills is the need of the hour. Students of
Technical Education are expected to equip themselves with the necessary
knowhow and skill-kit in order to meet the requirements of the industry. They
have to update themselves and hone their skills from time to time.
The State Board of Technical Education and Training, Mangalagiri, A.P.
has been a pioneer in revising and updating the Curriculum as and when
needed so that students can improve their employability skills. SBTET has
already provided the students of C20 Curriculum with two books ‘Interact’ and
‘Communication Skills’ for first and second years. The effort in bringing out
this book titled ‘Life Skills’, prepared by the faculty of English of Polytechnics in
A.P is a good step to groom the students. I congratulate the contributors on
their effort in preparing this book. I hope the book will have an impact on both
personal and professional life of students.

Mangalagiri Smt. C. Nagarani I.A.S,

June 2023 Commissioner of Technical Education
State Board of Technical Education & Training, A.P.

Preparation of a book on ‘Life Skills’, targeting teenage Engineering Diploma

students is a herculean task. However, it is a rich and rewarding experience for the course
writers and editors. Diploma students need to learn about life skills as part of their training
for their employment along with their core skills. The objective of this book is to fill the void
between desirable work environment of industry and students. We are greatly indebted to
Smt. C. Nagarani IAS, Commissioner, Department of Technical Education, Government of
A.P. for her valuable support and guidance at every stage of this endeavour.

We earnestly thank Sri. V. Padma Rao, Joint Director of Technical Education,

A.P., Sri. K. V. Ramana Babu, Secretary (FAC), SBTET, A.P., Dr. B. Janaki Ramaiah J.S
(COE), Sri. G.V.V.S.Murthy, J.S ( Academic), Sri. D.V.S.S.N.V.Prasad Babu, D.S.
(Academic) and the team for their cooperation and guidance in completion of this task.

We are thankful to the English faculty of Polytechnics who have directly or indirectly
contributed and mostly to our students who have been our source of moral strength behind
this task. We hope teachers and students will make an optimum use of this book and give us
their feedback for making improvements in editions to come.

Editorial Committee
Authors & Editors

Editorial Committee:

1. Dr. B. Sai Lakshmi D.O, O/o CTE, Vijayawada (Rtd.)

2. Dr. L. Vijaya Lakshmi, Principal, GPT, Chinamerangi

3. Dr. M. David Raju, HGS, GPT, Krosur

4. Dr. VLVN. Narendra Kumar, L / English, GPT, Atmakur ( Rtd).

Course Writers:

1. Dr. L. Vijaya Lakshmi, Principal, GPT, Chinamerangi

2. Dr. S.V.Gowri Sankar HGS, SV GPT, Tirupathi

3. Dr. M. David Raju, HGS, GPT, Krosur

4. Dr. V. Naresh Babu, HGS, MRGAR GPT, Vizianagaram

5. Dr. VLVN. Narendra Kumar, L / English, GPT, Atmakur ( Rtd).

6. Mr. M. Shobhan Babu SL/English, GPT Vijayawada

7. Mr. M. Sundeep SL/English, SVGPT, Tirupathi

8. Dr. K. Saralabai L/English, GPT, Vishakhapatnam

9. Mr. N. Suresh, L/English, GPM, Guntur

10. Mr. D. Jan Rajeev, L/ English, GPT, Vijayawada

To Students…

Objective of this book: This book titled “Life Skills” is part of the coursework prescribed for
all the fifth / sixth semester of all the Engineering branches of Polytechnics in Andhra
Pradesh. It is the third and final work book in the series of English Work books in C20
Curriculum. You have already made use of the books INTERACT in your first year and
COMMUNICATION SKILLS in second year courses. After having undergone the training in
Functional English and Communication Skills earlier, this year you are going to learn about
Life Skills which empower you with the necessary skill kit. The ultimate purpose of this book
is to enlighten the students about life skills and make them understand, inculcate and apply
them in their personal and professional life and to win the people and situations in their future
work-places and in the society.

Selection of Topics: The basic eleven skills are carefully picked to impart the practical
training to every Diploma student in Andhra Pradesh and make him / her industry ready. The
book starts with the fundamental skill of attitude that helps one think and respond positively
and to become successful in personal and professional life. Then it helps the students to
understand the necessity of getting adjusted through the skill of adaptability followed by goal
setting that make them realise the purpose in life and thus make them achievers. The book
emphasizes the importance of self-motivation without which one can never achieve anything
in life. Further lessons provide the student to hone the skills of time management and stress
management enabling them to learn how to meet the targets on time and lead a tense-free life.
The importance of teamwork and leadership are shown as very necessary skills that make one
endeared in any organisation. The skills of creativity, critical thinking and problem solving
help the students become trouble shooters, shine and excel in their career. Nevertheless, the
book is prepared in view to provide a wholesome practice on the necessary life skills.

How to use this book: All the lessons are framed in a fixed format that help the students
break the monotony and sustain the joy of learning. The objectives provide the bird’s eye
view of the lesson and the preparatory activity draws the attention of the student towards the
target skill with an attempt of introducing the topic. The word bank and additional
information provide the opportunity to gather necessary vocabulary and essential knowledge
of the skill. Each lesson will have three to four activities that make every student think,
discuss, participate and perform to understand and learn the target skill. The exercises are
designed as individual, pair and group activities that make each student a live and vibrant
learner. They can easily pick the essence of each skill through simple anecdotes, grids to fill,
jotting down one’s reflections, recollecting the past experiences, applying the learned skill to
future or imaginary life situations. The wrap up session gives an opportunity to reflect what is
learnt in that class. Assignments are given as homework to brush up the skills for
reinforcement and each lesson ends with suggested readings and web links that give scope to
have a panoramic view of the skill. At the end of the eleven lessons, there are perforated
Assessment sheets, one for each lesson to answer some basic questions and recall what a
student has actually learnt about that specific skill. After completion of each lesson, in the
last ten minutes of the class, every student is expected to answer the Assessment sheet and
submit it to the teacher. The teacher makes an evaluation of the student’s comprehension of
the skill and award marks. In turn, the teacher considers the marks of all the eleven lessons
for awarding sessional marks at the end.

Salient Features: The activities are designed exploiting CLT (Communicative Language
Teaching) techniques that make every student an active participant, where the teacher acts as
facilitator and making the class a learner-centred one. The peer learning, discussion, brain
storm, inferential questions, brief presentations make the student learn by doing rather than
depending on teacher’s explanation. KWL (What I already knew- What I must learn – What I
have learnt ) technique is observed to raise the interest among the students and to make the
journey of learning interesting from known to unknown. The activities vary in their pattern to
continue the interest in learning and help students focus on the target skill. We hope that the
teachers will put their best efforts in imparting the training on life skills and students will
certainly make the best use of this book by learning and applying them in their personal and
professional life.

Editorial Committee

Lessons Page No.

1. Attitude 1-10
2. Adaptability 11-19
3. Goal Setting 20-28
4. Motivation 29-38
5. Time Management 39-46
6. Critical Thinking 47-53
7. Creativity 54-60
8. Problem Solving 61-68
9. Team Work 69-76
10. Leadership 77-85
11. Stress Management 86-95
...the root of success & happiness
Learning Outcomes

On completion of this lesson, you will be able to…

 define „Attitude‟ and realise its importance to become successful in all walks of life
 exercise to improve self-esteem, make a distinction between positive and negative
 make SWOC analysis and adopt „Life-response‟

On Your Mark! 10 min.

 Role play the following dialogue with your partner:

Prasanth: Hi, sister, give me your chocolate...

( he tries to pull it from her)
Shalini: No, it‟s mine, let me eat it,….eat your chocolate.
Prasanth: Mom, Mom….see…sister is not….
Mom: What happened Shalini? Why are you shouting?

Shalini: It‟s not me Mom, Prasanth is shouting.

Mom: What happened to him? Have I not given you both the chocolate bars?

Shalini: Yes Mom, I am eating mine, but brother is trying to grab mine too….

Mom: ( comes to the children) Why Prasanth? Why are you doing so?

Prasanth: Mom, boo…I have already swallowed half. Now I have only half a chocolate left,
….it will also vanish soon…..booo….

Mom: So what? Don‟t act too smart, eat your own chocolate silently. What about yours,

Shalini: Yes Mom, I have still half more to enjoy….so..yummy…ha…ha…

 Now Discuss with your partner and answer the

i) How does Prasanth look at his half remained chocolate?


ii) How does Shalini look at her piece of chocolate?


iii) Who is the happier of the two and why?



iv) What are the two kinds of attitudes you find between the siblings?


v) What is really needed to be happy and successful in life?


Generating Word Bank Pair Work 10 min.

Think and gather as many words / phrases as you can about the
traits of the two kinds of Attitude:
Positive Attitude Negative Attitude
( the traits we have to inculcate ) ( the traits that we have to give up )
Optimism Pessimism

Self confidence Lack of confidence


Activity 1 Individual Work 15 min.

 Answer the following:

I. What is meant by Self-esteem? Can you give a few similar words?

Ans) ______________________________________________________________

II. Say „Yes‟ or „No‟ to the following:

a) Do you love, respect and believe in yourself? Yes / No

b) Do you think you deserve love and respect of others? Yes / No

c) Do you consider yourself sincere and honest? Yes / No

Your thinking of
d) Do you respect others and help them? Yes / No yourself is much
more important than
e) Do you make creative and new attempts? Yes / No others.

f) Do you have confidence in your own abilities? Yes / No

g) Do you feel enthusiastic to face the challenges and prove your ability? Yes / No

h) Do you learn and update your knowledge regularly? Yes / No

i) Do you mingle with others and make friends easily? Yes / No

j) Do you try to win over laziness, fear, inferiority, negativity etc.? Yes / No

III. Write down the key words/ phrases/ aspects that improve your self-esteem.



IV. What kind of attitude would one inculcate with the traits you mentioned in the above
answer? ____________________________________________________________________

Learning Chest 15 min.

Attitude is way of thinking, viewing and responding to a person, situation or

environment. It also includes our feelings, beliefs, perspectives, our way of looking at
things and our behaviour based on previously formed opinions.
“An attitude can be as a positive or negative evaluation of people, objects, events,
activities, and ideas. It could be concrete, abstract or just about anything in your
environment”. ( Wikipedia)
 Your Attitude is everything; decides your failure or success; it helps you inculcate
every other life skill. It moulds your personality, gives you an image in the
society. Your positive attitude, self-esteem, confidence, right perspective, right
decisions and right actions help you win people and situations.
 You need to discard your wrong beliefs, false opinions, baseless assumptions to
inculcate a positive attitude. If you want to be happy and successful in all walks of
life, you need to shift from negativity to positivity. Positive Attitude helps you
turn the negative situations to your advantage.
 „Life Response‟ is the capacity to attract or create favourable circumstances and
events from the world around us that appear to occur by 'chance' or 'luck' rather
than as a direct result of our own physical actions.
 Components of Attitude:
a) Cognitive: Your thoughts and beliefs about the subject/ person/situation/place
b) Affective: How the object, person, issue, place or event makes you feel
c) Behavioural: How attitude influences your behaviour/ response
 Be positive in your thoughts, emotions and actions. Maintaining a positive attitude
all through life impacts one's social status, physical health, and long term success.

SWOT / SWOC Analysis: We need to be self-critical;

analyse and evaluate our merits and demerits, assess
opportunities and challenges before we venture into any
task. We should understand these four aspects, address
them and formulate our own success strategy in personal
life and career. It also helps us to overcome our
shortcomings and reach our goal; shift from negativity to

Internal aspects External aspects


The Positive Thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible,

and achieves the impossible.

Activity 2 Pair Work 15 min.

 Read the story below; discuss it with your partner before you
answer the questions that follow:

Many years ago a famous British shoe company sent two of its salesmen to Africa to
investigate and report back on the market potential. The first salesman made a thorough
survey and reported back: "There is no potential here - nobody wears shoes." The second
salesman too investigated and submitted his report: "There is massive potential here - nobody
wears shoes."
a) What was the task given to the two salesmen?
b) What was the observation of the first salesman?

c) What did the second salesman observe?

d) What are the two kinds of perspectives that you find?
e) Whose attitude is better and why?
Activity 3 Pair + Individual Work 20 min.

 Discuss the topic given below with your partner; but fill in the
grid individually with relevant words and phrases. Assess your
own strengths & weaknesses and external opportunities & challenges to make an
honest personal SWOC analysis. Later, plan to address your weaknesses and move
towards positivity.
 You are going to give a seminar next day on one of the topics of your
core subject. You have prepared everything. It is your first seminar; so
you feel tensed. Make a personal SWOC analysis and fill the table with
words or phrases pertaining to those aspects. You can use the words like: notes, anxiety,
stage fear, Language skills, appreciation, teacher’s presence and evaluation, peer
pressure etc.


Ex: preparation Getting good marks

4A : Read the following anecdote and answer the questions that follow:

15 min.
In ancient times, a king had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched
to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king‟s wealthiest merchants and
courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the king for not keeping
the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the big stone out of the way. Then a
peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. On approaching the boulder, the peasant
laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing
and straining, he finally succeeded. As the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he
noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. Be Positive in your …
The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the king
indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the
boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many
others never understand. Every obstacle presents an
opportunity to improve one‟s condition. It is possible to turn
situations into our favour with a positive attitude.

a) What kind of attitude do we find from the wealthiest merchants?

b) Does the peasant with vegetables really need to move the boulder?
c) What made the peasant move the boulder?
d) Relate peasant‟s attitude to Life Response :
e) If you were the peasant, what would you do? Give your honest answer:

Activity 4 B: Individual work 20 min.

Positive attitude is the most desired trait to accomplish and achieve
success either in personal life or career. The hurdles in one’s life could be
overcome through one’s attitude. Now, read the following questions and
answer them.
a) Write two things that you think are the problems that you are facing at present:
i) _______________________________________________
ii) ______________________________________________
b) How do you look at those problems? Choose your own answer: ( )

i) as hurdles that block or delay your progress.

ii) as paths that lead to failures and ruin your life.

iii) as opportunities to prove your capabilities.

iv) as things that should be ignored and let them take their own turn.

c) Read the following short poem and interpret it bringing out its inner
message in three or four sentences of your own. Source: Pirates of the
Caribbean (film series)
“I salute the divinity in myself; I am strong and able.

I can do all that I need to do this day.

My mind is alert, my body vital and healthy

and my way will be strewn with golden opportunities.

No matter what this day may bring to me,

there is in me that which is great enough to meet it,

overcome it, and be blessed by it!”

Gist: ____________________________________________________________



Activity 5 Group Work 20 min.

 Discuss the following quotes of the great visionary Dr. Abdul

Kalam in your group and prepare a brief note.
 A spoke person from each group chooses one of the following
quotes and presents / explains before the class about Dr. Kalam’s idea of attitude.
a) “Without your involvement you can‟t succeed, with your involvement you
can‟t fail”.
b) “Do we not realize that self-respect comes with self-reliance?”
c) “Your best teacher is your last mistake”.
d) “Dream is not the thing you see in sleep but it is that
thing that doesn't let you sleep.”
e) “Problems are common, but attitude makes the difference!!!”

Now, Answer the following question individually:

Write a few lines about your personal experience/ an incident where

you showed positive attitude or changed your attitude from negative to









Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of

changing himself

Wrap up 10 min.

Recall what you have learnt about Attitude. One or two students may make brief
presentations in the class.

Home Assignments:

1: Write a few lines about whose Attitude in your family you like and why.

2: Count the total value of the numbers related to the letters of the following words where: A
=1, B=2, C=3, D=4………X=24,Y=25, Z=26.

Find which word has more value.


( Example: LUCK = 12+21+3+11= 47 )

“A positive attitude is a person’s passport to a better tomorrow” - Jeff Keller

Suggested Readings & web links :
1. You Can Win: A Step by Step Tool for Top Achievers &
Living with Honour by Shiv Khera
2. As a Man Thinketh by James Allen
3. How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
4. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
5. The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz
6. The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale
7. https://www.slideshare.net/simrandeep/attitude-6827762
8. https://www.slideshare.net/gunjs1/swot-analysis-27003882
9. https://youtu.be/Z2o50v-SwJY
10. https://youtu.be/WERQQmJh95g
11. https://youtu.be/9KgWPTv8Gz8
(Read the biographies of achievers like Helen Keller, Thomas Alva Edison, Mahatma

The Great are different from The failure in only one thing;
and it is “Different Attitude”
Lesson 1 - ATTITUDE Assessment Sheet: Date: _____________

Name of the Student ________________________________PIN ______________

1. Define Attitude in a sentence or two:_________________________________



2. What are the two kinds of Attitude and which one is better?


3. What human traits do you think that would form a Positive Attitude?



4. State whether TRUE or FALSE :

a) Attitude is an instinctive or inborn quality. T/ F

b) Attitude is like any other skill; it can be practised and acquired. T /F

c) Change of one‟s attitude is impossible. T / F

d) Attitude determines our failure or success. T / F

e) Positive Attitude does not always ensure happiness. T / F

5. State Yes / No to the following:

a) I am an optimistic person. Y / N

b) I don‟t give up my opinions and beliefs even when I am wrong. Y / N

c) I don‟t care about my future plans. Y / N

d) I shall change my attitude if necessary. Y /N

e) I suspect everything and every person. Y / N

f) I give up when there are inadequate resources. Y / N

g) Positive Attitude can‟t bring success every time. Y / N

h) Positive Attitude helps me inculcate all life skills. Y / N

_____________________ ******************* ___________________

…adjust to excel____
Learning Outcomes

On completion of this lesson, you will be able to…

 define the skill of adaptability and appraise its importance in real life situations

 make yourself fit into changing situations

 accept changes to overcome difficulties and be successful

On Your Mark! Pair Work 15 min.

Observe the following species and think about their special survival skills; answer the
questions that follow:

1. What is the specialty of a chameleon and a moth (in the last picture)? Why do they need that
special quality?


2. How does a tortoise cover its fragile body?

3. Why do the small fish always move in a group and form into a round ball?

4. Why do some birds travel to faraway places?


5. Why is camel called the „ship of the desert‟?


6. What is the common ability or skill that you find among all these animals?

Generating Word Bank Pair Work 15 min.

Discuss with your partner and recollect some words and phrases related to the
skill of adaptability:




Activity 1 Individual + Pair Work 10+15 min.

Read the following anecdote individually, discuss with your partner and
answer the questions that follow:

There were two dinosaurs living in the interior crates of a huge cave. They
were the last of the species that had survived all the changes and calamities on the earth, and
took rest for thousands of years without coming out of those crates. All other dinosaurs died
while fighting each other or due to wild fire, climatic extremes, volcanic eruption and so on.
They could not adapt themselves to the changes that occurred on earth and so they were extinct.
Now, the last two survived dinosaurs awoke, came out of the crates and decided to dominate the
world with their huge bodies. On leaving their home in which they stayed for thousands of years,
everything was new to them, very different to what they saw earlier. However, for days, they
walked and walked to find other species fight and demolish everything to prove their supremacy.
They stood on a hilltop and found a small town a few miles away. The town, its houses and
people seemed like tiny dots from the hill top. Never having seen the houses and human beings
before, the dinosaurs leapt down the mountainside, ready to destroy anything that stood in their
way. But in contrast, after reaching the town, they found the houses were getting bigger and
bigger, people becoming giants. Dinosaurs stood still at a street corner watching the town‟s
business. Suddenly a school boy of seven years saw the dinosaurs and yelled, "Daddy! Daddy!
I've found here two tiny dinosaurs! Can I keep them as my pets?"

(Abridged from: https://freestoriesforkids.com/children/stories-and-tales/last-dinosaurs)

1. Where were the last two dinosaurs sleeping for thousands of years?


2. How did the species of dinosaurs become extinct?


3. How did the houses and people appear to the dinosaurs from the hilltop?


4. Were they able to destroy everything in the town?


5. Are the last two dinosaurs huge and mighty now? If not, what could be the reason?



Learning Chest 20 min.

Adaptability is “to make suitable to requirements or conditions; adjust or modify fittingly.”

(Random House 2010). Adaptability then is concerned with one‟s capacity to get adjusted to suit
new situations. Adaptability is often referred to as agility or flexibility.

 Adaptability refers to the ability or the skill to adjust and accommodate in ever changing
and often unpredictable physical, interpersonal, cultural, and task environments. One has
to inculcate and exhibit one‟s skill of adaptability in cognitive, behavioral and emotional
fronts. In our life we face the changing phenomena of time, place, comfort levels and
resources that demand the skill of adaptability for our survival and success.

 People living in igloos, deserts, forests and on top of the mountains need to adjust a lot
with the minimum resources and harsh living conditions. They should be able to make
changes in response to the environment. The employees of an organisation that is going
through a lot of changes mostly require the skill of adaptability to update themselves and
to get adjusted to the changing phenomena. On the same lines an animal in nature needs
to adjust with different weather conditions, food and other resources for living.

 Leave Your Comfort Zone

Sometimes, we need to leave our comfort zone because no one

gets everything they want at the same place for ever. A small
change in your routine, job, place may bring better results,
better relationships and more happiness. So one needs to sense
the change, accept the change and adapt to the change to move
forward and become successful. By remaining adaptable we
become more comfortable, and we remain open to possibilities
that we didn‟t even know existed.

Adaptability or Agility or Flexibility


 Adapting successfully to changing

situations & environments.

 Keeping calm in the face of difficulties.

 Planning ahead, but having alternative

options in case things go wrong.

 Thinking quickly to respond to sudden

changes in circumstances.

 Persisting in the face of unexpected


Activity 2 (Individual + Pair Work) 15+15 min.

 Read the following story individually.
 Discuss with your partner and answer the questions that follow.
“Who Moved My Cheese?” is an interesting and very popular parable written by
Spencer Johnson to highlight the significance of the skill of Adaptability. In that story there are
two small rats (mice) named Sniff and Scurry and two dwarf humans who are the size of mice
named Hem and Haw. All these four live in a maze, a puzzle like
huge building. There is a huge stack of cheese in the maze at one
point, so all the four settle near cheese station. The humans think
they‟re more sophisticated, but they are arrogant and lazy and
don‟t move from their comfort zone. They take it for granted that
the food is plenty and they need not work or move from that place.
But the mice are always vigilant, active and ready for new things.

After some days the mice notice that the cheese started getting reduced and they‟re ready to
move on if the cheese disappears. They start checking for the new source of their food and
finally they discover a new station in the maze that has more cheese. One day, the cheese runs
out and the humans are shocked. The humans don‟t foresee this danger. They fail to sense the
danger due to their arrogance and fear of change. They scream angrily, “WHO MOVED MY

The humans complain, get bitter and blame each other for lack of
food. They hope that they will get cheese at the same place and try to dig
the wall but of no use. Eventually, Hem gets smart and decides to move
and explore the maze for other sources. He tries to convince his partner
to go with him, but he doesn‟t succeed. He finds tiny bits of a new type
of cheese in the maze. Hem brings new bits of cheese to Haw. Haw
refuses to eat it because it is different in taste and he is reluctant to move
from that place.

Hem pushes past his fears and starts exploring for cheese and learns
many life lessons in his journey. He writes a few lessons on the wall from time to time to
encourage himself to move forward. He also hopes that his friend Haw will someday find his
writings on wall and follow him. Hem finally finds a new place deep in the maze that has a ton
of cheese, including all sorts of new types. He also meets the mice Sniff and Scurry again, who
arrive here long before he does. He decides it‟s best to let Haw find his own way; he realizes
Haw has to change on his own.

(Abridged from the Source : https://willyoulaugh.com/who-moved-my-cheese-book-summary-


1. Who are the four characters in the story?

2. What difference do you find between the mice and the humans?


3. What is the reaction of the humans when the cheese vanishes?

4. What are the reasons for the humans‟ failure in sensing the danger?


4. Why does Haw refuse to eat the bits of new cheese? Which trait makes him reject?


5. How and where does Hem find the new source of cheese?


6. Why does Hem write his lessons on the wall?


7. What do you think are the lessons Hem had learned and wrote on the wall? Try to write four
different lessons that help inculcate Adaptability.

a) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

b) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

c) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

d) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

“You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone;
change begins at the end of your comfort zone.” - Roy T. Bennett

Activity 3 Group Work 10+15 min.

Assume that you are a B.Tech graduate and have been working as a software
Engineer comfortably in your hometown for a meager salary. Now you are
offered a huge salary with conditions of undergoing a vigorous training for six months at the
company headquarters in the USA and must work for at least three years abroad. Then you will
be given an opportunity to work in India.

 Now discuss the given situation in your group.

 Fill in the following table with your worst fears, apprehensions, unforeseen problems
like new place, people, food, language, work culture, hard work, change of weather etc.
and find solutions about how you adapt or adjust to the new challenges and become

 The spokesperson of your group will present the group‟s ideas before the class.

Problems / Challenges due to displacement Your Solutions based on the skill of


If you transform yourself for a good deed, you may be a winner.

Wrap up 10 min.

Recall what you have learnt about Adaptability One or two students may make a brief

1. Write about your personal experience in which you exhibited your skill of adaptability.

2. There are three similar words of the same skill suggested by images in the following picture.
Expand the quote inside the picture and write a paragraph about how those images relate to the
skill of Adaptability.

Suggested Reading & Web Links

1. Who Moved My Cheese? - Spencer Johnson

2. Adaptability: The Art of Winning in an Age of Uncertainty- Max McKeown

3. Adaptability: How To Survive Change You Didn't Ask For - M. J. Ryan

4. Adaptability: Responding Effectively to Change - Allan Calarco and Joan Gurvis

5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16hxCB1Dvd4 ( Short film “ Who Moved My Cheese?”)

6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Bf5YOAxL_s

6. www.success.com/article/do-you-have-adaptability

7. https://www.slideshare.net/pauljlange/adaptability-a-life-process-11760941

8. https://www.slideshare.net/TriFinanceBelgium/adaptability-44871118

The surrounding won’t change for you but you need to change.
Lesson 2 - ADAPTABILITY Assessment Sheet Date: _____________

Name of the Student _____________________________________ PIN ______________

1. Define Adaptability: ______________________________________________________


2. In what areas/situations do we need the skill of Adaptability?


3. Do you believe that the skill of Adaptability helps to face any new situation?



4. What should be our response to the changes in our lives?


 Answer Yes / No to the following:

5. Adaptability is wearing a mask suitable to a situation ______________

6. Adaptability can‟t be learnt by everyone. _____________________

7. Adaptability means yielding to circumstances. ___________________

8. We should leave our comfort zone if needed. ____________________

9. Displacement may bring better results. _________________________

10. Planning and alternative solutions are not part of adaptability.__________

…end in mind, plan and reach

Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this lesson you will be able to…
 define goal setting and attempt to set clear goals.
 set personal and professional goals with SMARTER features.
 design your personal short and long term & career goals.

On Your Mark ! Individual Work 15 min.

Observe the following pictures and answer the questions that follow:

i) What is the common missing thing in the three pictures of the first row?
ii) What is odd in the three pictures of the second row?
iii) What is very essential to achieve something or reach a destination?
iv) What would a journey be like without a destination?
v) Mention the two essential aspects of a goal that you derive from the pictures.
Generating Word Bank Pair Work 15 min.
Here are a few words for you to begin with. Think and gather a few
more words related to goal setting


Activity 1 Pair Work 20 min

We usually set goals for our personal life and career. But here are some great visionary
leaders of the world with their clear and huge goals that they had achieved for their people.
Identify these leaders in Set A and match them with their goals achieved in Set B in the table
given below.
Set A Set B
a) Extend love and service to
b) Achieve equal rights for the

c) To obtain equality and social

justice for the under privileged in
1 2

d) To achieve Independence for

India from the British rule

e) To abolish slavery in the USA

f) To achieve native rule in South

3 4
5 6
S.No. Leader’s name S.No. His / Her Goals

Learning Chest 15 min.

A goal is a final destination point to reach. We take up a journey to reach a certain place.
In life, one needs clear goals to achieve something purposeful and enjoy a successful life.
Goal setting is a skill that draws our attention to follow a systematic approach to set, define
our goals, and pursue them till we fulfil our dreams. Life without goals will be aimless,
frustrating and unbecoming. But setting clear and suitable goals and achieving them make us
winners and happy. We may have life term or temporary goals and we can classify them as
short term and long term goals. One can set new goals after achieving the older ones to make
life meaningful and enthusiastic.
 A short-term goal is something that can be accomplished in near future, can be
achieved today, tomorrow, this week, this month, in six months or even this year
like getting through exams, winning a medal, writing a story.
 A long-term goal is something that can be accomplished in future like building a
comfortable house, buying a luxury car, making a world trip etc. We need to set
personal goals, career goals and sometimes the goals for the common good of our
Every goal must have SMARTER features which makes it wholesome :
S : Specific and Significant (your goal should be clear and well defined and special to you)
M : Meaningful and Measurable (should be quantifiable and meaningful to achiever)
A : Attainable and Acceptable (should be within the reach and acceptable)
R : Relevant and Realistic (should match with your core values, education & career)
T : Time-bound (should be achieved in a specific time period)
(Next two aspects are for assessment of the SMART features of the goal)
E : Evaluation (should be analysed, judged whether the set goal and our approach are fruitful)
R : Rewarding otherwise Readjust (your goal should reward you if beneficial to you;
otherwise readjust it)
Goal setting is important because it:
 gives a road map for where you want to go and gives you the focus on your time and
 keeps you locked in, undistracted and motivates you and gives control of your life.
 helps you overcome procrastination
 enables you to make good decisions
 makes you self-confident and
 makes you aware of the new areas of
learning and growth

Activity 2 Individual work 20 min.

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
Adnan Sami, an accomplished
singer and music director, surprised everyone by
an achievement of well-conditioned health. At a
whopping 230 kilos, he decided to turn his life
around. He set himself the goal of becoming
slim and good looking. He firmly aimed at
getting rid of his unnecessary fat and become
normal. Morbidly obese, initially he focused on
changing food habits and gave up junk food.
Through diet he lost 40 kilos and made himself fit for exercise. Continuing his effort, he
exercised for 6 days a week for several months and produced astounding result. He now
weighs less than 75 kilos. His clear goal and constant pursuance made him achieve his dream.

i) What was the personal goal of Adnan Sami?

ii) What did he aim at in the beginning?
iii) What was his next step after changing his diet?
iv) Did he try at once for the larger goal or break it into short term goals?
v) What message do you learn from the passage? Can you sum up the message in three
a) _________________________________________________________________________
b) _________________________________________________________________________
c) _________________________________________________________________________

If you are not working to where you want to be, you are

automatically working to where you don’t want to be.

Activity 3 Individual + Pair Work 20 min.

Write down your goals: a) one important short term goal that you are
pursuing at present;
b) one long term personal goal
c) one long term professional or career goal that you strongly intend to reach in future.
 Share / exchange your ideas with partner on how clear your goals are and how you
plan to reach them.
 Tell him / her how and why you classify them into short term, long term, personal and
professional goals.
a) My Short Term Personal Goal: _____________________________________________
b) My Long Term Personal Goal: ______________________________________________
c) My Long term Career / Professional Goal: ____________________________________
Activity 4 Individual work 20 min.
 Write TWO of your Short term and TWO Long term goals (One personal and one
career long term goal, just a word or phrase )
 Check if they fulfil the SMARTER features of goal setting. Put Yes / No in the first
five (SMART) boxes and your remarks in the last two (E, R) boxes wherever
 Two or three students can present their goals and their SMARTER features
before the class.
Short term /
S.No. Long term S M A R T E R
Yes, it is
rewarding. I
My approach, got good rank
Joining Diploma my planning in POLYCET
Ex: Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes to reach my and got
( past goal ) goal went admitted into
well. a branch of
my choice in
a Polytechnic.

Success is the progressive realization of predetermined, worthwhile,

personal goals. ---- Paul J. Meyer

Wrap up 20 min
Recall what you have learnt about GOAL SETTING. As many students may present as
time permits, about their goals, justifying their SMART features

Home Assignments:
Write a note on your present and future goals, assess your strengths and weaknesses to
achieve them.

Suggested Readings & Web Links :

1. The Desire Map by Danielle LaPorte

2. Goal Setting for Success by Eddie de Jong

3. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change by

Stephen R. Covey

4. Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want -- Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible by

Brian Tracy

5. Goal Setting: The Ultimate Guide To Achieving Goals That Truly Excite You by Thibaut

6. https://www.slideshare.net/MohdGousHudewale/goal-setting-73296626

7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGbmAH4mBPA

8. https://www.slideshare.net/AngadArora/goal-setting-ppt-13906129

9. www.mcas.k12.in.us/cms/lib5/IN01001792/.../86/.../Goal_Setting_for_Students.ppt

10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LV3LwXL8tPU
Lesson 3 - GOAL SETTING Assessment Sheet Date: _______________
Name of the Student _____________________________________ PIN ______________
1. List out some of your personal and professional goals ( present and future)
2. Recollect at least three of your past goals. Were you able to reach them? Fill the table
S.No My Goals in the Past Reached Yes / No Reasons for Reaching / not
reaching your goal

3. Say Yes or No to the following:

a) I set clear, specific and challenging but achievable goals. _____________
b) Hard work is more important than having SMARTER features in setting and reaching a
goal. _____________
c) I give up my goals if they are difficult. _____________
d) I plan, visualise my goals and feel enthusiastic while pursuing them. _____________
e) There are no different goals like personal, professional, familial, societal etc.
f) I don’t care whether my goals are rewarding or not. _____________
g) I don’t bother about time period to reach a goal. _____________
h) I readjust my goals if they are not promising and fulfilling. _____________
i) Self-motivation helps me reach my goals. _____________
j) I make small chunks of a larger goal to reach it easily. _____________
k) After reaching a goal, I don’t set out for a new one. _____________
l) I restrict myself to reaching my personal goals. _____________
________________________________________…ignite yourself
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this lesson you will be able to…
 define motivation and internalize its significance in pursuing goals
 distinguish between internal and external motivation
 make an assessment of your self-motivated to overcome the demotivating factors

On Your Mark ! Individual Work 15 min.

Match the pictures in Column A with their respective descriptions in Column B

Column-A Column-B
i) a) She heard the call of God and
came forward to lead the French forces
against the British. Tasted success but
was burnt alive at the stake by the
Helen Keller
ii) b) Born in a poor Dalit family, he
faced many humiliations in his life time.
Became highly educated a great
scholarly leader and played a key role in
the making of Indian Constitution.
Yuvraj Singh
iii) c) She became deaf and dumb at
the age of two. Struggled to learn and
speak; became a legend of her time. Her
autobiography, The Story of My Life is a
Sudha Chandran
iv) d) He played a pivotal role in India‟s World
Cup win in 2011. Fell a victim to cancer.
But he fought back. Now playing again.
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar

v) e) He was a famous archer. He was

instrumental in Switzerland‟s win for
Joan of Arc
vi) f) She had a great passion for
dance. Lost her leg in an accident but
didn‟t give up. With a Jaipur leg she was
able not only to walk but also to dance.

William Tell
Answers: Just write the marking letters of the relevant answers in the table below:

Column A Column B

Generating Word Bank Pair Work 15 min.

Discuss the word/ aspect „Motivation‟ with your partner and gather as
many related words as you can and write them in the grid:

Activity 1 Role-play 20 min.

 Role play the following dialogue with your partner:
Kiran : Hi Avinash! You seem to be quite busy these days!
Avinash : Yeah. Our English teacher gave us an assignment last week.
As part of it, I am collecting some motivational stories.
Kiran : Really? very interesting. How many have you collected till now?
Avinash : About six. But the story of Robert the Bruce is the pick of the lot.
Kiran : Avinash, please tell me the story of Robert the Bruce.
Avinash : Why don‟t you read it yourself? Here it is.
Kiran : No, no. I enjoy listening to stories. Please tell me the story.
Avinash : Ok. But don‟t interrupt me.
Kiran : Sure Avinash.
Avinash : Robert I, popularly known as Robert the Bruce, was
the King of Scots from 1306 until his death in 1329.
He was one of the greatest warriors of his generation.
He led Scotland during the First War of Independence
against England. He achieved many victories.
Kiran : Very interesting. Please carry on.
Avinash : Once he lost a battle and all his soldiers went helter-skelter. He too fled the battlefield
and took refuge in a cave nearby. He was sad and depressed. Then a miracle happened.
Kiran : What? A miracle!
Avinash : Yes. Robert saw a spider spinning a web in a corner of the cave. It fell many times
but didn‟t stop. It kept trying and finally it completed the web.
Kiran : Come on, Avinash, how can you call it a miracle?
Avinash : Stay focused, Kiran. Robert who was watching the spider was ashamed of himself.
There and then he resolved to go to war again. He gathered all his forces and
challenged the British. Ultimately he tasted success.
Kiran : Fantastic story Avinash. Thank you. It‟s truly inspiring. Excuse me, I have a class
Avinash : Ok, bye! Catch you later!
 Now answer the questions given below:
i) Who is Robert the Bruce?
ii) What happened to Robert and his army in the battle?
iii) What did he see in the cave? How did it influence him?
iv) How could have Bruce convinced his followers to resume their battles? Guess the words
of Bruce / his message to his followers and write two or three sentences of your own.

v) What message does this anecdote convey us?


Leaning Chest 15 min.

Motivation is the force within us that makes us want to do something. It is like igniting a
spark in a person which propels him into action. It is a force that changes our life. Motivation
creates a desire to succeed in life. Without motivation, we can have no pride, no enjoyment
and no satisfaction. All achievers in the world today are highly motivated people.
 Inspiration is a thought whereas motivation is an action. Martin Luther King Jr. was
inspired by Mahatma Gandhi. When he put that thought into practice, he achieved
remarkable results for the blacks in the USA.
 Motivation can either be external or internal. External motivation comes from society at
large whereas internal motivation comes from within. For example, recognition, position,
money are external whereas pride, belief, responsibility etc. are of internal motivation.
 Incentive motivation is an aspect of external motivation caused by offering perks such as
bonus, pay hike, promotion, foreign trip etc. Fear motivation is the motivation which
results from intimidation.
Motivation leads us to achieve our goals in life. Great people like Abraham Lincoln,
Abdul Kalam, Nelson Mandela and Ekalavya in The Mahabharata were able to reach great
heights because they were highly motivated. Swami Vivekananda too highlights the need for
motivation to excel in life.
Internal Motivation External Motivation

“The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained in sudden flight, but
they, while their companions slept, were toiling upwards in the night”.
–Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Activity 2 Pair Work 20 min.

 Discuss with your partner and write what makes you motivate
yourself in the following aspects. One has been done for you as an

1. Family (Domestic Responsibilities) i) I want to make my parents happy

iv) ...................................................
2. Education i) ………………………………...
ii) ....................................................
iii) ...................................................
iv) ...................................................
3. Sports and Games i) …………………………………
ii) ....................................................
iii) ...................................................
iv) ...................................................
4. Pursuing a hobby i) …………………………………
ex. Reading fiction/ philately ii) ....................................................
iii) ...................................................
iv) ...................................................
5. Health (Exercise & Diet) i) …………………………………
ii) ....................................................
iii) ...................................................
iv) ...................................................

Activity 3 Pair + Individual work 20 min.

 Read the following passage about highly self-motivated shuttle player.

P.V. Sindhu was the first Indian woman to win a silver medal
in Badminton in the women‟s singles event of Olympics in
2016. She also won silver in women‟s singles at
Commonwealth Games 2018. She was also a silver medallist
at the Badminton World Championships in 2017.
Sindhu joined Pullela Gopichand‟s Academy at a very tender age. Her vigorous
practice, support from parents made her a winner. She broke into the top 20 in September,
2012 when she was just seventeen. She received the Padmashri, India‟s fourth highest
civilian honour in March, 2015. Now, she is among the top five women shutters‟ in the
world. Sindhu‟s motivational levels are very high; hence her success as a shuttler.

3A) Now, write just key words and share/ exchange with your partner
about a person who motivates you. Recollect your motivator’s
achievements, ideology, message and how he/she influences you to
reach your goal.
3B) Now, answers the following questions.

i) What motivates you to pursue your present goal?


ii) Are you externally motivated or internally motivated to pursue your goals? Justify your
iii) Are your ideas, action plan sufficient to reach your goal?
iv) Did you ever feel demotivated in your journey of pursuing your goal/ studies? If yes, what
makes you demotivated?
v) How do you try to overcome the aspects that demotivate you?
vi) How do you look up at your friends, members of the family, hobbies or any other factors
to keep you motivated?

Activity 4 Group Work 20 min.

 Read the following passage:

Kailash Satyarthi is an Indian Children‟s rights

activist. He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2014.
He is the founder of Bachpan Bachao Andolan, the
Kailash Satyarthi Children‟s Foundation, Global
March against Child Labour and Good weave International. At Bangalore North Science
Forum, he observed: “I cannot imagine a smart India where our young and bright scientist
and technologists bow down in front of self-styled god men for jobs, promotions and
fulfilling their ambitions. It‟s time; let us create a rational society”. Satyarthi devoted his life
to the cause of children and fought against exploitation of children.
 If you were to motivate street children in your town/ city, how would you go about
it? Write your plan of action. (Hints: Health, hygiene, nutritious diet, shelter, clothes,
education, etc.)
Wrap up 10 Min
Recall what you have learnt about motivation. Two or three students can make their
brief presentations.

Home Assignments:
1. Collect information about Sivaguru Prabhakaran, the young man who secured a top rank in
Indian Civil Services Examination, 2017. Write how his life and success will motivate young
2. Create a poster on environmental degradation and ideas to protect so as to motivate your
peers in the college.
“The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small

stones.” ― Confucius,
Suggested Readings & Web Links:
1. Dale Carnegie, How To Win Friends and Influence People, Simon & Schuster, 1936
2. Shiv Khera, You Can Win, Macmillan, 1998
3. Robin Sarma, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, Harper Collins, 1999
4. Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist, Harper Torch, 1993.
5. Stephen R. Covey, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Free Press, 1989
6. Napoleon Hill, Think and Grow Rich, The Ralston Society, 1937
7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgGc_tUcjgk
8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp2qjshr-r4
9. https://www.slideshare.net/harveabella/7-motivation
10. https://www.slideshare.net/readysetpresent/motivation-powerpoint
11. https://www.lifecoach-directory.org.uk/memberarticles/10-questions-to-ask-yourself-to-

Don’t stop when you are tired. Stop when you are done
Lesson 4 – MOTIVATION Assessment Sheet Date:______________

Name of the Student:____________________________________ PIN:_______________

I. Answer the following questions:

1. What is motivation?
2. Distinguish between motivation and inspiration
3. What is incentive motivation?

II. State whether the following statements are True / False or Yes/ No :
i) Motivation enables us to excel in life. T/F
ii) All humans don‟t need motivation. T/F
iii) Ekalavya was a highly motivated person. T/F
iv) Salary, Bonus or perks are examples of internal motivation. T/F
v) There are no demotivating factors in studies. Yes/ No
vi) One can reignite himself even after a failure. Yes/ No
vii) Friends, hobbies can‟t motivate us. Yes/ No
viii) Autobiographies of great people motivate us. Yes/ No
ix) Internal motivation can‟t lead us to success always. Yes/ No
x) You can‟t stop pursuing your goal if you are internally motivated. Yes/ No

… It’s time to……..

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this lesson you will be able to…

 make out the value of time and manage available time to meet targets
 identify and resolve the time wasters
 practice „Time Quadrant‟ and prioritization of tasks

On Your Marks! Individual Work 20 min.

 Read the following story and answer the questions that follow:

A lecturer at a university is giving a pre-exam lecture on time management. On his desk there
are a bag of sand, a bag of pebbles, some big rocks and a small bucket. He asks for a
volunteer to put all three grades of stone into the bucket, and a keen student duly steps up to
carry out the task, starting with the sand, then the pebbles, then the rocks, which do not all fit
in the bucket. “This is an analogy of poor time management,” trills the lecturer, “If you‟d put
the rocks in first, then the pebbles, then the sand, all three would have fit. This is much like
time management, in that by completing your biggest tasks first, you leave room to complete
your medium tasks, then your smaller ones. By completing your smallest tasks first, you
spend so much time on them you leave yourself unable to complete either medium of large
tasks satisfactorily. Let me show you….” And the lecturer re-fills the bucket, big rocks first,
then pebbles, then sand, shaking the bucket between each so that everything fits.

1. What skill is illustrated in the passage?


2. What is the material used by the lecturer to explain the target skill?


3. State the right procedure to arrange the three items into bucket?

4. What do the bucket and three grades of stones suggest when related to the life skill?



5. Mention aspects that you think are essential in managing our time?
Generating Word Bank Pair Work 15 min.

Think of more words related to time and its management other than
the given words in the box.




Activity 1 Group Work 25 min.

 The class is divided into four or six groups (even number); Name
them as A, B, C, D, E, F
 The members in each group should discusses and write a long sentence (a proverb, a
quotation or any statement ) consisting of at least 12 or more words on a strip of the
 Cut your strip into minimum of six pieces, so that each piece will have two or three
words and mix them thoroughly.
 On instructions, the group A gives their bundle of cut pieces to B & B to C…..and
finally F to A. Then the Teacher announces to start their task of arranging the right
statement out of the received cut pieces; and then the teacher starts counting time.
 Members of each group try to arrange the newly received cut pieces into a meaningful
sentence; raise your hand immediately but only after completing your task accurately.
 Your teacher will make note of the time and give ranks to groups based on their time
taken to complete the task.
 Now rethink as to how your group got the specific rank and fill in the table
below. One spokes-person from each group shall share their group’s ideas to the
Your strengths for getting your rank Reasons for not getting a better rank
Learning Chest 20 min.

“Time management” is the process of organizing

and planning and how to divide your available time among specific
activities. Good time management enables you to work smarter –
not harder – so that you get more done in less time, even when
time is tight and pressures are high. If we fail to manage our time, it damages the effectiveness
in completing and causes stress.

The skill of Time management includes Planning, prioritizing, scheduling and monitoring.

Everyone has 24 hours but how is that some are able to achieve many tasks in lesser time than
others? We can't actually get any more time, what we CAN do is manage time. Tasks can be
done based on the prioritization and this approach is called TIME QUADRANT.

The Four Quadrants of Time Management:

• Important and Urgent: The top priority tasks like Crises and Emergencies, crying
baby, kitchen fire, calls related to accident etc. are important and need to be addressed
immediately. Time lapse causes irrecoverable damage.
• Important but Not Urgent: Prevention, Planning, long term goals, career plans,
health care. They have to be done without avoiding, but need not to be done on the nick of the
time and hurriedly.
• Not Important but Urgent: not emergencies but have to be completed today, official
targets, returning books to library or friends and routine work. They are not life and death issues
but have to be done immediately.
• Not Important and Not Urgent: Time wasters, answering casual messages in social
media, spending too much time on watching TV, video games, watching movies. These are
neither important nor urgent. All these tasks are done for relaxation at leisure. They are also to
be attended as they are stress relievers.
Observe the following Time Quadrant:
Advantages of effective Time management:

 Greater productivity, work efficiency,

 Reaching targets on time and with lesser stress.
 Wide opportunities to achieve personal and professional goals.
 Better professional reputation, more success and happiness.

Consequences of failing to manage time:

 missed deadlines, inefficient work flow,

 higher stress levels, poor work quality,
 poor professional reputation and a stalled career
 unhappiness, depression.

Recommendations to manage time:

Develop an Anti-Procrastination Plan that stops you from postponing work what
you can complete today until tomorrow. Prepare a list with dates with all your targets and due
dates, so you can cut the large / big tasks into small ones

Set a Study timetable, and stick to it. It is a good idea to have a Do Not Disturb sign on
your door.

Activity 2 individual 10 min.

 This is a one minute task.

 Your teacher will ask you to write as many words as possible
BEGINNING with the letter that your teacher announces ( teacher
may ask you to write the words of any topic ) in a minute and start when the teacher
 At the end of the minute, teacher asks to count the total. One who writes more words in a
minute will have the credit of managing time.
 Teacher can repeat / opt for any other activities that run fir one or two minutes to make
students understand the value of time and complete the task within time.

Activity 3 Pair Work 25 min.

Here is a list of some tasks. Fix their priority by placing them in

appropriate square of the Time Quadrant. Priorities may vary from person to person.

Tasks: Completing homework, Attending a birthday party, Visiting a friend in hospital,

Talking to parents on phone, Washing clothes, Playing video games, submitting an
application on the last day, Filling a word puzzle, Withdrawing money
from ATM, Taking Lunch, Buying shoes when there is no other pair,
attending yoga classes, pursuing a hobby, preparing for tomorrows test.


Urgent Not Urgent



Activity 4 Group Work 20 min.

 Form into groups and list out four self-time wasters and four
caused by others.
 Find solutions and write key words in the grid.
 Two spokes persons (Time wasters Vs Solutions) from each group would present
them to the class.
Ex: reading a film magazine, joining a chatting team though not interested
Solutions: Read some biography of a great person, Say just „hello‟ to friends and quit.

Time Wasters Solutions to avoid Time wasters

Self: Ex: a) watching a serial on T.V a)

continuously, for longer time.




Caused by others: Ex: a) invited by friends to a)

roam around



Wrap up 10 min.

Two or three students may present what they have learnt about Time Management

Home Assignments:

1. List out some of your tasks and prioritize them keeping in view of your approaching
exams. You can consider the points: time left, number of subjects to deal, difficulty level of
your subjects, making notes, group discussion, consult the teacher to get your doubts cleared
 Important and Urgent – …………………………………
 Important but Not Urgent – …………………………….
 Not Important but Urgent – …………………………….
 Not Important and Not Urgent – ……………………….

2. Collect the information about routines and time management techniques adapted by the
following successful persons ( as many as you can ). Compile from their Time management
techniques that suit to achieve your personal and career goals. Mahatma Gandhi, Dr.B.R.
Ambedkar, Subhash Chandra Bose, Warren Buffett, Indra Noyi, Ratan Tata, Bill Gates,
N.R.Narayana Murthy, Azim Premji, Anand Mahindra, Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, P.V.
Sindhu, Abdul Kalam, Sachin Tendulkar etc.
Suggested Readings & Web Links:

1 Getting Things Done , David Allen, Paperback, 2002.

2 The Now Habit: A Strategic Program for Overcoming Procrastination and Enjoying Guilt
Free Life, Neil Fiore, Paperback, 2007.



6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zc8zCSQxBhM

7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5JI_6nsgaM

8. www.jsums.edu/ugstudies/files/2012/.../Academic-Survival-at-JSU-note-taking-skills.p.

9. https://www.slideshare.net/ubatool3/time-management-ppt-15402539

10. https://www.slideshare.net/StephinAbrahamSabu/time-management-skills-73181757

“Lack of direction, not lack of time, is the problem. We all have

twenty-four hour days.”― Zig Ziglar
Lesson 5 - TIME MANAGEMENT - Assessment Sheet Date:____________

Name of the Student: _______________________________________PIN:________________

A) State YES / NO to the following

1. The tasks I work on at present are the ones with the highest priority. YES /NO

2. I find myself completing tasks at the last minute, or asking for extensions. YES /NO

3. Instead of wasting time on planning, I just plunge into doing a task. YES/ NO

4. When I am given a new assignment, I analyze it for importance and prioritize it

accordingly. YES/ NO

5. I am stressed about deadlines and commitments. YES/ NO

6. Distractions keep me from working on critical tasks. YES/ NO

7. I write things down rather than trying to remember everything in my head. YES/ NO

8. I plan out a revision timetable for examinations. YES/ NO

9. I have a reminder system to remind me of „things to do list‟. YES/ NO

10. I postpone tasks when I feel they are difficult. YES/ NO

B) For each set of two/ three statements below, circle the number that best describes

1. I like my watch to be set exactly at the correct time.

2. I like my watch to be set a few minutes ahead of the correct time.

1. I tend to arrive at most functions at least 5 minutes early/ exactly on time.

2. I tend to arrive at most functions a little late.

1. I like to finish assignments and reports with a little time to spare.

2. I like to finish assignments and reports exactly on their due dates.
3. I sometimes finish assignments and reports a little late.

1. I say "no" to others when I am short of time.

2. I cannot say “ no”, I hesitate and suffer later.
3. I explain them my short of time.

1. I give priority to watch T.V even during exams.

2. I request everyone at home to switch off T.V during my exams.
3. I simply ignore T.V and spend my time in preparation in my room.
…logic is the key

Learning Out comes:

On completion of this lesson, you will be able to…

 make out the importance of critical thinking
 distinguish between facts and assumptions
 develop reasoning ability and form sound judgment

On Your Marks! Individual work 20 min.

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
It is one of the most celebrated anecdotes in the history of science. One day young Isaac
Newton was sitting in his garden when an apple fell on his head. It was
a moment of illumination; he came up with his famous theory of
gravity. No doubt the story looks embellished, both by Newton and the
storytellers who came after him. However, no one can deny that the fall
of apple inspired the understanding of gravitational force.

i) What was „one of the most celebrated anecdotes‟ being referred to here?
ii) Did Newton embellish the story? Can you guess why?
iii) What did the fall of apple lead Newton to?
iv) What kind of thinking led Newton to know the truth?
Generating Word Bank: Pair Work 15 min.
Here are a few words for you to begin with. Think and gather a
few more words related to thinking and analytical ability:


Activity 1 Pair Work 20 min.

State whether the following statements are facts or assumptions
i) Very tall persons are prone to heart attack .............................
ii) Squint eye is a sign of luck ...........................
iii) Mithali Raj is the highest run getter in ODIs in women‟s Cricket .......................
iv) A Head of State / the P.M./ the President of a nation will die when a meteor appears in
the sky ...............................
v) The Taj Mahal in Agra is one of the Seven Wonders of the World ......................
vi) Past is the key to the present ..........................
vii) History is a dull subject ........................
viii) Water boils at 1000C ...........................
ix) The UNO was formed in 1945 .......................
x) Australia is the smallest continent ..............................
xi) Snakes take revenge when they are hurt by humans ………………….
xii) A woman is solely responsible for the birth of a girl child ....................
Learning Chest Individual work 20 min.

Critical thinking is defined as the ability and willingness to examine claims and
make objective judgments on the basis of reasoning. This skill enables one to think from
different perspectives, look for flaws in arguments and reject claims that are not supported by
evidence. It includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking. Persons
gifted with this ability move away from rote learning, fixed assumptions and conventional
thinking. In a nutshell, critical thinking is “thinking
about thinking”.
Critical thinking skills are not restricted to a
particular subject area. Lawyers, doctors, teachers,
judges, students and researchers need these skills.
Being able to understand the relevance of ideas and
connect them logically, solve problems in a systematic
way and use valid arguments to justify beliefs is
an asset for any career. Critical thinkers… Sigmund Bertrand
•show curiosity and ask pertinent questions. Freud Russell
•distinguish between facts and assumptions.
•make assertions based on sound logic and solid evidence.
•are able to define clearly a set of criteria for analyzing ideas.
•reject incorrect/ irrelevant information.
•suspend judgment until all facts have been gathered and examined .
•are ready to modify their opinions when new facts are found.
Thus logic and evidence are the two most crucial components of critical thinking.

Activity 2 Pair work 15 min.

A) Complete the following sets of analogies. Check your answers
later with your teacher:
Example: Bus: Driver :: Aeroplane: Pilot
i) Picture: See :: Book : .............................
ii) Footwear : Cobbler :: Furniture : ...........................
iii) Wall : Brick :: Book : ………………………
iv) Sculptor: Chisel : : Painter : .........................
v) Heart : Human being : : CPU : ..........................
vi) Person : Name : : Book : .........................
vii) Fire : Burn : : Water : .............................
viii) Square : Perimeter : : Circle : ..............................
ix) Army : Soldier : : School : ..............................
x) Horse : Stable : : Pig : ..............................
xi) Sugarcane : Juice : : Mustard : ............................
xii) Cricket : Umpire : : Football : ...........................
Activity 3 Pair Work 15 min.
Choose the odd one out, i.e. the one that does not belong to that group
of five. Discuss the logic in support of your elimination.
i) Horse, camel, cat, donkey, bullock ..........................
ii) Novel, play, lyric, essay, short story ..........................
iii) Dolphin, monkey, snake, dog, pig ...............................
iv) Sachin, Kohli, Gopichnad, Gavaskar, Dhoni .......................
v) Shakespeare, Marlowe, Wordsworth, Kalidasa, G.B. Shaw .........................
vi) Tiger, cat, bear, leopard, panther ...........................
vii) Bat, helmet, gloves, cue stick, pads ...........................
viii) Football, Hockey, Kabaddi, Chess, Cricket ..........................
ix) Modi, Jagan, Kurian, KCR, Sonia Gandhi ............................
x) Rabbit, dog, deer, frog, fox ............................
xi) Shirt, frock, trousers, clothes, skirt ..........................
xii) Kitten, goat, calf, lamb, foal ..............................
Activity 4 Group Work 20 min.
 Form into groups and discuss the following statements to make
logical inferences.
 One spokes-person from each group can present and justify their answers; if
necessary, convince the class with your logic.
 Each pair of statements is followed by two conclusions numbered I and II.
 Take the given two statements to be true even if they appear to be odd and unreal.
 Read the conclusions I & II and infer if they are logically true and follow the given
 Decide your answers carefully from ( a, b, c, d, e ) based on the logic between the
Statement and Conclusions. Your answers should be as follows ….
 Your answer is (a) if only Conclusion I is true / follows the statement.
 Give answer (b) if only Conclusion II follows.
 Give answer (c) if either I or II follows.
 Your answer is (d) if neither I nor II follows.
 Give answer (e) if both I and II follow.
1. Statements : All planets are moons.
All moons are stars.
Conclusions : I. All moons are planets
II. All planets are stars. ( )
2. Statements : Some players are singers
: All singers are tall.
Conclusions : I. Some players are tall
II. All players are tall. ( )
3. Statements : Some dogs bark
All dogs bite.
Conclusions : I. Those dogs that do not bark, also bite
II. Those dogs that do not bark, do not necessarily bite. ( )
4. Consider the following statements:
All benches are beds. No bed is a bulb. Some bulbs are lamps. Which of the following
can be inferred?
i) Some beds are lamps ii) Some lamps are beds.
a) only (i) b) only (ii) c) Both (i) and (ii) d) Neither (i) nor (ii) ( )
5. Fact 1 : Humans are mammals.
Fact 2 : Some humans are engineers.
Fact 3 : Engineers build houses.
If the above statements are facts, which of the following can be logically inferred?
I. All mammals build houses.
II. Engineers are mammals
III. Some humans are not engineers
a) II only b) III only c) I, II & III d) I only ( )

Wrap up Pair work 10 min

Recall what you have learnt about Critical thinking. Two or three students may give a
brief presentation.
Home Assignments:
1. Long ago a suitcase firm organized a contest. The challenge was to divide the
outline of a rather unusual suitcase into four parts. All parts had to be the same shape and
size. However the shape couldn‟t be the same as the original suitcase. Now try to solve the
puzzle given here:

2. The other night the four friends, Ajith, Arun, Ramky and Sitaram went to MGB Mall for a
night of bowling game. As they were short on funds, it was agreed that each player would
play each of the other three players only once. In all, how many matches were played that
night? Ans : _____________________
(Source: Charles Barry Townsend, World’s Most Incredible Puzzles)

Suggested Readings& Web Links

1. Critical Thinking: An Introduction, by Alec Fisher,
2. The Art of Reasoning by David Kelley,
3. Critical Thinking: A Concise Guide by Tracy Bowell,
4. Critical Thinking: Tools For Taking Charge of Your Professional and Personal Life, by
Richard W. Paul,
5. Asking the Right Questions: A Guide to Critical Thinking, Longman, by M. Neil Browne
6. Don’t Believe Everything You think: The 6 Basic Mistakes We make in Thinking, by
Thomas Kida
7. www.criticalthinking.org/files/intro%20to%20Critical%20Thinking.ppt
8. https://www.slideshare.net/balibarbara/critical-thinking-powerpoint-17741703
9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dItUGF8GdTw
10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QJ2vNJPWa0

The essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but in how it thinks.
Lesson 6 - CRITICAL THINKING Assessment Sheet Date:________________

Name of the Student:___________________________ PIN : __________________

I. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the importance of critical thinking skills?
2. What are the two most important ideas in critical thinking?
3. How are critical thinking skills useful to a student of technical education?
4. Are critical thinking skills restricted to any one particular sphere of life?
5. Distinguish between a fact and an assumption.
II. State whether the following statements are true or false:
1. There is no room for subjective judgement in critical thinking. ( )
2. Critical thinkers jump to a conclusion as soon as they gather information. ( )
3. Critical thinkers don‟t accept a claim unless it is supported by evidence. ( )
III. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:
1. Critical thinking is .................................... thinking.
2. A critical thinker understands the ........................... of ideas and connects
_____ …imagine to bring in novelty

Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this lesson, you will be able to…
 define creativity and attempt to bring in something new
 make hypothetical propositions creatively
 solve riddles to expand imaginative skill

On Your Mark! Individual work 20 min.

Here is an interesting anecdote for you. Go through it and answer the questions that
Once John Keats, a well-known English poet, went to
spend a few days with his friend’s family. They had a nice
time together. One morning they were taking tea under a
tree when a nightingale came and sat on the tree. It began
to sing and Keats was enjoying the melodious music. After
a few minutes, Keats’ friend and his wife went into the
house. After an hour or so, Keats came back to them with a
sheet of paper in his hands. The poem “Ode to John Keats
Nightingale” was ready!

i) What fascinated Keats when he was sitting under a tree?



ii) What was the reaction of Keats’ friend and his wife to the song of the nightingale?


iii) How did Keats respond to the nightingale’s song?


Generating Word Bank Pair work 15 min.
Given here are a few words related to creativity Add a few more:


Activity 1 Pair work 15 min.

Match the celebrities in Column A with their fields of specialization given in
Column B:

( i) Picasso (ii) Tagore

a) Composer

b) Architect

iii) Beethoven iv) Le Corbusier c) Scientist

d) Poet

e) Film Maker

v) Graham Bell vi) James f) Painter

"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul."
-- Dieter F. Uchtdorf
i) ………………… iv) …………………
ii) ………………… v) …………………

iii) ………………… vi) …………………

What is common in all these famous men?


Learning Chest Individual Work 20 min.

Look at the following definitions of creativity:

i) “Creativity is marked by the ability or power to create or bring into existence, to

invest with a new form, to provide through imaginative skill, to make or bring into
existence something new”. - Webster’s Dictionary

ii) “Creativity is any thinking process in which original patterns are formed and
expressed. - H.H. Fox

Imagination is the gift only humans enjoy. According to S.T. Coleridge, a

famous British poet, there are two types of imagination: primary and secondary.
Primary imagination is possessed by all whereas secondary imagination is the
prerogative of creative people. It enables them to create works of art. Scientists,
writers, architects, musicians, composers, film makers are endowed with this quality.

Creativity does not necessarily mean inventing something new. Familiar objects
can be put to creative/ imaginative use. We can also use our creativity to get out of
tricky or dangerous situations. Edward de Bono calls it “Lateral Thinking” or
“Thinking out of the Box”.

Creative people don’t do different things; they do things differently

Activity 2 Pair work 20 min.

Think of five creative uses of the following objects. The first

one has been done for you as an example:
a) Newspaper
Ex: It can be used to cover notebooks and text books.
b) Brick
c) Coffee mug
d) Rubber ball

Activity 3 Group Work 20 min.

A. If mobiles were to talk, what would be the five major complaints they would have?
B. Graffiti ( vulgar writing ) on your college compound wall is a nagging
problem. Think of creative ways in which you can stop this from happening.



Activity 4 Group Work 20 min.

Think and jot down your answers as a group. The spokesperson of each group can
present their creative answers before the class.
1. You have two jugs; a three-litre and a five-litre capacity. Then how can you measure out
exactly six litres of water?

2. There are a dozen eggs in a carton. Twelve people should take one egg each.
But there should be an egg in the carton. How is it possible?
Ans: : ________________________________________________________


3. A rich man wanted to test the intelligence of his three sons. He asked them to take as much
money they want and fill a room entirely with something they would purchase. But the
person who fills it with less expenditure will be given the lion’s share of his property. If you
were one of the sons, what would you do ? Give your creative answer.
Ans: _____________________________________________________________________
4. A farmer has a small boat to cross the canal along with a fox, chicken and a bag of corn. In
his absence, fox might eat chicken, corn will be eaten by chicken. The boat will
accommodate only one item along with the farmer. How can all reach the other bank?
5. Shalini’s mother has four children. The first child's name is Spring, the second child's
name is Summer and the third child's name is Autumn. What could be the fourth child's
Wrap up 10 min.
Recall what you have learnt about Creativity. Two or three students may give a brief

Home Assignments:
1. Imagine you were to step forward 100 years in time from now. Write how you would
communicate with others then.
2. You are making an ad film with an alien (a creature from another planet) in the lead role.
What theme (s) will you choose for your ad film?
3. Take some colour papers, gum, cello fin tape, scissors and try to create the form of any
bird or an animal with your own imagination.
Suggested Readings & Web Links
1. Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon,
2. The Art of Creative Thinking by Rod, Judkins
3. The Accidental Creative by Todd Henry
4. Creative Confidence by Tom Kelley & David Kelley
5. The Myths of Creativity by David Burkus
6. A Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink
7. https://www.slideshare.net/readysetpresent/creativity-powerpoint-presentation
8. gauss.ececs.uc.edu/Courses/C702/Franco/creativity.ppt
9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fz_7-SYf7oM
10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTvr8RBsYpU
Creativity is putting your imagination to work, and it's produced the
most extraordinary results in human culture. - Ken Robinson
Lesson 7- CREATIVITY Assessment Sheet Date: ____________

Name of the Student: _____________________________________ PIN : ___________

I. Answer the following questions:

1. What, in your opinion, is creativity?
2. How is creativity different from critical thinking?
3. What plays a major role in the process of creative thinking?
II. State whether the following statements are True or False:
1. A mason needs creativity to execute his work ...............................
2. Inventions and discoveries are creative phenomena ............................
3. All humans have creativity ..............................
4. Animals are gifted with imagination ………………………………………
III. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:
1. Creativity makes or brings into existence something ...........................
2. The concept of Lateral Thinking was propounded by ..........................
…there is always a way out
Learning Outcomes:
On completion of this lesson, you will be able to…
 view problems as opportunities to prove your abilities
 identify, define and gather different solutions for a problem
 demonstrate the IDEAL matrix of the problem solving skill through a
case study

On Your Mark! Individual Work 15 min.

Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:
A large cosmetics company had a problem that some of the soap boxes coming off the
production lines were empty. The problem was quickly isolated to the assembly line, which
transported the packaged boxes of soap to the delivery department: some soap boxes went
empty through the assembly line.

The management asked its engineers to solve the problem. They spent much time and money
in devising an X-ray machine with high-resolution monitors managed by staff to watch all the
boxes on the line to make sure they weren't empty.

A workman hearing about this came up with another solution. He got a powerful industrial
fan and pointed it at the assembly line. As each soap box passed the fan, the empty boxes
were blown off the line. Sometimes a simple solution would be a better one.

i) What was the actual problem in the firm?

ii) What was the solution they thought of at first?
iii) How was the problem solved finally?
iv) What aspect of the following do you think helped in solving the problem?
a) man power b) tools and equipment c) common sense d) great knowledge
Generating Word Bank: Pair Work 15 min.
Given here are a few words related to problem solving; discuss with your
partner and add a few more:


Activity 1A Pair Work 20 min.

Read the story below, discuss with your partner and answer the
questions below.
Pratap is in his tenth class and feels that his parents always nag him. They keep waking him
up early in the morning to study and want him to be more productive and responsible. They
don’t allow him to play with friends or watch T.V. It bothers him a lot because he is worried
that his parents may think that he is lazy. In fact Pratap is a merit student, getting good marks
and appreciated by his teachers. But his parents always worried about his higher studies and
future. They want him crack the IIT entrance exam after his intermediate. So they watch his
every moment and push him to be more hardworking. Pratap wants his problem solved and
make his parents trust him.
1. How does Pratap feel about his situation?
Ans :
2. How far parents are responsible for Pratap’s problem ?
Ans: ___________________________________________________________________
3. Do you think that there is only one solution or some alternatives to solve his problem?
Ans: ____________________________________________________________________
4. If you were Pratap, what would you do ?

Activity 1B : Pair Work 10min.

Share/ exchange with your partner about a past situation where you
personally experienced a problem and solved it. Recollect the root
cause, your feelings, solution, help from others, resolved finally ..etc.
___________ _____________________________________________

“Happiness is not the absence of problems; it's the ability to deal with

them.” - Steve Maraboli,

Learning Chest 15 min.

Problems are difficult or unpleasant situations that come our way at any moment of our life.
But they are actually opportunities to prove our capabilities in many areas. As there is no lock
without a key, there is no problem without a solution and every problem has many alternative
solutions. We should not panic at the problems but believe that there is always a way out that
is possible with self-confidence, sincere efforts and a right approach. We have to follow a
systematic approach to solve a problem that consists of five steps.
Here is the IDEAL matrix of the problem solving:
Identify the problem
Define the problem
Explore possible solutions
Act on solution chosen
Look for the consequences
 We must identify the actual root cause and understand the nature of the problem.
Believe that there are many alternative solutions for any problem. We need to gather
them from our own and others’ experience, past history, brain storming, keen
observation, from discussion with peers and elders, books and online sources.
 The best solution can be extracted from all of them by checking each solution
thoroughly if it is a long lasting one. It should also be realistic and feasible. It should
be within our reach in terms of time and other required sources like money, effort,
equipment, men and material. If a solution doesn’t work well, we must choose the
next best solution, apply it and monitor the progress. Critical thinking and decision
making skills help us getting better results in solving a problem.

Activity 2 Pair Work 20 min.

 Discuss the given problems with your partner and come out
with at least three alternative solutions for each one:
1) Problem: You are a hostel student 200 km away from your parents. You need to pay three
thousand rupees in the college by tomorrow to enrol yourself into a certificate course. But
you have only five hundred rupees with you.
Solution a)__________________________________________________________
b) _________________________________________________________________
c) ________________________________________________________
2) Problem: Of late your best friend is unable to mingle with the group. He is spending most
of the time alone and seems to be very upset and moody.
Solution a) ______________________________________________________________
b) ________________________________________________________________________
c) ________________________________________________________________________
3) Problem: Drunk and drive cases among youth in cities are leading to fatal accidents.
Sometimes they lead to death of the innocent pedestrians on the roads and poor people on the
Solution a) _____________________________________________________________
b) ______________________________________________________________________
c) _______________________________________________________________________

Activity 3 Group work 20 min.

 A) Discuss in your group how to select the right / best solution
among many available alternatives and jot down the three
important aspects in it.
i) _____________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________
(iii) ______________________________________________________________
B) You have read Pratap’s story in Activity-1. Now, discuss various solutions for
Pratap’s issue. Write down three apt solutions, select the best one and give reasons for
your selection.
 Spokesperson of each group will present their ideas before the class.
Alternative ( possible) solutions for Pratap’s problem :
i) ____________________________________________________
ii) ___________________________________________________
iii) _______________________________________________________________________
Best Solution: ___________________________________________________________
Justification for your selection: _____________________________________________
Activity 4 Group work 20 min.
 Discuss the following problem in your group
 Think and plan to analyse it on the lines of IDEAL matrix
 Select the right solution and fill the table
 Two from each group together can present their IDEAL matrix before the class.

Problem: You are seriously listening to your teacher in the class. But the boy behind you
is humming some lyric, trying to talk and distract others. You feel disturbed but you don’t
want to miss the lesson. You decided to fix the problem and teach him a lesson.

Identify the Define the Explore possible Act on the best Look for the
problem problem solutions solution chosen consequences



Wrap up 10 min.
Recall what you have learnt about the skill of ‘Problem Solving’. One or two students
can make brief presentations. You can also present your personal experience where you
have faced and solved a problem.
Home Assignments:
1. Your friends have started calling you by a nickname that you don’t like. You have asked
them to stop, but they laugh and tell you that they are just trying to be funny. Write how you
would solve this problem.
2. Write about a problem that you have faced recently and how you have solved it. Now, if
you were given one more chance, write how you would solve your problem through IDEAL
from this lesson.

Suggested Readings:
1. Problem Solving 101: A Simple Book for Smart People by Ken Watanabe
2. Six Thinking Hats ,Edward de Bono
3. Think Smarter: Critical Thinking to Improve Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Skills
by Michael Kallet
4. Creative Problem Solving Techniques To Change Your Life (Creative Thinking Book 1)
by Colin G Smith
5. https://www.slideshare.net/readysetpresent/problem-solving-power-point-content-
6. srmuniv.ac.in/downloads/it0104_unit1.ppt
7. www.csub.edu/~rmejia3/Problem%20Solving.ppt
8. https://youtu.be/6_LX9mo0Thw
9. https://youtu.be/FzAyOddR5u4

“Life is a series of problem-solving opportunities. The problems you face will either defeat
you or develop you depending on how you respond to them.”— Rick Warren
Lesson 8 - Problem Solving Assessment Sheet Date:______________
Name of the Student: __________________________________PIN:________________

Answer the following questions:

I. What are the five steps involved in problem solving skill?
II. What are the three aspects in selecting the right solution?

III. Respond to the following statements with ‘Yes’ or ‘No’:

1. I see problems as challenges and find it exciting to solve them. ( )
2. I panic at problems, so I ignore them and leave them to their own course of time. ( )
3. It is important to solve a problem somehow, even without understanding it. ( )
4. I always believe there is only one solution to any problem. ( )
5. I immediately jump into a problem and try to solve it with some method. ( )
6. I don’t try to gather different solutions for a problem. ( )
7. A right solution should be within our reach of time and resources. ( )
8. Problem solving skill includes critical thinking and making right decisions. ( )
9. We should not receive advice from friends or elders. ( )
10. If a problem is not resolved properly, it may lead to another one. ( )

… together everyone achieves more

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this lesson, you will be able to…

● identify and inculcate the characteristics of a good team player

● discuss the problems and find solution in a team work

 participate in a team work and demonstrate its advantage

On Your Mark ! Pair Work 20 min.

Observe the following pictures and discuss with your partner the actions and
people/ species involved in them.

1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9
B) Now, segregate the above pictures into two groups; just write the numbers of the
images in the following table.

Team Work Individual Work

C) Write down the names of the Team activities or tasks in which you
are a part:

Generating Word Bank: Pair Work 15 min.

Work with your partner and jot down the words related to Team work.



Mutual respect

Activity 1A Individual 10 min.

 Recollect and jot down your role in a group activity and how you performed as a
team player.





Activity 1B : Pair Work 10 min

Share with your partner the advantages of Teamwork as you experienced

and write down the key words/ phrases.




Learning Chest : 15 min

Team is a group of interdependent individuals who work together

towards a common goal. Team work is the collaborative effort of a team to achieve a common
goal or to complete a task in the most effective and efficient way. In a team each member
contributes his mite to complete the task and all the members extend and receive the
cooperation among themselves.
Nowadays employers expect the employees to be effective team players. Team work is
necessary for any industry; from business services to information technology to food services.
You need to work in collaboration with others irrespective of the roles assigned to you, in
order to reach the goals of the organization
A team player requires:
 Clear knowledge of the Team‟s goal, roles and strategies
 Positive Attitude and interpersonal skills
 Confidence, commitment, enthusiasm and initiative
 Responsibility, adaptability and creativity
 Sharing knowledge, collaboration and cooperation
Teamwork helps us to:
 Improve work efficiency
 Complete the task quickly and easily
 Build confidence and trust
 Scope for learning and creativity
 Improve problem solving skills
 Wider opportunities and recognition

Sometimes there may be certain problems in team work like individual‟s self-
centeredness, half-heartedness, being uncooperative, stubbornness, lack of trust,
misunderstandings, conflicts etc. But these can always be resolved with proper discussion,
positive thinking, sharing responsibility, recognising one‟s efforts and making the members
realise the advantages of the teamwork.
Activity 2 Pair Work 20 min.

Read the following story and answer the questions that follow:

A manager had a team of 40 employees and most of them were

bright, enthusiastic, and hardworking young people. Individually everyone on the team is
excelling. But as a team, they are not good, which is crucial for the organization. The
manager then decided to solve this issue by planning a team outing. He invited everyone to a
hall for a game consisting of 3 rounds.

For the first round, he told everyone to blow a balloon kept on the table and then write
their name on it without bursting it. All the team members blew the balloon and wrote their
names on it. Then he told everyone to wait outside for the next round.

After some time, he called them into the room for the second round. Now there were
more balloons scattered around without names in them. He told them to find one‟s own
balloon in fifteen minutes without bursting it. The first three persons to find their balloons
will be the winners. Everyone started searching but failed to find one‟s own balloon.

For the third round, the manager told them, if any team member finds a balloon with a
name on it, he has to give the balloon to the person whose name was on it. Everyone started
searching, and after a couple of minutes, everyone received the balloon with their name on it.
The manager went to the dais and said, “You see, in the 2nd round, no one was able to find
their balloons as we were working on individual targets. But in the final round, within two
minutes, everyone had their balloon with them. That‟s the power of teamwork and sharing”.

(Modified from the source: https://winnersstory.com/short-stories-teamwork-1/ )

1. What kind of employees does the manager have?


2. What was the issue being faced by the manager?
3. What was the activity in the first round?
4. What were they asked to do in the second round?
5. How did everyone get his / her balloon finally?
6. What lesson did the employees learn from their team outing?
7. Write down the key words or phrases in the grid below:

Desired Qualities of a Team Player Undesired Qualities in a Team

Activity 3 Group Work 15 min

 Observe the following picture and discuss among your
group members
 Write down the problems that may arise in a team work
and find solutions
 The spokesperson of each team would present their ideas.

S.No Problems in Teamwork Solutions

1 Eg. Lack of participation Involving all the team members in achieving
the goal


Activity4: Build a Tower (adapted from “Teaching Employability Skills” by George

Bishop Jr.) Group work 10+10+5+10 = 35 min.

( Understanding the instructions & preparation + building a tower+ measuring towers +

Presentations )

Materials required: One stack of newspaper per group, a roll of gum

tape per group, a pair of scissors per group, a table for each group.
Teacher keeps a timer and a measuring tape.


 All the students are formed into several teams with seven or eight students in a team.

 Each team is provided with a stack of newspapers, a gum tape, a pair of scissors and
TEN minutes of time to build a paper tower on a table.

 They should not use any other material except the provided ones. Otherwise the team
is disqualified.

 Group starts building a paper tower (like a big cone or box or in any other shape that
is tall ) at the signal of the teacher „START‟ and after ten minutes they must „STOP‟
at the teacher‟s signal.

 The teacher will measure the height of each tower and decides the tallest tower and
gives ranks to others. If a tower collapses at the time of measuring, it is disqualified.

 One spokesperson from each group would present before the class how his/her team
worked together and what they have learnt from this activity.

Wrap up 10 min.

Recall what you have learnt about Teamwork. One or two students may make brief
presentations in the class.
"Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships."
-Michael Jordan

Home Assignments:
1. Recollect how you have carried out your project work as a team. Write a paragraph about
your experience working in your team; mention the merits and demerits of your team.

2. Imagine that one of your team members is a bit lazy, unpunctual, less committed and
unable to deliver. Write a few suggestions to resolve the issue and make him focussed on
the teamwork.

Suggested Reading & Web Links:

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQC5jnj68ko

2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fm1gh5GAmWc

3. https://www.slideshare.net/raganuu/team-work-pptall-in-1

4. ncr.mae.ufl.edu/funstuff/Teamwork.ppt

5. https://www.slideshare.net/ct231/teamwork-presentation-2012-15054766

6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-Hzzg1AtVs

7. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable by Patrick Lencioni

8. The 17 Indisputable laws of Teamwork: Embrace Them and Empower Your Team by John
C Maxwell

9. Help the Helper: Building a Culture of Team work by Kevin Pritchard and John Eliot

10. Teamwork by John C Maxwell

“None of us is as smart as all of us." --Ken Blanchard


Name of the Student: ____________________________________ PIN: _______________

1. Answer the following questions:

a. When have you worked as part of a team?


b. What was your role in that team?


c. Was it a good team? Why/why not?


d. What were the strengths of your team?


2. The Team and Me

You have participated in „Build A Tower‟ activity ( Activity4).
Now, assess yourself whether you have the skills needed for team work.
Put tick mark in the appropriate column.

S.No Skills Yes No Unable to decide

1 Communication & Interpersonal skills

2 Clear idea of the Team‟s task, roles, strategy

3 Enthusiastic and initiative about the task

4 Feeling confident and positive

5 Collaboration and cooperation

6 Creative and problem solving

7 Flexible, adaptable and accepting others‟ ideas

…lead by example___________

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this lesson, you will be able to…

 identify and inculcate leadership qualities
 distinguish among different styles of leadership; boss Vs leader
 find the qualities of an ideal leader

On Your Mark! Role-Play 20 min.

 Role play the following dialogue with your partner and answer the questions that

Rohit: Hi Lohit! What’s up?

Lohit: Hi. I am reading an article on George Washington. It is very interesting and I am
amazed at his laurels. By the way, do you know him?
Rohit: Ha! He was the first President of America.
Lohit: Good ! do you know anything more about him?
Rohit: Not much…. Why don’t you share the information
of the article?
Lohit: Of course! He was a Major General and
Commander-in-Chief of the colonial forces against
Great Britain in the American struggle for
independence. He is considered a military hero, a
man of great personal integrity, with a deep sense of duty, honour, and patriotism. For
over 200 years, Washington has been acclaimed as indispensible to the success of the
Revolution and the birth of the nation. He showed his diplomacy and military skills
for combining all the states of America to become the United States of America.
Rohit: Great! I think he is a natural leader and courageous soldier. I am reminded of Sardar
Vallabhai Patel.
Lohit: Yes! You are right. What Washington did for America was done by Vallabhai Patel to
India. Both fought for their nations’ independence and after independence for the
political integrations.
1. Who was George Washington?
2. What are the qualities of Washington discussed in the dialogue?


3. Why did Rohit compare Vallabhai Patel with George Washington?


Generating Word Bank Pair Work 15 min.

Given below are a few words related to leadership; add some more desirable
qualities of a leader:

Generous Charismatic Brave Inspiring

------------------ ------------------ ------------------- ---------------------

------------------ ----------------- ------------------- ---------------------

------------------ ------------------ -------------------- ---------------------

------------------ ------------------ -------------------- ---------------------

Activity 1 Pair Work 15 min.

Identify the people in the following pictures. Pick up the words from the word
bank and give relevant words to describe them.

A) B) C)

D) E) F)
A) ------------------- D) ----------------------

B) -------------------- E) ----------------------

C) -------------------- F) -----------------------

Learning Chest 20 min.

Leadership is influencing and guiding others selflessly towards some common goal. It is not
about a person or a position but it is a complex moral relationship among people, based on
trust, commitment, emotion, and a shared vision for the common good.

Styles of Leadership
a) Autocratic or Authoritarian Leadership (high task, low relationship): It is a style of
leadership in which power and decision making is centralized. It is based on leader’s
commands, hard tasks, tight schedules, threat of punishments and the leader alone assumes
entire power and responsibility. The followers tend to be less motivated and can’t act on their
own. They become resentful and frustrated to reach the goal but are unilaterally forced by the
despot to complete the task.

b) Democratic or Participative Leadership (high task, high relationship) The democratic

leadership decentralizes the authority, allows consultation and debates. The leader encourages
the followers, leads by example and persuasion. A positive team environment is created to
enable all the team members to reach their highest potential, both as team members and as
individuals. There will be more cooperation and collaboration hence more contribution.
Members are self-motivated due to their participation, sharing and positive working

c) Delegate Leadership or Laissez-faire (Free Rein) Leadership: This leadership delegates

the power and responsibility among the team members. The leader gives complete liberty to
the members and seldom interferes in decision making. The leader facilitates everything and
watches as an onlooker while his members perform. This style of leadership goes well if the
members are skilled, matured, self-motivated and trustworthy.

d) Transactional or Managerial Leadership: The leader offers rewards or punishment to

his members to achieve optimal performance. There is transactional relationship i.e. exchange
of services and monetary rewards between the leader and his team members. The leader is
specific about the expected results, focuses on short term goals, extracting consistent results.
In the modern world, where money speaks more, the members are interested in this style of
leadership, though they are just externally motivated.

• There may be some more styles of leadership as the categorization depends on the
nature of the task, purpose, situation and skills of the leader and the members.
• Boss gives orders to employees authoritatively, enjoys power and controls them.
Whereas, a leader influences, motivates, supports and encourages a group of individuals, and
works continuously along with them to achieve the common goal.
• A good leader must be a visionary, motivates his followers, communicates well, and
possesses knowledge, confidence, empathy and integrity. He wins the trust of his team mates,
attributes the success to all and takes responsibility for failures. The leaders who did not
have the traits mentioned proved themselves to be weak and unsuccessful.

Activity – 2 Pair Work 20 min.

Discuss the leadership qualities of Mahatma Gandhi with your

partner and answer the following questions:

1. Why is Gandhiji called ‘The father of the Nation’?


2. What leadership qualities of Gandhi appeal to you?



3. Gandhiji gave paramount importance to two things in his

life. What were they?


4. What kind of leadership is Gandhiji’s? Give your reasons.




5. Now, mention some desirable qualities of a great leader.




Activity – 3 Pair Work 20 min.

Who is your favourite leader in the following areas? Write the qualities
you like in him/her:
SI Qualities you like in
Area of Interest Name of the leader
No. him/her
1. Sports & Games
2. Politics
3. Industry JRD. Tata Dynamism & optimism
4. Film making
5. Environment
6. Family
7. Literature William Shakespeare Innovativeness, mastery
over language
8 Social Service
9 Science & Technology
10 Education

Activity 4 is not a positionGroup
or a Work
title; it is an action and an example
15 min

Activity – 4 Pair Work 10 min.

Observe the picture below and read the following words/ phrases and segregate them
into TWO groups in the table below:

Dictates, Coaches, Imposes responsibility, Directs, Intimidate, Criticizes, Collaborates,

People oriented, Shares responsibility, Profit oriented, Encouraging, Dominates, Flexible,
Authority, cheerful members, unhappy followers.

 Now, arrange the words into two groups:

Boss Leader
Activity 5 A Group Work 20 min.

 Read the following quotes and guess the leader, who is

associated with those words. Provide two or three words about
his/her leadership qualities.
 The spokesperson of each group will present the qualities of any two leaders.
If necessary browse for information.

Quote Qualities of the Leader

“I like the religion that teaches liberty, equality
and fraternity.” –
Name of the Leader who spoke these words: 2.

2. “Give me blood and I will give you freedom.” 1.


3. “I have a dream that my four little children 1.

will one day live in a nation where they will
not be judged by the colour of their skin, but
by the content of their character.” –

4. “One child, one teacher, one book, one pen 1.

can change the world”. -

5. “We are all born with a divine fire in us. Our 1.

efforts should be to give wings to this fire and
fill the world with the glow of its goodness.” –
6 “ Ask not what your country can do for you- 1.
ask what you can do for your country”
: ____________________________________

7 “The best and most beautiful things in the 1.

world can’t be seen or even touched; they must
be felt with heart”
: _______________________________

Activity 5B: Group 15 min.

One of the members from each group would present about an instance
where he/she personally demonstrated his/ her leadership qualities in two to
three minutes.

Wrap Up 10 Min

Recall what you have learnt about Leadership. One or two students may make brief
review of the class.

Home Assignment :

1. Write a paragraph about your favourite leader.

2. Gather information about one of the leaders from the activities 3 or 5A and make a poster
to present in the next class. Include his/ her picture, quotes and ideology.

3. Write your response in a paragraph about the situation: You are one of the main student
leaders of your college. In a leader’s meeting, one of the younger student questions a decision
you have made. What would be your reaction? How do you deal with the situation?

Suggested Readings & Web Links:

1. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People – Stephen R. Covey

2. On Becoming a Leader – Warren Bennis

3. 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership – John Maxwell

4. The Leadership Training Activity Book – Lois B. Hart

5. https://www.slideshare.net/mithisood/presentation-on-leadership-9401617

6. https://www.slideshare.net/gayatrishelke94/leadership-ppt-presentation

7. sites.ieee.org/sem/files/2012/09/Leadership-Presentation.ppt

8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lEp4TVpxgA

9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xduc6otOzk

10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjQXhoXvln4

11. https://www.imd.org/imd-reflections/reflection-page/leadership-styles/

“Leaders become great, not because of their power. But

of their ability to empower others” – John Maxwell
Lesson 10 - LEADERSHIP Assessment Sheet Date: _____________

Name of the Student: ___________________________________ PIN: _____________

I. Answer the following questions:

1. What is leadership?


2. Mention the types of leadership you studied.



3. Write the names of a few good leaders you know.



II. State whether the following statements are True or False.

a) A good leader is born, not made. ____________

b) Leadership is a responsibility, not a right. _____________

c) Autocratic leadership is better than Democratic. ____________

III. Fill in the blanks with suitable words:

a) Hitler was an ________________ leader.

b) A good leader wins the _______________ of his team.

c) A great leader takes ____________________ for the failures of his team.

…stay cool and stay focused_____

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of this lesson, you will be able to…

● define stress and assess its causes and effects
● distinguish between „Eustress‟ and „Distress‟
● practise effective stress management strategies

On Your Marks! Individual Work 20min.

 Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:

A lecturer was talking to his students on the last day of their college. He wanted to talk
something relevant to their everyday lives. He put a half-filled glass with water on table. Some
smart and self-motivated students thought that he might be trying to know the positive attitude
of the students! Some started saying „Half-full‟, while some said, „Half-empty‟! But the
lecturer smiled gently and asked the students, “How heavy is this glass of water?” First
surprised, but then the students started giving their responses. The responses were ranging from
50 gm to 250 gm! The lecturer listened to all their responses with a smile on his face.

Then he replied, “The weight of the glass is indefinite!” Everyone was startled. Then
the lecturer explained, “The actual weight of the glass doesn‟t matter at all. All that matters is
how long you hold it. If you hold it for a minute, that‟s not heavy at all. If you hold it for ten
minutes, then you will sense a negligible pain. If you hold it for one more hour, you will have
ache in your arm. But if you keep holding it for the entire day, your pain in the arm gets
unbearable and finally you may need a doctor to attend you!” At this moment, the students
were listening to the lecturer very keenly. The lecturer continued, “The weight of the glass is
always same, but the longer you hold the glass, the heavier, painful and stressful it grows!” The
lecturer continued, “The example of holding the water glass is very similar to what happens in
our lives. If we carry our problems, worries, tensions, fears, and all that are negative and
harmful, very soon the burden becomes heavier. Ultimately, we cannot bear it any longer. So,
just as we do with the glass, we need to put the burdens down, and take some rest. Once you
get back to normalcy, take those burdens again. Similarly, in your professional life, don‟t carry
the burden of work to home. Start afresh tomorrow with your full commitment and energy.
Then you will never feel the burden heavy”. (Adapted from

a. What skill is explained by the lecturer in the above narration?



b. When do we feel the glass of water heavy?


c. What do you think is the water glass in the story related to in real life?


d. What makes us feel heavier ? Is it the problem or the stress related to it?



e. What message do you receive from the passage?



Generating Word Bank Pair Work 15 min.

The following are a few words that are related to Stress. Pair up with your
friend and try to generate as many words related to stress as you can.



Not over yet! Try to pool up some words that show signs of composure. Here are a few

Activity 1: Pair Work 15 min.

Given below are the various factors that cause stress in our lives. Discuss with your
partner, observe them carefully and categorise them into positive and negative stressors
causing Eustress and Distress respectively.

Eustress Vs Distress

Unemployment • New job • Sleeplessness •Injury • Holiday •

Death of loved ones •meeting your favourite celebrity •
Negligence • Rejection • Success • Admission in a course •
Divorce • Illness • Promotion at job •First flight • Attending
an interview • Laziness • getting good rank • playing games •
enmity • attending a function • an empty wallet • A smile

Positive Stressors (Eustress) Negative Stressors (Distress)

Learning Chest 15min.

Stressopaedia: Everything about Stress & Stress Management

‘Stress’ can be understood as the pressure or pain that we feel physically or

emotionally when we are unable to meet the demands in personal, professional,
financial, and social fronts. Since we are living in the modern age of extreme
competition, pollution, and conflicts, it is inevitable that all the individuals are prone
to one or the other form of stress. Reasonable amount of stress is positive and acts as a
motivating factor to meet the challenges and makes us achievers. But the negative
stress leads to emotional, behavioural, and physical problems which eventually result
in an individual‟s failure in all spheres of life.
Stress is a two-sided coin -‘Eustress’ and ‘Distress’.
 Eustress means beneficial stress, either psychological or physiological like
walking or doing exercise. It is the positive face of the stress, which is
motivating, exciting, temporary, and helps in improving the performance. The
factors that cause Eustress are called Positive Stressors.
 Distress, on the other hand, is the negative face of the stress, which is
unpleasant, anxious, harmful, permanent, and leads to decline in the
performance. Those factors which cause Distress are called Negative Stressors.
 Some effective and right stress management techniques include listening to
music, reading, walking, gardening, spending time with children and pets,
practising Yoga, touring, sports, healthy inter-personal relationships and better
time-management. These are also called Stress busters that keep the stress
 Harmful stress management techniques are smoking, alcoholism, drug
consumption, over sleeping, over eating, and over thinking without right
decision and action. In fact these habits along with the vices like negative
thinking, jealousy, insincerity, dishonesty cannot control the stress but trigger
it. By adopting effective strategies, we can keep stress under control and
enhance our self-esteem.

Strategies for Stress Management

1. Respond, don’t React
2. Nip in the Bud
3. Self-Talk
4. Self-Belief: Yes, I can!
5. Stress is temporary, Relations are permanent

Make your journey from DISTRESS to DE-STRESS

What should we do when we are burdened with stress? Carry it or Get rid of it?
Activity 2: Individual Work 20 min.

Stressometer: Know your Stress levels: The following table has a list of
symptoms related to stress in our everyday lives. Put a tick (√) mark
against the frequency with which you have experienced each of these
problems during the past one semester. All the Best!

S.No. Symptom Never Rarely Frequently Always

(0) (1) (2) (3)
1 Fatigue/Tiredness
2 Overeating
3 Body pains
4 Nightmares
5 Irritability/anger
6 Migraine headache
7 Nausea/Vomiting
8 Diarrhoea
9 Loss of appetite
10 Common flu/cold
11 Sweating palm/feet
12 Dermatitis/Allergy
13 Constipation
14 Sleep Deprival
15 Nervousness
16 Negative thoughts
17 Depression
18 Heart palpitations
19 Neck/shoulder ache
20 Loss of Immunity

Your Total score ( 0+1+2+3) : _____________________

Activity 3 A Individual Work 15 min.

Dealing the Stress in the best way!

The following statements present you different situations where you feel stressed. Read
them carefully and tick the appropriate response. Discuss your responses with your teacher.
1. You have to face a tough interview for a reputed organisation as part of the campus
a. I would avoid the interview because it is tough _____
b. I am an average student and I won‟t get selected in such a reputed organisation _____
c. I would evolve a strategy to attempt the interview successfully _____

2. You got injured while playing cricket and recovered after two months.
a. I curse my fate and would never play cricket again _____
b. I would gradually get used to play again _____
c. I would start playing another game _____

3. You have to start your first job in a distant place after your diploma.
a. I would not take up the job _____
b. I would take up my favourite hobby along with the job to keep myself happy _____
c. I would ask the recruiter to appoint me in my hometown _____

4. Your father has acquired huge losses in his business and you are the only breadwinner in the
family now.
a. I would not share the responsibility since it was your father‟s mistake _____
b. I would curse my fate for having to take up responsibilities at a young age _____
c. I would understand the hardships my father had gone through for educating me _____

5. Your elder brother has lost his job due to recession in the IT industry.
a. I would say that IT jobs are not at all secure and he has made a wrong choice. _____
b. I would ask him to take some time and update his skills for securing a new job. _____
c. I would start feeling that it has become burdensome to bear the family‟s responsibility ___

6. Having discharged from the hospital after a terrible accident, you are suffering from
a. I would completely avoid driving a bike _____
b. I would take some tablets to sleep well _____
c. I would practice meditation and other techniques to be calm and composed _____

7. You are given a very challenging assignment by your superior officer to be completed in
short time which will offer you a chance for promotion.
a. I would conclude that my superior has personal grudge for giving me the assignment _____
b. I would decide that I better look for a new job instead of taking up the assignment _____
c. I would see the assignment as an opportunity to prove my ability and get promotion _____

8. You have failed in the exam despite preparing well.

a. My knowledge is not adequate to be successful in the exam _____
b. The question paper was not properly set according to the syllabus _____
c. My preparation was not strategic and well planned as per the exam _____

9. You are very short and your height is not enough for the job of Police officer.
a. I can never make a successful career in my life _____
b. I can choose any different career that suits my physical traits _____
c. I would undergo a surgery that may increase my height _____

Activity 3 B Individual Work 15 min.

Imagine that you are in your final year B.Tech and attending Campus
interviews. There is a prestigious company recruiting the candidates
offering handsome salary to the students who fare well in academics and in the interview. You
have secured requisite percentage of marks but feel stressed to face the interview tomorrow.
Write a paragraph about how you will manage your stress. Write down the stressors and
strategies to manage your stress.
Your Stressors: ____________________________________________________________

Your Strategies: ___________________________________________________________


Activity 4: Group Work 20min.

 Form into groups and discuss the given situation
 Write down your suggestions and the spokesperson would
present it before the class.
Imagine that your cousin is writing his/her SSC exams in three months. S/He is feeling stressed
as it is the first public exam in his/her life. At the same time his / her father is facing huge loss
in his business and slowly getting addicted to alcohol and coming home late. Your aunt is
greatly shocked, developed insomnia with the loss in business and her son /daughter‟s SSC
exams. All the three in the family are highly stressed with the adversities. You are the nearest
kin and close to their family. Jot down a few points how you are going to suggest them some
techniques and help the three come out of their stress.

a) Your suggestion/ plan of action to your cousin: _______________________________


b) To your aunt: __________________________________________________________


c) To your uncle: _________________________________________________________


Wrap Up 10 min.
Recall what you have learnt about Stress Management. Two or three students may give
brief presentations. / You can also share your experiences where you felt stressed and
managed or got relieved of it.

 Now, check your Stress levels that you have recorded in Activity 2.

Stressometer scale: Your score: __________

a) ≥20 → Very Stressed, Needs a complete change of lifestyle, Consult a doctor

b) 11-20 → Moderately Stressed, Needs a slight change in the lifestyle, Need to be health

c) 1-10 → Negligibly Stressed, healthy personality.

(* the given scale is just for the purpose of illustration to the students; it is not scientifically

Home Assignments:

1. Ask and gather information from your close friend/ father/mother or any elderly person
known to you about his or her experience with a stressful situation and how he / she dealt with

2. Recollect one past incident in which you felt highly stressed in your life and how you were
able to control it. If the same incident were to occur in future, how would you manage it in the
light of the present techniques you have learnt?

Suggested Reading& Web Links:

1. Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers (The Acclaimed Guide to Stress, Stress-Related Diseases, and
Coping) by Robert M. Sapolsky
2. Fighting Invisible Tigers: A Stress Management Guide for Teens by Earl Hipp
3. Monkey Mind: A Memoir on Anxiety by Daniel Smith
4. Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science of Contentment, Calm, and Confidence — Rick
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKPh-eZDoTU
6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHbPTON5Omo
7. https://www.slideshare.net/alshafipdk/stress-management-presentation-4267473
8. https://www.mansfield.edu/fye/modules/upload/STRESS_MANAGEMENT.ppt
9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8aDrpMX7OA
10. https://stress.lovetoknow.com/Stress_Management_PowerPoint_Presentation
11. https://www.mentalhelp.net/articles/types-of-stressors-eustress-vs-distress/
Lesson 11: Stress Management Assessment Sheet Date:___________
Name of the Student: ____________________________________PIN:________________

1. How do you define stress in your own words?



2. What are the negative stressors that you usually face in your everyday life?



3. How is Positive stress / reasonable amount of stress useful to us?



4. What are the techniques that you would like to adopt in future to deal with the negative



5. Mention a few stress triggers that people mistake for stress busters.


Read the following statements and state True / False

6. Stress occurs only in the lives of poor people True/False

7. To reduce stress, medicines are the only remedy True/False

8. Stress is a permanent disorder; it cannot be cured at all. True/False

9. Stress is always harmful to us; there is no benefit with stress. True/False

10. Stress buster means the activities that enhance stress further True/False

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