Sana All Fluent: A Qualitative Analysis of Family Members' Experiences
Sana All Fluent: A Qualitative Analysis of Family Members' Experiences
Sana All Fluent: A Qualitative Analysis of Family Members' Experiences
Second Term
The successful completion of this study endeavor would not have been possible without the
assistance and efforts of several individuals and organizations. Their advice, knowledge, and
encouragement have tremendously enriched the outcome of this study. The researchers would like to
make use of this opportunity to express their gratitude to everyone who offered their time and expertise:
Centro Escolar Integrated School – Malolos, for the resources, facilities, and mentorship
Mr. Raymond Carlo Mendoza, for the countless hours spent in discussions, consultations, and
constructive critiques that have considerably improved the study's quality and rigor.
The researchers' parents and friends, for their steadfast support and encouragement throughout
To the Lord Almighty, for their benevolence and for blessing us with the knowledge and
This study would not have been possible without the combined work and contributions of
everyone named above. Their passion, participation, and belief in the significance of this study have left
a lasting impression.
This research is dedicated to every family member who has embraced the ever-evolving
To the parents, siblings, and family members who have navigated the linguistic shifts and
embraced the world of Gen-Z slang, this work acknowledges your open-mindedness and willingness to
To the teenagers and young adults who have enriched family dynamics with your unique lexicon,
this research celebrates your creativity and the connections forged through shared understanding.
To the elders who have embraced the challenge of understanding and engaging with a new
generation's language, this dedication honors your curiosity, patience, and efforts to bridge generational
To the families who have embraced linguistic diversity, recognizing the beauty in the evolution
of language, this research stands as a tribute to your acceptance and celebration of cultural and linguistic
May this research shed light on the experiences, challenges, and joys of family members
navigating Gen-Z slang in their daily interactions. May it foster understanding, encourage conversation,
Communication plays a vital role in various aspects of our lives. More so, family communication
utilize their voice when necessary. However, certain factors like the rise of slang in the younger
communities lead to misunderstanding especially when conversing with individuals from an older
generation. This is observed on a day-to-day basis among our respective homes, when we are
Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher, stated, "The only thing constant in life is change." This concept
can be further applied to language and communication. Over the span of years, language has evolved more
than ever. Various elements including engagement with others, technology, and way of life highly
influence language development (Jeresano & Carretero, 2022). Although language has always developed
since it first arose, the youth of today, known as Generation Z, has brought about a notable linguistic shift
with the aid of technology. As members of society and as the country’s future leaders, the younger
generation plays a crucial role in language development (Maulidiya et al., 2021). In line with this, the
generation also must deal with the problems arising in family communication as they converse with
As explained by Lutfullaevn (2023), slang is an essential part of young people's lives since it makes
it easier for them to communicate and learn new words. However, inclusivity becomes questionable when
when slang from various generations begins to infiltrate the conversation. The aforementioned studies
focus on the prevalence of Gen Z slang in our daily communication, the effects of utilizing slang in an
academic setting, and the impact of social media and technology on linguistic development. This study
will focus not only on the slang used by Generation Z but also its underlying effects on family
A research conducted by the Center for Family Legacy in 2021 entitled “The Importance of Family
Communication: You cannot not communicate”, revealed that 65% of the time, lack of proper and clear
communication is the cause of mistrust among family members. This successfully illustrates the
importance of proper communication between family member. In a study by Eble (2009), she emphasized
that people who use the same slang feel connected with one another and disconnected from those who do
not. Families, being a multigenerational unit of society, are the victims of these ideas of detachment.
Furthermore, most people find it difficult to comprehend the concept, so they learned by memorizing the
vocabulary without understanding its usage and relevance (Indera & Ramdzan, 2021). This can result in
a misunderstanding that jeopardizes the family relationship. Consequently, poor communication among
family members influences the psychological wellbeing of an individual, causing depression, anxiety, and
As previously said, effective family communication is the cornerstone of one's capacity to properly
communicate one's thoughts. This research paper aims to interpret the family members' experiences with
Gen Z slang, thus providing us with a better knowledge of and description of how slang influences family
This phenomenological study seeks to comprehend family members' experiences as Gen Z slang
invades everyday family conversation, therefore generating an analysis of the impacts of slang use in a
multigenerational unit of society. The researchers will make use of the narratives of a Generation Z family
member and another family member from an older generation (27 and above) to answer the following
specific questions:
2. What are the contributing factors why Generation Z employs slang while conversing with
4. What changes should family members consider to create coherent and inclusive communication?
Theoretical Framework
The theoretical basis of this paper is Everett Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovation Theory (1962).
Rogers stated in his theory that in order to achieve development, innovations must be accepted and adopted
by a population. He proposed five groups of adopters: innovators, early adopters, early majorities, late
majorities, and laggards. As per Rogers' theory, innovators are those who desire to be the first to try an
innovation—the influencers. The innovators are followed by early adopters. The early majority is made
up of people who seek evidence before making a decision to follow a bandwagon. The late majority is
made up of people who are skeptical and will only follow after the majority has. Finally, there are the
laggards. These are the ones who are deeply rooted in tradition and are quite conservative. They're the
As seen in Figure 1, the percentage of late majorities and laggards is notably high. This may be
applied to this study in terms of family members' perspectives on the emergence of Gen Z slang. Age
plays an important role in Rogers' theory. Older generations are more firmly established in culture and
tradition. Making alterations to their typical routine is a difficult challenge for them. This places them in
the laggard category on Rogers' theory. That being said, linguistic shifts are harder to enforce on older
individuals. Generation Z members are the innovators; they are the individuals responsible for change,
particularly the emergence of new words. As per Rogers' theory, in order to impose change on the
laggards, the other groups must be competent at persuading them. The authors of this study will employ
Conceptual Framework
The conceptual framework of this research was developed using an input-process-output model
(IPO) to illustrate the pattern of how input data is processed and turned into outputs. The paradigm of this
The research informants' narratives of the study's problem make up the input data. These
narratives will be collected through a semi-structured interview with willing participants who meet the
qualifications specified in this paper. Apart from this, the researchers will also be utilizing the pre-
established theory mentioned in the theoretical framework of the paper. The theory of Everett Rogers
will aid in comprehending the problem by describing how people of different ages respond to shifts.
The primary aim of this study is to comprehend and analyze family members' narratives on the
utilization of Gen Z slang in intrafamily communication. The key findings of this study will be
To Generation Z. This study will aid Generation Z by giving necessary details on how slang
usage impacts family communication. This knowledge will then assist them in building clear and
will assist parents in choosing the most effective strategies to cope with the growth of new vocabularies.
To the family counselors. This study will be useful for family counselors as it will provide
details concerning the effect of Gen Z slangs on communication, which is essential in establishing a
To the teachers. This study will assist teachers in assessing the influence of slang on children
and may aid in the development of a mechanism for students to communicate more effectively with their
To the academic institution. This paper will allow the institution to build a welcoming
community of educators, parents, and learners who can effectively communicate with one another.
To the future researchers. This research paper will be valuable to future academics,
particularly those interested in studying the linguistic barriers between Generation Z and older
The purpose of this phenomenological study is to understand how the usage of Gen Z slang
impacts a tiny, multigenerational unit of society. This paper aims to draw attention to the impact of
language barriers, particularly the creation of new vocabulary. This study will contribute to a greater
understanding of the issues that arise when Generation Z uses their slang on a daily and regular basis.
The authors of this paper restricted the participants to senior high school students, ages 15 to 19,
and a relative who is at least 27 years old. Additionally, the informants must be residents of Malolos,
informants. The researchers set this style of interview to gather more spontaneous and natural responses.
To ensure that the respondents are family-related, they will be picked in pairs. However, in order to
preserve anonymity, the interview will be done individually. This paper will not cover all ages of
Generation Z. Members of Generation Z under the age of fifteen (15), family members who are not in
constant communication, and those whose first language is not Filipino are all excluded from the study.
Definition of Terms
The primary terminologies mentioned in this paper are defined using its dictionary definitions
vocabulary composed typically of coinages, arbitrarily changed words, and extravagant, forced, or
facetious figures of speech. In this research paper, slang refers to the distinctive words and phrases
Generation Z. Pew Research Center identified Generation Z as the group of people born
between 1997 and 2012. This study refers to Generation Z as the individuals who are 12 to 26 years old
by 2023.
Gen Z Slang. A study by Jeresano and Carretero (2022) defined Gen Z slang as the newly
invented words and expressions made by the abovementioned generation. In this study, Gen Z slang
refers to the invented terms that people between the ages of 12 and 26 frequently use.
communication as the process wherein family members share ideas. The authors of this paper refers to
This chapter delves into the comprehensive exploration of existing literature and theoretical
frameworks that form the foundation of this research study. This chapter provides a critical review and
synthesis of prior findings, academic papers, and relevant theories on linguistic variation and
generational differences.
Language is a powerful tool for communication, but with the rise of technology and social
media, new slangs have emerged. Generation Z, in particular, has been known to create and popularize
new words and phrases. It is impossible to reverse the prevalence of Gen-Z slang in daily conversation.
The emergence of these slangs, however, may be studied in order to understand how Gen-Zs create these
new terms. Given that some individuals find it difficult to understand the word in context, understanding
how it was formed may be the most practical method to avoid misinterpretation.
Social interaction, technology, and lifestyle—these are some of the factors influencing language.
The pandemic has contributed to the emergence of new words. During the pandemic that started in 2020,
new words were constantly added to the Oxford Dictionary. Some of the terms added were coined by
Generation Z and are regarded as Gen Z slangs (Jeresano & Carretero, 2022). These newly created
In their study entitled “Digital Culture and Social Media Slang of Gen Z”, Jeresano and
Carretero (2022) classified Gen Z slangs by enumerating morphological processes. Clipping is the first
of the morphological processes. Clipping, as defined by the authors, is the act of trimming words in
order to reduce the effort needed in speaking and writing. The term 'char,' for example, is derived from
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the expression ‘charot.’ Despite having the same meaning, the former was created through regular
abbreviation of the original phrase and is more commonly used than the latter.
The second process is connotation, which occurs when the connotative meaning of the word is
used instead of its dictionary or literal meaning. As an example, the authors used the word kanser, which
is commonly used among gamers. Kanser (cancer) is a disease, but in the context where it is commonly
used, kanser refers to someone who fails to help in resolving the problem.
The third is a process known as compounding, which involves combining two independent and
unrelated words to generate a new phrase. The expression "happy pill," which refers to someone who
brings joy to others, was used as an example. The words happy and pill were used in this case. The
Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines happy as an adjective which describes one's fulfillment and joy. A
pill, on the other hand, is a cylindrical and solid medication which is taken orally. By merging these two
The fourth is a subtype of compounding: the combination of two different languages. It is the
process of merging two words from different languages to make a new term. The expression "sana all"
was used as an example. Sana is a Filipino word that literally translates to "hope" or "wish." Meanwhile,
“all” is an English term that relates to the extent of a group (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). The words create
an expression that is widely used when someone expresses hope that everyone, including the speaker,
The next process is known as initialism. Initialism is the technique of using the initial letter of a
word to create a shorthand manner of stating it. Initialism and acronyms are particularly popular in
texting, given that the number of characters is limited. Although most of the slangs produced by
initialism predates the Gen Zs, these terms are still widely used today. FRFR is an initialism coined by
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Generation Z. This stands for “for real, for real,” and is frequently used to convey agreement on a
Another process is called the reverse form. In this process, a word's letters are rearranged in
order to form a new variation. The rearrangement and reversal of letters vary, too. It may be a
straightforward reversal, such as the word "lodi," which is simply "idol" spelled backwards. A word may
also be reversed according to syllables. "Petmalu" is derived from the word "malupet" (malupit). Most
of the time, reversing words does not alter the original meaning. However, the way it is conveyed and
the informality of the words may bring about another interpretation. These are only a few of the many
processes that a word may go through. It is also worth noting that a word might go through multiple
On the other hand, Temporosa (2022) pointed out in her study, "The Morphological Analysis of
Filipino Slang Words," that slangs should not be seen as a language of the uneducated. Furthermore, she
views Filipino slang as a dynamic and ever-evolving topic. Filipino slangs, unlike other slangs, can be
formed in a variety of ways. A word's letters can be shuffled, a word from another language can be
borrowed to construct a new word, and a word can even be read backwards. As a result, Filipino slang
words are unique and creative; some even have a deep backstory.
In a study about the rise of Gen-Z lexicons, Soriano (2023) utilized the terms 'forda' and 'ferson'
that circulated late in 2022 as the focus of the study. These were started by Chrishanna Luisa Olavidez
Austria, a Tiktok Gen-Z influencer, who created amusing videos using the phrases. These expressions
were created from the English words "for the" and "person.” However, the usage is typically persistent
and made amusing by improper usage. Despite the fact that the majority supported the lexicons, others
opposed and condemned the inappropriate usage of terms, particularly in formal and academic contexts.
was stated that these phrases encourage group solidarity. It contributes to the development of an
individual's social identity by associating them with a group that speaks the same language. However,
the opposite effect could occur as well. People who are not members of the group may feel excluded,
Slang is a part of our everyday life. It aids in the development of one's social identity by
providing a sense of belonging. The usage of slang words also adds to the conversation's creativity and
casualness. Furthermore, it adds substance to the Filipino language by demonstrating how creative one
can be when coining a new term. As a result, the entertainment and literary industries have embraced the
use of slang terms. By doing so, they build a better and stronger connection with their audiences. These
can be further applied as the researchers comprehend the effects of slang usage in a family setting.
Generation Z has built a name for itself as a generation that is vocal, creative, and not hesitant to
speak up against injustices. However, from the perspective of others, these characteristics are not worthy
of praise. Some may argue that Gen-Zers are immature, idealistic, and untamed children. Because of
this, it is ideal for every family to give their best attention to their children. Even though these families
provide the best education, instill strong values, and promote a healthy lifestyle, a generational gap
prevails. These problems are all related to the same age and modernization issue, but one significant
factor that has the potential to increase the gap is a change in communication.
thought to be impacted by disagreements with their parents, which can be seen as a natural component
of family structure during this period. The frequency with which parents and their children exhibit
various emotions and change promptly between these emotions during disputes is an important feature
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of conflict interactions. Families can experiment with different ways to communicate through their
capacity to express a variety of emotions. However, expressing too many emotions might pressure some
children into feeling overwhelmed. As a result, some families that only express affection toward each
other and are hesitant to express frustration may have more difficulty resolving their conflicts. To
prevent such cases from happening, families with Generation Z members can maintain a middle ground
where they can acknowledge each other’s ways and errors in communication.
Regardless of what or how you talk about a certain topic, there will always be a root that will
cause an arising error that could lead to miscommunication. To break down the errors leading to
miscommunication, Ritchie and Fitzpatrick (as cited by Hassan et al., 2022) proposed the four family
categories, which are consensual, pluralistic, protective, and laissez-faire. These categories will be
helpful in characterizing family communication styles and breaking down the socialization processes of
Gen-Z. A consensual family encourages open communication and high conformity, which encourages
family members to express their opinions to have a better knowledge of one another's viewpoints. The
protective family likewise has high conformity but low communication; thus, the parents are the only
ones who have the authority to make decisions for the whole family. The pluralistic family is low in
parents encourage their kids to speak up. Last but not least, because the laissez-faire family has low
communication and conformity, everyone in the family has no say in how decisions are made, which
discourages those within from asking for help. This is the kind of family where the parenting style is
dysfunctional because Gen-Zers are unable to communicate with one another since their strict privacy
As stated by Amaradip et al. (2022), undermining behaviors by parents can trigger Gen-Z’s
aggression, which causes more communication problems. It raises a child's likelihood of experiencing
undermine behavior but also prefer harsh punishments to force their own values upon the child.
In an online survey conducted by Hassan et al. (2022), the total number for conformity was
lower than that for conversation out of all the categories. Through this, we can conclude that the
majority of the parent and child participants belong to pluralistic families. As was previously stated,
pluralistic families value conversations over conformity. It demonstrates that the majority of the parents
who took part in the study let their Generation Z kids make choices for themselves. This kind of family
enables both sides to better comprehend one another's points of view, which in turn can help them grasp
their modes of communication. Knowing that Gen-Zers grew up at a time surrounded by modernized
technology and the internet, it is no surprise that what they want is transparency in communication.
Pluralistic families have an advantage when it comes to understanding Generation Z more than the other
three types of families since they are able to engage in open conversations. In addition, Gen-Zers are
allowed to freely express themselves through their means of expression, which include sophisticated
while Gen-Zers are still changing the way they communicate, interactions can help minimize errors.
These errors can also be used to better understand children's perspectives and avoid miscommunication.
Communication has the power to build and break. The capacity for effective communication is
one of the critical abilities one must develop. Aside from improving an individual’s comprehension, it
also contributes to the development of positive relationships, particularly with families. Acquiring the
As Dolan (2019) pointed out, using unfamiliar terms might cause misunderstandings and
separate individuals from the message. The use of slang and jargon in communication may be
advantageous. However, it may be problematic because not everyone is familiar with every phrase.
Depending on whom an individual is interacting with, they need to adjust their communication style.
Families, as a multigenerational social unit, are one environment in which we have to alter our
communication techniques. Additionally, the author highlighted that the use of unfamiliar terms in
communication results in a lack of trust. When a person cannot properly comprehend what a word
means, they might end up concluding that someone is making up words to conceal something. Hence, if
there is no trust built among family members, a lot of troubles may arise. Family members may start
doubting one another due to the incoherent communication, and inclusivity might not foster.
Truist Wealth Center for Family Legacy (2021) provided a set of solutions to avoid arguments
caused by incoherent familial communication. Being conscious is the first of the suggested solutions to
improving communication. As the author points out, it is crucial to understand that good communication
requires effort and consciousness. An individual must be aware of their tone and emphasis. Others might
misinterpret this easily, which would increase tension and have a bad effect on relationships.
Additionally, one must also be conscious of their choice of words. The use of complex and unfamiliar
words might result in confusion and misunderstandings. Therefore, using slang and jargon must be
avoided, particularly when conversing with people from a different group or generation. Families are
most susceptible to miscommunication because of the complexities of each member. Even though the
The success of communication can be greatly enhanced by developing listening abilities and
learning to listen empathically. Slangs are complex terminologies. The creation of slang words is not a
steady line that one may trace easily. Even though the creation of these words may end up having a
pattern, it would be difficult for someone from another generation to fully comprehend the meaning of a
word. Listening to comprehend rather than reply is a meta-practice every individual should be aware of.
When age and generation operate as obstacles, listening is a critical skill. People of different generations
have different perspectives, experiences, and even expressions. Listening facilitates correct and effective
comprehension of the situation's context. In order to effectively communicate with others, it is important
for us to be aware of both our own and their communication preferences. We become more adept at
Dedication and practice are necessary for effective communication. People should pay attention
to both their own and other people's communication styles. Slang from Generation Z is growing
common in some family conversations. A lot of people, particularly those who are from the older
generations, are still unaware of the meanings of the newly coined terms. To have a conversation that is
clearer and more understood, both generations must learn to adapt to varied communication styles. Both
Gen Z and older generations may explore various communication modalities. The ability to commit to
becoming more engaged, empathic listeners is crucial, especially for the essential people in our life. The
foundation of a successful and happy family is open communication. Family members should make an
The preceding studies effectively demonstrated that the research problem exists and is presently
being dealt with in society. Using the information synthesized from the associated literature and studies
discussed above, the researchers were able to eventually reinforce the link between the variables of the
research study.
The researchers addressed several notions of communication, its barriers, and the measures utilized
to minimize miscommunication due to Gen-Z slang in this chapter. The studies being used to determine
the digital culture present in Generation Z language and its perceived effect on their conversational
language were used to explore the variables affecting communication caused by slang. In turn, commonly
occurring word-formation processes like Clipping, Connotation, Compounding, Initialism, and Reversing
aid in tracing a word's etymology. Secondly, to understand the impact of slang on misunderstanding
among family members with Generation Z, studies that investigated communication gaps and trends in
families were required. It was found that most families experience problems because of
miscommunication among family members of different ages. Furthermore, these studies cover topics like
conversation, conformity, and the four categories of families: consensual, pluralistic, protective, and
laissez-faire. Finally, after categorizing communication patterns among family members, barriers in
familial communication were identified. The studies in this theme highlighted the significant influence of
employing unfamiliar terminologies in familial communication and how members might manage.
The literature and studies reviewed in this chapter will aid in determining the potential
consequences of using Gen-Z slang in family communication. Furthermore, it benefited the writers'
Research Design
Sacred Heart University (2022) defined research design as the overall strategy that the researchers
selected to integrate the various elements of their study in a coherent and logical manner, ensuring
effectiveness in addressing the research problem. The purpose of this research is to conduct a naturalistic
study to discover and obtain a thorough grasp of the everyday experiences associated with the use of Gen-
Z slang in family communication. The naturalistic study involves monitoring and documenting
occurrences as they occur in their natural settings, allowing for a thorough and realistic examination of
the subject.
This research paper will employ the phenomenological research design as it allows the respondents
to express their varied viewpoints on the inclusion of Gen Z slang into typical family conversations
through a variety of experiences. This research design will also be beneficial for the researchers, as it will
aid in collecting diverse and true-to-life answers. For this type of study to make sense and highlight the
experiences and insights of the respondents, the researchers must dissociate themselves from the study's
The researchers have devised two distinct selection criteria for study participants. To begin, five
senior high school students aged 15 to 19 studying at Centro Escolar Integrated School- Malolos will fill
the first half of the required respondents. The second half will consist of the first five respondents'
relatives. The family member must be at least 27 years old by the time the study is done in 2023. The
The researchers will be utilizing a non-probability sampling technique known as the snowball
technique. Snowball sampling, as defined by Oregon State University (2010), is a research recruitment
approach in which volunteers are requested to help researchers find other possible subjects. Participants
in this technique will be asked to recommend and recruit the following participant, making it respondent-
In this technique, the researchers will select five senior high school students to participate in the
interview. These interviewees will be asked to recommend a family member who is at least 27 years old.
The recruited family members will take part in the second interview batch.
The study will benefit from the use of snowball sampling given that it will allow researchers to
collect relevant answers. The comparable nature of responses will be critical when the researchers develop
Research Instrument
In order to collect data for this study, the researchers will utilize interviews as an instrument. An
interview is "to question or talk with someone to get information" according to the transitive terminology
from Merriam-Webster's Dictionary. A set of questions will be asked by the interviewer during this formal
interaction between the interviewer and interviewee in order to aid the analysis as researchers.
will be used by the researchers. It will, in a sense, promote a two-way conversation between researchers
will take notes while they conduct the interviews on the answers given by the participants. In this method,
the researchers may ask follow-up questions to gain a deeper understanding of the participant’s answers.
In addition to taking notes, the researchers will also use a device that can record the activity being
conducted to precisely record the respondents' narratives and prevent errors. The participants will be
notified about the current recording and briefed on the importance of doing so.
Validation of Instrument
Ensuring the validity and appropriateness of the instrument is necessary for both the researchers
and the participants. By doing so, the researchers will be able to ask all essential questions necessary to
produce valuable answers. Validating the research instrument guarantees that it is measuring what needs
to be measured (Ramli et al., 2010). Since this study is qualitative, generalizability is one of the qualities
that a researcher must establish. To ensure this, the instruments must be validated by an unbiased and
qualified professional. Furthermore, ensuring the appropriateness of the instrument will avoid possible
The questions collected from the conducted interviews will be validated by the research adviser of
the authors. This will be conducted to make sure that all the interview questions are accurate, appropriate,
and obeying the ethics of the process. The structured questions will be scanned by the research adviser
and further corrections and adjustments will be done afterwards. Sequentially, the procedures in collecting
In the process of gathering the data required to proceed with the study, the researchers will
Escolar Integrated School in Malolos at random using respondent-driven snowball sampling. The
researchers will brief the participants to ensure an effective interview. The briefing will go over the
interview procedure in detail and ensure that the respondents understand every circumstance.
Participants are also informed that their responses will be recorded using an audio recording device.
Interview. A five-question semi-structured interview about their experiences with Gen-Z slang
usage will be implemented. Because of the nature of a semi-structured interview, researchers may ask
Snowball Effect. Finally, respondents will be requested to select a family member who is at
least 27 years old to participate in the next set of interviews. These relatives will be questioned in order
to collect the necessary information regarding their experiences with the usage of Gen-Z lexicons in
Following data collection, the researchers will use the responses received to create a detailed
In processing the data gathered, it is crucial for the researchers to set aside any biases, as they
can alter the possible results. The following methods will be employed to process the data gathered:
Transcription. The researchers will transcribe the audio recordings in order to obtain a tangible
manuscript of the participants' answers. In the data processing approach, transcription of audio
recordings has various advantages. For instance, it gives qualitative data a physical and ordered
structure, making it easier to study and analyze. During the data analysis phase, the researchers can refer
arduous task. Therefore, the paper's theoretical framework will be utilized to analyze the responses of
the participants. Using this method, the authors will be able to comprehend the progression of language
trends in various generations. The researchers will benefit from Everett Rogers' Diffusion of Innovation
Theory in detecting possible patterns of behavioral and linguistic adaptation across generations.
Coding. The researchers will extensively review the responses of the research participants in
order to obtain a meaningful and relevant grasp of the data gathered. Furthermore, the responses will be
categorized based on their similarities. Possible patterns will be discovered, and the categories will be
labeled with a word that generalizes the responses. This way, the relationship between the data collected
will be defined.
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