Guiqing Yao resolved immediately by reprogramming to 2. Benjamin EJ, Wolf PA, D’Agostino RB,
University of Birmingham DDD mode.3 It is likely that the lower inci- Silbershatz H, Kannel WB, Levy D. Impact of
UK dence of PMS reported in CTOPP is because atrial fibrillation on the risk of death. The
Framingham heart study. Circulation 1998;98:
reoperation rather than reprogramming was
Melanie J. Calvert 946–952.
required biasing their results. If 30% of
3. Ellenbogen KA, Stambler BS, Orav EJ,
University of Birmingham patients require an upgrade to the DDD Sgarbossa EB, Tullo NG, Love CA, Wood MA,
UK mode early after implantation of a VVI Goldman L, Lamas GA. Clinical characteristics
system, the effects on patients’ quality of of patients intolerant to VVIR pacing. Am J
John G.F. Cleland life and healthcare costs will be marked. A Cardiol 2000;86:59–63.
Department of Cardiology recent meta-analysis showed that the cost 4. Castelnuovo E, Stein K, Pitt M, Garside R, Payne E.
University of Hull difference between single and dual-chamber The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of
Castle Hill Hospital dual-chamber pacemakers compared with
systems over 5 years is small—£700 more for
Kingston upon Hull dual-chamber devices.4 single-chamber pacemakers for bradycardia
UK The authors suggest AAI systems, by
due to atrioventricular block or sick sinus
syndrome: systematic review and economic
Lucinda Billingham reducing ventricular pacing, should be used evaluation. Health Technol Assess 2005;9:1–262
University of Birmingham instead of DDD systems in patients with 5. Glotzer TV, Hellkamp AS, Zimmermann J,
SND because of ‘low’ requirement of Sweeney MO, Yee R, Marinchak R, Cook J,
upgrade to DDD (0.6–8.4%). This is not insig- Paraschos A, Love J, Radoslovich G, Lee KL,
nificant, and therefore, AAIR implantation Lamas GA. Atrial high rate episodes detected
Josef Kautzner difference in part or entirely is to be ascribed Mangione CM, Goldman L. Quality of life and
Department of Cardiology to intolerance of dual chamber stimulation.2 clinical outcomes in elderly patients treated
Institute for Clinical and Thus, we greatly appreciate what was with ventricular pacing as compared with dual-
chamber pacing. N Engl J Med 1998;338:
Experimental Medicine written by Toff et al.1: ‘Our results, supported
Prague by the PASE and CTOPP trials, suggest that the
Czech Republic clinical benefits associated with dual-
chamber pacing for atrioventricular block
have been overestimated.’ Luigi Padeletti
Phillippe Ritter
This reply gives us the opportunity to Internal Medicine and Cardiology Institute
Cabinet de Cardiologie
introduce an important point that we did University of Florence
not consider in our article: the incidence of V.le Morgagni 85
perioperative complications in dual-chamber 50134 Florence
pacing resulted significantly higher in both Italy
A. John Camm Tel: þ39 0557497634
Department of Cardiology UKPACE1 and CTOPP3 trials. The conse-
quence of this is a further increase of differ- E-mail address: [email protected]
St George’s Hospital
London ence in costs between dual-chamber and
UK single-chamber devices.
Concerning the new DDD pacemakers Nicola Musilli
equipped with algorithms for minimizing Internal Medicine and Cardiology Institute