ANNEX C Report On Fund Utilization
ANNEX C Report On Fund Utilization
ANNEX C Report On Fund Utilization
Date of Estimated
Notice of Period of Remarks on
Authority to Type of Mechanism/ Estimated Amount Completion Program/
Fund Title of Specific
Debit Program/ Mode of Number of (month and Project Status
Source Program/ Location
Account Project Implementation Beneficiaries year)
Issued Contracted Disbursed/
(NADAI) Out Utilized
_______________________________________ _______________________________________
Local Budget Officer Local Chief Executive
Local Treasurer
Local Planning and Development Coordinator
1. The report shall be prepared by the LFC, in coordination with the other local officials concerned (e.g., local accountant on the allotment, obligation and disbursements;
local engineer on the status of infrastructure projects, as may be applicable).
2. The fund source pertains to the type of fund and pertinent General Appropriations Act from which the implementation of the program/project was charged against.
3. The type of program/project shall be identified consistent with the programs/projects enumerated under LBC No. ____.
4. Amount received refers to the amount transferred by Bureau of the Treasury to the LGU as indicated in the NADAI. Amount contracted out refers to the total
commitments by the LGU arising from official acts binding the LGU to the immediate or eventual payment of a sum of money. Disbursed/Utilized refers to the total
amount paid by the LGU as of reporting period.
5. The status of programs/projects refers to the percentage of physical completion or delivery of service as of reporting period.