The Best Way To Reduce Youth Crimes Is To Educate Their Parents With Parental Skills.

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1. The best way to reduce youth crimes is to educate their parents with parental skills.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

- youth crime = juvenile delinquency (n,c2: 8.5-9.0) – phạm tội vị thành niên
- parental skills = parental techniques/expertise/knowledge = nurturing (nuôi dưỡng) techniques/expertise….
- equip sb with sth (v): trang bị ai vs cái gì

🡪Intro: The past few decades have witnessed the escalating rate of juvenile delinquency. While a number of people opine that equipping
parents with parental expertise/nurturing techniques is the optimal answer to youth crime puzzles, I firmly advocate that other well-rounded
measures are far superior to entirely eradicate such an alarming issue.

Body 1: On the one hand, there are sufficient grounds to argue that educating fathers and mothers with parenting knowledge put a curb on the
figure of juvenile wrongdoings. Reason: the closest/ the most intimate family members -> more likely (adj) to impart moral lessons to sb. -
>Result: consciousness of laws is enhanced. However, this is such a short-sighted view, as parents are often occupied in their hectic schedules,
(phản biện đây k phải cách tốt nhất) 🡪 taken care of by relatives or babysitters -> exposure (n): sự tiếp xúc to detrimental relationships (at
school or online). 🡪 expose (v) to N, exposed (adj) to N

Body 2: On the other hand, it is my concrete belief that a multitude of viable/workable/practicable/plausible solutions should be taken into
account. First, Ethics and Laws…. explain - result. Second, vocational schools – erected by gov subsidies (n) 🡪 equip youngsters with basic skills
(tailoring, mechanics or carpentry)🡪 decent jobs with decent income – result: deter them from having any
illegal/wicked/malicious/nefarious/malevolent/ intent.

Conclusion: By and large, I would reaffirm that providing fathers and mothers with parenting knowledge can be promising to a certain extent,
yet other measures implemented by the authority and schools are superior (ưu việt) to address (=solve) juvenile delinquency.

The past few decades have witnessed the escalating rate of juvenile delinquency. While a
number of people opine that equipping parents with parental expertise is the optimal answer
to youth crime puzzles, I firmly advocate that other well-rounded measures are far superior to
entirely eradicate such an alarming issue.
On the one hand, there are sufficient grounds to argue that educating fathers and mothers with
parenting knowledge put a curb on the figure of juvenile wrongdoings. Parents, who are the
most intimate family members, are more likely to impart moral lessons to the children. As a
result, not only do the kids know how to distinguish right from wrong, but their consciousness
of laws is also enhanced. However, this is such a short-sighted view, which can not fulfill a role
in diminishing youth crime figures. In fact, parents are often occupied in their hectic schedules,
and consequently the children might be taken care of by relatives or babysitters. Furthermore,
adolescents may expose to detrimental relationships at school or on the internet that parents
cannot control.
On the other hand, it is my concrete belief that a multitude of viable solutions should be taken
into account. First, ethics and laws ought to be enacted rigorously by the government. Criminals
must be punished appropriately to set an example for young people. Second, vocational
schools, which are erected by government subsidies, could equip youngsters with basic skills
such as tailoring, mechanic or carpentry. These skills can help them to get a decent job with a
decent income, improve their quality of life, and deter them from having any malevolent
By and large, I would reaffirm that providing fathers and mothers with parenting knowledge can
be promising to a certain extent, yet other measures implemented by the authority and schools
are superior to address juvenile delinquency.

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