Flash 5 Teacher's Book
Flash 5 Teacher's Book
Flash 5 Teacher's Book
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ISBN 978-1-4715-7359-0
Introduction to the Teacher ....................................................... p. 4
Student’s Book
Module 4 Celebrities................................................................... p. 30
Evaluations .................................................................................. p. 62
Introduction to the Teacher
Flash 5 is a modular course for learners studying ieBook
British English at CEFR Level A1+. It allows flexibility of The ieBook contains all the material in the Student’s
approach which makes it suitable for classes of all Book and is the Ss’ interactive study partner. It also
kinds, including large or mixed ability classes. contains videos and games as well as a complete
Flash 5 consists of six modules. Each module consists interactive dictionary.
of six lessons plus CLIL sections, Project Time, Digibook application
Presentation Skills & Values and Progress Check. The The Digi app contains all the material in the Workbook
corresponding module in the Workbook provides the and helps students monitor their progress and improve
option of additional practice. their statistics, which are recorded and stored so that
they can be accessed at any time.
Student’s Book
The Student’s Book is the main component of the Each module begins with a modular spread that
course. Each module is based on specific themes contains: a brief overview of what will be covered in
and the topics covered are of general interest. All the module, pictures and words/phrases related to the
modules follow the same basic structure. (see theme of the module, and exercises to practise the
Elements of the Coursebook) vocabulary presented.
Pronunciation Irregular Verbs
Pronunciation activities help students to recognise the This provides Ss with a quick reference list for verb
various sounds of the English language, distinguish forms they might be unsure of at times.
between them and reproduce them correctly.
Word List
Writing A complete Word List contains the new vocabulary
There are writing activities throughout the modules, presented in each module, listed alphabetically, with
based on realistic types and styles of writing, such as a phonetic transcription. Ss can write the explanation
letters, notes, postcards and emails. These progress from of each word.
short sentences to paragraphs and finally to full texts,
allowing students to gradually build up their writing skills. SUGGESTED TEACHING TECHNIQUES
CLIL/Culture Spot A Presenting new vocabulary
Each unit contains a CLIL/Culture Spot section. Much of the new vocabulary in Flash 5 is presented
• In each Culture Spot section, Ss are provided through pictures. Ss are asked to match the pictures
with cultural information about aspects of English- to listed words/phrases. (See Student’s Book, Module 1,
speaking countries that are thematically linked p.4, Ex.1.)
to the module. Ss are given the chance to
Further techniques that you may use to introduce
process the information they have learnt and
new vocabulary include:
compare it to the culture of their own country.
• Each CLIL section enables Ss to link the themes of • Miming. Mime the word you want to introduce.
For instance, to present the verb sing, pretend you
the unit to a subject from their school curriculum,
are singing and ask Ss to guess the meaning of
thus helping them contextualise the language
the word.
they have learnt by relating it to their own personal
frame of reference. Lively and creative tasks
• Synonyms, opposites, paraphrasing, and giving
definitions. Examples:
stimulate Ss and allow them to consolidate the
– present the word strong by giving a synonym:
language they have learnt throughout the unit.
Progress Check – present the word strong by giving its opposite:
This section appears at the end of each module, and ‘weak’.
reinforces students’ understanding of the topics, – present the word weekend by paraphrasing it:
vocabulary and structures that have been presented ‘Saturday and Sunday’.
in the module. A Competences marking scheme at – present the word famous by giving its
the end of every Progress Check section allows definition: ‘very well-known (person or thing)’.
students to evaluate their own progress and identify • Example. Use of examples places vocabulary into
their strengths and weaknesses. context and consequently makes understanding
easier. For instance, introduce the words city and
Speaking Bank
town by referring to a city and a town in the Ss’
In this section Ss practise notions and functions used in
country: ‘Rome is a city, but Parma is a town.’
situational dialogues helping them to practise and
• Sketching. Draw a simple sketch of the word or
improve their everyday English.
words you want to explain on the board. For
Festivities instance:
This section aims to develop Ss’ cultural awareness
providing them with information about festivities and tall
celebrations in English-speaking countries. The texts are
followed by fun activities and games to give Ss the
opportunity to process the information they have learnt.
My Picture Dictionary
This section presents the main vocabulary of the • Use of L1. In a monolingual class, you may
Student’s Book in themes. The Ss have the chance to explain vocabulary in the Ss’ native language.
revise the Key Vocabulary of each module through fun This method, though, should be employed in
activities. Each page of this section can be completed moderation.
by the Ss upon completion of the respective module. • Use of a Dictionary. In a multilingual class, Ss
Grammar Reference may occasionally refer to a bilingual dictionary.
This section offers full explanations and review of the
grammar structures presented throughout the book. It The choice of technique depends on the type of word
can be used both in class and at home to reinforce or expression. For example, you may find it easier to
the grammar being taught. describe an action verb through miming than through
a synonym or a definition.
• Make sure that Ss understand that they are
Note: sections can be treated as follows: Go writing for a purpose. Go through the writing task
through the list of words after Ss have read the text so that Ss are fully aware of why they are writing
and ask Ss to explain the words using the context and who they are writing to. (See Student’s Book,
they appear in. Ss can give examples, mime/draw Module 3, p. 39, Ex. 7. Ss are asked to write a blog
the meaning, or look up the meaning in their comment.)
dictionaries. • It would be well-advised to actually complete the
task orally in class before assigning it as written
homework. Ss will then feel more confident with
B Choral & individual repetition producing a complete piece of writing on their
Repetition will ensure that Ss are thoroughly familiar
with the sound and pronunciation of the lexical items F Assigning homework
and structures being taught and confident in their When assigning writing tasks, prepare Ss as well as
ability to reproduce them. possible in advance. This will help them avoid errors
Always ask Ss to repeat chorally before you ask them and get maximum benefit from the task.
to repeat individually. Repeating chorally will help Ss
feel confident enough to then perform the task on Commonly assigned tasks include:
their own. Copy – Ss copy an assigned extract;
Dictation – Ss learn the spelling of particular words
C Listening & Reading
without memorising the text in which they appear;
You may ask Ss to read and listen for a variety of Vocabulary – Ss memorise the meaning of words and
purposes: phrases or use the new words in sentences of their
• Listening for detail. Ss listen for specific information. own;
(See Student’s Book, Module 3, p.39, Ex.6) Reading Aloud – Assisted by the S’s CDs, Ss practise at
• Listening and reading for gist. Ask Ss to read or home in preparation for reading aloud in class;
listen to get the gist of the dialogue or text being Writing – After thorough preparation in class, Ss are
dealt with. (See Student’s Book, Module 3, p. 38, asked to produce a complete piece of writing.
Ex. 1. Tell Ss that in order to complete this task
successfully, they do not need to understand G Correcting students’ work
every single detail in the text.) All learners make errors – it is part of the learning
• Reading for detail. Ask Ss to read for specific process. The way you deal with errors depends on
information. (See Student’s Book, Module 2, p. 30, what the Ss are doing.
Ex. 2. Ss will have to read the text in order to do
• Oral accuracy work:
the task. They are looking for specific details in the
Correct Ss on the spot, either by providing the
text and not for general information.)
correct answer and allowing them to repeat, or by
Note: VIDEOS indicating the error but allowing Ss to correct it.
Main texts in the Student’s Book are accompanied by Alternatively, indicate the error and ask other Ss to
videos that are included in the IWB and ieBook. The provide the answer.
videos can be watched after Ss have read the text.
• Oral fluency work:
Activities that accompany the videos can be done in
Allow Ss to finish the task without interrupting, but
class or assigned as HW.
make a note of the errors made and correct
D Speaking them afterwards.
• Speaking activities are initially controlled, allowing
• Written work:
for guided practice. (See Student’s Book, Module 2,
Do not over-correct; focus on errors that are
p.27, Ex. 2 where Ss act out a dialogue.)
directly relevant to the point of the exercise. When
• Ss are led to free speaking activities. (See Student’s
giving feedback, you may write the most
Book, Module 2, p. 27, Ex. 3 where Ss are provided
common errors on the board and get the class
with the necessary lexical items and structures and
to attempt to correct them.
are asked to act out their dialogue.)
E Writing Remember that rewarding work and praising Ss is of
All writing tasks in Flash 5 have been carefully great importance. Post good written work on a display
designed to closely guide Ss to produce a successful board in your classroom or school, or give ‘reward’
piece of writing. They are all further analysed in an stickers. Praise effort as well as success.
extra writing section at the back of the book with
model texts and exercises that aim to help students
improve their writing skills.
H Class organisation ABBREVIATIONS
• Open pairs Abbreviations used in the Student’s Book and Teacher’s
The class focuses its attention on two Ss doing the
set task together. Use this technique when you T Teacher p(p). Page(s)
want your Ss to offer an example of how a task is S(s) Student(s) e.g. For example
done. (See Ex. 3 on p. 10 of the Student’s Book.) HW Homework i.e. That is
• Closed pairs L1 Students’ native etc. Et cetera
Pairs of Ss work together on a task or activity while language sb Somebody
you move around offering assistance and Ex(s). Exercise(s) sth Something
suggestions. Explain the task clearly before Key to symbols used in the Student’s/Teacher’s
beginning closed pairwork. (See Ex. 5 on p. 23 of Books
the Student’s Book)
• Stages of pairwork ... Do not write audio
– Put Ss in pairs.
monologue pairwork
– Explain the task and set a time limit.
– Rehearse the task in open pairs. groupwork
– In closed pairs, get Ss to do the task.
– Go around the class and help Ss. words to be explained using the context
– Open pairs report back to the class. each appears in
• Group work grammar explanations; writing tips;
Groups of three or more Ss work together on a vocabulary items; tips to help Ss
task or activity. Class projects or role play are become autonomous learners
most easily done in groups. Again, give Ss a solid
understanding of the task in advance. grammar explanations
• Rolling questions
Ask Ss one after the other to ask and answer
questions based on the texts. research
sections that link the themes of the module to a
subject from the school curriculum
sections at the end of each
Competences Progress Check for Ss to
evaluate themselves
Module 1 My World
Topic 1d Everyday English 11
In this module, Ss will explore the topics of daily Lesson Objectives: To complete a dialogue, to act
routines, free-time activities, school areas and school out a dialogue asking for/giving directions, to learn
subjects. prepositions of movement, to pronounce \a\, \œ\
Module 1
What’s in this module? Answer Key
Go through the What’s in this module? box and tell Ss 1 c 2 a 3 b
that these are the topics, skills and activities this unit
will cover. 2 To read for specific information
• Give Ss time to read the texts again and mark
1 To present vocabulary for daily routines the statements according to what they read.
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and then play • Check Ss’ answers.
the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat Answer Key
chorally and/or individually. 1 W 2 DS 3 W
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
• Refer Ss to the box.
• Play the video and elicit Ss’ comments.
2 To talk about your daily routine
• Read out the Note box and revise telling the 3 To consolidate comprehension of a text
• Then ask various Ss around the class to tell the • Explain the task and allow Ss time to review
the text and then answer the questions.
rest of the class about their daily routine
following the example and using the phrases
• Check Ss’ answers.
from Ex.1. Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key 1 The Sami people live in Sweden, Norway and
I get up at six fifteen in the morning. Then I get
2 They finish school at 3 pm.
dressed and have breakfast. After that I catch the
3 In the evenings, he eats a hot meal with his
bus at seven thirty and go to school. I have lunch
at twelve thirty. After school, I hang out with my
friends and at four o’clock in the afternoon I
come back home. At five o’clock I do my 4 a) To present free-time activities
homework and at seven thirty I have dinner. I go • Play the recording with pauses for Ss to
to sleep at nine o’clock in the evening. repeat chorally and/or individually.
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
3 To compare your daily routine
Ask Ss to work in pairs and compare their daily b) To identify free-time activities
routines and then ask various Ss to compare their Ask Ss to look at the pictures and then elicit
daily routines in front of the class following the which activities they show from Ss around the
example. class.
Suggested Answer Key Answer Key
Anna catches the bus at eight fifteen in the 1 play a board game 5 go shopping
morning. I catch the bus at seven thirty in the 2 play a sport 6 go to the
morning. 3 listen to music cinema
Anna comes back home at three forty-five in the 4 play with a pet 7 paint
afternoon. I come back home at four o’clock in
the afternoon.
5 To talk about free-time activities and
Anna does her homework at five fifteen in the
express preferences
afternoon. I do my homework at five o’clock in
the afternoon. • Explain the task and read out the speech
1a • Reading • Ask Ss to talk in pairs expressing their
preferences about the free-time activities in
1 To listen and read for specific information Ex. 4a and then give them time to write their
• Ask Ss to read the two sets of phrases. speech bubbles.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text. • Ask various Ss around the class to share their
• Ss match the phrases. Check Ss’ answers. answers with the rest of the class.
Module 1
Suggested Answer Key I don’t mind 4 A: How often do you play football?
listening to B: I never play football.
I dislike playing music.
5 A: How often does your dad go shopping?
board games. B: My dad sometimes goes shopping.
I like going
3 To present the present simple (negative)
6 To summarise a text • Read out the grammar table, the Grammar
Give Ss time to consider their answers, then ask box and the cartoon.
various Ss to say/write and then read their • Explain the task and give Ss some time to
summary of the text on p. 6. Tell Ss this may be in rewrite the sentences.
Polish or English. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section
Suggested Answer Key
for more information.
Ross wants to learn about daily life in Sweden.
Answer Key
Dure is 12. He lives in Sweden. He is Swedish and
Sámi. His family has reindeer. He gets up at 7 and 1 She doesn’t get up at 7:00 am every morning.
walks to school. Lessons start at 8.30 and finish at 2 I don’t do my homework after dinner.
3. He plays football after school, then goes home 3 Martin doesn’t watch TV at 8:30 pm.
and does his homework. He eats with his family in 4 Jack and Paul don’t catch the bus to school.
the evening. Sometimes they play a board game.
He usually watches TV or goes online and post 4 To present the present simple
comments on social media. (interrogative & short answers)
• Read out the grammar table, the Grammar
1b • Grammar box and the cartoon.
1 To present the present simple (affirmative) • Explain the task and give Ss some time to
complete it.
• Read out the grammar table and the cartoon.
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section
for more information.
for more information.
• Explain the task and go through the sentences.
Then give Ss some time to complete the gaps Answer Key/Suggested Answer Key
in the sentences. 1 Do you get up at 7:00? Yes, I do (get up at 7:00).
• Check Ss’ answers. 2 Do your parents catch the bus to work? No,
Answer Key they don’t (catch the bus to work).
3 Do you do your homework after school? Yes, I
1 do 3 finishes
do (do my homework after school).
2 watches, goes 4 studies
4 Do you have dinner at 5:30? No, I don’t (have
my dinner at 5:30).
2 To present adverbs of frequency
5 Do you go to bed at 11:00? Yes, I do (go to
• Read out the grammar table and the bed at 11:00).
Language Awareness box.
• Explain the task and read out the example. 1c • Vocabulary
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and ask and answer
1 To present school areas
questions using the prompts and following
the example. • Ask Ss to look at the picture. Play the recording
• Check Ss’ answers. with pauses for Ss to repeat chorally and/or
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section individually.
for more information. • Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
Answer Key 2 To listen for specific information
2 A: How often does your mum chat online?
• Ask Ss to read the statements 1-5.
B: She hardly ever chats online.
• Play the recording and give Ss time to mark
3 A: How often do you go to bed late?
the statements.
B: I often go to bed late.
• Then check Ss’ answers.
Module 1
Answer Key and role play a dialogue using phrases from
1 R 2 DS 3 W 4 R 5 W the dialogue in Ex. 1 and following the plan.
• Then give Ss time to complete the task.
3 To talk about school subjects and • Monitor the activity around the class and then
express preferences ask some pairs to role play their dialogue in
• Go through the school subjects with Ss and front of the class.
revise any that they are unsure of. Suggested Answer Key
• Explain the task and ask two Ss to model the A: Excuse me where is classroom 3A?
example. B: Go past the headteacher’s office. Turn right
• Ask Ss to talk in pairs and ask and answer after the nurse’s office and go up the stairs.
questions about school subjects and express Classroom 3A is on your right.
preferences following the example. A: I’m sorry. Can you repeat the last bit please?
• Monitor the activity around the class and then B: Of course. Go up the stairs and classroom 3A
ask some pairs to ask and answer in front of is on your left.
the class. A: Thank you.
Suggested Answer Key B: You’re welcome.
A: Which school subject do you like? A: Excuse me. Where is the auditorium?
B: I like Art because I like drawing and painting. B: Go down the corridor and turn right after the
A: Which school subject do you dislike? staffroom. Go past the nurse’s office and turn
B: I dislike Geography because it’s boring. left. Go down the corridor.
A: I’m sorry. Can you repeat the last bit, please?
1d • Everyday English
B: Of course. Go down the corridor. The auditorium
1 To read for cohesion and coherence is on your left.
• Revise prepositions of movement using the A: Thank you.
pictures in the box. B: You’re welcome.
• Then ask Ss to read the sentences A-E and Pronunciation
then give them time to read the dialogue
again and complete the gaps. To pronounce /a/, /œ/
• Check Ss’ answers. • Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
Answer Key chorally and/or individually.
1 E 2 B 3 A 4 D 5 C • Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
• Then elicit more words with these sounds.
2 To listen for confirmation and act out a Answer Key
dialogue \a\ start, large \œ\ bat, cat, Maths
• Play the recording for Ss to listen and check
1e • Grammar
their answers and then ask Ss to take roles
and act out the dialogue in pairs. 1 To present and practise the present
• Monitor the activity around the class. continuous (affirmative)
• Read out the grammar theory and the cartoon.
3 To distinguish between words often
• Ask Ss to read the sentences and then give
them time to complete them.
• Read out the Language Awareness box and • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
explain the task. • Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section
• Give Ss time to complete it and then check Ss’ for more information.
Answer Key
Answer Key 1 is playing 3 is studying
1 watch 2 look 3 see 2 are watching 4 am doing
3 a) To present and practise the present • Ask Ss to read the text again and then mark
continuous (interrogative & short answers) the statements according to what they read.
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Read out the grammar theory and ask Ss
Answer Key
to look at the picture.
• Explain the task and read out the example. 1 DS 2 R 3 W
• Give Ss time to complete the task. • Refer Ss to the box.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section
for more information.
3 To consolidate/categorise new
Answer Key vocabulary
2 Are Lisa and Vicky eating? No, they aren’t. • Ask Ss to read the text again and find all the
3 Is Carl reading a book? Yes, he is. underlined words and then write the
4 Is Carl sitting on the floor? No, he isn’t. headings into their notebooks and write the
5 Is Dad working on the laptop? Yes, he is. underlined words under the correct headings.
6 Is Mum watching TV? No, she isn’t. • Check Ss’ answers on the board and then
b) To describe a picture using the elicit how the texts are related.
present continuous Answer Key
• Explain the task and ask Ss to work in pairs school areas school equipment
and take turns describing the picture to whiteboards
their partner using the present continuous. classroom
Remind Ss to use the names from Ex.3a. canteen
• Monitor the activity around the class. gym
Suggested Answer Key computer
In the picture, the sun is shining. Lisa and Vicky are
sitting on the floor. They are playing video games. The texts are both about unusual schools.
Carl is sitting on the sofa. He is reading a book. Mum
is talking on the phone. Dad is working on his laptop. 4 a) To listen for key information
4 To compare the present simple and the • Ask Ss to look at the two pictures.
present continuous • Then play the recording and elicit which
classroom in the pictures is Tom’s.
• Read out the Grammar box and ask Ss to
read the gapped text and fill the gaps with Answer Key
the correct form of the present simple and the A
present continuous using the verbs in brackets.
• Give Ss time to complete the task and then b) To compare classrooms
check their answers. Give Ss time to consider their answers and then
Answer Key ask various Ss around the class to compare
1 Are you doing 3 need 5 Do you think their classroom to Tom’s.
2 am doing 4 know
Module 1
Suggested Answer Key What about you? What is your class like?
There isn’t a television in Tom’s classroom. There is Write back,
a television in our classroom. There aren’t posters Natan
on the wall in Tom’s classroom. There are posters
on the wall in our classroom. etc 1 • CLIL (Citizenship)
1 To listen and read for specific
5 To complete an email information
• Ask Ss to read through the gapped email and • Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the title
give them time to complete the gaps with the of the text and the headings.
words in the list. • Ask Ss to guess what they will read about.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Play the recording. Ss listen and read and find
Answer Key out.
1 class 3 blackboard 5 windows Suggested Answer Key
2 classroom 4 desks I expect to read about how to be a good student.
Module 1
Suggested Answer Key you respect yourself by behaving responsibly
and showing that you care about how other
What it looks
Where Subjects people see you, then they will understand that
you are a respectable person and treat you
in the lots of sport with respect.
mountains computer languages A: I agree.
in the city rooms art & crafts
in the forest tall building Progress Check 1
Time lessons 1 1 W 2 R 3 DS
Breaks Why it is special
2 1 hang 2 get 3 have 4 catch
lessons outside
all students 3 1 posting 3 exercising
have got a 2 playing 4 spending
two short
10 am – 4 pm breaks and a 4 1 field 3 science lab
students only
lunch hour 2 art room 4 canteen
study their five
5 1 don’t have 3 doesn’t go 5 spend
2 listens 4 Do you do
Module 2
What’s in this module? You can travel on land by bike/on a bike.
Go through the What’s in this module? box and tell Ss You can travel on land by tram/on a tram.
that these are the topics, skills and activities this unit You can travel on land by motorbike/on a
will cover. motorbike.
You can travel in the air by helicopter/in a
1 To present vocabulary for means of You can travel in the air by cable car/in a cable
transport car.
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and then play You can travel on water by boat/on a boat.
the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
chorally and/or individually. 2a • Reading
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
• Play the video and elicit Ss’ comments. 1 To listen and read for specific
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures.
2 To identify means of transport
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read the texts
• Play the recording and ask Ss to identify the and then match them to the pictures.
means of transport from the sounds they hear. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Elicit answers from Ss around the class.
Answer Key
Answer Key
A 2 B 4 C 3 D 1
1 helicopter 4 bike
2 motorbike 5 plane
3 train 6 car 2 To read for specific information
• Give Ss time to read the texts again and mark
3 a) To complete a table the statements according to what they read.
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Give Ss time to copy and complete the
Answer Key
table in their notebooks.
• Check Ss’ answers on the board. 1 DS 2 R 3 W
Module 2
5 To compare means of transport 2 To practise comparatives
Give Ss time to consider their answers and then • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
ask various Ss to share their answers with the it.
class. • Check Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key Answer Key
In London there are bikes and there are also 1 taller 3 more expensive
bikes in my village/town/city. In London, there are 2 as 4 better
red double-decker buses, but there aren’t any in
my village/town/city. In London there is a cable 3 To practise the comparative
car, but there isn’t a cable car in my village/
• Explain the task and read out the example.
town/city. In London there are boats, but there
• Give Ss time to complete the task and then
aren’t any boats in my village/town/city.
check their answers.
Answer Key
6 To write tweets
2 Ships are bigger than boats.
• Explain the situation and ask Ss to write tweets 3 Taxis are more expensive than buses.
similar to the ones in Ex. 1 including at least 4 Helicopters are more exciting than cars.
one of the underlined phrases. Remind Ss to 5 Bikes are slower than motorbikes.
use no more than 140 characters.
• Ask various Ss around the class to share their
answers with the rest of the class. 4 To practise the comparative
Suggested Answer Key • Ask Ss to look at the table and read out the
example. Then give Ss time to write sentences
Try using the public bus service. It’s cheaper than
following the example.
taking a taxi and more environmentally friendly.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
You can see a lot of the city, too.
How about walking? This is the most relaxing way Answer Key
to check out all of Warsaw’s attractions. Bye for 2 New York isn’t as interesting as Warsaw.
now! Warsaw is more interesting than New York.
3 New York isn’t as old as Warsaw.
2b • Grammar Warsaw is older than New York.
4 New York is more expensive than Warsaw.
1 To present and practise the Warsaw isn’t as expensive as New York.
comparative 5 New York is warmer than Warsaw.
• Read out the grammar table and the cartoon. Warsaw isn’t as warm as New York.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section
for more information.
5 To compare two cities
• Explain the task and read out the box about
adjectives. Then give Ss some time to write the Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
comparative forms in their notebooks. Then elicit answers from Ss around the class.
• Check Ss’ answers. Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key Warsaw is more crowded than Kraków. Warsaw is
1 older 7 thinner as interesting as Kraków. Kraków is older than
2 more important 8 happier Warsaw. Warsaw is as expensive as Kraków.
3 heavier 9 more interesting Kraków is warmer than Warsaw.
4 worse 10 smaller
5 faster 11 better 2c • Vocabulary
6 larger 12 more beautiful 1 To present shops & services
• Ask Ss to look at the map. Play the recording
with pauses for Ss to repeat chorally and/or
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
Module 2
2 To read a map 2d • Everyday English
• Ask Ss to read the statements 1-5. 1 To read for cohesion and coherence
• Ask Ss to read the map and write the places
• Ask Ss to read the sentences A-E and then
in their notebooks.
give them time to read the dialogue and
• Then check Ss’ answers.
complete the gaps.
Answer Key • Check Ss’ answers.
1 the theatre
Answer Key
2 the museum and the fishmonger’s
1 C 2 A 3 B 4 E 5 D
3 the bookshop
4 the school
5 the park 2 To listen for confirmation and act out a
3 To give directions • Play the recording for Ss to listen and check
their answers and then ask Ss to take roles
• Read out the box and explain the task and
and act out the dialogue in pairs.
ask two Ss to model the example.
• Monitor the activity around the class.
• Then ask Ss to take turns and give directions in
pairs using the phrases in the box and the
map. 3 To role play a dialogue buying a train
• Monitor the activity around the class and then ticket
ask some pairs to give directions in front of the • Read out the Language Awareness box and
class following the example. explain the task.
Suggested Answer Key • Ask Ss to work in pairs and role play a dialogue
… and the bookshop is opposite the toyshop on using phrases from the dialogue in Ex. 1, the
the corner of Pine Avenue. information in the table and following the plan.
• Then give Ss time to complete the task.
A: Can you tell me how to get to the hospital, • Monitor the activity around the class and then
please? ask some pairs to role play their dialogue in
B: Certainly. First, go along Park Avenue and then front of the class.
turn right into Pine Avenue. Then take the
Suggested Answer Key
second left into Apple Street and the hospital
is on the right. A: Hello! How can I help you?
B: Hi. I would like two tickets for Penzance, please.
A: Can you tell me how to get to the library, A: OK. There are trains that leave at 10:30, 13:00
please? and 20:30.
B: Certainly. First, turn right into Marple Street and B: OK. Can I have two tickets for the 13:00 train,
then turn left into Park Avenue. The library is then?
next to the fishmonger’s. A: Single or return?
A: Can you tell me how to get to the museum, B: Single, please. How much are the tickets?
please? A: Just a moment… They’re £50 per person, so
B: Certainly. First, turn right into Pine Avenue. Then that’s £100 in total, please.
turn left into Park Avenue. The museum is next B: Great! Can I pay by credit card?
to the theatre. A: Sure. Here are your tickets. Have a nice journey.
B: Thank you.
A: Can you tell me how to get to the police station,
please? Pronunciation
B: Certainly. First, turn left into Pine Avenue. Then
turn right into Apple Street. The police station is To pronounce //, /a/
next to the cinema. • Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
chorally and/or individually.
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
• Then elicit more words with these sounds.
Module 2
Answer Key Answer Key
\\ music, office \a\ like, kite 1 the most, more 3 the largest, bigger
2 the nicest, more 4 the most, better
2e • Grammar
1 To present and practise the superlative 5 To practise the comparative and the
• Read out the grammar theory and the cartoon.
• Ask Ss to read the adjectives and then give • Explain the task and read out the example.
them time to write the superlative forms. • Give Ss time to complete the task and then
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. check their answers.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section Answer Key
for more information. 2 warmer 4 the most delicious
Answer Key 3 the oldest
1 the biggest 7 the most
2 the most dangerous 8 the longest 2f • Across Cultures
3 the noisiest 9 the most exciting 1 To listen and read for gist
4 the littlest 10 the best
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read and
5 the most famous 11 the most boring
then match the phrases to make sentences.
6 the driest 12 the worst
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
2 To practise the superlative
1 b 2 c 3 a
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
the task.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. 2 To read for specific information
Answer Key • Ask Ss to read the text again and then mark
the statements according to what they read.
1 the deepest 4 the highest
• Check Ss’ answers.
2 the most crowded 5 the most popular
3 the largest 6 the smallest Answer Key
1 R 2 W 3 DS
3 To practise the superlative • Refer Ss to the box.
• Explain the task and read out the example. • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
• Give Ss time to complete the task using the
prompts. 3 To consolidate comprehension of a text
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. • Ask Ss to read the text again and then give
Answer Key them time to answer the questions.
2 Łazienki Park is the biggest park in Warsaw. • Check Ss’ answers.
3 Plac Zbawiciela is the best place to hang out Answer Key
in Warsaw.
1 The third floor
4 Nocny Market if the most crowded area in
2 A garden
3 A fridge, a cooker, a sink, a table, two chairs
5 Arkadia is the busiest shop in Warsaw.
and a small TV
6 Atelier Amaro is the most expensive place to
eat in Warsaw.
4 To compare houses
Flash Time • 2
1 To read for key information It still isn’t
• Ask Ss to read the text and then ask Ss to copy finished.
and complete the table into their notebooks.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
It shows King
Suggested Answer Key
Sigismund III
Name Place Age Granite Vasa, who
Stonehenge UK 5,000 and moved Poland's 9843
bronze capital from
Material Interesting facts Kraków to
The sun on Midsummer’s Warsaw in 1596
Day shines through the
centre. Over a million
visitors per year. 3 To present landmarks
Ask various groups of students around the class
to present their landmarks from Ex.2 to the class.
2 To create a poster Suggested Answer Key
• Ask Ss to work in small groups and then give Good morning. Today I want to tell you about
them time to research online and find some famous landmarks. Perhaps you will know
information about four famous landmarks. some of them.
• Then ask Ss to copy the headings from the The Eiffel Tower is an iron landmark in Paris. It is
table into their notebooks and make notes around 130 years old. It gets its name from the
and then add pictures and use their notes to man who designed it.
make a poster. The Coliseum is a stone landmark in Rome. It is
Suggested Answer Key almost 2,000 years old. Gladiators used to fight
Name Place Age
The Sagrada Família is a stone landmark in
Eiffel Tower Paris 130 Barcelona. It is around 140 years old and it still
isn’t finished.
Coliseum Rome almost 2,000
Sigismund’s Column is a granite and bronze
Sagrada Família Barcelona 140 landmark in Warsaw. It is around 370 years old
Sigismund’s Column Warsaw 370 and it shows King Sigismund III Vasa, who moved
Poland's capital from Kraków to Warsaw in 1596.
If you get the chance to visit them, you should.
Thanks for listening.
Module 2
4 To learn about the value of responsibility 5 1 the most interesting 3 the busiest
• Ask Ss to read the rules. Explain/Elicit the 2 the best 4 the smallest
meanings of any unknown words and then
elicit why we have these rules from Ss around 6 1 How can I help you?
the class. 2 When does the fast train leave?
3 Single or return?
Suggested Answer Key
4 How much are the tickets?
We have these rules to protect our monuments 5 Of course. Here are your tickets.
and ancient ruins.
7 1 city
5 To develop critical thinking 2 Somerset, southwest England
Give Ss time to think of other rules relating to 3 Baths
responsibility for protecting ancient ruins and 4 shopping
monuments and then ask various Ss to tell the 5 car, train, bus
8 Gdansk is a city in the north of Poland. It is a
Suggested Answer Key
popular tourist destination that is full of beautiful
Don’t drop litter.
buildings and shops. You can visit Artus Court
Respect the local culture and traditions.
and see Neptune’s Fountain and the Highland
Gate. Visitors can also go shopping in the
Progress Check 2 Madison Shopping Centre and Galeria Baltycka.
1 1 DS 2 W 3 R 4 R 5 R It is easy to go to Gdansk by plane, train or ferry
and trains and buses go to nearby cities.
2 1 train 3 bus
2 helicopter 4 bicycle/bike Competences
Ask Ss to assess their own performance in the module
3 A 2 B 3 C 4 D 1
by colouring in the stars according to how competent
they feel for each of the listed activities.
4 1 more crowded 3 slower
2 more exciting 4 less
Back in time Module 3
Topic 3e Grammar 44-45
In this module, Ss will explore the topics of famous Lesson Objectives: To learn the past simple of the
historical people, landmarks and places in the city. verb have got
Module page 36-37 3f Across Cultures 46-47
Lesson Objectives: To get an overview of the module, Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for specific
to understand dates, to read dates, to talk about information, to read for specific information, to answer
historical people comprehension questions, to express an opinion, to
Vocabulary: Famous historical people (Elizabeth I, listen for specific information, to present Albert
Vincent van Gogh, Charlie Chaplin, Charles Dickens, Einstein, to write a biography
Elvis Presley, Albert Einstein) Vocabulary: Nouns (producer, award, performer,
genius); Verb (move); Adjective (lead)
3a Reading 38-39
Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for specific
3 CLIL (History) 48
information, to read for specific information, to answer Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read
comprehension questions, to talk about places, to for specific information, to act out a dialogue about a
learn landmarks, to listen for specific information, to queen, to write a dialogue
write a comment about a visit to a museum
Vocabulary: Landmarks (castle, park, museum, zoo); Flash Time 3 49
Nouns (tip, ceremony, queue); Adjective (impressed) Lesson Objectives: To write about a historical figure,
to present a historical figure, to learn about the value
3b Grammar 40-41 of intelligence
Lesson Objectives: To learn the past simple of the
verb to be, to learn there was/there were Progress Check 3 50-51
Lesson Objectives: To read for specific information, to
3c Vocabulary 42 test/consolidate vocabulary and grammar learnt
Lesson Objectives: To learn places in the city, to listen throughout the module; to complete a dialogue, to
for specific information, to express an opinion listen for specific information, to write a comment
Vocabulary: Places in the city (library, market, zoo, about a visit to a palace
cathedral, bank, park, train station, theatre, bridge,
3d Everyday English 43
Lesson Objectives: To complete a dialogue, to act
out a dialogue describing your last holiday, to
pronounce \f\ (ph)
Module 3
What’s in this module? Suggested Answer Key
Go through the What’s in this module? box and tell Ss A: Who was Vincent van Gogh?
that these are the topics, skills and activities this unit B: He was a Dutch painter.
will cover. A: Who was Charlie Chaplin?
B: He was an English actor. etc
Module 3
2 a) To listen for specific information • Monitor the activity around the class and then
ask some pairs to role play their dialogue in
• Play the recording and give Ss time to
front of the class.
complete the map legend.
• Then check Ss’ answers. Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key A: Hi Matina. How was your holiday?
B: It was great, thanks. We were in Edinburgh.
1 train station 4 Bank
A: Oh! What was the weather like?
2 Zoo 5 Bridge
B: It was cold and rainy.
3 square 6 Market
A: Was there lots to do there?
B: On Monday, we went to Edinburgh Castle. It
b) To listen for specific information was amazing!
• Play the recording again if necessary and A: Really! Why?
then give Ss time to read the statements B: There were people dressed up in historical
and mark them accordingly. costumes.
• Check Ss answers around the class. A: Wow! It sounds like you had a great time.
Answer Key B: Yes, we had a great time. I’ve got photos on
1 W 2 R 3 R 4 DS my laptop.
A: Can I see them?
B: Sure! Why don’t you come by later?
3 To express a preference A: I’d love to.
Read out the question and elicit answers from Ss
around the class following the example. Pronunciation
Suggested Answer Key
To pronounce \f\ (ph)
I would like to go on a Harry Potter tour of London
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
because I love the Harry Potter films!
chorally and/or individually.
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
3d • Everyday English
• Then elicit more words with these sounds from
1 To read for cohesion and coherence the dialogue in Ex. 1.
• Ask Ss to read the sentences A-E and then Answer Key
give them time to read the dialogue again \f\ (ph), elephants, photos
and complete the gaps.
• Check Ss’ answers. 3e • Grammar
Answer Key
1 To present and practise the past simple
1 B 2 D 3 A 4 C 5 E of the verb ‘have’ (affirmative)
• Read out the Grammar box, the theory box
2 To listen for confirmation and act out a and the cartoon and explain that the past
dialogue simple affirmative of ‘have’ is had.
• Play the recording for Ss to listen and check • Ask Ss to read the sentences and then give
their answers and then ask Ss to take roles them time to complete them.
and act out the dialogue in pairs. • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
• Monitor the activity around the class. • Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section
for more information.
3 To role play a dialogue describing your Answer Key
last holiday 1 has 3 have 5 had
• Explain the task and ask Ss to work in pairs 2 had 4 had
and role play a dialogue using phrases from
the dialogue in Ex. 1 and following the plan.
• Then give Ss time to complete the task.
Module 3
2 To present and practise the past simple 3f • Across Cultures
of the verb ‘have’ (negative)
1 To listen and read for specific
• Read out the Language Awareness box and
the theory and explain that the past simple
negative of ‘have’ is did not have/didn’t have. • Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the
• Ask Ss to read the sentences and then give phrases.
them time to rewrite them in the negative. • Play the recording. Ss listen and read and
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. then match the phrases to make sentences.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section • Check Ss’ answers.
for more information. Answer Key
Answer Key 1 c 2 a 3 b
1 I did not/didn’t have a lot of toys when I was
younger. 2 To read for specific information
2 Queen Elizabeth I did not/didn’t have children. • Ask Ss to read the text again and then mark
3 Jack and Paul did not/didn’t have a dog the statements according to what they read.
when they were children. • Check Ss’ answers.
4 Vincent van Gogh did not/didn’t have a wife.
Answer Key
1 W 2 DS 3 R
3 To practise the past simple of ‘have’
• Refer Ss to the box.
• Explain the task and read out the example.
• Play the video and elicit Ss’ comments.
• Give Ss time to complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key 2 To consolidate comprehension of a text
2 Lucy didn’t have a dog when she was 10 years • Ask Ss to read the text again and answer the
old, but she had a cat. questions.
3 Lucy didn’t have a mobile phone when she • Check Ss’ answers.
was 10 years old, but she had dolls. Answer Key
4 Lucy didn’t have a skateboard when she was 1 A pop singer, a dancer, songwriter, record
10 years old, but she had a bicycle. producer and actor.
2 The USA
4 To present and practise the past simple 3 ‘Rock With You’, ‘Billie Jean’ and ‘Bad’.
of the verb ‘have’ (interrogative & short
answers) 4 To express an opinion
• Read out the Language Awareness box and Give Ss time to consider their opinion and then
the grammar theory and the cartoon and ask various Ss around the class to share their
explain that the past simple interrogative of opinion with the class.
‘have’ is Did + personal pronoun + have.
Suggested Answer Key
• Explain the task and read out the example
I like Michael Jackson’s music because it is
and then give Ss time to complete it.
exciting and fun.
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section
for more information. 5 To listen for specific information
Answer Key • Ask Ss to read through the gapped fact file
1 Did Albert Einstein have a Noble Prize? and think about what information is missing.
Yes, he did. He had a Nobel Prize for Physics. • Play the recording. Ss listen and complete the
2 Did Queen Elizabeth I have a husband? gaps with the missing information.
No, she didn’t. • Check Ss’ answers.
3 Did Vincent van Gogh have a lot of money? Answer Key
No, he didn’t. 1 1879 3 author 5 1908
2 USA 4 student
Module 3
6 To present Albert Einstein • Play the video and elicit Ss’ comments.
Ask various Ss to use the completed fact file to
present Albert Einstein to the class. 3 To write and act out a dialogue
Suggested Answer Key • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
Albert Einstein was a German physicist. He was born it in pairs and then ask them to take turns to
in 1879 in Ulm, Germany. He died in 1955 in New act out their dialogue in front of the class for
Jersey, USA. He was the father of modern physics the class to guess who the dialogue is about.
and a genius. He wrote the Theory of Relativity and • Alternatively, assign the task as HW and have
he won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1920. Ss act out their dialogues in the next lesson.
Suggested Answer Key
7 To write a biography A: Did she marry?
• Explain the task and ask Ss to write a B: No, she didn’t.
biography of Albert Einstein using the fact file A: Did she have any children?
in Ex. 5 and the plan to help them. B: No, she didn’t.
• Give Ss time to complete the task and check A: Is it Queen Elizabeth I?
their answers. B: Yes, it is.
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and then
check Ss’ answers in the next lesson. Flash Time • 3
Suggested Answer Key 1 To collect information about a historical
Albert Einstein was a famous physicist. He was figure from your country
born in Ulm, Germany in 1879. Ask Ss to work in small groups, think of a historical
From the age of 8 to 21, he was a student in figure, collect information and complete the
Germany and Switzerland. Later he had a job at table.
the Swiss Patent Office and afterwards he was a
Suggested Answer Key
lecturer at the University of Bern. In 1920, he was
the winner of Nobel Prize for Physics. place/date of
name early years
He died in New Jersey, USA, in 1955. We admire birth
him because he was the father of modern John III Sobieski Olesko, Poland, Studied in
physics and a genius. 19th May, 1674 Krakow,
3 • CLIL (History) around
1 To listen and read for specific information Europe
Progress Check 3
1 1 R 2 W 3 DS 4 R 5 W
2 1 C 2 D 3 A 4 B
Module 4 Celebrities
Topic 4e Grammar 60-61
In this module, Ss will explore the topics of celebrities, Lesson Objectives: To learn the past simple of regular/
jobs, and types of entertainment. irregular verbs (negative)
Module page 52-53 4f Across Cultures 62-63
Lesson Objectives: To get an overview of the module, Lesson Objectives: To listen for order of events, to read
to listen and read for key information, to talk about for specific information, to answer comprehension
celebrities questions, to express an opinion, to listen for specific
Vocabulary: Celebrities (Cristiano Ronaldo, Ed information, to talk about Professor Snape, to write
Sheeran, Maddie Ziegler, Miranda Cosgrove, Daniel about a film character
Radcliffe, EvanTubeHD, Kendall Jenner) Vocabulary: Nouns (spacecraft, respect, power);
Verbs (convince, rescue, defeat)
4a Reading 54-55
Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for specific
4 CLIL (Music) 64
information, to read for specific information, to answer Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read
comprehension questions, to talk about Shawn for specific information
Mendes’ music, to learn jobs, to write a fact file, to Vocabulary: Noun (bow); Verbs (strike, pluck, vibrate,
present your favourite celebrity slide, shake); Phrase (blow air)
Vocabulary: Jobs (singer, real estate agent,
businessman, actor, model); Nouns (follower, contract, Flash Time 4 65
dream, reality); Verbs (post, gain); Phrase (early life) Lesson Objectives: To listen for specific information, to
prepare a poster, to present a dance and musical
4b Grammar 56-57 instrument, to learn about the value of grace
Lesson Objectives: To learn the past simple of
regular/irregular verbs (affirmative) Progress Check 4 66-67
Lesson Objectives: To read for specific information, to
4c Vocabulary 58 test/consolidate vocabulary and grammar learnt
Lesson Objectives: To learn types of entertainment, to throughout the module; to complete a dialogue, to
listen for specific information, to talk about types of listen for order of events, to write a short text about a
entertainment character
Vocabulary: Types of entertainment (sports match,
play, ballet, film, concert, fashion show, dance show, TV,
4d Everyday English 59
Lesson Objectives: To complete a dialogue, to act
out a dialogue agreeing/disagreeing, to pronounce
-ed ending
Vocabulary: Adjectives (noisy, dirty)
Module 4
What’s in this module? Answer Key
Go through the What’s in this module? box and tell Ss 1 Shawn was born on 8th August 1998.
that these are the topics, skills and activities this unit 2 He can speak English, French and Spanish.
will cover. 3 He learnt to play the guitar at the age of 13.
Module 4
5 with (used to say that people or things are in 2 To practise the past simple of regular
a place together or are doing something verbs (affirmative)
together) • Explain the task.
• Give Ss some time to complete the task.
6 To write a fact file and present your • Check Ss’ answers.
favourite celebrity Answer Key
• Explain the task and give Ss time to research 1 watched 3 prepared 5 walked
and find information about their favourite 2 listened 4 played
celebrity and complete the fact file with the
information. 3 To practise the past simple of regular
• Then ask various Ss to use their fact file to verbs (affirmative)
present their favourite celebrity to the class.
• Explain the task and read out the example.
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and have
• Give Ss some time to complete the task.
Ss present their favourite celebrity in the next
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key
2 studied 4 looked
Name: Cristiano Ronaldo
3 danced 5 finished
Job: footballer
Place of birth: Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
Date of birth: 5th February 1958 4 To present the past simple of irregular
Nationality: Portuguese verbs (affirmative)
Special skills: scoring goals • Read out the Grammar box, the grammar
How he became famous: playing for Manchester theory and the cartoon.
United, Real Madrid and the Portuguese national • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
football team it and then check their answers.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section
Cristiano Ronaldo is a footballer. He was born in
for more information.
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal on 5th February, 1958.
• Refer Ss to the Irregular Verbs list at the back
He is Portuguese. He is very good at scoring
of their books for help if necessary.
goals. He became famous by playing for
Manchester United, Real Madrid and the Answer Key
Portuguese national football team. 1 became 7 gave
2 left 8 sent
4b • Grammar 3 came 9 read
4 made 10 learnt/learned
1 To present the past simple of the regular 5 did 11 bought
verbs (affirmative) 6 forgot 12 wrote
• Read out the Spelling box and the grammar
5 To practise the past simple of irregular
• Explain the task and read out the cartoon
verbs (affirmative)
and the example.
• Go through the sentences. Then give Ss some • Give Ss time to read the sentences and
time to complete the gaps. complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section Answer Key
for more information. 1 read 3 bought
Answer Key 2 learnt 4 became
2 tried 5 danced 8 finished
3 looked 6 studied 9 stopped 6 To practise the past simple of irregular
4 travelled 7 enjoyed verbs (affirmative)
• Read out the Grammar point and explain the
task and read out the example.
Module 4
• Give Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss’ 2 To listen for confirmation and act out a
answers. dialogue
Answer Key • Play the recording for Ss to listen and check
2 Ken and I saw this film last night. their answers and then ask Ss to take roles
3 The children went to the theatre last Saturday. and act out the dialogue in groups of three.
4 The singer wrote his first song last year. • Monitor the activity around the class.
5 I heard Liam Payne’s new song last night. • Refer Ss to the box.
Module 4
4e • Grammar Answer Key
1 was, started 3 left, went
1 To present and practise the past simple
2 learnt, was 4 met, was
of regular/irregular verbs (negative)
• Read out the grammar table and the cartoon 4f • Across Cultures
as well as the Language Awareness box.
1 To listen and read for order of events
• Ask Ss to read the sentences and then give
them time to complete them. • Ask Ss to read the text and order the
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. paragraphs.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section • Play the recording. Ss listen and check.
for more information. Answer Key
Answer Key A 2 B 3 C 1
1 didn’t play 3 didn’t listen 5 didn’t • Ask Ss to read the phrases and match them.
2 didn’t send 4 didn’t see watch • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
2 To practise the past simple of
1 b 2 c 3 a
regular/irregular verbs (negative)
• Ask Ss to read the sentences and then give 2 To read for specific information
them time to rewrite them in the negative.
• Ask Ss to read the text again and then mark
• Check Ss’ answers around the class.
the statements according to what they read.
Answer Key • Check Ss’ answers.
1 The singer didn’t sing my favourite song at the Answer Key
1 R 2 DS 3 W
2 We didn’t have a great time at the cinema
last night.
3 To consolidate comprehension of a text
3 Jack didn’t read a book last night.
4 Steven didn’t go to the opera last week. • Ask Ss to read the text again and answer the
5 The actor didn’t dance beautifully in the play. questions.
• Check Ss’ answers.
3 To practise the past simple (affirmative) Answer Key
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. 1 Princess Amidala
• Check Ss’ answers. 2 a Jedi teacher
Answer Key 3 Because he did many terrible things.
1 left 3 wore 5 went • Refer Ss to the box.
2 wrote 4 liked • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
4 1 thought 5 booked
2 studied 6 enjoyed
3 ate 7 decided
4 bought 8 wanted
What an adventure! Module 5
Topic 5d Everyday English 75
In this module, Ss will explore the topics of holiday Lesson Objectives: To complete a dialogue, to learn
activities, weather and everyday social behaviour.. should/shouldn’t, to act out a dialogue giving advice,
Module page 68-69 to pronounce \n\, \N\
Module 5
What’s in this module? 5a • Reading
Go through the What’s in this module? box and tell Ss 1 To listen and read for specific
that these are the topics, skills and activities this unit information
will cover.
• Ask Ss to read the two sets of phrases.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text.
1 To present vocabulary for holiday • Ss match the phrases. Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and then play 1 c 2 a 3 b
the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat
chorally and/or individually.
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation. 2 To read for specific information
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments. • Give Ss time to read the text again and mark
the statements according to what they read.
• Check Ss’ answers.
2 To talk about holiday activities and
agree/disagree Answer Key
• Read out the box and explain that we use 1 R 2 DS 3 R 4 W
these phrases to agree/disagree. • Refer Ss to the box.
• Ask Ss to work in pairs and decide which • Play the video and elicit Ss’ comments.
activities you can do in which seasons and
agree/disagree using the phrases in the box.
3 To consolidate comprehension of a text
• Monitor the activity around the class and then
ask various Ss around the class to tell the rest • Explain the task and allow Ss time to review
of the class. the text and then answer the questions.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key
Answer Key
A: I think you can go kayaking in the summer.
B: I agree. I think you can go camping in the 1 Quito
summer, too. 2 Taller than the buildings in a city
A: You're right about that, but you can go 3 Happy to go home, but sad to leave.
camping in the spring and autumn as well,
and sit around a campfire. 4 To express a preference
B: You can go ice skating in the spring, too. Give Ss time to consider their answers and then
A: I don't think so. You can go ice skating, skiing elicit answers from Ss around the class.
and snowboarding in the winter.
Suggested Answer Key
B: I guess so.
Yes, I would because it is a very interesting place.
There are lots of amazing animals and birds
3 To express a preference there, like squirrel monkeys, parrots and macaws.
Give Ss time to consider their answers and then
elicit answers from Ss around the class. 5 a) To present the weather
Suggested Answer Key
• Ask Ss to read the words in the list and
I like camping and ice skating. then give them time to use them to label
the images.
4 To invite – accept/refuse • Play the recording with pauses for Ss to
• Read out the box and explain that we use repeat chorally and/or individually.
these phrases to invite – accept/refuse. • Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
• Monitor the activity around the class. Answer Key
Suggested Answer Key 1 hot 3 rainy 5 windy
A: Would you like to go ice skating with me? 2 humid 4 cloudy 6 cool
B: I’d love to./I’m sorry, I can’t.
Module 5
b) To talk about today’s weather 2 To practise the past simple
Elicit sentences describing today’s weather (interrogative & short answers)
from Ss around the class. • Explain the task and read out the example.
Suggested Answer Key • Give Ss time to complete the task following
the example.
Today the weather is cool and rainy.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
6 To listen for key information
2 Did the boys do their homework? Yes, they did.
• Explain the task and ask Ss to look at the 3 Did your brother watch TV last night? Yes, he
names of the people and the weather. did.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and match the 4 Did Carl learn English when he was 8? No, he
people to the correct weather. didn't.
• Check Ss’ answers. 5 Did Tony stay in a hotel while he was in Rome?
Answer Key No, he didn't.
1 D 2 C 3 A 4 B 5 E
3 To practise the past simple
7 To write a journal entry (interrogative & short answers)
• Explain the task and give Ss time to write a • Explain the task and give Ss some time to
journal entry answering the questions in the make questions and answer them.
rubric. • Check Ss’ answers.
• Ask various Ss to read out their journal entry to Answer Key
the class. 2 Did Tony go to a pop concert? No, he didn't.
Suggested Answer Key He went to a rock concert.
Tuesday 3 Did Tony watch a film on Wednesday? Yes, he
Today I woke up to rainy weather. I put on my did.
coat and boots and walked to school in the rain. 4 Did Tony try skiing on Thursday? No, he didn't.
It stopped shortly after Maths and we went He tried snowboarding.
outside at break time. We played football in the 5 Did Tony fly back on Saturday? No, he didn't.
playground. It was windy and cool on my way He flew back on Friday.
home. I was glad to get inside my nice, warm
house. 4 To practise the past simple
(interrogative & short answers)
5b • Grammar
• Explain the task and give Ss some time to
1 To present and practise the past simple make questions.
(interrogative & short answers) • Then have Ss work in pairs and answer them.
• Read out the grammar table and the cartoon. • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section Answer Key/Suggested Answer Key
for more information. A: Did you go camping last summer?
• Explain the task and go through the sentences. B: No, I didn't.
Then give Ss some time to put the words in A: Did you sit around a campfire in the summer?
order to make questions. B: No, we didn't.
• Check Ss’ answers. A: Did you try ice skating in the winter?
Answer Key B: Yes, I did.
1 Did you go sightseeing last year? A: Did you watch a film on Thursday?
2 Did Jack try ice skating while he was in B: No, I didn't.
Canada? A: Did you listen to music last night?
3 Did they offer gifts to the guests? B: Yes, I did.
4 Did the children have breakfast?
5 Did Irene play the piano when she was 5?
Module 5
5 To write a text message 5d • Everyday English
• Read out the Grammar box and explain 1 To read for cohesion and coherence
when we use can.
• Ask Ss to read the sentences A-E and then
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
give them time to read the dialogue again
and complete the gaps.
• Ask various Ss to read out their text messages.
• Check Ss’ answers and elicit what Maria’s
Suggested Answer Key intention is.
Hi Mum. Can I go to John’s house after football
Answer Key
practice? (Sure you can./I’m afraid you can’t.)
1 D 2 C 3 A 4 E 5 B
Hi Dad. Can I spend the night at Maja’s house?
(Sure you can./I’m afraid you can’t.) She intends to go to Canada and take Anna’s
5c • Vocabulary
1 To present everyday social behaviour 2 To listen for confirmation and act out a
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures. Then give them dialogue
time to label them with the phrases in the list. • Play the recording for Ss to listen and check
• Play the recording for Ss to check their answers. their answers and then ask Ss to take roles
Answer Key and act out the dialogue in pairs.
• Monitor the activity around the class.
1 be early
2 be on time
3 be late 3 To practise should/shouldn’t
4 chew with mouth open • Read out the Grammar box and explain how
5 put elbows on table we use should/shouldn’t.
6 eat with knife and fork • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete
7 share food it and then check Ss’ answers.
8 eat with hands Answer Key
1 shouldn't eat 3 should chew
2 To listen for specific information 2 shouldn't arrive
• Ask Ss to read the statements 1-5.
• Play the recording and give Ss time to mark 4 To role play a dialogue giving advice
them accordingly.
• Explain the task and ask Ss to work in pairs
• Then check Ss’ answers.
and role play a dialogue using phrases from
Answer Key the dialogue in Ex. 1 and their own ideas
1 R 2 W 3 R 4 DS 5 W following the plan.
• Then give Ss time to complete the task.
3 To compare social behaviours • Monitor the activity around the class and then
ask some pairs to role play their dialogue in
• Ask Ss to talk in pairs and compare the social
front of the class.
behaviours in Canada to the ones in Poland.
• Monitor the activity around the class and then Suggested Answer Key
ask some pairs to tell the class. A: I can’t wait for my holiday to Dubai.
Suggested Answer Key B: You’re going to Dubai? There was a programme
on TV about it last night.
In Poland, arriving on time is as important as it is
A: Really? Was it interesting?
in Canada. Like the Canadians, we don't put our
B: Yes, it was. For example, did you know you
elbows on the table or chew with our mouths
should only use your right hand for eating
open. We use knives and forks to eat most food.
and drinking, not your left?
A: No, I didn’t know that. Anything else?
B: Yes. You should wear trousers or long skirts
and keep your shoulders covered.
Module 5
A: Is there anything else I should know? Answer Key
B: One more thing. You shouldn’t point with your 1 Sue didn't write an email to her friend.
finger. It’s very rude! 2 We didn't see lots of birds in the forest.
B: Right. Thanks for your advice. 3 I didn't eat a sandwich for lunch.
4 Steven and I didn't listen to our teacher.
Pronunciation 5 They didn't get up at 7 am.
To pronounce \n\, \N\
• Play the recording with pauses for Ss to repeat 4 To practise the past simple
chorally and/or individually. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation. • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
• Then elicit more words with these sounds from Answer Key
the dialogue in Ex.1 using their dictionaries as 1 didn't speak 4 didn't like
necessary to check. 2 took 5 Did Zoe arrive
Answer Key 3 Did the students know
\n\ pen, pin
\N\ thing, interesting 5 To practise the past simple (affirmative
& negative)
5e • Grammar
• Give Ss time to read the gapped text and
1 To revise the past simple then fill the gaps with the correct past simple
• Read out the grammar table and the cartoon. form of the verbs in brackets.
• Ask Ss to read the list of verbs and then give • Check Ss’ answers.
them time to write the past simple forms. Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. 1 travelled 10 didn't come
• Refer Ss to the list of Irregular Verbs for help. 2 were 11 had
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section 3 went 12 took
for more information. 4 wasn't 13 sat
Answer Key 5 changed 14 told
2 got (I) 8 ate (I) 6 arrived 15 sang
3 played (R) 9 watched (R) 7 set 16 slept
4 wrote (I) 10 saw (I) 8 decided 17 left
5 listened (R) 11 thought (I) 9 wanted 18 didn't expect
6 put (I) 12 knew (I)
7 shared (R) 6 To practise the past simple
(interrogative & short answers)
2 To practise the past simple (affirmative) • Explain the task and read out the example.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it. • Give Ss time to complete the task. Check Ss’
• Check Ss’ answers around the class. answers around the class.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section Answer Key
for more information. 2 Did they swim in the lake? No, they didn't. They
Answer Key went kayaking.
1 wrote 3 ate 5 got 3 Did his mum and brother go hiking? Yes, they
2 saw 4 listened did.
4 Did they all sleep outside? No, they didn't. Tim
and his brother slept outside.
3 To practise the past simple (negative) 5 Did Tim enjoy camping? Yes, he did.
• Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section
for more information.
Module 5
5f • Across Cultures Answer Key
1 quickly 4 angrily 7 sadly
1 To listen and read for specific
2 slowly 5 quietly 8 simply
3 loudly 6 easily
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read and
then match the phrases to make sentences.
b) To identify adverbs
• Check Ss’ answers.
Elicit adverbs from the story on p. 78.
Answer Key
1 b 2 c 3 a Answer Key
politely, incorrectly, luckily, kindly, easily
Module 5
5 • CLIL (Citizenship) Suggested Answer Key
Module 5
you visit a place and ask people before you take 3 1 eat with hands
their photos. 2 eat with knife and fork
Secondly, there are a number of things you 3 share food
shouldn’t do while in another country. For 4 put elbows on table
example, you shouldn’t waste water or any other
resource. You also shouldn’t take pebbles or 4 1 wrote 3 didn’t travel
shells from the beach. You should respect the 2 didn’t come 4 Did you arrive
animals as well as the people and you shouldn’t
treat animals badly by taking part in any tourist 5 1 carefully 3 Luckily
attraction that hurts them such as riding an 2 suddenly 4 terribly
elephant or walking a lion. Most importantly, you
shouldn’t drop litter. You should leave a place 6 1 Are you getting ready for your holiday?
how you found it and treat the local people, 2 I was really embarrassed.
animals and nature with respect. 3 What should I know before I go?
Thank you for listening. Are there any questions? 4 What advice sounds really useful.
2 1 kayaking 3 snowboarding
2 windsurfing 4 ice skating
Let’s celebrate! Module 6
Topic 6d Everyday English 91
In this module, Ss will explore the topics of celebrations Lesson Objectives: To complete a dialogue, to role play
& festivities, traditions and festive food. a dialogue making suggestions, to pronounce \ø\, \U\
Module page 84-85
6e Grammar 92-93
Lesson Objectives: To get an overview of the module, Lesson Objectives: To learn be going to (negative &
to talk about celebrations interrogative & short answers)
Vocabulary: Celebrations (Thanksgiving, birthday,
New Year, Christmas, Easter, May Day, Mother’s Day, 6f Across Cultures 94-95
Father’s Day) Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for specific
information, to read for specific information, to answer
6a Reading 86-87
comprehension questions, to express an opinion, to
Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for specific listen for specific information, to write a blog entry
information, to read for specific information, to answer about a festival
comprehension questions, to learn phrases with
do/make, to talk about party preparations, to listen for 6 CLIL (History) 96
specific information, to write an email invitation, to Lesson Objectives: To listen and read for gist, to read
write an email accepting/refusing an invitation for key information, to answer comprehension questions
Vocabulary: Nouns (streamer, favour, preparation); Vocabulary: Nouns (feast, century, journey, tradition);
Verbs (decorate, organise); Phrasal verb (blow out) Verbs (celebrate, settle, survive, gather); Phrasal verb
(step back into)
6b Grammar 88-89
Lesson Objectives: To learn be going to (affirmative), Flash Time 6 97
to learn reflexive pronouns Lesson Objectives: To make a poster of a
celebration/festival, to present a celebration/festival,
6c Vocabulary 90
to learn about the value of entertainment
Lesson Objectives: To learn festive food in the UK, to
listen for specific information, to talk about celebrations/ Progress Check 6 98-99
festivities & food in your country Lesson Objectives: To read for specific information, to
Vocabulary: Festive food in the UK (box of chocolates, test/consolidate vocabulary and grammar learnt
hot cross buns, toffee apples, Christmas pudding, throughout the module; to complete a dialogue, to
birthday cake, pancakes, parkin, harvest loaf); listen for specific information, to write a blog entry
Festivals (Harvest Festival, Halloween, Bonfire Night,
Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Shrove Tuesday, Easter,
Module 6
What’s in this module? • Refer Ss to the box.
Go through the What’s in this module? box and tell Ss • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
that these are the topics, skills and activities this unit
will cover.
3 To consolidate comprehension of a text
• Explain the task and allow Ss time to review
1 To present vocabulary for celebrations the text and then answer the questions.
& festivities • Check Ss’ answers.
• Play the recording. Ss listen and repeat chorally Answer Key
and/or individually.
1 Brenda's party is at 8:00 pm.
• Check Ss’ pronunciation and intonation.
2 Her mum is going to make her cake.
3 They are going to play games after Brenda
2 To talk about celebrations & festivals blows out her candles.
Give Ss time to consider their answers and then
elicit answers from Ss around the class. 4 To present and practise phrases with
Suggested Answer Key do/make
In my country, we celebrate all of these • Read out the Language Awareness box.
celebrations and festivities except Thanksgiving. • Then give Ss time to choose the correct word
At New Year, Christmas and Easter we spend time in the phrases 1-8 and then play the recording
with our families and eat special food. We have for Ss to listen and check their answers.
parties to celebrate birthdays. On May Day, we Answer Key
don't go to school or work. On Mother's Day and
1 make 3 do 5 do 7 make
Father's Day we give gifts to our mums and dads.
2 make 4 do 6 do 8 make
3 To express a preference
5 To talk about party preparations
Give Ss time to consider their answers and then
• Read out the rubric and give Ss time to
elicit answers from Ss around the class.
consider their answers.
Suggested Answer Key • Elicit answers from Ss around the class following
My favourite celebration is Christmas because I the example.
like the special food and I like getting lots of Suggested Answer Key
I usually do my hair and do my nails. I also make
invitations. Sometimes, I make a list and do the
6a • Reading shopping with my parents.
1 To listen and read for specific
information 6 To listen for specific information
• Ask Ss to read the two sets of phrases. • Explain the task and ask Ss to read the
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text. questions and the possible answers.
• Ss match the phrases. Check Ss’ answers. • Play the recording. Ss listen and choose their
Answer Key answers according to what they hear.
1 c 2 a 3 b • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
2 To read for specific information 1 C 2 B 3 C 4 B
• Give Ss time to read the text again and mark
the statements according to what they read. 7 a) To write an email of invitation
• Check Ss’ answers. • Explain the task and give Ss time to write an
Answer Key email inviting their friend to their birthday
1 R 2 W 3 DS 4 W party.
• Tell Ss to answer all the questions in the notes
and to use the email in Ex. 1 as a model.
Module 6
• Then ask various Ss to use read out their • Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section
email to the class. for more information.
• Alternatively, assign the task as HW and Answer Key
check Ss’ answers in the next lesson. 1 is going to go 4 is going to prepare
Suggested Answer Key 2 am going to have 5 are going to buy
Hi, Ben, 3 are going to dance
How are you? I'm writing to invite you to my party
next week. I'm really looking forward to it. It’s to 2 To practise be going to (affirmative)
celebrate passing my exams. It's going to be
• Explain the task and read out the example.
great. It's going to be at my house on Saturday at
• Give Ss some time to complete the task.
12 o'clock.
• Check Ss’ answers.
My mum is going to decorate the house with
balloons and streamers. They are going to be my Answer Key
favourite colour – blue. My dad is going to make 2 They are going to decorate the room.
burgers and chips and we're going to drink cola. 3 She is going to do her hair.
My sister is making a cake for me, but I don't 4 She is going to go shopping.
know what is going to be on top – it's a surprise!
The entertainment is another surprise. My uncle is 3 To present reflexive pronouns
organising it, and he is really fun, so I know it's
• Read out the grammar table and ask two Ss
going to be great!
to read out the cartoon.
Anyway, I hope you can come. Let me know as
• Refer Ss to the Grammar Reference section
soon as you can.
for more information.
Talk to you soon,
• Explain the task and give Ss some time to
complete the task.
• Check Ss’ answers.
b) To write an email accepting/
Answer Key
refusing an invitation
1 himself 3 myself
• Ask Ss to swap emails with their partners 2 themselves 4 herself
and give them time to write an email in
response including all the points in the
4 To practise subject personal pronouns
rubric and using the Language Awareness
and reflexive pronouns
box to help them.
• Check Ss’ answers in class or assign as HW. • Explain the task and give Ss time to complete it.
• Check Ss’ answers.
Suggested Answer Key
Hi Ivan, Answer Key
Well done! Thanks for the invitation. I’d love to 1 himself 3 ourselves
come to your party. It sounds like it’s going to be 2 She 4 They
lots of fun. Let me know if you want me to bring
anything or help in any way. See you there! 5 To practise reflexive pronouns and be
Ben going to
• Explain the task and read out the example.
6b • Grammar • Refer Ss to the pictures and give them time to
1 To present and practise be going to complete the task using the pictures and
(affirmative) following the example.
• Check Ss’ answers.
• Read out the grammar table.
• Explain the task and read out the cartoon. Answer Key
• Go through the sentences. Then give Ss some 1 is going to burn himself
time to complete the gaps. 2 are going to paint... themselves
• Check Ss’ answers. 3 is going to cut herself
Module 6
6c • Vocabulary Answer Key
1 To present vocabulary for festive food in 1 C 2 B 3 E 4 D 5 A
the UK The dialogue is about Keith's birthday party.
• Ask Ss to look at the pictures. Play the
recording and then give Ss time to match the 2 To listen for confirmation and act out a
festive foods to the celebrations/festivities. dialogue
• Check Ss’ answers. • Play the recording for Ss to listen and check
Answer Key their answers and then ask Ss to take roles
1 H 3 G 5 A 7 B and act out the dialogue in pairs.
2 C 4 D 6 F 8 E • Monitor the activity around the class.
Module 6
3 To consolidate comprehension of a text desserts! My dad is also going to take part in a
• Ask Ss to read the text again and answer the pie-eating contest. It's going to be great!
questions. What about you? What festival are you going to?
• Check Ss’ answers.
6 • CLIL (History)
Answer Key
1 The Strawberry Festival is from 17th June to 1 To predict the content of the text and
19th June. listen and read for specific information
2 Maria is going to take part in the Kids' • Ask Ss what, if anything, they know about how
Strawberry Race. Thanksgiving started.
3 You can get more information from the website. • Play the recording for Ss to listen and read the
• Refer Ss to the box. text and find out.
• Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments. • Elicit Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
4 To express a preference Thanksgiving started because the Pilgrims that
travelled to the New World wanted to celebrate
Give Ss time to consider their opinion and then
their first harvest.
ask various Ss around the class to share their
opinion with the class.
2 To read for key information
Suggested Answer Key
I would like to watch the live bands because I like • Ask Ss to read the headings and then give
live music. I would like to do face painting them time to read the text again and match
because it's fun. I would like to watch the the headings to the paragraphs.
fireworks display because it's beautiful. • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
5 To listen for specific information 1 C 2 A 3 B
• Explain the task and ask Ss to write a blog • Refer Ss to the box.
entry about the Dessert Festival using the • Play the video for Ss and elicit their comments.
poster in Ex. 6 to help them.
• Give Ss time to complete the task and then ask Flash Time • 6
Ss to read out their answers to their partner.
1 To collect information about a
Suggested Answer Key celebration/festival in your country
Hi guys! I'm Aleksy and I'm going to visit the • Ask Ss to research online about a celebration/
Dessert Festival this July. It's a big festival and it's festival in their country and use the information
got lots of things to see and do. I'm going to go to complete the table.
there with my parents and my sister. We're going • Ask various Ss to share their answers with the
to leave in the morning and come back late at class.
night. At the festival, we're going to watch a
parade and some live music and eat lots of
Module 6
Suggested Answer Key Suggested Answer Key
Name Juwenalia Hello everyone. We want to talk about the
Juwenalia Festival. This is a festival that celebrates
What it students. It started in the 15th century in Krakow
celebrates when the mayor gave students the keys to the
In 15th century Krakow, city. The festival lasts for five days and there are
How it started
students given keys to the city live music concerts, colourful parades, contests,
games, parties and barbecues. It is a lot of fun.
What happens live music concerts, colourful
Here is a poster we made showing some of the
at the festival/ parades, contests, games,
events. Thanks for listening.
celebration parties, barbecues
5 1 is going to buy
2 aren't going to visit
3 Are you going to make
4 Is Mary going to come
5 am going to go
3 To present a celebration/festival
• Give Ss time to work in small groups and 6 1 himself 3 myself
prepare a presentation using their poster from 2 ourselves 4 themselves
Ex. 2 to present the celebration/festival.
7 1 Are you getting ready for your New Year’s Eve
• Ask various groups to present the celebration/
festival to the class.
2 Why don’t you have a costume party?
3 How about people from the past?
4 Why don’t we have a table full of sweets and
snacks as well?
Module 6
8 1 August 3 contest 5 15 B: Hello. I’m Karolina. Nice to meet you.
2 bands 4 fish A: Nice to meet you, too.
9 Hello, guys! I'm Barbara and I'm going to visit the 3 Suggested Answer Key
Seafood Festival this August. I love seafood and Would you like to go and watch = How about
there are lots of things to see and do there. I'm watching?
going with my family and my friend Anna. We're I’d love to = Sounds good.
going to leave at midday and come back in the
evening. At the festival, we're going to watch live 4 Suggested Answer Key
music from local bands, see dance shows and • A: Hi, Ola. Would you like to come to my
parades and a fish pie eating contest. We're also Christmas party?
going to take part in a kids' swimming race and B: I’d be glad to.
eat lots of fish dishes, of course! It's going to be
amazing! 5 No answer required
(p. 101) • Play the recording. Ss listen and read the
text and match the phrases.
1 To match greetings to wishes • Check Ss’ answers.
• Give Ss time to complete the task. Answer Key
• Check Ss’ answers.
1 c 2 a 3 d 4 b
Answer Key
1 e 3 a 5 f 7 h b) To consolidate new vocabulary
2 d 4 g 6 c 8 b
• Give Ss time to look at the pictures and
(p. 102) Halloween read the words in bold in the text and then
use them to label the pictures.
1 To listen and read for key information • Check Ss’ answers.
• Ask Ss to read the phrases. Answer Key
• Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text 1 ozoni soup 4 bean soup
and match the phrases. 2 kadomatsu 5 mochi
• Check Ss’ answers. 3 fireworks displays
Answer Key
1 b 2 c 3 a Game
2 To use a code
• Explain how the code works (each number
2 To complete a wordsearch represents a letter as shown in the table) and
Give Ss time to complete the game. The first S to give Ss time to decode the message.
complete the task wins. • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key Answer Key
Hau’oli maaahiki hou
O U Y B A M O T E K S K Y M M Project
3 To create a poster
• Give Ss time to create a poster with pictures
T R I C K O R T R E A T I N G showing how people celebrate New Year in
C P U M P K I N S T K U Q Y M their country.
H L N U Y P U M P O I Y S X A • Ask various Ss to present their posters to the
Suggested Answer Key
At New Year in
Project Poland we
have a family
3 To design a Halloween costume meal.
Give Ss time to design a Halloween costume
following the tips in the text. Then ask various Ss to
present their costumes to the class.
We put tar on
(Ss’ own answers) the windows
and doorknobs
(p. 103) New Year’s Eve for good luck.
1 a) To listen and read for key information
• Ask Ss to read the phrases.
We go Project
to parties. 3 To create a poster
• Give Ss time to create a poster with pictures
showing how people celebrate St Patrick’s
Day in the USA.
• Ask various Ss to present their posters to the
Suggested Answer Key
We bake
In Chicago
they dye the
river green.
We eat
sausages and
bigos and People wear
drink lots of green.
Game (p. 106) Mother’s Day
2 To complete a maze 1 To read for cohesion and coherence
Give Ss time to complete the game. The first S to • Ask Ss to read the list of words.
complete the task wins. • Play the recording. Ss listen and read the text
Answer Key and fill in the missing words
Happy Easter • Check Ss’ answers.
Answer Key
Project 1 paint 3 ribbon 5 treat
2 crayons 4 picture
3 To create a poster
• Give Ss time to create a poster with pictures Game
showing which foods are popular at Easter in
their country. 2 To complete a crossword
• Ask various Ss to present their posters to the • Give Ss time to read the clues and complete
class. the crossword.
Suggested Answer Key • Check Ss’ answers around the class.
At Easter in Answer Key
Poland we eat a Down Across
lot of special
1 painted flower pot 3 handmade card
food. Here are
2 poem 5 breakfast in bed
some popular
4 photo frame
white sausages
(Biała kiełbasa).
3 To create a Mother’s Day gift
• Give Ss time to make a Mother’s Day gift from
soup with the text either in class or at home.
sausage and • Have Ss show their gifts to the class and then
eggs (zurek) take them home for their mothers.
(Ss’ own answers)
painted eggs
a cake called
My Picture Dictionary
Countries and nationalities (p. 108) Types of houses (p. 112)
1 1 the USA 8 India 1 1 houseboat 3 mobile home
2 Argentina 9 Ireland 2 block of flats 4 semi-detached house
3 Australia 10 Mozambique
4 Brazil 11 New Zealand 2 (Ss’ own answers)
5 the UK 12 Portugal
6 Canada 13 Russia Landmarks (p. 113)
7 China 14 South Africa 1 (Ss’ own answers)
2 I live in Poland. I’m Polish.
Historical figures (p. 113)
Daily routines (p. 109) 2 1 Albert Einstein 5 Charles Dickens
1 1 I get up at 7 am. 2 Elizabeth I 6 Vincent van Gogh
2 Yes, I do. 3 Charlie Chaplin 7 Abraham Lincoln
3 After school, I come back home and have a 4 Elvis Presley 8 King Edward VII
4 I do my homework in the afternoon. Celebrities (p. 114)
5 I have a shower.
1 1 Kendall Jenner
2 Time Activities 2 Ed Sheeran, Shawn Mendes
3 Daniel Radcliffe, Miranda Cosgrove
7 am get up
4 Cristiano Ronaldo
8 am catch the bus 5 Maddie Ziegler
9 am have lessons
12 noon have lunch 2 (Ss’ own answers)
3.30 pm come back home
Everyday social behaviour (p. 115)
4 pm do homework
6 pm go to football practice DOs DON’Ts
8 pm have dinner be early
9 pm chat with friends be on time be late
eat with a knife chew with mouth
9:30 pm have a shower
and fork open
10 pm go to bed share food eat with hands
put elbows on table
Areas in a school (p. 110)
1 My school has got classrooms, a science lab, a
computer room, a library, a headteacher’s office, 2 (Ss’ own answers)
a staffroom, a playground and an auditorium.
Celebrations & Festivities (p. 116)
2 (Ss’ own answers) 1 Thanksgiving, Halloween, Bonfire Night, Christmas,
Means of transport (p. 111) New Year, Valentine’s Day, Shrove Tuesday, Easter,
1 May Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Birthday
2 In Poland, we celebrate Christmas, New Year,
R E L E S H I P H Valentine’s Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day
A C A B L E C A R and Birthday.
P L A N E A T A B 3 (Ss’ own answers)
2 (Ss’ own answers)
Student’s Book Audioscripts
Module 1 Module 3
Exercise 2 (p. 10) Exercise 1 (p. 36)
Susan: Hi, Sally! So how’s your first day at school? M1: So the next part of our quiz is about famous
Sally: Hi, Susan. It’s OK. The school is very big, so it’s a people. Question 1: Queen Elizabeth I, the Queen of
bit difficult for me to find my way around. England, was born in 1533, but when did she die? Was
Susan: I can help you. What’s your next lesson? it in 1603 or 1604? Yes, Mark?
Sally: It’s my favourite – Maths and it’s in Classroom 3A. M2: She died in 1603.
Susan: OK. So to get to classroom 3A, go up to the M1: That’s… correct! Next, Vincent van Gogh, the
staffroom and turn left. Then go past the nurse’s office Dutch painter, died in 1890, but when was he born?
and turn right. Go up the stairs and it’s the first room Was it in 1815 or 1853? Fiona, what do you think?
on your right. F: It was in 1853.
Sally: Oh! That’s easy. Thanks for the help. What’s your M1: That’s right! He was just 37 when he died. Now,
next lesson? Charlie Chaplin, the English actor. He died in 1977, but
Susan: I’m off to the field for PE. I love it because we when was he born? Was it in 1889 or 1890? Fiona again.
play different sports and get some exercise. Hey F: It was in 1890.
maybe we can meet at the school canteen and have M1: That’s… wrong, I’m afraid. The correct answer is
lunch together. The canteen is opposite the nurse’s 1889. Question 4 is about Charles Dickens, the English
office. writer. He was born in 1812. When did he die – 1850 or
Sally: Cool! See you there. 1870? Yes, Mark?
M2: He died in 1870.
Exercise 4a (p. 15) M1: Correct again, Mark! Next is Elvis Presley, the
My classroom has got desks and chairs for all the American singer and actor. He died in 1977. When was
students. There is a blackboard but there isn’t a he born? Was it in 1913 or 1935? Fiona, you were first.
television or a projector. There aren’t posters on the F: It was in 1935.
wall and there isn’t a bookcase. All our books are in M1: Well done, Fiona. You needed that point. OK, last
the school library. question of this part. Albert Einstein was a German
physicist. He was born in 1879, but when did he die?
1955 or 1965? Mark…
Exercise 9 (p. 19)
M2: I think it was 1965.
Boy: Hi, I’m Samuel and I go to Palmer’s Elementary M1: Sorry, Mark, but that’s not correct. The answer is
School. In the morning we start our day with 1955. And that’s the end of this part. You both got two
registration at 8:00 am. Then, it’s off to class at 8:15 am. points there.
We have lessons until our first break at 10:15. At 10:30,
we have some more lessons until our lunch break at
Exercise 6 (p. 39)
12:30. We all go to the school canteen and have our
lunch. We go back to class at 1:15 and have lessons The British Museum is one of the largest museums in
until our last break at 2:15. At 2:30, we have our last the United Kingdom. It is open from 10 am until
lesson of the day until the bell rings at 3:30 pm. 5.30 pm from Monday until Sunday. On Fridays, the
museum stays open until 8.30 pm. Entrance to the
Module 2 museum is free. There are many tube stations and
buses that stop near the museum. There are lots of
Exercise 7 (p. 35) things to see at the museum including paintings,
Visit Bath sculptures and statues. Visitors can also go on a tour,
Bath is a small city in Somerset in the southwest of have something to eat and buy souvenirs.
England. It is a popular tourist destination that is full of
beautiful buildings and little shops. You can visit the
Ancient Roman Baths to see what life was like in the Exercise 2a & b (p. 42)
past! Visitors can also go shopping on Pulteney Bridge The Harry Potter series is a very popular book and film
and the High Street. It is easy to get to Bath by car. series. There were seven books and eight films in total.
There is also a train station with trains to Bristol and The books and films were full of magic and mystery. This
London, and buses going to nearby cities. is why many fans were excited when a new book or film
was out. And this is why you are all on this Harry Potter
Student’s Book Audioscripts
London Tour! So, without delay, let’s begin the tour. afternoon. Tickets are £25 for adults and £14 for
Our first stop is here at King’s Cross train station. The children under the age of 16. Visitors can get there by
famous Platform 9 ¾ is here. This magical platform bus, taxi or car. There are many things to see at
was in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone – the Blenheim Palace. You can go on a tour of the house
first Harry Potter film. This was the gateway to the and the gardens. There are also special events like a
Wizarding World. food market and music concerts!
Next stop is London Zoo. Let’s go to the Reptile House.
Does anyone remember in which film we see this Module 4
place? … No? … Well, the Reptile House was in Harry
Exercise 1 (p. 52)
Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, too. This is the
1 Boy: Who’s your favourite football player?
place that Harry discovers he can talk to snakes.
Girl: Definitely Cristiano Ronaldo.
Piccadilly Circus is a famous square in London and it
Boy: Does he play for Manchester United?
is another place where Harry and his friends were. We
Girl: No, he plays for Real Madrid. He played for
see Piccadilly Circus in Harry Potter and the Deathly
Manchester United until 2009, but his first
Hallows One – the seventh film in the series. In this film,
team was Sporting FC.
Harry, Hermione and Ron were at Piccadilly Circus
when a London bus almost hits them. 2 Girl: I think ’Sing’ is my favourite Ed Sheeran
Australia House – another famous London landmark – song.
was also in the Harry Potter films. You can see the hall Boy: Really? My favourite is ’Thinking Out Loud’.
inside the building when Harry Potter and Hagrid go Girl: Was that his first song?
to Gringotts Wizarding Bank in Harry Potter and the Boy: No, his first one was ’The A Team’.
Philosopher’s Stone.
The Millennium Bridge was in the opening scene of 3 Girl: Maddie Ziegler is an amazing dancer!
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince – the sixth film in Boy: Is she the girl in the music video for ’Elastic
the series. The bridge was in one of the most Heart’ by Sia?
spectacular scenes of this Harry Potter film. Girl: Yes. Her first music video was ’Chandelier’,
Our last stop is Leadenhall Market. This was Diagon when she was only 12.
Alley in the Harry Potter films. This is also the place you Boy: Wow. I saw her in the video for ’Cheap
can find the Leaky Cauldron – the wizard’s pub in the Thrills’, too. She’s in a lot of Sia’s music
films. As you can see, the building in the film was black videos.
and not blue as it is now.
Anyway, this is the end of the tour. I hope you had a 4 Boy: Do you like ’iCarly’?
great time! Thank you for joining me on this tour. Have Girl: Yes. It’s got Miranda Cosgrove in it – she’s
a nice day! my favourite actor.
Boy: Was she in ’Zoey 101’?
Girl: Only as a guest star. Her first TV
Exercise 5 (p. 47)
appearance was in ’Drake and Josh’ as
Albert Einstein was a world-famous physicist. He was
their little sister.
born in 1879 in Ulm, Germany and died in 1955 in
New Jersey, USA. He is famous for being the father of 5 Girl: Daniel Radcliffe became famous for the
modern physics, a genius and the author of the ’Harry Potter films’.
Theory of Relativity. From the age of 8 to 21, he was a Boy: Yes, he did. But his first film was ’The Tailor
student in Germany and Switzerland. In 1903, he got a of Panama’. And before that, he starred in
job at the Swiss Patent Office and in 1908 he was a ’David Copperfield’ when he was just 10
lecturer at the University of Bern. His greatest years old.
achievement was the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1920.
6 Girl: Did you see EvanTube’s ’Exploding
Exercise 8 (p. 51) Watermelon Challenge video’?
Blenheim Palace is a country house near Woodstock Boy: Yeah – it was funny, but I liked ’World’s
in Oxfordshire. It is one of the most impressive country Largest Gummy Worm vs. Kid’ more.
houses in Britain. Monday to Sunday, the palace is Girl: Was that his first video?
open from 10.30 in the morning until 5.30 in the Boy: No, that was ’Angry Birds Stop Motion’.
Student’s Book Audioscripts
7 Boy: Did Kendall Jenner become a model in Snape became sad and angry because Lily didn’t
2007? like him, and he made friends with some bad people.
Girl: No, that was when she first appeared in TV. When he left school, he joined a group called the
Her first modelling job was in 2009, but she Death Eaters and helped them to do terrible things.
didn’t start working on her own projects But when the master of the Death Eaters killed Lily –
until 2012. the woman Snape loved – he changed sides. He
joined the good Order of the Phoenix to fight against
Exercises 2a & b (p. 58) the Death Eaters and protect Lily’s son, Harry Potter.
Hi guys! Stacy here and I’m back with another Vlog. Snape didn’t tell anyone that he was part of the Order
All of you know how much I like to make videos about of the Phoenix. He worked in secret, so many people
different places around the world, but I decided to believed he was still evil. Even Harry believed it, too,
make this video about my own city – New York. There right up until Snape died and magically gave Harry
are so many things to do here that you never get his memories. Then Harry saw that he was really a
bored. So here is my list of the top things to do in the good man, pretending to be a Death Eater so that he
Big Apple! could help save Harry and all his friends.
Number 1 Sports matches
New York is a great place for sports fans. You can Exercise 1b (p. 65)
watch so many different sports like baseball, football, 1 My name’s Aiko and I’m from Japan. One of our
ice hockey and basketball. I love sports – especially traditional dances is the fan dance. The dancers
ice hockey. I went to see an ice hockey match last hold a fan in each hand as they dance – it’s
week and my favourite team won! beautiful to watch. The musicians often use the
Number 2 TV shows shamisen to play the music.
People film lots of TV shows in New York, too! You can 2 I’m Mark and I’m from Ireland. Céilí is our
buy tickets in advance to see live recordings of talk traditional dance. It’s fast and energetic – just like
shows or comedies. the music. Céilí music uses the Irish national
Number 3 Concerts, Operas & Musicals instrument – the tin whistle.
My city is the best for music! There are loads of places
to see live music around New York and you can see 3 I’m Isoa and I’m from Fiji. Meke is a Fijian
stars like Katy Perry or Ed Sheeran performing in traditional dance. Groups of men or women
Madison Square Garden. If you like musicals, then dance it, but not usually men and women
Broadway is the best place for you. I love the opera, so together. There isn’t any music – just us clapping
I go to the Metropolitan Opera House as often as I our hands and the beat of the lali drum.
can! It’s amazing. 4 My name’s Maria and I’m from Brazil. Our
Number 4 Fashion shows traditional dance is samba. It’s quick and quite
Finally, there is Fashion Week every February and difficult to learn. Samba music often uses
September. During these weeks, you can see fashion maracas.
shows, top designers and models. It’s fashion-tastic!
Those are just some of the highlights of New York, but Exercise 8 (p. 67)
there is much more to do here. I love my city and I
My favourite TV show is Stranger Things and my
think it’s a great place to visit at least once in your
favourite character is Steve Harrington. When we first
lives! Until next time!
meet Steve in Season 1, he is the coolest kid in school.
He’s a brilliant basketball player and he’s very popular
Exercise 5 (p. 63) – but he isn’t a nice person. He is a bully. He spends a
I’m a big fan of the Harry Potter books by J.K. Rowling. lot of time with his friends Tommy and Carol and they
Most of my friends think Harry and Hermione are the are unkind to lots of people, especially Steve’s
best characters, but my favourite is Severus Snape. He’s girlfriend, Nancy, and a boy in their class called
a complicated person and readers don’t really know Jonathan.
whether he’s good or evil until the end of the books. But Nancy and Jonathan haven’t got time to worry
Snape was a student at Hogwarts School of about Steve – there are more important things
Witchcraft and Wizardry. He wasn’t very popular and happening in their town. Jonathan’s brother, Will, is
he didn’t have a lot of friends. He loved a girl called missing! A monster from another place took him and
Lily, but she was more interested in James Potter. they have to find him before it’s too late. Unfortunately,
Student’s Book Audioscripts
the monster finds them first – but they escape thanks table or chew with your mouth open. It is not at all
to Steve. He arrives just in time and saves Nancy and polite. People don’t often share food, but sometimes
Jonathan. From then on, Steve stops being a bad guy it’s OK. You should use a knife and fork to eat most
and starts being nicer, although he is still the coolest food, but some things – like bread, burgers and pizza –
kid in school. you can eat with your hands.
In Season 2, Steve helps out again. Even though
Nancy isn’t his girlfriend any more, he still looks after Exercise 6 (p. 79)
Nancy’s little brother and his friends. When more Last summer, I went on holiday with my family to
monsters appear, he helps the kids save the town and Scotland. My mum, dad and I all enjoy hiking, so one
everyone in it. Steve becomes the hero of the whole TV sunny morning we put on our boots and coats and
show – even though he started out as a pretty mean packed our rucksacks. We were excited to start our
character. hike up one of the tallest mountains in the area.
We hiked for hours. Then, clouds began to gather in
Module 5 the sky above us. Suddenly, there was fog all around
Exercise 6 (p. 71) us and we couldn’t see the path. In only a few
1 Girl: Hi, Jack! How was your day at the beach? minutes, we were lost. We didn’t know which way to
Boy: Hi, Anna! It was great – we had so much go, so we stood still and waited for the fog to clear.
fun! We waited and waited. Then, all of a sudden, we
Girl: Was it hot? heard a bark and a black and white dog ran out of
Boy: No, it wasn’t. It was very windy! the fog. He wanted us to follow him and, because we
didn’t have another choice except to wait some
2 Boy: Hey, Erica, did you go swimming in the more, my parents decided we should go with him. He
lake this morning? led us back down the mountain to his home – a
Girl: No, it was foggy, so we went for a walk. farmhouse. We were safe at last!
Boy: OK. Let’s hope it’s sunny tomorrow instead! The farmer was very kind and he made us cups of
tea. Then, he drove us to our hotel in his truck. We felt
3 Girl: How was Hong Kong, Alan? I heard it’s
relieved to be back in our rooms. Now, we always
rainy there.
check the weather forecast before going on a hike!
Boy: Not when we visited! It was hot and humid,
but it didn’t rain at all!
Exercise 7 (p. 83)
4 Boy: Morning, Carla! Did you have fun in Oslo? Last week, my family and I went sailing around the lake
Girl: It was amazing, thanks! near our house. When we started it was a beautiful
Boy: Was it warmer than here? sunny day. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky as we got
Girl: No! It was pretty cool all day and really into our boat. We sailed to the middle of the lake, then
cold at night! stopped to have lunch. We all felt happy and relaxed.
Then, it started to rain. We quickly tried to sail to land.
5 Boy: Did you walk to school yesterday, Lucy? But we couldn’t start the engine – so we couldn’t go
Girl: Of course I did. I walk every day – summer anywhere! We just had to sit there while it rained. We
or winter. saw lightning in the sky and we could hear thunder
Boy: But it was really rainy in the morning! as well. It was really scary!
Girl: It didn’t matter – I had my umbrella. Suddenly, my brother saw a small, orange boat on the
other side of the lake. We waved to it. The boat turned
Exercise 2 (p. 74) and sped towards us. Soon, the boat got closer and
Social behaviour is different all around the world. In the man in it asked us if we needed help. Our boat
Canada, whether you’re going to a business lunch or was almost full of water by now, so we told him, “Yes,
to have dinner with friends, it’s important to arrive on we do!”
time. If you’re worried about how long the journey is, In the end, the man pulled our boat back to shore
start early. After all, it’s better to be early than late! Five and we thanked him ever so much for saving us. We
or six minutes late is OK in Canada, but 15 minutes is were very glad to be back on dry land!
definitely too much!
During a meal, you shouldn’t put your elbows on the
Student’s Book Audioscripts
Module 6 Shrove Tuesday is 40 days before Easter. In the old
days, British people needed to use up their butter and
Exercise 6 (p. 87)
eggs because they didn’t eat them for the 40 days of
Jason: Hi, Paul! Are you going to come to my birthday Lent, so they started making pancakes. People put
party? sugar and lemon on top of their pancakes in the UK.
Paul: Sure! I can’t find the invitation, though. I think I At Easter, it’s traditional to make and eat hot cross
left it at Daniel’s house on Friday night. Is your party buns. These are sweet bread rolls with dried fruit inside,
going to be on Saturday morning? and a white cross on top. They are very tasty when
Jason: No, it’s on Sunday afternoon at 5 o’clock. Don’t they are fresh, or toasted with melted butter.
come to my house, though. When British people have a birthday, they always
Paul: Why? Are you going to have your party at the have a cake. They can be simple cakes, fancy cakes
cinema like you did last year? or even cupcakes – but they always have candles on
Jason: No, this year I’m going to have it at the top for the birthday boy or girl to blow out.
climbing centre.
Paul: Oh, yes – now I remember! That’s a cool idea.
Exercise 5 (p. 95)
Are you going to order food from your favourite
Chinese restaurant? Good morning, listeners! Who has got a sweet tooth? I
Jason: No, Mum says not everybody likes it, so my dad certainly have! So this Saturday, 14th July, I’m going to
is going to make pizzas. visit the Dessert Festival in West Park. It starts at 10 am
Paul: Great! So are we going to go climbing on your and finishes at 11 pm. There’s going to be so much to
birthday, then? see and do, including lots of live music and free face
Jason: Of course! I’m a bit old to have a clown or painting for children. Make sure you arrive in time to
play party games, but a magician is going to come watch the parade, and maybe even take part in the
and do a magic show after the food, too. pie eating contest! Even if you can’t get there until
Paul: Really? It’s going to be a great party! late, you can still see the fantastic fireworks display at
9 pm. And let’s not forget the highlight of the day – the
Exercises 1 & 2a (p. 90) desserts! There’s going to be cake, ice cream, biscuits
In the UK, there are many celebrations and festivities and so much more. Tickets are 10 pounds for adults
all through the year, and each one has got its own and 7 pounds for children. You can reserve them, and
special festive food. find out more information, at www.sthfestival.co.uk.
Harvest Festival is a very old celebration. For this day, See you there!
during the autumn months of September and
October, people bake special bread in the shape of Exercise 8 (p. 99)
wheat. They call it a harvest loaf. This month why not come and enjoy an exciting and
Halloween is a fun celebration. Kids dress up in fun festival? Celebrate the Seafood Festival with us,
spooky costumes and go trick-or-treating. They enjoy here in Little Rock Park! The festival runs from Saturday
playing games and eating toffee apples. These are the 4th to Sunday the 26th of August and is open from
fresh, crunchy apples dipped in sweet, sticky toffee – 9:30 am to 10:00 pm. And this year, we’re going to
delicious! have a special festival, indeed. We’re going to have
On Bonfire Night people watch fireworks displays, but live music from local bands, dance shows, face
they also have bonfires in their gardens at home. They painting, parades and a fish pie eating contest. There’s
eat parkin – a dark sticky oatmeal cake. It gets its also a kids swimming race, a brilliant fireworks display
colour and stickiness from treacle – a thick syrup. and much, much more. And when you get hungry, you
There are many special Christmas foods in the UK. can try any one of our fish, octopus, prawn or mussel
One of these is Christmas pudding. It has got lots of dishes prepared by local chefs. Buy your tickets today!
dried fruit and spices inside. When people stir the Prices start from fifteen pounds for adults and six
Christmas pudding, they make a wish. Some people pounds for children. Visit www.SeafoodFest.co.uk for
also hide a silver coin inside. They say that the person more information and reserve your tickets today!
who finds the coin gets rich in the New Year.
Chocolate is a popular gift all year round, but on
Valentine’s Day it’s usually in the shape of a heart! This
is because Valentine’s Day is the day the British
people celebrate love.
Formative Evaluation Chart
Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write an email about my school & classroom
• draw a map of my perfect school
Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write tweets
• write an article about a village in my country
• create a poster of various landmarks
Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write a blog comment about a visit to a museum
• write a biography about Albert Einstein
Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write a celebrity fact file
• write a text about a film character
• prepare a poster about a traditional dance and musical instrument from my
Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write a journal entry
• write a text message
• write a story
Go through the corrected writing tasks. Use the code to evaluate yourself.
• write an email of invitation and an email accepting/refusing an invitation
• write a blog entry about a festival
• create a poster of a celebration/festival in my country
4 2 Does Dillan have a shower in the morning? 3 1 They find out things on their own and then
Yes, he does. write or speak about what they find out.
3 Does your mum come back home at 5:00? 2 There are spaces for a canteen, an Art room,
No, she doesn't. a Science lab and a library all in one huge
4 Do you and Tim do your homework after room.
dinner? Yes, we do. 3 They help only when the students ask questions.
Workbook Key
3 2 The school isn’t as tall as the bank. 2 1 DS 2 W 3 R 4 DS
3 A train isn’t as slow as a tram.
4 A car isn’t as comfortable as a bus. 3 1 The mobile home is near the centre of
4 2 bigger 2 In the bathroom of the mobile home, there is
3 more beautiful than house 1 a toilet, a washbasin and a shower.
4 2 is cosier than house 1 3 The manor has got a garden outside (full of
5 House 1 is more expensive than house 2. trees and flowers).
2 2 Bill didn’t have a red bicycle when he was six 4 1 wrote 3 bought 5 tried
years old. 2 finished 4 sent 6 wanted
3 My friends haven’t got many video games.
4 We didn’t have a lot of homework last week. (p. 24)
1 2 TV 5 ballet 8 opera
3 2 Did Bob have a bicycle when he was eight
3 film 6 concert 9 fashion show
years old?
4 play 7 dance show
No, he didn’t.
3 Did Julie have video games when she was
2 Suggested answer
eight years old?
I like watching sports matches because they are
No, she didn’t.
very exciting. I also like watching films because
4 Did Bob have video games when he was
they are funny. I dislike watching fashion shows
eight years old?
because they are boring.
Yes, he did.
(p. 21) (p. 25)
1 1 c 2 a 3 b 1 1 e 2 d 3 b 4 c 5 a
2 1 R 2 R 3 W 4 DS 3 Suggested answer
In my country, in order to be polite, people
3 1 The dwarves lost their gold. shouldn’t be late for dinner or chew with their
2 Thirteen (13) dwarves went on the journey. mouth open. They should also eat with a knife
3 Gollum lived in a cave in the mountains. and fork.
Workbook Key
(p. 33) 2 1 toffee apples 4 harvest loaf
1 1 c 2 a 3 b 2 parkin 5 chocolates
3 Christmas pudding 6 cake
2 1 W 2 W 3 DS 4 R
(p. 37)
3 1 It was out of date./ It was his old passport. 1 1 d 2 c 3 b 4 e 5 a
2 They gave their house keys to their next-door
neighbour, Alice. 2 1 What do you think of a superhero-themed
3 It was great. birthday party
2 What about the food
4 1 When did they go on holiday? 3 Are you excited about your birthday
2 Who did the writer’s dad call? 4 Why don’t we watch a film
3 What did they do (in Malta)?
3 1 Are you excited about your birthday
Module 6 • Let’s celebrate! 2 What do you think of a superhero-themed
(p. 34) birthday party
1 1 EASTER 5 CHRISTMAS 3 Why don’t we watch a film
2 MAYDAY 6 NEW YEAR 4 What about the food
(p. 38)
2 1 make 3 do 5 do 1 1 is not/isn't going to hire
2 make 4 make 6 do 2 are not/aren’t going to have
3 is not/isn’t going to play
(p. 35)
1 1 are/’re going to bring 2 1 We are not/aren’t going to buy our dad a
2 am/’m going to celebrate birthday present.
3 is/’s going to come 2 They are not/ aren’t going to celebrate
4 are/’re going to decorate Christmas in London.
5 is/’s going to listen 3 Helen is not/isn’t going to order pizza for the
2 1 We are going to play games at the
Halloween party. 3 2 Is Suzie going to have party games? Yes, she
2 David is going to arrive at the party at is.
8 o’clock. 3 Is Suzie going to order a cake from the
3 A woman is going to paint the children’s baker’s? No, she isn’t.
faces. 4 Is Suzie going to play dance music? Yes, she
4 I’m going to give my mum some flowers on is.
Mother’s Day. 5 Is Suzie going to send invitations by email?
5 They’re going to leave the party early. Yes, she is.
Workbook Key
2 1 R 2 DS 3 R 4 W We need to catch …
… the bus — come on!
3 1 Peter isn’t going to attend a pizza-making class.
I exercise at …
2 The fireworks display is going to take place at
… the gym twice a week.
3 You can find out more about the festival from Go up Field Street and…
its website: pizzafest.co.uk. … turn left to find the cinema.
Can you get some bread and milk …
4 1 Who is Peter going to go to the festival with?
… from the supermarket, please?
2 When does the festival take place?
3 How is Peter going to feel at the end of the The Great Pyramids of Giza are …
festival? … older than Wawel Castle.
The bus is late! Lets’ get in …
Fun Time 1 … a taxi. It’s not very expensive.
(p. 42)
Mind …
1 up 11 do 21 library … the gap.
2 going 12 Net 22 chat
3 back 13 catch 23 spending The cheapest way to get around …
4 plays 14 have 24 ever … the city is by bus.
5 have 15 playing 25 canteen Beware …
6 out 16 go 26 lab … of the dog.
7 look 17 see 27 listens
8 go 18 twice 28 get I’d like two return …
9 field 19 have … tickets, please.
10 series 20 now I go to school on …
… foot; it’s good exercise.
Let’s walk …
(p. 43) … along the beach and find sea glass!
1 1 inside 4 do 7 pouring
2 me 5 seaside 8 stuff Do not step …
3 fun 6 backs … on the grass.
I’m not very well. Let’s go …
3 Suggested answer … to the hospital.
I have football practice on Saturday mornings.
After practice, I go out to eat lunch with my family. Song
Then, we go to the supermarket to do our
(p. 45)
shopping. On Sundays, I go to the park and play
with my friends. 1 1 train 4 car 7 day
2 back 5 town 8 bike
Fun Time 2 3 near 6 house
A plane is … A: Is it a man?
… faster than a helicopter. B: Yes, it is.
Workbook Key
A: Has he got a moustache? you fly, simply, rude, snowboarding, told, windy, hot,
B: No, he hasn’t. suddenly, booked, on, cool, quickly, easily, water skiing,
finally, rainy, forgot, camping, Did you take, terribly,
A: Is he a singer?
sightseeing, OK, skiing, slowly, else, windsurfing,
B: Yes, he is. shouldn’t, didn’t know, regularly, humid
A: Has he got long hair?
B: No, he hasn’t. Song
A: Is it Elvis Presley?
(p. 51)
B: Yes, it is! etc.
1 1 year 4 sea 7 wait
2 feet 5 train 8 waiting
Song 3 plane 6 sea
(p. 47)
1 1 alone 3 look 5 queens 7 hands 2 Suggested answer
2 anywhere 4 find 6 adventure Holiday time for the singer is taking a plane to a
far away destination. It is not the same for me.
3 Suggested answer When it is holiday time for my family, we go by
The singer thinks that books can take you boat as we like to spend our time on an island.
anywhere. There are millions of novels that can
open your mind. Reading a book is a great way Fun Time 6
to spend your time on a rainy day.
(p. 52)