The main problem is the sharing of data between the users involved in the workflow. To
overcome all the problems, the workflow software is implemented
1.2 Objective
The objective of the project is to implement web based manufacturing process
planning workflow in a pressure die casting industry. This system can be used to reduce the
paper content work. Sharing the data between the organizations will be globalized using
web enabling. The business process of the company will be improved. The business
process of the company explicitly defined so it reduces the time to market of the product.
All types of data about product are maintained in the database. Each department workflow
has been studied. Based on the study, architecture of the workflow of the department has
been drawn. Actors involved in each activity and various tasks have been studied. The use
case diagram for all components used in the workflow has been drawn to find out the real
problem associated with the system development. Each department workflow related data
have been collected to create the web based application. The architecture of the
manufacturing process planning workflow has been created and application is developed
using a programming language. User management system has been developed for managing
the authentication and authorization of using the application. A revision management
system was developed for maintaining the changed data for the product. All systems will be
integrated using interface concept and then software testing is conducted to analyze the
error in the development of the system. Web based manufacturing process planning
workflow system is implemented and deployed in the industry to capture error and to find
out the reliability of the system.
Chapter 2
Qiu and Wong (2007) described dynamic workflow changes in PDM systems. To facilitate
dynamic workflow change, the challenge is to identify all nodes in the new workflow
instance to satisfy the following conditions (a) they are unchanged, (b) they have been
finished in the old workflow instance and (c) they do not execute again. The proposed
approach examined the integration between the workflow and PDM systems. It was
suggested that when a workflow instance is about to change, its associated PDM data is to
be handled carefully to ensure data integrity. Kim et al (2006) discussed standards based
approaches to B2B workflow integration. Three approaches were used for B2B integration;
(a) workflow system interoperability approach, (b) web service choreography approach, and
(c) multi-phase process composition approach. The design and implementation of B2B
integration were discussed in this paper.
Gimenes et al (2004) presented a component based product line for workflow management
systems. The process followed to design the product line was based on the Catalysis
method. Extensions were made to represent variability across the process. The domain of
workflow management systems has been shown to be appropriate to the application of the
product line approach as there are a standard architecture and models established by a
regulatory board, the Workflow Management Coalition. In addition, there is a demand for
similar workflow management systems, but with some different features. In particular, the
design of the workflow execution manager component was described.
Gallet et al (2004) dealt with the use of a UML approach for the specifications of a PDM
system (product data management) implementation. A PDM system enables the
management of the whole product data and related information about its entire lifecycle.
The main goal of this paper is to highlight the added value of using an object-oriented
approach for modelling, specifying and implementing a PDM system on a business case
study. The chosen object-oriented approach and the used UML diagrams for the modelling
and integration of product, process, and resource data was detailed for a turboprop aircraft
Aversano et al (2002) presented results and lessons learned from an on-going technology-
transfer research project aimed at introducing service and technology innovation within a
peripheral public administration while transferring enabling workflow methodologies and
technologies to local Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). A process reverse
engineering approach and its application in the technology transfer project was discussed.
They also discussed an approach for evaluation and assessment of workflow technology and
present a prototype implementation of a selected process of the subject organization.
Fakasa et al (1999) described the architecture for workflow management systems based on
Workflow Intelligent Business Objects (WIBO). The design of the WIBOs is based on
principle of intelligence, autonomy, collaboration and co-operation. Using WIBOS that
carry out tasks on the user's behalf, it is possible to workflow systems that bring further
improvements in process automation and dynamic management, and achieve dynamic
reallocation of resources to actors.
Laguna et al (1999) proposed usecases for the favoured technique for defining the
functional requirements of a software system, but their use implies that the desired
functionality of the new system is well known. The aim of this work was to present an
alternative technique and a supporting tool to accurately define this functionality, expressed
as use cases, starting from the workflows that describe the end user work. The use of
hypergraphs in the proposed algorithm of transformation reinforces the generation
process. In addition, the technique is independent of the development paradigm and a
variation on the algorithm allows obtaining Data Flow Diagrams.
Stoilova et al (1999) provided a short chronology of evolution of workflow management
systems. Classifications according to different criteria of software tools supporting
modelling and execution functionalities of workflow management systems were presented.
Georgakopoulos et al (1995) provided a high-level overview of the current workflow
management methodologies and software products. In addition, the infrastructure
technologies that can address the limitations of current commercial workflow technology
and extend the scope and mission of workflow management systems to support increased
workflow automation in complex real-world environments involving heterogeneous,
autonomous, and distributed information systems were discussed. In particular, how
distributed object management and customized transaction management can support further
advances in the commercial state of the art in this area was discussed.
Chapter 3
Workflow is a new information processing technology that helps implementing business process that
can easily adapt to the changing needs of a dynamic environment. It is sometimes defined as the computerized
automation of the business process. The work processes performed within a business organization are the basic
units of that organization. In the business world, a process refers directly to a business activity and its
corresponding information process. Workflow management involves everything from defining and modeling
processes to synchronize the activities of people or applications that perform that process. A process model
describes the structure of a business process (such as order entry or approval process) in the real world. It must
define all the possible paths that may be taken and include rules that define when the various paths and actions
are to be performed or taken. The diagram for the workflow is shown in Fig.3.1
Chapter 4
Fig.4.2.Use case diagram of the manufacturing process
planning data entry system
The activity diagram of the manufacturing process planning workflow is shown in
Fig.4.2. It consists of three major tasks such as customer order entry, manufacturing process
planning entry and change management system. Here the customer is called as tier 1
companies. Initially, the customer order entry task is performed by the customer that will be
reviewed by the customer representative in the industry. Every task output is taken as input
to another task and finally produces workflow output. When the details is not feasible for
the production of part they will be rejected by the industry. If the details are feasible for it
they will be sent to process planning department. Process planning on the part is done by the
planning department and they will enter all details of planning related data. It consists of
five subtasks such as manufacturing feasibility report, risk analysis report, requirement
fulfillment report, machine capacity utilization report and contract review report. All
planning details are reviewed by the process manager and approved by the general manager
of the company. If any changes are required in the planning report they will be performed
by the CFD or otherwise the initial planning report is accepted and sent to the die design
department. Change management has three sub tasks such as change request, change request
review and change request approval. The changes in the change of plan are also approved
by the general manager. Finally, all details related to the planning of the product are sent to
the die design department.
The planned data will be sent to the general manager who has responsibility for approving the
plan for the product and finally he decides whether the part is feasible to the production or
not. Then the contract review list will be sent to the design department for the die design. Any
changes that are required on the part will be completed by using change management system.
The data of the changed plan are maintained in the separate database which is called as
revision data management system. The change of a product will be done by the Cross
Functional Team (CFT). The changed contract review proposal will be passed to the die
design department.
Chapter 5
Fig.6.Web page of the manufacturing process planning entry system
Chapter 6
The User Management System provides functionality to manage users and personal
profiles. It is reliable, extensible and open for easier integration with existing systems. UMS
implements user management and authentication, personal profiles management and
classification. Personal profiles contain information, such as profile identification number,
email, first and last name, etc. Personal profiles are used for personal information such as
names, addresses, etc. In order to access personal profile for reading and modification PIN
number is used for authentication. The usecase diagram of the user management system is
shown in Fig.7.User information contains user identification number, username, password
and session for authentication. User information is used for high-level authentication and
privilege definitions. One or more personal profiles are assigned to a user. In addition, there
are user groups for the purpose of group specific privileges and profile roles for application
specific need related to the user‟s role in the system. Based on the position of the person, an
identification number will be generated. The forms which contain the task for the role of each
activity will be selected by unique identification number and position of the employee.
Chapter 7
A Change Management Process is a method by which changes to the plan (e.g. With
the scope, deliverables, timescales or resources) are formally defined, evaluated and
approved prior to implementation. The process entails completing a variety of control
procedures to ensure that, if implemented, the change will cause minimal impact to the
objectives of the planning. Any change to the planning during the Execution phase will need
to be formally managed as part of the Change Management Process. Without a formal
Change Management Process in place, the objective of delivering a solution within „time,
cost and quality‟ may be compromised. The plan Change Management Process is
terminated only when the Execution phase of the planning is completed. The usecase
diagram of the plan change management system is shown in Fig.8. Three main steps in the
change management system like (i) Change request, (ii) Change request review and (iii)
Change request approval.
7.1 Change Request Form
The Change Request Form is used to identify and describe a proposed change in the
planning. This process provides the ability for any member of the planning team to submit a
request for a change to the planning. The Change Initiator identifies a requirement for
change to any aspect of the planning (e.g. Scope, deliverables, timescales and
organization). He completes a Change Request Form (CRF) and distributes the form to
the Cross Functional Team. He initially recognizes a need for change to the planning and
formally communicates this requirement to the General Manager. He is responsible for
identifying the requirement to make a change to the planning, documenting the requirement
by completing a CRF and submitting the CRF to the General Manager for review.
7.2 Review Change Request
The General Manager reviews the CRF and determines whether or not additional
information is required for the Cross Functional Team to assess the full impact of the change
of the planning time, scope and cost. The decision will be based on factors, such as the
number of change options presented, Feasibility and benefits of the change, Complexity
and/or difficulty of the change options requested and the scale of the change solutions
proposed. The General Manager will record the CRF details in the Change Log to track the
status of the change request. The Cross Functional Team (CFT) is the Steering Committee or
other authorized body who is the principal authority for all CRFs forwarded by the General
Manager. The CFT is responsible for reviewing all CRFs forwarded by the General Manager,
considering all supporting documentation, approving / rejecting each CRF based on its
relevant merits, resolving change, conflict and identifying the implementation timetable (for
approved changes).
7.3 Approve Change Request
The General Manager will forward the Change Request Form and any supporting
documentation to the Cross Functional Team (CFT) for review and final approval. The
„Change Log‟ is the log where all requests for changes are registered and tracked through to
resolution .The CFT will determine the feasibility of this change by examining factors, such
as risk to the planning in implementing the change, risk to the planning in not implementing
the change and impact on the planning in implementing the change (time, resources, finance,
quality).After a formal review, the CFT may reject the change, request more information
related to the change, approve the change as requested and approve the change subject to
specified conditions. If the change is approved, the following will occur such as an
implementation date of the change will be identified, a test of the change will be scheduled
and performed, the change will be implemented, the implementation of the change will be
reviewed and deemed successful or corrective actions taken, the success of the change
implementation will be communicated to all parties and the change request will be closed on
the Change Log.
Chapter 8
New product development is a very complex and time consuming process in an
industry. During this phase, large amount of data are generated. The pressure die casting
industry has various problems in managing the data. A workflow has been created using
software which eliminates the complication arised during the data management. A web based
application enables the data sharing around the globe. Change management system manages
the changes associated with the process planning. The user management system provides not
only the authentication and integrity of the task, but also the logical relationship between the
industries. Manufactuirng process planning workflow is deployed in a industry to improve
the business process.
Chapter 9
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