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The Social Security System (SSS) in the Philippines provides various benefits to its

members and their beneficiaries. Here are some of the primary SSS benefits:

1. Sickness Benefit: This benefit provides financial assistance to members who are
unable to work due to illness or injury. To be eligible, you must have at least
three months of contributions in the 12-month period immediately before the
semester of sickness.
2. Maternity Benefit: Female members are entitled to maternity benefits, which
provide financial assistance for childbirth or miscarriage. To qualify, you need to
have made at least three monthly contributions in the 12-month period
immediately before the semester of childbirth or miscarriage.
3. Disability Benefit: This benefit is for members who become partially or totally
disabled due to sickness or injury. The disability must be likely to be permanent
and have rendered you incapable of performing any gainful occupation. Eligibility
depends on your total number of contributions.
4. Retirement Benefit: When you reach the age of 60 and have paid at least 120
monthly contributions before the semester of retirement, you can qualify for the
retirement benefit. You may also apply for early retirement at age 55 with 120
monthly contributions.
5. Death Benefit: This benefit is provided to the beneficiaries of a deceased
member. It includes a lump-sum cash benefit and monthly pensions for
dependent minor children and the primary beneficiary (usually the spouse).
6. Funeral Benefit: The SSS provides a funeral grant to help cover funeral expenses
for deceased members. The deceased member must have made at least one
monthly contribution prior to the semester of death.
7. Salary Loan: Members in good standing can avail themselves of salary loans. The
loan amount depends on your average monthly salary credit and your length of
membership. The loan must be repaid in installments.
8. Educational Assistance Loan: This is a loan for members to help cover
educational expenses for themselves or their dependents. The loan can be used
for tuition and other related school fees.
9. Calamity Loan: This loan is available to members in areas declared under a state
of calamity. It provides financial assistance to help them recover from the effects
of the calamity.
10. Pensioner's Loan: Retired and pensioned SSS members can avail themselves of a
pensioner's loan. This is a short-term loan based on their pension and other
11. Lump-Sum Amount: For those who do not qualify for a monthly pension but
have paid at least 36 months of contributions, they can receive a lump-sum

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