Teaching in The Marists Schools
Teaching in The Marists Schools
Teaching in The Marists Schools
Keywords: marist education, marist pedagogy, shared mission, transcendental learning, qualitative
Article 143 discussed pastoral responsibility on a level would also mean ownership. The teachers believe that
where Lay Marists are “seeking to be with young the sense of family spirit that they had experienced in
people in their circumstances as an impelling means to the Marist schools allowed them to share ownership
create new ways of education and evangelization. In with their colleagues and superiors have also given
response to this, teachers made sure that students were them a feeling of contentment which in turn motivated
provided with meaningful experiences by adapting to them to value presence and commitment in their work.
the demands of times and applying new and innovative
ways of learning. Although teaching and learning had For teachers who had been in the Marist schools for
been a dynamic process, they are firm with regards to some time, working together towards the mission was
the reinforcement of values since this was an important carried over through their social and professional
part of the over-all welfare of the students. responsibilities. As these teachers immerse in their
duty, they also involved themselves in activities that
The teachers in the Marist schools were fully aware of will support in the mission. The document Gathered
their pastoral duty even long before. In fact, in the Around the Same Table also cited that Marists find
Article 135 of the document In the Footsteps of themselves in a variety of pastoral roles working with
Marcellin, it was discussed that “In all of our schools other committed people, giving a face to compassion,
we establish structures of pastoral care and guidance and hands and voice to promote justice.
programs. Through these, we come to know our
students better, provide individual attention to each of
them, and promote their personal development and
social skills.” In doing so, the teachers’ approach to
teaching was always in a loving manner as they value The result of the exploration showed that one of the
their work in service of other people especially the dominant emergent themes about teaching in the
young. Teachers always made ways to establish a Marist schools is towards transcendental learning. The
connection with their students and also to provide an teachers understanding on teaching in the Marist
accommodating and approachable relationship by schools is that it has to be instrumental to be able to
showing compassion in the way they deal with the help the learners transform into becoming desirable
students. Marists. As they imbibed the Marist spirituality, the
students live up to it and practice the values and
Teaching is a shared mission principles that they had acquired from the Marist
institute. With the proper guidance and motivation
In his study about the partnership between the Marist from their teachers, the children transcend these
Lays and Brothers, Friales (2019) discussed that learned characteristics into their own undertakings in
collaboration appeared to be very important to be school and the community.
established in the Marist community. This has been
practically the reason why most of the Marist schools The way teachers lived up to the Marist principle of
were giving so much emphasis on building good educating the young by means of loving them equally
relationship between and among the brothers and the inspired these educators to provide holistic experience
lay and even with other stakeholders because it has to the students with emphasis on their pastoral
been the foundation of establishing strong partnership. formation. The teaching practices in the Marist schools
which were inspired by the Marist spirituality and
Throughout their sharing, the participants clearly charism allowed the Marist educators to establish a
recognized the importance of collaborative good relationship with the students making the
responsibility in achieving the mission of the Marist teaching-learning process a meaningful experience
institution. In fact, they had emphasized that the value among the students.
of family spirit is present among the teachers and other
stakeholders of the schools. They had also recognized Together with the other stakeholders, teachers in the
that teaching is more effective if there was good Marist schools work collaboratively towards the
partnership with the parents of their students. More so, shared mission of educating the young in the ways of
the connection that they had established with their the Marists. There is common understanding among
students even beyond their teaching duties were the teachers, school administrators, Marist brothers
evident of their efforts to nurture their passion in and even the parents on their collective responsibility
teaching and sustain their functions towards the for the holistic growth of the students. The strong
mission. As further discussed by Friales (2019), family spirit that is present among the Marists had
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