On Strong Metric Dimension of Zero-Divisor Graphs of Rings
On Strong Metric Dimension of Zero-Divisor Graphs of Rings
On Strong Metric Dimension of Zero-Divisor Graphs of Rings
1. Introduction
Let G(V, E) be a simple graph with vertex set V (G) and edge set
E(G). The set of vertices adjacent to a vertex v ∈ V (G) is the neigh-
borhood of v and is denoted by N (v). Further N [v] = N (v) ∪ {v}. The
degree of v, denoted by dG (v), or more simply we write d(v) means the
cardinality of N (v). If the two vertices u and v are adjacent, we denote
it by u adj v. A graph is regular if each of its vertex has the same de-
gree. A path between two vertices x1 , xn ∈ V (G) is an ordered sequence
of distinct vertices x1 , x2 , . . . , xn of G such that xi−1 xi is an edge for
Received October 1, 2018. Revised July 9, 2019. Accepted August 7, 2019.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 13A99, 05C78, 05C12.
Key words and phrases: Metric dimension, zero-divisor graph, strong metric
This research is supported by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi with
research project number MRP-MAJOR-MATH-2013-8034.
∗ Corresponding author.
c The Kangwon-Kyungki Mathematical Society, 2019.
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mons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by
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564 M. Imran Bhat and S. Pirzada
equivalence classes (cf. [1, 3, 7, 9, 22, 25]). For basic definitions, we refer
the reader to [8, 15].
Throughout, unless otherwise stated, R denotes a finite commutative
ring with 1 6= 0, the set of all non-zero zero-divisors of R is denoted by
Z ∗ (R) = Z(R) r {0}. A finite field on q number of elements is denoted
by Fq and the ring of integers modulo n is denoted by Zn . A ring R is
a local ring if and only if R has a unique maximal ideal. An element
x ∈ R is nilpotent if xn = 0 for some n ∈ N. A ring R is a reduced ring if
it contains no non-zero nilpotent element. An annihilator of an element
x of a ring R is defined as ann(x) = {r ∈ R | rx = 0}.
The converse part also follows from the fact that 1 ≤ dim(G) ≤
dims (G), implying dim(G) = 1. Therefore, by [ [19], Lemma 2.1], G ∼
Pn .
Theorem 2.4. A connected graph G of order n ≥ 2 has strong metric
dimension n − 1 if and only if G ∼ = Kn .
Proof. First, assume that G ∼ = Kn . Since dim(G) ≤ dims (G) and
dim(G) = n − 1, it follows that dims (G) ≥ n − 1. Also, by definition,
dims (G) ≤ n − 1. Combining, we have dims (G) = n − 1.
For the converse, assume that dims (G) = n − 1. Let G = Kn − e,
where e = uv is an edge and let uui v be a path of length 2 in G − e. For
the strong resolving set of G − e, we consider the following three cases.
(i) W1 = V (G) r {u, v} (ii) W2 = V (G) r {ui , uj }, (|V (G)| ≥ 4) (iii)
W3 = V (G) r {ui , u} or V (G) r {ui , v}
Clearly, W1 is not a strong resolving set. If so, then u ∈ I[ui , v] or
v ∈ I[u, ui ], for any ui ∈ W1 which is not true as ui adj v. Also W2 is
not a strong resolving set, because neither ui ∈ / I[u, uj ] nor uj ∈
/ I[ui , u],
because u adj ui , uj . So, W3 is a strong resolving set, where ui and u are
strongly resolved by v; and ui and v are strongly resolved by u. Thus,
dims (G − e) ≤ n − 2. Therefore, G ∼ = Kn .
By using the fact (Kn )SR = Kn and Theorem 2.2, we note that
dims (G) = n − 1 if G ∼
= Kn .
(ii) This follows from the fact that the strong metric basis of Γ(R) is
undefined if and only if the vertex set of Γ(R) is empty.
Theorem 3.2. Let R be a commutative ring with unity. Then dims (Γ(R)) =
1 if and only if R is isomorphic to one of the following rings.
(i) Z6 , Z8 , Z2 × Z2
(ii) Z(x3 [x] Z2 [x] Z4 [x]
2 ) , (x3 ) or (2x,x2 −2)
Proof. Observe that the zero-divisor relation is not transitive for these
rings, implies their Γ(R) is a path P2 or P3 . Therefore, by Lemma 2.3,
dims (G) = 1. On the other hand, since paths are the only graphs for
which the strong metric dimension is 1, so |Z ∗ (R)| ≤ 3. The only if
direction follows.
Proof. Firstly, if R is a local ring, the only zero divisor graphs with
no cycles have three or fewer vertices [ [24], Theorem 2.1]. Hence,
dims (Γ(R)) = 1 in this case. Now, if R is a non local ring and R ∼ = Z2 ×F,
then its zero-divisor graph has a vertex adjacent to all other vertices, that
is, Γ(R) is a star graph K1,|Z ∗ (R)|−1 of order |Z ∗ (R)|. Let u be the center
vertex adjacent to the set of all other |Z ∗ (R)|−1 vertices vi , (1 ≤ i ≤ n),
n = |Z ∗ (R)| − 1 which is an independent set. Clearly, the path between
the two vertices vi and vj is not contained in any other shortest path
and therefore every strong resolving set must contain at least one of
them. In other words, each vi is mutually maximally distant with vj ,
i 6= j, (1 ≤ i, j ≤ n), as d(vi , vj ) ≥ d(vj , u) for every u ∈ N (vi ) and
d(vi , vj ) ≥ d(u, vi ) for every u ∈ N (vj ). Therefore, any strong resolving
set of K1,|Z ∗ (R)|−1 must contain either vi or vj , i 6= j.
We claim that W = {v1 , v2 , . . . , vn−1 } is a strong resolving set. For,
if W = {v1 , v2 , . . . , vn−2 } is a strong resolving set, then by definition
each pair of vertices is resolved by any vertex of W . Choose vn−1 and
vn . Then vn−1 ∈ I[vi , vn ] or vn ∈ I[vi , vn−1 ] for any vi ∈ W which
is not true. Thus, W is a strong resolving set. Hence, dims (Γ(R)) =
dims (K1,|Z ∗ (R)|−1 ) = |Z ∗ (R)| − 2 = |Γ(R)| − 2.
91, 93, 94, 95. The zero-divisor graph is the complete bipartite graph by
taking all the multiples of p in one partite set and the remaining zero-
divisors as the multiples of q in another partite set. Thus, by Theorem
2.6, dims (Γ(Zn )) = number of multiples of p + number of multiples of
q - 2. Clearly this case is discussed in Theorem 3.16.
Case 3. If n = p2 , the numbers in this case are 9, 25 and 49. This case
is also discussed in Theorem 3.13.
Case 4. If n = p3 , the zero-divisor graph is a complete bipartite graph
by taking the vertices which are multiples of p2 in one class and the
remaining vertices being all multiples of p in the other. Thus this case
also follows from Theorem 2.6.
Definition 3.18. The set√of Gaussian integers is denoted by Z[i] =
{a + ib | a, b ∈ Z and i = − 1}. Clearly Z[i] is a ring under the
usual complex operations. The factor ring Z[i]/hni is isomorphic to
Zn [i] = {a + ib | a, b ∈ Zn }, where hni is a principal ideal generated by n
for some positive integer larger than 1 in Z[i]. Obviously, Zn [i] is a ring
with addition and multiplication modulo n. This ring is called the ring
of Gaussian integers modulo n.
We now determine the strong metric dimension of Γ(Zn [i]).
Theorem 3.19. (i) dims (Γ(Zn [i])) = 0, if n = 2.
(ii) dims (Γ(Zn [i])) is undefined, if n = q ≡ 3 modulo 4.
(iii) dims (Γ(Zn [i])) = q 2 − 2, if n = q 2 .
(iv) dims (Γ(Zn [i])) = 2p − 4, if n = p ≡ 1 modulo 4.
(v) dims (Γ(Zq1 q2 [i])) = q1 2 + q2 2 − 4, if qj ≡ 3 modulo 4, j = 1, 2.
Proof. (i). Z2 [i] is isomorphic to the local ring Z[i]/h(1 + i)2 i, with
unique maximal ideal {0, 1+i}. So we have V (Γ(Z2 [i])) = {1+i}, which
implies that Γ(Z2 [i]) is a graph on a single vertex and no edge and the
result holds.
(ii). In this case Zq [i] is a field, therefore Γ(Zq [i]) is an empty graph. So
dims (Γ(Zq [i])) is undefined.
(iii). Γ(Zq2 [i]) is a complete graph isomorphic to Kq2 −1 implies that
dims (Γ(Zq2 [i])) = q 2 − 2.
(iv). Γ(Zp [i]) is a complete bipartite graph Kp−1,p−1 with partite sets
V1 =< a + ib > −{0} and V2 =< a − ib > −{0}, since Zp [i] ∼ = Z[i] ∼
Z[i]/ha + ibi × Z[i]/ha − ibi.
(v). Since Zqj [i] is a field and Γ(Zq1 q2 [i]) ∼
= Γ(Zq1 [i])×Γ(Zq2 [i]), therefore
Γ(Zq1 q2 [i]) ∼ K
= q1 −1,q2 −1
2 2 is a complete bipartite graph.
576 M. Imran Bhat and S. Pirzada
have, dG2 (v, v1 ) ≥ dG2 (v1 , v2 ). Let (u2 , v2 ) be an arbitrary vertex from
NG1 ×G2 (u, v). Without loss of generality, assume that u2 u ∈ E(G1 ) and
v2 = v. Then dG1 ×G2 ((u1 , v1 ), (u2 , v2 )) = dG1 (u1 , u2 ) + dG2 (v1 , v2 ) ≤
dG1 (u1 , u) + dG2 (v1 , v) = dG1 ×G2 ((u1 , v1 ), (u, v)) and (u, v) ∈ ∂(G1 ×
G2 ).
Here, we observe that V ((G1 × G2 )SR ) = ∂(G1 × G2 ) = ∂(G1 ) ×
∂(G2 ) = V ((G1 )SR × V (G2 )SR ).
Theorem 4.2. Let R be a finite commutative ring with unity 1 6= 0.
Then dims (Γ(R) × Γ(Z2 × Z2 )) = 2 if and only if Γ(R) is a path.
Proof. If Γ(R) is a path, then
dims (Γ(R) × Γ(Z2 × Z2 )) = α((Γ(R) × Γ(Z2 × Z2 ))SR )
= α((Γ(R))SR × Γ(Z2 × Z2 )SR )
= α(K2 × K2 ) = 2.
Now, Let G = Γ(R) × Γ(Z2 × Z2 ) and let W = {(u, v), (u1 , v1 )} be a
strong metric basis of G. We consider the following two cases.
Case 1. If u 6= u1 , let w1 be a neighbor of u1 on a u − u1 path. Since
W is a strong metric basis, each pair of vertices of G by definition is re-
solved by a vertex of W . We choose (u1 , v) and (w1 , v1 ). Then we have
dG ((u1 , v), (u, v)) = dΓ(R) (u, u1 ) + dΓ(Z2 ×Z2 ) (v, v) = dΓ(R) (u, w1 ) + 1 +
dΓ(Z2 ×Z2 ) (v, v1 ) − 1 = dΓ(R) (u, w1 ) + dΓ(Z2 ×Z2 ) (v, v1 ) = dG ((w1 , v1 ), (u, v)).
Thus,(u1 , v) ∈ / IG [(w1 , v1 ), (u, v)] and (w1 , v1 ) ∈
/ IG [(u, v), (u1 , v)]. More-
dG ((u1 , v), (u1 , v1 )) = dΓ(Z2 ×Z2 ) (v, v1 ) = 1
= dΓ(R) (u1 , w1 ) = dG ((w1 , v1 ), (u1 , v1 )).
Thus, (u1 , v) ∈ / IG [(w1 , v1 ), (u1 , v1 )] and (w1 , v1 ) ∈
/ IG [(u1 , v1 ), (u1 , v)].
Therefore, S = {(u, v), (u1 , v1 )} does not strongly resolve (u1 , v) and
(w1 , v1 ) and so u = u1 .
Case 2. If u = u1 , then the projection of W onto Γ(R) is a single
vertex and therefore the projection of W onto Γ(R) strongly resolves
Γ(R). Hence Γ(R) is a path.
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M. Imran Bhat
Department of Mathematics
University of Kashmir
Srinagar, 190006, Srinagar, Kashmir, India
E-mail : imran [email protected]
Shariefuddin Pirzada
Department of Mathematics
University of Kashmir
Srinagar, 190006, Kashmir, India
E-mail : [email protected]