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Operators Manual CEREC Software

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Sirona Dental CAD/CAM System

Software Version 4.6.x

Operator's Manual (valid for USA)

Table of contents Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Operator's Manual CEREC SW

Table of contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 9
1.1 Dear CEREC user........................................................................................ 9
1.2 Contact information...................................................................................... 9
1.3 Copyright and trademark ............................................................................. 10

2 General data ........................................................................................................... 11

2.1 Certification .................................................................................................. 11
2.2 General safety information........................................................................... 11
2.2.1 Intended use .................................................................................. 13
2.2.2 Further use of Sirona Dental CAD/CAM System ........................... 13
2.3 Accessories.................................................................................................. 14
2.3.1 Accessories for implant measurement........................................... 14
2.3.2 Hub ................................................................................................ 15
2.4 Structure of the manual................................................................................ 15
2.4.1 Identification of the danger levels .................................................. 15
2.4.2 Formats and symbols used............................................................ 16
2.4.3 Conventions ................................................................................... 16
2.4.4 Manual formats (assistance).......................................................... 17
2.4.5 Odontogram used .......................................................................... 17
2.5 User interface............................................................................................... 18
2.5.1 Phase bar....................................................................................... 19 ADMINISTRATION....................................................... 19 ACQUISITION .............................................................. 19 MODEL......................................................................... 20 DESIGN........................................................................ 20 MANUFACTURING ...................................................... 20
2.5.2 Object bar ...................................................................................... 21
2.5.3 Page palette................................................................................... 21
2.5.4 Tool wheel...................................................................................... 22
2.5.5 Step menu...................................................................................... 23

3 Getting started ........................................................................................................ 25

3.1 Installing the software .................................................................................. 25
3.1.1 Installation with DVD...................................................................... 25
3.2 Uninstalling the software.............................................................................. 26
3.3 Restore factory default settings ................................................................... 26
3.4 Copy protection............................................................................................ 27

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW

3.5 Downloading software.................................................................................. 27

3.6 Starting the software .................................................................................... 27

4 Design mode........................................................................................................... 28
4.1 General information on Biogeneric .............................................................. 28
4.2 Biogeneric Individual.................................................................................... 28
4.3 Copy and mirror ........................................................................................... 29
4.4 Biogeneric Copy........................................................................................... 29
4.5 Bio jaw ......................................................................................................... 29

5 Configuration .......................................................................................................... 31
5.1 Parameters .................................................................................................. 31
5.2 Devices ........................................................................................................ 38
5.2.1 CEREC Omnicam .......................................................................... 39 Resetting settings ......................................................... 39 Calibration .................................................................... 40 Color calibration............................................................ 43 Camera heating settings............................................... 46 Updating the firmware .................................................. 47
5.2.2 Grinding and milling unit ................................................................ 47 Editing settings ............................................................. 47 Calibration .................................................................... 47 Changing instruments................................................... 48 Removing the grinding and milling unit......................... 48
5.2.3 Furnace.......................................................................................... 48 Editing settings ............................................................. 48
5.3 Options......................................................................................................... 48
5.3.1 Bite registration .............................................................................. 48
5.3.2 Articulation ..................................................................................... 48
5.3.3 Smile Design.................................................................................. 49
5.4 Settings ........................................................................................................ 49
5.4.1 ADA/FDI odontogram..................................................................... 49
5.4.2 Warning messages ........................................................................ 49
5.4.3 Sirona server.................................................................................. 50
5.4.4 Patient database ............................................................................ 50
5.4.5 Language ....................................................................................... 50
5.4.6 Milling............................................................................................. 51
5.4.7 Preferred materials ........................................................................ 52
5.5 App Center (applications) ............................................................................ 52

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Table of contents Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Operator's Manual CEREC SW

6 System menu .......................................................................................................... 53

6.1 Save case .................................................................................................... 54
6.2 Save case as ............................................................................................... 54
6.3 Import case .................................................................................................. 54
6.4 Exporting a case .......................................................................................... 55
6.5 Exporting scan data ..................................................................................... 55
6.6 License manager ......................................................................................... 55
6.7 Configuration................................................................................................ 55
6.8 Window mode .............................................................................................. 56
6.9 Current program version .............................................................................. 56
6.10 Exit program ................................................................................................ 56

7 Start view ................................................................................................................ 57

7.1 Create a new patient.................................................................................... 57
7.2 Patient search .............................................................................................. 58
7.3 Editing patient data ...................................................................................... 58
7.3.1 Editing a patient card ..................................................................... 58
7.3.2 Deleting patients ............................................................................ 58
7.3.3 Deleting a case .............................................................................. 58
7.3.4 Opening a case.............................................................................. 59
7.3.5 Add a new case ............................................................................. 59
7.4 Restoration types and design mode ............................................................ 60
7.4.1 Restoration types ........................................................................... 60
7.4.2 Design mode.................................................................................. 63

8 Tools and functions of the page palette .................................................................. 64

8.1 View options................................................................................................. 64
8.2 Tools ............................................................................................................ 64
8.2.1 Buccal registration ......................................................................... 65
8.2.2 Buccal bite tools............................................................................. 66
8.2.3 shape ............................................................................................. 66 Properties ..................................................................... 67
8.2.4 Cut out model areas....................................................................... 68
8.2.5 Correcting defects.......................................................................... 69
8.2.6 Resetting the model (MODEL phase) ............................................ 69
8.2.7 Trimming ........................................................................................ 70
8.2.8 Drawing the preparation margin..................................................... 70
8.2.9 Enter baseline on gingiva............................................................... 71
8.2.10 Positioning and rotating ................................................................. 71
8.2.11 Recalculating restorations.............................................................. 72

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW

8.2.12 Designing ....................................................................................... 72 Properties ..................................................................... 73
8.2.13 Biogeneric variation ....................................................................... 73
8.2.14 Reduce........................................................................................... 73 Full reduction ................................................................ 74 Partial reduction............................................................ 74 Properties ..................................................................... 74
8.2.15 Adjusting contacts.......................................................................... 75
8.2.16 Adjusting sprue location................................................................. 75
8.2.17 Moving the block ............................................................................ 75
8.2.18 Incisal variation .............................................................................. 76
8.2.19 Using a gingival mask .................................................................... 77
8.2.20 Splitting .......................................................................................... 77
8.2.21 Scaling ........................................................................................... 77 Properties ..................................................................... 78
8.2.22 Creating a cavity design................................................................. 78
8.2.23 Tool wheel...................................................................................... 78
8.2.24 Adjusting connectors...................................................................... 78
8.3 Display objects............................................................................................. 79
8.4 Activating analysis ....................................................................................... 82
8.5 Case details ................................................................................................. 84

9 ADMINISTRATION phase ...................................................................................... 85

9.1 Restoration................................................................................................... 85
9.2 Smile Design................................................................................................ 87
9.2.1 Loading reference image ............................................................... 88
9.2.2 Setting reference points ................................................................. 88
9.2.3 Adjusting the canthi distance ......................................................... 89
9.2.4 Aligning jaws .................................................................................. 89
9.2.5 Auxiliary planes.............................................................................. 89
9.3 Articulation ................................................................................................... 90

10 ACQUISITION phase.............................................................................................. 93
10.1 Image catalogs with CEREC Omnicam ....................................................... 93
10.2 Live image.................................................................................................... 94
10.3 3D Preview................................................................................................... 94
10.4 Take a scan ................................................................................................. 95
10.4.1 CEREC Omnicam .......................................................................... 95 Camera warm-up time .................................................. 95 Mode............................................................................. 95

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Table of contents Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Operator's Manual CEREC SW Directing the camera .................................................... 95 Taking acquisitions with the CEREC Omnicam............ 102 Cut out model areas ..................................................... 103 Additional acquisitions .................................................. 104

11 MODEL phase ........................................................................................................ 105

11.1 Editing the model ......................................................................................... 105
11.2 Buccal registration ....................................................................................... 105
11.3 Manual correlation for image fields .............................................................. 108
11.4 Buccal bite tools........................................................................................... 108
11.5 Optional step: Set model axis ...................................................................... 109
11.6 Entering the preparation margin .................................................................. 110
11.7 Defining the insertion axis............................................................................ 112
11.7.1 Preparing the right insertion axis ................................................... 112
11.7.2 Redefining the insertion axis.......................................................... 112
11.7.3 Display insertion axis cover ........................................................... 113
11.7.4 Setting the insertion axis for the gingival element.......................... 114
11.7.5 Preparation analysis ...................................................................... 114
11.8 Restoration axis for implant abutment ......................................................... 114
11.9 Finishing the phase...................................................................................... 115

12 DESIGN phase ....................................................................................................... 116

12.1 Restoration parameters ............................................................................... 116
12.2 Morphology step .......................................................................................... 116
12.3 Positioning step............................................................................................ 117
12.4 Editing the restoration .................................................................................. 117
12.5 Finishing the phase...................................................................................... 118

13 MANUFACTURING phase...................................................................................... 119

13.1 Selecting the color ....................................................................................... 119
13.1.1 CEREC SpeedFire......................................................................... 119
13.1.2 CEREC Blocs C In ......................................................................... 119
13.2 Page palette manufacture / export............................................................... 119
13.2.1 Manual firmware update ................................................................ 119
13.2.2 Changing editing settings............................................................... 120 Grinding – production options....................................... 120 Milling – production options .......................................... 121 Veneer mode ................................................................ 121
13.2.3 Exporting a restoration................................................................... 121
13.3 Block size selection page palette................................................................. 122

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13.4 Positioning restorations in the block ............................................................ 122

13.5 Changing block sizes ................................................................................... 122
13.6 Starting the production process ................................................................... 122

14 Design examples .................................................................................................... 123

14.1 Abutment - Biogeneric individual - MultiLayer.............................................. 123
14.1.1 Create a new restoration................................................................ 123
14.1.2 Scanning a preparation.................................................................. 123
14.1.3 Editing the model ........................................................................... 124
14.1.4 Bite registration .............................................................................. 124
14.1.5 Set model axis ............................................................................... 124
14.1.6 Mask areas .................................................................................... 124
14.1.7 Select Scanbody ............................................................................ 124
14.1.8 Editing the baseline........................................................................ 125
14.1.9 Define restoration axis ................................................................... 125
14.1.10 Editing the restoration .................................................................... 125
14.1.11 Creating restorations...................................................................... 126
14.2 Abutment - Biogeneric individual ................................................................. 126
14.2.1 Create a new restoration................................................................ 127
14.2.2 Scanning a preparation.................................................................. 127
14.2.3 Editing the model ........................................................................... 128
14.2.4 Bite registration .............................................................................. 128
14.2.5 Set model axis ............................................................................... 128
14.2.6 Mask areas .................................................................................... 128
14.2.7 Select Scanbody ............................................................................ 128
14.2.8 Editing the baseline........................................................................ 128
14.2.9 Define restoration axis ................................................................... 129
14.2.10 Editing the restoration .................................................................... 129
14.2.11 Grinding the restoration ................................................................. 130
14.3 Abutment - framework.................................................................................. 130
14.3.1 Create a new restoration................................................................ 130
14.3.2 Scanning a preparation.................................................................. 131
14.3.3 Editing the model ........................................................................... 131
14.3.4 Bite registration .............................................................................. 131
14.3.5 Set model axis ............................................................................... 131
14.3.6 Mask areas .................................................................................... 132
14.3.7 Select Scanbody ............................................................................ 132
14.3.8 Editing the baseline........................................................................ 132
14.3.9 Define restoration axis ................................................................... 133

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14.3.10 Editing the restoration .................................................................... 133

14.3.11 Grinding the restoration ................................................................. 133

15 Tips and Tricks........................................................................................................ 134

15.1 Shortcut keys ............................................................................................... 134

16 Sirona Connect portal ............................................................................................. 137

16.1 Starting the Sirona Connect portal............................................................... 137
16.2 Registration and functions of the Sirona Connect portal.............................. 137
16.3 Log out of the Sirona Connect software at the portal................................... 138
16.4 Check restoration information ...................................................................... 138
16.5 Enter order data ........................................................................................... 138
16.6 Add additional information ........................................................................... 138
16.7 Shopping cart............................................................................................... 139
16.8 Order list ...................................................................................................... 139

Index ....................................................................................................................... 140

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 1 Introduction
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 1.1 Dear CEREC user

1 Introduction

1.1 Dear CEREC user

Thank you for purchasing your CEREC SW software from Sirona.
In connection with the CEREC acquisition unit and grinding and milling
unit, this software enables you to produce computer-assisted dental
restorations, e.g. from ceramic material with a natural appearance.
Improper use and handling can create hazards and cause damage.
Therefore, please read and carefully follow this manual and the relevant
operating instructions. Always keep them within easy reach.
In order to operate the CEREC unit safely for the first time, you should
train on the exercise model using the described examples.
To prevent damage to third parties and property, adhere to both the
safety instructions provided in this document regarding the units and the
instructions provided in the software.
Happy Milling!
Your Sirona CEREC Team

1.2 Contact information

Customer service center For technical questions, use the contact form on the internet at the
following address:
Manufacturer's address Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Fabrikstrasse 31
64625 Bensheim
Tel.: +49 (0) 6251/16-0
Fax: +49 (0) 6251/16-2591
e-Mail: [email protected]

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1 Introduction Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
1.3 Copyright and trademark Operator's Manual CEREC SW

1.3 Copyright and trademark

Copyright © Sirona Dental Systems GmbH. All rights reserved.
The information contained in this manual may be changed without
The software and all related documentation are protected by copyright.
You must therefore handle it in the same way as any other protected
Anyone who copies this software to any medium for any purpose other
than his own personal use without the written permission of Sirona
Dental Systems will be liable to prosecution.
® ® ®
Trademarks Microsoft , Windows 7 , and Windows 10 are registered trademarks.
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders.
Notes on 3rd party code libraries must be stored in license.pdf in the
installation directory.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 2 General data
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 2.1 Certification

2 General data
Please read this document completely and follow the instructions
exactly. You should always keep it within reach.
Original language of the present document: German

2.1 Certification
CE mark
This product bears the CE mark in accordance with the provisions of the
Council Directive 93/42/EEC of June 14, 1993 concerning medical
devices (MDD).

2.2 General safety information

Only use original software
Only use original software or software which has been released by
Sirona. To produce restorations and equipment, manipulated or non-
released software components must not be used.
Software and software components must not be installed using incorrect
Please check that each installed component has been granted approval
in its country. Contact your dealer for more information.

Checking the installed software version

You can check which version is installed during operation.
1. On the phase bar, click on "CEREC".

2. Click on the arrow (A) in the window that opens.

3. The advanced window contains all information relating to the
software CEREC.

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2 General data Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
2.2 General safety information Operator's Manual CEREC SW

Restoration to be checked by trained personnel

Each restoration which is performed with this software must be checked
for suitability by a trained person (e.g. dental technician or dentist).

Observe the information from the material manufacturer

Please observe the processing instructions and combination options of
the material/implant manufacturer applicable in your country.
The following TiBases are not currently approved and thus not available
in the United States:
● ASTRA Tech Implant System EV
● BioHorizons
● HiOssen ET
● Thommen Medical

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 2 General data
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 2.2 General safety information

2.2.1 Intended use

The Sirona Dental CAD/CAM System is intended for use in partially or
fully edentulous mandibles and maxillae in support of single or multiple-
unit cement retained restorations. For the SSO 3.5 L and SBL 3.3 L
titanium bases, the indication is restricted to the replacement of single
lateral incisors in the maxilla and lateral and central incisors in the
mandible. The system consists of three major parts: TiBase, inCoris
mesostructure, and CAD/CAM software. Specifically, the inCoris
mesostructure and TiBase components make up a two-piece abutment
which is used in conjunction with endosseous dental implants to restore
the function and aesthetics in the oral cavity. The inCoris mesostructure
may also be used in conjunction with the Camlog Titanium base CAD/
CAM (types K2244.xxxx) (K083496) in the Camlog Implant System. The
CAD/CAM software is intended to design and fabricate the inCoris
mesostructure. The inCoris mesostructure and TiBase two-piece
abutment is compatible with the following implant systems:
● Nobel Biocare Replace (K020646)
● Nobel Biocare Branemark (K022562)
● Friadent Xive (K013867)
● Biomet 3i Osseotite (K980549)
● Astra Tech Osseospeed (K091239)
● Zimmer Tapered Screw-Vent (K061410)
● Straumann SynOcta (K061176)
● Straumann Bone Level (K053088, K062129, K060958)
● Biomet 3i Certain (K014235, K061629)
● Nobel Biocare Active (K071370)

Small diameter implants and large angled abutments in the anterior
region of the mouth due to possible failure of the implant system.

Federal Law (USA) restricts the sale of this device to or on the order
of a physician, dentist, or licensed practitioner.

2.2.2 Further use of Sirona Dental CAD/CAM System

The Sirona Dental CAD/CAM System is also an optical impression
system for computer assisted design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM)
according to 21 CFR 872.3661.The system records the topographical
characteristics of teeth, dental impressions, or stone models for use in
the computer-assisted design and manufacturing of dental restorative
prosthetic devices. Such devices are exempt from the premarket
notification procedures.
The Sirona Dental CAD/CAM system is contraindicated for use with any
acquisition units, milling units and components, CAM software, or
materials other than those specifically identified in this labeling when
utilized for the design and manufacture of two-piece dental abutments.

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2 General data Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
2.3 Accessories Operator's Manual CEREC SW

2.3 Accessories
In order to ensure product safety, this device may be operated only with
original Sirona accessories or third-party accessories expressly
approved by Sirona. The user is responsible for any damage resulting
from the use of non-approved accessories.

2.3.1 Accessories for implant measurement

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 2 General data
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 2.4 Structure of the manual

2.3.2 Hub
Hub is a network-based data center for CAD/CAM data in the practice.
Hub stores CEREC AC data and enables data exchange between
CEREC devices.
If a Hub is connected to the network, it is detected automatically.
The Hub logo appears in the top bar in the CEREC SW.
The CEREC SW must be set so that it can save data on the Hub. For
more information refer to the Hub Operator's Manual.
1. In the system menu, click on the "Patient Database" button in the
"Configuration" area.
Ä The "Database Settings" menu appears.
2. Activate the "Hub Patient Database" option.
Setup and commissioning of the Hub is described for users in the
Operator's Manual. For more information, refer to the Hub Service

2.4 Structure of the manual

2.4.1 Identification of the danger levels
To prevent personal injury and material damage, please observe the
warning and safety information provided in these operating instructions.
Such information is highlighted as follows:

An imminent danger that could result in serious bodily injury or death.

A possibly dangerous situation that could result in serious bodily
injury or death.

A possibly dangerous situation that could result in slight bodily injury.

A possibly harmful situation which could lead to damage of the
product or an object in its environment.

Application instructions and other important information.

Tip: Information for simplifying work.

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2 General data Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
2.4 Structure of the manual Operator's Manual CEREC SW

2.4.2 Formats and symbols used

The formats and symbols used in this document have the following

Prerequisite Prompts you to do something.

1. First action step
2. Second action step
➢ Alternative action
➢ Individual action step
See “Formats and symbols Identifies a reference to another text
used [→ 16]” passage and specifies its page num-
● List Designates a list.
“Command / menu item” Indicates commands, menu items or

2.4.3 Conventions
Example Meaning
Click Single pressing and subsequent release of the
left mouse button or the left trackball button on
the acquisition unit
Double-click Double pressing and release in quick succession
of the left mouse button or left trackball button on
the acquisition unit
Moving the On the acquisition unit: Moving the trackball in
mouse in one di- the corresponding direction.
Seizing a point Pressing the left mouse button (left trackball but-
ton on the acquisition unit) and keeping it
"Ctrl+N" On the keyboard: Press the Ctrl and N keys si-
Drag & drop .
Press and hold an element (e.g. a pictograph)
and drop / release it onto a potential destination.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 2 General data
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 2.4 Structure of the manual

2.4.4 Manual formats (assistance)

You can access the manual via the Help button or by pressing "F1".
The PDF-format user manual can be found on the supplied software
DVD or on the Internet (http://www.sirona.com/manuals).
This format is page-oriented and is well suited for printing out the
desired pages.

2.4.5 Odontogram used

The software can be adjusted to the international odontogram (FDI) or
the USA odontogram (ADA) (ADA/FDI odontogram [→ 49]).
In this documentation teeth are named as follows:

Principle: FDI (#ADA)

Example: 13 (#6)

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2 General data Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
2.5 User interface Operator's Manual CEREC SW

2.5 User interface

Overview of the user interface

A System menu F Main window

B Phase bar G Context menu
C Information dialog H Step menu
D Opens a Sirona Connect chat I Object bar
E Page palette J Restoration selector

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW 2.5 User interface

2.5.1 Phase bar

The workflow is illustrated in the software in 5 phases.


Phase bar

In this phase, you can perform the following:
● Create restorations and determine their type
● Specify a production machine
● Select material ACQUISITION
In this phase, you can perform the following:
● Create acquisitions with the CEREC Omnicam /
ACQUISITION - lower jaw
- upper jaw
- buccal bite registration
● View a 3D preview of the acquisitions
● Add additional image catalogs
– BioCopy Lower
– BioCopy Upper
– Gingiva Mask Lower Jaw
– Gingiva Mask Upper Jaw
– Scanbody Lower Jaw
– Scanbody Upper Jaw

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2 General data Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
2.5 User interface Operator's Manual CEREC SW MODEL
In this phase, you can perform the following:
● Edit the model
MODEL ● Check or redefine the bite situation
● Align the models
● Check the trimmed model or manually re-trim
● Check, correct or re-enter the preparation margin
● Define insertion axes
● Define jawline and restoration positions
● Define restoration axes if necessary (abutments and telescopes
only) DESIGN
In this phase, you can perform the following:
● Select tooth form
DESIGN ● Position and scale restorations
● Individually change restoration parameters
● Have initial restoration suggestions generated
● Design restorations individually MANUFACTURING
In this phase, you can perform the following for each restoration:
● Determine the color of the block which should be sintered with a
MANUFACTURE connected CEREC SpeedFire sintering furnace.
● Specify a production machine
● Select the CEREC SpeedFire (if connected)
● Define manufacturing options (not possible for all materials)
● Determine the block size
● Check and adapt the positioning of the restoration in the block
● Define the sprue location of the restoration
● Start the manufacturing process
● Export restorations/models for the CEREC CAM SW.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 2 General data
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 2.5 User interface

2.5.2 Object bar

The buttons for restoration selection are located in the object bar.
Each restoration is represented by a tooth or a bridge icon with the
corresponding tooth number. You can switch back and forth between
the teeth by clicking on the corresponding icon.
Active elements are highlighted in orange.
If restorations span multiple tooth positions or two objects per tooth
position are selectable for multilayer, the object bar is extended
downwards. You can change between different active elements in the
extended area.
During the restoration of multiple teeth or groups of teeth (e.g. bridge) it
is necessary to complete mandatory steps (e.g. drawing the preparation
margin) for all objects in order to proceed.
Corresponding notes on the objects provide information about the

2.5.3 Page palette

Various functions and options are offered to you in the page palette,
depending on the restoration phase currently active.
You can open several page palettes at the same time. All page palettes
are initially closed. Mandatory palettes are automatically shown as open
upon entry in the respective step. Opened page palettes share the
available height.
Should this display be inadequate for you, you can remove any page
palette of your choosing from the fixed state of the magnet bar. To do
this, press and hold the left mouse button on the header of the page
palette and then drag the palette to the desired position within the main
Tip: If you are using CEREC SW in window mode or on multiple
screens, then you can also pull the page palettes out of the application
window and position them in any point on your screen.
All changes to a page palette (size and position) are saved separately
for each step. You can therefore configure each work step as you want.

If a page palette is closed, the size and position are retained when
next opened. If a page palette is stuck back on the magnet bar,
however, the saved size and position are lost.

In order to affix a page palette back onto the magnet bar on the right
side, drag any page palette over the magnet bar on the right side. The
magnet bar lights up, suggesting various positions for the window. The
window then snaps into place as soon as you release the left mouse

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2 General data Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
2.5 User interface Operator's Manual CEREC SW

button. The page palette will now automatically put itself back in order
with the other page palettes.
To close a page palette, click on the right button in the page palette
header or once more on the respective right button in the magnet bar.

Minimize and maximize

Optimizing the space with the page palettes provides a compact view
for palettes with a large number of functions. Only the tools and
functions most frequently used are presented in this view. You can
switch back and forth between both views by clicking the corresponding
button (left next to Close).

2.5.4 Tool wheel

phases, the tool wheel provides the most common tools for simplifying
access. The tools available vary depending on the current step.
1. Right-click in the workspace.
Ä The tool wheel opens.
2. Click with the right mouse button anywhere in the workspace.
Ä The tool wheel moves to the position of the mouse pointer.
3. Select a tool.
Ä The selected tool is available. The tool wheel closes
You also can close the tool by clicking in the workspace with the left
mouse button.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 2 General data
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 2.5 User interface

2.5.5 Step menu

Each phase is divided into steps. They are shown in the step menu at
the bottom edge of the screen. The step menu changes depending on
which phase the current restoration is located in at the time.
This menu guides you through the process step-by-step. The system
runs through all steps in a phase with the restoration(s). Changes in the
individual steps are accepted by clicking on the next step.
The double arrow keys can be used to switch between phases.
A step is only shown with a symbol in the non-selected state. Hover
over the step menu with your cursor in order to learn about the function.
As soon as you have activated the step, the name of the function will be
Certain steps must be confirmed with a "Ok" or can be interrupted.

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2 General data Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
2.5 User interface Operator's Manual CEREC SW

Status bar
All steps have a status and progress bar.

Transparent bar: The step is mandatory and has not been started yet.

Red bar: The step has been completed with errors.

Orange bar: The step has not yet been completed.

Green bar: The step has been completed successfully.

Mandatory and optional steps

Optional steps can be shown or hidden using the button on the left of
the step menu.
Optional steps are executed automatically and have a green status bar
with immediate effect. However, the standards used can be modified.
The automatic process stops at the next mandatory step. The user must
then implement this separately.
The double arrow keys are presented with labels in the minimized step
menu and provide information on the previous or next phase.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3 Getting started
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 3.1 Installing the software

3 Getting started

3.1 Installing the software

The software requires at least the 2.00 firmware version of the USB
license stick. Update the firmware version if necessary. For more
information, refer to the "License manager [→ 55]" section.
A CEREC AC acquisition unit with at least hardware version LQ is
needed for the software.
Use the version of the license manager provided with this version to
import licenses from the license certificate provided.

3.1.1 Installation with DVD

Preparing the installation
ü The USB license stick firmware is available in at least version 2.00.
ü The PC is powered up and all programs are terminated.
1. Insert the DVD in the DVD drive.
Ä The setup program starts automatically.
2. If this is not the case, run the "Setup.exe" file in the root directory of
the DVD.
Ä This installation program starts.

Installing the application

1. Select the language for the following installation and then click the
"Next" button.
2. Read the information on copyright carefully and then click on the
"Next" button.
3. In the next step, select the language and application region for the
application and then click on the "Next" button.
4. In the next step you have the option of defining another folder for
the installation of the application and, if necessary, an alternative
folder for the patient data folder.
Then click on the "Next" button. The path to the patient data folder
can still be changed after the installation via the configuration menu.
5. In the next step, the license agreement appears. Read through the
license agreement carefully.
If you accept the license agreement, then check the "I accept the
terms in the license agreement" option and subsequently click the
"Next" button.
6. In the next step, your license is checked on the USB license stick.
Make sure the USB license stick is inserted properly for this
purpose before clicking on the "Next" button.
Tip: You may skip this step. To do this check the "Skip License
Check and continue with application installation" option and then
click on the "Next" button. If the license check is skipped, the
software will run in demo mode.
Ä The application is now installed. This may take several minutes.
7. Following successful installation, click on the "Start" button to
complete the installation and to start the application immediately
after this. At this point, you have the option to subscribe to a Sirona

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3 Getting started Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
3.2 Uninstalling the software Operator's Manual CEREC SW

Tip: If you do not want to start the application immediately, remove
the tick from the "Start application directly" check box and then click
on the "Exit" button. This installation program closes.

3.2 Uninstalling the software

ü The program is closed.
1. Click on "Start / All Programs / Sirona Dental Systems / CEREC /
Tools / Deinstallation" to uninstall the software.
Ä During the uninstall procedure, you will be asked whether you
want to delete the patient data or the entries in the registration
database (e.g. the calibration data).
2. Depending on your decision, click either the "Yes" or "No" button.
Ä The software is uninstalled.

3.3 Restore factory default settings

ü The program is closed.
1. Uninstall the software (see "Uninstalling the software [→ 26]").
2. Install the software (see "Installing the software [→ 25]").
Ä The original factory default settings are restored.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 3 Getting started
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 3.4 Copy protection

3.4 Copy protection

The software can be started only when the USB license stick is plugged
in. The USB license stick is included in the scope of supply of the units.
If you require additional licenses, please contact your dealer.
Always keep the USB license stick near the unit.
All authorizations (software licenses) can be installed as electronic
licenses on the USB license stick. You must enter a 25-digit license key
for this purpose.
You will receive the license key along with the unit. Alternatively, you
can order it separately from your dealer.
Following an update, you may require a new license that is not available
on your USB license stick. For more information, refer to the section
License manager [→ 55].

3.5 Downloading software

Auto-update, Sirona Connect Center
During the installation of CEREC SW, the auto-update function is also
installed as a part of the Sirona Connect Center. You can conveniently
download and install future software updates of CEREC SW in the form
of service packs over the Internet.
Once an update is ready for download, you are notified of this
automatically through a dialog box.

You have to pay for major software updates, and these also require a
license. If you do not have a new license, you can only work in the
demo version.
Chargeable updates are distributed via DVD. Contact your specialist
dealer if you wish to purchase an update.

3.6 Starting the software

ü The CEREC SW software is installed. You will find the start icon on
the desktop.
ü The USB license stick is connected with a valid, current license.
1. Double-click the CEREC SW start icon.
➢ Click on "Start / All Programs / Sirona Dental Systems / CEREC /
CEREC SW 4.6".
Ä The software is started.

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4 Design mode Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
4.1 General information on Biogeneric Operator's Manual CEREC SW

4 Design mode

4.1 General information on Biogeneric

Biogenerics enable the CEREC software to reconstruct teeth in a
natural way. Biogenerics is a biogeneric process based on the scientific
understanding that there are morphological connections between the
teeth that can be expressed in mathematical functions.
With CEREC SW 4.x, the suggestion process for biogenerics has
undergone fundamental overhaul. For example, the positioning and the
overall morphology are now also included in the analysis and
suggestion. Consequently, the quality of the initial suggestions has
been significantly further improved. This applies to individual teeth, but
especially for multiple restorations and anterior teeth as well.
All teeth recorded by the camera are analyzed with respect to their
position and morphology. Based on this analysis the relevant restoration
can be produced in fully automated fashion.
For the biogenerics to deliver ideal suggestions, it is important that
entries are correct and complete. This applies to the following steps in
● Exposure
The exposure should be good and complete. For single tooth
provision, the neighboring teeth must also be recorded at a
minimum. Scanning holes around the preparation and the proximal
contacts should be avoided (see “Take a scan”).
● Model axis
The model axis should be aligned precisely (see “Set model axis”).

4.2 Biogeneric Individual

In the "Biogeneric Individual" design technique, the exposure taken is
analyzed and the restoration suggestion is calculated on the basis of
this information. The more information that is available, the more
successful the calculation. A full image of at least one neighboring tooth
should therefore be taken from the occlusal/incisal direction. For
anterior and corner teeth, an image of the labial surface should also be
For premolars or molars, the calculation is mainly based on the distal
neighbor, for anterior teeth the mesial neighbor is used.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 4 Design mode
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 4.3 Copy and mirror

4.3 Copy and mirror

Select the "Copy & Mirror" design technique for user definition of the
tooth to be used as a reference for calculating the restoration
suggestion. The reference tooth can be any tooth of the same class
(anterior/posterior tooth), e.g. the antagonist or the contralateral tooth.

4.4 Biogeneric Copy

Select the "Biogeneric Copy" design technique in the case
administration in the case details to transfer parts of an existing occlusal
surface to the restoration and enhance the rest using the patented
Biogeneric technique.
To do this, acquire the status separately in the "BioCopy Upper" or
"BioCopy Lower" image field prior to the preparation.
This technique can be used for inlays, onlays, partial crowns, crowns,
and bridges.

4.5 Bio jaw

The suggestion system for "Bio Jaw" restorations offers the option of
adjusting the position and morphology (only the anterior teeth and
premolars) prior to the first actual suggestion. In other words, in this
step the restoration is not yet adapted to the preparation margin and
only very roughly to the contacts with neighbors and antagonists. The
adjustments are only made with the calculation of the initial suggestion.
If the initial suggestion does not match your intentions in terms of its
position or shape, you have the option of adapting this via an additional


Bio Jaw

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4 Design mode Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
4.5 Bio jaw Operator's Manual CEREC SW

Step Morphology
The optional "Morphology" step is available to you in the extended step
Tools menu. In this option you can choose whether the teeth should be
calculated completely by the biogenerics (standard) or whether you
Morphology want to specify the shape of the teeth. Then the biogenerics calculates
an initial biogeneric suggestion for you with the defined tooth shape.
Click on Tooth Shape for this and select the appropriate tooth shape.

Upper Anteriors



Tooth Shape

Tooth DB

Step Positioning
In the "Positioning" step, you can modify the position of the teeth. The
Tools "Position and Rotate" and "Scale" tools are available to you for this
purpose. The new positioning can be performed for each tooth, or you
can group neighboring restorations (Ctrl/shift key + left mouse button)
and thus process several teeth simultaneously. When you group the
teeth, the software takes account of the contact situation of the selected
Position and Rotate
teeth. For example, this means that if one tooth in a group is enlarged,
the others are reduced in size. The same mechanism applies when
positioning the teeth. The teeth are adjusted in size to the modified
Scale conditions here, too.

Snap to Biojaw

Constrained Adoption

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 5 Configuration
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 5.1 Parameters

5 Configuration
The "Configuration" menu contains the following submenus:
● Parameters
● Devices
● Options
● Settings
● Apps

5.1 Parameters
The "Parameters" menu is structured by restoration type. You can make
the settings for each of the following restoration types.
The changes in the values are displayed graphically.
The parameter values set here are used as standard values for all initial
Tip: If you want to change the parameter values only for one restoration,
do this in the DESIGN phase in the step "Restoration Parameters".

Parameter profiles
You can define parameter profiles. Through this menu you can define
and save different parameter sets for all restoration types.
1. Duplicate the default settings with the manufacturer specifications
by clicking on the tick icon.
2. Give the profile a unique name and confirm the entry with the tick
3. Adjust the parameters to your needs and then save them.
Ä You can then use these default settings both as global and local
4. You can select the newly created profile as a favorite by clicking on
the star icon.

Accepting settings
➢ Click on the "Ok" button.

Discarding settings
➢ Click on the "Cancel" button.

Resetting settings
➢ Click on the "Reset All Group Parameter" button.
Ä The settings for this restoration type are reset to the factory

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5 Configuration Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.1 Parameters Operator's Manual CEREC SW

Crown, inlay, onlay and veneer

Parameter Description Default value

Crown Inlay/ Veneer
Spacer (radial) ● Possibility for setting the space for the 120 µm 120 µm 120 µm
fastening material below the restoration. Acts
Spacer (occlusal) 120 µm - -
up to the preparation margin. A different
spacer for radial and occlusal can set for
Marginal Adhesive Gap ● Adjust width of space on preparation margin. - 60 µm -
● The value of the adhesive gap cannot
exceed the spacer value.
Veneer Thickness ● Set to minimum thickness. - - 500 µm
● The software tries not to fall below this
thickness when calculating the restoration
The value is displayed as a semitransparent
geometry on the preparation. Areas where
the thickness falls short of the minimum level
in the design phase are thus made visible.
Occlusal Milling Offset ● Apply or remove material in the occlusal 0 µm 0 µm 0 µm
direction over the entire occlusal surface.
● This value concerns only the milling result.
The effects are not visible.
Proximal Contacts Strength ● Set the thickness of the proximal contacts. 25 µm 25 µm -
● The software tries to achieve this stored
thickness in the restoration suggestions.
Occlusal Contacts Strength ● Set the thickness of the occlusal contacts. 25 µm 25 µm -
● The software tries to achieve this stored
thickness in the restoration suggestions.
Dynamic Contacts Strength ● Define the thickness of the occlusal contacts. 25 µm 25 µm -
Only works when using the virtual articulator.

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW 5.1 Parameters

Parameter Description Default value

Crown Inlay/ Veneer
Minimal Thickness (Radial) ● Set the minimum wall thickness in the 500 µm 500 µm -
horizontal direction. ON ON
● The software tries not to fall below this
thickness when calculating the restoration
The value is displayed on the preparation as
a semitransparent geometry together with the
minimum occlusal thickness and the
instrument geometry setting. Areas where
the thickness falls short of the minimum level
in the design phase are thus made visible.
● Observe the material manufacturer's
recommendations when setting the minimum
● Can be switched on and off
Minimal Thickness (Occlusal) ● Set the minimum wall thickness in the 700 µm 700 µm -
occlusal direction. ON ON
● The software tries not to fall below this
thickness when calculating the restoration
The value is displayed on the preparation as
a semitransparent geometry together with the
minimum radial thickness and the instrument
geometry setting. Areas where the thickness
falls short of the minimum level in the design
phase are thus made visible.
● Observe the material manufacturer's
recommendations when setting the minimum
● Can be switched on and off
Margin Thickness ● Reinforce restoration margins with additional 50 µm 50 µm 50 µm
material. ON ON ON
– Simplifies handling of the restoration
– Prevents splitting of the material
● The additional material can be milled off
manually before inserting the restoration.
● Can be switched on and off
"Margin Ramp Angle" Specifies the angle at which the restorations rise 60° 60° 60°
from the edge.
"Margin Ramp Width" Specifies the length of the edge with which the 150 µm 150 µm 150 µm
restoration rises from the preparation margin.

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5 Configuration Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.1 Parameters Operator's Manual CEREC SW

Parameter Description Default value

Crown Inlay/ Veneer
Regard Instrument Geometry Considers the instrument geometry in the bottom YES YES YES
of the restoration.
Areas of the preparation that are smaller than
the diameter of the instrument geometry are cal-
culated in the bottom of the restoration so that
they increase with the instrument geometry.
Remove Undercuts Undercuts within the preparation margin are YES YES YES
blocked out in the restoration bottom.
"Block Out Undercuts Virtually" If active the preparation margin is raised in the - YES -
event of undercuts.

Abutment (multi-layer framework)

Parameters Description Default values

Gingival Depth ● Determines how far below or above the preparation 0 µm
margin the gingiva lies in reference to the gingival line.
Gingival Placement Pressure ● Determines how strongly the initial suggestion for the 0 µm
abutment penetrates the gingiva in order to build up
pressure on the gingiva.
Shoulder Width ● Width of the shoulder of an abutment or telescope. 1,000 µm
Telescope Angle ● Telescope angle of an abutment or telescope. 7°
Minimal Thickness (Radial) ● Determines the minimum radial wall thickness in the NO
horizontal direction. 500 µm
● Manufacturer specifications can be changed.
Minimal Thickness (Occlusal) ● Determines the minimum radial wall thickness in the NO
occlusal direction. 2,400 µm
● Manufacturer specifications can be changed.

Abutment, crown facing structure

Parameters Description Default values

Spacer ● Increase or decrease space for adhesive underneath 120 µm
crown (not on the preparation margin).
Occlusal Milling Offset ● Apply or remove material in the occlusal direction over 0 µm
the entire occlusal surface.
● This value concerns only the milling result.
● The effects are not visible in the DESIGN phase or in
the preview.
● Change this parameter as compensation if the occlusal
surfaces of your restorations are generally too high or
too low in practice.
Proximal Contacts Strength ● Set the thickness of the approximal contacts. 25 µm
● The software tries to achieve this stored thickness in
the restoration suggestions.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 5 Configuration
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 5.1 Parameters

Parameters Description Default values

Occlusal Contacts Strength ● Set the thickness of the occlusal contacts. 25 µm
● The software tries to achieve this stored thickness in
the restoration suggestions.
Dynamic Contacts Strength ● If activated in the options (see “Articulation [→ 48]”), 25 µm
the software attempts to achieve these saved
thicknesses with the restoration suggestions.
Minimal Thickness (Radial) ● Set the minimum material thickness on steep 500 µm
preparation walls.
● The software tries not to fall below this material
thickness when calculating the restoration suggestions.
● The value is displayed on the preparation as a
semitransparent cover together with the minimum
occlusal thickness in the DESIGN phase.
Areas where the thickness falls short of the minimum
level in the design phase are thus made visible.
Minimal Thickness (Occlusal) ● Set the minimum material thickness on the surfaces of 700 µm
the preparation in the occlusal direction.
● The software tries not to fall below this material
thickness when calculating the restoration suggestions.
● A high value can lead to a flat morphology if deep
fissures would strongly violate the minimum thickness.
● Observe the material manufacturer's recommendations
when setting the minimum thickness.

Pontic (anatomical)

Parameter Description Default value

Gingival Spacing ● Space between pontic and preparation geometry/gingiva. 0
Lingual Opening Angle ● Increase of pontic for the basal area in the oral direction. 0
Proximal Contacts Strength ● Set the thickness of the proximal contacts. 25 µm
● The software tries to achieve this stored thickness in the
restoration suggestions.
Occlusal Contacts Strength ● Set the thickness of the occlusal contacts. 25 µm
● The software tries to achieve this stored thickness in the
restoration suggestions.
Dynamic Contacts Strength ● Define the thickness of the occlusal contacts. Only works 25 µm
when using the virtual articulator.
Consider Intersections Outside ● Also adapt the pontic design outside the baseline to the -
Baseline gingiva.

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5 Configuration Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.1 Parameters Operator's Manual CEREC SW

Observe the information supplied concerning the pins, model holders
and base plates.

Parameters Description
Segmentation Cut Width ● Set the width of the saw-cut.
Baseplate Distance ● Adjust the distance of the base plates from each other.
Pin Diameter ● Set the diameter of the pins.
Pin Spacing ● Set the distance of the pins from each other.

The preset parameters are mean values which can be used without
alteration for an average articulation.

Parameter Setting Mean value

"Arms" Side of the Bonwill triangle 105 mm
"Base" Intercondylar distance 100 mm
"Balkwill Angle" Balkwill angle 23°
"Sagittal Angle Left" Sagittal condylar path inclination 35°
"Sagittal Angle Right"
"Bennett Angle Left" Bennett angle 15°
"Bennett Angle Right"
"Immediate side shift left" Initial Bennett movement 0 µm
"Immediate side shift right"
"Include Restorations" If activated, available restorations are taken YES
into consideration for the calculation of the
FGPs as if they were already inserted. This
means reconstructed cuspid guidance can be
considered for the other restorations in the
case, for example.


Parameters Description Default value

"Gingiva Cleaning Spacer" Specifies the distance between the gingival ele- 0 µm
ment and the gum.
The gap is also produced at the edge of the gin-
gival element.
"Gingiva Spacer" Specifies the distance of the gingival element 50 µm
and the gums between the edges of the ele-
The edges are always on the gum.
"Gingiva Implant Spacer" Specifies the space between the gingival ele- 100 µm
ment and the cemented cap of the abutment.

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW 5.1 Parameters

Parameters Description Default value

"Gingiva Minimal Thickness" Specifies the minimum wall thickness of the ele- 700 µm
"Gingiva Margin Thickness" Specifies the material thickness at the edge of 50 µm
the element.
Prevents the splitting of the material.
"Regard Instrument Geometry" Considers the instrument geometry in the bottom Yes
of the restoration. Areas of the element that are
smaller than the diameter of the instrument ge-
ometry are calculated in the bottom of the
restoration so that they increase with the instru-
ment geometry.
"Remove Undercuts" Undercuts within the preparation margin are Yes
blocked out in the restoration bottom.

Preparation analysis

Parameters Setting Default values

Tolerance Distance between prepared stump and antagonist. The 200 µm
tolerance indicates the range between the minimum mate-
rial thickness and the set standard value.

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5 Configuration Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.2 Devices Operator's Manual CEREC SW

5.2 Devices
All connected devices can be displayed and configured under the menu
item "Devices".
A green check mark on a device indicates its availability.
A red warning triangle with an exclamation mark shows that the device
cannot be reached.

Adding devices automatically

You can add additional devices with the "Scan for New Devices"
ü The unit is connected to the PC.
1. Click on the "Scan for New Devices" button.
Ä All units connected to the PC are recognized. In the case of
new units, you will be prompted to enter a name.
2. Enter a name for the new unit.

Adding devices (manual)

You can add devices manually with the "Add Device (Manual)" function.
This is mandatory for units which cannot be operated at the maximum
speed of 115,200 baud. This concerns devices with long cable
connections or when certain radio modules (e.g. Futaba, 19,200 baud)
are used.
1. Click on the "Add Device (Manual)" button.
2. Choose whether the device should be connected via the network or
a serial connection.
3. Network: Enter the network address.
Serial: Enter the COM port and the baud rate.
4. Click on the "Ok" button.
Ä The software attempts to contact the device.
If the connection fails, check the connection. If necessary, ask a
qualified technician.

Refresh Devices
With the "Refresh Devices" button you can:
● Refresh the status display; e.g. check whether a grinding and milling
unit has finished milling/grinding
● Check the current availability of a device.

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW 5.2 Devices

5.2.1 CEREC Omnicam

Audio feedback
Using the "Sound:" selection box, you can switch the audio feedback for
acquisitions on or off. You can control the volume using the slide bar.
You are able to choose from three different sounds.

Acquisition Hints
"Acquisition Hints" provides visual feedback to the user.
The red arrows show that an insufficient amount of information is
available between individual areas. You can improve the precision of
the model by scanning the camera in the direction of the arrows. To do
so, connect both ends of the arrow with one scanning motion.
Wait briefly after the scanning motion is complete until the calculation
has been made and repeat if necessary if the arrows are displayed in
red. During the calculation, the arrows will change color to orange. Resetting settings

➢ Click on the "Reset Camera Settings" button.
Ä The settings are reset to factory settings.

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5 Configuration Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.2 Devices Operator's Manual CEREC SW Calibration
The measurement procedure used by the system requires the use of a
calibrated CEREC Omnicam. The CEREC Omnicam is factory-
calibrated. Then calibrate the CEREC Omnicam after every
reinstallation and after every transport. The calibration set supplied with
the CEREC Omnicam is available for the calibration process.
In order to achieve optimum results, the CEREC Omnicam must be
allowed to warm up for 15-20 minutes before calibration.
Recalibrate the CEREC Omnicam in the following cases:
● following transport (shaking stress) or during first commissioning,
● after storage in unheated or un-air-conditioned rooms (temperature
differences exceeding 30°C)
● with temperature differences of over 15°C between the last
calibration and operation
● In general, carrying out a calibration is the correct process in the
event of errors in the acquisition process (such as poor image
quality or the lack of a 3D preview). In many cases, the errors can
be corrected in doing so.
● As the system may be exposed to vibration loads without knowledge
of this, it should be calibrated once a month.

Starting calibration
1. In the software, navigate to the system menu and click on the
"Configuration" button.
2. Click on the "Devices" button.
3. Click on the "Omnicam" button.
4. Click on the "Calibrate" button.
Ä The camera view is displayed in one window.
5. Enter the 8-digit Sirona ID. You can find this ID on the sticker on the
calibration set.

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW 5.2 Devices

Calibrate the camera

1. Remove the protective cap from the calibration set.
2. Mount the calibration set on the tip of the camera until it locks into
3. Secure the CEREC Omnicam in the calibration set using one hand.
Ensure that the external calibration set screw is fully screwed in a
clockwise motion until it gently locks into place.
4. Click on the "OK" button.
Ä The measuring process starts.
Ä The software prompts you to proceed to the next latching.

5. Turn the screw counter-clockwise until you reach the next latching
6. Click on the "OK" button. In doing so, ensure that the CEREC
Omnicam does not move.
Ä The software confirms the calibration process.
Ä The software prompts you to proceed to the next latching.
7. Execute steps 5 and 6 a total of 11 times.
Ä The software provides status updates on the calibration and
informs you once the procedure is complete.
Ä You will be prompted to measure the position of the exit

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5.2 Devices Operator's Manual CEREC SW

Measuring the position of the exit window

1. Mount the bottom side of the calibration set to the tip of the camera.
2. Click on the "OK" button.
Ä The calibration process is continued.
Ä Once the calibration is complete, a message is displayed
indicating this.
3. Confirm the message by clicking the "OK" button.
Ä The CEREC Omnicam is calibrated.

Error message during calibration

The software indicates if an error occurs during calibration. If the
calibration process resulted in errors, restart the process.

End calibration
ü The software indicates that the calibration was completed
➢ Click on the "OK" button.
Ä The CEREC Omnicam is calibrated.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 5 Configuration
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 5.2 Devices Color calibration

General information

Faulty color analysis
The color analysis can be negatively impacted due to strong light
incidence and it can lead to varying results.
➢ Set the model CEREC Omnicam up so that it is not located
directly in the beam path of an extreme light source (e.g., the
treatment light) and not exposed to direct sunlight.

A color-calibrated Omnicam must be used for the color analysis.

The color analysis can only be carried out with a CEREC Omnicam
from a particular serial number. In order to test the CEREC Omnicam,
use the Omnicam test tool on
my.cerec.com -> CEREC SW 4.5 - > Shade Detection.
You can find the serial number of the Omnicam on the upper side on
the optics tube (see arrow E in the figure below).
This is only relevant for first generation cameras. For new systems, the
serial number of the Omnicam does not need to be determined.

1. Press the mirror sleeve (B) against the camera body.

2. Press detent (A).

Risk of damaging the camera window (D) or the coated sapphire
glass (C).
➢ Push the mirror sleeve straight toward the front; do not tilt it.

3. Pull off the mirror sleeve.

In order to achieve optimum results, the CEREC Omnicam must be
allowed to warm up for 20 minutes before calibration. The CEREC
Omnicam must be color calibrated every two weeks in order to carry out
a reliable color analysis. You will achieve the best results if the CEREC
Omnicam is color calibrated immediately before scanning a new case.

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5 Configuration Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.2 Devices Operator's Manual CEREC SW

Carry out a color calibration also after changing a mirror sleeve.

Heavily scratched mirror sleeves may not be used for a color analysis.

Storing a color-calibration set

The color-calibration set must be stored in its packaging in a dry place
which is protected from light. It must be used with a disinfected
Omnicam as the color-calibration set must itself not be disinfected. If
dust accumulates on the inside of the color-calibration set, it must be
carefully removed using compressed air.

Switch on the color analysis

1. In the software, navigate to the system menu and click on the
"Configuration" button.
2. Click on the "Devices" button.
3. Click on the "Omnicam" button.
4. Select the "Shade Detection" option.
- You can choose between various color systems ("Shade Guide
- You can decide whether you would like to be notified in 14 days
when the color calibration is needed again.
- If color analysis is not possible with your camera, a corresponding
notice will appear. A color calibration is also not available in this
5. Confirm the changes below with "Ok".
6. Click the "Color Calibration" button and carry out the color

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 5 Configuration
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 5.2 Devices

Color-calibrating the camera

1. Make sure that the CEREC Omnicam is clean, disinfected and dry.
2. Remove the color-calibration set from the packaging.
3. Use the CEREC Omnicam to scan the QR code on the underside of
your color-calibration set. In order to do this, you must hold the
CEREC Omnicam still in front of the QR code so that it is
completely visible in the picture. If the QR code appears to be shiny,
hold the camera at more of an oblique angle in order to avoid any
glaring light and to make it easier to scan the codes. If the QR code
is recognized, the next "Please mount color calibration set" step
This step of the QR code scan is skipped during the subsequent
color calibration and the serial number of the color-calibration set is
thus displayed. If this does not match the serial number printed on
your color-calibration set, click on the "Rescan QR Code" button
and scan the new QR code.
4. Mount the color-calibration set on the tip of the camera until it locks
into place.
5. Click on the "Ok" button.
Ä The measuring process starts. Do not move the CEREC
Omnicam or the color-calibration set during this time.
Ä The software provides status updates on the calibration and
informs you once the procedure is complete.

Ending the color calibration

ü The software indicates that the color calibration was completed
1. Click on the "Ok" button.
Ä The CEREC Omnicam is now color calibrated.
2. Remove the color-calibration set from the camera and place it back
in the packaging.

Error message during color calibration

The software indicates if an error occurs during color calibration. If the
color calibration contained an error, ensure the following:
● The color-calibration set is free of dust
● The color-calibration set was mounted correctly
● The CEREC Omnicam exit window is clean
➢ Then restart the color calibration.
Do not continue using a damaged color-calibration set; instead, contact
your distributor to purchase a new one.

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5.2 Devices Operator's Manual CEREC SW

Replacing the color calibration set

Please note that the color calibration set
● can only be used with CEREC SW software ≥ 4.5 or Sirona Connect
SW ≥ 4.5 or CEREC Premium SW ≥ 4.5.
● can only be kept for use for a maximum of 2 years. You can find the
expiry date at the bottom of the color calibration set container.
Previous storage may mean that the period for use has been
reduced to less than 2 years.
● can only be used for one year after the container has been opened.
Write the date that the container was opened on the container after
"Opened on ___________" using a waterproof pen and do not use
after one year.
The color calibration set may no longer be used once either of the two
periods has expired.
The software notifies you that the color calibration set needs to be
replaced with a new set before the color calibration expires.
Once the color calibration set has expired the software notifies you that
a color analysis can only be carried out based on old calibration data.
Please contact your dealer for replacements for the color calibration set. Camera heating settings

You can access the dialog for the temperature settings of the Omnicam
via the "Camera Heater Settings" button. Using the slider, you can set
the temperature at which the camera’s mirror sleeve is preheated in five
stages to prevent the optics from potentially fogging up. Confirm your
settings with "Cancel" or discard them with "Ok".

Hot surface!
The coated sapphire layer of the CEREC Omnicam is preheated in
the camera cradle. When removing the CEREC Omnicam from its
cradle, the surface temperature of the mirror sleeve can be up to
51°C. This may cause an unpleasant heat sensation on contact with a
person's skin or mucous membrane. These temperatures will not
damage the skin or mucosal membrane.
After removing the CEREC Omnicam from the camera cradle, the
temperature of the mirror sleeve drops within a few minutes (< 5
minutes) to less than 43°C. The CEREC Omnicam is therefore
suitable for use in the patient's mouth for an unlimited period of time.
At an ambient temperature from 30°C, only select the three lower
heater settings.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 5 Configuration
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 5.2 Devices Updating the firmware

You can start the camera software update directly through the "Update
Firmware" button.

The firmware update is mandatory for operating the CEREC
Omnicam in conjunction with the CEREC SW. When starting phase
ACQUISITION, the firmware must be updated.
The firmware update takes around two minutes.

5.2.2 Grinding and milling unit Editing settings


Premium Package
You can subsequently edit the following settings via the relevant menu
● Description (name)
● Connection settings
- Retrieve IP settings automatically
- Specify IP settings manually
● Manual block fixing
- If you use manual block fixing, a check mark must be placed in
front of "Manual Block Chuck".
● Second motor set
- If the optional second motor set is installed, you must set a check
mark before "Two Bur Sets".
● Barcode reader
- If the grinding and milling unit has an integrated scanner (optional)
a check mark must be placed in front of "Scanner".
- If a scanner is retrofitted, your service engineer must place a check
mark in front of "Scanner".
● Extraction Unit
- Place checkmark if dry milling is desired. A separate suction unit
must be connected for this purpose.
● Firmware Update
- Button is visible if firmware is not up-to-date.
- Manually starts the upload of the firmware on the grinding and
milling unit.
● External water tank
- If the 25-liter canister (optional, Order No. 60 56 217) is connected
and the check mark has been placed, you will not be reminded to
change the water until a later point in time.
- This option is only available for CEREC MC XL or CEREC MC XL
Premium Package (not for CEREC MC or CEREC MC X).
- If the 25-liter canister is retrofitted, your service engineer must
place a check mark in the box in front of "Large Water Tank". Calibration
1. Click on the "Calibrate" button.
2. Then simply proceed as prompted by the software.

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5 Configuration Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.3 Options Operator's Manual CEREC SW Changing instruments

1. Click on the "Change Instruments" button.
2. Then simply proceed as prompted by the software. Removing the grinding and milling unit

1. Click on the "Delete Device" button.
2. Then simply proceed as prompted by the software.

5.2.3 Furnace Editing settings

CEREC SpeedFire
You can subsequently edit the following settings via this menu item:
● Name
● Connection settings
- Retrieve IP settings automatically
- Specify IP settings manually

5.3 Options
5.3.1 Bite registration
Here you can set whether the image catalog is offered for bite

Setting Description
Activate The image catalog is offered for bite registration.
You can carry out bite registration in the MODEL
Deactivate The image catalog is not offered for bite registration.
The buccal bite registration must be used.

5.3.2 Articulation
Use Articulation:

Setting Description
Activate The articulator is displayed to the right-hand side of
the page palette during the construction. It can be ac-
tivated at any time for constructing the restorations.
Deactivate The articulator is not displayed to the right-hand side
of the page palette during the construction.

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW 5.4 Settings

Use Articulation for initial proposal:

Setting Description
YES The dynamics calculated by the virtual articulator are
considered for the calculation of the initial suggestion.
NO Only the static contact points are taken into consider-
ation in the initial suggestion.
The dynamic contacts are identified by color (occlusal
compass acc. to Schulz).

5.3.3 Smile Design

Setting Description
Activate The Smile Design function is available during the AD-
MINISTRATION / "Indications" phase for the respec-
tive case and can be activated under "Options".
Deactivate The Smile Design function is not offered in the AD-

5.4 Settings
The menu item "Settings" has the following subitems:
● "ADA/FDI Notation"
● "Warning messages"
● "Sirona Server"
● "Patient Database"
● "Language"
● "MC XL Milling"
● "Favorite Materials"

5.4.1 ADA/FDI odontogram

You can set the odontogram using "ADA/FDI Notation":
● International ("FDI Notation")
● USA ("ADA Notation")

5.4.2 Warning messages

Warnings may appear in pop-up windows when using the software.
Many of these messages can be deactivated by clicking on the "Don't
show this message again" check box. If this check box is already
selected or if a new user uses the software, all warnings can be reset
here. All warning messages are displayed once again by clicking the
"Reset" button.

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5.4 Settings Operator's Manual CEREC SW

5.4.3 Sirona server

You can implement the settings for connecting to the server in the
"Sirona Server" menu item. The IP settings may be automatic or may be
entered manually with the corresponding IP address and port.
Information on the connection status is provided on the right half of the

5.4.4 Patient database

In the menu item "Patient Database", you can determine where patient
data and cases are saved.
You have the option to rename patients and cases in the patient
overview table (accessible via the start view).
You can specify a folder for this data. This allows you, for example, to
save all data on a secure server on the practice network.
Alternatively, you can manage patient data with Sirona SIDEXIS
software and save cases in a database created in SIDEXIS.
You can export a support container (*.zip) that contains all the data for
analyzing problems: rst file, image data, log files, etc.

5.4.5 Language
Here, you can set the language of the software.

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW 5.4 Settings

5.4.6 Milling
You can activate and deactivate the grinding manufacturing option for
zirconium oxide, plastic, and metal here.
When this option is activated, you can choose between the milling and
grinding manufacturing processes for plastic, metallic and zirconium
oxide materials in the "Select Material" step.
Grinding of zirconium oxide, plastic, and metal is possible using
machines from the following serial numbers onward:

Machine type Serial number (wet milling) Serial number (dry milling also with
CEREC MC XL 129001 Not possible
CEREC MC XL Premium Package 302001 304801
CEREC MC X 231001 236001
CEREC MC 202001 202501

Other machines must be equipped with the milling starter kit, Design
2011 (REF: 64 48 893) or with the milling starter kit for connected
motors (REF: 64 51 079) (only for wet milling).

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5 Configuration Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
5.5 App Center (applications) Operator's Manual CEREC SW

5.4.7 Preferred materials

You can define up to three favorite materials in this menu item.
1. Click in the top line on one of the three material favorites to be
2. Click in the center line on one of the available material producers
(e.g. SIRONA).
3. Click in the bottom line on one of the materials offered (e.g. CEREC
Tip: Clicking on the material one more time deselects it. You can
then opt for another material or remove the check of the favorite
materials in question in the top line.
4. Once you have defined all the favorite materials you want, click on
"Ok" in the step menu.

5.5 App Center (applications)

Via the Sirona App (Application) Center, you have access to various
apps (applications) for our CAD CAM products. Furthermore, you have
access to a website that shows you the apps available. The website
also contains additional information on where you can download the

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 6 System menu
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 5.5 App Center (applications)

6 System menu

In the system menu the following sub-menus are offered:

"Start Screen" Switch to the start window to start a new

"Save" Saves currently opened case.
"Save As..." To save a case under a different name or
"Import" Imports case from the file system.
"Export" Exports currently opened case.
"Run Application..." Opens app center to start plug-ins.
"Sirona Connect" Sends the current case via the Sirona
Connect portal.
Sirona Connect Chat Opens the Sirona Connect chat window.
"License Manager" Opens the license manager.
"Configuration" Configure hardware and software.
"Window Mode" Toggles between full-screen and window
"Help" Open help information.
"Exit CEREC" Closes the CEREC software.

Opening system menu

1. Move the mouse cursor to the top of the window.
➢ Click the Start view button.
Ä The system menu is displayed.

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6 System menu Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
6.1 Save case Operator's Manual CEREC SW

Closing system menu

1. Click the Start view button.
➢ Click into the main window with the left mouse button.
Ä The system menu is closed.

6.1 Save case

In this dialog, you can save the actual case.
➢ Select "Save Case" in the system menu.
Ä The current processing status of the case is saved.
Tip: How to save individual restorations is described in the section
“Exporting a restoration”.

6.2 Save case as

This dialog allows you to save the current case under a new name or
assign it to a different patient.
1. Select "Save Case As..." in the system menu.
Ä The patient list is opened.
2. Select the appropriate patient.
➢ Create a new patient via "Add New Patient".
3. You can give the case a new name in the "Case" column via the
pencil icon.

6.3 Import case

1. Click the "Import Case..." button in the system menu.
Ä The "Import Case..." dialog box opens.
2. Select the folder where the case is located.
3. Select the relevant file.
4. Click the "Open" button.
Ä The case is then imported and opened.
Depending on the type of restoration, only the optical impression is

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW 6.4 Exporting a case

6.4 Exporting a case

You can store a case in any location.
ü You have opened a case in the software.
1. Click the "Export Case..." button in the system menu.
Ä The "Export Case..." dialog box opens.
2. Select the target folder to which you want to export the case.
3. Assign any name to the case.
4. Click on the "Save" button.
Ä The case is exported as a CLAB file.
If you would like to transfer the optical impression to another PC, you
can use a USB stick or a network drive for this purpose.

6.5 Exporting scan data

You can export scan data as STL in order to process
● in the inLab SW or
● in another compatible

Sirona will not be held liable for the further processing of *.stl data in
other/external software.

6.6 License manager

The license manager is used for the installation of new software
licenses on the USB license stick. To do this, start the license manager
via the system menu and follow the instructions on the screen. Keep the
license certificate with 25-digit license key ready, which you either
obtained with the unit or ordered separately from your dealer.
Tip: You can also start the license manager via "StartAll Programs /
Sirona Dental SystemsCERECToolsLicense Manager".
To activate the license you must have an Internet connection and the
USB license stick must be connected.

Licenses and code libraries

For information on licenses and code libraries from other providers, see
licenses.pdf. The file is in the installation directory under "C:/Programs/
Sirona Dental Systems/CADCAM".

6.7 Configuration
The configuration is described in the section “Configuration [→ 31]”.

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6 System menu Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
6.8 Window mode Operator's Manual CEREC SW

6.8 Window mode

The "Window Mode" function can be used to exit full-screen mode or
enter it again. You can also activate/deactivate the window mode via

6.9 Current program version

If you click on the lettering "CEREC" in the phase tab, you obtain
information on the current program version.

6.10 Exit program

The "Exit" function can be used to close the software.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 7 Start view
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 7.1 Create a new patient

7 Start view
In the start view you can perform the following functions:
● Patient search
● Open patient database.
● Create a patient.
● Open the Sirona Connect portal.

Switching to the start view

You can switch to the start view at any time.
1. Open the system menu.
2. Click on the "Start Screen" button.

7.1 Create a new patient

In the data structure, a patient is uniquely identified by one of the
following two entries:
● Surname, first name and date of birth
● Patient ID
Tip: We recommend that our customers work solely with one
reference number. Please observe the data protection regulations
applicable to you.

Add patients
1. Click on the "Add New Patient" button.
Ä An empty patient card is opened.
2. Enter a surname, first name, and date of birth. A real-time search
function is active during the input which should prevent duplicate
➢ Enter the patient ID.
Ä Once you have entered enough information, the bar in the "Edit
Patient" step turns from red to green.
3. Click on the "Add New Case" button.
Ä The program switches over to the "ADMINISTRATION" phase.

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7 Start view Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
7.2 Patient search Operator's Manual CEREC SW

7.2 Patient search

Displaying all patients
The "Show All Patients" function can be used to display all patients.

Searching for individual patients

You can view individual patients by searching for them.
1. Click into the search text box.
2. Enter the surname or the patient ID.
3. Click the magnifying glass to start.
Ä The program now shows all the search results.

7.3 Editing patient data

7.3.1 Editing a patient card
ü You have found the patient with the search function.
1. Click on the patient card.
2. Click the "Edit Patient" button in the patient row.
Ä The patient data in the row can be edited.
3. Carry out the changes.
4. Confirm your changes by clicking the "Save" button.
Ä The changes are saved in the memory.

7.3.2 Deleting patients

ü You have found the patient with the search function.
1. Click on the patient card.
2. Click the "Delete Patient" button in the patient row.
3. Confirm the deletion by clicking the "Save" button.
Ä The patient is deleted.

7.3.3 Deleting a case

ü You have found the associated patient with the search function.
1. Click on the patient.
2. Select the case.
3. Click the "Delete Case" button in the case row.
4. Confirm the deletion by clicking the "Save" button.
Ä The case is deleted.

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW 7.3 Editing patient data

7.3.4 Opening a case

ü You have found the associated patient with the search function.
1. Click on the patient card.
2. Select the case.
3. Click the "Open Case" button in the case row.
As an alternative, you can also double-click the case row or the
Ä The case opens.

7.3.5 Add a new case

ü You have found the associated patient with the search function.
1. Click on the patient.
2. Click the "Add New Case" button above the case list.
Ä The program switches over to the "ADMINISTRATION" phase.

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7 Start view Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
7.4 Restoration types and design mode Operator's Manual CEREC SW

7.4 Restoration types and design mode

7.4.1 Restoration types
Single tooth restoration

Symbol Restoration type Design mode

Automatic detection -

Missing Click on the teeth in the

odontogram which are not

Crown ● Biogeneric Individual

● Biogeneric Copy
● Copy & Mirror

Inlay/Onlay ● Biogeneric Individual

● Biogeneric Copy

Veneer ● Biogeneric Individual

● Biogeneric Copy
● Copy & Mirror

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 7 Start view
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 7.4 Restoration types and design mode

Bridge restoration

Symbol Restoration type Design mode

Crown ● Biogeneric Individual
● Biogeneric Copy
● Copy & Mirror

Inlay/Onlay ● Biogeneric Individual

● Biogeneric Copy

Veneer ● Biogeneric Individual

● Biogeneric Copy
● Copy & Mirror

Pontic ● Biogeneric Individual

● Biogeneric Copy
● Copy & Mirror

Missing Click on the teeth in the

odontogram which are not

Connector type

Symbol Restoration type Design mode

Connector ● Intersection

Connector ● Anatomic

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7 Start view Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
7.4 Restoration types and design mode Operator's Manual CEREC SW


Symbol Restoration type Design mode

Crowns screwed ● Biogeneric Individual
down directly ● Biogeneric Copy
● Copy & Mirror

Framework abut- -

Multi-layer abutment ● Biogeneric Individual

● Biogeneric Copy
● Copy & Mirror

Abutment bridge

Symbol Restoration type Design mode

Multi-layer abutment ● Biogeneric Individual
● Biogeneric Copy
● Copy & Mirror
Pontic ● Biogeneric Individual
● Biogeneric Copy
● Copy & Mirror

Missing -

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW 7.4 Restoration types and design mode

7.4.2 Design mode

Biogeneric Individual
For more information, refer to “Biogeneric Individual [→ 28]”.

Copy & Mirror

For more information, refer to “Copy and mirror [→ 29]”.

Biogeneric Copy
For more information, refer to “Biogeneric Copy [→ 29]”.

Anatomic / Intersection
The "Anatomic" and "Intersection" modes are available only for bridge
The connector is a separate element and can be edited.

The connector is created by penetrating the neighboring teeth. It is not a
separate element, and therefore cannot be edited.

However, the fully anatomical shape is broken down into a
mesostructure with no undercut and the covering crown by this
technique. The two parts can be milled from different materials.

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8 Tools and functions of the page palette Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
8.1 View options Operator's Manual CEREC SW

8 Tools and functions of the page palette

The page palette offers you various different functions, depending on
the current step.

8.1 View options

Different views are available to you in the "View Options" page palette.
These view options are split into global and local views. The global
views are based on the model axis of the upper and lower jaw.
Tip: You can adjust the global model axis in the "Set Model Axis" step.
The local views are determined by the element currently selected in the
object bar. Each element in the object bar therefore has its own
coordinate system. Depending on the current step, the following views
are available to you:

Global views
● "Top"
● "Bottom"
● "Right"
● "Left"
● "Front"
● "Back side"

Local views
● "Mesial"
● "Distal"
● "Buccal" / "Labial"
● "Lingual"
● "Cervical"
● "Occlusal" / "Incisal"

8.2 Tools
Tip: Automatic tooth change is possible when using the tools for several
restorations. You do not have to make a selection via the restoration
selector or by clicking.
Tools which can be used on the active restoration element are always
active. The other tools are grayed out.
The most important tools are also offered to you in the tool wheel. You
can find further information on the tool wheel in the section “Tool wheel
[→ 78]”.
You will find all tools as a sub-menu under "Tools". The available tools
are displayed for each step.
To change a tool, click on the button of another tool in the left column of
the page palette.
To close a tool, click on the button of the active tool once more in the
left column.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 8 Tools and functions of the page palette
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 8.2 Tools

"Undo" and "Reset"

With the "Undo" button in the tools you can undo all changes made on
the selected restorations since the tool was started.

With the "Reset" button in the tools you can undo all changes made on
all restorations since the tool was started.

8.2.1 Buccal registration

Correcting buccal images
The buccal registration takes place automatically. If it is not correct you
can do it manually.
1. Click on the "Reset" button.
Ä The buccal registration is triggered and you have both jaws and
the buccal exposure separated on the screen.
2. Click on the buccal image and displace it to the same region on the
upper or lower jaw.
Ä The image is accepted.
Tip: If an image is not accepted, align the jaw to the buccal
scan. This enables better overlaying.
If registration is still not possible, check whether the buccal
sections in the jaws and in the buccal image are sufficient.
3. If the image was accepted, move the image to the corresponding
region of the opposite jaw.

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8 Tools and functions of the page palette Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
8.2 Tools Operator's Manual CEREC SW

Turn Buccal Impression

With the "Turn Buccal Impression" function, you can rotate the buccal
1. Click on the "Buccal" button.
2. Click on the "Turn Buccal Impression" button.
Ä The buccal image is then rotated.

8.2.2 Buccal bite tools

You can adjust the occlusion using the following tools.

Move jaw
You can correct the buccal bite by positioning and rotating the upper
jaw using the "Align Jaw" function.
➢ Click on the "Align Jaw" button.
Ä The rotating/positioning tool will be shown.

8.2.3 shape
With the "Form" function, you can do the following to material
● apply
● smooth
● remove
Tip: If one of the shape tools is active, you can also switch to the
following order using the space bar on the keyboard:
Add > Smooth > Remove > Add > ...
You can enter the "Size" and "Strength" properties with a slider or
numerically in advance (see “Properties [→ 67]”).

Apply material
1. Click the "Form"button.
2. Click on the "Add" button.
3. Click with the mouse cursor on the area you wish to shape.
4. Press and hold the left mouse button and apply the material to the
surface location by moving the mouse.

When smoothing, you are able to smooth the surface locally.
1. Click the "Form" button.
2. Click the "Smooth" button.
3. Click with the mouse cursor on the location you wish to smoothen.
4. Press and hold the left mouse button and smoothen the surface
location by moving the mouse.

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW 8.2 Tools

Removing material
1. Click the "Form" button.
2. Click the "Remove" button.
3. Press and hold the left mouse button and remove the material from
the surface location by moving the mouse.
("DESIGN" phase, "Edit Restoration" step). Properties
Modifying the size
You can use the "Size" slider to modify the size of the area affected.
The area affected is shown as an orange-colored area on the current
restoration in the 3D preview.
The size of the area affected can be modified for each shaping tool.
1. Click the "Size" slider and press and hold the mouse button.
2. Now drag the slider to the right or left to enlarge or reduce the area
Ä The orange-colored area (area affected) will be expanded or
reduced in the 3D preview.
Tip: You can also change the size of the area affected by dragging the
mouse up or down with the right mouse button held down on the

Adjusting thicknesses
You can use the "Strength" slider to modify the intensity of the area
affected. The thicknesses of the affected area can be modified for each
forming tool.
1. Click the "Strength" slider and press and hold the mouse button.
2. Now drag the slider to the right or left to increase or reduce the
Hiding the neighboring restoration
You can hide the neighboring restoration with the "Clip Neighbors"
function. This option is only available as long as the jaw is shown.

Apply Symmetric
This function allows you to use the tool simultaneously on the
associated symmetrical tooth (restoration). The check box can only be
selected if a restoration has been created in the ADMINISTRATION

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8.2.4 Cut out model areas

("MODEL" phase, "Edit Model" step)
With the "Cut" function, you can cut out model areas. The cut-out model
areas are then discarded once you exit the "Edit Model" step. You
cannot display discarded areas later on.

Removing the model area

The "Discard Part" function enables model areas to be removed.
When performing this activity, be careful not to accidentally cut out any
areas that e.g. are located behind the model or are otherwise cut away
from the line.
1. Click the "Cut" button.
2. Begin the cut line with a double-click.
3. Click to set additional points.
4. Finish the cut by double clicking.
Ä The model area is cut off.

Inverting the model area

With the "Invert Selected" function, the model area that is cut out can be
ü The "Cut" tool is selected.
ü You have created a cut.
➢ Click the "Invert Selected" button.
Ä The model area which was cut out is displayed.
The rest of the model area is hidden.
Tip: You can invert the model area that is cut out by double-clicking on
the semitransparent cut-out area.

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW 8.2 Tools

8.2.5 Correcting defects

With the "Replace" function, you can correct defects and artifacts on the
model (e.g. holes or elevations).
To do so, drag a line around the defect in your model and select the
appropriate function.
1. Click the "Replace" button.
2. Set the starting point with a double-click.
3. Click to set further points in order to enclose the defect tightly. The
line must be located completely on the model.
4. Set the line end by double-clicking.
5. Click on the "Apply" button.
Tip: The tool can also be triggered by pressing the Enter key.
Ä The software smoothens everything within the line by

8.2.6 Resetting the model (MODEL phase)

With the "Reset Model" function, all changes will be reset.
1. Click the "Tools" button.

2. Click on the "Reset Model" button.

3. Confirm with "Apply".

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8.2.7 Trimming
("MODEL" phase, "Trim" step)
With the "Trim" function, you can isolate the preparation. You can thus
e.g. draw in the preparation margin more easily. Trimmed image
regions can be optionally displayed and hidden later on.

Hiding image regions

The "Discard Part" function enables you to hide image regions.
The trim line can also be placed over the preparation line. Only the
region underneath the preparation will then be hidden automatically.
The prepared region remains fully intact.
1. Click on the "Trim" button.
2. Click on the "Discard Part" button.
3. Start by double-clicking in the vicinity of the model or on the model.
4. Click to set additional points. Draw the line close to the preparation
around which you want to trim.
5. Finish the line by double clicking.
Ä The smaller region of the model is hidden.

Inverting an image region

With the "Invert Selected" function, an image region which was hidden
can be restored.
ü An image region has been hidden using the "Trim" tool.
➢ Click on the "Invert Selected" button.
Ä The hidden image region will be shown.
The image region shown will be hidden.
Tip: You can invert the hidden image area by double-clicking on the
semitransparent hidden region.

8.2.8 Drawing the preparation margin

More information on using this tool can be found in the section “Entering
the preparation margin”.

Automatic edge detection

With "Margin" / "Auto", you can work with automatic edge detection.
1. Click on the "Margin" button.
2. Click on the "Auto" button.
Ä Automatic edge detection is switched on.

Manual drawing
With "Manual" you can draw in the preparation margin manually. With
this technique, you must place the individual points close together in
order to clearly define the contour of the preparation margin even in
difficult situations.
ü The "Margin" tool is open.
➢ Click on the "Manual" button.
Ä The manual technique is switched on.

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Manual drawing with intensity image

With "Manual with intensity image" you can manually draw in the
preparation margin on the intensity image.
ü The "Margin" tool is open.
➢ Click on the "Manual with intensity image" button.
Ä The manual technique with intensity image is switched on.
Tip: As long as the "Margin" tool is activated, you can switch back and
forth between the drawing options by pressing the space bar.

8.2.9 Enter baseline on gingiva

In the "Edit Base Line" step, you can select whether or not the gingiva is
to be used for calculating the emergence profile.
The baseline for the pontic can also be entered on the gingiva. To do
so, the corresponding option must be activated in the tool.

8.2.10 Positioning and rotating

With the "Move" function, you can displace, rotate, and scale the

Displacing and rotating

With the "Position and Rotate" tool, you can displace and rotate the
Displacing and rotating the restoration
➢ Left-click on an arrow symbol and hold the button down.
Ä You can displace or rotate the restoration in the corresponding
Changing axes
➢ Right-click on an arrow symbol and hold the button down.
Ä You can change the axis on which the object is rotated or

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With the "Scale" function, you can change the size of the restoration.
The area affected is shown as an orange-colored area.
1. Click on the "Move" button.
2. Click on the "Scale" button.
3. Use the mouse cursor to click with the arrow on the selected scaling
Ä The arrow is shown in orange.
4. Hold the left mouse button down and drag the mouse to enlarge or
reduce the restoration.
Ä The orange-colored area will be expanded or reduced.

Layout Effect
Click on the ball in the center to enlarge or re-
duce the entire restoration.

Drag the mouse and click on the arrow to en-

large or reduce the restoration in the mesio-dis-
tal direction.

Drag the mouse and click on the arrow to en-

large or reduce the restoration in the bucco-lin-
gual direction.

Drag the mouse and click on the arrow to en-

large or reduce the restoration in the direction
shown. The restoration is enlarged or reduced to
half-page size.

8.2.11 Recalculating restorations

The initial suggestion can be recalculated using the "Recalculate" tool.

8.2.12 Designing
("DESIGN" phase, "Edit Restoration" step).

The "Anatomic" function is used to preselect regions of morphology,
e.g. cusps or fissure lines, for designing.

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW 8.2 Tools

The "Circular" is used to preselect a circular region for designing.

The "Shape" function enables you to shape a selected region.

You can shape the restoration in 2 ways:

Function Description
2-Direction The movement is possible along one axis orthogo-
nal to the restoration surface.
4-Direction The movement is possible along two axes parallel
to the restoration surface. Properties
Changing size
This option is available only for the circular variant.
You can use the "Size" slider to modify the size of the area affected.
The area affected is shown as an orange-colored area on the current
restoration in the 3D preview.
1. Click the "Size" slider and press and hold the mouse button.
2. Now drag the slider to the right or left to enlarge or reduce the area
Ä The orange-colored area (area affected) will be expanded or
reduced in the 3D preview.
Tip: You can also change the size of the area affected by dragging the
mouse up or down with the right mouse button held down on the
Hiding the neighboring restoration
You can hide the neighboring restoration with the "Clip Neighbors"
function. This option is only available as long as the jaw is shown.

8.2.13 Biogeneric variation

("DESIGN" phase, "Edit Restoration" step).
With the "Biogeneric Variation" function, you can generate different
variants of the possible morphology.
1. Click the "Biogeneric Variation" slider and press and hold the
mouse button.
2. Drag the slider to the left or right.
Ä The new morphology is shown as a 3D preview.
3. If you are satisfied with the morphology, release the mouse button.
Ä The new morphology is applied to the current restoration.

8.2.14 Reduce
("DESIGN" phase, "Edit Restoration" step).

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With the "Reduce" function, you can anatomically reduce the

restoration: You also can perform partial reductions. Full reduction

1. Click on the "Reduce" button.
2. Set the reduction level using the slider. The value will be memorized
for other reductions.
3. Click on "Apply" to execute the reduction.
Ä The restoration is reduced by the set value.
Tip: You can reduce several teeth at the same time by grouping them
first with the following key combinations:
● "Ctrl" + left mouse button
● Shift key + left mouse button
Tip: You can edit the reduction line before the reduction and create
festoons and back rest plates quickly and easily. Partial reduction

1. Click on the "Reduce" button.
2. Double-click on the restoration and draw a closed line.
3. Set the reduction level using the slider.
4. Click on "Apply" to execute the reduction.
Ä The restoration is reduced by the set value.
Tip: You can use the space bar or "Toggle area" to switch the area to
be reduced. It is displayed as an orange colored area. Properties

Taking into account the minimum thickness during reductions

The "Reduce" tool enables you to choose whether the minimum
thickness should be taken into account during reductions.
● If the corresponding option is selected in the tool, the minimum
thickness is observed during reduction.
● If the corresponding option is not selected in the tool, the minimum
thickness may not be reached during reduction.

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Attaching the base of the pontic

If the "Stick Pontic Base to Gingiva" function is active, the base of the
pontic is not reduced for a full reduction.
Hiding the neighboring restoration
You can hide the neighboring restoration with the "Clip Neighbors"
function. This option is only available as long as the jaw is shown.

8.2.15 Adjusting contacts

("DESIGN" phase, different steps, "Analyzing Tools")
If you modify the restoration, the contact surfaces also will be displaced.
The "Adjust Contacts" tool is used to reset the contacts to the thickness
set in the parameters.
1. Click on the "Adjust Contacts" button.
2. Click the "Mesial", "Distal", "Occlusal", or "FGP" button.
Ä The respective contact surface is then reset.
Hiding the neighboring restoration
You can hide the neighboring restoration with the "Clip Neighbors"
function. This option is only available as long as the jaw is shown.

8.2.16 Adjusting sprue location

The "Sprue" function enables you to rotate the position of the sprue
location on the restoration in 2 ways:
● Step-by-step, by clicking on the arrow in the circle segment.
● Continuously, by clicking and holding the left mouse button inside
the circle segment and moving the mouse.

8.2.17 Moving the block


The "Position Block" function enables you to displace the block
surrounding the restoration in all spatial directions until the restoration
strikes one of the block margins.
You can move the block in 3 ways:
● Step-by-step, by clicking on one of the arrows showing the
movement axes on the semitransparent cube.
● Continuously in 2 directions, by clicking on one side of one of the
cube surfaces, holding the button down and moving the mouse.
● Continuously in all 4 directions, by clicking in the center of a cube
surface, holding the button down and moving the mouse.

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With the "Position Block" function, you can also rotate the restoration
around the axis of the block.
You can rotate the restoration in the block in 2 ways:
● Step-by-step, by clicking on the arrow in the circle segment.
● Continuously, by left-clicking on or inside of the circle segment and
moving the mouse.

8.2.18 Incisal variation

("DESIGN" phase, "Edit Restoration" step).
Using the "Incisal Variation" function, you can generate mamelons
(vertical structures) and growth lines (horizontal structures) on your
anterior restorations.

Using the "Strength" slider you can set the intensity at which the
selected structure acts on a restoration.

Using the "Variation" slider you can select the desired structure type.
● Items 1 to 4 stand for mamelons (vertical structures).
● Items 5 to 6 stand for growth lines (horizontal structures).

Positioning structures
If you have set the structure type and the desired intensity, you can now
adjust the position of the structure.
1. To do this click on your current anterior restoration in the 3D
preview and then hold down the left mouse button.
Ä The tools effect area is colored in orange.
2. Now move the mouse to position the structure as you want it.

Applying structures
1. If you are satisfied with the structure created, click on the "Apply"
button. The created structure is now saved.

Nature and source of the danger
In order to combine multiple structures together, first complete a
structure and then save this with the "Apply" button.

2. Now create additional structures and save every other structure

here once they are completed.

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8.2.19 Using a gingival mask

In the "Edit Base Line" step, you can select whether the corresponding
area of the jaw scan should be acquired for calculating the emergence
profile. "Use Gingiva Mask" must be activated in this case (default
setting). "Use Gingiva Mask" must be deactivated in order to have an
emergence profile suggested independent of the scan.
The baseline for the pontic can also be entered on the gingiva. To do
so, the corresponding option must be activated in the tool.

8.2.20 Splitting
("DESIGN" phase, "Edit Restoration" step).
Using the "Split" function you can split a full-format "Multilayer
Abutment" into a frame and veneer structure.
Using the "Unsplit" function you can join the frame and a veneer
structure of a multi-layer abutment back together.
1. Select the desired option "Split" or "Unsplit" through the associated
2. Then click on the "Apply" button.
Ä The multi-layer abutment is split or joined together again.

8.2.21 Scaling
You can use this tool for frameworks and telescopes.
In the tool menu, you can select whether the tool is to be effective in the
radial or the occlusal direction. You can toggle between these directions
with the space bar or with the mouse.
1. Place the mouse pointer on an active restoration.
Ä Various design elements are then offered, depending on the
restoration type.
Ä An arrow shows the direction in which the scaling will occur.
The area affected is shown highlighted in orange.
2. Press and hold down the left mouse button.
3. Move the mouse to change the object.

You can edit the edge of the crown caps and bridge frameworks for the
restoration type "Framework" in radial or occlusal direction.
1. Click the "Scale" button.
2. Click on the "Radial" or "Occlusal" button.
3. Place the mouse pointer on an active restoration.
Ä The area affected is shown highlighted in orange.
4. Press and hold down the left mouse button.
5. Move the mouse to change the object.

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8.2 Tools Operator's Manual CEREC SW Properties
Modifying the size
If a check mark is placed in front of "Complete" the area affected is
maximized and applies to the entire design element. If no check mark is
placed, you can determine the area affected individually.
You can use the "Size" button to modify the size of the area affected.
The area affected is shown as an orange colored area. The size of the
area affected can be modified for each shaping tool.
1. Click the "Scale" button.
2. Click the "Size" button and press and hold the mouse button.
3. Drag the mouse cursor up or down.
Ä The orange-colored area will be expanded or reduced. The size
is displayed on the restoration.
Tip: You can also change the size by clicking on the restoration with the
right mouse button and, while holding the right mouse button down,
dragging the mouse up or down.

8.2.22 Creating a cavity design

If you click on this tool, the female part of the attachment in the
restoration element to be mounted is calculated. The male part of the
attachment must be finished for this purpose.

8.2.23 Tool wheel

phases, the tool wheel provides the most common tools for simplifying
access. The tools available vary depending on the current step.
1. Right-click in the workspace.
Ä The tool wheel opens.
2. Click with the right mouse button anywhere in the workspace.
Ä The tool wheel moves to the position of the mouse pointer.
3. Select a tool.
Ä The selected tool is available. The tool wheel closes
You also can close the tool by clicking in the workspace with the left
mouse button.

8.2.24 Adjusting connectors

("DESIGN" phase, "Edit Restoration" step).
Various tools are available for designing the connectors. These are only
applicable with the "Anatomic" connector type.

With the "Scale" function, you can adjust the connectors.
1. Click on the "Scale" button.
2. Place the mouse pointer on an active connector.
Ä The area affected is shown highlighted in orange.

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW 8.3 Display objects

3. Press and hold down the left mouse button.

4. Move the mouse to change the object.
If you have selected the "Scale Whole" option, you can adjust the entire

With the "Move" function, the connector can be displaced.
1. Click on the "Move" button.
2. Place the mouse pointer on an active connector.
Ä The area affected is shown highlighted in orange.
3. Press and hold down the left mouse button.
4. Move the mouse to change the object.
If you have selected the "Position All" option, you can displace the
entire connector. The neighboring elements are displayed transparently.
The adhesion sites are recalculated after displacement.

Editing lines
You can change the lines of a connector with "Drag Line". The
neighboring elements are displayed transparently.
1. Click on the "Connector Edit Lines" button.
Ä "Drag Line" is activated automatically.
2. Move the mouse over the blue connector line displayed.
Ä A sub-area is shaded yellow.
3. Drag the lines as required. The section of the line presented in
yellow is moved in all cases.
You can redraw the lines of a connector with "Edit Line".
1. Click on the "Connector Edit Lines" button.
2. Click on the "Edit Line" button.
3. Redraw the line at the required points by starting on the line with a
4. Click to fix the line at the corresponding point.
5. Continue the lines this way until you complete the change by
double-clicking a different point on the original line.

8.3 Display objects

You can use these functions to display and hide the region of the model
and that of the restorations.
1. Click on the "View Options" button.
2. Click the respective button.
Ä The affected region is then displayed or hidden.

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8.3 Display objects Operator's Manual CEREC SW

With the "Upper Jaw" button, you

can display and hide the upper

With the "Lower Jaw" button, you

can display and hide the lower

You can adjust the transparency

of the upper/lower jaw seam-
1. Click the slider of the "Upper/
lower jaw" and press and
hold the mouse button.
2. Now drag the slider to the
right or left to increase or
reduce the transparency.
With the "Minimal Thickness" but-
ton, you can show and hide the
display of minimum thicknesses.
You can set the minimum thick-
ness under "Parameters". For
more information, refer to the
section on Parameters.
The "Restoration" button enables
you to display and hide the

You can adjust the transparency

of the restoration seamlessly.
1. Click the "Restoration" slider
and press and hold the
mouse button.
2. Now drag the slider to the
right or left to increase or
reduce the transparency.
With the "Trimmed Model" button,
you can display and hide the
trimmed region.

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW 8.3 Display objects

With the "BioCopy Upper" button,

you can display and hide the Bio-
Copy upper jaw region (only if the
corresponding image catalog
contains images).
With the "BioCopy Lower" button,
you can display and hide the Bio-
Copy lower jaw region (only if the
corresponding image catalog
contains images).
With the "Gingiva Mask Upper
Jaw" button, you can display and
hide the Gingival mask upper jaw
region (only if the corresponding
image catalog contains images).

With the "Gingiva Mask Lower

Jaw" button, you can display and
hide the Gingival mask lower jaw
region (only if the corresponding
image catalog contains images).

With the Implant button, you can

display and hide implants (abut-
ment only).

With the TiBase button, you can

display and hide the TiBase
(abutment only).

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8.4 Activating analysis Operator's Manual CEREC SW

8.4 Activating analysis

Activating Analyzing Tools
➢ Click the "Analyzing Tools" button to activate the analysis tools.

Contact surfaces on the virtual model

Using the "Model Contacts" button, the contact surfaces on the virtual
model can be displayed or hidden.
➢ Click on the "Model Contacts" button.
Ä The contact areas on the model are displayed or hidden.

Penetration/pressure: > 100 µm

100 - 50 µm
50 - 0 µm

Distance: 0 - 50 µm
50 - 100 µm
> 100 µm

Contact surfaces on the restoration

You can use the color palette button to check the occlusal contact
points of the jaws.
The same color scheme is used as when displaying the contacts to the
neighboring teeth or to the opposing jaw.

Penetration/pressure: > 100 µm

100 - 50 µm
50 - 0 µm

Distance: 0 - 50 µm
50 - 100 µm
> 100 µm

Through the "Contacts" button, the contact points of the restoration(s) of
the shown jaw which are displayed in color can be switched on or off.
➢ Click on the "Contacts" button.
Ä The restoration is displayed with or without occlusal contacts.

Model Contacts
Through the "Model Contacts" button, the contact points of the entire
model which are displayed in color can be switched on or off.
This function is only available when the upper and lower jaw have been
➢ Click on the "Model Contacts" button.
Ä The restoration is displayed with or without proximal contacts.

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Restoration Color
Using the "Restoration Color" button, the restoration can be displayed in
the model color.
1. Click on the "Restoration Color" button.
Ä The virtual model is shown in white or the model color.
2. Click on the "Restoration Color" slider and hold the mouse button
3. Drag the slider to the right or left to show or hide the restoration
Ä The restoration color of the respective object (or object group)
is changed.

Slice (MANUFACTURE phase)

Using the "Slice" button, a cut can be created through the restorations
and model in the screen plane.
1. Click on the "Slice" button.
Ä A cut is created in the screen plane through the virtual model
and all restorations.

2. Click on one of the drag points in the 3D preview and hold down the
mouse button. By moving the mouse at the same time, you can
move the height of the cutting plane or rotate the cutting plane.

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8.5 Case details Operator's Manual CEREC SW

Cursor Details (MANUFACTURE phase)

Via the "Cursor Details" button, you can have the height and thickness
of the restoration displayed. The cursor details are displayed at the
bottom left of the screen.
➢ Click on the "Cursor Details" button.
Ä The height and thickness of the restoration are displayed on the
mouse cursor and updated in real time.
Depending on the type of restoration, the following information is

Height Distance from this point to the bottom of the model

Fissure height Minimum thickness in fissure
Material thick- Thickness of the restoration at this point
Connector cross- Cross-section area
Width Overall width of the restoration
Length Overall length of the restoration
Height Overall height of the restoration

You can use the "Distance" button to measure distances.
1. Click on the "Distance" button.
2. Click on the restoration to define the starting point and the end
Ä The distance is then displayed.

Grid Mode
With the "Grid Mode" function, you can display a grid comprised of
vertical and horizontal lines. It serves as an orientation guide.
➢ Click on the "Grid Mode" button.
Ä The grid is displayed in the 3D preview.

("DESIGN" phase, "Edit Restoration" step, Smile Design active)
The "Guideline Mode" function enables you to display and hide the
Smile Design auxiliary planes.
➢ Click on the "Guideline Mode" button.
Ä The guiding lines are displayed in the 3D preview.

8.5 Case details

In the "Case Details" page palette, you can open all the information on a
case during the construction (see also the section “ADMINISTRATION
phase [→ 85]”).

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 9 ADMINISTRATION phase
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 9.1 Restoration


9.1 Restoration
Selecting a restoration type
1. Create a new case (see "Add a new case [→ 59]").
2. Select the restoration type in the page palette:
● "Single Restoration",
● "Bridge Restoration",
● "Abutment",
● "Guide"

Single tooth restoration

ü You have selected the restoration type "Single Restoration".
1. Select the restoration type.
Ä The types of restoration available match the selected tooth
2. Select the design mode.
Tip: For information on the design technique, see the section
“Restoration types and design mode”.
3. First select "Manufacturer" and then "Material" in order to determine
the desired material for the restoration.
- For some of the materials the two production types of grinding or
milling are possible.
- You must select 2 materials with the "MultiLayer" restoration type.
- With the "Abutment" restoration type you must select the
scanbody type and an implant type.
- If there are multiple devices connected you can determine the
corresponding device under "Mill Device".
4. Click on the tooth for which the restoration must be set up with the
information set.
Ä The selected tooth is marked.
5. If necessary, create further restorations.
Tip: If you have selected "Auto-Detect" then the restoration type is
identified in the further stages based on the scanned jaw and the
existing tooth properties.

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9.1 Restoration Operator's Manual CEREC SW

Bridge restoration
ü You have selected the restoration type "Bridge Restoration".
1. Determine the restoration type and the connector type as described
in the "Single tooth restoration [→ 85]" section.
2. Select the positions of the abutment teeth of the bridge.
Ä The selected teeth are marked.
3. Determine the restoration type and the design mode for the
intermediate teeth.
Ä The selected teeth are marked.
4. In the step menu click on the "Select Milling Device" step and select
the desired production machine.
5. Optional: In the step menu, click on the "Select Material" step, in
order to select the desired material for the restoration.
6. Click on "Ok" to confirm the settings.
Tip: If you click on "Cancel", the restoration will not be created and
the program will return to the odontogram.
7. If necessary, create further restorations.

Editing the restoration

You can edit previously created restorations.
1. Click on the restoration in the object bar
Select the relevant restoration in the "Case Details" page palette.
2. Click on the pen symbol to access editing mode.
3. Amend the desired data.
4. Confirm the changes with the check mark or discard them with the

Selecting the implant connection and scanbody type (only for

implant-supported crowns)
1. Select single restoration or bridge restoration.
2. Select the tooth number from the odontogram.
3. Click in the "Implant Connection" step.
4. If you have selected single tooth restoration, you can choose
between Ti-Base or implant level at "Implant ConnectionType".
5. Then select the implant and, if necessary, the manufacturer.
6. Click on the "Select Scanbody Type" step.
Ä The scanbody type to be used is displayed depending on the
implant connection.
7. In the step menu click on the "Select Milling Device" step and select
the desired production machine.
8. In the step menu, click on the "Select Material" step, in order to
select the desired material for the restoration.

Multilayer restorations can only be created in connection with Ti-

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 9 ADMINISTRATION phase
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 9.2 Smile Design

Closing the ADMINISTRATION phase

ü All restorations to be attached are defined.
ü The ACQUISITION phase can be selected.
1. Click on the ACQUISITION phase.
➢ Click on the double arrow.
Ä The program switches over to the ACQUISITION phase.

Case details
After creating a case, all information is displayed in the page palette.
The following information can be read there during the entire
construction of the case.
● Indication
● Design mode
● Material
● Production machine
● For bridges: The indication for each element

9.2 Smile Design

With Smile Design, anterior restorations can be designed with
consideration of the mouth or face of the patient.
During the construction, it is possible to change between the jaw model
and the view with the patient using the analysis tool.

Activating Smile Design

In the "ADMINISTRATION" phase under "Indications" you can activate
the "Smile Design" function.
1. Click on "Smile Design" on the bottom left.

2. Place a check mark at the top in "Smile Design".

Ä The function is listed in the "Case Details".
3. You can deactivate the "Smile Design" function again in the
selected state by removing the check mark.

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9.2 Smile Design Operator's Manual CEREC SW

Changing to Smile Design

ü You have set the model axis in the "Set Model Axis" step in the
MODEL phase.
➢ Click on the "Initialize Smile Design" function on the right edge of
the screen.

Exiting Smile Design

ü You are in "Smile Design".
➢ In the step menu, click on "Exit Smile Design" in order to exit "Smile

9.2.1 Loading reference image

You must load an image of the patient's face for Smile Design. The
image must be a head-on passport photograph of the patient smiling.

Approved formats Resolution

● jpeg / jpg Min. 2 megapixels
● bmp
● png
1. Click on the step "Load Reference Picture".
Ä The "Select Image" dialog box opens.
2. Select the folder where the file is located.
3. Select the relevant file.
4. Click on the "Open" button.
Ä The software changes to the "Define Feature Points" step.
Ä The image is then imported and opened.

9.2.2 Setting reference points

You must set the reference points in the patient image in the "Define
Feature Points" step. Then simply proceed as prompted by the
software. The yellow point in the avatar image shows you where the
next face point must be set.
If a magnifier is displayed automatically, you must set the point as
precisely as possible.
You can undo each step using "Undo".

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW 9.2 Smile Design

9.2.3 Adjusting the canthi distance

Use a suitable measurement tool to measure the clearance between the
two canthi points. Change to step "Lateral Canthi Distance".
Adjust the value using the slider.

You have to perform this step to achieve a precise correlation
between a 3D facial model and the jaw.

9.2.4 Aligning jaws

Align the model to the image.

Positioning the model

➢ Left-click on an arrow symbol and hold the button down.
Ä You can displace or rotate the model in the corresponding
Use the "Left" or "Right" perspective or turn the facial model to the side
using the "Global" view options. This enables you to align the facial
model and the jaw model precisely.

Changing axes
➢ Right-click on an arrow symbol and hold the button down.
Ä You can change the axis on which the object is rotated or

9.2.5 Auxiliary planes

You can display the auxiliary planes in the "Guideline" step. The
auxiliary planes help with positioning the jaw in the image of the patient.
You can also display the planes for the construction.
1. Double click on the plane you would like to adjust.
2. Adjust the plane using the arrow points.

Positioning the plane

➢ Click with the left mouse button on the arrow symbol and hold the
button down.
Ä You can move the planes in the relevant direction.
If you only want to move one plane, remove the checkmark at "Group
Guidelines". You can activate the planes by double clicking on them.

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9.3 Articulation Operator's Manual CEREC SW

9.3 Articulation
In order to display the "Articulation" function, you must have activated
the articulator in the "Configuration" under the "Options". This is then
additionally shown in the ADMINISTRATION phase in the "Case
Options" page palette.
Here you can activate the usage of the articulator for the currently
opened case.
The "Articulation" function enables you to configure a restoration taking
the dynamics into consideration.
Once the initial suggestion has been calculated, the dynamic contact
points are displayed in color.
For the most accurate result possible, it is important that the acquisition
of the jaw meets the following conditions:
● The canine guidance must be able to be carried out on both sides.
● The virtual model is accurately aligned on the guide lines when
setting the model axis.
The virtual articulator uses Camper's plane as a reference plane for the
articulation parameters. The Camper's plane is usually parallel to the
occlusal plane.
Once the model axis has been set, you can activate the virtual
articulator at any time by using the button in the page palette.

Use the lower jaw to set the model axis.

Articulation Parameters
The values for articulation only apply for the current restoration. You
can adjust the settings in the "MODEL" and "DESIGN" phases.
1. Click on the "Articulation" button.
2. Click on the "Articulation Parameters" button.
Ä The articulation parameters are displayed.
You can set the following values individually:

Parameter Setting Mean value

"Arms" Side of the Bonwill triangle 105 mm
"Base" Intercondylar distance 100 mm
"Balkwill Angle" Balkwill angle 23°
"Sagittal Angle Left" Sagittal condylar path inclination 35°
"Sagittal Angle Right"
"Bennett Angle Left" Bennett angle 15°
"Bennett Angle Right"

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW 9.3 Articulation

Parameter Setting Mean value

"Immediate side shift left" Initial Bennett movement 0 µm
"Immediate side shift right"
"Include Restorations" If activated, available restorations are taken YES
into consideration for the calculation of the
FGPs as if they were already inserted. This
means reconstructed cuspid guidance can be
considered for the other restorations in the
case, for example.

Incisal Pin
An opening of the jaw can be produced using the "Incisal Pin" function.
The "Incisal Pin" function is only available in the "MODEL" phase from
step "Draw Margin" onward.
1. Click on the "Articulation" button.
2. Click on "Incisal Pin". Hold the left mouse button down and drag the
mouse until the desired value of the jaw opening is reached.

Functionally generated path (FGP)

You can show a virtual FGP for the opposing jaw or the jaw using the
"Lower Virtual FGP" and "Upper Virtual FGP" functions. The cover
shows the maximum movement of the respective jaw for the selected
articulation parameters.
The interrupting contacts are displayed by the FGP. The interrupting
contacts can correspondingly be removed using the tools.
Lower virtual FGP
1. Click on the "Articulation" button.
2. Click on the "Lower Virtual FGP" button.
Ä The virtual FGP is displayed.

Upper virtual FGP

1. Click on the "Articulation" button.
2. Click on the "Upper Virtual FGP" button.
Ä The virtual FGP is displayed.

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9.3 Articulation Operator's Manual CEREC SW

Occlusal Compass
The occlusal compass can be calculated using the virtual FGP. The
software uses the Schulz occlusal compass.
The "Occlusal Compass" button enables you to display and hide the
dynamic contact points.
1. Click on the "Articulation" button.
2. Click on the "Occlusal Compass" button.
Ä The dynamic contact points are displayed.

Color Dynamic contact point

Blue Laterotrusion
Green Mediotrusion
Black Protrusion
Red Centric
Yellow Latero-protrusion

Each direction of movement can be shown/hidden.

Manual Move
The lower jaw can be moved manually in accordance with the
calculated masticatory movement using the "Manual Move" button,
1. Click on the "Articulation" button.
2. Click on the "Manual Move" button.
3. Move the lower jaw so by clicking on the orange ball in the diamond
on the left.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 10 ACQUISITION phase
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 10.1 Image catalogs with CEREC Omnicam


10.1 Image catalogs with CEREC Omnicam

In the "ACQUISITION" phase, three image catalogs are available as
● Lower Jaw
● Upper Jaw
● Buccal
In addition, further image catalogs can be shown:
● BioCopy Lower (Lower jaw)
● BioCopy Upper (Upper jaw)
● Gingiva Mask Lower Jaw (Lower jaw)
● Gingiva Mask Upper Jaw (Upper jaw)
● Scanbody Lower Jaw (Lower jaw)
● Scanbody Upper Jaw (Upper jaw)
For each of these image catalogs, only one acquisition is saved in the
corresponding image catalog.

Opening the image catalog

1. Click on the icon of the desired image catalog.
2. Move the mouse cursor to the bottom edge of the screen.
Ä The active image catalog is opened, the individual acquisitions
are visible.
The necessary image catalog is initially selected provided the
restoration(s) is (are) only in the upper or lower jaw.

Deleting acquisitions
If an acquisition is not suitable, you can delete it. You can then execute
a new acquisition for the corresponding image catalog.
➢ Grab the image with your mouse and move it using drag & drop to
the recycle bin.
Ä The image is deleted.

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10.2 Live image Operator's Manual CEREC SW

10.2 Live image

Change window size
You can adjust the size of the live image proportionally.
1. Click the arrow at the right edge with the mouse and hold down the
mouse button.
2. Drag the camera view to enlarge or reduce it.

10.3 3D Preview
In the default setting, the data are displayed from the occlusal direction
in the 3D preview.
You can freely select the viewing direction of the virtual model in the 3D
preview window by using the mouse.

Rotating a 3D preview
1. Click on the 3D preview with the left mouse button and hold it down.
2. Move the mouse.
Ä The 3D preview is rotated.

Moving the 3D preview

1. Click on the 3D preview with the right mouse button and hold it
2. Move the mouse.
Ä The 3D preview moves.

Zooming into/out of the 3D preview

1. Click on the 3D preview with the middle mouse button and hold it
2. Move the mouse up or down as desired.
Ä The 3D preview is enlarged or reduced.

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW 10.4 Take a scan

10.4 Take a scan

10.4.1 CEREC Omnicam Camera warm-up time
When switching on the system, the camera needs to warm up for 15 -
20 minutes. If the coated sapphire glass of the Omnicam is not
sufficiently warm, it may steam up during the acquisition. As such, it is
not possible to carry out the exposure.
Following use, always position the Omnicam on the heater plate.
You can set the end temperature to which the camera heater warms the
Omnicam mirror sleeve.
1. In the software, navigate to the system menu and click on the
"Configuration" button.
2. Click on the "Devices" button.
3. Click on the "Omnicam" button.
4. Click on the "Camera Heater Settings" button.
5. Use the slider to adjust the temperature. Mode

Step Video / Photo

In the "Video" / "Photo" step, you can make intraoral videos and
individual intraoral images with the Omnicam.

Taking photos
1. Select the "Photo" tab.
2. Click on the button or use the foot switch to trigger the camera.

Recording videos
1. Select the "Video" tab.
2. Click on the button to start video recording or use the foot switch.
3. Repeat click on the button or actuate the foot switch once more to
stop the recording.

Viewing photos and images

1. Select the button with the "View" folder symbol.
2. Click on the left or right arrows to see all exposures taken. Videos
can be started by clicking on the play button.
Tip: In the acquisition modes activate the right button with the folder
symbol in order to switch directly from the acquisition mode to the
media view. Directing the camera

After each use
Reprocess the camera after each patient.
➢ Follow the instructions in chapter „CEREC Omnicam“ in order to
avoid cross-contamination between patients.

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10.4 Take a scan Operator's Manual CEREC SW

The CEREC Omnicam acquires images which are used during the
ongoing measurement in spatial relation to each other (image
During the acquisition and then during the ongoing registration process,
a distinctive sound can be heard.
If the registration cannot be implemented, the acquisition flow is
suspended. You are informed of this by means of a sound. This is
different to the sound emitted during successful acquisition. You can
adjust the volume under configuration and select another type of sound

Registration error
Should a registration error occur, you must return to another acquired
To start with, practice this procedure on the model and then on
intraoral areas.
➢ Move the CEREC Omnicam to a position where a successful
acquisition was taken. A point that has already been acquired in
the occlusal area is best.
ð You will be able to hear the sound for registered acquisitions.
➢ Continue the acquisition.

No correct initial suggestion possible
In the case of fewer than 2-3 teeth acquired next to the position to be
restored, the CEREC cannot create a correct initial suggestion.
➢ Always acquire at least 2-3 teeth adjacent to the position to be

Divide the acquisition into four consecutive sequences:

1. Occlusal
2. Buccal
3. Lingual
4. Proximal Occlusal scan

Important: Ensure that the distance between the coated sapphire glass
of the CEREC Omnicam and the scanned surface is observed.
The distance must be between 0 - 15 mm (ideally: 5 mm). The camera
does not rest on the teeth or the gums. If the distance is too great, no
data will be obtained.

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW 10.4 Take a scan

1. Move the CEREC Omnicam to the starting position. For this

purpose, the CEREC Omnicam is in the occlusal view of the tooth,
which is next to the prepared tooth in the distal direction.
2. Scan in the mesial direction. To do so, slowly move the CEREC
Omnicam in the occlusal direction from the distal-positioned tooth
over the prepared tooth to the mesial-positioned tooth.
With full jaw acquisitions, the scan sequence is different for the
transition to anteriors. Scanning begins with the lingual and labial areas,
before moving on to the incisors. Buccal scan

ü The CEREC Omnicam is on the adjacent tooth, in the mesial

direction to the preparation.
1. Rotate the CEREC Omnicam between 45° to maximum 90° toward
the buccal.
2. Guide the CEREC Omnicam over the entire buccal distance in the
distal direction over the prepared tooth.
With full jaw acquisitions, limit the buccal scan to no more than a
Ensure that the CEREC Omnicam is held like a flute during buccal
scans. Do not tilt it vertically to the direction of motion.
Tip: Practice guiding the camera between 45° and 90°. Lingual scan

ü The CEREC Omnicam is on the tooth that is positioned next to the

preparation in the distal direction.
1. Rotate the CEREC Omnicam from 90° in the buccal direction to
around 45° to maximum 90° in the lingual direction on the other
2. Guide the CEREC Omnicam over the entire lingual distance in the
mesial direction over the prepared tooth.

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10.4 Take a scan Operator's Manual CEREC SW Approximal surface scan

Scan the approximal surfaces of the prepared tooth.

➢ Move the CEREC Omnicam in the occlusal direction to the
prepared tooth. Acquire the approximal surfaces in the distal and
mesial direction by using a wave motion in the occlusal, buccal, and
lingual direction over the prepared tooth.
To do so, tilt the surface by 15° in the distal and mesial direction to
gain a better view of the approximal contacts.
● Remove the soft tissue.
● Cut away the moveable gingivae, so that only 2-5 mm gingivae
remains around the tooth.
● When performing this activity, be careful not to accidentally cut out
any areas that e.g. are located behind the model or are otherwise
cut away from the line.
● This cut must be completed during the ACQUISITION phase using
the cutter. Buccal registration
A buccal registration can be used to establish contact with the
ü The jaw with the preparation is scanned.
1. Scan the occlusal, buccal and lingual view of the antagonist (see
the section “Occlusal scan [→ 96]”, “Buccal scan [→ 97]” and
“Lingual scan [→ 97]”).
2. Perform a buccal scan of the bite block prior to completing the
registration. This buccal scan should be carried out close-up to the
preparation. To acquire sufficient geometry, capture the teeth of the
upper and lower jaw as well as 5 mm of the respective gingival
areas. Scanning the quadrant and jaw
The following scan regulation applies for the acquisition of a complete
quadrant or jaw arch.
The first (fourth) quadrant is scanned up to the opposite second front
tooth by moving the camera in parallel along the jaw arch.

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW 10.4 Take a scan

Start the scanning process

➢ Position the camera occlusally above the last tooth on the right, to
start the scanning process.

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Completing the scanning process

1. Start as indicated above, on the occlusal surface of the right

terminal tooth, and scan it occlusally.
Tilt the camera by 45° in a palatinal direction (oral) and guide it from
the distal to the mesial.
2. Tilt the camera another 45° in a palatinal direction (oral) and move it
in a distal direction.
3. Tilt the camera by 90° on to the occlusal surface and move it in a
mesial direction.
4. Tilt the camera in a 45° buccal direction and move it back towards
the distal.
5. Then tilt the camera a further 45° in a buccal direction to a total of
90° and move it in a mesial direction again.

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW 10.4 Take a scan

The following scan sequence is implemented for the opposite second

(third) quadrant:

1. Start by placing the device on the occlusal surface of a premolar,

that has already been scanned, and guide the camera palatally
(orally) at a mesial tilt of up to 90° across the lingual surface of the
front teeth in a distal direction towards the terminal tooth.
2. Slight tilt the camera by 45°, so that the camera is only tilted by 45°
in a palatinal direction (oral) moving from the distal and back to the
mesial to the front teeth.
3. Once you have reached the area of the front tooth, guide the
camera 45° to the buccal side and tilt the camera by 45° from the
mesial to the distal direction.
4. Once you have reached the distal, tilt the camera by another 45°
(total of 90°) further towards the buccal and guide the camera from
the distal back to the mesial direction.
5. Once you have reached the area of the front tooth, tilt the camera in
an occlusal direction and guide the camera mesially to the occlusal
surfaces right to the back distal molars.
● Remove the soft tissue.
● Cut away the moveable gingivae, so that only 2-5 mm gingivae
remains around the tooth.

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● When performing this activity, be careful not to accidentally cut out

any areas that e.g. are located behind the model or are otherwise
cut away from the line.
● This cut must be completed during the ACQUISITION phase using
the cutter. Completing measurements
ü The exposures are complete.
1. Click on the "Next" button.
Ä The virtual model is calculated and displayed in color.
Ä Gray sections highlight data material that is missing from the
calculated model.
2. If missing data emerges in the preparation area, carry out further
scans. Taking acquisitions with the CEREC Omnicam

Hot surface!
The coated sapphire layer of the CEREC Omnicam is preheated in
the camera cradle. When removing the CEREC Omnicam from its
cradle, the surface temperature of the mirror sleeve can be up to
51°C. This may cause an unpleasant heat sensation on contact with a
person's skin or mucous membrane. These temperatures will not
damage the skin or mucosal membrane.
After removing the CEREC Omnicam from the camera cradle, the
temperature of the mirror sleeve drops within a few minutes (< 5
minutes) to less than 43°C. The CEREC Omnicam is therefore
suitable for use in the patient's mouth for an unlimited period of time.
At an ambient temperature from 30°C, only select the three lower
heater settings.

Image brightness
The image brightness during the acquisition is controlled
automatically, so that there is always optimum image brightness,
largely independent of the distance between the CEREC Omnicam
and the tooth.
The surroundings of the tooth to be scanned should be as weakly
illuminated as possible. Avoid any type of external light. Switch off the
operating light.

Do not use cotton rolls in the scan area
Do not use any cotton rolls in the vicinity of the scan area.
Should any pieces of cotton roll contaminate this area, the
acquisitions will be inaccurate.

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW 10.4 Take a scan

Prevent cross-contamination
Germs can be transmitted to uncontaminated persons via the hands,
materials or objects.
➢ For hygiene reasons, wear a new set of disposable gloves for
each patient while using the CEREC Omnicam.

In the case of patients with allergies to nickel
Should the CEREC Omnicam mirror sleeve make contact with the
skin of patients allergic to nickel, allergic reactions may occur.
➢ Ensure that in the case of patients with nickel allergies, the parts
of the CEREC Omnicam mirror sleeve which may make contact
are protected from areas of skin.

Danger of injury in the case of diagnosed epilepsy
Patients who have been diagnosed with epilepsy cannot be treated
with the CEREC Omnicam.
Dentists and dental assistants who have been diagnosed with
epilepsy cannot work with the CEREC Omnicam.

ü The teeth are blow-dried.

1. Change to the "ACQUISITION" phase.
Ä The camera is ready for scanning.
Ä A live image appears which can be used to look around the
patient's mouth.
2. Remove the CEREC Omnicam from its holder.
Ä As soon as the camera is pointed over a tooth or the gums,
data acquisition begins. During the continuous data acquisition,
a color 3D model is generated automatically on the screen.
A white field indicates in which area data will be acquired. If the
automatic data flow breaks off, the white field is lost and the
audio signal changes. In this case, move the camera to any
area which has already been scanned. The scanning procedure
3. Activate the foot control or point the camera cursor to the Omnicam
icon in the bottom left corner to end the acquisition procedure.

Proceeding with scanning procedure

1. Activate the foot control or click on the Omnicam icon with the
Ä The scanning procedure begins.
2. Proceed with the scanning procedure as described above. Cut out model areas

With the "Cut" function, you can should be able to cut out model areas.
These can be areas in which parts of cotton rolls or cheeks were
unintentionally acquired.

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10.4 Take a scan Operator's Manual CEREC SW

When performing this activity, be careful not to accidentally cut out any
areas that e.g. are located behind the model or are otherwise cut away
from the line.
ü You are now in the "SCAN" phase.
1. Click on the tool wheel.
2. Click on the "Cut" button.
Ä The cursor changes to a cross.
3. Begin the cut line with a double-click.
4. Click to set additional points.
5. Finish the cut by double clicking.
Ä The model area is cut out.
6. Click the "Apply" button to implement the change.
You can execute another scan of the area which you have cut out using
the crop function. To do so, close the tool window, by clicking on the top
right corner. You can refill the area with another acquisition.

"Undo" and "Reset"

With the "Undo" button in the tools you can undo all changes made on
the selected restorations since the tool was started.

With the "Reset" button in the tools you can undo all changes made on
all restorations since the tool was started. Additional acquisitions

You can switch back from the DESIGN phase to the "SCAN" phase and
add additional exposures.
ü You are now in the DESIGN phase.
1. Click on the "SCAN" phase.
Ä The "SCAN" phase opens. The image catalogs are locked.
2. Click the "Unlock" button in the page palette.
Ä The image catalogs are unlocked.
Ä You can take additional exposures.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 11 MODEL phase
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 11.1 Editing the model

11 MODEL phase
In the "MODEL" phase, the virtual models are reconstructed based on
the acquired image catalogs.
If you would like to edit the model, change to the "Edit Model" step.
The "Upper Jaw", "Lower Jaw", "Buccal Bite Registration" and "Set
Model Axis" steps relate to the entire model (upper and lower jaw).
All other steps in the "MODEL" phase refer to the restoration currently
selected. These steps must be carried out as relevant for all

11.1 Editing the model

In the "Edit Model" step, you can work with the following tools:
● "Form"
● "Cut"
● "Replace"
● "Reset Model"
Use of the individual tools is described in the section "Page palette".

11.2 Buccal registration

The software joins the models together automatically und shows this
with a green check mark at the buccal window. If this is not possible, the
software will attempt to correlate the jaws in the following process. If this
is not possible, you can also correlate the models together manually.

Manual correlation
In this step, the virtual models of the upper and lower jaw should be
aligned with one another with the help of the buccal image in its correct
In the "Buccal Bite Registration" step, you can work with the following
tools in the page palette:
● Drag Buccal
● Turn Buccal Impression
Tool Settling
In the "Buccal Bite Tools" step, you can modify the buccal registration
semi-automatically using the "Settling" tool. This might be necessary if
the bite is blocked by an intraoral ScanPost.
Tip: The "Buccal Bite Tools" step with the "Settling" tool is only available
for the "Abutment" restoration type.

Rotating the lower and upper jaw

➢ Click in the blue area with the left mouse button and hold the button
Ä The lower jaw and upper jaw can be rotated about the vertical
axis simultaneously.
➢ Click on the lower jaw or upper jaw with the left mouse button and
hold the button down.

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11 MODEL phase Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
11.2 Buccal registration Operator's Manual CEREC SW

Ä The arches can be rotated freely, individually.

Drag Buccal
1. Rotate both models so that you can see the overlap area of the
buccal acquisition and of the upper jaw and lower jaw.
2. Now drag the buccal acquisition to the corresponding area of the
upper jaw with the mouse and let go of the mouse button (drag &

Ä The buccal acquisition automatically registers itself on the

upper jaw. If the registration was successful, this will be
indicated by a "leopard pattern". If the registration was not
successful, the buccal acquisition returns to its original position.
In this case, you must repeat the drag&drop procedure in order
to find a better correlation surface.
3. Now click on the buccal acquisition once again and drag it onto the
appropriate area of the lower jaw (drag & drop).

Ä If the registration was successful, this will be indicated by a

"leopard pattern". If the registration was not successful, the
buccal acquisition returns to its original position. In this case,
you must repeat the drag&drop procedure in order to find a
better correlation surface.
It is irrelevant whether you drag the buccal acquisition onto the lower
jaw or onto the upper jaw first.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 11 MODEL phase
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 11.2 Buccal registration

Turn Buccal Impression

In some cases, the buccal acquisition may be displayed upside down in
relation to the lower jaw and the upper jaw. Proceed as follows in such
1. Click on the upper area of the buccal image and drag it onto the
lower model.
➢ Move the mouse via "Tools" onto the "Bite Registration" button and
activate the "Turn Buccal Impression" command.
Ä The buccal acquisition will automatically flip, and you can then
register it on the jaw using the drag & drop technique.
This works in the same way vice versa, i.e. if you click on the lower area
of the buccal image and then drag it onto the upper model.

The buccal image is then displayed right side up. Registration is

possible without rotation.

The buccal image is then displayed upside down. When you begin the
registration, the software detects this and automatically flips the image
right side up.

Moving to the next step

ü The step is completed.
➢ Click on the next step to continue.

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11 MODEL phase Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
11.3 Manual correlation for image fields Operator's Manual CEREC SW

11.3 Manual correlation for image fields

If automatic correlation of the image fields does not occur, you can
compose the image fields via manual correlation. To do so, three points
must be set by double-clicking on both models.
1. Select the "Set Points" tool.

2. Double-click a prominent location (e.g. A) in a model to set a point.

3. Then double-click the corresponding location on the other model
(e.g. A').
Ä This pair of points is marked by an orange curve.
4. Set reference points B – B' and C – C' as described under items 2 –
5. Click "Apply".

11.4 Buccal bite tools

You can align buccal registration manually in this step.
In the step "Move Jaw", you can work with the following tool:
● "Move Jaw"

Positioning the upper jaw

➢ Left-click on an arrow symbol and hold the button down.
Ä You can displace or rotate the upper jaw in the corresponding

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 11 MODEL phase
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 11.5 Optional step: Set model axis

Changing axes
➢ Right-click on an arrow symbol and hold the button down.
Ä You can change the axis on which the upper jaw is rotated or

11.5 Optional step: Set model axis

The model axis is automatically suggested by the software. If you are

not satisfied with the suggestion, you can redefine the model axis. This
alignment is required to calculate optimal initial suggestions.

Aligning the occlusal view (A)

1. Align the model using the schematic mandibular arch. Each tooth
must be in the correct quadrant.
2. Align the incisors using the center lines displayed.
The following markings should help you with the alignment:
- T-shaped cross hairs for the incisal points of the incisors
- Dotted area for the molars
- Dashed area for the premolars
- Filled area for the anterior teeth
3. Hold down the left mouse button to rotate the jaw; or the right
mouse button to move the jaw. If you move a jaw, the other jaw
automatically moves as well.
4. Click to the next step to draw the preparation margin
for acquisitions with the extraoral scanner:
Click to the next step to reach the configuration of the jaw ridge line.
The settings in the model axis are adopted automatically.

Aligning the buccal view (B)

1. Align the jaw so that the incisal point and distobuccal cusp of the
first molars are parallel with the horizontal guiding lines.
2. Hold down the left mouse button to rotate the jaw; or the right
mouse button to move the jaw.
3. Click to the next step to draw the preparation margin

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11 MODEL phase Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
11.6 Entering the preparation margin Operator's Manual CEREC SW

for acquisitions with the extraoral scanner:

Click to the next step to reach the configuration of the jaw ridge line.
The settings in the model axis are adopted automatically.

Aligning the mesial view (C)

1. Align the quadrants of the jaw parallel with the horizontal guiding
2. Hold down the left mouse button to rotate the jaw; or the right
mouse button to move the jaw.
3. Click to the next step to draw the preparation margin
for acquisitions with the extraoral scanner:
Click to the next step to reach the configuration of the jaw ridge line.
The settings in the model axis are adopted automatically.

11.6 Entering the preparation margin

Automatically detect the preparation margin
You can correct the preparation margin if it is not detected with
complete accuracy or if you wish to refine the margin that has been
detected automatically.
1. Start by double-clicking in the vicinity of the point to be corrected.
Ä A new corrected line is opened and the line hangs from the
mouse cursor.
2. Redraw the line appropriately by guiding the cursor over the correct
positions and setting points with a left mouse click.
3. Continue with this procedure until the point is corrected and the end
the line with by double-clicking.

Deleting and re-entering preparation margins

1. If you want to completely delete a line and re-enter one, click
Ä The line is deleted.
2. Now enter the line manually.
3. Start by double-clicking anywhere on the preparation margin to be
Ä The line is opened and the line hangs from the mouse cursor.
4. Move the cursor over the margin and approach the first point.
Ä A green line is drawn automatically along the preparation
5. Left-click to set points in order to ensure that the drawing of the line
is set.
6. Continue the procedure until you reach the first point.
7. Close the automatic recording by double-clicking on this point (red).

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 11 MODEL phase
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 11.6 Entering the preparation margin

General information

You can enlarge or reduce the 3D view during the input or editing of
the preparation margin (see “3D Preview [→ 94]”) in order to ensure
the correct positioning of the preparation margin. Be sure to hold
down the left mouse button for a long time. A short click adds a point
to the preparation margin.

The preparation margin must always form a closed line.

You can edit the finished preparation margin after entering the last line.
Once the preparation margin is complete and has a tooth number, only
the "Manual" tool will be available. This can be used for editing.
To enter the preparation margin, a technique can be selected in the
page palette:

Technique Layout Usage

"Auto" Height image With clear prepara-
tion margins, for ini-
tially drawing in the
"Manual" Height image For unclear prepara-
tion margins, for
"Manual with intensity im- Intensity image
subsequent correc-
tion of the initial

Entering the preparation margin in the case of clear preparation

Tip: You can rotate the model during input in order to obtain a better
view of the preparation limit.
Click and hold the left mouse button and move the model with the
1. Start the entry by double-clicking anywhere on the preparation
2. Move the cursor along the preparation margin.
Tip: To support the automatic edge detection, click anywhere near
the margin on the raised side. There is an automatic correction
when the next point is set.
3. Continue this procedure until you are back at the starting point.
4. Conclude the entry by double-clicking the starting point.

Entering the preparation margin in the case of blurred preparation

If you change to "Manual" in the page palette while entering the
preparation margin, you can draw in the limit yourself.
Be careful to set the points exactly on the edge and place them close
If you wish to see the intensity image in blurred situations, change in the
"Analyzing Tools" page palette to "Intensity Image".

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11 MODEL phase Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
11.7 Defining the insertion axis Operator's Manual CEREC SW

Tip: The space bar can be used to switch back and forth between
drawing modes.

Seating Area
The "Seating Area" option (green line) can be activated via the "Tools"
page palette.
The course of the crown fit equates to the course of the stump between
the blue preparation margin line and the green line. From the green line,
the spacer goes to the set value in the parameters. The support
shoulder is set at a width of 400 µm by default.
1. Click the "Seating Area" option in the "Tools" page palette.
Ä The support shoulder (green line) is shown. You can redraw the
support shoulder.
2. Start by double-clicking in the vicinity of the point to be corrected.
Ä A new corrected support shoulder line is opened and the line
hangs from the mouse cursor.
3. Redraw the line appropriately by guiding the cursor over the correct
positions and setting points with a left mouse click.
4. Continue with this procedure until the point is corrected and the end
the line with by double-clicking.

Gingival element preparation margin

If you have selected a gingival element for the preparation margin, you
must enter the preparation margin for the element in this step.
This works in the same way as the manual drawing of a preparation
margin on a stump.

Enter the preparation margin for the next restoration

➢ Continue with the preparation margin for the next restoration by
clicking on the desired restoration in the object bar.

11.7 Defining the insertion axis

The insertion axis is automatically suggested by the software. If you are
not satisfied with the suggestion, you can redefine the insertion axis
(see “Redefining the insertion axis [→ 112]”).

11.7.1 Preparing the right insertion axis

If indentations are created by positioning the insertion axis vertically to
the occlusal surface in the preparatory steps, you must change the
direction of the insertion axis.

11.7.2 Redefining the insertion axis

Tip: Regions within a preparation margin that show an undercut from
the viewing direction are marked yellow.
➢ Change the position of the preparation such that all colored
markings disappear.
If this is not possible, (e.g. in the case of diverging stumps) make
sure that all preparation margins are completely visible from the
viewing direction and the color highlighted undercuts are as far
away as possible from the preparation margin.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 11 MODEL phase
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 11.7 Defining the insertion axis

You can set the insertion axis in 3 different ways.

1. Change the insertion axis by pulling the orange ball in the target
circle of the page palette with the left mouse button.

2. You can pull the arrows over the preparations with the left mouse
3. Rotate the model to the desired insertion axis and select the "Set
Restoration Axis" option from the page palette.
In the case of bridges, you have the option to re-define the insertion
axis of the individual stumps.
➢ To do this, click on the desired tooth in the restoration selector.
Ä All the options for setting the insertion axis are available to you.
MC XL = 4 axes (the insertion can only be set here in the bucco-lingual
direction to the bridge axis.

Moving the preparation margin

With the "Adapt margin" option in the page pallet, you are also able to
set the preparation margin outside the preparation.
The original preparation margin is shown in gray and the new location of
the preparation margin is shown in blue.
The subsequently produced restoration will be hollow in these areas.

11.7.3 Display insertion axis cover

In order to check that the insertion axis does not collide with the
neighboring teeth you can display a cover when adjusting the insertion
axis. This symbolizes the eventual crown.

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11 MODEL phase Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
11.8 Restoration axis for implant abutment Operator's Manual CEREC SW

ü You are in the "Set Restoration Axis" step.

1. In the page palette, place a check mark in front of "Show Insertion
Axis Hull".
Ä The insertion axis cover is displayed.

2. Where necessary, adjust the dimensions of the cover via the

additional "Hull Thickness" slide control in the page palette.

11.7.4 Setting the insertion axis for the gingival element

If you have selected a gingival element for the preparation margin, you
must enter the insertion axis of the gingival element in this step.

11.7.5 Preparation analysis

This step can optionally be selected after defining the insertion axis.
Here the following analyses are possible:
● Undercuts
● Distance to antagonists
● Preparation margin
● Surface condition
A key in the upper left corner of the 3D area displays the different

11.8 Restoration axis for implant abutment

This step is only available if "Abutment" is selected as the indication.
A restoration axis is suggested automatically, that can be manually

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 11 MODEL phase
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 11.9 Finishing the phase

To do so, left-click the circle highlighted in orange, in the center of the

target displayed. Press and hold the key and change the restoration
axis to the desired direction.

Angulation of more than 20° to the implant axis is not permitted. If the
angulation is more than 20° the workflow stops and cannot be
continued any further.

For the "Multilayer Abutment" indication, the restoration axis

corresponds to the insertion axis of the crown on the abutment or an
angled abutment.

11.9 Finishing the phase

ü The next phase is can be selected.
1. Click on the next phase.
➢ Click on the double arrow.
Ä The program switches over to the next phase.

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12 DESIGN phase Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
12.1 Restoration parameters Operator's Manual CEREC SW

12 DESIGN phase
Tip: In the DESIGN phase you can group with the following key
● Ctrl + left mouse button
● Shift key + left mouse button

12.1 Restoration parameters

Before further editing, you can check the parameters for this restoration
and make any changes that are necessary. The values set here refer
only to the current restoration.
This step is optional. If you skip this step, the global parameters will be
You can set the parameters as described in the “Parameters” section.

12.2 Morphology step

The "Morphology" step offers you the following options:
Tools ● Whether the restorations should be calculated fully by the
Morphology ● Whether you want to specify the tooth shape (for anterior teeth)
● Whether the suggestion should be made using a database tooth In
this version, the databases of VITA, Candulor, and Merz are
The morphology is selected separately according to anterior and
Upper Anteriors
posterior teeth.
To do this, click on tooth shape to specify a tooth shape for anterior
Posteriors teeth or select the tooth database to select a database tooth.


Tooth Shape

Tooth DB

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW 12.3 Positioning step

12.3 Positioning step

In the "Positioning" step, you can modify the position of the teeth. The
Tools teeth are not yet taken into account in the preparation margin in this
step and can be moved freely. The "Position and Rotate" and "Scale"
tools are available to you for this purpose. Place the mouse above the
relevant tooth in order to display the tool handle. The new positioning
can be performed for each tooth, or you can group neighboring
Position and Rotate
restorations (Ctrl/shift key + left mouse button) and thus process several
teeth simultaneously. When you group the teeth, the software takes
account of the contact situation of the selected teeth. For example, this
Scale means that if one tooth in a group is enlarged, the others are reduced in
size. The same mechanism applies when positioning the teeth. The
teeth are adjusted in size to the modified conditions here, too.
Snap to Biojaw If "Linear" is checked, all grouped restorations are moved, enlarged or
reduced to the same extent. The linear function is only active if multiple
teeth are grouped.
With the "Snap to Biojaw" option, the initial position of the edge of the
preparation is ignored for the benefit of an even course of the
Constrained Adoption mandibular arch. This allows natural malpositions in the mandibular
arch to be compensated for to a certain degree.
If the "Constrained Adoption" function is checked (default), the initial
suggestion is adjusted once more in shape and position to
accommodate the contact situation, material thickness and the edge of
the preparation. If this is not desired, this option can be deactivated.
Then the suggestion is only calculated for the edge of the preparation
and the shape and positioning remains the same. This may mean that
material has to be manually applied so material wall thicknesses can be

12.4 Editing the restoration

The virtual model provides a visualization and design of a restoration in
Once the restoration has been calculated, you can change the
restoration with the tools in the toolbar.
The individual tools and their applications are described in the section
"Tools and functions of the page palette".

Group page palette

You can also edit multiple restorations at the same time with the
"Group" function instead of using the key combinations.
1. Open the "Group" page palette.
2. Select the "Group" function.
3. Click on the desired teeth/restorations in the object bar.
Ä The orange selection color provides information on the objects
assembled together.
4. Click on the "Group" button again to deactivate Grouping and to edit
the selected restorations together.

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12 DESIGN phase Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
12.5 Finishing the phase Operator's Manual CEREC SW

12.5 Finishing the phase

ü The next phase is can be selected.
1. Click on the next phase.
➢ Click on the double arrow.
Ä The program switches over to the next phase.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 13 MANUFACTURING phase
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 13.1 Selecting the color


13.1 Selecting the color

13.1.1 CEREC SpeedFire
When using zirconia and IPS e.max CA in a CEREC SpeedFire
sintering oven, the color of the block must be selected in advance in the
software. This ensures use of the appropriate parameters.
ü In the ADMINISTRATION phase, you have selected the “CEREC
zirconia”, “inCoris TZI C”, “inCoris TZI”, or “IPS e.max CAD”
1. Select the "Select Color" step.
2. Select the desired color by clicking on the color in the color center.
3. Click the "OK" button.

13.1.2 CEREC Blocs C In

You can set the color of the restoration and the incisal edge for
"CEREC Blocs C In" materials.
ü You have selected the "CEREC Blocs C In" material in the
1. Select the "Select Color" step.
2. Select the desired color by clicking on the color in the color center.
3. Click "Incisal Edge".
4. If necessary, adjust the dentine core of the individual situation in the
incisal or apical direction.
5. Click the "OK" button.
6. The software sets the restoration in the block according to the
selected parameters.

13.2 Page palette manufacture / export

In this page palette, you can determine a grinding and milling unit and
choose its CEREC SpeedFire sintering oven (if connected).
Here you can also select the editing options as a sub-menu of the
relevant machine (see “Changing editing settings [→ 120]”).

13.2.1 Manual firmware update

If the grinding and milling unit firmware is not up to date, this is indicated
by a red exclamation mark and a tooltip (pop-up window that appears if
you hover over the symbol for 1-2 seconds). If you click on the symbol,
you are taken to the corresponding configuration menu of the grinding
and milling unit. You can perform the update there manually via the
"Update Firmware" button, which appears approximately 5 seconds
after a check is performed to check the current firmware version.

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13.2 Page palette manufacture / export Operator's Manual CEREC SW

13.2.2 Changing editing settings Grinding – production options

Grinding Fast

Loss of quality
Fast grinding may have a negative influence on the quality of the

If desired, the grinding process can be accelerated for some materials.

You can activate the "Fast" button if you require this.
This mode is faster, however, the surface of the milled restoration is
slightly rougher.
In this mode the level of detail is automatically set to "High" and the
processing mode to "Fast".

Grinding Fine
This is the standard grinding mode and can be used for all indications
and materials.
In this mode the level of detail is automatically set to "High" and the
processing mode to "Normal".

Grinding Extra Fine

In connection with an MC XL (4-motor machine), you have the
possibility of choosing the "Extra Fine" option.
You must equip your machine with the following instruments for this:
● In instrument set 1: Instruments of type "Extra Fine":
● In instrument set 2: Instruments of type “Standard”.
Grinding times are around 100% longer.
In this mode the level of detail is automatically set to "Very High" and
the processing mode to "Normal".

The "Extra Fine" grinding option can only be selected for final

From the CEREC SW 4.6, the "Occlusal Offset" parameter is set in
the MANUFACTURE phase. This value relates solely to the grinding
result and is not available for milling. Apply or remove material in the
occlusal direction over the entire occlusal surface with this setting.
The effects are not visible in the software.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 13 MANUFACTURING phase
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 13.2 Page palette manufacture / export Milling – production options

Fast milling
Eliminates special processes and increases cutting parameters as well
as the path spacing for optimum editing times with very good quality.
This mode is only available if the "Margin Thickness" parameter is set to
100 µm or more for the restoration.
In this mode the level of detail is automatically set to "High" and the
processing mode to "Fast".

Fine milling
Comprises the same process steps as the "Fast" stage but with reduced
path spacing.
In this mode the level of detail is automatically set to "High" and the
processing mode to "Normal".

Customized milling
This mode provides greater flexibility with the individual settings for the
level of detail and the processing mode. Veneer mode

Veneer mode
Veneer mode ensures that grinding and milling takes even the finest
structures into account. This stops the veneer and anterior crowns

13.2.3 Exporting a restoration

You can export individual restorations in order to
● process them with the CEREC CAM SW software
● save them for shipment to infiniDent or
● save them in a different format.
TIP: To reuse blocks which have been ground, export the restoration to
the CEREC CAM SW. It is not possible to call up blocks which have
already been ground in the CEREC SW milling preview.

CEREC CAM restora- The restoration is stored in *.cam file for-

tions mat. This file format can be read only by
CEREC CAM SW software.
File restoration The restoration is saved as an *.i.clab file.
This file format can be processed by in-
If a corresponding license is available, the
restoration also can be saved as an *.stl
file. This format can be processed by any
other program that can interpret STL data.
For STL exports you can choose whether
you wish to also want to export the bore-
hole or not (place or remove a check mark
before "Close screw hole").

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13 MANUFACTURING phase Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
13.3 Block size selection page palette Operator's Manual CEREC SW

Nature and source of the danger
Sirona will not be held liable for the further processing of *.stl data in
other/external software.

13.3 Block size selection page palette

Block Sizes
In the "Block Sizes" page palette, you can select the right block size.
The last selected block size is always preselected to start with.


The block sizes which are smaller than the currently selected
restoration are indicated with a yellow warning sign.

13.4 Positioning restorations in the block

You can use the positioning tools to move the block around the
restoration, turn it, and determine the sprue location.
The tools are described in the “Tools” section.
2 pinned connection options are available for grinding purposes.
Nesting the restoration in a block is always attempted (multiple sprue
locations). To take full advantage of the block, the software switches to
one sprue location for individual elements. You can generate a nest
again at any time by selecting a larger block.

13.5 Changing block sizes

The block size is automatically suggested by the software. You can
change the block size in the "Block Sizes" side palette.
➢ Click on the selected block size in the side palette. Blocks that are
not suitable on account of the size are marked by an additional
symbol in the page palette.
Ä The restoration is positioned in the block selected by you.

13.6 Starting the production process

Once you have completed the design and assessed the restoration in
the preview, you can produce the restoration.
For further information on milling or grinding, please see the
corresponding Operating Instructions for the units.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 14 Design examples
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 14.1 Abutment - Biogeneric individual - MultiLayer

14 Design examples

14.1 Abutment - Biogeneric individual - MultiLayer

This example describes the procedure for designing an abutment with
matching crown with neighboring teeth present that are in good order.
Design example "Abutment" with design mode "Biogeneric
Individual" ("Split": "MultiLayer") on tooth 26 (#14).

14.1.1 Create a new restoration

ü You have selected a case or created a new one.
ü You are now in the ADMINISTRATION phase.
1. Select the restoration type "Abutment".
2. Select the restoration type "Multilayer Abutment".
3. Select the design mode "Biogeneric Individual".
4. Select a material from the desired manufacturer as the framework
material from which the abutment should be produced.
5. Select a material from the desired manufacturer as the veneering
structure from which the crown should be produced.
6. Optional: If you are using multiple grinding and milling units, you
can choose which machine you would like to use for the case in the
"Select Milling Device" step.
7. Select the desired TiBase.

Not all TiBases can be selected
It is possible that not all TiBases can be selected depending on the
framework material selected and the country stipulated for your

8. Select whether you wish to use the TiBase or ScanPost for


For intraoral application: ScanPost recommended
Using a ScanPost is recommended for intraoral application as the
correct positioning of the scanbody can only be reviewed in this case.

9. Click on the tooth for which the restoration must be set up.
Ä The selected tooth is marked.
10. Change to phase ACQUISITION.

14.1.2 Scanning a preparation

1. Acquire the preparation (see "ACQUISITION phase [→ 93]").
2. If you have formed an emergence profile then starting the
acquisition of this region directly after removing the gingiva former is
3. You can also complete scans of the opposite jaw and the buccal
bite registration as an option.

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14 Design examples Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
14.1 Abutment - Biogeneric individual - MultiLayer Operator's Manual CEREC SW

4. Now insert the ScanPost with the scanbody. Switch to the

"Scanbody" image catalog for the relevant jaw and scan the
scanbody. NOTE! Ensure that the ScanPost itself as well as the
transition from the gingiva to the ScanPost have been captured
properly and that there is no interruption.
5. Ensure that you also scan toothed areas (two additional teeth in all
cases) in order to guarantee the registration for the preparation
6. If all required acquisitions are present, change to phase MODEL.

14.1.3 Editing the model

ü The step Edit Model is active.
1. With the tool "Form", apply, remove or smoothen material (see
2. With the tool "Cut", cut out unnecessary image areas (see Cut out
model areas [→ 68]).
3. Correct defects with the tool "Replace" (see Correcting defects
[→ 69]).

14.1.4 Bite registration

ü The "Bite Registration" step is optional. The bite registration is
generally automatic.
➢ Complete a manual buccal registration if necessary (see "Buccal
registration [→ 105]").

14.1.5 Set model axis

ü The step "Set Model Axis" is active.
➢ Set the axes for model alignment (see Set model axis). Please
ensure a consistent representation here.

14.1.6 Mask areas

ü The "Trim Area" step is active.
➢ Cut away the distal and mesial neighbors, so that you input an open
line in each case (see "Trimming the preparation").

14.1.7 Select Scanbody

ü The step "Click Scanbody Head" is active.
➢ Double-click the Scanbody you are working on.

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Operator's Manual CEREC SW 14.1 Abutment - Biogeneric individual - MultiLayer

14.1.8 Editing the baseline

The "Edit Base Line" step is active.

The baseline (emergence line, blue) is suggested automatically (A).

If you deselect the "Use Gingiva Mask" option, an emergence profile is
suggested automatically (B).
If necessary, adjust the baseline as follows.
1. Start the entry by double-clicking anywhere on the baseline. Draw a
new baseline by clicking along the desired path.
2. Complete the entry with a double-click on a point on the old

Editing the baseline is possible both for the automatic emergence
profile and the gingiva-based emergence profile.

The baseline for the pontic can also be entered on the gingival mask.
To do so, the corresponding option must be activated in the tool.

14.1.9 Define restoration axis

Determine the angulation for the abutment (see "Restoration axis for
implant abutment [→ 114]").

14.1.10 Editing the restoration

The virtual model provides a visualization and design of a restoration in
Once the restoration has been calculated, you can change the
restoration with the tools in the toolbar.
The individual tools and their applications are described in the "Page
palette [→ 21]" section. Designing the final outer shape of the
restoration first of all is useful before you divide this into abutment and

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14 Design examples Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
14.2 Abutment - Biogeneric individual Operator's Manual CEREC SW

Start with the rough tools first and position the restoration. Then
implement the smaller corrections. The same editing recommendations
that apply to crowns also apply to the area around the crown.
Using the "Shape" / "Circular" tool is recommended for adjusting the
emergence profile.

Edit layers individually

ü The step "Edit Restoration" is active.
1. Select the "Split" tool.
Ä The crown is displayed transparently.

2. With the mouse pointer, go to the bottom edge of the picture.

Ä The restoration range expands. 2 restorations are represented
for the tooth position.
3. Click on the icon for crown or abutment, to toggle between the two
4. Use the tools from the page palette to edit whichever restoration is
5. Start with the editing of the abutment. Use the "Scale" tool to adjust
the height of the abutment and the course of the shoulder.
6. Please note that changes to the abutment affect the crown design.
By switching to the crown you can check e.g. whether the minimum
wall thickness has still been observed for the crown after the
shoulder has been narrowed.
Change to the MANUFACTURE phase. Both restoration layers have to
be developed individually.

14.1.11 Creating restorations

1. In step "Milling Unit", select the device with which the restoration will
be edited.
2. In step "Change Block Size", change the block size, where
3. In step "Adjust Mill Position", position the restoration in the block,
where necessary.
4. Start the editing process.

14.2 Abutment - Biogeneric individual

This example describes the procedure for designing a directly screw-
retained crown with neighboring teeth present that are in good order.
Design example "Abutment" with design mode "Biogeneric Individual"
on tooth 26 (#14).

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 14 Design examples
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 14.2 Abutment - Biogeneric individual

14.2.1 Create a new restoration

ü You have selected a case or created a new one.
ü You are now in the ADMINISTRATION phase.
1. Select the restoration type "Abutment".
2. Select the restoration type "Screw Retained Crown".
3. Select the design mode "Biogeneric Individual".
4. Select a material from the desired manufacturer from which the
crown should be produced.
5. Optional: If you are using multiple grinding and milling units, you
can choose which machine you would like to use for the case in the
"Select Milling Device" step.
6. Select the desired TiBase.

Not all TiBases can be selected
It is possible that not all TiBases can be selected depending on the
framework material selected and the country stipulated for your

7. Select whether you wish to use the TiBase or ScanPost for


For intraoral application: ScanPost recommended
Using a ScanPost is recommended for intraoral application as the
correct positioning of the scanbody can only be reviewed in this case.

8. Click on the tooth for which the restoration must be set up.
Ä The selected tooth is marked.
9. Change to the ACQUISITION phase.

14.2.2 Scanning a preparation

1. Acquire the preparation (see "ACQUISITION phase [→ 93]").
2. If you have formed an emergence profile then starting the
acquisition of this region directly after removing the gingiva former is
3. You can also complete scans of the opposite jaw and the buccal
bite registration as an option.
4. Now insert the ScanPost with the scanbody. Switch to the
"Scanbody" image catalog for the relevant jaw and scan the
scanbody. NOTE! Ensure that the ScanPost itself as well as the
transition from the gingiva to the ScanPost have been captured
properly and that there is no interruption.
5. Ensure that you also scan toothed areas (two additional teeth in all
cases) in order to guarantee the registration for the preparation
6. If all required acquisitions are present, change to phase MODEL.

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14 Design examples Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
14.2 Abutment - Biogeneric individual Operator's Manual CEREC SW

14.2.3 Editing the model

ü The step Edit Model is active.
1. With the tool "Form", apply, remove or smoothen material (see
2. With the tool "Cut", cut out unnecessary image areas (see Cut out
model areas [→ 68]).
3. Correct defects with the tool "Replace" (see Correcting defects
[→ 69]).

14.2.4 Bite registration

ü The "Bite Registration" step is optional. The bite registration is
generally automatic.
➢ Complete a manual buccal registration if necessary (see "Buccal
registration [→ 105]").

14.2.5 Set model axis

ü The step "Set Model Axis" is active.
➢ Set the axes for model alignment (see Set model axis). Please
ensure a consistent representation here.

14.2.6 Mask areas

ü The "Trim Area" step is active.
➢ Cut away the distal and mesial neighbors, so that you input an open
line in each case (see "Trimming the preparation").

14.2.7 Select Scanbody

ü The step "Click Scanbody Head" is active.
➢ Double-click the Scanbody you are working on.

14.2.8 Editing the baseline

The "Edit Base Line" step is active.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 14 Design examples
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 14.2 Abutment - Biogeneric individual

The baseline (emergence line, blue) is suggested automatically (A).

If you deselect the "Use Gingiva Mask" option, an emergence profile is
suggested automatically (B).
If necessary, adjust the baseline as follows.
1. Start the entry by double-clicking anywhere on the baseline. Draw a
new baseline by clicking along the desired path.
2. Complete the entry with a double-click on a point on the old

Editing the baseline is possible both for the automatic emergence
profile and the gingiva-based emergence profile.

The baseline for the pontic can also be entered on the gingival mask.
To do so, the corresponding option must be activated in the tool.

14.2.9 Define restoration axis

This work step can be skipped.

14.2.10 Editing the restoration

The virtual model provides a visualization and design of a restoration in
Once the restoration has been calculated, you can change the
restoration with the tools in the toolbar.
The individual tools and their applications are described in the "Page
palette [→ 21]" section.
Start with the rough tools first and position the restoration. Then
implement the smaller corrections. The same editing recommendations
that apply to crowns also apply to the area around the crown.
Using the "Shape" / "Circular" tool is recommended for adjusting the
emergence profile.
ü The step "Edit Restoration" is active.
➢ Use the tools from the page palette to edit the restoration.

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14 Design examples Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
14.3 Abutment - framework Operator's Manual CEREC SW

14.2.11 Grinding the restoration

1. In step "Milling Unit", select the tool with which the restoration
needs to be ground.
2. In step "Change Block Size", change the block size, where
3. In step "Adjust Mill Position", position the restoration in the block,
where necessary.
4. Start the milling process.

14.3 Abutment - framework

This example describes the procedure for designing an abutment.
Design example "Abutment" with design mode "Framework" on tooth 26

14.3.1 Create a new restoration

ü You have selected a case or created a new one.
ü You are now in the ADMINISTRATION phase.
1. Select the restoration type "Abutment".
2. Select the restoration type "Framework Abutment".
3. Select a material from the desired manufacturer from which the
abutment should be produced.
4. Optional: If you are using multiple grinding and milling units, you
can choose which machine you would like to use for the case in the
"Select Milling Device" step.
5. Select the desired TiBase.

Not all TiBases can be selected
It is possible that not all TiBases can be selected depending on the
framework material selected and the country stipulated for your

6. Select whether you wish to use the TiBase or ScanPost for


For intraoral application: ScanPost recommended
Using a ScanPost is recommended for intraoral application as the
correct positioning of the scanbody can only be reviewed in this case.

7. Click on the tooth for which the restoration must be set up.
Ä The selected tooth is marked.
8. Change to the ACQUISITION phase.

64 34 190 D3534
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 14 Design examples
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 14.3 Abutment - framework

14.3.2 Scanning a preparation

1. Acquire the preparation (see "ACQUISITION phase [→ 93]").
2. If you have formed an emergence profile then starting the
acquisition of this region directly after removing the gingiva former is
3. You can also complete scans of the opposite jaw and the buccal
bite registration as an option.
4. Now insert the ScanPost with the scanbody. Switch to the
"Scanbody" image catalog for the relevant jaw and scan the
scanbody. NOTE! Ensure that the ScanPost itself as well as the
transition from the gingiva to the ScanPost have been captured
properly and that there is no interruption.
5. Ensure that you also scan toothed areas (two additional teeth in all
cases) in order to guarantee the registration for the preparation
6. If all required acquisitions are present, change to phase MODEL.

14.3.3 Editing the model

ü The step Edit Model is active.
1. With the tool "Form", apply, remove or smoothen material (see
2. With the tool "Cut", cut out unnecessary image areas (see Cut out
model areas [→ 68]).
3. Correct defects with the tool "Replace" (see Correcting defects
[→ 69]).

14.3.4 Bite registration

ü The "Bite Registration" step is optional. The bite registration is
generally automatic.
➢ Complete a manual buccal registration if necessary (see "Buccal
registration [→ 105]").

14.3.5 Set model axis

ü The step "Set Model Axis" is active.
➢ Set the axes for model alignment (see Set model axis). Please
ensure a consistent representation here.

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14 Design examples Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
14.3 Abutment - framework Operator's Manual CEREC SW

14.3.6 Mask areas

ü The "Trim Area" step is active.
➢ Cut away the distal and mesial neighbors, so that you input an open
line in each case (see "Trimming the preparation").

14.3.7 Select Scanbody

ü The step "Click Scanbody Head" is active.
➢ Double-click the Scanbody you are working on.

14.3.8 Editing the baseline

The "Edit Base Line" step is active.

The baseline (emergence line, blue) is suggested automatically (A).

If you deselect the "Use Gingiva Mask" option, an emergence profile is
suggested automatically (B).
If necessary, adjust the baseline as follows.
1. Start the entry by double-clicking anywhere on the baseline. Draw a
new baseline by clicking along the desired path.
2. Complete the entry with a double-click on a point on the old

Editing the baseline is possible both for the automatic emergence
profile and the gingiva-based emergence profile.

64 34 190 D3534
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 14 Design examples
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 14.3 Abutment - framework

The baseline for the pontic can also be entered on the gingival mask.
To do so, the corresponding option must be activated in the tool.

14.3.9 Define restoration axis

This work step can be skipped.

14.3.10 Editing the restoration

The virtual model provides a visualization and design of a restoration in
Once the restoration has been calculated, you can change the
restoration with the tools in the toolbar.
The individual tools and their applications are described in the "Page
palette [→ 21]" section.
Use the "Scale" tool to adjust the general size and shape of the
abutment. Adjusting the emergence profile with the "Shape" / "Circular"
tool is recommended if the shoulder has been defined.
ü The step "Edit Restoration" is active.
➢ Use the tools from the page palette to edit the restoration.

14.3.11 Grinding the restoration

1. In step "Milling Unit", select the tool with which the restoration
needs to be ground.
2. In step "Change Block Size", change the block size, where
3. In step "Adjust Mill Position", position the restoration in the block,
where necessary.
4. Start the milling process.

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15 Tips and Tricks Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
15.1 Shortcut keys Operator's Manual CEREC SW

15 Tips and Tricks

15.1 Shortcut keys

Tip: Press and hold down the "Alt" key on the keyboard to see the
keyboard shortcuts. All available functions that can be reached using
the keyboard shortcuts are visible on the corresponding buttons.

System menu

Shortcut keys Meaning

Ctrl + N Closes the current case and the application re-
turns to the start screen.
Ctrl + S Saves the current case.
Ctrl + Alt + S Saves the current case under a new patient.
Ctrl + I Opens the file import dialog for importing a file.
Ctrl + E Opens the file export dialog for exporting a file.
Ctrl + Q, Exits the application.
Alt + F4
F1 Opens the Help section.
Alt + F2 Opens the configuration
F11 Full frame mode


Shortcut keys Meaning

Ctrl + F1 Switches to the ADMINISTRATION phase, if
Ctrl + F2 Switches to the SCAN phase, if available.
Ctrl + F3 Switches to the MODEL phase, if available.
Ctrl + F4 Switches to the DESIGN phase, if available.
Ctrl + F5 Switches to the MANUFACTURE phase, if avail-
Ctrl + F2 Opens the configuration, if it is available.

Opening the tool wheel and page palette

Shortcut keys Meaning

Alt + V Opens the "View Options" menu in the page pal-
Alt+ T Opens the "Tools" menu in the page palette.
Alt + D Opens the "Display Objects" menu in the page
Alt +A Opens the "Analyzing Tools" menu in the page
Alt +L Opens the "Link Options" menu.

64 34 190 D3534
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 15 Tips and Tricks
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 15.1 Shortcut keys

Shortcut keys Meaning

Ctrl + Num 3 Changes to buccal display, left
Ctrl + Num 5 Changes to centered display
Ctrl + Num 2 Changes to cervical display, bottom
Ctrl + Num 9 Changes to distal display, rear
Ctrl + Num 7 Changes to lingual display, right
Ctrl + Num 1 Changes to mesial display, front
Ctrl + Num 8 Changes to occlusal display, top

Analyzing Tools

Shortcut keys Meaning

Ctrl + O Displays or hides the occlusal contacts.
Ctrl + B Displays or hides the box of the model.
Ctrl + C Starts/ends the "Slice" analysis tool.
Ctrl + D Displays or hides the details on the mouse cur-
Ctrl + T Start/ends the distance analysis tool.
Ctrl + G Displays or hides the grid.
Ctrl + Alt + M Displays and hides the model color.


Shortcut keys Meaning

1 Change to the Lower Jaw image catalog
2 Change to the Upper Jaw image catalog
3 Change to the Buccal image catalog
4-9 Inserts image catalogs onto the page palette ac-
cording to their sequence and selects these di-
Right arrow Changes to the right, to the next image catalog.
If this is not yet available, the corresponding im-
age catalog is applied.
Left arrow Changes to the left, to the next image catalog.
If this is not yet available, the corresponding im-
age catalog is applied.
Space bar Switches the camera on or off
Return Changes to manual mode or triggers an acquisi-
+ Starts the acquisitions in automatic acquisition
- Ends the acquisitions in automatic acquisition

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15 Tips and Tricks Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
15.1 Shortcut keys Operator's Manual CEREC SW

Tools – Edit Restoration

Shortcut keys Meaning

Alt + F Opens the "Form" tool.
Alt + S Opens the "Shape" tool.
Alt + R Opens the "Reduce" tool.
Alt + B Opens the "Biogeneric Variation" tool.
Alt + C Opens the "Contacts" tool.
Alt + M Opens the "Position and Rotate" tool.
Alt + X Opens the "Recalculate" tool.
Alt + L Opens the "Connector Lines" tool.
Alt + 0 Opens the "Connector Move" tool.
Alt + I Opens the "Facial Variation" tool.
Alt + E Opens the "Edit Base Line" tool.
Ctrl + C Activates the "Slice" analysis tool.

Tools – Edit Model

Shortcut keys Meaning

Alt + C Opens the "Cut" tool.
Alt + E Opens the "Replace Tool..." tool.
Alt + F Opens the "Form" tool.
Alt + R Opens the "Reset Model" tool.
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Y Repeat
Ctrl + Alt + Z Resets the changes made with the tool.
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + V Insert
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + A Mark all

Tools – Display Objects

Shortcut keys Meaning

Ctrl + B Displays or hides the box of the model.
Ctrl + M Opens the "Minimal Thickness" tool.
Ctrl + U Hides the jaw which has the active restoration.

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 16 Sirona Connect portal
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 16.1 Starting the Sirona Connect portal

16 Sirona Connect portal

16.1 Starting the Sirona Connect portal

ü The start screen is active.
➢ Click the "Sirona Connect Portal" button on the step by step menu.
Ä The login window is displayed.
You can log in to the Sirona Connect portal here. You must register as a
dentist on the Sirona Connect homepage for this.

Model data in the Sirona Connect Portal

The user contact data is saved within Sirona Connect and is used by
Sirona to make contact if necessary. The users should send patient
data via Sirona Connect in anonymized form only wherever possible.
Sirona Connect deletes this data at regular intervals.

16.2 Registration and functions of the Sirona Connect

1. Go to the Sirona Connect homepage and click on "Dentist
Ä The application software now guides you through the log-in
2. Enter all required information there.
Ä On completing registration successfully, you will receive an e-
mail stating from Sirona Connect with an activation link.
3. Click on the link in the e-mail to activate your account.
Under "My account" you have the option of amending your user data
and saving additional information such as your Skype™ ID.
Under "My favorite Laboratories" you can add up to 5 laboratories with
which you are able to work via Sirona Connect. For this click on "Search
labs" and enter at least your zip code and an area for the search. Via
the "add" and "remove" buttons you can adapt your favorite
Under the "External portals" link you have the option of linking the
Sirona Connect portal with other portals. If you do connect with other
portals, the data-protection regulations apply for the other portal that is
connected. Depending on the external portal you may need its access
data to log on.
You can also change your password in this area and display your
Sirona Connect order list.
Under the "User Administration" link you can create new users, e.g. if
there are multiple users working in a practice, and manage their access

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16 Sirona Connect portal Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
16.3 Log out of the Sirona Connect software at the portal Operator's Manual CEREC SW

16.3 Log out of the Sirona Connect software at the

1. Enter user name and password.
2. Activate the relevant option if you want to save the user name and
3. In the step menu, click on "Ok".
Ä The data are uploaded in parallel to the information being
entered in the portal.

16.4 Check restoration information

You can check the restoration information in the first step.
To the left of the overview the restoration information is shown for each
restoration that was created in the "ADMINISTRATION" phase.
If the data are not correct you have to change them in the
"ADMINISTRATION" phase. You can leave the portal with "Exit Portal".
If the data is correct you can click on "Enter Order Data" to move to the
next step.

16.5 Enter order data

In this step you can select the lab to which the case is to be sent and
enter the desired delivery date.

Maximum 5 labs
You can save a maximum of 5 labs in the list of your favorite labs.

Via "Edit your favourite laboratories" you can add labs to or delete labs
from the list.
Under "Return Date" you can select the delivery date by clicking on the
desired day in the calendar. Under "Time" you can also state a delivery
Then click on "Add Additional Information" to go on to the next step.
Your preferred laboratory has saved individual order information, which
must be entered for the return date.

16.6 Add additional information

In this step you must add the patient's gender and insurance type
(Germany only).
Under "Additional Instructions", either a wide text field is provided or
individual fields for further information are shown, which were created
by their laboratory.
Using the "Additional Files" function you can send additional files
Then click on the "Add To Cart" button to move to the shopping cart.

64 34 190 D3534
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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH 16 Sirona Connect portal
Operator's Manual CEREC SW 16.7 Shopping cart

16.7 Shopping cart

In the shopping cart you can check the order details, modify them or
delete the order from the shopping cart.
As soon as the file has been fully uploaded and all the information is
correct, you can send the order to your lab via "Submit cart". To do so
under "Verification" you must enter your password and confirm it with
"Ok". The order list is then inserted automatically.

16.8 Order list

You can filter the orders by the various statuses via the filter next to the
In order to view the order details you must click the relevant order in the
list so that it is highlighted in orange. Then you can view the details by
clicking on "View Order" in the step menu.

64 34 190 D3534
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Index Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Operator's Manual CEREC SW


A Biogeneric Individual, 63

Articulation, 90 Copy & mirror, 63

Reference plane, 90 Intersection, 63

Articulator Designing

Articulation parameters, 90 Anatomical, 72

Dynamic contact points, 92 Manual, 73

FGP, 91 Size, 73

Occlusal compass, 92 Display objects

BioCopy LJ, 81
B BioCopy UJ, 81
Biogeneric morphology, 73 Gingival mask LJ, 81
Buccal registration Gingival mask UJ, 81
Correcting an optical impression, 65 Implant, 81
Rotating exposures, 66 Lower jaw, 80
Minimum thickness, 80
C Restoration, 80
Transparency, 80
Warm-up time, 95
Trimmed model, 80
Upper jaw, 80
Importing, 54
Displaying a restoration in model color, 83
CE mark, 11
Double arrow keys, 23
MODEL, 105 E
Code library, 55 Entering the preparation margin, 111
Color scheme, 82 Automatic, 70
Contact surfaces Manual, 70
Restoration, 82 Manual with intensity image, 71
Virtual model, 82
Contacts, 75 L
Customer service center, 9 Licenses, 55

Inverting the model area, 68
Removing the model area, 68
HTML format, 17

D PDF format, 17

Declaration of conformity, 11 Manufacturer's address, 9

Design mode Moving

Anatomic, 63 Move, 75

Biogeneric Copy, 63 Rotating, 76

64 34 190 D3534
140 D3534. 04.2018
Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Index
Operator's Manual CEREC SW

Odontogram Safety instructions, 15
ADA, 17 Scaling
FDI, 17 Modifying the size, 78
P Apply material, 66
Positioning Modifying the size, 67
Moving, 71 Removing material, 67
Rotating, 71 Smoothing, 66
Scaling, 72 Smile Design, 87
Product safety, 14 Formats, 88
Reference image, 88
Resolution, 88
Resetting contact areas, 75
Uninstallation, 26
Cut, 83
Step menu, 23
Displaying height and thickness, 84
Distance measurement, 84
Dynamics, 90 Tool
Exporting, 55 Adjusting connectors, 78
Save as, 54 Biogeneric variation, 73
Saving, 54 Buccal registration, 65
Restoration type Contacts, 75
Bridge restoration, 61 Cut, 68
Connector, 61 Designing, 73
Crown, 60 Entering the preparation margin, 70
Inlay/onlay, 60 Moving, 75
Missing, 60, 61 Positioning, 71
Pontic, 61 Replace, 69
Single tooth restoration, 60 Resetting the model, 69
Veneer, 60 shape, 66
Rotate Sprue location, 75
Buccal image, 107 Trimming, 70
Lower and upper jaw, 105 Tool wheel, 22, 78
Tools, 64
Discarding parts, 70
Inverting the selection, 70

64 34 190 D3534
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Index Sirona Dental Systems GmbH
Operator's Manual CEREC SW

View options, 64
Global, 64
Local, 64

64 34 190 D3534
142 D3534. 04.2018
We reserve the right to make any alterations which may be required due to technical improvements.

© Sirona Dental Systems GmbH Sprache: englisch Printed in Germany

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Sirona Dental Systems GmbH

Fabrikstr. 31 Order No 64 34 190 D3534

64625 Bensheim

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