Treatment of Date Palm Bres Mesh: in Uence On The Rheological and Mechanical Properties of Bre-Cement Composites
Treatment of Date Palm Bres Mesh: in Uence On The Rheological and Mechanical Properties of Bre-Cement Composites
Treatment of Date Palm Bres Mesh: in Uence On The Rheological and Mechanical Properties of Bre-Cement Composites
h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: An experimental study was conducted on the influence of different treatments of date palm fibres on the
Received 21 January 2020 properties of mortars in both fresh and hardened states. Three types of treatment were discussed: boiling
Received in revised form 15 September water treatment, sodium hydroxide treatment and a polymer surface treatment based on linseed oil. As a
first step, tests of water absorption, setting times and direct tensile strength were performed on single
Accepted 20 September 2020
Available online 6 January 2021
fibres to assess the relevance of the predominant parameter for each treatment. Thereafter, unreinforced
mortar and mortars reinforced with raw and treated date palm fibres were made and tested using a flow
table test, as well as for porosity accessible to water, three-point bending strength, compressive strength
Date palm fibre
and capillary water absorption. The results for individual fibres show that treatments with a 3-hour boil-
Water boiling treatment ing of the fibres, a 3% NaOH concentration, and a 1.5% linseed oil/fibre ratio yield the lowest absorption
Alkaline treatment with NaOH kinetics, the shortest setting times, and the most interesting tensile properties. However, the results for
Linseed oil coating treatment fibrous composites indicate that the workability of mortars reinforced with linseed oil treated fibres was
Cement composite properties improved compared with raw fibres. In the hardened state, boiling and sodium hydroxide treatments
improve the flexural strength of the composites. The same trend was observed for compressive strength.
Therefore, the mortar reinforced by fibre treated with linseed oil does not improve the strength and is the
most porous. The incorporation of date palm fibres decreases the kinetics of the capillary absorption of
mortars compared to unreinforced mortar. The lowest absorption coefficients are obtained after the
treatment with linseed oil.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Ali-Boucetta).
0950-0618/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T. Ali-Boucetta, A. Ayat, W. Laifa et al. Construction and Building Materials 273 (2021) 121056
Table 1
Physical properties and chemical mineralogy compositions of the cement.
Physical properties
App Density Abs Density S.S.B d50 Clinker Additive
(kg/m3) (kg/m3) (cm2/g) (mm) (%) (%)
CEM II 1020 3000 3480 20.4 75 20
Chemical compositions
Oxides (%) CaO Al2O3 Fe2O3 SiO2 MgO SO3 K2O LOI*
CEM II 60.41 5.19 2.94 21.91 1.60 2.19 – 3.83
Bogue formulas
Elements (%) C3S C2S C3A C4AF Gypsum
58.2 18.5 9.3 8.2 5
* Loss on Ignition
Table 2
Physical characteristics and chemical compositions of the sand.
Table 3
Technical data of the superplasticizer.
Abs Density pH Solid content Cl ion content Na2O eq content Range of use
PF SR 3600 1.11 ± 0.01 5.5 ± 1 22 ± 1% 0.1% 2.5% 0.25 à 2.5%
T. Ali-Boucetta, A. Ayat, W. Laifa et al. Construction and Building Materials 273 (2021) 121056
Table 5
Lignocellulosic compositions of raw date palm fibres [32].
25 mm ± 2 mm. However, a content of 2% of date palm fibres will 2.4.3. Measurement of fibre diameter by optical microscopy imaging
not enhance the thermo-hygric properties of the material (and in Prior to the traction test, images of date palm individual fibres
particular the moisture buffering value). This content was used are taken using a Nikon Eclipse LV100ND optical microscope video
only to demonstrate whether a treatment of date palm fibres following the procedure described by Page et al. [14]. Diameters
improves the physico-mechanical properties of fibres compared are measured at six locations along the fibre, and the diameter cho-
to raw fibres and if so, what is the most effective treatment. The sen for each fibre is the average of these six measurements.
different mortar compositions are presented in Table 6.
After the mixing and the finalisation of the fresh tests, mortars 2.4.4. Tensile testing of individual fibres
were cast in two layers into prismatic moulds (40x40x160 mm), Traction tests on single date palm fibres were performed on a
where each layer was subjected to 60 hits on a vibrating table in universal machine produced by Zwick/Roell Z020. This is an elec-
accordance with EN 196–1 [34]. The test pieces were demoulded tromechanical test machine with a capacity of 20 KN in traction-
24 h after manufacturing and then stored in the open air at a tem- compression, with a 66 cm width moving across between two col-
perature between 18 and 21 °C to avoid possible fibre degradation umns. The tensile tests were carried out at a crosshead displace-
by water. ment rate of 3 mm/min and with a measurement length between
the 50 mm holding grips (Fig. 3). For each treatment type, 24 sam-
ples were tested. For information purposes, Fig. 4 shows a typical
2.4. Test procedures stress–elongation curve of a fibre during a tensile test. The slopes
of the staircases observed in this figure are probably due to the
2.4.1. Water absorption test of fibres rupture of a few cellulose microfibrils which are arranged in spiral
The absorption kinetics of individual date palm fibres was according to the longitudinal axis of the fibre.
determined using the method proposed by Magniont et al. [35].
The test consists of drying three samples of 1 g of fibre in an oven 2.4.5. Consistency of cement composites
at 60 °C to a constant mass and immersing them in water for: 5, 15, Measurements of unreinforced mortar (URM), a raw fibre refer-
30, 60 min and 24 h. At every term, the samples were removed ence mortar (RFM), boiled fibre mortar (BFM), sodium hydroxide
from the water, dried superficially with absorbent paper and their treated fibre mortar (SHFM), and linseed oil treated fibre mortar
masses were determined with an accuracy of 10-4 g. The water sat- (LOFM) are evaluated using a flow table test in accordance with
uration rates for the fibres are calculated using Eq. (1). NF EN 1015–3 [37]. The test consists of filling a cone trunk with
mortar in two layers and lifting it vertically on a flow table, which
is subjected to a series of 15 shakings at a frequency of one shaking
saturated mass dried mass
Absorptionð%Þ ¼ 100 ð1Þ per second. Two perpendicular diameters are then measured.
dried mass
2.4.6. Porosity accessible to water
The water-accessible porosity of the mortar samples was deter-
2.4.2. Initial and final setting time mined after 28 days of hardening following the procedure AFPC
The time setting for the various compositions was determined AFREM [38]. Three samples were used to determine the water-
with a Vicat apparatus in accordance with standard NF P 15–431 accessible porosity according to Eq. (2).
[36]. The initial setting time is defined as the time elapsed from
Water accessible porosity
contact of water with the cement until the needle is 4 mm ± 1 mm
from the base plate, while the final setting time corresponds to a Mass measured in air Mass dry at 50 C
¼ ð2Þ
0.5 mm needle driven from the surface. These tests were carried Mass measured in air Mass measured in water
out on cement paste containing a mass percentage of 2% raw and
treated date palm fibres, with a mass water/ cement ratio equal 2.4.7. Compressive and three point bending tests
to 0.4. The mechanical properties of the composites were determined
by compressive and three-point bending tests on 4 4 16 cm
prismatic specimens according to NF EN 196–1 [34]. The compres-
sive strength was carried out with a hydraulic press produced by
BeraTest with a maximum capacity of 2000 KN. Three-point bend-
ing tests were performed on a universal mechanical machine
(Zwick/Roell Z020) with a loading rate of 50 N/s. The mechanical
tests were realised at the maturation of 7, 14, 28 and 290 days.
Table 6
Mortar mixture proportions used (kg/m3).
UnReinforced Raw Fibre reinforced Boiling Fibre reinforced Sodium Hydroxide Fibre reinforced Linseed Oil Fibre reinforced
Mortar URM Mortar RFM Mortar BFM Mortar SHFM Mortar LOFM
Cement 500 500 500 500 500
Sand 0/2 1400 1349,6 1349,6 1349,6 1349,6
Water 250 250 250 250 250
Superplasticizer 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5
Date palm 0 20.9 19.4 22.2 19.2
T. Ali-Boucetta, A. Ayat, W. Laifa et al. Construction and Building Materials 273 (2021) 121056
Fig. 5. Water absorption kinetics of raw and treated fibres as a function of time: (a) boiled water, (b) sodium hydroxide and (c) linseed oil coating.
portional to the increase in alkaline concentration. This increase calcium silicates (C-S-H) gels, which are major products of the
can be explained, according to Sreekala et al. [49], by eliminating hydration of Portland cement. In addition, several authors link
the impurities on the surface of the fibres, thus exposing new the increase of the setting time to the free sugar content in extrac-
hydroxyl groups and making them available as reaction sites. In table, among which glucose has a high inhibitory power [51].
addition, alkaline treatment will break the hydrogen bonds Indeed, Govin et al. [52] find that these sugars have an inhibitory
between the hydroxyl groups of cellulose, resulting in an increase power that delays the setting of cement and decreases the amount
in OH concentration. This results in an increase in absorption. of hydrates formed in the hardened composite.
For the linseed oil treatment (Fig. 5-c), there is a clear decrease For water boiling treated fibres, the initial setting time varies
in the water absorption kinetics of the treated fibres, with lower from 4 h 40 min to 3 h 40 min, with a reduction in setting times pro-
absorption rates than raw fibre. This decrease is proportional to portional to the boiling time (reduction of between 15 and 33% com-
the amount of linseed oil added to the fibres during treatment. pared to the RFM). In fact, the boiling water cleans the surfaces of
For linseed oil/fibre ratios equal to 0.25 and 0.5, the treated fibres date palm fibres by partially reducing the pectins on their surfaces
have the highest water absorption values. This may be due to a lack [53]. Therefore, it is expected to find a proportional decrease in pec-
of linseed oil-based polymer to cover and waterproof the lignocel- tins as a function of the duration of treatment, which translates into
lulosic matrix. Indeed, this treatment consists in coating the fibres a reduction in the initial setting time. For chemical treatment with
to improve their hydrophobic properties, which should reduce the alkaline, the initial setting time varies from 4 h 10 min to 4 h
capillary phenomena and water diffusion kinetics in the lignocellu- 20 min (reduction of between 21 and 24% in relation to RFM), where
losic matrix [28]. the increase in NaOH concentration does not reduce the setting time.
This reduction in setting time is mainly due to the partial elimination
3.1.2. Influence on the setting time of the mixture of hemicelluloses and lignin by the alkaline treatment. Indeed, these
Fig. 6a-c present the initial and final setting times measured for components of fibre are inhibitors of cement hydration and there-
the different formulations. The incorporation of raw date palm fore delay the setting time of the cement [54]. Chafei et al. [22] report
fibres delays the setting time for the mixture from 4 h 10 min for that sodium hydroxide treatment reduces the initial setting time by
the non-fibre mixture (CM) to 5 h 30 min for the raw fibre mixture dissolving pectins and impurities on the fibre surface. The lowest
(RFM). This delayed setting time is explained by the fixation of cal- setting times are observed for linseed oil treatment, with initial set-
cium ions (Ca2+) of the cementitious matrix on the chains of pec- ting times between 2 h 55 min and 2 h 00 min (reductions of
tins present on the surface of the fibres. Indeed, Sedan et al. [50] between 47 and 64% in relation to RFM). This reduction in setting
report that this phenomenon of calcium ion fixation on vegetable times is proportional to the increase in the quantity of linseed oil.
fibres, known as the ‘‘egg box”, leads to a sharp decrease in these Indeed, it seems that the treatment of fibre with linseed oil acts as
ions in the cement paste. This results in a significant decrease in an accelerator of setting. However, the setting time obtained does
the calcium concentration essential to the formation of hydrated not seem to be binding.
T. Ali-Boucetta, A. Ayat, W. Laifa et al. Construction and Building Materials 273 (2021) 121056
Fig. 6. Effect of treatment of date palm fibres on setting times: (a) boiled water, (b) sodium hydroxide and (c) linseed oil coating.
3.1.3. Tensile properties of which these chains are in a state of tension. After partial elimi-
The results for the tensile properties including the tensile nation of hemicellulose by alkaline treatment, the fibrils reorganise
strength, Young’s modulus, and the elongation coefficient of raw in a more compact way, causing a narrow settlement of the cellular
and treated date palm fibres are presented in Figs. 7–9. Fig. 7a-c chains and resulting in better tensile strength [60]. The decrease in
show a slight improvement in the tensile properties of date palm tensile properties due to the increase in NaOH concentration can
fibres boiled in hot water. This improvement is proportional to be attributed to the dissolution of soluble components in contact
the duration of the treatment, where it is found that 3 h of boiling with the sodium hydroxide, generating voids within the fibrous
improves the traction strength, Young’s modulus and elongation at structure that are associated with swelling, which degrades the
break by 8.4%, 25.5% and 54.3%, respectively. Rong et al. [55] stud- mechanical properties of the fibres [60,61]. In addition, Obi Reddy
ied the effect of heat treatment on sisal fibres for a period of 4 h. et al. [62] explain this decrease in the tensile properties by a degra-
The authors noted a significant increase in the tensile properties dation of cellulose during alkaline treatment. Kareche et al. [4]
of the treated fibres relative to raw fibres; this is due to higher fibre note a deterioration of the surface of the date palm fibres at a con-
rigidity due to improved cellulose crystallisation. Wei and Meyer centration of 10% NaOH, which reduces the tensile strength of the
[56] also evaluated the effect of thermal treatment of vegetable fibres. The decrease in Young’s modulus for NaOH concentrations
fibres and concluded that there was a significant increase in the above 3% can be explained, according to Taha et al. [47], by the
tensile strength and Young’s modulus. This improvement in the removal of impurities, which generates greater fibre elasticity that
tensile properties was linked to the improved crystallisation of cel- results in a reduction of the elasticity modulus. Moreover, accord-
lulose. However, other authors noted a decrease in the tensile ing to the same authors [47], the elimination of hemicelluloses
properties for thermal treatment of fibres. Examples include the reduces the fibre diameter, resulting in less traction force being
work of Boumaud et al. [57], who found that the treatment by boil- required and a reduced elastic modulus.
ing of fibres at 100 °C has no particular effect on the tensile The linseed oil coating treatment of date palm fibres affects the
strength, Young’s modulus and fibre elongation. This same result tensile properties very little (Fig. 9a-c). Increasing the amount of
was also observed by other authors [58,59]. linseed oil does not appear to affect the mechanical properties of
Alkaline treatment of date palm fibres improves the tensile the fibres. Nevertheless, the best results are obtained for a ratio
properties over raw fibres. The improvement of the tensile proper- of linseed oil to fibre of 1.5, with an improvement in tensile
ties is achieved at a 3% NaOH concentration (25.6%, 39.2% and strength, Young’s modulus and elongation at rupture of 2%, 7.8%
27.6%, respectively for tensile strength, Young’s modulus and elon- and 21.5% respectively.
gation at rupture). After that, a gradual decrease in the tensile
properties is observed (Fig. 8a-c). The improvement of fibre resis-
3.2. Properties of fibre-reinforced composites
tance through alkaline treatment is due to the elimination of impu-
rities and acids, as well as the partial dissolution of hemicellulose,
Based on the results obtained during the characterisation of
inducing a more resistant lignin–cellulose complex [49]. The hemi-
treated fibres, a boiled-water treatment time of 3 h, a NaOH con-
cellulose contained in raw fibres is dispersed in the interfibrillar
centration of 3% and a ratio of linseed oil to fibre equal to 1.5, for
region separating the cellular chains from each other, as a result
each type of treatment guarantees the lowest absorption kinetics,
T. Ali-Boucetta, A. Ayat, W. Laifa et al. Construction and Building Materials 273 (2021) 121056
Fig. 7. Tensile properties of date palm fibres, raw and treated with boiling water: (a) tensile strength, (b) Young’s modulus and (c) % elongation.
Fig. 8. Tensile properties of date palm fibres, raw and alkali-treated: (a) tensile strength, (b) Young’s modulus and (c) % elongation.
T. Ali-Boucetta, A. Ayat, W. Laifa et al. Construction and Building Materials 273 (2021) 121056
Fig. 9. Tensile properties of date palm fibres, raw and treated by linseed oil coating: (a) tensile strength, (b) Young’s modulus and (c) % elongation.
the shortest setting times and the most interesting tensile It is also noted that the boiling water treatment slightly
properties. improves the workability of the BFM mortar by 6.6% compared to
the RFM mortar, due to the partial elimination of pectins from
the fibre surface, in addition to the reduction in lignin content.
3.2.1. Effect of fibres treatments on the consistency Alkaline treatment also improves the consistency of the SHFM
Fig. 10 shows the slump at the flow table of the various mortars. mortar by 10.7% compared to the RFM mortar. This is closely
The incorporation of vegetable fibres from the date palm reduces related to the partial elimination of hemicellulose. Therefore, the
the consistency of the mortars; this is valid for both raw and trea- results of both treatments are quite similar. LOFM mortar improves
ted fibres. For the URM mortar, the slump is 169 mm. This value is the consistency by 21.5% compared to RFM mortar, thanks to the
high due to the use of a superplasticizer for mortar manufacturing. waterproofing effect of linseed oil, which reduces the fibre capillar-
The incorporation of a 2% raw date palm fibre volume reduces the ity. However, although one could have expected a significant
consistency of the RFM mortar by 28.4%. This decrease in consis- improvement of consistency with this type of treatment, given
tency is due to the hydrophilic nature of the palm fibre compo- the significant reduction in absorption kinetics presented in
nents, mainly hemicellulose. As a result, raw fibres can absorb up Fig. 5-c, this was not the case. This suggests that the mechanisms
to 70.12% water for the first five minutes after the mortar is mixed, that condition the mortar rheology are not limited to the water
reducing its consistency. absorption by individual fibres.
Fig. 11. Influence of fibre treatment on the porosity accessible to water of mortars.
Fig. 13. Flexural strengths of the unreinforced mortar and date palm fibres
reinforced composites after 7, 14, 28 and 290 days of curing.
reason, the porosity decreased from 19.8% for the RFM mortar to
16.8% for the BFM mortar and 17.2% for the SHFM mortar. How-
ever, with these treatments, the porosity values are not lower than The BFM mortar has higher bending resistance than the RFM
those of the URM mortar. With a linseed oil treatment, however, mortar for all hardening ages, with an improvement of 9% at
this content for the LOFM mortar decreases with the ‘‘pore mouth” 28 days. According to Chafei et al. [15], the treatment of fibres with
effect of linseed oil, which reduces the absorption of the mortar. It boiling water changes the appearance of the raw fibres, which
appears that the open porosity of fibrous composites is linked to become rough and finer, which improves their adherence to the
the water absorption capacity of the fibres. Fig. 12 shows a linear matrix and results in better resistance to flexing. The same result
relationship between the porosity accessible to water and the fibre was found by Sellami et al. [18], who report that fibre treatment
absorption coefficient measured at 24 h. This confirms the exis- with boiled water significantly improves the flexural strength of
tence of a relevant correlation between these two parameters. the composite.
The best resistance at all deadlines is obtained by the SHFM
mortar, which recorded an improvement in the 28 days flexure
resistance of 60.1%. This improvement in resistance is also related
3.2.3. Three-point bending test
to better fibre–matrix adherence. The alkaline treatment changes
The results of the three-point bending tests of the mortars are
the morphology of the date palm fibres. Lassoued et al. [66] report
presented in Fig. 13. First, there is a consistent evolution of the
that a 2% NaOH concentration for 2 h changes the surface morphol-
flexural strength of the URM mortar over the time of maturation.
ogy of date palm fibres from an irregular surface covered with a
The recorded flexion values are slightly below the values in the lit-
layer of impurities to a brighter, clean surface with no holes. This
erature for the same cement type. This is mainly due to the way in
results in better adhesion and greater resistance of the composite
which the specimens are stored in the open air, unlike water mat-
uration, which promotes the hydration of composites and
LOFM mortar has lower resistance than RFM mortar for all
improves their resistance. The flexural strength of the URM and
hardening ages. Page et al. [14] report that linseed oil can interact
RFM mortars are almost identical, so the raw date palm fibres
with cement and affect more or less significantly the hydration of
appear to have no influence on the mortar’s flexural strength. Thus,
the cement matrix. In addition, the interface between the linseed
there was a modest improvement of 8.4% over the URM mortar at
oil coated fibres and the cement matrix is likely to be of lower
28 days. This inefficiency of raw palm fibres can be explained by an
quality than with raw date palm fibres. In fact, linseed oil creates
increase in volume due to the high water absorption of the fibres,
a smooth surface of very low roughness, resulting in fibre slipping
leading to a poor fibre–matrix interface [16,17] that reduces the
within the matrix and thus reducing adhesion. Other authors [41]
adhesion of the fibres with the matrix. In addition, the dissolution
explain that linseed oil coating treatment leads to an increase in
of substances on the fibre surface delays cement hydration and C-
localised porosity at the interface level.
S-H formation [18,19], which results in a small increase in resis-
Moreover, in the case of composites reinforced with treated
tance at an early age, especially at 7 and 14 days.
date palm fibres, the flexural resistance decreased at 290 days of
maturation compared to 28 days. This decrease is estimated at
8.4%, 4% and 3.6% respectively for the boiling, alkaline and linseed
oil treatments. Several authors report a degradation of vegetable
fibres in the presence of a cementitious matrix [67,68]. They
explain this degradation by the presence of alkaline water in the
pores of the cement composite, which dissolves the lignin and
hemicellulose contained in the fibre. This weakens the links
between microfibrils. In addition, an alkaline hydrolysis of cellu-
lose molecules leads to degradation of molecular chains. The result
is a decrease in the degree of polymerisation that results in low
tensile strength of the fibres. Other authors [69] link the decrease
in bending strength of a fibrous composite to a decrease in cross-
section of the vegetable fibres due to prolonged drying that causes
water loss from the fibres. This reduction causes a loss of adhesion
between the fibres and the cementitious matrix and the appear-
Fig. 12. Porosity of mortars considering the water absorption of fibres at 24 h.
ance of a localised porosity at the fibre–matrix interface. This is
T. Ali-Boucetta, A. Ayat, W. Laifa et al. Construction and Building Materials 273 (2021) 121056
not to be ruled out in our case, as our mortar samples have been
stored in the open air, which favours the departure of water from
the fibres.
The association of vegetable fibres with a cementitious matrix is
likely to have an adverse effect on the durability of the composite.
Studies [70] have sought to improve the sustainability of these
composites, so two approaches are possible. The first is the modi-
fication of the composition of the cementitious matrix to reduce
alkaline compounds. This is done by adding pozzolanic materials
or through the carbonation process. The second possibility is to
increase the durability of these composites or to modify the fibres
by chemical or physical treatments to increase their stability in the
elementary matrix. As an example, Toledo Filho et al. [70] report an
improvement in the durability of their fibrous composites by
immersion of the fibres in a silica fume suspension before use.
The treatments discussed in this study do not appear to improve Fig. 15. Capillary water absorption of the unreinforced mortar and date palm fibers
the durability of date palm fibres in contact with the cementitious reinforced composites.
4. Conclusions
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