Tac82 12
Tac82 12
Tac82 12
December 1982
Season's Greetings
Angle ..
Can you believe the end of 1982 is almost Fleagle gives us a bonus this month-a New
here? So far, it looks like a better year. But let's Year's Eve caution on the back cover and a holi-
not rejoice too soon; we have a very difficult day reunion inside. All of us here in the TAC
month in front of us. Office of Safety share Fleagle's sentiments in
During this month, stop and think ahead be- wishing you a happy holiday season.
fore you wear yourself out trying to get every- Nothing can ruin the holiday spirit like injury
thing done at once. The article " Fatigue at Night: to or loss of a loved one. Let's do everything we
A Case History" shows what acute fatigue can can, on the ground and in the air, to keep this hol-
do to us. Don't forget, as we approach the holi- iday season happy.
days, our off-duty time can get more hectic and
be less restful. Don't take on more than you can
handle, and don't schedule your people for more
R~;-:q, USAF
than they are capable of doing safely.
December 22 is the official beginning of win-
ter. If you're considering how to fight winter's
cold and still keep your fuel bills down, take a
look at "Wood Stoves and Kerosene Heaters." Chief of Safety
The problems of winter heating are accompanied
by safety considerations. So don't buy an auxili·
ary heater blindly.
TACRP 127-1
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war stories
L one of us will ever get enough of. Just as sure as may have recognized and corrected the situation by
the world turns, when you think you've seen it all , himself. All the while that magical fine line is rapidly
some one will show you a new way to do a hi yo-yo, being approached . On the other hand, what learning
an approach to landing, or a new formation wing po- is produced by flying around in ignorance? Igno-
sition . rance is bliss, right? I don 't think so-not with a thou-
How do you survive until you've had time to devel- sand knots of closure.
op that sixth sense? The same way you got your fly-
ing experience-either by being lucky or by being
semiconservative. The biggest difference when
gaining your own experience as a pilot compared to
that as an IP is that you had better control over your
own situation as a pilot. You knew your capabilities
and what was going on in your mind. Ever heard, "I
tried to stop him, but he did it before I realized he
was going to?" I believe I can safely say that no one
will know completely what someone else is thinking ,
especially in our business . It is far easier to know
what a student is not thinking than what he is. If the
airspeed is going berserk, you can bet he is not
thinking about airspeed. If airspeed is important,
who really cares what he was thinking as long as he
gets his mind back to what is important? That's the
job of the instructor: to teach him what is and isn 't
important and how to make it work right.
What then causes most IPs to get on the back side I don't have the answer for every· situation be-
~ f the magical line? I believe there are a couple of cause they are all different, but here are a few help-
reasons . First, overconfidence and inattention to de- ful hints. As a hard rule , I do not trust anyone when it
tails. Overconfidence in either himself or the student comes to flying an aircraft that I am responsible for.
will cause a relaxing on the IP 's part which can re- Yes, that even includes you , although you may be
sult in inattentiveness. Ever wonder why the state- the golden ace of the fighter force .
ment " the most dangerous aircraft is one in which Next, I divide all phases of flight into two cate-
two IPs are flying together" was made? Overconfi- gories : critical and noncritical. This is where ability
dence. comes into play. Any time I must take immediate ac-
The second reason is the approach , or method, of tion to prevent an accident or to prevent a danger-
training . The spectrum goes from total trial and error ous situation from developing, time is critical. There-
to a style that only allows perfection. The optimum fore , I am very close to the stick.l don 't ride the flight
point of teaching, I believe, is somewhere in be- controls because that is very annoying to the other
tween, and most of us use a combination. We dem- jock, no matter how light you think you are on the
onstrate maneuvers and watch the student's at- stick; but I'm only a gnat's hair away. For example,
tempt at duplication. The philosophy that a student you'll never see me in close formation with my arm
learns by his errors is true; however, that can be a resting on the canopy rail , no matter who is flying.
very expensive and time-consuming method of Same way on final approach , even if it is the third
learning. Pure trial and error started going out the one and everything up to that point has been wired.
window when man first began communicating and What I use as a guide is the amount of time I have to
passing on his experiences . This is why and how the react if something unforeseen happens. Hardware
IP comes into play. failures are hard to anticipate. However, think of the
The question that comes up is, At what point do I worst case that could happen in the situation , deter-
as an IP pass on my experience? The tendency to let mine the amount of time necessary for you to react,
the student experience the results or to recognize and that is how close you need to guard. If your reac-
and correct his mistakes has probably caused more tion time required is less than a nanosecond, you're
' ray hair (check mine after 2,000 hours IP time) across the magical line, and it is time to exercise
l nong IPs than anything else.The question is ,How your IP prerogative and do something .
"---rar can I let him go? If I take the airplane early, he Lastly, don 't assume anything . -~
... interest items,
TAC Tips
mishaps with
morals, for the
T AC aircrewman
If a little knowledge Ia dangerous, where Ia tfile Man who on the oxygen regulator. That didn't seem to help .
has so much as to be out of danger?
The IP in the back seat took the airplane , declared
an emergency, and began to descend.
Meanwhile , the front seater was moving the swit-
ches on the regulator, trying to get oxygen . As he
leaned over , the pilot's oxygen hose pulled off of his
'OW IMPORTANT IS OXYGEN? CRU-60 connector. When he tried to reconnect the
hose, he noticed that the rubber 0-ring on the CRU-
A T-33 took off on a training mission with a pilot 60 was twisted. The pilot repositioned the ring and
in the front seat and an instructor pilot (IP) in the hooked up the hose. The system gave normal flow in-
back. Passing 5,000 feet , both crewmembers ac- dications , and the pilot's hypoxia symptoms disap-
knowledged the climb check, which includes check- peared. The remainder of the return to base and lan-
ing oxygen pressure , flow , diluter lever, and hose ding were uneventful.
hookup. Passing 18,000 feet , the crew came up on Two points: First , the pilot did a poor PRICE check
another required oxygen check. This time the pilot in on preflight. He obviously didn 't inspect his connec-
front reported that the flow indicator didn 't seem to tions. He also didn 't do a blowback check or select
be working quite right. The blinker wasn 't opening 100 percent and Safety on the regulator. His 5,000-
completely. The crew continued their climb, but at foot check wasn't too pure either . He just didn 't
20,000 feet the pilot in front began feeling light- seem to take his oxygen checks seriously.
headed . He selected 100 percent oxygen and Safety Second, what was the !P doing? When your front
seater tells you his blinker isn 't working right, you
don 't let him continue the climb until he shows symp-
toms of hypoxia . It sounds to us like the instructor
didn 't take oxygen problems very seriously, either.
fore taxiing . When he came to the check of tht..
TAG Tips angle-of-attack vane alignment, the pilot unlocked
the canopy to reach the vane . The canopy abruptly
he was going to fly a short-field approach to give flew open then fell shut again . The pilot aborted that
himself more runway available to stop in . aircraft.
Number three set up a wider than normal pattern. In the days before this incident, the airplane had
When he turned final, his glide path was flatter than been covered by snow. During the daytime the tem-
usual, with a higher angle of attack. Just before perature rose enough for the snow to melt; at night
touchdown, the pilot felt the main gear hit a snow-
bank on the runway. Then he touched down 100 feet
past the threshold .
The tower operator saw the A-1 0 hit the snowbank
Abort!" so he held his position.
At about 60 knots, both of leader's engines had
popped and flamed out.
The intakes on leader's aircraft were coated with
clear ice. Although the center of the runway had
been clear of snow, the sides still had snow on them .
wood stoves
kerosene heaters
Saving money is someth ing we all want to do and
that 's the primary reason why we ' re buying wood
stoves and kerosene heaters. Wood stoves and kero-
sene heaters take some of the burden off a central
heating system , so we can lower our thermostats
and still keep warm . Sound too good to be true? Yep .
Where there 's fire , there 's always a danger. And th
is why wood stoves and kerosene heaters are a he
ard-we forget to respect the fire . Manufacturers<-
wood stoves and kerosene heaters are making them
safer and more energy efficient, but only you can
prevent the fire .
Wood Stoves
There are basically three types of wood stoves.
The earlier stoves from the seventies gave us longer
burn times and more heat output , but they created
more creosote buildup and problems with pollutants
in the air. To remedy these problems , catalytic wood
burners were added to the stoves; as a result , less
wood needs to be used , and there is less creosote
buildup. But catalytics have not been perfected , and
they can 't be installed in earlier model stoves. The
latest model wood stoves, called smoke-scrubbers,
force smoke back over the fire to reburn . They ' re
bigger and cost more, but they have very little creo-
sote buildup.
Wood stoves are a hazard when (1) they have
been improperly installed , (2) they are not cleaned
regularly, or (3) they are not used correctly.
We won 't go into the actual -guidelines for install-
ing a wood stove, but the first thing to do is check
your local fire and building codes . Then check with
your insurance company. Professional installation is
recommended . Consider relining the chimney. R
lining can reduce creosote buildup and contain fll
fires to the chimney.
10 DECEMBER 1982
Cleaning is assential , not only for efficiency, but Second generation heaters now have wicks, either
because creosote is flammable and its buildup is fiberglass or cotton , and the wick burns. They have a
dangerous. Creosote will accumulate quicker if you low center of gravity, making them harder to tip over;
use the newer, slower-burning heaters and if you but they are unvented, so adequate ventilation is
burn green wood. Clues that you have creosote necessary. Third generation heaters are permanent-
buildup are smoke backing up or the stovepipe giv- ly installed so they can 't be tipped over or moved.
ing off less heat. Creosote buildup in the stove They are vented to the outside , and tre fuel tank is
should not exceed an eighth of an inch . also located outside.
The best time to clean a wood stove is before the First generation heaters were banned in most
first fire of the season ; otherwise wait at least three states because they were so hazardous. So check
days after the last fire . Remove all wood ash and with your local housing and fire authorities before
vacuum . Use a wire brush on the interior. Check for you buy or use any kerosene heater. It might be
air leaks and fix them if there are any. Clean all ex- against the law. Also, check with your insurance
ternal surfaces with soapy water, then rinse with company. Your premiums could go up or even be
clear water, and replace the gasket (fiberglass, not canceled . Next, make sure you can always get K-1 ,
asbestos). Clean the blower and . filter. Remove the water-clear kerosene. Nothing else is safe. And, like
flue pipe; if it' &. usty, crumbly, or clogged, replace it. any other appliance, the most important thing to do
Last, check the chimney. If creosote buildup is 1/4 " is read the manufacturer 's instructions.
thick, the chimney needs to be cleaned. When deciding how large a heater to buy, multiply
When using the stove, make sure nothing is close the square footage of the room by 28 . That will give
enough to it to catch on fire-like curtains, rugs, or you the required BTU rating. Also, think about the
papers. Frequently check the walls, floor , and ceil- amount of activity in the room to determine whether
ing , and if you find any hot spots , recheck your instal- you should buy a convection or radiant heater. A
lation before you use the stove again . Never use convection heater is usually cylindrical in shape and
;tarting fluid , kerosene , or gasoline to start a fire. sometimes contains a fan. They heat the air in all di-
Don 't burn artificial logs, coal , or trash in a wood rections and are better for larger areas. Radiant
stove. Don 't store wood near or under the stove, and heaters , usually rectangular in shape , use a polished
be careful for burning embers when tending the fire . reflector which sends heat forward . These work bet-
Kerosene Heaters ter for smaller areas, or where people will usually be
There are now three generations of kerosene seated.
heaters. First generation heaters were gravity fed ; New model heaters are gravity fed and use a
the kerosene itself burned , so if spilled , a fire was in- wick. This is a substantial safety advantage com-
evitable . These are older units from before 1960. pared to the older units, but there are still problems.
An improperly set wick will give off more pollutants ,
so it's important to know what a safe wick setting is .
The wick also has to be changed . Knowing when to
do this and how to put a new wick in is very impor-
tant. If you aren't sure , have a professional do it. The
newer models have a low center of gravity so they
can 't be tipped over as easily as older models . They
also have an automatic cutoff that's supposed to
shut off the flame and stop the flow of kerosene if the
heater is jarred or upset.
The heaters are designed to use only K-1, water-
clear kerosene. If K-2 kerosene is used , an unac-
ceptable level of sulfur dioxide is given off. Any other
type fuel, especially gasoline, is dangerous and may
cause flash fires . Kerosene heaters should always
be refueled outside and never while in use or when
hot. Newer models have removable fuel tanks for
easy refilling , but there will always be drips-wipe
them up. Kerosene expands when heated, so to pre-
vent overspill, fill up only 80 percent of the tank.
wood stoves lated well, just keeping the door to the room open
should be sufficient.
12 DECEMBER 1982
Crew Chief
Safety Award SSgt Clay R. Dean
Sgt Craig A. Spengler
Remember last month's article on "Night Flying roll , the landing gear began to retract. The aircraft
and Fatigue?" It was about circadian rhythm and hu- settled to the runway on the external fuel tanks and
man performance-a bit academic and theoretical, the forward fuselage and then slid to a stop. A small
right? This story brings it all back home. Before you fire flared up beneath the aircraft , fed by residual
get too carried away cramming to catch up on all fuel from the external tanks. The fire was quickly put
your training squares before the year ends, take the out by the crash response force . The pilot climbed
time to read it. Then ask yourself, do I really need to out without injury.
do everything in one day? The airplane 's nose gear was fully retracted ; the
nose gear door was open . The right main gear was
retracted, and the left main was nearly fully re-
At 4 in the morning, an F-1 06 touched down for a tracted. The landing gear handle was up.
full-stop landing after a night intercept training mis- Afterward, no mechanical failures were found in
sion. The drag chute blossomed, and the airplane the landing gear system when it was checked . The
began to decelerate. After a thousand feet of landing aircraft appeared to have no problems which could
14 DECEMBER 1982
have either caused or contributed to the mishap. The pilot arrived at the simulator at 1615 and went
Since the landing gear handle was up and no mecha- through the emergency procedures check. The sim-
nism was found that would raise the handle without ulator mission was completed at 1830. That allowed
the pilot 's help, it would appear that the pilot himself him 30 minutes to eat supper before reporting for a
raised the handle. 1900 exercise brief. After the briefing he preflighted
Although the gear will not retract on the ground his assigned aircraft, set it up for a scramble , and
with the struts compressed, even if the handle is then waited at a maintenance office for an airborne
raised, that protection is not effective right after order time.
touchdown . Aerodynamic forces prevent strut com- At 2125 he received the order. He took off 16 min-
pression to the degree necessary to engage the utes later and landed with an emergency at 2205. He
safety switches until the airplane decelerates to well debriefed the emergency, worked on the flying
below landing speed . schedule, and preflighted another airplane. At 0153
Still , why would the pilot raise the landing gear he took off on his second sortie , which ended with a
handle after touching down? The answer is obvious : crunch at 0406 .
he wouldn 't do it consciously. But as you may recall Was he tired? Before his second flight , he forgot
from last month 's article , we lose coordination when to sign off the exceptional release on the 781 H, and
.....- AT-38 - - - - - - - -
11 JU~' ~'T 'EEM RkSUT Tt,
FEEL rt/1~
{)()Wtv OIV OOE OF.
OF /?.
CUANGED tl 811.
TAC Quarterly Awards
As soon as he realized what had happened , the
ground crewmember tried to pull the cord out of the
blow-in door, but he could only pull out part of it.
Then he ran to a position abeam the left cockpit and
signaled the crew in the cockpit to shut down the en-
gine. The crew immediately did so.
While this was going on, the observer on the
ground, who was not checked out on engine runs,
had seen the cord go in the blow-in door. He had re-
acted instinctively by trying to help the other crew-
member. In retrospect, he probably could have been
chock talk
more help if he'd stayed where he was and immedi-
ately signaled the crew to shut the engine down .
The damage from the incident was about $3,000 .
~ill£ 4 ~ dalu.
too close to an intake. A better way might be to use a
shorter cord hooked up at the wheel well interphone
connection .
22 DECEMBER 1982
was chocked, the aircrew shut down the engines. Af- " Ha! This will be
ter engine shutdown , smoke could be seen coming One of my easiest fights !''
from around the right engine . As the aircrew climbed And he was still laugh ing
When David punched out his lights .
All it takes
Is one little stone ;
And a pilot
Could be walking home.
By MSgt Mike Hess
474 Tactical Fighter Wing
Goliath laughed
When David faced him alone; So the locking mechanism wasn 't engaged , which
" You ' re going to what, prevented a good seal and allowed the oil to leak out.
With that little stone?!! " The crew chief had installed the cap, and the assis-
Chock Talk down on his shoulders . When four aircraft taxied out,
he went over to give them their EOR check . As he
walked near the intake area, his parka hood was
tant line chief had signed off the oil cap security pulled in by the engine suction; he was pinned to the
check in the AFTO Form 781 . intake.
After the abort, the crew chief reserviced the oil The aircrew didn't immediately see what had hap-
reservoir and reinstalled the filler cap. The assistant pened. But the pilot shut down the engine because
line chief again signed off the security check. The he heard a buzzing sound and saw the rpm decrease
engine was run with no discrepancies, and the air- at the same time the engine temperature was rising.
plane was put back on the schedule for a later sortie. Fortunately, there was no serious injury.
On that sortie, about 20 minutes after takeoff, the The lesson is not that we can't wear protective
oil pressure caution light illuminated . The oil pres- clothing . Sometimes we need to. But when we do,
sure was fluctuating from 55 to 65 psi. The pilot we must make sure all the parts are fastened down
pulled the throttle to idle, and the oil pressure stabi- and aren't free to flap in the breeze . Otherwise,
lized at 35 psi. The caution light went out. The pilot those parts of our gear may go wandering off, and
headed back home and landed without any further they could take us with them .
This time the oil had drained out the SOAP sample FOD MYSTERY
tube . The cap on the tube had been installed, but it
had not been properly locked either. The oil leaked After the F-4 took off, as the pilot was bringing
past the seal. When the reservoir was reserviced, it the throttles back out of afterburner, the left engine
took 8 pints of oil. After the cap on the SOAP sample compressor stalled. The pilot moved the throttle to
tube was installed properly, the airplane had no re- idle , and the compressor stall cleared . The pilot then
currence of oil pressure problems.
The oil caps on an A-10 are tricky to install. That 's
why there 's so much emphasis on doing it right , and
that's why a check of the caps ' security by a supervi-
sor is required . Of course, the purpose of the super-
visor's check is defeated if he does not actuallv
check the caps.
ENGINE ATTACKS LOOSE PARKA HOOD brought the airplane back for a successful emer-
gency landing .
Although cold weather clothing is necessary for The engine suffered extensive compressor dam-
our protection from the elements, it can also create age from the 1Oth through the 14th stages. The dam-
some hazards we're not used to. For instance: age appeared to have been caused by a very hard,
When the weather began to get nippy, one of the one-inch-long, cylindrical object with a small diame-
members of the end-of-runway (EOR) crew wore his ter. The foreign object was not found, but we do have
a clue where it came from. Three days earlier, during
work on this engine's variramp, the tip of a punch
broke off. The workers involved conducted a search
but couldn't find the missing punch tip.
In a case like this , the procedures call for notifying
the quality assurance office and making a lost tool
report. This unit's MOl states that when an item can-
not be found, the aircraft may be released for flight
by no one other than the chief of maintenance. But in
this incident the quality assurance office was not no-
tified , no lost tool report was submitted, and the first-
level maintenance supervisor released the airplane
for flight without even notifying the chief of mainte-
parka. But it wasn 't cold enough for him to have the nance.
hood up over his head, so the hood was hanging So, where do you think the FOD came from?
24 DECEM BE R 1982
The Overly Safe Ejection Seat
not removed . Obviously, the pilot and crew chief
missed it during preflight, and they will be the first to
admit it. A day earlier, a specialist had been doing
some work in the Bay 5 area . The specialist did not
obtain the correct sating pin from central support
before arriving at the jet. Once at the aircraft, the
specialist decided to use the tailhook downlock sat-
ing pin since it was readily available and would ex-
pedite the performance of his task . Additionally, the
specialist did not document the aircraft forms with a
An F-15 pilot recently flew a m1ss1on in a de- red-X entry-a required procedure in accordance
armed ejection seat . How could that happen , you with TO 00-20-5 . When questioned, the specialist
say? Please read on . Approximately one hour after was uncertain about the need for a red-X entry. This
takeoff, the pilot noted a flapping sound near the rear was a typical day in which the specialist had several
canopy section and , suspecting a possible loose jobs requiring his expertise. So he signed the forms
panel , returned to base . Other than a little excite- and left the jet with the substitute pin still installed .
ment regarding a possible missing panel, recovery The next morning the exceptional release was
was uneventful-that is, until postflight inspection , signed, and the jet was ready to fly even though it
when the crew chief had the misfortune of dis- had an ejection seat that wouldn 't work.
covering the tailhook downlock sating pin was in- We were lucky this time. Can we learn a few les-
stalled in the canopy-actuated initiator. Yes, there sons from this incident to avoid another test of fate?
was a red "maintenance use only" streamer (which Here are a few for starters:
was badly frayed on one end) attached to the pin. • Aircrews-Use your checklist. Take the time to
Also, the large tailhook unlock pin was loosely at- adequately preflight your ejection seat.
tached to the same streamer. • Crew Chiefs-Check Bay 5 area. Check the
It seems that the loose end of the streamer was forms and recognize red-X entry requirements .
sucked out of Bay 5 through the crack between the • Specialists-Follow your tech orders. Don't
canopy rail and canopy. The flapping of this take shortcuts ; they could be costly. If you have
streamer in the airstream created the nose per- questions, ask your supervisor.
ceived by the pilot to be a possible loose panel. The • Supervisors-Review, and revise if necessary,
overwhelming fact of this incident is that if the pilot the system to issue sating pins . Is someone account-
had needed to eject, the canopy would jettison nor- able for every pin on every aircraft? Ensure your peo-
mally, but the ejection seat would not fire! ple are trained . Create and maintain the awareness
Let's trace back a few steps and try to determine you expect. ~
now this improper pin was installed and why it was -Courtesy 313 ADISEF
weapons words
26 DECEMBER 1982
The airplane was loaded with two TERS holding
three MK-82s each on the inboard stations and a 80MB CHECK WORKS TOO WEll
SUU-23 gun on the centerline, but only the wing
tanks had jettisoned. Both the wing tank safety pins An F-111 aircrew was checking the dual bomb
and the SUU-23 pin had been removed by the crew timer system . Conventional bomb was programmed
chief as he followed his tech data. The pilot had on the number 3 weapons select cassette indicator.
checked that the tank jettison switches were safety A weapon was present on station indicator pushbut-
wired off and that the emergency stores jettison but- tons 3, 4, and 5, and the bomb arming option indica-
ton (the panic button) wasn't pushed in before he tor showed nose/tail arming .
turned on the master swtich. Afterwards, all the All doors on the SUU-21 dispensers on stations 3,
cockpit switches were found in their correct posi- 4, and 5 were closed. The crew chief was in the
tions. wheel well holding the Enable/Test switch to Enable.
Before the aircrew had come out to the airplane As the pilot moved the Master Arm switch to Arm ,
that morning , the weapons load crew ran a 25-day the WSO pressed station indicator button 5 to set up
jettison check of the outboard stations , although it the check. The indicator showed " SEL." Neither the
wasn 't noted in the aircraft forms. The technician in aircrew in the cockpit nor the crew chief in the wheel
the cockpit used the panic button for the check. He well noticed, but the doors of the SUU-21 on station
held the button down for each wing station. His part- 5 opened .
ner operating the meter at the breeches read 28 The pilot pressed the weapons release button.
volts DC power at each breech. But the meter never When the 10 seconds set on the timer expired, a Mk-
showed zero volts at the end of the check as the 106 practice bomb was ejected from the SUU, firing
checklist requires. the spotting charge . No one was injured and the air-
The load crew also failed to run a stray voltage craft was not damaged.
check in conjunction with the jettison check . That re-
JUirement is in the checklist, too.
An investigation of the airplane circuitry after the
mishap showed a continuous 28-volt current at the
tank pylons whenever external or internal power was
appl ied . The missile jettison circuit breaker was pop-
ped. When the troubleshooters took off the arma-
ment control relay panel, they found a relay (44K312)
that had two contacts melted together in an ener-
gized position . These two contacts can be activated
only through the panic button jettison circuit; they
provide current to the tank pylons and the right in-
board MAU-12.
When the pilot turned on the master switch, bat-
tery power energized the outboard pylons and jetti-
soned the tanks. The current didn 't reach the right
inboard MAU-12 because the missile jettison circuit
breaker had popped.
The melting of the contacts apparently happened
when the panic button was incorrectly used to run
the jettison check. Completing the check by ensur-
ing a zero voltage reading when the button was re- The WSO didn't know that the SUU-21 doors could
leased would have pointed out the problem before open on the ground when the nuclear arming switch
any damage was done. A stray voltage check in con- was off . The doors normally won 't open when B-61 is
junction with the jettison check should also have re- selected on the cassette . But this time, conventional
vealed the hazard. bomb was selected on the cassette.
But then , this load crew didn 't properly follow the The whole incident could have been avoided sim-
'ech data steps. By skipping a few , they finished ply by following the checklist. It says to use an empty
ooner . The aircrew also were finished with their sor- station for the check. Looks like there 's a good rea-
tie sooner than they had expected . son for the checklist requirement.
from injury-don't run them under rugs .
• Outdoors, use only lights and extension cords
specifically made for outdoor use.
• Always unplug all lights before you go to bed or
leave the house.
• A fresh tree is best-the needles shouldn 't fall
off easily or break when bent.
• Cut one inch off the base and keep the tree in
water both before and after you set it up.
• Don 't use real candles on a tree.
Down to earth • Plastic trees should have a fire retardant label.
• Place tree away from fireplaces, heat registers ,
and radiators . And make sure the tree isn 't blocking
• Use unleaded trimmings.
• Keep all decorations out of the reach of small
children .
Gift Wrapping
• Don't burn gift wrapping , boxes , cartons, or
packing material in the fireplace .
Have a safe holiday season . Use this checklist:
• Don 't buy toddlers toys made of brittle plastic
or having sharp edges.
• Plug-in electric toys should have a testing labo-
ratory label.
• Chemistry and tool sets should include safety
• Note that most accidents involve bicycles,
skateboards, roller skates, sleds, toboggans, snow
disks, and anything with projectiles, like BB guns, Parties
darts, bows and arrows. • If you use candles at your party, don 't place
Lights them near curtains, doorways, or plastic and paper
• Only use lights that have a testing laboratory Ia- decorations.
bel. • Use nonflammable holders for candles.
• If your lights, new or old , have broken sockets, • Use flame retardant or noncombustible decora-
frayed wires, or loose connections, replace the set. tions and Santa costumes.
• Never use electric lights on a metal tree. • After a party, check everywhere for smolderinr
• Don't overload extension cords . Three sets of cigarettes, especially under cushions , behind turn ;
lights per single cord is the maximum . Protect wires ture, and in waste baskets.
28 DECEMBER 1982
DRUNK DRIVING Drinking coffee and taking a cold shower won't
shorten the time .
You've heard it before : drinking and driving don't • If you give a party, stop serving alcoholic bever-
mix. Here is some more proof: Each year 26,000 ages at least an hour before you expect your guests
people die in the U.S. because of alcohol-related ve- to go home. Don 't let them drive if you know they are
hicle mishaps. That equates to 500 people killed a intoxicated-let them spend the night or get them a
week or 73 people killed each day. There are cab .
800,000 drunk-driving collisions each year and more
than 65 percent of all single-car crashes are alcohol-
related. And although states are taking action to CHRISTM~S PRESENTS
toughen drunk-driving laws, only one arrest results
out of every 2,000 drunk drivers. Out of ideas for what to give for Christmas? Try
Smoke Alarms. New features on this year 's mod-
els include detachable escape lights, some of which
activate by the sound of a smoke alarm going off
within a 20-foot radius . There are detectors that in-
clude the light and alarm as one unit. Installment has
been made easier with mounting clips; and for those
people who can 't install an alarm permanently,
many alarms are now made to just hang over a door.
The alarms are getting smaller, down to 5 inches in
diameter, and many now have hush controls so you
can shut off the alarm for five minutes if you have to
clear nuisance smoke. A great gift for the traveler is
a portable smoke alarm travel kit which includes the
detector and escape light, all in a nice travel case .
Down to Earth
The car is packed, and you're going to leave right
after you get off work. You know seat belts save
lives, so everyone will buckle up. But how are you
going to stay awake? short shots
30 DECEMBER 1982
tac tally
CLASS A MISHAPS 1 24 29 0 s 6 0 1 1
AIRCREW FATALITIES 0 14 J7 0 2 3 0 0 1
TOTAL EJECTIONS 1 21 29 0 5 1 0 2 1
SUCCESSFUL EJECTIONS 1 18 22 0 4 1 0 2 0
TA 1982 7.8 5.7 5.9 5.2 5.9 5.7 5. J 4.7 4.4 4.1
c 981 J 4.0 3.0 3.2 5.6 6.0 5.9 6.3 6.2 6.0 5.3
AN 1982 0.0 2.7 3.2 3.4 3.6 2.9 3.1 2.7 2.4 2.1
1981 9.3 4.8 4.6 3.3 2.6 2.2 1.8 1.6 2.4 2.6
\F 1982 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.5 3.2 2.8
R19 81 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.8 3.4 3.0