Thapar Ebook
Thapar Ebook
Thapar Ebook
1. Analytical Reasoning
2. Visual Reasoning
3. Critical Reasoning
4. Financial Intelligence
5. Service Orientation
6. Data Analysis
7. Lateral Thinking
8. Situational Judgement
9. Diagnostic Reasoning
10.3-D Reasoning
1 |P a g e
Analytical Reasoning
How well can you scrutinize a situation in order to break it down and solve the associated problems? Are you able to take
a complicated issue and identify what is important and what information should be ignored? Analytical reasoning skills are
important in both our personal and professional lives, as they are an essential part of solving the problems we encounter in
our everyday life.
Analytical reasoning refers to the ability to look at information, be it qualitative or quantitative in nature, and discern
patterns within the information. Analytical reasoning involves deductive reasoning with no specialized knowledge, such as:
comprehending the basic structure of a set of relationships; recognizing logically equivalent statements; and inferring what
could be true or must be true from given facts and rules.
Analytical reasoning comes from the ability of an individual to analyze a situation, think in a step by step method to
evaluate the alternatives, eliminating the ones that don’t fit the case, and finding a solution that best matches the problem
at hand. A person gifted in analytical reasoning would be able to look through the problem, break it down to smaller
problems and think in a multi-dimensional way. Another fundamental component of analytical reasoning is the ability to
break down information at hand and find a pattern or trait in such information. Analytical reasoning capabilities of an
individual are considered for the purpose of job interviews to select the right candidate for a position, in admission tests
to educational programs and as well as for testing the general aptitude of a person in a wide variety of situations.
There is a misconception that analytical reasoning is something that one is born with. It is incorrect. Analytical reasoning
can be taught and it needs to be practiced on a continuing basis for one to get better at it. Analytical reasoning is best
practiced outside the classroom in real life situations but classroom tests revolving around set problems can give an
individual a theoretical inception.
2 |P a g e
Visual Reasoning
Visual reasoning is the process of analyzing visual information and being able to solve problems based upon it. A person's
visual reasoning abilities are related to overall intelligence. It is a component of nonverbal intelligence, meaning that a
person does not have to use language in order to solve visual problems.
Tests that measure Intelligence Quotient (IQ) nearly always contain questions that require this type of reasoning. These
questions may require the test taker to identify and manipulate visual patterns. They may show a set of shapes and ask the
test taker to identify what shapes should come next in the pattern. Another type of question might show a two-dimensional
representation of a three-dimensional object and ask the person to identify what the object might look like from another
angle. Answering this question requires both visual and spacial reasoning skills.
Visual reasoning skills are key in many real-life contexts as well. For instance, interpreting information found in charts and
graphs usually requires a combination of verbal, mathematical and visual analysis. The person looking at the chart must
identify what type of information is being shown — usually by reading the title and labels — and then analyze the
information using mathematical and visual skills.
Reading a map requires understanding the relationship of visual information to its real-world context. Visual reasoning
abilities also help students learn new concepts in math, physics and other skills.
A number of career paths require a high level of visual reasoning. Many jobs in architecture, engineering and design involve
working with computer models of three-dimensional objects, which the user must be able to manipulate in his or
her mind as well as on the computer screen. Having a good visual memory as well as reasoning abilities helps professionals
in these fields recall and process various types of design models.
A person can improve his or her visual reasoning skills through various means. Simply paying attention to visual
information and making a conscious effort to interpret it can help a person learn to reason more easily. People who have
very strong verbal abilities may also find it helpful to talk through visual pattern problems, such as those found in IQ tests.
3 |P a g e
Critical Reasoning
The ability to reason logically is a fundamental skill of rational agents; hence the study of the form of correct
argumentation is relevant to the study of critical thinking.
"First wave" logical thinking consisted of understanding the connections between two concepts or points in
thought. It followed a philosophy where the thinker was removed from the train of thought and the connections
and the analysis of the connect was devoid of any bias of the thinker. Kerry Walters describes this ideology in
his essay Beyond Logicism in Critical Thinking, "A logistic approach to critical thinking conveys the message to
students that thinking is legitimate only when it conforms to the procedures of informal (and, to a lesser extent,
formal) logic and that the good thinker necessarily aims for styles of examination and appraisal that are
analytical, abstract, universal, and objective. This model of thinking has become so entrenched in conventional
academic wisdom that many educators accept it as canon". The adoption of these principals parallels
themselves with the increasing reliance on a quantitative understanding of the world.
A logistic approach to critical thinking conveys the message to students that thinking is legitimate only when it
conforms to the procedures of informal (and, to a lesser extent, formal) logic and that the good thinker necessarily
aims for styles of examination and appraisal that are analytical, abstract, universal, and objective. As the ‘second
wave’ took hold, scholars began to take a more inclusive view of what constituted as critical thinking. Rationality
and logic are still widely accepted in many circles as the primary examples of critical thinking.
The list of core critical thinking skills includes observation, interpretation, analysis, inference, evaluation,
explanation, and metacognition.
4 |P a g e
Financial Intelligence
Financial intelligence is a type of business intelligence constituted of the knowledge and skills gained from
understanding finance and accounting principles in the business world. Although a fairly new term, financial intelligence
has its roots in organizational development research, mostly in the field of employee participation. Financial intelligence
has emerged as a best practice and core competency in many organizations leading to improved financial results, increased
employee morale, and reduced employee turnover. Many organizations include financial intelligence programs in their
leadership development curriculum. Financial intelligence is not an innate skill; rather it is a learned set of skills that can
be developed at all levels.
Areas of understanding
The four areas of understanding that make up financial intelligence are:
Understanding the foundation. Financial intelligence requires an understanding of the basics of financial measurement
including the income statement, the balance sheet, and the cash flow statement. It also requires knowing the difference
between cash and profit and why a balance sheet balances.
Understanding the art. Finance and accounting are an art as well as a science. The two disciplines must try to quantify what
can't always be quantified, and so must rely on rules, estimates, and assumptions. Financial intelligence ensures people are
to identify where the artful aspects of finance have been applied to the numbers, and know how applying them differently
might lead to different conclusions.
Understanding analysis. Financial intelligence includes the ability to analyze the numbers in greater depth. This includes
being able to calculate profitability, leverage, liquidity and efficiency ratios and understanding the meaning of the results.
Conducting ROI analysis and interpreting the results are also part of financial intelligence.
Understanding the big picture. Financial intelligence also means being able to understand a business's financial results in
context - that is, within the framework of the big picture. Factors such as the economy, the competitive environment,
regulations and changing customer needs and expectations as well as new technologies all affect how the numbers are
5 |P a g e
Service Orientation
Service orientation is the ability and desire to anticipate, recognize and meet others’ needs, sometimes even before those
needs are articulated. Service oriented people focus on providing satisfaction and making themselves available to others.
1. Think of your current customers. This could be your company’s direct customers, partners, or ‘internal’ customers,
such as other groups within the company (for example, if you are in a support function in Finance or IT functions)
2. Focus on improving the level of service you provide. Identify your customers’ pain points (have they had a
complaint to you in the past?), their needs and concerns. Find out what makes them successful and find ways to
help them achieve that. Set a clear and measureable set of goals, which will help you benchmark yourself against
on a regular basis
3. Revisit the list you have created and modify it as your get more feedback or as your customers’ need evolve
People who work in these careers are good at service orientation which means actively looking for ways to help
6 |P a g e
Data Analysis
Data Analysis is a process of inspecting, cleansing, transforming, and modeling data with the goal of discovering useful
information, informing conclusions, and supporting decision-making. Data analysis has multiple facets and approaches,
encompassing diverse techniques under a variety of names, while being used in different business, science, and social
science domains. In today's business, data analysis is playing a role in making decisions more scientific and helping the
business achieve effective operation.
Data mining is a particular data analysis technique that focuses on modeling and knowledge discovery for predictive rather
than purely descriptive purposes, while business intelligence covers data analysis that relies heavily on aggregation,
focusing mainly on business information. In statistical applications, data analysis can be divided into descriptive
statistics, exploratory data analysis (EDA), and confirmatory data analysis (CDA). EDA focuses on discovering new
features in the data while CDA focuses on confirming or falsifying existing hypotheses. Predictive analytics focuses on
application of statistical models for predictive forecasting or classification, while text analytics applies statistical, linguistic,
and structural techniques to extract and classify information from textual sources, a species of unstructured data. All of the
above are varieties of data analysis.
Data integration is a precursor to data analysis, and data analysis is closely linked to data visualization and data
dissemination. The term data analysis is sometimes used as a synonym for data modeling.
The Process of Data Analysis
Analysis refers to breaking a whole into its separate components for individual examination. Data analysis is a process for
obtaining raw data and converting it into information useful for decision-making by users. Data are collected and analyzed
to answer questions, test hypotheses or disprove theories.
Statistician John Tukey defined data analysis in 1961 as: "Procedures for analyzing data, techniques for interpreting the
results of such procedures, ways of planning the gathering of data to make its analysis easier, more precise or more accurate,
and all the machinery and results of (mathematical) statistics which apply to analyzing data."
There are several phases that can be distinguished, described below. The phases are iterative, in that feedback from later
phases may result in additional work in earlier phases.
7 |P a g e
Lateral Thinking
With logic you start out with certain ingredients just as in playing chess you start out with given pieces. But what are those
pieces? In most real life situations the pieces are not given, we just assume they are there. We assume certain perceptions,
certain concepts and certain boundaries. Lateral thinking is concerned not with playing with the existing pieces but with
seeking to change those very pieces. Lateral thinking is concerned with the perception part of thinking. This is where we
organize the external world into the pieces we can then 'process'.
A healthy human brain does not want to always be creative; it is designed to figure out how to do things or how to think
about things and then 'locks' that automatic response or behavior into a subconscious process so that your conscious brain
can focus on other matters.
If you haven't heard of Edward de Bono or of Lateral Thinking, perhaps you have been too busy thinking in conventional
This is why Dr. de Bono developed the Lateral thinking techniques to help overcome our natural proclivity to get 'locked'
into patterns and allow you to be creative on demand. These techniques can be used by individuals and groups are used in
most Fortune 500 companies as a way to develop creative and innovative ideas.
Lateral Thinking is a set of processes that provides a deliberate, systematic way of thinking creatively those results in
innovative thinking in a repeatable manner. While critical thinking is primarily concerned with judging the true value of
statements and seeking errors. Lateral thinking is more concerned with the "movement value" of statements and ideas.
8 |P a g e
Situational Judgment
A situational judgment test, also known as an SJT, includes a series of scenarios that you might encounter in the workplace
and asks you questions to gage how you’ll respond.
Each company will value different competencies which they’ll be explicating looking to tests.
Whilst Situational Judgment Tests vary in form, usually, you will be presented with a number of descriptions to which you
are obliged to provide an appropriate response from a multiple choice list. So, try to be as sensible as you can and use the
full capacity of your emotional intelligence.
The good news is that in some of the industries, employers are relying on relatively stable competencies that have been
sought after for years. Communication skills, commercial awareness, building relationships and team working are just a
few of them.
First and foremost do your research. There are many competencies you can expect to be tested, but they’ll likely be specific
to the employer and the role so do your research beforehand. Find out what they’re looking for as their SJT’s should reflect
While choosing your answers, it’s good to make use of your sensibility and emotional intelligence, however, this not always
might be enough. This quite straightforward and simplistic formula of these tests can be misleading. Candidates usually
complain that they stumble upon really similar answers or tricky questions. In order to know how to successfully navigate
through those traps, practice some SJT’s first.
9 |P a g e
Diagnostic Reasoning
10| P a g e
3-D Reasoning
or spatial reasoning is a category of reasoning skills that refers to the capacity to think about objects in three dimensions
and to draw conclusions about those objects from limited information. Someone with good spatial abilities might also
be good at thinking about how an object will look when rotated. These skills are valuable in many real-world situations
and can be improved with practice.
Visual-spatial abilities are used for everyday use from navigation, understanding or fixing equipment, understanding or
estimating distance and measurement, and performing on a job. Spatial abilities are also important for success in fields
such as sports, technical aptitude, mathematics, natural sciences, engineering, economic
forecasting, meteorology, chemistry and physics. Not only do spatial abilities involve understanding the outside world,
but they also involve processing outside information and reasoning with it through visual representation in the mind.
Vocational applications
Researchers have found that 3D or spatial ability plays an important role in advanced educational credentials in the science,
technology, engineering or math (STEM). From studies, it has been indicated that the probability of getting an advanced
degree in STEM increases in positive relation to the level of one's spatial ability. For example, a 2009 study published in
the Journal of Educational Psychology found that 45% of those with STEM PhDs were within top percentage of high spatial
ability in a group of 400,000 participants who were analyzed for 11 years since they were in the 12th grade. Only less than
10% of those with STEM PhDs were below the top quarter in spatial ability during adolescence. The researchers then
concluded how important spatial ability is for STEM and as a factor in achieving advanced educational success in that field.
11| P a g e
Inferential Reasoning
The process by which a conclusion is inferred from multiple observations is called inductive reasoning. The conclusion
may be correct or incorrect, or correct to within a certain degree of accuracy, or correct in certain situations. Conclusions
inferred from multiple observations may be tested by additional observations.
Two possible definitions of "inference" are:
1. Generalizations (including predictions, parameter estimates, and conclusions) that go beyond describing the given data.
2. The use of data as evidence for those generalizations; and
3. Conclusions that express a degree of uncertainty, whether or not quantified, accounting for the variability or
uncertainty that is unavoidable when generalizing beyond the immediate data to a population or a process.
12| P a g e
Quantitative Ability
Quantitative ability is the ability to solve mathematical and numerical calculations. Quantitative ability includes graph
analysis, arithmetic reasoning, and table and percentage analysis.
The quantitative aptitude test measures the numerical ability and accuracy in mathematical calculations. The questions
range from purely numeric calculations to problems of arithmetic reasoning, graph and table reading, percentage analysis,
categorization and quantitative analysis. The quantitative aptitude test measures the numerical ability and accuracy in
mathematical calculations. The questions range from purely numeric calculations to problems of arithmetic reasoning, graph
and table reading, percentage analysis, categorization and quantitative analysis.
People with strong Quantitative skills generally excel in the field of Finance, Statistics, Economics etc.
13| P a g e
Verbal Ability
Verbal ability is the cognitive ability to use and understand language. The ability may be thought of as having a number
of components:
Language proficiency
Oral communication
Verbal communication
Verbal memory
Verbal reasoning
Writing skills
Written communication
These aspects are assessed using a variety of verbal tests.
14| P a g e
1. The sum of numerator and denominator of a fraction is 30. If 2 is added to numerator and 2
is subtracted from denominator, then it becomes 2/3. Find the fraction.
a. 1/2
b. 1/3
c. 2/3
2. A rectangular courtyard 4.55 meters long and 5.25 meters wide is paved exactly with
square tiles of same size. Find the largest size of the tile used for this purpose?
a. 25 cm
b. 45 cm
c. 21 cm
d. 35 cm
a. 2/3
b. 1/3
c. 4/7
d. 2/5
a. 1.55
b. 1.74
c. 2.36
d. 5.02
1 1
5. Simplify: 10 – 5 – 7 + 2.8 ÷ x × 4.25 ÷ (0.2)2 = 306
2 2
a. 1.963
b. 2.847
c. 3.562
d. 4.963
a. 2
b. 5
c. 4
d. 3
7. Akash and Akshay are business partners. Akash invests Rs 35,000 for a period of 8
months and Akshay invests Rs 42,000 for a period of 10 months. Out of a total profit of Rs
31,570 what is Akash’s share?
a. Rs 12,420
b. Rs 18,040
c. Rs 18,942
d. Rs 12,628
a. 6
b. 5
c. -7/2
d. -11
9. In what ratio should the profit be divided if M, N, O invests capital in ratio 2:3:5 and their
timing of their investments are in the ratio 4:5:6.
a. 8:15:30
b. 5:18:28
c. 4:5:6
d. 2:3:5
10. A tank has three taps P, Q and R. Taps P and Q can fill the tank in 1.5 and 2 hours,
respectively. Tap R can empty the completely filled tank in just half hour. Tap P is opened
at 8 am, tap Q is opened at 9am and tap R is opened at 10 am. At what exact time will the
tank be empty?
a. 12 pm
b. 1.25 pm
c. 12.12 pm
d. 12.28 pm
11. 3 towns P, Q and R are located at the bank of a stream. Distance of Q from P and R is
same. Jeet rows from P to Q and Q to P in total 10 hours. Jeet also requires 4 hours to row
from P to R. If the stream flows at a consistent rate what will be the ratio of Jeet’s speed in
still water and speed of stream?
a. 6:7
b. 5:3
c. 5:2
d. 7:6
12. Chandan buys some sugar at Rs. 15 per kg. He mixes it with sugar having price Rs. 18 per
kg. The final mixture becomes worth Rs. 16 per kg. What is the ratio of quantities of type 1
sugar to type 2 sugar?
a. 2:1
b. 1:2
c. 5:6
d. 6:5
13. An empty bottle weighs 1/6th of the full bottle. When a certain percent of water was
removed and the bottle was weighed, the weight of the bottle turned out to be 1/3rd of the
bottle when it was full. What is the percent of water removed?
a. 70%
b. 85%
c. 80%
d. 75%
14. From P and Q, two trains start moving towards each other at the same time. Their speeds
are 120 km/hr and 100 km/hr, respectively. When the two trains meet each other, one train
has covered 40 km more than other train. Find the distance between P and Q?
a. 180 kms
b. 260 kms
c. 220 kms
d. 440 kms
15. A boy increases his speed to 9/5 times of his original speed. By this he reaches his school
30 minutes before the usual time. How much time does he takes usually?
a. 70.50 min
b. 54 min
c. 66.67 min
d. 67.50 min
16. Ajay and Vijay travel from A to B at 17 km/hr and 19 km/hr, respectively. A is 72km away
from B. Vijay reaches B first and returns immediately and meets Ajay at C. Find B to C
a. 10 km
b. 4 km
c. 15 km
d. 36 km
17. There is a tree between houses of A and B. If the tree leans on A’s House, the tree top
rests on his window which is 12 m from ground. If the tree leans on B’s House, the tree top
rests on his window which is 9 m from ground. If the height of the tree is 15 m, what is
distance between A’s and B’s house?
a. 21 m
b. 25 m
c. 16 m
d. 12 m
18. Meena can do a piece of work in 20 days. Kumar can do it in 30 days. They start working
together on the work but 10 days before the completion of the work, Kumar leaves. In how
many days does the total work get completed?
a. 20 days
b. 12 days
c. 6 days
d. 16 days
19. Akhil borrowed a certain sum of money at the rate of 6%, 9% and 14% for a period of first
two years, next three years and beyond the period of five years respectively. If at the end of
nine years, he paid Rs. 8550 as interest, then find the sum of money he had borrowed.
a. Rs. 9,000
b. Rs.14,000
c. Rs.15,000
d. Rs.18,000
20. In an examination, the percentage of students qualified to the students appeared from
school 'P' is 70%. In school 'Q', the number of students appeared is 30% more than the
students appeared from school 'P' and the number of students qualified from school 'Q' is
50% more than the students qualified from school 'P'. What is the % of students qualified to
the number of students appeared from school 'Q' ?
a. 80.76%
b. 75.5%
c. 60.50%
d. 43 %
21. If the money was put in for the same duration of time by A,B and C, three business
partners and four times A’s capital is equal to 6 times B’s capital is equal to 10 times C’s
capital. Determine that out of a total profit of Rs 4650 what is C’s share?
a. Rs 2250
b. Rs 1550
c. Rs 450
d. Rs 900
22. The average marks obtained by 100 candidates in an examination is 50. Find how many
candidates have passed in the examination, if the average marks of candidates who
passed is 70 and that of failed candidates is 20.
a. 90
b. 75
c. 60
d. 58
a. 616 cm2
b. 336 cm2
c. 168 cm2
d. 784 cm2
24. A sphere with surface area (792/7) has a volume
a. 7
b. 792
c. 792/7
d. 792π/7
25. A, B, C and D invest in a business in the ratio 3:6:2:5 respectively. But the capital was
utilized in the proportion 5:3:2:6 respectively. What is share of C out of a profit of Rs.
a. Rs. 4000
b. Rs. 2000
c. Rs. 1000
d. Rs. 1500
Directions for (Ques No.26 to 35): In each of the questions below consists of a question and two
statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the
statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and Give answer
(A) If the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement II
alone are not sufficient to answer the question
(B) If the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I
alone are not sufficient to answer the question
(C) If the data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question
(D) If the data given in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question and
(E) If the data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.
I. Violet is called Pink, Pink is called Red and Blue is called White.
II. Purple is called Blue, Black is called Brown , Blue is called White and White is called Green.
a. E.
b. A
c. A or B.
d. C.
a. E.
b. A.
c. A or B.
d. C.
28. What is the relation between Jigisha and Pragnesh?
a. E.
b. A.
c. A or B.
d. C.
a. C.
b. A
c. A or B.
d. E.
a. D.
b. A
c. A or B.
d. C.
31. How is Sachin related to Sana?
a. E.
b. A and B.
c. C or B.
d. C.
32. Who is Yuvraj’s partner in Tennis game involving four player Sachin, Sourav, Yuvraj and Rahul .
a. C.
b. A.
c. A or B.
d. E.
33. How much was the total score of the Indian cricket team?
a. E.
b. C.
c. D.
d. A.
I. Shweta missed her Bus of 7a.m. and has to wait for another 15 minutes for next conveyance.
II. Shweta thinks to prefer taxi before 7 a.m.
a. E.
b. A .
c. D.
d. C.
35. Which Country is to the south direction of China?
a. B.
b. A .
c. D.
d. C.
a. 16
b. 15
c. 14
d. 12
a. 28500
b. 4400
c. 4200
d. 42000
38. The growth rate in students of Govt. Engineering colleges compared to that of Private.
Engineering colleges between 1988-89 and 1889-90 is:
a. More
b. Less
c. Almost equal
d. 3/2
39. The total number of Engineering students in 1991 -92, assuming a 10% reduction in the number
over the previous year, is:
a. 5700
b. 57000
c. 44800
d. None of these.
The following table gives the sales details for text books and reference books at
Primary/Secondary/Higher Secondary/Graduate Levels.
Year Primary Secondary Higher Secondary Graduate Level
1975 42137 8820 65303 25343
1976 53568 10285 71602 27930
1977 58770 16437 73667 28687
1978 56872 15475 71668 30057
1979 66213 17500 78697 33682
1980 68718 20177 82175 36697
40. Which of the categories shows the lowest growth rate from 1975 to 1980?
a. Primary
b. Secondary
c. Higher Secondary
d. Graduate Level
41. Which of the categories had either a consistent growth or a consistent decline in the period
a. Primary
b. Secondary
c. Higher Secondary
d. Graduate Level
42. Which category had the highest growth rate in the period?
a. Primary
b. Secondary
c. Higher Secondary
d. Graduate Level
43. What is the growth rate of sales of books at primary school level from 1975 to 1980?
a. 29%
b. 51%
c. 63%
d. 163%
Use the information provided in the two pie charts provided below. The total contribution to the GDP
by the seven sectors mentioned in the pie charts in the year 1999 was Rs.289640 crores and
Rs.317000 crores in the year 2000.
44. Which of the industrial sectors witnessed the maximum rate of growth during the period 1999-
a. Petroleum
b. Software & IT
c. Ad & media
d. Cement
45. Which of the industrial sectors witnessed a negative growth during the period 1999-2000?
a. Auto
b. Defense
c. Steel
d. Petroleum
46. What was the rate of growth witnessed by the Software & IT sector during this period?
a. 1%
b. 12%
c. 33%
d. 22%
47. What was the rate of growth witnessed by the Petroleum sector during this period?
a. 1.1%
b. 12%
d. -8
48. What was the rate of growth shown by the non-petroleum sectors between 1999-2000?
a. –4%
b. 4%
c. 7%
Directions (49-53): The pie charts above show the percentage of students in each faculty at North
West University and the number of non-US students in the Arts faculty. These percentages have
been rounded to the nearest whole number. There are a total of 1049 students in the Arts faculty. Use
this information to answer the following questions.
49. What percentage of students in the Arts faculty are non-US students?
a. 14%
b. 9%
c. 30%
d. 11%
52. If six percent of Science students are Asian. How many Asian students are there studying
a. 48
b. 66
c. 120
53. There are 34 European medical students. What percentage of the faculty does this represent?
a. 14%
b. 18%
c. 12%
d. 15%
54. About how many degrees (to the nearest degree) are in the angle of the sector representing
A. 59
B. 106
C. 211
D. 246
55. The annual rate of interest from "other assets" is 4.8%. If the total assets of the bank are 57.6
million dollars, what is the annual income (in dollars) from "other assets"?
A. 82,944
B. 921,600
C. 1,728,000
D. 2,764,800
In the mid-fifties when GE was expanding its operations across the globe, the president of GE, Ralph
Cordiner decided to set up a corporate university an hour away from New York spread over 59 acres.
In 1956 GE offered its first course that spread over 13 weeks. Today no executive can imagine
spending a full quarter of the year sitting in a classroom. While the courses that are offered at
Crotonville have become shorter, the efficacy of the investment remains unquestionable. The
headhunters refer to GE as a leadership factory.
GE is not alone. McDonalds set up its Hamburger University in 1961. When Steve Jobs hired Joe
Podolny, the then dean of Yale to start Apple University in 2008 it made a big splash. Apple
University drew faculty members including professors from universities like Yale, Harvard, Berkeley,
Stanford and MIT.
The trend of corporate universities is on the rise. The companies have a large employee base that
ranges from 8,000 to 300,000 employees or more. They cut across sectors and businesses from
automobiles to pharma and everything else in between. General Motors Institute, Caterpillar,
Unilever, GDF Suez, Veolia, Axa, Sanofi, Novartis, Petronas, and many more.
In 1993, corporate universities existed in only 400 companies. By 2001, this number had increased to
2,000, including Walt Disney, Boeing, and Motorola. According to BCG, there are estimated to be
more than 4,000 companies with formal corporate universities.
Scale: McDonalds serves 68 million customers daily in 119 countries across 35,000 outlets. This
complexity requires training. That ensures that McDonalds burgers taste the same from Mumbai to
Complexity: When surgeons move to the operating theater they rely on checklists. These lists
reduce human error, and help the surgeon to operate with speed without having to stop and double
check if they are missing any step. In performing complex tasks through collaborating teams, speed
comes through training in standard processes and procedures. Apple University teaches employees
that they’re at the company to be the very best at one specific task.
Corporate Governance: Governance needs the ability to manage reporting relationships, finances,
and facilities. Compliance and risk management demand investments in training. On any given day
two billion people use Unilever products across countries that have different rules and regulations.
This scale and complexity demands constant investment to ensure standards are not compromised.
Education: Entry-level hires are drawn from a wide variety of educational backgrounds. There is a
need to bring people to a common minimum level of knowledge and skills. From technical skills or
domain knowledge or personal competencies, people need to keep upgrading.
Values and Culture: The leaders need to be role models of the values the company proclaims. When
the majority of employee responses to everyday situations become uniform, it forms the culture of the
organization. Tying the professional development to strategic challenges is a strong reason to invest
in training.
The culture of the organization has to support its vision and strategy. This needs a place when people
can come together and connect with others and learn. Technical training can be delivered through e-
learning modules. It is the intangibles like culture that people need to learn from role models.
57. What, according to the author, do you think is the main challenge of increasing scale?
a. The main challenge is to engage an increasing number of employees for handling the scaled up
b. The main challenge is to break down the complex operation into simple steps.
c. The main challenge is to train the employees involved in the large scale operations.
d. The main challenge is to maintain a consistency of output quality.
58. In the context of the passage, choose the word which is most opposite in meaning to the given
a. Priceless
b. Ambivalent
c. Transparent
d. Definite
59. In the context of the passage, choose the word which is most opposite in meaning to the given
a. Deteriorate
b. Elevate
c. Learn
d. Decentralize
60. Choose the word/ phrase which is most similar in meaning to the given word.
Human error
a. The flawed logic of comparing human beings to machines
b. A term coined by psychologists meaning ‘deviation in human thought’
c. The propensity for making mistakes as a result of being human
d. Error in recognizing human potential
61. Choose the word/ phrase which is most similar in meaning to the given word.
a. Effectiveness
b. Monetary returns
c. Need
d. Futility
62. According to the author, what could be a good reason to invest in the training
a. Because there are employees in various domains and the leaders too are experts in each domain.
b. Because there are millions of employees and these universities can earn a huge profit.
c. Because there are challenges of scale and complexity and good governance issues that can be
addressed through corporate training.
d. Because academic education does not help the new hires in their job.
a. Only I
b. Only II
c. I and III
d. II and III
65. Which of these is false in the context of the passage?
I. The pilot course offered at Crotonville was much shorter in duration compared to the executive
courses today.
II. Till today GE continues to be the only company to provide proper classroom training to its
III. Culture has to be learned from leaders; e-learning modules will not do.
a. only I
b. II and III
c. I and II
d. only III
Emanating from the Indian kitchens every morning are the appetizing aromas of crushed spices,
lentils, curry leaves and vegetables and working with her deft fingers and loving heart is the woman of
the house creating ‘the great Indian home cooked meal’.
This is where the ‘dabbawallas’ sensed a business opportunity way back in 1980 – the idea of
delivering home cooked meals to office-goers and their workplace and returning empty meal boxes to
their homes before their return in the evening.
Today ‘dabbawallas’ have become integral part of Mumbai’s cultural mosaic. About 5000 of these
delivery men crisscross the streets, lanes and by lanes of Mumbai, on foot, bicycle and local train,
every morning to deliver about 2,00,000 home cooked meal boxes to office goers at their workplaces.
What amazes business strategists across the world is the unique process of near faultless delivery,
which even convinced Forbes magazine to give them the highly-prized Sigma Six Rating for quality
assurance, a feat achieved by companies such as Motorola and General Electrics.
“The success of the system depends on teamwork and time management that would be the envy of
every modern manager. Such is the dedication and commitment of the barely literate and barefoot
delivery men who form links in the extensive delivery chain, that there is no system of documentation
at all.”
They do not rely on any high technology data bases or computers for communication. Instead they
use colours and code markings for identification. “Each container carries an indelible ink
alphanumeric coding of some ten characters signifying the various transfer and delivery stages, as
well as the individuals who are to be involved in the process.”
One of the major reason for the success of this delivery service is the high-level of personal
involvement, relationship orientation and continuous communication with their clients and amongst
Memorizing about 35 addresses from where they must pick up the boxes it becomes critical for the
dabbawalla to keep the flow of information continuous as any miscommunication might result in the
unpardonable error of serving a non-vegetarian meal to a pure vegetarian, an act blasphemous
enough to wash away all the good deeds of the person in a single stroke.
66. According to the passage, which qualities of the dabbawallas of Mumbai would make even a
modern manager envy?
68. Choose the word which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word “indelible” as used in the
a. Memorable
b. Stirring
c. Inerasable
d. Lasting
70. Which of the following is possibly the most appropriate title for the passage?
71. Choose the word or group of words which is most opposite in meaning to the word printed in
a. Healthy
b. Liberal
c. Progressive
d. Stale
72. Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom/ phrase.
A man of straw
a. a worthy fellow
b. a man of no substance
c. a very active man
d. a selfish person
73. Choose the correct alternative which can be substituted for the given word/ sentence.
a. Amateur
b. Follower
c. Altruist
d. Antiquarian
74. It is always the ordinary people who victims of violence because the politicians move
around in bullet-proof vehicles.
a. indicate
b. shun
c. fall
d. transform
75. If there is some chance of succeeding, it would be unwise to it at this stage.
a. craggy
b. grasp
c. abandon
d. clutch
1. Hillock
2. Mileage
3. Vilify
4. Hillarious
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
78 Choose the word or group of words which is most similar in meaning to the word below
a. credulity
b. speciousness
c. Loquaciousness
d. speciousness
79. Choose the word or group of words which is most similar in meaning to the word printed below
a. Intrigue
b. Simple-minded
c. Victorious
d. Noise
a. Drama
b. Ballet
c. Masque
d. Opera
81. In a coded message, SLOW MOVE, GET BACKWARDS, FIRE AWAY is written as VFMD
Based on this coding scheme, spot the codes for following words
82. If ‘dog’ is called ‘lion’, ‘lion’ is called ‘bison’, ‘bison’ is called ‘snake’, ‘snake’ is called ‘mongoose’,
‘mongoose’ is called ‘crocodile’, then which one is reared as pet?
a. Lion
b. Bison
c. Snake
d. Mongoose
A billionaire drove his Ferrari towards North, then turned left and drove 10 km and again turned left
and covered 20 km.
He found himself 10 km West of his starting point.
How far did he drive northward initially?
a. 10 km
b. 15 km
c. 20 km
d. 25 km
84. Read the following information to answer the given question.
On a fine evening, before sunset, Rohit and Hannibal were talking facing each other.
Hannibal's shadow was exactly to the right of Hannibal.
In which direction was Rohit facing?
a. East
b. West
c. North
d. South
85. Choose the number which is different from others in the group
a. 263
b. 111
c. 242
d. 383
86. In the following question, various terms of an alphabet series are given with one or more
missing terms as shown by (?). Choose the missing term out of the given alternatives.
U, S, P, L, G, ?
a. B
b. A
c. D
d. C
87. In the following question, various terms of an alphabet series are given with one or more
missing terms as shown by (?). Choose the missing term out of the given alternatives.
Read the following information to answer the questions 88-92:
1. Pepper Potts, Hulk, Ironman, Hawkeye, Thor, Loki and Black Widow are sitting in a circle.
2. Pepper Potts, Hulk, Ironman, Hawkeye, Loki and Black Widow are sitting at equal distances
from each other.
3. Ironman is sitting two places right of Loki, who is sitting one place right of Hawkeye.
4. Pepper Potts forms an angle of 90° from Thor and an angle of 120° from Hulk.
5. Hulk is just opposite Black Widow and is sitting on the left of Thor.
a. To immediate right
b. To immediate left
c. Exactly Opposite
d. None of these
a. To immediate right
b. To immediate left
c. Exactly Opposite
d. None of these
91. The angle between Thor and Hulk in the clockwise direction is?
a. 150°
b. 180°
c. 210°
d. None of these
92. Which of the following statements is not correct?
a. Nemesis
b. Nick Fury
c. Viper
d. Hulk
a. Nemesis
b. Nick Fury
c. Kronos
d. Hulk
96. Who is at the same distance from Viper as Kronos is from Viper?
a. Nemesis
b. Nick Fury
c. Viper
d. Hulk
97. Which of the following pair is neighbor pair of Hulk?
98. Read the following information carefully and answer the questions below.
a. C is the father of A
b. C is the uncle of A
c. C is the son of A
d. C is the brother of A
99. Ashwin introduces Rohit as the son of the only brother of his father’s wife.
a. Cousin
b. Aunt
c. Uncle
d. Sister
100. A clock is set right at 5 am the clock loses 16 min in 24 hours. What will be the right time
when the clock indicates on 3 pm the 8th day?
a. 4 pm
b. 5 pm
c. 6 pm
d. 7 pm
ANSWER 26: d. C.
ANSWER 27: b. A.
ANSWER 28: b. A.
ANSWER 29: d. E
ANSWER 30: a. D.
ANSWER 31: d. C.
ANSWER 32 : a. C.
ANSWER 33: d. A.
ANSWER 34: c. D.
ANSWER 35: c. D.
ANSWER 36: 14.
ANSWER 37: 42000
ANSWER 38: Almost equal
ANSWER 39: None of these
ANSWER 40: Higher Secondary
ANSWER 41: Graduate Level
ANSWER 42: Secondary
ANSWER 43: 63%.
ANSWER 44: Software & IT
ANSWER 45: Steel
ANSWER 46: 22%
ANSWER 47: 12%
ANSWER 48: 7%
ANSWER 49: 11%
ANSWER 50: 410
ANSWER 51: 4560
ANSWER 52: 57
ANSWER 53: 15%
ANSWER 54: 211
ANSWER 55: 82,944
ANSWER 56: That they need to be the very best in the work they do.
Check para 6, last sentence
Example in a sentence: The slave was accused by his king of being a man
of straw and lacking in decisiveness.
ANSWER 76: 4
Correct Spelling: Hilarious
Breakdown: Hi-lar-i-ous
ANSWER 77: 1
Correct Spelling: Explanation
Breakdown: Ex-pla-na-tion
Meaning: The act or process of explaining or statement that makes
something clear.
Letter G E T A W Y F I R B C K D S M O V L
Code B E N C D I Q H O P T L X U Z M W F
Letter S A L T Y
Code U C F N I
(263) - 2 x 3 = 6
(111) – 1 x 1 = 1
(242) – 2 x 2 = 4
(551) – 5 x 1 = 5
U -2 S -3 P -4 L -5 G -6 A
5 pm
Time from 5 am On a day to 3 pm on 8th day = 178 hours
Now 23 hrs 44 min. of this clock = 24 hours of correct clock
178 hrs of this clock = (24 × 15/356 × 89) hrs of correct clock