Footing Design UI

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Project Name: Proposed Design by: C_C

Owner: C_C Mark: F1

Location: _C Location:
Check by: Ruel H. Cepeda Date: 10/23/2023


Material Properties Footing Properties Column Properties 2D Section Diagram

Concrete f'c = 20.70 MPa Lenght = 1.50 m Lenght = 0.30 m
Reinforcing fy = 414.0 MPa Width = 1.50 m Width = 0.30 m
Thickness = 0.30 m Location = Center
Soil Properties Depth = 1.40 m Offset, X Dir = 0.00 m
SDA = 144.00 kPa Water Table = 0.00 m Offset, Y Dir = 0.00 m
Soil Density ρs = 18.00 kN/m³ Reinforcement Properties
Friction Coeff μ = 0.45
Cover = 0.075 m Along X = 7 pcs
Friction Angle ϕ = 28.00 Degree
Mainbar = 16.00 m Along Y = 9 pcs
Applied forces:
Location Pu Mx My Fx Fy qa factor
kN kN/m kN/m kN kN Contact to Soil = 97.25 %
Service Load 50.00 15.00 5.00 75.00 2.00 1.00
Remark = Dimension is Safe
Ultimate Load 150.00 20.00 10.00 100.00 5.00 1.00


Check for Stability (Service Load) Service Load 3D Section Diagram
Overturning about x-x Overturning about y-y Sliding Calculation
● Moment = 15.00 kNm ● Moment = 20.00 kNm ● kp = 2.78
● ShearForce = 0.60 kNm ● ShearForce = 22.50 kNm ● Pressure mid d = 77.50 kN
● Total = 15.60 kNm ● Total = 27.50 kNm ● X-Passive Force = 34.88 kN
● Y-Passive Force = 34.88 kN
Resisting about x-x Resisting about y-y
● Friction force = 51.30 kN
● Footing Weight = 12.15 kNm ● Footing Weight = 12.15 kNm ● Safe Factor x-x = 1.15 kN
● Soil Weight = 40.82 kNm ● Soil Weight = 40.82 kNm ● Safe Factor y-y = 43.09 kN
● Bouyancy = -4.97 kNm ● Bouyancy = -4.97 kNm
● Axial = 37.50 kNm ● Axial = 37.50 kNm Remark = Not Safe
● Total = 85.51 kNm ● Total = 85.51 kNm
● Ratio = 5.48 ● Ratio = 3.11
Remark = Safe Remark = Safe

Check for Soil Pressure (Service Load) Service Load

Soil Pressure
● Overturn Mom x-x = 15.60 kNm ● Pu = 114.01 kN ● Xp = 0.51 m ● Pressure 1 = 130.50 kPa
● Resisting Mom x-x = 85.51 kNm ● Area = 2.25 m² ● Yp = 0.61 m ● Pressure 2 = 40.40 kPa
● Overturn Mom y-y = 27.50 kNm ● Sx = 0.56 m³ ● Xecc = 0.24 m ● Pressure 3 = 0.00 kPa
● Resisting Mom y-y = 85.51 kNm ● Sy = 0.56 m³ ● Yecc = 0.14 m ● Pressure 4 = 73.30 kPa

FOOTING THICKNESS CALCULATIONS (Factored Load) 2D Section Reinforcement

Soil Pressure
Soil Pressure (Factored Load)
● Overturn Mom x-x = 50.00 kNm ● Pu = 227.25 kN ● Xp = 0.70 m ● Pressure 1 = 211.70 kPa
● Resisting Mom x-x = 170.44 kNm ● Area = 2.25 m² ● Yp = 0.53 m ● Pressure 2 = 172.40 kPa
● Overturn Mom y-y = 11.50 kNm ● Sx = 0.56 m³ ● Xecc = 0.05 m ● Pressure 3 = 0.00 kPa
● Resisting Mom y-y = 170.44 kNm ● Sy = 0.56 m³ ● Yecc = 0.22 m ● Pressure 4 = 75.60 kPa
Check for Shear
Wide Beam Shear Punching Shear
Shear Forces calculated as Net Ultimate ● γf = 0.60 x-x ACI
the volume of bearing pressures soil pressure at critical point ● γf = 0.60 y-y ACI
● Vux (Left) = 56.89 kN ● Point 1 = 74.52 kN ● γv_x = 0.40 x-x ACI
● Vux (Right) = 72.40 kN ● Point 2 = 94.16 kN ● γv_y = 0.40 y-y ACI
● Vuy (Left) = 36.56 kN ● Point 3 = 51.23 kN ● j/c1 = 0.0881 N/mm² x-x
● Vuy (Right) = 92.73 kN ● Point 4 = 118.48 kN ● j/c1 = 0.0881 N/mm² y-y
● Average = 84.60 kN ● Vu = 0.27 kN ACI
Ultimate Shear Capacity
Vc = φ0.166λ√f'c - ACI ● φVu= 1.71 kN ACI
Calculation of unbalanced moment
● Reduction factor φ = 0.75 transferred by eccentricity of shear Calculation of RC punching shear
● λ = 1.00 resistance without shear reinforcement
● Vcx = Vc×(L×d)= 181.86 kN ● αs = 40.00 ACI ● Vc = 2.32 N/mm² ACI CALCULATIONS (Factored Load)
● Vcy = Vc×(W×d)= 181.86 kN ● b1 = 0.53 m ● Vc = 2.36 N/mm² ACI
● Ratio x = Max_Vux / Vcx = 0.40 ● b2 = 0.53 m ● Vc = 1.50 N/mm² ACI Reinforcement Along X Reinforcement Along Y
● Ratio y = Max_Vuy / Vcy = 0.51 ● bo = 2.12 m ● φVc= 1.13 N/mm² ● Mu = 36.96 kNm ● Mu = 46.96 kNm
Remark = Safe ● Critical Area = 0.29 mm² ● Ratio = 0.24 ● Ru = 0.54 MPa ● Ru = 0.69 MPa
● Resultant = 84.60 kN Remark = Safe for Punching Shear! ● m = 23.53 ● m = 23.53
● req'd p = 0.00133 ● req'd p = 0.00169
FOOTING DETAIL SUMMARY ● min p = 0.00338 ● min p = 0.00338
Footing Dimension = 1.50 m × 1.50 m × 0.30 m ● use p =0.00133 ● use p =0.00169
● As = 447.81 mm² ● As = 571.55 mm²
Reinforcement Along X = 7.00 pcs - 16.00 mm bar ⌀ space equally on center to center
● use n1 = 7.00 pcs ● use n2 = 9.00 pcs
Reinforcement Along Y = 9.00 pcs - 16.00 mm bar ⌀ space equally on center to center
● spacing = 198.00 mm ● spacing = 192.67 mm

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