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Veeam Backup 12 Uair Wizard User Guide

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Veeam Backup & Replication

Version 12
Veeam Universal Application Item Recovery Guide
February, 2023
© 2023 Veeam Software.

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2 | V eeam Backup & Replication | V eeam Universal Application Item Recovery Guide
CONTACTING VEEAM SOF TWARE ................................ ................................ ........................... 4
VEE AM UNIVERSAL APPLICATION-ITEM RECOVERY OVERVIEW ................................ ........................ 5
U-AIR Workflow ................................................................................................................................... 7
Virtual Lab Manager.............................................................................................................................. 8
BEFORE YOU BEGIN ................................ ................................ ................................ ........... 9
INSTALLING U-AIR ................................ ................................ ................................ ............ 10
SE TTING UP C ONNECTION WITH ENTERPRISE MANAGER ................................ .............................. 13
UNINSTALLING U-AIR ................................ ................................ ................................ ........ 14
RECOVERING APPLICATION ITEMS ................................ ................................ ......................... 15
Creating Virtual Lab Requests Using Universal Recovery Wizard .............................................................16
Step 1. Specify a Description and Time Interval for the Lab ........................................................... 17
Step 2. Specify a VM Running the Application ..............................................................................18
Step 3. Review Resolved IP Address ............................................................................................19
Step 4. Select a Restore P oint for the VM Back up ....................................................................... 20
Step 5. Submit the Lab Request .................................................................................................. 21
Creating Universal Lab Requests Using E nterprise Ma nager .................................................................. 22
Approving Virtual Lab Request ............................................................................................................ 23
Step 1. Review Lab Request Settings .......................................................................................... 24
Step 2. Select a VM from the Backup .......................................................................................... 25
Step 3. Select a Restore P oint .................................................................................................... 26
Step 4. Select a SureBackup Job ................................................................................................ 27
Step 5. Approve the Lab Request ............................................................................................... 28
Declining Lab Request; Prolonging Lab Existence ................................................................................. 29
Performing Item-Level Restore ........................................................................................................... 30

3 | V eeam Backup & Replication | V eeam Universal Application Item Recovery Guide
Contacting Veeam Software
At Veeam Software we value feedback from our customers. It is important not only to help you quickly with your
technical issues, but it is our mission to listen to your input and build products tha t incorporate your

Customer Support
Should you have a technical concern, suggestion or question, visit the Veeam Customer Support Portal to open a
case, search our knowledge base, reference documentation, manage your license or obtain the latest prod uct

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Online Support
If you have any questions about Veeam products, you can use the following resources:

• Full documentation set: veeam.com/documentation-guides-datasheets.html

• Veeam R&D Forums: forums.veeam.com

4 | V eeam Backup & Replication | Veeam Universal A pplication Item Recovery Guide
Veeam Universal Application-Item
Recovery Overview
Universal Application-Item Recovery (or U-AIR) addresses one of the most common IT problem — it lets you
restore individual application items that were accidentally deleted or corrupted, directly from VM backups. You
can use Veeam’s U-AIR functionality to recover items from any application running inside any VM.

U-AIR does not require any special backups or additional tools. To enable recovery of application items, U -AIR
uses the vPower technology for applications virtualized on VMware vSphere platform, and Instant VM Recovery
technology for applications virtualized on Microsoft Hyper-V platform. VMs are started directly from
compressed and deduplicated image-level backups.

U-AIR utilizes a SureBackup job configured on the Veeam Backup server, a virtual lab and an application group
linked to the job:

• U-AIR utilizes a SureBackup job to create an isolated virtual environment where VMs from the application
group are started.

• The application group includes the VM running the application from which you want to restore items, and
VMs running applications and services on which the restored application is dependent. This way, U-AIR
ensures that you run in the virtual lab a fully functional application working in a proper way, just as in your
production environment. For example, if you need to recover items from Microsoft Exchange, the
application group should comprise the VM running Microsoft Exchange, a virtualized Domain Controller
performing the role of the Global Catalog, and a DNS server.

• VMs in the virtual lab are started directly from backups using the necessary restore point. Essentially, in
the virtual lab you have a copy of your production environment, but as of an earlier point in time. U -AIR
provides transparent access to the backed up VM image through the appliance VM that has visibility of
both the virtual lab and the production environment. Users can extract the necessary application items
from “earlier” VM images and bring them back to the production environment.

Veeam Backup & Replication starts the virtualized application and all required components in the virtual lab so
that users can connect to that application with the native management tools they use for work with the
application, and restore items they need.

5 | V eeam Backup & Replication | V eeam Universal Application Item Recovery Guide
From the end user’s perspective, U-AIR is a wizard that guides you through the process of application-item
recovery. You can install U-AIR wizard on any Microsoft Windows-based machine in your production
environment from which you plan to start the restore process.

6 | V eeam Backup & Replication | V eeam Universal Application Item Recovery Guide
U-AIR Workflow
Commonly, the restore procedure requires specific knowled ge and is performed by application administrators or
users working with applications. At the same time, management tasks are controlled by
Veeam Backup & Replication administrators who know about all resources available in the backup infrastructure
and access permissions that users have.

For this reason, in the typical U-AIR workflow, two groups of users are engaged:

• Users who need to restore specific items from applications

• Veeam Backup & Replication administrators who work with

Veeam Backup & Replication and Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager

The typical restore procedure includes the following steps:

1. The user who needs to restore an application item downloads the U-AIR wizard and installs it on his or her
machine. The user starts the U-AIR wizard and submits a virtual lab request. The submitted request is sent
over to Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager and is registered there. (1)

2. The Enterprise Manager administrator receives an e-mail about a new lab request submitted by the user.
The e-mail is sent automatically once a new request is registered at Enterprise Manager. (1)

3. The administrator also makes sure that the user who submitted the request is eligible to access application
data from the corresponding backup.

4. The administrator approves or denies access to requested data using Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager. If
the request is approved, the administrator uses the request approval wizard to select the necessary
SureBackup job that should be started in order to create the required virtual lab. The SureBac kup job that
the administrator selects should be pre-configured on one of Veeam Backup servers connected to
Enterprise Manager. (2,3)

If necessary, the administrator can manage virtual labs. For example, the administrator can extend the
time for the virtual lab lease or stop the lab leased by the user to let somebody else perform emergency
restore using the same virtual lab.

5. Once the lab is ready, the user receives a notification from Virtual Lab Manager. (4)

6. The user can now start application-item recovery. If necessary, the user can extend the time for which the
virtual lab should be running. (5)

After the recovery process is finished, the administrator can manually power off the virtual lab. If this does not
happen, the virtual lab will in any way be powered off automatically once the time for virtual lab lease is

7 | V eeam Backup & Replication | Veeam Universal Application Item Recovery Guide
Virtual Lab Manager
To help users who requested virtual labs manage their requests, Veeam Backup & Replication offers a special
tool — Virtual Lab Manager. Virtual Lab Manager runs on the machine from which the user sends the request and
on which the user plans to perform application-item recovery.

Virtual Lab Manager is launched when the virtual lab request is submitted, and continues running in the
background even after the New Virtual Lab Request wizard is closed. When a user submits a request for a virtual
lab, this request is passed to Virtual Lab Manager, which, in turn, sends it to Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager.
Being connected to Enterprise Manager, Virtual Lab Manager can notify users about the state of their requests.
When the request is approved or rejected, a virtual lab is ready or its time elapses, Virtual Lab Manager displays
a message hovering over its icon in the notification area. In addition to monitoring the state of your requests,
you can use Virtual Lab Manager to create new virtual lab requests, open ready virtual labs and dismiss
unnecessary requests.

Virtual Lab Manager is automatically installed on the machine on which you install U-AIR wizard. During the
wizard installation process, you can specify the IP address of Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager, and port over
which Virtual Lab Manager will communicate with it. By default, the port number is 9394. If you skip these
actions at the setup, you can configure connection settings later on, as described here.

8 | V eeam Backup & Replication | V eeam Universal Application Item Recovery Guide
Before You Begin
Before you start working with the Universal Recovery wizard, go through the following check list:

1. You need a valid trial, Enterprise or Enterprise Plus license for Veeam Backup & Replication installed. If
you have a Standard license, you will not be able to use U-AIR.

2. The Universal U-AIR wizard must be installed on a Microsoft Windows-based machine.

3. Make sure that you have properly configured a corresponding SureBackup job and all components it will

4. U-AIR does not work with IPv6 addresses.

5. You must have an application group that includes the VM from which you want to restore application
items, and all VMs running services on which the primary VM is d ependent. Note that all of these
applications must be virtualized.

6. You must have a virtual lab in which VMs from the application group will be started. The virtual lab must
mirror the network settings of your production environment.

7. You must have a properly configured SureBackup job. In the properties of the SureBackup job, you need to
specify the application group and virtual lab that you plan to use for the restore process. Before you start
the U-AIR process, you may run the SureBackup job to make sure the virtual lab is set up correctly:

h. The SureBackup job must be able to start all VMs from the application group.

i. The Keep the application g roup running once the job completes check box in the job properties
must be selected. With this option enabled, the lab will stay powered on after the SureBackup job
completes, and you will be able to perform application item-level restore.

10. You must have backups of all VMs that will take part in the restore process. These include backups of
VMs from the application group. For VMware platform, you can also use VM replicas.

For additional information, please refer to Veeam Backup & Replication documentation.

9 | V eeam Backup & Replication | V eeam Universal Application Item Recovery Guide
Installing U-AIR
To install a Universal Application Item-Level Recovery wizard on a user’s Windows-based machine, do the

1. Run the Veeam_B&R_Universal_AIR_Setup file from the \AIR folder of the

Veeam Backup & Replication installation image or CD/DVD.

2. Read and accept the terms in the license agreement to continue installation.

10 | V eeam Backup & Replication | V eeam Universal Application Item Recovery Guide
3. By default, the Universal Restore feature will be installed to the C:\Program
Files\Veeam\Application Restore folder. If necessary, click Cha nge to specify another installation

Use the Space button to calculate available space.

4. You can specify connection parameters for Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager server, including its IP
address and connection port (default is 9394). This step is optional: you can select Sk ip configuration of
the E nterprise Server connection check box. You will be able to configure connection with Enterprise
Manager later on, using the Virtual Lab Manager settings, as described in the Connection Settings section.

11 | V eeam Backup & Replication | Veeam Universal A pplication Item Recovery Guide
5. Finally, click Install to deploy the U-AIR wizard.

6. Wait for the installation to complete, then click Finish.

Note that Virtual Lab Manager is automatically installed on the machine on which you install U-AIR wizards.

After installation, both applications (U-AIR and Virtual Lab Manager) will appear in the list of application on the
target machine.

12 | V eeam Backup & Replication | Veeam Universal Application Item Recovery Guide
Setting Up Connection with Enterprise
During the wizard installation process, you are prompted to specify the IP address of Veeam Backup Enterprise
Manager, and port over which Virtual Lab Manager will communicate with Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager
(by default, port 9394 is used).

If you skip the connection configuration during the setup, or wish to change these connection settings, you can
right-click the Virtual Lab Manager icon in the task bar and select Settings.

Enter the required values in the dialog displayed, and click Test Connection:

13 | V eeam Backup & Replication | Veeam Universal Application Item Recovery Guide
Uninstalling U-AIR
To uninstall a U-AIR wizard, do the following on the machine where this component is installed:

1. Select Control Panel > P rograms and Features.

2. In the programs list, right-click Veeam Backup & Replication Universal Restore and select Uninstall.

3. If prompted, confirm the operation, and wait for the process to complete.

14 | V eeam Backup & Replication | V eeam Universal Application Item Recovery Guide
Recovering Application Items
The Universal Recovery wizard enables you to recover items from any application running in the VM.

When you start the application-item recovery process, Veeam Backup & Replication runs the SureBackup job to
start an isolated virtual lab and run there VMs from the application group. Once the virtual lab is ready and the
VM with the application is up, you can connect to the application using native management tools to recover the
items you need. Alternatively, you can log on to the VM console using vSphere Client or Hyper-V Manager and
retrieve the necessary items from there.


Typically, when you perform application-item recovery, a SureBackup job is launched automatically by the
request of the U-AIR wizard. The virtual lab linked to the job remains running for the time interval specified
in the virtual lab request. Once the specified period of time is over, the job is automatically stopped, and
the virtual lab is powered off.
However, you can also start the SureBackup job manually. In this case, you will be able to use VMs from the
application group after the SureBackup job is finished. If you want to start the SureBackup job manually,
make sure that you select the Keep the application group running once the job completes option in the
properties of the SureBackup job. If you do not select this option, as soon as the job verifies VMs, it will
automatically power off VMs from the application group, and you will not be able to recover the items you

The recovery procedure includes the following steps:

1. Creating a virtual lab request

2. Approving the virtual lab request

3. Performing item-level restore

15 | V eeam Backup & Replication | Veeam Universal Application Item Recovery Guide
Creating Virtual Lab Requests Using
Universal Recovery Wizard
To create a new virtual lab request using Universal Recovery wizard, do either of the following:

• Select Universal Application Item Recovery from the list of application programs.

• In Veeam Backup & Replication, on the Home tab, click Restore > VMware or Restore > Hyper-
V (depending on the application virtualization platform). At the Restore Options step of the wizard, select
Ap p lication items and click Nex t. At the Select Application step of the wizard, select Other application and
click Nex t.

Then follow the wizard steps:

1. Specify a lab description and time interval to run the lab

2. Specify a VM running the application

3. Assess results

4. Select a restore point for the VM backup

5. Submit the lab request

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Step 1. Specify a Description and Time Interval
for the Lab
At the Na me step of the wizard, provide a description for future reference. The default description contains
information about the user who created the lab request, as well as the date and time when the request was

At the bottom of the window, specify the time interval that will be enough to restore items from the
application. As soon as the specified time interval is over, you will not have access to the virtual lab.

Use time links to set the necessary period of time. By default, the virtual lab is up for 30 minutes.


Once the time interval set for the virtual lab elapses, you will be notified about it via Virtual Lab Manager.
You can extend the time interval by clicking the E x tend button in Virtual Lab Manager without having to
issue a new lab request.

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Step 2. Specify a VM Running the Application
At the Server name of the wizard, specify the VM in the production environment that runs the application from
which you want to restore items. You can use one of the two options: enter an IP address or DNS name of the
server, or enter the name of the VM that runs the necessary application.

18 | V eeam Backup & Replication | V eeam Universal Application Item Recovery Guide
Step 3. Review Resolved IP Address
At the Resolved Server name of the wizard, the wizard will resolve the VM name and connect to it. Check the
VM IP address and click Nex t.

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Step 4. Select a Restore Point for the VM Backup
At the Restore P oint step of the wizard, from the list of available restore points, select the one when the
application running in the VM was in the desired state (for example, before some items were deleted). You can
select the latest performed backup, last Friday night backup or a backup preceding a specific date.

20 | V eeam Backup & Replication | Veeam Universal Application Item Recovery Guide
Step 5. Submit the Lab Request
At the Summary step of the wizard, review the virtual lab request settings and submit the request. As soon as
you click Finish, Veeam Backup & Replication will register the request with Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager,
and Virtual Lab Manager will start monitoring this request.

21 | V eeam Backup & Replication | Veeam Universal Application Item Recovery Guide
Creating Universal Lab Requests Using
Enterprise Manager
Users with Portal Administrator Enterprise Manager role assigned can create virtual lab requests directly from
Enterprise Manager web UI. For that, do the following:

1. Log in to Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager using an administrative account.

2. Go to the Requests tab.

3. Click the Create tool button in the top right corner.

4. Follow the steps of the wizard (they are similar to lab request approval wizard).

22 | V eeam Backup & Replication | Veeam Universal A pplication Item Recovery Guide
Approving Virtual Lab Request
When the user submits a request for a virtual lab, the request is passed to Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager.
All virtual lab requests submitted by different users are listed on the Requests. Administrators working with
Enterprise Manager can use this tab to approve submitted lab requests, reject them or prolong the time for
which a requested virtual lab should be up.


P ortal Administrator rights on the Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager server are required to work with lab

To approve a lab request, select it in the list and click Ap p rove. Then follow the E d it Lab Request wizard steps.

23 | V eeam Backup & Replication | Veeam Universal A pplication Item Recovery Guide
Step 1. Review Lab Request Settings
At this step of the wizard, you can review and, if necessary, edit the virtual lab request (for example, change the
time interval for which the lab should be up). To edit virtual lab request data, click the E d it request link at the

24 | V eeam Backup & Replication | Veeam Universal Application Item Recovery Guide
Step 2. Select a VM from the Backup
Select a backup from which you want to restore items. Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager scans all Veeam
backup servers connected to it, searches for all backups with the VM specified at the previous step of the
wizard, and displays these backups in the list.

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Step 3. Select a Restore Point
Select the restore point when the application was in the desired state. The list of restore points is formed
depending on the choice the user made when submitting the virtual lab request. For example, if the user
selected the La st Friday night backup option, Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager will display restore points
created on the last Friday night, and a number of restore points closest to the matching point.

If you want to display all restore points that are available for the selected backup, select the Show all available
restore points check box.

26 | V eeam Backup & Replication | Veeam Universal A pplication Item Recovery Guide
Step 4. Select a SureBackup Job
Select one of existing SureBackup jobs that you want to run to create an isolated sandbox in which the selected
VM should be started. The application group and virtual lab used by this SureBackup job will be displayed in the
Selected Job d etails section.

By default, the list of jobs displays only those jobs that contain the selected VM. If you want to display all
SureBackup jobs that were created, select the Show a ll available SureBackup jobs check box.

27 | V eeam Backup & Replication | Veeam Universal Application Item Recovery Guide
Step 5. Approve the Lab Request
Review the settings you have configured for the virtual lab and click Finish. Veeam Backup & Replication will
perform verification of the selected restore point.

If the specified SureBackup job is already running, Enterprise Manager will check the restore point to which VMs
from the application groups are started. If the point does not correspond to the point selected at step 3,
Enterprise Manager will display a warning. In this case, you may need to start the SureBackup job to an earlier
point in time to make sure the items you need are available there. To do this, right-click the necessary
SureBackup job in Veeam Backup & Replication and select Sta rt job to from the shortcut menu.

If the SureBackup job is not running, Enterprise Manager will launch the selected SureBackup job, start the
virtual lab and run the VM with the necessary application to the restore point selected at step 3.

Once the virtual lab is ready, Enterprise Manager will send a notification to Virtual Lab Manager so that the user
who requested the virtual lab can start restoring application items.

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Declining Lab Request; Prolonging Lab
Using the Requests tab in Veeam Backup Enterprise Manager, the administrator can also decline virtual lab
requests and prolong the time for which a created virtual lab should run.

• To decline a lab request, select it in the list, click Reject a nd enter the reason for declining the request.
The user who submitted the request will be notified about it via Virtual Lab Manager.

• To prolong the time interval for which the requested lab should run, select the request in the list and click
P rolong.

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Performing Item-Level Restore
Once the virtual lab is running, you will be notified about it via Virtual Lab Manager and can start restoring
necessary application items.

In Virtual Lab Manager, select the lab request which has been approved, and click Op en to bring up the
Universal Recovery wizard and make sure the virtual lab is ready.

To provide the user who submitted the virtual lab request with access to the restored VM in the virtual lab, the
Universal Recovery wizard provides a masquerade IP address for the VM in the isolated environment and
automatically updates routing on the user’s machine. You can use the specified IP address to connect to the VM
remotely and extract required items from the application with the native management tools. As an alternativ e,
you can log on to the VM console using vSphere Client or Hyper-V Manager.

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