PSCP Manual
PSCP Manual
PSCP Manual
Course Overview...................................................................................................... 1
Course Overview
This mandate also implies that the government must continue to exist and deliver its
essential functions regardless of any disaster that might occur. Hence, a DRRM
mechanism known as the Public Service Continuity Plan (PSCP) was developed by
the NDRRMC in partnership with the Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation
(PDRF), a major network of private sector actors working on disaster risk reduction
and management initiatives.
At the 38th Cabinet Meeting held last 10 June 2019, the Cabinet approved the
directive for all agencies to craft and submit their public service continuity plans and
to establish public service continuity sites in pre-identified areas in Luzon, Visayas
and Mindanao.
To learn more about the overall PSCP activation process, the course design for the
conduct of PSCP training is hereby prepared.
Course Objectives
General Objective
At the end of the training, the participants will be able to highlight internal capacities,
recovery requirements and strategies of an agency or institution that leans toward the
continuous delivery of quality public services during an emergency or disaster.
Specific Objectives
Upon completion of the training, the participants will be able to:
• Self-Paced Learning is a method in which the learners can control the amount
of material content they consume, as well as the duration of time needed to
learn the new information properly. Note however, each self-paced session is
given a corresponding technical training time credit.
• Video teleconferencing (VTC) is a learning technology that facilitates the
communication and interaction of two or more users through a combination of
high-quality audio and video over the internet. As face-to-face learning is
currently adjourned, VTC is used for lectures and other interaction.
• Online Evaluation, in the forms of pre-training and post-training tests, is
administered to assess the effectiveness of the training course. Likewise, self
paced quizzes and assignments are given during for the course duration.
Duration: 6 days
Six (6) training days with a total of 31 training hours (18.5 hours for VTC and 12.5
hours for self-paced).
Video-teleconferencing rules
• Reflect NAME and OCD ID Number in your account name.
• Open your video camera.
• Dress appropriately.
• Choose a suitable background.
The issuance of certificates shall adhere to the requirements pursuant to OCD Office
Order 182, s. 2017: Guidelines on the Implementation of OCD Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management (DRRM) Training Courses. Per item,
“Certificate of completion shall be awarded to trainees who attended all sessions and
successfully satisfied the requirements of the training course.” This includes the
active participation in the activities and the completion of Level 2: Learning Level
Evaluation with a passing grade (50% + 1). Per item 8.8.4 of the said OCD Office
Order, “Certificate of Participation shall be given if the trainee missed a maximum of
5% of the required training hours and/or was not able to satisfactorily perform based
on the set objectives of the training course.”
Further, pursuant to OCD Office Order No. 196, s. 2019: Revised Guidelines on
the Implementation of Levels 1 and 2 Evaluation for DRRM Training, in item 9.2,
it is specified that a participant shall be required to take the pre-test and post-test
under the following conditions to receive Certificate of Completion:
The OCD upholds the principles of gender and development in the implementation of
all its training programs. Hence, it is important for all attendees to maintain gender
sensitivity and responsiveness throughout the course.
Contact Details
Self-paced Module
This is an introduction to PSCP which discusses the
Introduction to Initiation
Module 2:
Risk Assessment for Continuity of
Module 6:
Exercising, Testing and This module identifies appropriate
Maintaining the Public Service continuity strategies for MEFs and
Continuity determination of recovery
Program requirements.
basic principles associated with
continuity, evolution of continuity and
importance of public service This module defines the continuity
continuity planning planning process and identifies the
basic components of the public
service continuity plan.
Course Program
Module Objectives
Upon completion of the module, you will be able to:
1. Determine the basic concepts and principles associated with continuity;
2. Describe the evolution of continuity planning; and
3. Determine the importance of public service continuity planning.
ISO 22300 further defines Public Service Continuity Management (PSCM) is the
holistic management process that identifies potential threats to a public sector
organization and the impacts to operations that those threats might cause, and
which provides a framework for building organizational resilience.
Maintain and Improve (Act) Maintain and improve the public service
Implement and operate the continuity continuity management system by
policy, controls, processes and taking corrective action, based on the
procedures. results of management review and
reappraising the scope of the PSC
management system and continuity policy and objectives.
Template for
Building for
NGAs and
Writeshop on
of the PSC
Policy &
PSCP References
Sendai Framework for DRR
• comes as a surprise;
• has a major effect; and
• is often inappropriately rationalized after
the fact, with the benefit of hindsight.
1. Identify the roles and responsibilities of the continuity core team members; and
2. Develop a public service continuity policy.
Senior Leadership
• Approves plans and programs;
• Notifies appropriate offices upon execution of continuity plans; and •
Supports the work of the manager and coordinator for their organization,
budgetary needs, and other resources;
Continuity Manager
• Coordinates the overall activities of the Continuity Planning Team; and •
Provides an annual summary of planning activities to the Appointed Officials
and Organization Heads.
Continuity Coordinator
• Coordinates continuity planning activities;
• Creates and leads the continuity planning;
• Develops and maintains the continuity plan;
• Develops and administers a continuity program budget; and •
Serves as an advocate for the continuity plan and program.
• Understand their continuity roles and responsibilities;
• Understand and perform their functions in continuity situations; •
Know and commit to their duties; and
• Ensure that their family members are prepared for and taken care of in an
emergency situation.
Service Continuity Planning 23
National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive
“It is the policy of the United States to maintain a comprehensive and effective
continuity capability composed of Continuity of Operations and Continuity of
Government programs in order to ensure the preservation of our form of government
under the Constitution and the continuing performance of National Essential
Functions under all conditions.”
In line with the mandate as the implementing arm of the NDRRMC and pursuant to
RA 10121, the Office of Civil Defense commits to maintain and ensure continuous
and effective delivery of essential services of administering a comprehensive national
civil defense (CD) and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) program
for its citizenry amidst any disruption that may affect its normal operations.
• An effect is a deviation from the expected – positive and/or negative •
Often expressed in terms of consequences of an event and its likelihood.
Risk Appetite refers to the amount of risk that an organization is prepared to accept,
tolerate or be exposed to at any point in time.
Residual Risk is the level of risk remaining after all cost-effective actions have been
taken to lessen the impact, probability and consequences of a specific / group of risk,
subject to an organization’s risk appetite.
The Risk Log or Risk Register is a summary of identified risks and their ranking,
and how they are to be treated. The Risk Register includes the following:
Service Continuity Planning 27
Checklist Questions for Risk Identification (under normal or emergency
• The Risk analysis establishes the basis for risk evaluation by identifying the
nature and level or risk for an event.
• Risk analysis provides the basis for risk evaluation and decisions for the risk
4 Major • Limited in-patient care required for employees or third parties, such
as guests
or other service providers/contractors
• Report to regulator requiring major project
for corrective action
• Some senior managers leave, high
turnover of experienced staff, not
perceived as employer of choice
• National long-term negative media
• Availability of personnel
• Availability of ICT
• Status of infrastructure
• Supply chain
• Physical protection
• Logical protection
• Location of assets
• Changes to personnel procedures
• Increased preventive maintenance
• Redundancy of utilities
• Interface with external agencies
Risk Treatment
The selection and implementation of measures to modify risk.
• Risk Avoidance or Risk Elimination eliminating the source of pure risk; the
most effective form of risk treatment. Sample Intervention: Implementation
and observation of “no build zones”
• Risk Control reducing and managing the risk to within acceptable levels.
Sample Intervention: prevention, preparedness, mitigation, response and
continuity strategies
• Risk Transfer passing the risk to a third party; also called risk sharing. Sample
Intervention: Insurance
• Risk Acceptance or Risk Assumption the organization has determined that the
risk is not sufficient to warrant additional controls (residual risk) or it is
impossible to eliminate the risk.
• Risk Financing a form of self insurance in which the organization sets aside
and manages funds to cover a future potential loss.
Continuity Planning 33
Module Objectives
Upon completion of the module, the participants must be able to:
The functions that the president & the nation’s leadership will focus on to lead &
sustain the nation during a disaster event / catastrophic emergency.
• Acts of nature;
• Accidents;
• Technological emergencies; and
• Military or terrorist attack-related incidents.
Sample List of NEFs by the US
NOTE: Currently, the NEFs for the Philippines are still to be established.
Primary Mission Essential Functions (PMEFs)
NOTE: The PMEFs may only develop once the NEF are in place.
Mission Essential Functions (MEFs)
Agency-level government functions that must be continued or resumed rapidly
after a disruption of normal activities.
• Computer systems
• Communication tools and equipment
• Monitoring tools and equipment
• Work areas/ work stations
• Meeting rooms/ conference rooms
• Meal area
• Resting area
• Back-up power source
Service being delivered to another part of the same organization, it’s a supporting
Function Categorization:
Mission: core functions of the agency according to mandate (e.g., front-line services).
Essential: services needed by the public or functions the agency needs to perform
during disaster events.
Process of analyzing all operational activities, losses, and the effect that an
operational impact might have upon them. (BCM Institute)
✓ “What would be the impact to the organization if your unit could not function?”
✓ “How would the loss of your unit affect other functions within the
✓ “What other units are dependent on the input or output from your unit?”
✓ “How would this impact change over time?”
• Staff
• Communication & IT Requirements
• Facility Requirements
• Resource & Budget Requirements
• Partners & Interdependencies
Module Objectives
Upon completion of this module, the participants will be able to:
Vital Records
Orders of succession
An arrangement between the agency/ bureau and personnel that allows its personnel
to work in an approved site outside the office.
Allows personnel to do its functions outside a fix area or during commute. Call Tree
Public Service
Continuity Planning 46
Module Objectives
PSCP Parts
Service Continuity Planning 50
1. Introduction
• Refers to the brief explanation regarding the document and its use. • Includes
the context of the document with emphasis on the continuity of the service.
2. Purpose
4. Scope
7. Assumptions
Specifies critical functions (or mission essential functions of the agency) and their
recovery time objectives.
• Outlines the criteria used to determine when the public service continuity
plan will be activated.
• Specific procedures to be undertaken by the agency to meet the public
service continuity objectives are also indicated.
Orders of Succession
Delegations of Authority
Continuity Facilities
Essential Records Management
13. Exercise,
Testing & Maintenance
• Provides a general description of the testing or exercising program for the public
service continuity plan.
• Specifies requirements for the tests and exercises are also listed.
Public Service
Continuity Planning 55
Materials, documents, or statements for consultation:
• Related Laws
• Related Policies and Ordinances (if applicable)
• Related ISO standards (e.g., ISO 22301, ISO 9001)
• Indicate relevant National Plans
• Indicate relevant Local Plans
15. Appendices
• Forms
• Travel Directions and Maps
• Relevant Plans and Procedures
• (if necessary)
• Checklist (quick reference guide)
o Where to gather
o How to assess
o What to decide
o How to mobilize
o How to communicate
o How to recover
• Hazard/s Plan
• Camp Defense Plan
Overview of Exercise
What is Exercise?
What is a Test?
Why Exercise?
• To promote preparedness
• For system improvement
Methods of Exercise
Types of Exercise
Indicate specific type of Identify target Specify exercise objective Indicate target
exercise method to population or goal for conducting the date to conduct
conduct (e.g. Workshop category of exercise. Note: the
to develop Continuity audience for each Objectives must be exercise.
Strategies) exercise method. S.M.A.R.T.
Seminar / Orientation All [Agency] Staff To orient all staff on the July 29, 20XX,
on the [Agency] [Agency] PSCP. during
PSCP Specifically to: Announceme
1) Communicate the roles nts Segment
of each personnel relative of Flag
to the established PSCP; Ceremony
2) Convey to the staff the
established chain of
command in time of
Communication Drill: All [Agency] Staff To assess the effectiveness Every 1st week
Implementation of the of the established [Agency] of the 3rd
[Agency] Call Tree Call Tree Protocol in the month of
implementation of the every quarter
PSCP. Specifically to:
1) Determine alternative
Hierarchy of
Communications; and
2) Evaluate viability of
identified Flow of
Functional Exercise Operation Center To assess the completness October XX, 20XX
on Alternate Site Personnel of the established [Agency]
Transfer in [area of Guidelines on Alternate
Alternate Site] Site Activation for
continuity of operation of
the OpCen.
Specifically to:
1) Verify the identified RTO
on Alternate (Hot) Site
Transfer in [area of
Alternate Site].; and 2)
Update the Resource
Requirements for
Alternate Site Transfer.
• At planned intervals
• As significant changes occur
• As a result of the findings from exercise and testing
• As required by regulatory requirements
• As required by internal or external stakeholders