Child and Adolescent Psychiatry NIMHANS Evaluation Proforma
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry NIMHANS Evaluation Proforma
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry NIMHANS Evaluation Proforma
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Evaluation Proforma
Educational status:
Trainee Status:
Date of work-up
Family History:
Genogram/Family Tree
(preferably three generation with use of internationally accepted symbols, depicted below, and
indicating abortions, perinatal deaths , twins, affected members etc)
Family history of illness: (Neurodevelopmental disorders, other handicap, epilepsy, psychiatric illness,
substance use disorders, neurological illness, early death, suicidal attempts, completed suicide)
Consanguinity among parents: [Father married to: Sister's daughter, Mother's brother's daughter,
Father's sister's daughter, father's brother's daughter (Encircle the appropriate), If any other – please
Descriptive account of parents / significant others / other family members if relevant including age,
education, occupation and any other relevant details
Family life and relationships (include family setup & environment, living conditions and current living
arrangements, cohesiveness, parental relationships, emotional atmosphere, parent – child relationships,
relationship with siblings, communication style in the family, child rearing practices, daily life pattern,
stress in family, including family’s understanding of the illness, and treatment expectations etc)
Personal History
Pre-natal factors: (State of mother during pregnancy) (Tick and describe) (Nutritional Deficiencies,
teratogen Exposure, Infections (measles etc), Fever, antepartum bleeding, Rh incompatibility, maternal
stress, maternal diseases (hypertension, diabetes, pre-ecclampsia, toxemia, hypothyroidism, psychiatric
illness, etc), any other)
Child at birth:
Birth weight: HC:
Cry-normal, delayed/no cry,
Congenital anomalies (including small head),
Others: (tick and describe) Apneic spells, Cyanosis (APGAR Score if available), Jaundice, need for
First four weeks (tick and describe): (Respiratory distress, Excessive crying, Cyanotic attacks, Feeding
problem, Jaundice, High fever, Fits, altered sensorium,. Hypoglycaemia, Hypocalcamia, Fever, Incubator
care, any other)
Immunization History:
If not up to date:
Importance of Immunization explained: YES / NO: Pediatrician referral made: YES / NO
Developmental History
Delay present /absent
If present, Delay first noticed at ______ age
Developmental course: typical / gross delay from birth / mild delay from birth / only specific delay / loss
of acquired milestones (regression)/ regression in background of delay / other
Temperament and personality traits: (Give an account based on child’s sociability, emotionality (general
mood, affect regulation), attention / concentration, activity level, impulsivity, adaptability, others); also
record any temperamental risk factors such as stubbornness, sensitivity to criticism, moodiness,
excessive shyness, aggressive tendency etc.)
Past History (Significant medical / psychiatric problems prior to the onset of present illness including
medication and treatment that the child may have received till date including interventions received and
if any improvement was perceived with those interventions)
History of presenting illness: (Describe onset, ppt factors, maintaining factors, stressors, chronological
evolution of symptoms, current problems, treatment history till date (including screening details at
NIMHANS), negative history, family perception and responses to the problem and graphic charting of
illness over lifetime if needed. Use extra sheet if needed)
Psychiatric Examination: Note the following: comfort level during examination, cooperativeness,
rapport, social responsiveness, Speech and language skills, alertness, attention and concentration,
activity level, mood and affect (subjective and objective), thought processes (stream, form, content,
control), perception, general intelligence, child's version of the problem, 3 wish test, insight). If a non-
verbal child or with neurodevelopmental issues also note externalizing (hyperactivity, inattentiveness,
impulsivity, tantrums etc), internalizing (crying / clinging, irritability, anxiety, compulsions etc), features
of ASD ( poor eye contact, poor response to name call, stereotypies etc.), autistic, self-injurious
behavior, mood changes, recent onset behavior change, sleep /appetite changes, psychotic symptoms,
Physical examination: (under each item, some common anomalies are listed: screen the child for these,
or any other abnormalities and mention).
Ht (with comments):
Wt (with comments):
Birth mark / Identification mark:
Sum up the important physical examination findings, including Syndromal diagnosis if any: Down /
Fragile X/ Cornelia de Lange/ Cockayne / Prader-willi / Laurence Moon BB/ Others)
Tasks given to the child (please attach)
CGI Illness severity rating:
Considering your total clinical experience with this particular population, how mentally ill is the child at this time?
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Not assessed Normal Borderline ill Mildly ill Moderately ill Markedly ill Severely ill Extremely ill
IQ assessment:
Axis 1 Axis 1
Axis 2 Axis 2
Axis 3 Axis 3
Axis 4 Axis 4
Axis 5 Axis 5
Discussed with:
Discussion notes, including management & follow-up plan