7es DLL
7es DLL
7es DLL
- Science: Study the effects of heat on food and how it affects taste and texture.
- Home Economics: Explore different appetizers from various cultures and countries.
- Ask students to define what an appetizer is and if they can give examples of hot and cold
1. Show pictures of various hot and cold appetizers and ask students to identify which ones are hot
and which ones are cold.
2. Play a "Hot or Cold" game where students have to guess if the given appetizers are hot or cold.
3. Conduct a group discussion on the importance of appetizers in a meal and how they can enhance
the dining experience.
Materials: Hot and cold appetizers (prepared by the teacher or students), tasting plates, napkins
Instructions: Divide the class into groups and provide each group with a selection of hot and cold
appetizers. Students will taste each appetizer and discuss their observations in terms of taste,
temperature, and texture. They will also identify the key differences between hot and cold
- Criteria: Identification of hot and cold appetizers, description of taste, temperature, and texture
- Points: 10
Assessment Questions:
1. What are the key differences between hot and cold appetizers?
2. How does the temperature affect the taste and texture of the appetizer?
Instructions: Provide students with different recipes for both hot and cold appetizers. They will
compare the ingredients, cooking methods, and presentation styles of each type. Students will then
discuss their findings and share their preferences.
- Points: 10
Assessment Questions:
1. What are the common ingredients used in hot and cold appetizers?
2. How do the cooking methods differ for hot and cold appetizers?
Instructions: Students will work individually or in pairs to create a menu that includes both hot and
cold appetizers. They will consider factors such as taste, presentation, and variety in their menu
planning. Students will present their menus to the class and explain their choices.
- Criteria: Inclusion of hot and cold appetizers, creativity, presentation, and explanation of choices.
- Points: 10
Assessment Questions:
1. The teacher will provide a lecture on the characteristics and preparation methods of hot and cold
2. Students will engage in a class discussion, asking questions and clarifying any misconceptions.
1. Students will research and present on famous hot and cold appetizers from different countries.
2. Students will participate in a cooking demonstration where they will prepare both hot and cold
1. Conduct a written quiz on the characteristics and differences between hot and cold appetizers.
2. Observe and assess students' participation and engagement during the activities.
Students can further explore the world of appetizers by researching and creating their own unique
hot and cold appetizer recipes.
Create a recipe booklet that includes at least three hot and three cold appetizer recipes. Include
step-by-step instructions, ingredients, and a brief description of each appetizer's taste and texture.
Note: It's important for the teacher to adapt and modify the activities and assessment methods
based on the resources and time available in their specific teaching environment.
1. Science - Study the properties of metals and their reactions during welding.
3. Technology and Livelihood Education - Apply the skills learned in SMAW to create practical
- Inquire about the materials and tools they think are used in SMAW.
- Translate: "Have you ever seen or heard about welding? What materials and tools do you think are
used in SMAW?"
1. Show a video demonstration of SMAW in action, highlighting the materials and tools used.
2. Display various welding materials and tools in the classroom, allowing students to examine and
discuss their purposes.
3. Discuss the importance of SMAW in different industries, such as construction and manufacturing.
- Translate: "Watch this video demonstration of SMAW. What materials and tools can you identify?
Why is SMAW important in different industries?"
Instructions: Divide the class into groups. Provide each group with a poster or image of welding
materials. Ask them to label each material and write a short description of its purpose. Assign points
based on accuracy and completeness.
Assessment Questions:
Instructions: Distribute worksheets listing different welding tasks. Provide a selection of welding tools
for students to examine. Ask them to match each tool with the corresponding welding task. Use a
rubric to assess the accuracy of their choices.
Assessment Questions:
1. What tool would you use to join two metal pieces together?
Instructions: Demonstrate the proper use of welding tools and safety equipment. Allow students to
practice handling the tools and performing simple welding tasks under supervision. Assess their
performance based on safety practices accuracy of their welds.
Assessment Questions:
1. Use visual aids to explain the purpose and function of each welding material and tool.
2. Conduct a class discussion, allowing students to ask questions and clarify any uncertainties.
- Translate: "Let's use these visual aids to understand the purpose and function of each welding
material and tool. Do you have any questions or need further clarification?"
1. Organize a field trip to a local welding shop or industry where students can observe professionals
using SMAW techniques.
2. Invite a guest speaker who is experienced in SMAW to share their knowledge and experiences with
the students.
- Translate: "We will visit a local welding shop or invite a guest speaker who is experienced in SMAW.
This will give you the opportunity to observe professionals and learn from their experiences."
1. Assign a written test that includes multiple-choice and short-answer questions about welding
materials and tools.
2. Conduct a practical assessment where students are required to demonstrate their ability to
identify and select the appropriate materials and tools for specific welding tasks.
- Translate: "You will have a written test and a practical assessment to evaluate your understanding of
welding materials and tools."
Encourage students to explore further by researching different welding techniques and their
applications in various industries. They can also practice SMAW skills by creating small projects using
scrap metal.
Create a poster or presentation showcasing different welding materials and tools, explaining their
purposes and importance in SMAW. Use visuals and clear explanations.