Intra-Axial Brain Tumors
Intra-Axial Brain Tumors
Intra-Axial Brain Tumors
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G. Wilms
Ph. Demaerel
Intra-axial brain tumours
S. Sunaert
fully examined. These steps are: detection, evaluation of its brain on CT (Fig. 1a). Artefacts in the posterior fossa or on
effect on the brain and the ventricles, localisation especially the highest slices can mask subtle lesions [15].
with regard to eloquent areas and definition of the extent With MRI, detection will depend on the difference in
of the tumour. Finally the type and grade of the tumour MRI characteristics, such as T1, T2, proton density, flow,
have to be described, together with its differential diagno- etc. It is known that the sensitivity for pathological con-
sis, especially with non-tumoural lesions. ditions is higher with MR than with CT. Lesions producing
The first and of course limiting step is the detection of little or no change in CT density tend to be more con-
an intracerebral mass. This will first depend on the volume spicuous on MR (Fig. 1b) [15]. This is due to the high
of the lesion: smaller lesions will be more easily missed than sensitivity of MR for changes in water content, almost in-
larger ones. Nowadays with appropriate techniques and variably present in or accompanying brain tumours, leading
proper clinical suspicion, very small lesions such as tiny to hyperintensity on T2-images and FLAIR images. Isoin-
metastases or microadenomas of the hypophysis can be tensity of a lesion is extremely infrequent with higher field
detected with CT. Detection will depend on the difference in magnets and, if seen, is rarely present on all sequences.
CT characteristics, meaning the atomic number or radio- Small metastasis, though, still can be missed if only a
density. Tumours such as low grade glioma, metastasis or screening transaxial T2-weighted sequence is performed.
lymphoma can be almost isodense with the surrounding If contrast medium is administered, detection will de-
pend on the difference in vascularity and on the damage to
is confined to one lobe or extends over a fissure to an- specification of the nature of the lesion. We have to dif-
other lobe (for instance, a frontotemporal lesion) (Fig. 5), ferentiate between primary and metastatic lesions, menin-
if the tumour involves the brain stem, basal ganglia, crosses gioma and neurinoma, lymphoma and metastasis, benign
the midline, extends through the incisura tentorii, through and malignant character, glioma and other kinds of brain
the foramen magnum or seeds to specific anatomic areas. In tumours. This differential diagnosis is based on CT or MR
this regard, the metastasis of pineoblastoma to the infun- characteristics (density-intensity), extension or localisation,
dibulum of the hypophysis is a pathognomonic finding in contrast enhancement and classical signs [19, 20].
a patient with diabetes insipidus (Fig. 6). Here too, mul- The first is the CT density of the lesion or the intensity
tiplanar imaging with MRI, with depiction of the ana- on MR. The presence of calcification can point to oligo-
tomic relations in the axial, coronal and sagittal planes, is dendroglioma or ependymoma. Flow voids because of
mandatory. hypertrophic draining veins or hypervascularity can sug-
The final step in the examination of patients with a gest hemangioblastoma (Fig. 7). The signal from cystic
cerebral mass lesion is the differential diagnosis or the components, such as hyperintense cholesterol-containing
Fig. 14 Importance of perfusion MR in tumour grading. Thirty- benate dimeglumine (MultiHance) at an injection rate of 4 ml/s.
four-year-old female patient presenting with a histologically proven Time-to-bolus arrival (T0), time-to-peak (TTP), regional cerebral
oligodendroglioma grade 3 in the right frontal lobe, and a second blood volume (NI), regional cerebral perfusion (index) and mean-
focal lesion in the right temporal pole, with “gliosis” as histological transit-time (MTT) maps were calculated. Perfusion characteristics
diagnosis. Dynamic contrast-enhanced T2* MR perfusion imaging of the frontal grade 3 oligodendroglioma show markedly increased
was performed at 3T with a GE-EPI perfusion sequence with a rCBV and rCBF within most of the tumour A. The temporal area of
temporal resolution of 1.5 s and injection of 0.1 mmol/kg gabo- gliosis has normal to slightly decreased rCBV and rCBF B
The radiological diagnosis of intra-axial brain tumours from the tumour volume and by crossing the borders of the
cerebral lobes (Fig. 12a, b).
Here, we will discuss the imaging aspects of the most fre- Progressive malignant transformation is characterised by
quent intra-axial tumours: the neuro-epithelial tumours, the a progressive increase in tumoral necrosis, intratumoral
embryonal tumours and the metastases. haemorrhage and peritumoural oedema, with appearance of
The World Health Organisation (WHO) Classification contrast enhancement. In this way the low-grade astrocyto-
of Brain Tumours was profoundly changed in 1993 and ma becomes anaplastic and finally displays the very “mul-
was updated recently in 2000 [28, 29]. For the typing and tiform” aspect of glioblastoma multiforme (Fig. 12c, d)
grading of brain tumours, no longer only standard patho- [20, 24]. It has to be stressed that in some gliomas anaplastic
logical features are used, but besides information on immu- transformation is not translated into an increase of contrast
nohistochemistry and genetics, imaging findings are taken enhancement [25].
into account. The peritumoural vasogenic oedema is typically “finger-
The most important change concerned the large group of like”, dissecting white matter tracts (Fig. 14a). This oede-
the astrocytic tumours, accounting for more than 60% of ma reflects the break-down of the blood-brain barrier, but
primary brain tumours. Here, a distinction is made between is also related to angiogenesis, as proven by the presence
diffusely infiltrating and circumscribed astrocytomas, re- of vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF). There-
ferring to both gross pathological and imaging features. fore, oedema is more pronounced in malignant tumours
The diffusely infiltrating astrocytomas are at least grade 2 [30, 31].
and have an inherent tendency for anaplastic progression. Tumoral contrast enhancement is mostly anarchic, areas
Circumscribed astrocytomas are benign, and malignant of homogeneous enhancement alternating with ringlike
transformation is extremely rare. bands of enhancement with nodular formations in the wall
Low grade astrocytomas are hypodense on CT and have (Fig. 13b). It reflects both the blood-brain barrier break-
long T1 and T2 on MRI. Classically, there is no contrast down, but also is correlated with tumoral angiogenesis.
enhancement. The diffusely infiltrating character is reflect- This “malignant hypervascularity” has been known for a
ed in a replacement rather than a displacement of brain long time from angiography, but is now easily demon-
structures leading to a mass-effect that is less then expected strated by perfusion CT or MRI [5–7] (Fig. 14a). Demon-
Fig. 17 Oligodendroglioma
grade 2: CT and MR-aspect of
calcifications. Enhancement in
a low-grade lesion. a Contrast-
enhanced CT scan: space-
occupying lesion in the left
parieto-occipital area with ante-
rior displacement of the calci-
fied choroid plexus of the left
lateral ventricle. Presence of
dense streaky calcifications
(arrow) in the lesion. Moderate
enhancement of the dorsal as-
pect of the lesion. b Transverse
T2-weighted MR image: the
lesion is inhomogeneously hy-
perintense. The calcifications
are seen as hypointense streaks
(arrows). c Transverse T1-
weighted MR image: The
tumour now shows overall hy-
pointense signal. Calcification
(arrows) is seen as markedly
hyperintense foci. d Transverse
gadolinium-enhanced MR
image: the posterior part of the
tumour is inhomogeneously en-
hancing (arrow). In the anterior
part some small foci of en-
hancement are seen (arrow-
malignant transformation, as in astrocytic tumours (Fig. 17) T2 WI and iso- to hypointense on T1 WI. Calcification
[23]. can be less conspicuous than on CT, whereas cysts and
Ependymomas originate from the ependymal or sub- small hemorrhagic foci are better demonstrated on MRI.
ependymal cells that line the ventricular walls and the Enhancement is moderate. Fourth ventricular ependymo-
central canal of the spinal cord. Ependymomas are mul- mas fill up the fourth ventricle and show lateral extension
tilobulated, well-demarcated, frequently calcified masses to the cerebellopontine angle cisterns. This is considered
that are by definition intraventricular in location [22]. Most as a major differential diagnostic feature with medullo-
cases occur in the fourth ventricle. They occur most fre- blastoma.
quently in children from 1 to 5 years of age. In adults they Neuronal and mixed neuronal-glial tumours are a rela-
occur in the 3rd decade and are supratentorial. In the tively new group of lesions, based on the detection by new
supratentorial compartment, extraventricular locations are immunohistochemical techniques of neuronal elements in
common (Fig. 18). On non-contrast CT ependymomas are some primary brain tumours. Therefore, in our opinion, it
isodense with calcification in 50%. Enhancement is mild is a specific responsibility for the (neuro-) radiologist to
to moderate. On MR ependymomas are hyperintense on mention these tumours in the differential diagnosis, so that
Fig. 19 Dysembryoplastic
neuro-epithelial tumour.
a Transverse T2-weighted
MR-image: in the left parieto-
occipital region a strongly hy-
perintense lesion is seen. There
are some more hypointense
strands in the mass giving rise to
a gyriform pattern. There is no
oedema around the lesion. The
lesion is predominantly located
in the cerebral cortex and causes
a bulging of the surface of the
brain. The overlying bone is
thinned and eroded. b Transverse
gadolinium-enhanced MR
image: There are some spots of
focal enhancement within the
lesion. Notice again the cortical
location, the bulging of the sur-
face of the brain and the erosion
of the bony skull
pect of the tumour on gross pathology with cyst formation, arachnoid space is well demonstrated by MRI. Evidence of
haemorrhage and calcification is reflected by its heteroge- leptomeningeal spread is evident in one-third to one-half
neous aspect on imaging studies (Fig. 21a, b). Invasion of the patients (Fig. 21c) [46, 47]. Imaging of the spinal
of the brain stem and extension through the foramen of canal therefore is part of the routine preoperative imaging
Magendie towards the cisterna magna and the spinal sub- protocol of children with tumours of the posterior fossa.
Fig. 21 Medulloblastoma in a 5-year-old child. a Sagittal gadolin- The tumour extends to the inferior cerebellar peduncles, being most
ium-enhanced MR image: huge tumour, originating from the inferior pronounced on the right (arrow). c Sagittal gadolinium-enhanced
vermis with upward displacement of the fourth ventricle. Clear MR image of the spinal canal: presence of a large seeding lesion on
invasion of the brain stem (arrows). Notice seeding to the spinal the surface of the spinal cord
subarachnoid space. b Transverse gadolinium-enhanced MR image:
glioblastoma and lymphoma. Besides the distribution of the promising. On diffusion-weighted sequences, the high cel-
lesions, unilateral in glioblastoma, periventricular in lym- lularity of lymphoma is reflected by a restricted diffusion
phoma, the study of the perfusion of these lesions seems (Fig. 25) [4].
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