Physical Activity For Health
Physical Activity For Health
Physical Activity For Health
3): E150-E159
Physical activity plays a substantial role in maintaining people’s associated with many health benefits and delayed mortality. How-
good health and mental wellbeing, but that is not all: not only it posi- ever, understanding the role of physical activity in modern society
tively affects the individuals’ mental and physical health, but a lack of and creating an awareness in the general population is one of the
physical exercise exerts a negative impact also on the overall econ- most important tasks of health and recreation promoters. Corre-
omy of a nation. In addition, physical inactivity not only increases spondingly, there is a dire need to enhance our knowledge, percep-
the risk of non-communicable diseases (NCD), but also contributes tion, and awareness of physical activity and its impacts on an individ-
significantly to the increased morbidity and mortality in patients suf- ual’s health, ultimately contributing to developing a healthy society.
fering from these diseases. On the contrary, physical activity reduces The current review will focus on the health benefits of the two most
the risk of NCDs – such as cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, widely studied modifiable lifestyle risk factors, physical activity and
and cancer – in a dose-dependent manner; regular exercise is also diet, focusing particularly on the Mediterranean diet.
cardiovascular problems, inflammatory diseases, thus reduce the risk of mortality. Furthermore, vigorous or high
leading to increased morbidity and mortality [3-6]: lack intensity physical activity not only stimulates the body
of PA has become the fourth leading cause of mortality systems, but also exerts positive effects on overall health
[7]. Not only this is an alarming situation, but it also has condition. For instance, strong aerobic or endurance activ-
a huge socioeconomic impact on the healthcare system, ities (like swimming or fast running/walking 150 minutes
with nations spending millions of dollars as maintenance per week) not only reduce high blood pressure and type
cost of physically inactive citizens and in PA promotion 2 diabetes, but also improve the lipid profile and decrease
programs. Therefore, it is direly needed to make the pub- the risk of cardiovascular diseases (Tab. II) [17-19]. Ad-
lic realize the importance of physical activity, alone or in ditionally, weight endurance and weight-supporting ex-
combination with healthy dietary regimes like the Med ercises such as skipping, jumping, weight training, and
Diet, so that the full potential of both can be reaped for using playground equipment, lead to the development of
shaping a healthy and active lifestyle. a healthy bone mass, bone health, muscular power, and
musculoskeletal fitness [20].
Tab. I. Classification of physical activity levels in terms of METs and their corresponding risk of mortality in case of underlying chronic diseases.
Metabolic Risk of mortality in case of
Classification of
equivalents Examples of activity underlying chronic diseases and
(METs) High Body mass Index (BMI) > 30*
Lying in supine position, meditating, desk work,
Sedentary or inactive
1.0-1.5 watching TV, listening to music without any High (risk rate: 2.0-2.5 on a 4 scale)
physical activity
Slow walk, cooking, gardening, washing, arts
1.5-2.9 Light-intensity activity and crafts, playing an instrument, slow walking, High (risk rate: 2.0-2.5 on a 4 scale)
fishing, light yoga
Slow dancing, cycling at a speed of less than
Moderate-intensity Moderate (risk rate: 1.0-1.5 on a 4
3.0-5.9 10 mph, vigorous cleaning, mowing the lawn,
activity scale)
painting of walls, dancing, exercise class
Weightlifting, laborious jobs (such as carrying
>6 heavy loads or farming), fast dancing, cycling at Low (risk rate: < 1.0 on a 4 scale)
more than 10 mph, running more than 4 mph
*Based on a study conducted by Myers et al., 2002 [14] and reviewed by Warbuton et al., 2006 [15].
tary lifestyle and obesity. Studies have shown that PA both men and women. High risk individuals with obesity
enhances blood glucose control and slows down the on- and inheritee or impaired glucose tolerance, can reduce
set of type 2-diabetes [35] in both men and women [36]. their risk of having type 2-diabetes risk by brisk exer-
Studies also show that, rather than sedentary activities, cises [37]. Physical activity reduces risk of diabetes by
physical activity reduces the risk of type 2-diabetes in long-term and short-term improvements in insulin action
for better glucose control. In older men, exercise training The effect of physical activity on various cancers is men-
for two months shows significant improvement in insu- tioned below:
lin sensitivity and fasting glycaemia [37]. • Colon cancer: Individuals who exercise regularly
have a 40-50% lower risk of colon cancer than those
who do not [51];
Effects of physical activity on weight • Breast cancer: Women who are involved in vigorous
management and obesity physical activity can minimize up to 30-40% risk of
breast cancer in both premenopausal and postmeno-
Obesity has a strong correlation with physical inactivity. pausal active women [52, 53, 54]. Also, if women
It’s a common observation that people having sedentary increase physical activity after menopause, they are
lifestyle have a lower metabolic rate and tend to gain less prone to breast cancer [54, 55];
weight over time and become obese while those hav- • Bladder cancer: People who participated in recre-
ing regular exercise, walking or other forms of physi- ational activities had a 15% decreased risk of bladder
cal activity have a higher metabolic rate and are lean. cancer [56];
In addition, less physical activity means less energy ex- • Lung cancer: Physical activity can reduce the inci-
penditure, which results in weight gain over time and dence of lung cancer in both smokers and non-smok-
vice versa [38]. Obesity has turned into an epidemic ers, according to meta-analysis research [57, 58];
nowadays, with nearly half of the world population be- • Endometrial cancer: Obesity is the leading cause of
ing obese [39]. For instance, nearly three-fourths of the endometrial cancer, and it can be prevented with reg-
adult population in the USA are obese. Similar trends ular exercise. Endometrial cancer risk is reduced by
exist in other westernised countries and, according to 20% in highly active women [59];
the EU, countries estimate that in 2008 23% women • Uterine cancer: Uterine cancer risk was decreased
and 20% men are overweight or obese in the European in women who engaged in more physical activity.
countries [40]. In addition, a gradual increase in obesity There is a lower risk of uterine cancer in more active
has been observed also in children and adolescents in women [60];
Europe [41]. These increasing trends in obesity and be- • Oesophageal cancer: Increased physical exercise
ing overweight are largely dependent upon the physical lowers the risk of esophageal cancer by 21% [61];
inactivity as well as on dietary habits. Westernised food • Renal cell cancer: Renal cell cancer risk is reduced
regime, with fried and fat-rich food coupled with high by 12% in people who engage in vigorous physical
sugar and salt intakes, less vegetables and fruits more activity [62];
red meat are the contributory factors of high BMI in • Gastric cancer: Individuals who were the most phys-
half of the western population. Besides that, inadequate ically active had a 19% lower risk of stomach cancer
physical activity with more sedentary lifestyle is the ma- than those who were the least active [63].
jor cause for increased obesity and overweight in Eu-
rope. Physical activity coupled with proper food intake
has an inverse effect on weight gain and obesity. High Effects of Physical activity
physical activity leads to high energy expenditure and, on Musculoskeletal health
correspondingly reduction in stored fats (adiposity) and
lower BMI. In addition, this helps to lower diabetes and Regular exercise promotes bone density, healthy joints,
high blood pressure, and also improves lipid profile that strong muscles, tendons and ligaments, as well as op-
ultimately reduces the risk of developing NCDs [42-49]. timum growth and development. Additionally, it will
develop functional ability for elderly individuals to lift,
carry, climb stairs, etc. and lower the risk of osteoporo-
Effect of Physical activity on Cancer sis and hip fracture [44, 64]. Physical activity can have
beneficial effects on several musculoskeletal diseas-
Cancer has become a major concern because of the sed- es (Tab. III).
entary lifestyle of the European population. Cancer is a
leading cause of death in Europe, existing health-care
programs must be improved, and new initiatives must be Effects of Physical activity
developed to raise awareness of the role of PA in reduc- on Psychological health
ing cancer risk. Cancer is becoming the leading cause
of death in Europe. Physical activity plays a significant Everyone’s mental state can indeed be enhanced by
influence in cancer risk reduction [50]: physically active exercise, which can lessen the effects of depression
men have a 30-40% lower risk of colon cancer, where- by elevating mood and sensations, it [80, 81]. Addi-
as physically active women have a 20-30% lower risk tionally, it can improve awareness of stress and sleep
of breast cancer [50]. Physical activity lowers the risk efficiency. Physical activity helps young people’s cog-
of cancer through reducing long-term inflammation in nitive, learning, and judgmental abilities, and their ac-
the gut, which aids in the reduction of colon cancer, im- ademic performance [82]. It will strengthen older peo-
proves the immune system’s ability to fight cancer, and ples’ cognitive abilities, including short-term memory,
improves hormone balance [44]. planning, and decision-making [83]. Mental health can
be enhanced by exercise, as reported by many studies: cal activity in the UK decreased by 20% between 1961
physical activity involves moving one’s body and us- and 2005. Eurobarometer surveys are used to monitor
ing their muscles, for example for walking, running, the levels of sports and physical activity. The survey
dancing, swimming, practicing yoga, or working in the reveals that in Europe the physical activity falls with
garden [84]. The length of exercise regimens appears age and men are more enthusiastic than women. Cor-
to mitigate the association between physical activity respondingly, well-educated individuals are more active
and psychological health, as lengthier programs regu- than less educated ones. The Northern part of Europe is
larly report. Mild to moderate mental health disorders, more active as compared to the Southern part, mostly en-
including depression and anxiety, may be effectively gaging in activities like cycling, dancing, and gardening
managed by engaging in physical activity. Increased (particularly interesting to nations like the Netherlands
aerobic exercise or strength training has been proven and the Nordic region), while walking is more preva-
to dramatically improve depressive symptoms, even lent in Southern and Eastern Europe. According to the
though people with depression often engage in less results of the overall survey, one in ten Europeans are
physical activity than those who do not suffer from it. unusually sedentary and unable to walk for 10 minutes
Moreover, regular exercise appears to have benefits each day [90].
comparable to those of meditation or relaxation for The WHO public health recommendations for physical
anxiety symptoms and panic disorder [85]. exercise are not being followed by about one third of Eu-
ropeans [87, 90]. A according to the “Health Behaviour
in School-aged Children” (HBSC) research, an average
Current physical activity levels of over 45% of girls and 2/3 of boys are unable to meet
the recommended 60 minutes per day of moderate ac-
Modern technologies are currently helping people in tivity, with girls being less physically active than boys,
doing less physical labour; for example, using a pri- according to reports (Tab. IV) [91]. Furthermore, accel-
vate vehicle lessens the need for physical activity-based erometers showed that 11-year-olds exercise more than
transportation, like walking or cycling. The introduction 15-year-olds.
of television, computers, and other electronic leisure
gradually made engaging in sedentary activities more
appealing than exercising, particularly for young people. Socioeconomic effects of
Accelerometers are the accepted methods of monitor- physical activity as opposed to
ing physical activity to evaluate people’s transportation, physical inactivity
household, and leisure activities. Low-income and mid-
dle-income countries are more active than high-income Brain development, emotional and social health, job per-
ones in terms of cycling and walking [86-88]. In the formance, and productivity are all enhanced by physical
future, low- and middle-income countries will reduce activity, resulting in the improvement of life skills like
their levels of physical activity because of technological grit, self-control, punctuality, emotional regulation, de-
changes [89]. cision-making, and goal-setting [94].
The method used to estimate an activity’s energy expen- Physical activity-related risks typically involve the
diture is called METs. According to MET hours, physi- musculoskeletal system, such as straining a mus-
Mediterranean diet and physical activity This research was funded by the Provincia Autono-
ma di Bolzano in the framework of LP 15/2020 (dgp
One of the most important factors that affect health 3174/2021).
globally is the lack of physical activity [97]: physical
inactivity is in fact a major risk factor for the develop- Conflicts of interest statement
ment of chronic diseases and early death, as demon-
strated by a wealth of research on the benefits of PA on Authors declare no conflict of interest.
health. The aging process will eventually be negatively
impacted if PA or exercise is replaced with inactivi-
ty or sedentary behaviour [98]. The two most widely Author's contributions
studied modifiable lifestyle risk factors, diet and PA,
increase the risk of developing lifestyle diseases like MB: study conception, editing and critical revision of
CVDs, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and several malignan- the manuscript; KD, ZN, MCM, FF, PC, MAP, SN,
cies, as well as their mortality and morbidity. In clinical PM, SX, MB, DB, STC, KLH: literature search, editing
practice, diet and PA are usually advised for promoting and critical revision of the manuscript. All authors have
general health, weight loss or maintenance, preventing read and approved the final manuscript.
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Correspondence: Kristjana Dhuli, MAGI’S LAB, Rovereto (TN), 38068, Italy. E-mail: [email protected]
How to cite this article: Dhuli K, Naureen Z, Medori MC, Fioretti F, Caruso P, Perrone MA, Nodari S, Manganotti P, Xhufi S, Bushati
M, Bozo D, Connelly ST, Herbst KL, Bertelli M. Physical activity for health. J Prev Med Hyg 2022;63(suppl.3):E150-E159.