DR Y and The Jiangshi (2 Acts)
DR Y and The Jiangshi (2 Acts)
DR Y and The Jiangshi (2 Acts)
© 2022 Ulisses Spiele. Torg, The Possibility Wars, and all unique
characters, concepts, locations, and creatures are trademarks and / or
copyrights of Ulisses Spiele. All rights reserved.
octor Yan-ting (Doctor Y) with the Bujutsu
Corporation has discovered a potential
cure for the jiangshi virus. The Kanawa
Corporation, having uncovered the Bujutsu
Corporation’s potential cure, raids the lab and
takes all the employees of the Bujutsu Corporation
as hostages. The Storm Knights must find the
survivors of the Bujutsu Corporation (who are
allies of the Delphi Council), make their way
to the underwater base where Doctor Y and his
colleagues are being held, and free them. Once
they return to the surface, Doctor Y assists them
in returning to his secret lab within the Bujutsu
Corporation. There, they uncover the cure, which
is not a medicine but Doctor Y himself who is
infected with a mutated strain of the the jiangshi
virus. The Storm Knights must make some
difficult decisions in the final scene.
Standard Scene: Pan-Pacifica Dominant Zone
The Storm Knights receive an encrypted e-mail
from the Delphi Council. Once decrypted, a
process with which the Storm Knights are familiar,
they read the following message:
Storm Knights:
The Delphi Council has been working with the
Bujutsu Corporation—a medical research company
with ideals that align with our own—since just after
the invasion. They are taking measures to counter
many of the goals we believe the Kanawa Corporation
is working towards. Recently, one of their lead
researchers, Doctor Yan-ting, made breakthroughs
on an antiviral drug for the jiangshi virus. Shortly
after the Bujutsu Corporation informed us of this
discovery, they went silent. We suspect the Kanawa
Corporation or another rival is responsible.
Your mission is to find out what happened to the
Bujutsu Corporation. If possible, make contact and
protect the Doctor and his research. If he did discover
a cure for the virus, he and his research are invaluable.
Enclosed is a picture of the Doctor.
This is Alpha level clearance and top priority. Please
respond with any supply requests within the next 15 CHARACTERS MORE
This gives the Storm Knights the opportunity to During this adventure, the Storm Knights have
request any additional supplies from the Delphi an increased chance of becoming infected with
Council with the appropriate difficulty persuasion the virus, as Doctor Y’s presence increases the
test. The message self-deletes 15 minutes after the ferocity of all infected enemies. If any of the
Storm Knights have read it. Another 15 minutes Storm Knights have the Is that a bite? Cosm
after that, an automated vehicle and drone deliver card, for this adventure it additionally reads:
any requested supplies to the Storm Knights. “Roll a bonus die when played. On a result
The picture of Doctor Y remains intact after the of 1 – 3, if the Storm Knight who played this
Delphi Council email disappears from the Storm perishes during this Act, they rise soon after
Knights’ device. It shows a tall, slender man of as a jiangshi. On a result of 4+ they die, as
Asian descent with a shaved head, who is wearing usual.” The card also grants the Storm Knight 1
glasses. He has a serious expression and is wearing additional Possibility.
a white lab coat.
The Storm Knights can find the location of the by one of the people they question through
Bujutsu Corporation’s offices in Kyoto without streetwise) a short video clip of the altercation
needing to roll. A quick internet search or asking between the unnamed officer and Kanawa
the locals uncovers the address. The offices are in Security. The officer is yelling something about
the heart of Kyoto, occupying the upper 20 floors a “cover up” and “unjust” arrests.
of a 30-floor high rise—the Kenkyu Building. If After they gain their information, the Storm
the Storm Knights wish to do some investigating Knights can enter the Kenkyu Building without
before they make their way into the Bujutsu issue. However, they find the elevator that leads to
Corporation’s offices, they must make a Very Easy the higher floors, where the Bujutsu Corporation
(DN 6) computers or streetwise test to either search offices are located, requires a special key card to
the Plexus or ask around town. go any higher than the 20th floor. Upon reaching
With a Standard Success, they receive the the 20th floor, they find the offices are closed and
following information: locked. With a Very Easy (DN 6) find or evidence
• The police stormed the Bujutsu Corporation analysis test, the Storm Knights discover a stairwell
offices two days ago. They walked out with door that is slightly ajar. There are obvious scratch
sealed boxes marked “evidence” on the sides marks near the locking mechanism where someone
and escorted many employees out in handcuffs. likely picked or forced the lock.
Heading up the stairwell, the Storm Knights
With a Good Success, they also learn: find the lock similarly forced or picked on floors
• Though the police arrested numerous 21 – 25. Floors 21 – 24 reveal nothing but empty
employees and confiscated items from their offices; all the computers and other devices have
offices, there were also Kanawa security been removed or destroyed. When they enter the
troopers among the police, trying to blend in. 25th floor, read or paraphrase the following:
With an Outstanding Success, they also discover: When you pull open the heavy steel door, you
immediately see a beam of a light and a shadowy
• During the raid, there was an altercation figure outlined behind it. The light quickly moves in
between a police officer and several Kanawa your direction, illuminating you. “Who are you!?”, a
security troopers. The next day, the officer feminine voice shouts. “Kyoto Police! Put your hands
was put on administrative leave. She has been where I can see them!” There is something familiar
spotted around the Kenkyu Building since the about the voice, though you cannot make out the
raid. The Storm Knights find (or are shown shadowy figure’s features.
All the Storm Knights must make a Standard (DN Storm Knights. Read the following aloud once
10) Mind test. If they succeed, they recognize the Officer Io trusts the Storm Knights, regardless of
voice as one they heard in the video clip of the why:
police officer’s conflict with the Kanawa security The officer nods her head. “This all is starting to make
troopers. If the Storm Knights did not discover sense. Why my superiors acted the way they did. Why
the video, they can tell the person holding the gun Kanawa Corp was involved. Why they took Doctor
does not intend to use lethal force by the tone in Yan-ting.” She pauses for a moment as she looks down
her voice. at the notes and Zuzu on the file cabinet in front of
The woman is officer Onishi Io. She will only her, then shakes her head. “Kanawa needs to pay for
fire on the Storm Knights to defend herself. She is what they’ve done,” her voice raises in anger as she
easy to reason with and quickly lowers her firearm balls her hands into fists. “The best way to make that
and light once they convince her—an Easy (DN 8) happen is to save the Bujutsu Corp scientists. Before I
persuasion test—they are not with the police or the was formally shut out of the Kyoto Law Enforcement
Kanawa Corporation. network, I was able to find out where they were
If the Storm Knights do not recognize her, she holding the employees they took into custody. They
briefly explains who she is. She did not agree with were transferred into the hands of the Kanawa Corp
the Kanawa Corporation’s methods and felt their and taken to an underwater lab off the coast a couple
actions were suspect. However, when she raised her of hours north of here. I cannot go, as they would
concerns, her superior officers dismissed her from immediately recognize my face, but perhaps you can
the Kenkyu Building and quickly placed her on get to them!”
leave. Something is wrong, as her superiors never Officer Io can provide the Storm Knights basic
would have acted this way in other situations. So, information on how to get to the closest part of
she came back here to try to find more information. the coast and the coordinates of the underwater
It is not like she has anything else to do with her base, but she does not have the means to get there.
time right now, anyway. However, she did come across some Kanawa
Officer Io goes on to explain she is fairly certain access badges, which she believes should grant the
what happened has something to do with what Storm Knights access to the hidden lab if they can
the Bujutsu Corporation was researching. She has get to it. If the Storm Knights are persistent, allow
not been able to access the labs on the upper levels, one to make a Hard (DN 14) persuasion test. If they
but the information she found thus far shows they succeed, Officer Io offers them the name of a master
were studying antiviral therapies for a variety of diver — James Holt—an Australian who could take
different viruses. Someone could stand to make a them to the area in which the underground lab is
significant amount of money if they discovered a located and guide them there...for the right price.
cure for one of these viruses. If the Storm Knights On an Outstanding success, she offers to talk to
reveal what they know about the potential drug for him to beforehand and cash in a favor so Holt does
the jiangshi, or anything about Doctor Y, Officer Io not charge them anything.
gets extremely excited and enthusiastically agrees
they must be onto something. The notes she found OFFICER ONISHI IO
indicate the same and Kanawa Security seemed to Officer Onishi Io is a young Japanese woman. She
be extra-interested in Doctor Yan-ting. That was has an athletic build and short black hair, and
why she originally stepped in and said something. she is currently wearing civilian clothes. Both her
If the Storm Knights do not openly reveal this body language and voice tend to put others at ease
information, remind them Officer Io seems like when she speaks. She has a strong sense of justice
she is trustworthy and wants to help. If the Storm and is known for doing what is right. In most
Knights continue to withhold information, she other police departments, these would be positive
eventually takes a chance and decides to trust the traits; however, due to the corrupt nature of the
department she works for, they have stifled her
opportunity to become a rising star.
Officer Onishi Io has little difficulty recognizing the intruders as Storm Knights
Attributes: Charisma 7, Dexterity 10, Mind 9, Storm Knights must find a way to reach the hidden
Spirit 6, Strength 8 underwater Kanawa base. The likely methods
Skills: Dodge 11, evidence analysis 11, find 10, are finding scuba gear and swimming, acquiring
fire combat 12, first aid 10, intimidation 7, land a ship and diving, or locating a submarine. If the
vehicles 11, lockpicking 13, unarmed combat 11 Storm Knights were able to convince Officer Io
Move 8; Tough 8 (2); Shock 6; Wounds 3 to help them, they already have a contact (James
Equipment: IriMesh Clothing +2 Armor; Glock Holt) with a ship and scuba gear.
9mm 13 damage, 15 ammo, 10/25/40 range; speed
cuffs; Zuzu; 2 extra clips WE CAN SWIM
Perks: Double Tap
Possibilities: — It is an easy task for the Storm Knights to find
Special Abilities: None somewhere to rent scuba gear in a costal city. They
have more than enough funds to rent the gear
without issue, but will have a long swim ahead
SCENE TWO: SAIL, SWIM, of them through some dangerous waters. They
OR SUBMERGE must make three Standard (DN 10) Strength tests
to successfully swim to just within range of the
Standard Scene: Pan-Pacifica Dominant Zone hidden base. The oxygen tanks they carry contain
The Storm Knights, after they learn where the one hour’s worth of oxygen. It is a 30-minute swim
Bujutsu Corporation survivors and Doctor Y are to reach the base, with each 10-minute interval
being held, head north towards the coast of Japan. It representing one of the three Strength tests to swim.
is easy for the Storm Knights to find transportation,
and the journey is uneventful. Once they arrive, the
The Storm Knights have a total of six attempts
THE BUJUTSU to achieve three successes; if they do not achieve
CORPORATION three Standard (DN 10) Strength tests after six
attempts, they begin taking Shock damage. (See
Though Pan-Pacifica’s invasion into China, Environmental Hazards in Torg Eternity for rules
Japan, and other parts of Asia was subtle, on swim speed and drowning. )
the effects were still noticeable. The jiangshi,
Once they get near the base, they encounter one or
and the virus that caused them, were one of
more of the sharks the Kanawa Corporation uses to
the most apparent. The Kanawa Corporation
guard against unwanted guests.
claimed to be working on a vaccine, but
not everyone believed this new company’s • Sharks (one for every three Storm Knights):
projected good nature. Thus, many other see next page.
corporations were founded as rivals of
and in opposition to Kanawa. A group of
doctors, researchers, and scientists founded
the Bujutsu Corporation, to better humanity WE CAN GET A SHIP?
through medicine. Among its founders were If the Storm Knights were able to convince Officer
Storm Knights, who helped ethically guide Io to help them, they know exactly where to find
the corporation. The corporation’s name, James Holt. James is an Australian master-diver
though martial in meaning, was chosen to who is cheerful and extremely easygoing. If Io
represent the aggressive and honorable nature called ahead, he is expecting the Storm Knights. If
its methods of research and development into the Storm Knights were able to convince Io to call
medicine would take. in a favor to James, he tells the Storm Knights that
Established a short time after the invasion, his ship, the Whiskey Jack, is already prepped and
the Bujutsu Corporation has been in operation ready to go. He casually comments, ”Onishi must
for less than a year. During this short time, really like you to call in this kind of favor.” If the
they have done much to advance medicine, Storm Knights were unable to convince Officer Io
including creating new ways to administer to call in a favor, James has the gear waiting for
medicines, developing high-tech procedures them, but asks how they are going to pay for him
to help patients recover from illnesses, and to navigate his ship into off-limits waters. He will
making breakthroughs towards developing agree to either $10,000 or, if the Storm Knights
vaccines—most notably for the jiangshi do not have that kind of money on hand, a solid
virus. Doctor Yan-ting was at the head of this favor whenever he calls it in. The Game Master is
research, and he is almost solely responsible encouraged to come up with a difficult task in the
for the jiangshi virus vaccine. This discovery future for which James will call in his favor.
drew the Kanawa Corporation’s attention and Alternatively, the Storm Knights can try to find
drove their aggressive response. Though the a ship with the appropriate gear on their own,
Kanawa Corporation is quite capable in the but no other captain is willing to take the ship
field of science, the Bujutsu Corporation puts into forbidden waters. The Storm Knights will be
nearly one hundred percent of their resources forced to come up with a clever way to sneak a ship
into their research. Their small corporate out of the harbor under the cover of darkness. If
security and legal teams left them open to they succeed at a Challenging (DN 12) streetwise
attack by the Kanawa Corporation. test, they can find James Holt on their own, and
he is willing to make the same deal with them as
detailed above.
Once they arrive at the waters above the hidden If the Storm Knights are able to board the
base, James cheerfully says, “Good luck, mates!” as submarine and make a successful dive, they reach
they begin their dive. Use the rules from We Can the hidden Kanawa base with ease. They can dock
Swim above; however, it takes only one Standard at one of the underwater ports and avoid the
(DN 10) Strength test to reach the base. The Storm encounter with the sharks. The submarine is also
Knights still encounter the shark(s) as they reach waiting for them when they make their escape in
the base. the final scene.
SCENE THREE: troopers move in and attack. Otherwise, the Storm
Knights are allowed into the base without incident.
YES, WE BELONG HERE The Storm Knights may be puzzled at how easy it
Standard Scene: Pan-Pacifica Dominant Zone is to gain access to the base, but the card Officer Io
After defeating the sharks, it is an easy swim provided truly does give them access to everything.
to the underwater dock for the Storm Knights. Though the base is highly secretive, most people
They use the card Officer Io gave them to gain do not have the means to make it there. Further,
access without difficulty. However, they must still though the Storm Knights do not know it, they
infiltrate the base, find Doctor Y, and escape with are receiving psychic aid that clouds the Kanawa
him safely. The other survivors are unreachable. A employees’ minds and softens their suspicion
frontal assault is an option, but it is an exceedingly towards the Storm Knights.
difficult fight against Kanawa security troopers.
As the Storm Knights open the airlock to the INSIDE THE BASE
Kanawa base, read or paraphrase the following: Once inside, the Storm Knights must navigate
The hidden base sits atop numerous pillars that the facility. Doctor Y psychically guides them
extend down into the blue depths. Submarines are through the base to avoid those who would be
docked at other airlocks around the base. You hear a most suspicious of them and take the most direct
distant beeping noise distorted by the water in the path to reach him, though they are not aware of
airlock before you. You move inside and see a bright, this. The Doctor dulls the minds of any hostiles the
red light shining near the other door. The airlock Storm Knights do encounter, causing them to be
mechanism makes wooshing mechanical noises, the more trusting of the Storm Knights and not raise
lock closes, and pressure begins to shift in the room. any alarms. The path to Doctor Y does bring the
As this process ends, the light turns from red to green Storm Knights in contact with some interesting
and you hear a pleasant-sounding voice say something parties, though.
in Japanese. You see a circular room with chairs, a Leading Kanawa Corporation scientists use the
drying station, lockers, and pegs to hang clothing on section of the base in which the Bujutsu Corporation
the other side of the door. employees are being held for experiments and
Any of the Storm Knights who have adds in research into the jiangshi. Besides Kanawa security
language – Japanese know the pleasant-sounding troopers, scientists, researchers, and the prisoners,
voice offered a simple greeting. A few moments the base also holds many infected humans and
after they enter the changing area, a man dressed jiangshi, which are the subject of experiments.
in security armor appears on a screen with a small The scientists, in addition to attempting to change
camera next to it. “Welcome. May I inquire who the Contagion, conduct research to learn how the
you are here to see?”, he asks, in a serious but polite virus and jianghsi themselves react in different
tone. The access key card they possess means most environments and cosms. The scientists have
answers the Storm Knights give sound convincing. managed to convert small sections of the base to
They must still make an Easy (DN 8) intimidation Orrosh and Tharkold cosms.
or persuasion test to bluff their way past the guard. When the Storm Knights move further into the
If they fail, the trooper narrows his eyes and the Kanawa base, read or paraphrase the following:
video on the screen shuts off. Thirty seconds later,
As you leave the docking area, you move into the base.
two fully armed and armored Kanawa security
The halls, furniture, and fixtures are post-modern,
troopers enter the chamber and attack.
with a utilitarian look. You see a hallway that splits
• Kanawa Security Trooper (2): see page 23 off into two directions ahead of you. Your footsteps
echo through the hallway as you follow the pathway
If they succeed, the security trooper on the screen
that feels correct. You begin to navigate your way
nods, welcomes the Storm Knights, and asks them
through the engineered labyrinth of hallways, looking
to leave all their weapons in the safe before they
for Doctor Y and Bujutsu Corporation survivors.
enter the facility. If they refuse, Kanawa security
The Storm Knights feel as though they are taking The scientists tried to tamper with the jinaghsi
the correct path. If they question this, tell them Contagion to allow it to function within the cosm of
they feel like they are walking the right way. If they Orrorsh. They intended to use this as a bioweapon
are overly concerned with choosing, let them. The against the Gaunt Man and his soldiers. It would
Doctor guides them, which means whatever choice be easy for Ruychi Kanawa or his sister to claim
they make is the correct one. They always take they could not control the mutating virus. Despite
whichever path the Doctor guides them towards. their attempts, however, they were unable to make
After the Storm Knights walk through the base it work. The closest they came was creating a
for about 20 minutes, they come to a room with strain of the virus that allowed humans to become
glass windows that start roughly at waist-height, infected within the World Laws of Orrorsh. The
allowing them to see inside. Four people in lab Law of Corruption allows this strand to exist,
coats are in the room, looking at computer screens briefly; however these humans die quickly—within
and microscopes and then back to their notes. Two 8 hours of infection, the virus destroys the host
armed Kanawa security troopers with assault rifles from the inside out and cannot produce a jiangshi.
are also standing in the room. There is a smaller The infected humans cannot pass along the virus,
glass chamber deeper within the room. The twisted either.
faces of two jiangshi slam into the glass, repeatedly. The Law of Fear is strong in this area, tempting
It shudders but holds. the Storm Knights to release the infected humans
Doctor Y’s prescence, and his use of psychic and unleash their horror upon the base. Each
powers to guide the Storm Knights to him, has Storm Knight must make a Challenging (DN 12)
caused the infected and jiangshi to grow restless. willpower or Spirit test or immediately open the
If the Storm Knights decide to open the door to door, releasing the infected humans inside. If
the room, it unlocks in response to their key card. released, they flood out of the room and savagely
The scientists and troopers look at them as they attack the party.
enter, but before anyone can respond, the glass the • Infected Human (2 per Storm Knight): see
jiangshi are throwing themselves against cracks page 22
and shatters. They quickly leap at the troopers
and tear out their throats, then move to attack the During this encounter, if a Storm Knight plays
others in the room, focusing on the Storm Knights the Mark of Terror Cosm card, it acts as though they
as they are the biggest threats. played the You Don’t Look So Good Pan-Pacifica
Cosm card. The Storm Knight gains 4 possibilities!
• Jiangshi (2): see page 23 However, this also counts as having played the You
Don’t Look So Good Cosm card in the final scene (see
Orrorsh/Pan-Pacifica Mixed Zone
After the Storm Knights leave this area, they come
to another room that looks similar, except it is dark Eventually, the Storm Knights come to a small block
inside. As they pass the room, read or paraphrase of cells. As they pass through, they see blank doors
the following: with small, Plexiglas windows at the top of each
door. Most of the cells are empty, but the Storm
The closer you get to the dark room, the more Knights quickly locate the cell holding Doctor Y.
overwhelming your sense of dread. The shadows in the They recognize him easily from the picture they
room appear to dance, hiding shapes inside. Still, some received during the mission briefing.
madness drives you to move towards the door. Your
hand trembles you touch the handle to open it. When the Storm Knights approach the door to
Doctor Y’s cell and look inside, read aloud or
paraphrase the following:
You move to the next door in the small block of cells an exceedingly kind heart and a strong moral
and peer through the Plexiglas window. Inside, you compass, which led him to employment with the
see a tall man with a shaved head and strong jaw line Bujutsu Corporation. Doctor Y knows injecting
leaning against the wall. As he turns to look at the himself with the reagent has changed him, but
door, you get a clear look at the bruise that covers most he has no idea what the full extent of his abilities
of his right eye. He smiles when he sees you and moves are or that he is the reason the nearby jiangshi are
closer to the door with a slight limp. “You’re the ones going mad.
I felt,” he says through the glass. “We need to get out Attributes: Charisma 11, Dexterity 7, Mind 11,
of here. Kanawa won’t leave us alone for long.” You Spirit 6, Strength 6
recognize the man from the photo you recieved. You Skills: Computers 12, dodge 8, find 12, first
have found Doctor Yan-ting. aid 13, land vehicles 8, languages – English
If the Storm Knights call the Doctor by his full and Mandarin 13, medicine 14, persuasion 12,
name, he frowns slightly and says, “Everyone profession – researcher 12, reality 8, science 14,
calls me Doctor Y. No need to be so formal.” If the telepathy 14, unarmed combat 9, willpower 9
Storm Knights want to try to open the door, it takes Move 7; Tough 6; Shock 6; Wounds 3
a Challenging (DN 12) lockpicking test to free the Equipment: Lab coat
Doctor. Alternatively, they can attempt to force Perks: Psionic (Alter Memory, Clairvoyance, and
the lock with a Very Hard (DN 16) Strength test. Telepathy), Psionic (Confusion)
If their attempts fail, Doctor Y can guide the Storm Possibilities: 3
Knights, both mentally and verbally, to a small Special Abilities:
abandoned guard room with a key card that can • Attract Jiangshi: Doctor Y’s new psychic
access his cell. abilities inherently attract jiangshi and infected
Once they release him from his cell, Doctor to him.
Y thanks the Storm Knights for their help and • Carrier: Though he has not lost his mind
states, “I could feel your presence and tried to due to the mutated injection, Doctor Y is still
guide you here.” If anyone asks him what he a carrier of the jiangshi Contagion. Those who
means, he taps his temple with his pointer finger come into contact with any of his bodily fluids
and smiles. Doctor Y urges the Storm Knights to also become infected.
leave immediately. If they inquire about the other
prisoners from the Bujutsu Corporation, he briefly
grows silent before plainly stating, “I’m sorry. The
Kanawa Corporation didn’t have any use for them. Dramatic Scene: Pan-Pacifica Dominant Zone
They’re all either dead or infected now. We can’t With Doctor Y in their custody, the Storm Knights
help them.” If the Storm Knights ask how he can must now make their way out of the base. Leaving
be certain, he tells them he can sense their minds is much more chaotic than entering was. It has been
changing and can feel that they are no longer sane. over 48 hours since Doctor Y infected himself with
He points out some of the things the Storm Knights the mutated virus. He has no physical effects, but
encountered on their journey to rescue him. his new psychic gifts affect more than his ability to
communicate with others telepathically. Unknown
to him, the Doctor is the reason the other infected
DOCTOR YAN-TING humans and jiangshi within the base are becoming
The Doctor is a tall man with a pale complexion. more aggressive. Once he is released from the
He has a slender build, a square jaw, and a wide cell and he and the Storm Knights begin to move
smile. He is half Caucasian and half Taiwanese. through the base, they become enraged. This
He keeps his head shaved, but typically has a dark presents several challenges as the Storm Knights
five o’clock shadow. Doctor Y (which became his attempt to make their way back to the airlock.
nickname after an intern had trouble pronouncing
his name correctly), is profoundly serious and
tends to have a matching expression. He has
SERIOUSLY, discovered his findings via corporate espionage
and immediately acted in partnership with the
DOCTOR WHO? Kyoto Police Department. Doctor Y received
Doctor Yan-ting is the son of an American the call that the Bujutsu Corporation offices
businessman and Taiwanese native teacher. His were being invaded while he was busy working
father traveled to Taiwan on a business trip and in his lab to create a vaccine. He quickly exited
never left after meeting his mother. Doctor Y his hidden lab with the syringe of reagent in
is the youngest of two children and followed his possession. He could hear the commotion
in his mother’s footsteps of academia. At first, outside, and he knew someone would soon
he wanted to be a teacher like his mother, but come take his research and use it for their own
as he grew up and learned more, he became purposes. Thinking of his parents he lost to the
fascinated with medicine. He learned English Contagion, Doctor Y made the rash decision to
from his father and Mandarin from his mother, inject himself with the reagent, unknowingly
but he easily picked up phrases in many other transforming himself into a different sort of
languages and studied different cultures. He jiangshi.
formally studied abroad at different universities
in the Americas, the United Kingdom, and
The Storm Knights have no issue remembering
how to make their way back to the airlock where
His passion for medicine continued to grow, they left their scuba gear and saw the submarines
and he had just graduated from medical school (and left theirs, if that is how they made it to the
in Kyoto when the first Maelstrom bridge base). However, a short time after they and the
crashed down. The young doctor tried to make Doctor start to head back to their point of egress,
it back home to Taiwan, but the borders were they round a corner and encounter several jiangshi
closed. By the time the subtle invasion and that appear to be searching for something. When
spread of the jiangshi plague happened, it was the jiangshi see the Storm Knights, they let out
no longer safe to return to his home. strange howls and leap towards them.
Taiwan was overrun by the plague when they • Enraged Jiangshi (1 per Storm Knight)
refused help from Kanawa Corp. Tragically,
Doctor Y received word that his family was
killed by the plague. Skeptical of Kanawa’s ENRAGED JIANGSHI
initial statements, and eager help to stop the Attributes: Charisma 6, Dexterity 11, Mind 5,
jiangshi and find a vaccine, he sought out Spirit 8, Strength 11
others who were like-minded and eventually Skills: Dodge 13, intimidation (13), maneuver 13,
encountered the Bujutsu Corporation. They stealth 10, taunt (11), unarmed combat 13
were much more transparent than the Kanawa Move 5; Tough 11; Shock —; Wounds 1
Corporation and had noble ideals, so Doctor Equipment: —
Y accepted a position with them and began Perks: —
working towards a vaccine for the jiangshi Possibilities: Common (2)
Contagion. Eventually, his breakthrough Special Abilities:
research caught the attention of the Kanawa • Bite/Claws: Damage: Strength +2 (13).
Corporation. Jiangshi attempt to grapple unless a foe is
Doctor Y made an extraordinary discovery already restrained, so a Standard hit causes
during his research. He developed a mutated straight Strength damage (11), a Good hit
version of the Contagion that, in all his clinical deals full damage (13) and restrains the target,
trials, attacked itself within the first 24 hours and an Outstanding hit also makes the target
and appeared to remove all presence of the Vulnerable and Stymied.
jiangshi virus. The Kanawa Corporation
• Enraged: The jiangshi have gone berserk in You move quickly and quietly through the facility,
response to Doctor Y’s presence. They always avoiding as many of the jiangshi and infected as
make All-Out Attacks. you can, and eventually make your way to the main
• Fear: On first encountering this twisted chamber. Though you are trying your best not to draw
creature, a hero must make a willpower or Spirit too much attention, you stop dead in your tracks at the
test or become Very Stymied. scene before you. The room is full of infected humans,
• Infected: Ords KO’ed or Defeated by this and a larger version of the elite Kanawa Security power
creature become infected themselves. Reality- armor wades through their midst. The robot pilot in
rated characters slain by infected rise as jiangshi the power armor knocks back two of the infected before
sometime within the act. blasting another with the large cannon it wields in its
• Jump: A jianghsi may leap double its other arm. The infected continue to swarm the power
movement as a simple action, but doing so armor. Unfortunately, both stand between you and
leaves it Vulnerable. your exit.
• Relentless: Jiangshi ignore Shock. The Storm Knights must get around the horde of
• Undead: Jiangshi are immune to poison and infected humans engaged with the robot pilot in
other effects that require breathing, eating, or the large Kanawa Security power armor. They can
other “living” processes. attempt a direct fight, clearing enough infected out
Once the Storm Knights defeat the enraged jiangshi of the way to make it to one of the exits, or if they
they may continue on their way, unhindered. If are feeling overly ambitious, they can try to defeat
anyone decides to search the corpses, they find both the robot pilot and the infected. Alternatively,
another key card on one of the victims that was they can attempt to slip through the chaos by
wearing a lab coat. After another 10 to 15 minutes, making a Hard (DN 14) maneuver or Dexterity test.
the Storm Knights come across what appears to be A failure means that Storm Knight immediately
an abandoned infirmary, but the door is locked. enters combat with the infected humans and the
robot pilot. For every two infected defeated, the
If they were mindful enough to find and take the difficulty of the maneuver test to slip by is reduced
key card from one of the corpses they came across by 1. The infected humans attack any Storm Knight
earlier, it unlocks the door. Otherwise, one of them that gets close to them (GM’s call); otherwise, they
will have to make a Standard (DN 10) lockpicking attack the Kanawa Security power armor. Once all
test to get inside. Once inside, they easily find the infected are defeated and only the robot pilot
three standard med kits and a syringe filled with and the Storm Knights remain, the robot pilot will
an unknown white liquid that has a slight amber engage the Storm Knights.
tint. A Storm Knight can try to identify what is in
the mysterious syringe by making a Challenging • Infected Human (4 per Storm Knight): see
(DN 12) medicine test. A success reveals the syringe page 22
is filled with adrenaline, steroids, and some
other substances that can offer enhancements. If KANAWA SECURITY
a character injects herself with the syringe, she
increases her Dexterity and Strength by +1 for 1
minute. Afterward, she suffers a –1 to both her During this combat, if the Drama Deck card has
Dexterity and Strength for 2 minutes. a Complication, Critical Problem, or Possible
Setback, the pilot attacks one of the Storm Knights
THE EXIT that round. Otherwise, it kills one of the infected
each round. This happens automatically and no
As the Storm Knights move through the final roll is required by the pilot.
section of the base, they enter a large, open room,
where several hallways branch out to the airlocks Attributes: Charisma 6, Dexterity 9, Mind 8, Spirit
and other parts of the facility. Read aloud or 8, Strength 7 (16)
paraphrase the following:
Skills: Computers 9, dodge 10, find 9, fire combat If they attempt to commandeer a submarine
11, heavy weapons 11, intimidation 10, land because they did not bring their own, the door to
vehicles 12, maneuver (9), melee weapons 10, both airlocks are securely locked. A Storm Knight
science 9, taunt (6), trick (8), unarmed combat 11 must make a Difficult (DN 12) lockpicking test to
Move: 9 (10 in armor); Tough: 20 (all armor); open the hatch and gain access. If they brought
Shock: 8 (14 in armor); Wounds: 1 (4 in armor) their own submarine with them, they do not need
Equipment: Kanawa Security Robot Pilot Armor; to pick the lock to gain access to the airlock. Once
Rijato Railgun (heavy weapons) damage 20, 12 everyone is inside, a Storm Knight may operate
ammo, 100/500/1k range, short burst the submarine (a newly commandeered one or the
Perks: — one they brought with them) with a Standard (DN
Possibilities: 3 10) water vehicles or Dexterity test. A failure means
Special Abilities: they are having difficulty getting the submarine to
• Armored Fists: Damage Strength +2 (18) detach from the airlock and may try again in the
• Armored Pilot: The Kanawa Security Robot next round.
Pilot Armor has its own Strength attribute, If the Storm Knights decide to head to the airlock
movement, toughness, Shock, and Wounds. The where they left their scuba gear, they find it
pilot uses these attributes while he is operating completely intact in the wet room exactly as they
the armor, even if his attributes are superior. left it, along with extra full tanks. However, getting
During combat, the pilot must successfully into the gear is a time-consuming task. It takes 30
make a Standard (DN 10) land vehicles test to get rounds (3 minutes) for a Storm Knight to hastily don
out of the armor. If the armor suffers enough her scuba gear. A Storm Knight who has profession –
Wounds or Shock to be defeated, the pilot loses diver or a similar profession skill can automatically
all the benefits of the armor but is stuck inside put on her gear in 2 minutes. A Storm Knight can
until he successfully makes a land vehicles test. make a Standard (DN 10) profession – diver or Mind
The armor is specially designed to work for test to reduce the time it takes to put on her scuba
only one specific pilot and does not work for gear. On a Standard success, the time is reduced by
anyone else. 10 rounds; on a Good success, the time is reduced
• Large: The armor is large; it stands at 4 meters. by 15 rounds; and on an Outstanding success, the
All attacks against it are at a +2. time is reduced by 20 rounds. Any Storm Knight
who has already put on her scuba gear may assist
SCENE FIVE: another Storm Knight in putting on his. Allow this
assistance to retroactively increase the result of the
LET’S GO DOC! Storm Knight’s test to put on her scuba gear. Once
Once the Storm Knights get past the infected they are all geared up, they can move to the airlock,
humans and the Kanawa Security Robot Pilot, they cycle it to the outside, and begin their ascent to the
are free to make their way back to the airlocks. If surface.
they swam down to the base, they must decide Though the Storm Knights are not in immediate
when they reach the airlocks whether to try and danger, Kanawa security troopers arrive after 2
commandeer a submarine or get back into their minutes, regardless of which airlock the Storm
scuba gear and swim to the surface. If neccesary, Knights choose. The troopers hold back, firing on
remind the Storm Knights they saw a couple of the Storm Knights but not engaging them in melee
submarines on their way in; they could easily combat. If the Storm Knights move into the airlock
make their way to those airlocks and try to use one that accesses the divers port, the troopers do not
to escape. Depending on their choices, they may engage them further. Alternately, if the Storm
end up in a confrontation with Kanawa security Knights boarded a submarine and it has not yet
troopers. departed, the troopers enter the airlock and attempt
to board the submarine by force. A Storm Knight
must make a Strength test (DN 8—the troopers’
Strength) or be boarded, as the Kanawa security bar, asks the bartender to refill it, and then turns to
troopers force the hatch open. The Storm Knights you with the refilled glass in his hand. He motions to
must then deal with the Kanawa security troopers a table in the empty bar, “Will you join me? I know
and close the hatch before they can take off. we’re all tired, but there is much to talk about.”
• Kanawa Security Trooper (2 per Storm The empty bar is a safe area to talk without the
Knight): see page 23 Storm Knights having to worry about anyone
eavesdropping. If the heroes do not feel safe
Once they escape, the Storm Knights either hear speaking in a public area, Doctor Y joins them in
(over the comm in the submarine) or see (through any one of their rooms to have their discussion. He
the airlock as they swim away) the maddened tells the Storm Knights he figured a drink would
jiangshi swarming over the remaining Kanawa help them all rest a bit better.
security troopers. The Storm Knights make their
way to the surface with Doctor Y, unhindered. Once the Storm Knights are settled in a location
where they feel safe, Doctor Y begins by telling
them about his background—he is originally from
ACT TWO: FINDING THE CURE Taiwan; his mother was a native while his father
was a businessman from the United States. Before
SCENE ONE: the invasion, he was accepted into medical school
in Kyoto. When the jiangshi outbreak began, it was
REST AND REGROUP impossible for him to get back to Taiwan to see his
family. Not long after, he received word that they
Standard Scene: Pan-Pacifica Dominant Zone were killed by those carrying the jiangshi virus.
After returning to the surface with Doctor Y under Having graduated medical school, he wanted to
their protection, the Storm Knights can take a put the education his parents paid for to good use.
momentary breather. They are weary from their He discovered the Bujutsu Corporation and shared
journey into the hidden Kanawa base, and it is their ideals. He made it his goal to join them and
clear Doctor Y is exhausted, too. He complains of was offered a job on his first interview.
a headache (which many of the Storm Knights also
have) and asks the heroes if they can go somewhere The Bujutsu Corporation went out of their way
safe to rest. The Storm Knights can easily find an to provide him with the resources he needed to
affordable hotel to rest in; if necessary, remind them conduct his research into the disease. He made
how exhausted they are after the day’s challenges many attempts, but they all ended in failure
and that the sun is setting. until a few weeks ago. He discovered a way to
slightly manipulate the Contagion, which made
the possibility of developing a cure highly likely.
DOCTOR’S ORDERS Before he could finish his work, though, the Kanawa
Once the Storm Knights decide on a place to stay Corporation intervened and stole or destroyed all
and head that way, read aloud or paraphrase the his research. At least, they believe they did. He
following: had a hidden lab for just such a reason. Though
You arrive at your hotel. It is late, you are exhausted, the Bujutsu Corporation is small compared to
and it is becoming a challenge to think straight. the Kanawa Corporation, they have plenty of
Grasping your room key in your hand, you walk resources. Doctor Y is confident his hidden lab is
toward the elevator looking forward to some rest. still safe, and he has everything there he needs to
“Wait,” you hear Doctor Y call out from behind you. finalize the antiviral drug. The Storm Knights just
“Before we rest, I need to fill you in on a few things.” need to get him there safely.
He walks to the bar and orders a whiskey—straight— Doctor Y will answer any questions the
and four aspirin. He pops the pills into his mouth, Storm Knights have about himself, the Bujutsu
puts the glass to his lips, and swallows the clear brown Corporation, and the cure. The Doctor will not
liquid in one gulp. He rests the empty glass on the reveal, under any circumstances, that he injected
himself with the jiangshi Contagion. The most he The Storm Knights and Doctor Y all have rooms
will say is he needs to work with someone already in the same block of the hotel. Doctor Y’s room is
infected with the virus to complete the cure, but located in the center of the Storm Knights’ rooms,
they can worry about that when they reach his lab. where any of them can easily reach him. If any of
If the Storm Knights voice their worry that it is the Storm Knights open the door to their room,
only a “possible” cure, he assures them it will work they discover the hallway is filled with infected
if they can reach his lab in the morning. Afterward, humans and jiangshi, which immediately attack.
he insists they all rest. • Jiangshi (one for every two Storm Knights):
The Storm Knights rest without incident through see page 23
the night but are disturbed early in the morning. • Infected Human (2 per Storm Knight): see
page 22
SCENE TWO: After they deal with the threats, the Storm Knights
can easily make their way to Doctor Y’s room.
PSYCHIC CALLING However, when they knock and call out to the
Standard Scene: Pan-Pacifica Dominant Zone Doctor, they do not receive an answer. The door
While he rests, the augmented strand of the is locked and requires either a Standard (DN 10)
Contagion he self-injected courses through lockpicking test to bypass the biomechanical lock
his veins, and Doctor Y’s transformation into or a Challenging (DN 12) Strength test to break it
a yokai advances further. Though his is not a down. When they enter the room, Doctor Y is not
visible transformation, his anatomy—and, most inside. All the Storm Knights can immediately
significantly, his mind—are undergoing a great make a Very Easy (DN 6) find or Mind test to notice
mutation. Doctor Y is not aware his new psychic there are pages with writing on them on the desk,
abilities have unintended side-effects, which with Doctor Y’s glasses sitting on top. A quick look
include calling out to the infected and jiangshi as at the papers tells the Storm Knights Doctor Y was
he rests. They answer the call, as does something using them as a temporary journal, since writing
much worse, and begin to head towards the hotel things down sometimes helped him clear his
where the Storm Knights are resting. head so he could rest. He wrote that he still had a
headache and had been unable to sleep all night, a
few thoughts about other things on his mind, and
WAKE UP! that he decided to go up to the roof to get some air
Just before the sun rises, the infected, the jiangshi, in the hope it would help him clear his head and
and an abnormal arrive at the hotel and begin to kill allow him to get a bit of rest.
staff and occupants as they search for the source of If any of the Storm Knights played the You Don’t
psychic distress that called them here. The Storm Look So Good Cosm card or are infected by some
Knights, each in their own separate rooms, wake to other means, they also hear Doctor Y’s voice in their
the sounds of screaming and shouting. Read aloud heads informing them he has barricaded himself
or paraphrase the following: on the roof and a large group of infected are trying
You wake with a start to the sounds of shouting, to get to him.
screaming, and moaning. As your head clears, you As he did during Act 1, Doctor Y subconsciously
realize what you are hearing—the unmistakable moans guides the Storm Knights to take the correct
of infected humans—and reach for your weapons. You pathway to the rooftop access to get to him. The
quickly don your gear and move towards your door as hotel is 20 stories tall, and their rooms are on the
the disturbing sounds continue. You look down at the 10th floor. The elevators are not currently working,
lock that can only be released by your thumbprint and but the stairwell door is unlocked. The Storm
wonder how long it will hold. Thankfully, Doctor Y Knights must make their way up the 10 flights
and the rest of your fellow Storm Knights are not far of stairs on foot. During their rush up the stairs,
away. each Storm Knight must make a Standard (DN 10)
Strength test or begin the fight with the infected You see the glass lobby doors, free of infected, ahead of
with 2 points of Shock, as they are winded from you. However, between you and your point of escape
ascending 10 flights of stairs so quickly. stands a large, humanoid figure. Its body is twisted
Once the Storm Knights reach the top of the with mutations that grow in cancerous-looking tumors
stairwell on the 20th floor, they see a horde of from head to toe. It lets out a roar as you approach and
infected humans banging against the door, which raises a massive, clawed hand as it charges towards
shudders under their assault. As the Storm Knights your group.
come into view, the infected humans at the back of
the horde turn and begin to attack the party. Due to ABNORMAL
the confined space on the stairwell, only two Storm Attributes: Charisma 7, Dexterity 8, Mind 5, Spirit
Knights can be within melee range of the infected 9, Strength 17
humans (unless they have a reach). Likewise, only Skills: Dodge 9, find 7, intimidation 13, maneuver
four infected can reach the Storm Knights at the (11), taunt (9), telepathy 10, trick (9), unarmed
same time. combat 12, willpower 11
• Infected Human (3 per Storm Knight): see Move 9; Tough 18; Shock –; Wounds 5
page 22 Equipment: —
Perks: —
After they kill the infected humans and Doctor Y Possibilities: 3
removes the barricade he placed in front of the door Special Abilities:
to keep the infected from reaching him, the Storm • Bite/Claws: Damage Strength +2 (19).
Knights can open the door, which grants them roof • Fear: Upon first encountering this twisted
access. Doctor Y thanks them and suggests they creature, a hero must make a willpower or Spirit
make all haste in leaving this area and getting as test or become Very Stymied.
far away as possible from the infected. If one of • Infected: Ords KO’ed or Defeated by this
the Storm Knights was thoughtful enough to bring creature become infected themselves. Reality-
the Doctor’s glasses, he thanks them, though he rated characters slain by infected rise as jiangshi
looks puzzled. If they ask why, Doctor Y responds sometime within the act.
that he can see just fine and did not realize he had • Tough Skin: The abnormal’s skin is extremely
forgotten them. This is one of the unknown effects calloused. This grants a +1 to its toughness.
of Doctor Y transforming into a yokai, but he is just • Very Large: This abnormal is 5 meters tall.
beginning to piece together what he is becoming. Attacks against it gain a +4 bonus.
• Psychic Mind: The abnormal can call other
LOOK AT THE infected to it with a psychic cry. All infected
SIZE OF THAT THING! within 1 mile immediately make their way to
the abnormal. Additionally, all psychic powers
Their descent back down the steps is much easier used against the abnormal suffer a -2 penalty.
and less exhausting for the Storm Knights than • Relentless: The abnormal ignores Shock.
their climb up. Allow them to completely refresh • Undead: The abnormal is immune to poison
their hand of Destiny cards before they reach the and other effects that require breathing, eating,
ground level. Once they reach the ground level, or other “living” processes.
the Storm Knights cannot open the emergency
exit in the stairwell, no matter how hard they try. Once the Storm Knights defeat the abnormal,
They can hear banging from the other side, as the they can make their way out of the hotel with no
infected try to force their way inside. All the other further hindrance. As soon as they exit, they find
side exits appear to be blocked, as well. As the an abandoned Kanawa transport vehicle, still
Storm Knights make their way to the only other running, with the keys in the ignition. They can
reasonable exit—the main exit in the lobby, read take the vehicle and escape without incident.
aloud or paraphrase the following:
SCENE THREE: The Storm Knights reach the outskirts of Kyoto
after an hour and a half. They will draw some
BACK TO KYOTO attention driving the Kanawa trooper transport
Standard Scene: Pan-Pacifica Dominant Zone vehicle, unless they make an effort to evade
The Storm Knights must get away from the coast the main roads. A Storm Knight must make a
and the area overrun by infected and make their Challenging (DN 12) tracking or Mind test to take
way back to Kyoto. As they speed away, they the backroads Kanawa troopers are less likely to
encounter a Kanawa roadblock less than a quarter patrol. On a Standard success, the safe route adds
of a mile from the hotel in which they were staying. an additional 30 minutes to their reminaing travel
The troopers are puzzled to see them coming from time, for a total of one hour. A Good success cuts
the other side of the blockade. Add to that the fact their additional time in half to 15 minutes, for
that the Storm Knights are (likely) in a Kanawa a total of 45 minutes. An Outstanding success
ground transport vehicle, and the troopers are allows the Storm Knights to make it to the Kenkyu
quite suspicious. The Storm Knights must either building in the same amount of time as if they took
fast talk the troopers into letting them through or, a direct path—30 minutes total. If the Storm Knight
if they are feeling daring, attempt to drive through fails this check, the group attracts the attention of
the blockade. a Kanawa security patrol. The patrol attempts to
chase the Storm Knights and disable their vehicle,
If the Storm Knights attempt diplomacy, they as they have orders to apprehend the Storm Knights
must pass a Hard (DN 14) persuasion or Charisma and take Doctor Y into custody, alive. One of the
test. Alternatively, they may attempt to bully their troopers attempts to shoot out the Storm Knights
way past the troopers with a Challenging (DN 12) tires, taking a –4 penalty. (This is rolled against
intimidation or Spirit test, which is slightly easier the land vehicles skill of the Storm Knight driving.)
given the situation. Failure means the Kanawa If the trooper is successful, they blow out one of
security troopers attack them. Lastly, the Storm the tires, but the driver does not immediately lose
Knights can decide to “diplomatically” drive control of the vehicle. Each land vehicles test the
through the blockade. The driver must make a Storm Knight driving the vehicle makes takes a
Challenging (DN 12) land vehicles or Dexterity test cumulative –2 per tire the troopers shoot out. The
to navigate around or through the roadblock. If driver may make an opposed land vehicles test each
successful, the Storm Knights make it through, and round to try to lose the patrol. Once he loses the
neither the troopers nor the blockade are able to patrol, it is easy for the Storm Knights to find back
halt or slow them. On a failure, they do not make roads (no roll required) to the Kenkyu building.
it through, and the troopers attack. The driver can Treat this as a Standard success on the tracking test
make a new Hard (DN 14) land vehicles or Dexterity as noted above.
test each round to attempt to make it past the
• Kanawa Security Trooper (1 per Storm
Tech 24; Top Speed 105 (12) Fast; Pass 12; MR -1;
Knight): see page 23
Wnds 3; Tough 22 (6)
Once the Storm Knights get past the blockade, Once they are free of the Kanawa security patrols,
none of the remaining troopers (if there are any) the Storm Knights make their way to the Kenkyu
attempt to pursue them, as they have strict orders building. Infected activity becomes progressively
to deal with the threat of the infected. It is a two- more apparent as they get closer to their destination.
hour drive from the hotel near the coast to the As the Storm Knights approach the building, read
Kenkyu Building in Kyoto. The Storm Knights do aloud or paraphrase the following:
their best to keep the Doctor hidden as they travel.
You exit a side street and make a sharp, righthand
turn. You have lost the Kanawa security patrol, for
now. However, they are not your only problem. It THE ASCENT
is not unheard of to see an infected or two in Kyoto, Once they enter the Kenkyu Building, the Storm
but you have seen them on every street, and herds are Knights must escort Doctor Y to the upper floors,
beginning to form. The closer you get to the Kenkyu where the Bujutsu Corporation’s offices are located.
building, the more infected you see on the streets. Numerous other infected have been called here
Kanawa security troopers are no longer paying due to the Doctor’s uncontrollable psychic cries.
attention to you, and you see them trying to contain Any of the Storm Knights who have been infected
the outbreak. As you close in on your destination, it via Cosm cards (or some other means dictated by
almost seems as though something is pulling them in the GM) also begin to hear Doctor Y’s thoughts
the direction you are headed. in their heads as they enter the Kenkyu Building.
The Storm Knights have two options to enter Without telling them why, the GM should have
the Kenkyu building: drive through the horde of each infected Storm Knight make a Hard (DN 14)
infected and crash through the doors into the lobby, Mind test. On a success, they realize the random
or find a less obvious path inside. If the Storm thoughts in their head are from Doctor Y. On a
Knights opt for the more cinematic approach, the failure, the GM should allow two additional Mind
driver must make a Very Hard (DN 16) land vehicles tests—one Challenging (DN 12) and then one
test. If the driver succeeds in driving through the Standard (DN 10)—to comprehend that Doctor Y’s
horde of infected in front of the high rise and thoughts are in their head. The tests get easier as
through the lobby doors, each Storm Knight suffers they make their way through the building, since
20 damage from the impact. If the driver has a the thoughts include the direction they should take
Good success, this damage is reduced to 18. On an to make it to his hidden lab and how to bypass
Outstanding success, the damage is reduced to 14. certain locks.
If the driver fails this test, he still drives through As the Storm Knights enter the lobby, they see
the horde and crashes into the lobby, but the Storm a group of infected humans that have cornered a
Knights take a bonus die of damage on top of the security guard trying to defend a few Ords. If the
20 they already suffer. Storm Knights intervene, the infected humans
If the Storm Knights choose to look around the immediately turn and attack them, as they are the
building for another entrance, have them make a larger threat. If the Storm Knights do not intervene,
Challenging (DN 12) find or Mind test to discover a the Ords cry out for help. They all perish shortly
side door hidden by the mass of infected humans. afterward if the Storm Knights do not help.
Moving to the door in their vehicle without being • Infected Human (2 per Storm Knight): see
noticed is impossible. There is enough cover for the page 22
Storm Knights to make an Easy (DN 8) stealth or
Dexterity test to reach the door on foot unnoticed. If the Storm Knights save the Ords, allow them
Once they reach the door, they must make a to each draw one additional Destiny card and
Challenging (DN 12) lockpicking test to bypass the increase their hand size by one for the remainder
biomechanical lock and gain access. Alternately, a of the Act.
powerful Storm Knight can attempt to break down
the door with a Very Hard (DN 16) Strength test. GoinG Up
If the Storm Knights fail at either sneaking to the The Storm Knights can either take the elevator or
door or opening it, they attract the attention of the the stairs up to the Bujutsu Corporation offices.
infected humans and must deal with the horde Either way, their ascent is uneventful. Doctor Y
while trying to gain access to the door. directs them to the 27th floor, as his hidden lab is
• Infected Human (50): see page 22 in a hallway on the far side of the floor.
Once the Storm Knights arrive on the 27th floor, Read aloud or paraphrase the following:
read aloud or paraphrase the following: The door closes and you hear magnetic locks engage
Doctor Y leads you to a hallway on the far side of behind you as you walk down the short hallway and
the 27th floor. He approaches a part of the wall that follow Doctor Y into his lab. The room is large, with plain
appears to be the same as the rest of the walls on this white walls and a wide range of lab equipment situated
floor. He traces his hand along the surface of the wall throughout. A large object covered by a white sheet sits
at just below chest height, then his hand stops and he in the center of the room. Doctor Y looks at whatever it is
presses it against the wall. A rectangular section of the behind the white sheet and sighs. “Finally,” he mutters
wall about the size of his hand compresses and slides to himself. He turns to you, “We need to make the final
down, revealing a biometric scanner. Doctor Y moves preparations to complete my work. I…feel…” he glances
his head towards it and a small laser scans his eye. at [say the names of any infected Storm Knights]
There is a buzzing sound, and Doctor Y curses. He before continuing, “like we don’t have much time. More
rubs his eyes with both hands, sighs, and tries again. infected will be coming soon. I know some of you have
This time, there is a pleasant-sounding “ding.” Part realized my mental mutations are growing stronger. I
of the wall recesses and reveals a passageway beyond. think I’m the one who has called the infected here.” The
“Come, my lab is in here,” Doctor Y says, as he walks doctor has a somber look on his face, as he takes a deep
inside. breath and exhales slowly. “We must focus, though.
Many are depending on this cure.” Doctor Y then turns
back and pulls the sheet off the large covered object in
SCENE 5: SACRIFICE one smooth motion.
Dramatic Scene: Wild Zone (see below) The You see an odd, yet familiar construction. Its foundation
Storm Knights finally arrive in Doctor Y’s hidden is made of twisted and ribbed black metal, with some
lab, where they believe they can get the cure for sort of strange port from Tharkold on the side; its base is
the jiangshi Contagion. Doctor Y needs the Storm stone, with runes from both Aysle and the Nile Empire
Knights’ aid to finalize his medical achievement. carved into it; and an advanced antennae commonly
The doctor was able to mutate the virus and seen in Pan-Pacifica juts out from the top. Atop the
put the final pieces together to create an antiviral antennae rests a wicked-looking skull that reminds you
agent by first conducting an extremely dangerous of the horrors of Orrorsh. You recognize each piece of
experiment to destabilize it. He reconstructed a stela constructed together in this smaller Frankenstein-
stela with parts from different cosms in his lab and like version. Doctor Y pauses and looks at the piecemeal
used the axiom shifts to mutate the virus within stela before he turns to you. “A sacrifice must be made to
the “wild zone” he created. This small amount of accomplish our goal.” He glances once more at [say the
unusual energy is what ultimately attracted the names of the infected Storm Knights].
Kanawa siblings’ attention. Doctor Y informs the Storm Knights that he must
Now, he must extract a substantial sample of cells inject an infected person with two reagents he has
that are producing antibodies from a person whose created, so he can extract the antibodies from the
body has fought off the Contagion. To do so, he individual to make a antiviral drug. He motions to
must inject an infected subject with a reagent, which the stela he created and says the device must be
will rapidly transform them into a yokai. This must powered while he injects the reagents, to ensure
be done while the wild zone stela is operating. The the virus mutates through the subject’s body in
subject cannot survive, but the Doctor can still the proper way. Once the subject stabilizes, even
obtain the makings of a cure from their corpse. as reality changes around them, they must receive
another injection, which is lethal. The antibodies
Doctor Y has already unwittingly called numerous can then be extracted from the subject’s body and
infected to his location. They are trying to reach used to create an antiviral therapy.
the Doctor as they did in the hotel, which means
the Storm Knights have only so long to locate
everything they need for the cure.
and he can sense they are not. If an infected Storm
THE WILD ZONE Knight volunteers, Doctor Y accepts their sacrifice
with some remorse. If a Storm Knight asks whether
Battling in the Wild Zone with cosms
someone else could create the cure using his notes,
changing drastically and trying to enforce
Doctor Y says this is possible, but it would take
their World Laws on the environment and
some time—several months to a year. If they ask
people—one after another—is a terrifying
how long it will take for him to make the cure, he
place to be. This does present some options
tells them about a week.
for those who can wield the forces of reality,
such as Stormers and Storm Knights. Once the Storm Knights make their choice, they
hear banging on the door to the hidden lab and the
While in the Wild Zone, a Storm Knight may
familiar moans of infected and wails of jiangshi.
choose to draw a Cosm card from any of the
The doctor either hands one syringe to a Storm
different cosms that may be influencing the
Knight and heads towards the Wild Zone stela, or
area—Aysle, Orrorsh, Pan-Pacifica, Tharkold,
escorts the volunteer towards it. He then presses
or the Nile Empire. Likewise, when receiving
a large red button near the stela to bring power to
a Possibility, the Storm Knight may choose
it, thanks the Storm Knights, and injects himself
whether it is specific to any of the cosms
(or the Storm Knight volunteer). If Doctor Y is not
that impact the Wild Zone or a standard
the subject injected, he quickly moves towards a
Possibility. For purposes of disconnection,
computer terminal and series of instruments to
the Storm Knight must check the Axioms of
keep the Wild Zone stela functioning during the
whichever cosm is currently dominant.
process. Ten seconds after the reagent is injected
The yokai’s mutations change with the into the subject, they rapidly transform into a yokai.
cosm shifts—when the World Laws and
If the Storm Knights allow Doctor Y to inject
Axioms are left behind, for example, when
himself with the reagent, they must fight him
Aysle changes to Tharkold, the yokai’s old
without killing him and complete a Dramatic Skill
mutation in that cosm is left behind, too.
Resolution while the World Laws are changing
The creature rapidly mutates into something
around them. If a Storm Knight volunteered to
different while within the Wild Zone, thanks
become the subject, Doctor Y takes care of the
to Doctor Y’s reagent.
Dramatic Skill Resolution on his own, finishing
automatically on Round 5. During this time, the
Doctor Y volunteers to be the subject injected with Storm Knights can still hear the infected attempting
the reagents. He explains to the Storm Knights to break into the lab.
that he was already infected with the reagent by The Dramatic Skill Resolution is also tied to the
his own hand, just before Kanawa security took cosm by which the immediate area is affected and
him. He thought he could perhaps make himself in which the Storm Knights must battle, as well as
immune to the virus. He was wrong. It has instead the yokai’s mutations. The cosm shifts with each
transformed him. Even without the Wild Zone success.
stela, the reagent gave him his psychic abilities,
but it has also caused the unrest with the infected. DRAMATIC SKILL RESOLUTION:
The issue with this plan is that someone else must
then handle the environmental controls for the OPERATING THE WILD
Wild Zone stela while he is being transformed. ZONE STELA
They must also ensure he does not leave the Wild Step A: Aysle – The magic of Aysle tries to force
Zone, nothing kills him, and he is injected with its way into the lab and permanently change
the second reagent once his mutations stabilize. If everything here to its axioms. The Storm Knights
any uninfected Storm Knights volunteer to be the must make a Challenging (DN 12) scholar test to
subject, Doctor Y shakes his head and tells them depower the Ayslish runes that blaze on the Wild
they must be infected for the reagents to work,
Zone stela, without completely draining it. If MUTATING YOKAI
successful, the cosm shifts. Yokai Mutation: While
The mutating yokai rapidly changes its appearance
in Aysle, the yokai’s head elongates and grows
as it switches through different cosms. Its base
scales until it appears reptilian. The yokai gains the
form in Pan-Pacifica is a muscular humanoid with
Fire Breath attack.
dark grey skin. Its limbs move at awkward angles.
Step B: Tharkold – The port at the base of the stela The creature’s neck is one meter long and moves
glows with energy as it powers up and accesses the like a snake.
Grid, attempting to subjugate all electronics in the
Attributes: Charisma 7, Dexterity 14, Mind 6,
room. The Storm Knights must make a Hard (DN
Spirit 11, Strength 12
14) computers test to prevent it from accessing the
Skills: Dodge 17, find 8, intimidation 14, maneuver
Grid (by quickly building firewalls or some other
15, melee weapons (15), reality 12, taunt (10),
method of prevention) without completely shutting
trick (10), unarmed combat 16, willpower 13
off power from the port. Once this is completed, the
Move: 14; Tough: 14; Shock: –; Wounds: 4
cosm shifts. Yokai Mutation: The yokai’s features
Equipment: —
morph and change. Horns grow from its head, its
Perks: —
teeth become serrated, and it grows—taking on the
Possibilities: 5
appearance of a fearsome demon. The yokai gains
Special Abilities:
the Intimidating Presence Perk.
• Bite/Claws: Damage Strength +2 (14), AP 4.
Step C: Orrorsh – A horrible wail sounds from the Can bite anything within two meters.
skull at the top of the stela, as its mouth begins to • Fear: Upon first encountering this twisted
move. The energy this causes is like a physical force creature, a hero must make a willpower or Spirit
that seeps down into the souls of all nearby, calling test or become Very Stymied.
out to a primal fear within all creatures. The Storm • Cosm Mutations: The yokai mutates further,
Knights must make a Very Hard (DN 16) willpower from both the reaction of the reagent and the
test to resist the effects of the fear long enough to shift in axioms.
lower the power rating and cause the axioms to Aysle—Fire Breath: Damage 14, Medium
change. The cosm shifts once this is successful. Blast, range 20/40/60. Use Dexterity for the
Yokai Mutation: The yokai’s flesh stretches across attack; as a fire attack, this works against the
its face and turns a rotten green color. A large bulge target’s lowest armor value.
appears in the center of its forehead. The creature’s
Tharkold—Intimidating Presence: When
mouth grows tight, into a permanent “o” shape, as
intimidation is the Approved Action, the
a long tongue slithers out and whips around. The
villain may affect the entire party without
bulge on its forehead splits open into a horrifying
a Multi-Target penalty and as a free action.
eye. The yokai gains the Horrifying trait.
Affected Storm Knights lose a random card
Step D: The Nile Empire – Inspiration floods from their hand.
through the room. The Terrean runes glow white-
Orrorsh—Horrifying: Storm Knights must
hot on the stela, seducing those in the room with the
make willpower or Spirit tests at the start of
ideals of heroism. The Storm Knights must bend
every combat round with this creature or
the will of the Law of Heroism to their needs by
become Stymied.
making a Very Hard (DN 16) reality test. Once this is
completed, the cosm stabilizes to Pan-Pacifica and The Nile Empire—Anti-Hero: Whenever
the yokai stops mutating. Yokai Mutation: Nothing the villain successfully makes an attack
about the yokai changes physically, but it seems to using the approved action, the struck Storm
move with more confidence and determination. Knight(s) must give one random Destiny
The yokai gains the Anti-Hero ability. card to the yokai. The yokai plays the card at
the first opportunity.
• Hide: The yokai has very tough skin, which
grants it +2 to its Toughness
• Infected: Ords KO’ed or Defeated by this Corporation’s labs comes to light. Kanawa releases
creature become infected themselves. Reality- a statement apologizing for their actions, but tries
rated characters slain by infected rise as jiangshi to put the blame on the Bujutsu Corporation for
sometime within the act. not being “fully transparent” with their research.
• Psychic Mind: The yokai can call other They claim they only intervened after the Japanese
infected to it with a psychic cry. All infected Government asked them to do so. Additionally, they
within 1 mile immediately make their way to agree to financially assist the Bujutsu Corporation
the yokai. Additionally, all psychic powers in rebuilding their offices and team of researchers.
used against the yokai suffer a –2 penalty. Though Kanawa Corporation’s reputation takes a
• Relentless: The yokai ignores Shock. slight blow, they are still able to mostly salvage it
• Undead: The yokai is immune to poison and in the eyes of the public.
other effects that require breathing, eating, or
other “living” processes.
Once Doctor Y (or a Storm Knight) injects the final INFECTED HUMAN
reagent into the yokai (a melee weapons or unarmed Attributes: Charisma 4, Dexterity 7, Mind 4, Spirit
combat test), there is an immediate reaction. The 5, Strength 8
yokai’s body shudders and shifts back through
all its previous forms, then returns to a shadow of Skills: Find 8, intimidation (10), stealth 8, taunt
the former character. If one of the Storm Knights (9), trick (10), unarmed combat 9
selflessly offered herself up as the subject, she has Move: 7; Tough: 8; Shock: 5; Wounds: —
a moment to say something to her fellow Storm Equipment: —
Knights before she collapses and dies. If Doctor Y
was the subject, he smiles at the party and whispers, Perks: —
“Mother...Father...I did it,” before he falls to the Possibilities: Never
ground, dead. The Wild Zone stela is destroyed Special Abilities:
from the massive amounts of Possibility energy
it used and from being pushed through different • Bite/Claws: Damage Strength +1 (9).
cosms. • Horde: Infected humans crowd together to
overwhelm their prey. Apply any bonus from
If Doctor Y is no longer alive to complete the a Combined Action to Damage as well as the
vaccine, it takes the other researchers and scientists attack itself when multiple infected attack a
approximately six months to perfect it. If Doctor single target.
Y is still alive, true to his word, he creates a cure • Infected: Ords KO’ed or Defeated by this
within a week. Unfortunately, the antiviral therapy creature become infected themselves. Reality-
is not 100 effective; only 80 of those dosed rated characters slain by infected rise as jiangshi
are cured. In rare cases (about 10%), the infected sometime within the act.
becomes an abnormal.
If a Storm Knight gave his life for the jiangshi
cure, it is named after him. Also, once the Bujutsu
Corporation is restored to its former glory (two “SACRIFICE IS
months later), they erect a memorial in their main
office to the hero who sacrificed himself.
The news about the vaccine goes public, which INGREDIENT IN
prevents Kanawa from making any further
attempts to seize it. Additionally, though they
try to keep it from getting out, eventually the
entire story about how they invaded the Bujutsu
Zhang Zhi will not miss the nights of fighting infected
JIANGSHI • Jump: A jiangshi may leap double its
movement as a simple action, but doing so
Attributes: Charisma 6, Dexterity 11, Mind 5,
leaves it Vulnerable.
Spirit 8, Strength 11
• Relentless: The jiangshi ignores Shock.
Skills: Dodge 13, intimidation (13), maneuver 13,
• Undead: The jangshi is immune to poison
stealth 10, taunt (11), unarmed combat 13
and other effects that require breathing, eating,
Move: 5; Tough: 11; Shock: —; Wounds: 1
or other “living“ processes.
Equipment: —
Possibilities: Common (2)
Special Abilities: Attributes: Charisma 6, Dexterity 8, Mind 8, Spirit
• Bite/Claws: Damage Strength +2 (13). Jiangshi 8, Strength 8
attempt to grapple unless a foe is already Skills: Dodge 10, evidence analysis 9, find 10,
restrained, so a standard hit causes straight fire combat 10, first aid 9, intimidation 11, land
Strength damage (11), a Good hit deals full vehicles 9, maneuver 10, melee weapons 10,
damage (13) and restrains the target, and stealth 10, streetwise 9, unarmed combat 9
an Outstanding hit also makes the target Move: 8; Tough: 12 (4); Shock: 8; Wounds: —
Vulnerable and Stymied. If the target is already Equipment: Kanawa Security Armor (+4), katana
restrained, a jiangshi uses an All-Out Attack. (Strength +3/11), SC Kyogo T11 (Damage 14, Long
• Fear: Upon first encountering this twisted Burst, Range 50/100/200).
creature, a hero must make a willpower or Spirit Perks: —
test or become Very Stymied. Possibilities: Rare (2)
• Infected: Ords KO’ed or Defeated by this Special Abilities: —
creature become infected themselves. Reality-
rated characters slain by infected rise as jiangshi
sometime within the act.
Dr. Y of the Bujutsu Corporation has
discovered a potential cure for the jiangshi
virus. But, as usual, nothing is clear sailing.
Both the Bujutsu Corporation and Dr. Y
himself have gone missing. In Dr. Y and
the Jiangshi, Storm Knights must find out
what happened to the illustrious doctor
and provide needed assistance. The fate
of countless lives in Pan-Pacifica hang in
the balance as the contagion continues to
ravage the population of Asia.
ISBN 978-3-98732-042-2
This game requires the UlissesNorthAmerica.com
Torg Eternity Core Rules US82173PDF
and Drama Deck to play.