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Experimental Gerontology
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/expgero
Keywords: Introduction: There is substantial evidence supporting that improving diet quality leads to improved health-
Mediterranean diet related quality of life (HRQoL). Our major aim was to assess the effectiveness of a Mediterranean diet–based
Quality of life nutritional intervention to improve HRQoL in the context of a secondary prevention trial of depression.
Secondarily to assess its effectiveness among adults aged 60 or more years.
Olive oil
Methods: The PREDIDEP study is a 2-year multicentre, randomized, single-blinded nutritional trial. At baseline
Clinical trial
and at 1-year and 2-year follow-up, SF-36 health survey questionnaire was collected to evaluate participants'
HRQoL (total and specific range for each of the 8 dimensions: 0 to 100 points). Mixed effect linear models were
used to assess changes in HRQoL according to adherence to the Mediterranean diet. The trial was registered at
ClinicalTrials.gov NCT03081065.
Results: After 2 years of intervention, the Mediterranean Diet intervention group compared to control group
(without nutritional intervention, only usual clinical care) showed an improvement in some dimensions of
HRQoL such as Mental Health (7.22; 95 % CI = 2.22–12.22) (between-group difference: 6.79; 95 % CI
− 0.14–13.73, p = 0.055); Vitality (9.51; 95 % CI = 4.00–15.03) (between-group difference: 9.00; 95 % CI
1.75–16.25, p = 0.020); Mental Summary Component (2.83; 95 % CI = 0.55–5.11) (between-group difference:
1.17; 95 % CI = − 1.96–4.30, p = 0.462); and General Health (10.70; 95 % CI = 5.58–15.81) (between-group
difference: 6.20; 95 % CI = − 0.89–13.28, p = 0.086). Similar results were observed for participants aged 60 or
more years.
Conclusion: The intervention based on Mediterranean diet in patients with previous depression seems to be
effective in improving HRQoL, especially the mental dimensions. This effect is also observed among participants
aged 60 or more years.
Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; BP, bodily pain; CIs, Confidence Intervals; DALYs, disability-adjusted life years; DS, standard deviation; GH, General Health;
HELFIMED, Mediterranean-style dietary intervention supplemented with fish oil; HRQoL, health-related quality of life; MEDAS, Mediterranean Diet Adherence
Screener; MET, metabolic equivalent; MH, Mental Health; MSC, Mental Summary Component; PF, physical functioning; PREDIDEP, Prevention of depression with
Mediterranean Diet (Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea de Depresión); PSC, Physical Summary Component; RE, role emotional; SDs, standard deviations; SF, social
functioning; SF-36, The Short Form-36 Health Survey; VT, vitality; YLD, Years Lived with Disability.
* Corresponding author at: IdiSNA, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria de Navarra, Spain.
** Corresponding author at: ISFOOD - Institute for Innovation & Sustainable Development in Food Chain, Universidad Pública de Navarra (UPNA), Pamplona,
*** Corresponding author at: Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CIBER), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Sánchez-Villegas).
Received 13 December 2022; Received in revised form 11 March 2023; Accepted 14 March 2023
Available online 20 March 2023
0531-5565/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
B.M. Cabrera-Suárez et al. Experimental Gerontology 175 (2023) 112149
1. Introduction been followed up for at least 2 years (n = 157). Among them, 134 had
successfully fulfilled the information about HRQoL collected in SF-36
The World Health Organization defines quality of life concept as questionnaires (Fig. 1).
individuals' perception of their position in life in the context of the Additional analyses were carried out to assess the role of the dietary
culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals intervention in HRQoL among participants aged 60 or more years who
expectations, standards and concerns (World Health Organization completed the trial (n = 29 in the control group and n = 26 in the
Quality of Life assessment, 1995). Unipolar depression is a prevalent and intervention group).
disabling condition that negatively influences quality of life. Patients All procedures contributing to this work complied with the ethical
with depression are more vulnerable to have a poorer health-related standards of the relevant national and institutional committees on
quality of life (HRQoL) (Papakostas et al., 2004). Moreover, factors human experimentation and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as
such as the age of onset of depression, lack of therapeutic adherence, the revised in 2008. The trial was registered at ClinicalTrials.gov
existence of comorbid diseases, poor social support, perceived self- NCT03081065. The Research Ethics Committees at each recruitment
stigma, and positive family history influence in depressed patients' centre approved the protocol. All participants provided written
HRQoL (Priebe et al., 2010). This situation is particularly dramatic in informed consent after they received the information sheet and an
older patients. In this population, severity of depression has been also additional verbal explanation of the study characteristics.
associated to poorer HRQoL, and this association has been found to be
stable over time (Sivertsen et al., 2015). Depression is one of the leading
global causes of quality of life impairment measured in disability- 2.2. Description of the intervention
adjusted life years (DALYs) and Years Lived with Disability (YLD)
(GBD 2019 Mental Disorders Collaborators, 2022). Quality of life is an The aim of the nutritional intervention of the PREDIDEP study was to
important component and prognostic indicator of mental illness, and it improve adherence to the Mediterranean diet in recovered depressed
is recommended to be integrated into the clinical assessment and in patients. In the PREDIDEP study, we used a remote nutritional inter
terventions of people with severe mental illness. In depression, HRQoL is vention rather than an in-person approach. This remote intervention
affected by the nature of the symptoms (depressed mood, anhedonia, was conducted by a team of registered dietitians by phone and on the
apathy, low self-esteem, psychomotor retardation, among others), co internet, and participants had access to web-based information on a
morbid diseases, and social, occupational and cognitive deterioration website and printed materials. Each participant in the intervention
(ulHaq et al., 2016). group also received extravirgin olive oil for free. The nutritional inter
There is substantial evidence supporting the relationship between vention has been described previously in detail elsewhere (Sánchez-
high adherence to Mediterranean diet and low risk for depression Villegas et al., 2019). Participants in the control group received usual
(Lassale et al., 2019) or improvement in HRQoL (Muñóz et al., 2009; clinical care but not a nutritional intervention.
Galilea-Zabalza et al., 2018). The specific biological mechanisms that
link depression, HRQoL, and diet are still unknown. It is a challenge for
Public Health policies to identify new strategies to increase depressed 2.3. Outcome assessment
patients' quality of life to reduce their substantial resource expenditure
and personal and familiar suffering. HRQoL was assessed at baseline and yearly during follow-up (by
The principal objective of this study was to assess the effect of 2-year phone or through the web page) with the validated Spanish version of
intervention with Mediterranean Diet enriched with extravirgin olive oil the SF-36 Health Survey. This instrument is useful to evaluate the
on HRQoL improvement in the context of a secondary prevention trial of relationship between lifestyle habits and non-disease-specific quality of
depression particularly among participants older than 60 years. life (Alonso et al., 1998).
This questionnaire contains 36 items, which measure eight multiitem
2. Material & methods dimensions of health status: physical functioning, role limitations
because of physical health problems (role-physical), bodily pain (toler
2.1. Study population ance), general health perceptions, vitality, social functioning, role lim
itations because of emotional problems (role emotional) and mental
The PREDIDEP study was a multicentre, randomized, controlled, health. The first four domains deal with physical aspects, and the next
single-blind trial. The study design and methodology has been described four reflect psychological features. For each dimension, the scores are
previously in detail elsewhere (Sánchez-Villegas et al., 2019). Briefly, coded, summed, and transformed to a scale from 0 (the worst possible
study participants were randomly assigned to one of two groups (Med condition) to 100 (the best possible condition) (Brazier et al., 1992).
iterranean diet or control) once their data were included in a centralized Change in HRQoL was measured for each dimension as the difference
data management system by the specialists. Various stratification factors between one-year follow-up and baseline scores (short-term change) or
were considered for randomization, sex, age group (<65 years or ≥65 two years follow-up and baseline scores (long-term change).
years), and recruitment centre. At baseline, psychiatrists and clinical
psychologists were blinded to the allocation of participants, following
the CONSORT guidelines for randomized trials to prevent information 2.4. Other covariate assessment
The PREDIDEP study included 52 men and 144 women between 18 At baseline, the dietitians also collected information about socio
and 86 years old who had suffered at least one depression episode and demographic characteristics (education level, civil status, and working
who were in a stage of clinical remission. Between March 2017 and status), smoking habits, and anthropometric measurements (self-re
December 2020, 222 patients from different Spanish regions or prov ported weight and height). During this phone call, information about
inces (Alava, Navarra, Madrid, and Las Palmas) were invited to partic physical activity was also collected with a physical activity question
ipate in the study by their specialists. Of them, although 208 patients naire validated for the Spanish population (Martínez-González et al.,
were recruited and randomized, 196 started the intervention. The 2005).
number of dropouts was 17, and the retention rate was 92.9 % among Depressive symptoms were assessed through the Beck Depression
participants with follow-up over 12 months (182/196), and 91.3 % with Inventory. In case of suspected recurrence (score Beck Depression In
follow-up over 24 months (179/196). ventory >18), participants were examined by care providers and they
In a secondary analysis, we included all participants who had already were excluded if they suffered a depression recurrence.
B.M. Cabrera-Suárez et al. Experimental Gerontology 175 (2023) 112149
2.5. Sample size calculation and statistical analysis Quantitative variables were expressed as means and standard de
viations (SDs), whereas categorical variables were described as number
To detect a mean yearly difference of 5 points in the physical and and percentages (n [%]). The Student t-test for continuous variables and
mental summary components with a standard deviation equal to 10 in the chi-square test for categorical variables were applied to test differ
each group with a 5 % significance level and 80 % power, a sample size ences in baseline characteristics between the intervention groups.
of 126 participants was calculated. Considering an attrition of 15 %, the Mixed effects linear models were used to assess changes in HRQoL
final number of required participants was 150. from baseline to 12- and 24-month follow-up visits in all randomized
The main analysis of the study included all randomized participants participants and completer-only analyses. A 2-level mixed linear model
with baseline data, regardless of whether they had incomplete infor with random intercepts at the recruitment centre and participants was
mation at follow-up visits, with multiple imputation procedures for fitted.
missing data (intention to treat analysis). Multiple imputation methods The analyses were performed using STATA (v 12.0, StataCorp LP).
used an iterative Markov chain Monte Carlo method (STATA “mi” The significance level (2-tailed) was set at p values lower than 0.05.
command). We generated 20 imputations for each missing measure
ment. Imputed missing values were used for follow-up data but not for 3. Results
baseline data. The imputation models included sex, age, smoking status,
body mass index (BMI), civil status, education level, total energy intake, Among the 196 patients who started the intervention, 73.5 % were
physical activity, depressive symptoms (baseline Beck score), interven women and the mean age was 51.1 years (SD 14.2). Table 1 shows the
tion group, and the baseline value of the variable that was imputed as a demographic, anthropometric, and lifestyle baseline characteristics of
predictor. Secondary analyses included only participants with complete participants according to the randomized groups (intervention or con
information available at each follow-up visit (completers only). trol). No baseline significant differences between intervention groups
12 participants declined to
participate 208 participants randomized 1:1
81 participants 91 participants
follow-up 1 year follow-up 1 year
Dropouts (n=6) Dropouts (n=8)
Relapses (n=6) Relapses (n=4)
B.M. Cabrera-Suárez et al. Experimental Gerontology 175 (2023) 112149
were found. When the analysis was restricted to those participants aged 2.22–12.22)], Vitality [9.51 (95 % CI = 4.00–15.03)], and Mental
60 years or more, baseline characteristics were also similar between Summary Component [2.83 (95 % CI = 0.55–5.11)] in the intervention
comparison groups (data not shown). group with Mediterranean Diet enriched with extravirgin olive oil, with
no changes in control group. In addition, significant differences between
3.1. HRQoL changes by intervention groups groups were observed for Vitality (between-group difference: 9.00; 95 %
CI = 1.75–16.25, p = 0.015). In the analyses including only completers,
The effect of dietary intervention on changes in mental dimensions of the results did not substantially differ also finding a significant differ
HRQoL is shown in Table 2. ence between groups in Mental Health after two years of intervention
After one year of follow-up, the intervention group showed a sig (between-group difference: 7.37; 95 % CI = 0.82–13.92, p = 0.027).
nificant increase in Vitality [mean absolute 1-y change for this domain The effect of the nutritional intervention on the physical dimensions
was 5.41 points (95 % CI = 0.51–10.31)] and in Mental Summary of HRQoL is showed in Table 3. After one year of follow-up, intervention
Component [2.48 (95 % CI = 0.54–4.41)], with no mean absolute group showed a significant improvement in General Health [5.05 (95 %
changes in the control group. However, between group differences did CI = 0.63–9.47)] and Role physical [14.00 (95 % CI = 2.88–25.11)] with
not reach statistical significance. The results for Vitality and Mental no changes in control group. After two years of intervention, there was a
Summary Component were similar in the analyses including only significant increase in General Health [10.70 (95 % CI = 5.58–15.81)] in
completers. the intervention group with Mediterranean Diet enriched with extra
After two years of intervention, there was a significant increase in virgin olive oil, with no changes in control group. Results were very
Mental Health [mean absolute 2-y change was 7.22 (95 % CI = similar in the analysis including only completers.
Results for the analysis restricted to older participants were similar
(Supplemental Tables 1 and 2). Among participants that completed the
Table 1
Baseline characteristics of the participants in the prevention of recurrent overall follow-up period, those assigned to the Mediterranean dietary
depression with Mediterranean diet trial. pattern showed a significant increment in the Vitality dimension (10.49;
95 % CI = 1.96–19.03) and in the Mental Summary Component (3.50;
Characteristics Control (n = Intervention (n = p
93) 103) value* 95 % CI = 0.79–6.21) after two years of follow-up although, in these
cases, the differences between groups were not significant. Regarding
Age, years, mean (SD) 51.48 (14.7) 51.16 (13.79) 0.8647
Sex, n (%) 0.588
physical dimensions, important increment in General Health was
Men 23 (24.73) 29 (28.16) observed for participants assigned to the Mediterranean diet at short
Women 70 (75.27) 74 (71.84) term (one year of intervention): increment in 7.19 points (95 % CI =
Depressive episodes, n (%) 0.28–14.10) and at long term (two years of intervention): increment in
1 42 (45.16) 35 (33.98) 0.274
11.41 points (95 % CI = 2.46–20.37), although only significant differ
2 21 (22.58) 27 (26.21)
3 or more 30 (32.26) 41 (39.81) ences between groups were observed for this dimension after one year of
Somatic diseases, n (%) 28 (30.43) 26 (25.24) 0.419 follow up (9.27; 95 % CI = 1.07–17.46).
Antidepressants use, n (%) 70 (75.27) 81 (78.64) 0.575
Civil status, n (%) 0.558
3.2. Adverse effects
Single 33 (35.87) 34 (33.01)
Married 37 (40.22) 49 (47.57)
Others 22 (23.91) 20 (19.41) Regarding the possible adverse effect, we did not find any harm or
Education, n (%) 0.613 unintended effects in the group assigned to Mediterranean diet supple
Secondary or less 48 (52.17) 50 (48.54) mented with extravirgin olive oil.
University 44 (47.82) 53 (51.45)
Working status, n (%) 0.826
Working 39 (42.39) 47 (45.63) 4. Discussion
Retired 16 (17.39) 19 (18.45)
Others 37 (40.22) 37 (35.92) 4.1. Principal findings
BMI (kg/m2) 26.04 (5.29) 26.09 (4.78) 0.945
Smoking status, n (%) 24 (26.09) 24 (23.30) 0.457
Illegal drugs, n (%) 8 (8.6) 9 (8.74) 0.973
This trial is, to our knowledge, the first multiprofessional interven
Beck score 5.78 (5.24) 6.41 (5.84) 0.428 tion study which has evaluated the effect of a remote dietary interven
Physical activity (MET-hours/ 16.30 (19.19) 18.13 (24.99) 0.5694 tion based on the Mediterranean diet enriched with extravirgin olive oil
week) in increasing HRQoL in recovered depressed patients. This dietary
MEDAS score (14 items) 7.01 (2.1) 7.04 (1.97) 0.8959
intervention was specifically designed for patients in clinical remission
HRQoL mental dimensions
- MSC 37.07 (7.13) 37.85 (7.00) 0.4462 who had suffered at least one depression episode and was based on
- MH 62.70 (1.99) 67.02 (1.81) 0.1090 personalized nutritional information through different remote access
- VT 53.10 (2.30) 54.02 (2.16) 0.7705 routes, in coordination with face-to-face interventions, carried out by
- SF 75.54 (3.29) 81.74 (2.90) 0.1582 psychiatrists and psychologists.
- RE 29.35 (4.40) 23.53 (3.90) 0.3219
HRQoL physical dimensions
The intervention based on Mediterranean diet resulted in an
- PSC 47.81 (7.35) 48.36 (7.21) 0.6002 improvement in quality of life, especially in General Health and in the
- GH 60.67 (2.64) 60.62 (2.54) 0.9878 mental domains of HRQoL: Mental Health and Vitality, as well as in
- BP 70.11 (2.95) 73.04 (2.85) 0.4761 Mental Summary Component. When the analyses were restricted to
- PF 88.26 (1.78) 90.00 (1.60) 0.4676
participants aged 60 or more years the results were consistent with
- RP 21.74 (4.00) 20.34 (3.71) 0.7982
Energy intake (kcal/day) 2531 (809) 2683 (874) 0.2094 significant increment in Vitality, Mental Summary Component and
General Health after two years of intervention with Mediterranean diet.
BMI: body mass index; BP: Bodily pain; GH: General Health; HRQoL: Health
Furthermore, it should be highlighted the great magnitude of the
Related Quality of Life; MET: Metabolic equivalent; MEDAS: Mediterranean Diet
increment observed for Vitality and General Health scores after two
Adherence Screener; MH: Mental Health; MSC: Mental Summary Component;
PF: Physical functioning; PSC: Physical Summary Component; RE: Role years of intervention, higher than 8 points in both the overall sample
emotional; RP: Role physical; SF: Social functioning; VT: Vitality. and in the sub-analysis including only participants aged 60 or more
p-value obtained through the Student's t-test (quantitative variables) or the years. There is a debate on how to define meaningful differences on the
Chi-square (qualitative variables). SF-36 scores in a clinical setting. Even absolute differences from 3 to 10
points have been suggested as relevant (Samsa et al., 1999; Norman
B.M. Cabrera-Suárez et al. Experimental Gerontology 175 (2023) 112149
Table 2
Changes in the mental dimensions of the HRQoL at 12- and 24-month follow-up visits of all randomized PREDIDEP participants according to randomized treatment
HRQoL mental and Control group, mean change (CI 95 %) Intervention group, mean change (CI 95 Control vs. Intervención
physical dimensions %)
Between-group difference
Mental Health
1-year change − 2.43 − 2.30 2.73 2.87 5.16 0.115 5.17 0.089
(− 7.13–2.27) (− 6.30–1.70) (− 1.63–7.09) (− 1.55–7.28) (− 1.26–11.59) (− 0.79–11.12)
2-year change 0.43 0.23 7.22 7.60 6.79 0.055 7.37 (0.82–13.92) 0.027
(− 4.38–5.23) (− 4.28–4.74) (2.22–12.22) (2.85–12.36) (− 0.14–13.73)
1-year change − 0.53 − 0.56 5.41 5.37 5.94 0.106 5.93 0.096
(− 5.81–4.75) (− 5.54–4.42) (0.51–10.31) (0.47–10.27) (− 1.27–13.16) (− 1.06–12.92)
2-year change 0.43 − 0.22 9.51 8.78 9.09 (1.42–16.75) 0.020 9.00 (1.75–16.25) 0.015
(− 4.90–5.76) (− 5.18–4.74) (4.00–15.03) (3.49–14.06)
Social functioning
1-year change 2.09 2.12 1.62 1.35 − 0.47 0.930 − 0.77 0.881
(− 5.69–9.88) (− 5.59–9.83) (− 5.64–8.88) (− 5.16–7.86) (− 11.13–10.18) (− 10.87–9.32)
2-year change 1.35 1.28 3.95 4.47 2.60 0.653 3.19 0.566
(− 6.54–9.25) (− 7.08–9.64) (− 4.15–12.06) (− 2.49–11.42) (− 8.75–13.96) (− 7.69–14.06)
Role emotionale
1-year change 4.65 4.48 7.13 6.38 2.48 0.747 1.89 0.798
(− 6.42–15.72) (− 6.08–15.04) (− 3.25–17.52) (− 3.53–16.28) (− 12.61–17.57) (− 12.58–16.37)
2-year change 7.58 7.44 − 3.38 − 3.39 − 10.96 0.176 − 10.83 0.182
(− 3.50–18.66) (− 4.53–19.40) (− 14.93–8.16) (− 13.87–7.09) (− 26.86–4.93) (− 26.73–5.07)
et al., 2003). Therefore, our results could be considered clinically HRQoL in those individuals with greater adherence to the Mediterra
significant. nean diet pattern. This universality also goes beyond issues such as
population age profile. The evidence has been also replicated with these
improvements in the adolescent (Costarelli et al., 2013) and elderly
4.2. Comparison with prior work populations (Govindaraju et al., 2018).
However, we cannot forget that our study is based on adults affected
The benefits of a high adherence to the Mediterranean Diet are more by a medical condition, depression. Other studies have determined the
than those which evidence has already demonstrated for the general benefits of high adherence to a Mediterranean diet on HRQoL for other
health population or in the prevention and prognosis of different kinds pathologies, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus (Alcubierre et al., 2016)
of pathologies (Sánchez-Sánchez et al., 2020). During the last years, the metabolic syndrome (Galilea-Zabalza et al., 2018) or individuals at
benefit of Mediterranean diet has been the focus on its relationship with cardiovascular risk (Sanchez-Aguadero et al., 2016). In these pathol
quality of life. In fact, there are several studies that have analyzed the ogies, improvements were found for both mental and physical di
relationship between Mediterranean Diet and HRQoL. A recent meta- mensions of HRQoL. Depression shares with all of them a common
analysis (Vajdi and Farhangi, 2020) evaluated 13 studies with a total pathophysiological process that makes them susceptible to all potential
of 43,445 subjects. It determined that both a “healthy” and a “Medi benefits of Mediterranean diet, such as a low-grade inflammatory state
terranean” diet pattern were related to better HRQoL scores. mediated by the gut microbiota (Hills et al., 2019).
The perceived benefits found for Mediterranean diet have been Nevertheless, unlike the results of the aforementioned studies, in our
consolidated in culturally diverse populations and countries, such as analysis we observed benefits especially for the mental domains of
Italy (Bonaccio et al., 2013) and Spain (Galilea-Zabalza et al., 2018), HRQoL. Our participants are individuals with a potential risk of pre
Greece, and the United Kingdom (Klonizakis et al., 2019), or the United senting a new depressive episode whose most affected HRQoL domains
States (Gigic et al., 2018), with improvements in various dimensions of
B.M. Cabrera-Suárez et al. Experimental Gerontology 175 (2023) 112149
Table 3
Changes in the physical dimensions of the HRQoL at 12- and 24-month follow-up visits of all randomized PREDIDEP participants according to randomized treatment
HRQoL mental and Control group, mean change (CI 95 %) Intervention group, mean change (CI 95 %) Control vs. Intervención
physical dimensions
Between-group difference
General Health
1-year change 0.67 (− 4.08–5.41) 0.88 (− 3.19–4.96) 5.05 (0.63–9.47) 5.88 (1.92–9.83) 4.39 0.185 4.99 0.085
(− 2.11–10.88) (− 0.69–10.68)
2-year change 4.50 (− 0.41–9.41) 4.76 (− 0.29–9.82) 10.70 10.92 6.20 0.086 6.15 0.093
(5.58–15.81) (5.83–16.00) (− 0.89–13.28) (− 1.02–13.32)
Bodily pain
1-year change ¡7.90 (¡14.84 to ¡7.51 (¡13.28 to ¡9.20 (¡15.64 to ¡9.11 (¡15.67 to − 1.31 0.787 − 1.60 0.720
¡0.96) ¡1.73) ¡2.77) ¡2.54) (− 10.78–8.17) (− 10.34–7.14)
2-year change ¡11.67 (¡18.72 ¡11.40 (¡18.22 − 3.77 − 3.72 7.90 0.131 7.68 0.117
to ¡4.61) to ¡4.57) (− 11.15–3.62) (− 10.47–3.03) (− 2.36–18.16) (− 1.92–17.28)
Physical functioning
1-year change − 2.33 − 2.48 − 2.05 − 1.88 0.29 0.898 0.61 0.785
(− 5.55–0.88) (− 5.39–0.43) (− 5.02–0.93) (− 5.22–1.36) (− 4.11–4.68) (− 3.75–4.96)
2-year change ¡3.83 (¡7.03 to ¡3.97 (¡7.05 to ¡3.50 (¡6.77 to ¡3.03 (¡5.84 to 0.33 0.888 0.94 0.657
¡0.63) ¡0.90) ¡0.23) ¡0.22) (− 4.26–4.92) (− 3.22–5.10)
Role physical
1-year change 7.30 (− 4.65–19.24) 6.89 (− 3.11–16.89) 14.00 14.01 6.70 0.422 7.13 0.351
(2.88–25.11) (2.87–25.16) (− 9.65–23.05) (− 7.85–22.10)
2-year change 14.79 13.54 5.07 4.60 − 9.72 0.266 − 8.94 0.283
(2.77–26.82) (1.52–25.55) (− 7.32–17.47) (− 6.42–15.62) (− 26.87–7.43) (− 25.25–7.37)
are mental dimensions. Thus, we consider that the observed results are and MEDAS, respectively, which were assessed at baseline and during
of special importance in the management of this kind of patients. the intervention. Thereby, the precision of the analyses and temporal
However, to our knowledge, only one previous study, the HELFIMED consistency of the results are guaranteed.
study, has directly evaluated changes in HRQoL in an intervention with Likewise, to evaluate low/high adherence to the Mediterranean diet
a Mediterranean diet in patients with depression, with a shorter sample according to MEDAS, we have used a widely used reference point for
size and duration (Parletta et al., 2019). Similar to our results, this study Spanish population (García-Conesa et al., 2020), which allows us to
concluded that the intervention with Mediterranean diet supplemented obtain comparable results with other populations. Finally, some ana
with fish oil improved Mental Health dimensions of HRQoL. We also lyses have been adjusted for a wide range of baseline characteristics that
found improvements in Vitality, Total Mental Score and General Health could have interfered with the results.
parameters in HRQoL. However, the results obtained in our study might not be applicable to
the general population. Our study is based on patients with depression,
4.3. Strengths and limitations who present worse HRQoL baseline scores (Papakostas et al., 2004).
Another possible limitation of this study is that SF-36 questionnaire
There are several strengths and limitations of this study that should is a self-reported measure, which is susceptible to information bias. It is
be considered when interpreting the results. possible that the association reflects a tendency to report outcomes as
The main strength of this study is that, as far as we know, this is the more favourable than they actually are (social desirability bias). Like
first trial including such a high number of participants and that it has wise, if there had been an information bias, this would be a non
evaluated the effect of a dietary intervention based on the principles of differential one; and it would have biased the results towards null (lack
the Mediterranean diet on the HRQoL of individuals recovered from of effectiveness). Therefore, it would be expected that the difference
depression for a large period of time, up to 2 years. That long duration obtained would be even greater than that observed. Furthermore, the
has allowed us to accurately evaluate the medium-long-term effects of use of validated questionnaire such as SF-36 (Brazier et al., 1992) to
adherence to the Mediterranean diet on HRQoL. Moreover, HRQoL and assess information minimizes this possibility.
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