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HFY3-3720-ELE-PD-0002 - 0 OHTL Installation and Test Procedure

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1.0 Scope of Work

2.0 Material Inspection & Storage
3.0 Installation of Tower
4.0 Installation of Terminal Tower
5.0 Installation of Conductor & Stringing
6.0 Testing

1.0 Scope of work

The civil works of EPCC FOR 33KV OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINE (OHTL) include the
followings: Material Inspection & Storage, OHTL foundation, OHTL Structure , Grouting of Base Plate,
Installation of Tower. Installation of Terminal Tower. Installation of Conductor & Stringing. Testing etc.

2.0 Material Inspection & Storage

All materials received at site shall be handled in accordance with the specification requirement. The
equipments and materials delivered to site shall have the factory certificates and necessary manufacturer’s
technical documents. They shall be examined to make sure they are as per the purchase order's
requirements. Perform visual inspection to detect any defects such as damage, corrosion or deformation.
Record and check name plate data. Check the components of the equipments and materials and the
accessories to ensure they are complete and in compliance with the specifications of the orders.
The instruments and apparatus of all the panels shall be free from mechanical damage, scratches and
other faults. During the operations of unloading and handling, no any equipment or foreign objects shall
touch the surface of the cables.
Under all circumstances, the cable-drum shall not be pushed down to ground from the vehicles carrying
Both ends of the cutting cables shall be resealed immediately to avoid the moisture from permeating
into cables. Cables shall be stored by type and well marked. The equipment and materials shall be properly
stored in dry and clean place to avoid dust, moisture and corrosion.

3.0 Installation of pole

3.1 Lifting pole
3.1.1 Encircle the lifting areas with Warming belt
3.1.2 Trailer crane on position
3.1.3 Recheck Trailer crane and rigging ( clamp rings, lifting chains)etc.
3.1.4 Operator/workers on position
3.1.5 Recheck PPE and test communication tools , Irrelevant personnel away from lifting area
3.1.6 Lifting Steel pole
3.1.7 Tower on position and connect it with foundation
3.1.8 Connection bolts test by torque wrench
3.1.9 Release rigging and crane move to another lifting area
3.1.10 Chose and calibration of lifting & rigging
3.2 Chose of lifting & rigging
Main lifting & rigging for Steel pole include clamp rings, lifting chains etc. Part of clamp rings and

chains are supplied by contractor and the rest are supplied by contractor
3.2.1 calibration of rings and chains
󲐀1󲐀 lifting rings. contractor supplied rings are used with rated lifting weight of each ring is 2 Ton. They
should meet follow requirement:
󲐀2󲐀lifting chains. Based on the information, e.g. the chains can meet the lifting need. To ensure the
chains can meet erection need, The contractor has also supplied one set of steel wires, i.e. φ63、6*37+1

type. Steel wires calculation: two wires are used for lifting (four strands of wires are with stress). Based on
the equipment dimension and steel wire length, the stressed angle α of the steel wire is approximately

15°, set the safety coefficient K is 8, thus Tension fracture of each stand steel wire should be not less

than P, P=S=k×Q/󲐀n×cosα󲐀=8×91/󲐀4×cos15°󲐀≈2 t. We choose the steel wire of 6×37+1 type

withσb=170kg/mm2. Based on Steel Wire Load Rate Sheet, it is confirmed that the steel wire with

diameter ≮60.5mm (190.29t>2 t) can meet lifting requirement, i.e. steel wire (φ63, 6*37+1) will be

applied for lifting.

3.2.2 Other lifting requirement
(1) Remove obstacles inside turning radius of crane before lifting, and set warning line around the lifting
area to avoid people entering;
(2) Check the condition 1 min after lifting to ensure safety, then move the crane and start lifting. Steel
pole lifting height is 14-16 m and Crane lifting heights is 50cm above foundation, and clean the bottom of
Tower. After cleaning is confirmed qualified, lift the Steel pole above foundation, check and confirm the
foundation CL (center line) and Steel pole CL are completely combined as one, lift the Steel pole down to
foundation slowly and all relative sides should confirm it.
(3) Ensure the Steel pole lifting and position are one-time successful to guarantee safety. Lifting the
equipment after positioned in foundation is avoided.
(4) Lifting course should be slow and firm to avoid high dynamic load. Person should be appointed to
monitor the condition, especially the strength of ground where the crane legs are located and stress of the
sling. Stop the work immediately if any emergency.
3.3 Installation Steel pole
3.3.1 First, the bolt is installed with four sets of flat gaskets and nuts to be adjusted to the horizontal
3.3.2 Install the hole of the bottom of the pole one by one and install it on the reserved bolt .
3.3.3 The crane keeps the pole upright, locking the nuts one by one, and adjusting the pole.
3.3.4 Release the rope from the crane and prepare for secondary grouting.

4.0 Installation of Terminal Pole


The process of installing the terminal tower is the same with 3.0
5.0 Installation of Conductor & Stringing
5.1 Conductor Grips There is a wide variety of conductor grip styles and tie-down products available in
the industry. Always consult with the grip manufacturer for the correct selection so that the grip type and
configuration is sized for the diameter and type of conductor being installed and is capable of holding the
conductor to the highest tension that is anticipated during the sagging operation. There are two basic types
of mechanical grips that are used to secure the conductor during the pulling, sagging or dead-ending
operation. The Klein (Chicago) and Crescent types of grip are open-sided rigid body with opposing jaws
and swing latch that pinchthe conductor between the jaws. The pocketbook type of grip, often referred to
as come-along, suitcase, or four bolt, incorporates a bail attached to the body of a clamp that folds to
completely surround and envelop the conductor. Bolts are then used to close the clamp and obtain a grip.
A woven wire grip (often referred to as a basket, wire mesh, or sock) sized to fit over the conductor and a
suitably sized swivel link should be used for tension stringing. To prevent the grip from accidentally
coming off the conductor, two punch-lock steel bands should be applied at the open end of the grip over
the woven wire grip and conductor. Tape applied over the bands will protect the bullwheel tensioners and
stringing sheave lining from the steel bands.
5.2 Bottom-End Conductor Attachment to Reel
The bottom end of the conductor on the reel must be secured to the reel to provide a stationary
attachment point during manufacture and payout of the conductor. The end attachment must never be
relied upon as an anchor point for the conductor. When paying out the conductor, the stringing operation
must be stopped before the reel completely empties, and any required back tension must be transferred
from the conductor on the reel to some other anchor point. The conductor end that is attached to the reel
must never be considered as a brake or end-stop, as it is not capable of withstanding a conductor “run

out” situation

5.3 Stringing Setup

Figure 6 shows a typical conductor stringing operation set-up. Ideally, the pay-off reel, tensioner, first
stringing sheave, and the first span past the break-over structure should be lined up as straight as possible.
The ratio of the distance to the first structure and the height to the first stringing sheave should be three to
one (3:1) as recommended by IEEE Standard 524, which corresponds to an upwards conductor angle of
about 20 degrees. This practice will limit the vertical load on the structure and also the conductor pressure
on the first sheave. The pay-off reel must be positioned 50-80 feet back from the start of the bullwheel

The ratio of the distance to the first structure and the height to the first stringing sheave should be 3:1. The
pay-off reel must be positioned 50 -80 feet back from the start of the bullwheel tensioner (with brake set as
low as possible to maintain tension).

5.4 Pay-off Brake Tension

As recommended by IEEE Standard 524, the brake tension on the pay-off reel should only be set high
enough to prevent over-run when pulled into the tensioner. Pay-off brake tension needs to be monitored
throughout the conductor pull. As the reel empties down, it is important to lower the brake tension to
reduce the tension force being applied to the conductor as it is pulled off the reel. Excessive brake tension
can cause distortion of the reel flanges and lead to permanent reel damage. It can also pull the conductor
down between the underlying wraps of conductor, where it could get wedged and damaged.
5.5 Rolling (or Running) Ground
Either a rolling or running ground is typically used during conductor installation. Please consult
equipment manufacturers for the properly sized device to use. For installation of covered conductors, a
rotating ground on the reel pay-off can be used.
5.6 Angle Changes (Breakover Sheave and Sheave Diameter)
An angle is defined as any directional change in line elevation and/or line direction. For pulls with
multiple angles and/or elevation changes that could potentially cause problems during the pull, the
installation should be broken up into separate pulls. If however the equipment cannot be relocated to
reduce the total angle change, special measures must be taken to reduce the stresses on the conductor in
order to eliminate the potential for damage. Precaution must be taken to support the stringing sheaves as
recommended in Section 6.7 Support of Stringing Sheaves at Angles. If an angle is suspected of being a
potential problem, it is common practice to have construction crew personnel at the angle structure during
the stringing process to watch as the conductor passes through the stringing block. Conductor damage can
be spotted quickly and remedial action taken immediately.
5.7 Support of Stringing Sheaves at Angles
For significant angle changes, the stringing sheave should be supported by means of a sling to allow the
conductor to roll along in the bottom of the groove. The stringing sheave in a static condition will hang
plumb (vertical). When tension is applied to the pulling line/ conductor, the angle in the line will cause the

sheave to swing left or right of plumb, depending on the direction of the line change. Figure 8 includes
depictions of conductor tracking through a stringing sheave being pulled through an angle. When the line
tension is pulling the sheave to one side or the other, as pictured in the images on the left hand side of
Figure 8, it causes the conductor to ride up on the side of the sheave. The displacement from center
produces a torsional moment that causes the conductor to rotate clockwise or counter-clockwise,
depending on which side of the sheave the conductor is on. To ensure that the conductor tracks in the
middle of the sheave’s groove during stringing, General Cable recommends supporting the sheaves at

angles, as depicted in the images on the right hand side of Figure 8. This can be done with a simple rope or
a chain and hoist if the blocks are heavy. Pulling the sheave to the appropriate angle minimizes the
torsional forces placed on the conductor and the potential for damage. If tandem sheaves are used, they
must be properly secured together and supported in the same manner as single sheaves.

5.8 Recommended Maximum Pulling Tension

The maximum pulling tension applied to the conductor should not exceed ten percent (10%) of the rated
strength of the conductor, as recommended by IEEE Standard 524. Pulling Tension shall be verified with
the ACSR conductor data sheets and shall not be more than the values shown from the data sheet. For
example, Drake ACSR has a rated strength of 31,500 lb. (140 kN), therefore the pulling tension should not
exceed 3,150 lb. (14 kN) during the installation of the conductor. To calculate the recommended pulling
tension, the following formula includes the “rolling efficiency” of the stringing sheaves:

Convert to the metric system

L= 274.3200M
n=17 sheaves
Tmax= 786.5251Kg
Pulls which include angles and elevation changes will increase the pulling force. Tighter sag values will
also increase the pulling force. Pulling at 1734 lb (7.7 kN) would be within the ten percent (10%) rule,
since the rated strength of Drake ACSR/GA2 is 31,500 lb. (140 kN). Pulling at higher tension is
sometimes necessary to clear high obstacles along the right of way. Before resorting to this solution, other
methods such as temporary structures or crane-mounted sheaves should be investigated.
5.9 Conductor Side Wall Bearing Pressure
Another factor that should be considered when installing overhead conductors is the pressure between
the conductor itself and the stringing block lining material. Excessive pressure can damage the conductor
by deforming and/or loosening the aluminum strands. Excessive pressure will also accelerate the wearing
away of the stringing sheave groove lining material. This force is referred to as the side wall bearing
pressure or the conductor “bearing pressure”. This pressure per unit length between the conductor and the

stringing sheave groove is a function of the pulling tension (T) applied to the conductor, the diameter of
the stringing sheave at the bottom of the groove (Ds ), and the diameter of the conductor itself (Dc ). The
pressure is independent of the length of radial contact around the sheave. For overhead conductors, the
side wall bearing pressure can be expressed by the following equation:

For stringing blocks, IEEE 524 suggests a limitation of 500-700 psi (3.4 – 4.8 MPa) maximum side wall

pressure between the conductor and the sheave to minimize the potential for damaging the conductor.
Example: Pulling Drake ACSR/GA2 over a stringing sheave with a 24” bottom of the groove diameter:

The calculated conductor side wall pressure force of 196 psi(1.35MPa) against the groove lining of the
stringing sheave indicates a pulling tension of 1734 lb (787Kg)should not harm the conductor. The
calculated value is below the suggested limitation of 500 -700 psi (3.45-4.83MPa)maximum for an ACSR
5.10 Time in Stringing Sheaves
Conductors should never be left hanging in sheaves for long periods of time. IEEE Standard 524
suggests that the conductors be “sagged” within 24 hours of installation. Leaving the conductors sitting

in the sheaves can cause damage, as the conductor is not secured and can come out of the sheave during
high wind. Excessive sag at low tensions can have conductors clashing together. Tension should be kept as
low as possible when temporarily tied down (snubbed-off conductor). The tension should never approach
that of the sagging tension value. Keeping the holding tension low and working within the 24-hour
window avoids having to rely on short term creep correction curves for subsequent sagging. This is
because these curves use assumptions as to tension, temperature and time, and as such are less accurate as
time increases.
5.11 Pre-Tensioning
Although it is not a common practice, in some applications the conductor is pre-stretched prior to
sagging. Pre-tensioning is carried out when it is desirable to sag the conductor according to its final
condition. Usually the conductor is pulled to 50-60% of the rated strength and held for at least one hour.
The pre-tension value is specifically calculated for each installation and temperature. Afterwards, the
tension is backed off to the final sagging tension. Typically pre-tensioning is only done on a few spans.

Sheaves and support hardware must be capable of withholding the applied tension.
5.12 Sagging
The sagging of ACSR conductors can be done using any of the existing methods. Line tension or sag
may be set using:

5.13 Sag Adjustments

When sagging the conductor, the tension adjustments should be completed within one hour. It is good
practice to check the sag at more than one location along the line, selecting level sections with similar span
lengths. Bundle conductors should all be sagged at the same time. Once the sagging tension is set, it
should not be adjusted again. To compensate for conductor creep in situations where the installed
conductor has sat in the stringing sheaves and has not been sagged within 24 hours, estimated creep
correction curves should be considered.
5.14 Clipping
Ideally, conductors should be clipped in within 24 hours after the line is brought into sag. The line
tension should never be adjusted again, as creep will have started to take place. IEEE Standard 524 states
that the total time for conductors sitting in the sheaves, from initial installation until clipping, should never
be more than 72 hours. If this time is exceeded, damage may occur to the conductor and/or sheaves. The
installation of dampers, spacers and spacer-dampers should be completed as soon as possible after sagging
to prevent damage to the conductors.
6.0 Testing
When the electric pole, conductors and jigs and fixtures installation are completed, ITP requirement
shall be completed for Testing of the OHTL Line and Equipments. the insulation shall be checked one by
one, and all the inspection results must meet the standard requirements. After the owner or PMC is
checked according to the ITP requirements, it is only allowed to connect to the power grid after
verification. In the case of no-load, the OHTL must run no less than 72 hours before being confirmed as

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