02 en Grecon Bs 7 en Web
02 en Grecon Bs 7 en Web
02 en Grecon Bs 7 en Web
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Spark Detection/Extinguishment Systems Safety for Your Production
Spark detection and extinguishment systems detect and Within the framework of its special technology and its
automatically extinguish sparks. The risk of dust fires and distinct design, the GreCon system was developed to
explosions can thus be reduced. detect and extinguish these ignition sources in pneumatic
exhaust systems before they reach filters and silos and
Dust fires and explosions often occur in filters, silos and cause a fire or explosion in these areas!
dryers. They endanger human lives, cause severe property
damage and interrupt production operations. The reason
can be sparks or burning embers caused when working
with or drying combustible material and reaching plant
areas at risk through the pneumatic and mechanical con-
veying systems.
Protection of Dryers Protection of Milling Equipment
Sparks and burning embers can occur any time combus- With high speed milling equipment, heavy showers of
tible materials are dried. Sources of spark danger can be sparks may be generated, when metal or stones enter
uncontrolled machinery shut-down, overdried material the mill, or, when mechanical parts are damaged. GreCon
within the dryer or overheated material build-up in the sensors detect these showers of sparks and activate the
ducting. Overheated glowing particles leave the dryer, extinguishing devices.
come in contact with oxygen in the air, and may cause a
fire or explosion. All plant areas connected by the pneu- The GreCon system counts each spark as it is detected.
matic conveyor system and even the dryer itself can be The system can be pre-programmed to extinguish indi-
affected. Because temperatures in this area exceed the vidual sparks without interrupting production and addition-
operating temperature of standard sensors, sensors with ally shut down machinery upon counting a preset number
fibre optic cables are utilised. or shower of sparks. This feature protects machinery from
further damage due to mechanical failure or foreign mate-
GreCon sensors can detect sparks in pneumatic transport rial in the mill.
ducts of dryers or in discharge chutes and mechanical
Spark Detection
Spark Detection
Preferably in Dark Areas
Spark Detection
in High Temperature Areas
Spark Detection
under Daylight Conditions
Interference-Free Installation
1 Extinguishing nozzle* · 2 Spark sensor* · 3 Daylight spark sensor* · 4 Glass fibre spark sensor*
* with mounting adpater
Spark Extinguishment
Water Extinguishment
1 2
Electrically Air purge
monitored extinguishing device adapters
Additional Measures
against Heavy Dirt Accumulation
3 4 5
GreCon Control Console
Ease of Operation
Alarm Concepts
Recording of Events
GreCon Control Console
Events recorded by several consoles, which are installed The control console consists of modular components so
in different areas of the plant, can be stored on an OPC that there is no size limit. The capacity of the console can
server. Using a standard visualisation system, an overview be adapted to the required application.
of the current condition is ensured at any time. If a suitable
visualisation system is not available on site, GreCon can Extensions are possible at any later time, also by adding
offer project-specific visualisation. further housings.
The GreCon after-sales service is available at any time. GreCon Spark Detection and Extinguishment Systems
Complete training and instruction of the operating per- are fully warranted and are approved by Factory Mutual
sonnel is part of this service. During the maintenance of (FM) and the German Association of Property Insurers
the system, which is usually carried out once or twice a (VdS). These institutions require stringent manufacturing
year, technical improvements or software updates can be standards and technical reliability. These standards also
implemented. The GreCon after-sales service can give apply to planning and after-sales service.
online support via a remote control function.
GreCon has their own experimental station to test new
applications. GreCon spark detection and extinguishment
components can be generally installed in ex zones 20, 21
and 22 in consideration of the valid ex regulations.
Extraction system with spark detectors Mounted spark detector
A GreCon Spark Detection and Extinguishment System GreCon protects more than 100 different industries with
can easily be installed in existing production plants. How- over 100.000 applications of the GreCon Spark Detection
ever, it is advantageous to take the installation of a spark and Extinguishment System worldwide. Reliable after-
detection and extinguishment system into account when sales service is available 24 hours a day to assist you and
planning a new plant. ensure your plant’s safety.
Application Example
Particleboard Industry
Dryer Combustion chamber
Bucket wheel
Screen sifter
Air separator
Glue blending
Application Example
Furniture Industry
Application Example
Application Example
Metal Recycling
Spark Detector
Smoke Detector
Shredder Cyclone Thermo Detector
Extinguishing Device
Subject to technical and country-specific modifications. | © 2005 GreCon | EN »ENGLISH« | 01.2005 | M. Reiss
P.O.BOX 1243