Physical Education and Health - 12 DANCES

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Boniao, Mahayag, Zamboanga del Sur


1st Semester
Quarter 2- Week 1

NAME: ________________________________________ Grade/ Section: ____________________________Score:


Learning Competencies
Engages in moderate to vigorous physical fitness activities (MVPAs) for at least 60 minutes most days of the week in a variety
of settings in and out of school (PEH12FH-Ia-t-8)
Analyzes physiological indicators such as heart rate, rate of perceived exertion and pacing associated with MVPAs to monitor
and/or adjust participation or effort (PEH12FH-Ik-t-9)
Observe Personal Safety Protocol to avoid dehydration, overexertion & hyperthermia during MVPAS participation. (PE12FH-
Demonstrates proper etiquette and safety in the use of facilities and equipment (PEH12FH-Ia-t-12)

I. Pre-test

Directions: Select the letter of the best answer from among the given choices. Write the chosen letter on the blank provided before
every number.

________1. What is the largest component of the human ________8. A term used to describe an overall feeling of
body? tiredness or lack of energy
A. skin B. carbon A. heat stroke B. fatigue
C. water D. calcium C. heat stress D. hypothermia
________2. A condition whose symptoms may include heavy ________9. It tends to occur in people who have a diminished
sweeting, rapid pulse and heat cramps. ability to regulate body temperature, such as
A. body overheating B. older people, very young children or people
hypothermia with chronic illnesses.
C. osteoarthritis D. fatigue A. Non-exertional heat stroke
________3 It occurs when your blood pressure drops and B. Exertional heat
blood flow to the brain is temporarily C. heat stress
reduced. D. hypothermia
A. hyperthermia B. fatigue ________10. occurs when someone is vigorously active in a
C. heat syncope D. body overheating hot environment, such as playing sports on a
________4. A heat- related condition characterized by an hot summer day or participating in military
abnormally high body temperature. training activities.
A. heat stroke B. overexertion A. Non-exertional heat stroke
C. hypothermia D. hyperthermia B. Exertional heat
________5. This occurs when people push themselves too C. heat stress
hard during physical activities like dancing. D. hypothermia
A. heat stroke B. overexertion ________11. When dehydration occurs, the blood becomes:
C. hypothermia D. hyperthermia A. thicker B. colder
________6. An illness that can be caused by exposure to C. thinner D. none of the above
extreme heat.
A. heat stroke B. fatigue ________12. During early stages of hypothermia, heart rate
C. heat stress D. hypothermia will _________.
________7. A medical emergency that occurs when your A. increase B. stay the same
body loses heat faster than it can produce C. decrease D. stop
heat, causing a dangerously low body ________13. Exertional heat stroke may be caused by which
temperature. of the following?
A. heat stroke B. fatigue a. Confinement in a hot care
C. heat stress D. hypothermia b. Exposure to high temperatures and humidity
c. Strenuous physical exercise ________15. What part of the exercise workout can also
d. Being kept in a conservatory in the summer reduce the strain on the heart imposed by
________14. Which of the following clinical signs is not rapidly engaging in heavy exercise, and may
associated with heatstroke? reduce the risk of muscle and tendon
a. Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy injuries?
b. Hypothermia a. cool-down
c. Tachycardia b. warm - up
d. Collapse c. strength activities
d. aerobic activity

What I Need to Know

LESSON 5 : Personal Safety with Dance

Most dancers or performers just run out of the theatre Put both hands on a wall and lean forward, keeping
after their performance is over. They remove their makeup, your arms straight, until you feel the stretch in your
take off their costumes and off they go. It’s so important to take calf. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the opposite
5 or 10 minutes after a show to stretch before going home and, side.
if they can’t, then once they get home.”
3. Piriformis
What to stretch Stand holding onto a chair with your right hand and
 Though dancing is a full-body workout, some muscles grasping your left foot with your left hand.
are used more than others and therefore, need more Maintain a flat back and pull your
attention after. heel toward your butt, keeping
 Stretching your feet and legs seems like a no-brainer, your knee close to your opposite
but there are other muscles at work that are not as leg.
obvious. Make sure you tuck your pelvis
 Your hip flexors, for example, allow you to lift your and be careful not to hike your hip
knees and bend your waist. up. Hold for 30 seconds and
 They also play a key role in keeping your hips and repeat on the opposite side.
lower back strong, flexible, and aligned. Your
quadriceps move your knees and help rotate your 4. Standing Calf Stretch
hips. Lay on your back with your knees bent and place your
 They are involved and engaged in almost all leg right ankle on the opposite knee.
movements. Grasp your unelevated thigh
 The piriformis muscle is located behind your gluteus behind the knee and pull gently
maximus and assists with rotating your hips and toward your chest until you feel
turning out your feet. the stretch in your butt.
 Stretch these often-neglected parts of your body to Hold without bouncing for 30
dance better, stay injury-free and hydrated. seconds and repeat on the
opposite side.
How to stretch?
As you may have written from the list above, most
1. Hip Flexor/Quad Fitness exercises were created for cardio-vascular
Kneel in a deep lunge with your comprises the heart and blood vessels and
back leg on the floor. carries nutrients and oxygen to the tissues of the body and
Flatten your back until you feel the removes carbon dioxide and other wastes. While cardio -
stretch in the front of your hip. vascular is operating not in a normal effort the body needs
Make sure you tuck your pelvis in water. So, what is the purpose of water to your body anyway?
to ensure your back is flat; sinking Water is an inorganic, transparent, tasteless,
into your back too much is too odorless, and nearly colorless chemical substance
much extension. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds and
repeat on the opposite side. Your body uses water in all its cells, organs, and
tissues to help regulate its temperature and maintain other
2. Calves/Heels/Feet bodily functions. Because your body loses water through
Stand with your right foot behind breathing, sweating, and digestion, it is important to rehydrate
you and left foot in front. Keep your by drinking fluids and eating foods that contain water.
heels on the floor and your feet ( )
parallel. Bend your front leg while
keeping your back leg straight.
If fluid is not replaced, the dancer will become 6. OVEREXERTION
dehydrated. Muscle cramps, electrolyte deficits and It occurs when people push themselves too hard during
muscle fatigue may be associated with dehydration physical activities like Dancing causes injury when a person
and heat cramps. works beyond his or her physical capacity and tolerances of his
or her body’s soft tissues. Factors related to overexertion are
5. DEHYDRATION age, physical condition, body flexibility, obesity, strength, and
It occurs when you use or lose more fluid than you take in, tolerance.
and your body does not have enough water and other fluids to Overexertion injuries are generally of two types:
carry out its normal functions.  Sprains - stretching or tearing of ligaments
Water makes up approximately 60% of body weight and is the  Strains - stretching or tearing tendons or muscles
largest component of the human body. The muscles we work
so hard to develop as dancers (skeletal muscles) are about  HYPERTHERMIA
73% water, your blood is about 93% water and even bones Refers to a group of heat-related conditions characterized by
and teeth contain some water. an abnormally high body temperature in other words, the
opposite of hypothermia. The condition occurs when the body's
It is important for dancers to know that being properly hydrated
heat-regulation system becomes overwhelmed by outside
helps keep the body from overheating. Helping the body
factors, causing a person's internal temperature to rise.
promote heat loss when dancing full out will improve athletic
performance and aid in recovery.
Hypothermia is a medical emergency that occurs when your
This is especially important for dancers wearing hot costumes
body loses heat faster than it can produce heat, causing a
and performing under stage lights. Sweat losses during
dangerously low body temperature. Normal body temperature
performance can be significantly more than during rehearsal of
is around 98.6 F (37 C). Hypothermia (hi-poe-THUR-me-uh)
the same piece. Therefore, drinking regularly (even small,
occurs as your body temperature falls below 95 F (35 C).
regular sips) is an important habit during a show.

What I Can Do

Activity 1: Identify Signs of dehydration Signs of Dehydration

Dehydration happens when your body does not have as much water 2.
as it needs. Without enough, your body can't function properly. You 3.
can have mild, moderate, or severe dehydration depending on how 4.
much fluid is missing from your body. 5.
List down some signs of dehydration.
Activity 2: My Own Fitness Routine
Stay Fit at Home, being at home for a long period of time can be good or bad for your #FitnessGoals. As you may have written from the
list above on Fitness exercises. make a list on how you do your fitness routine at home. Make sure that the program you will make is safe
and for everybody.


TIME Procedure Remarks
Select clothes fit for your fitness routine and consider If you do not have the equipment that you’d
selecting comfortable clothes. normally use at the gym, you can always replace
your regular exercises with home workouts using
----------------- these household items.
II. Post Assessment A. skin B. carbon
C. water D. calcium
Directions: Select the letter of the best answer from among the ________8. When dehydration occurs, the blood becomes:
given choices. Write your answer on the blank provided before A. thicker B. colder
the number. C. thinner D. none of the above
________1. An illness that can be caused by exposure to ________9. A heat- related condition characterized by an
extreme heat. abnormally high body temperature.
A. heat stroke B. fatigue A. heat stroke B. overexertion
C. heat stress D. hypothermia C. hypothermia D. hyperthermia
________2. Exertional heat stroke may be caused by which ________10. During early stages of hypothermia, heart rate
of the following? will _________.
A. Confinement in a hot care A. increase B. stay the same
B. Exposure to high temperatures and humidity C. decrease D. stop
C. Strenuous physical exercise ________11. A condition whose symptoms may include
D. Being kept in a conservatory in the summer heavy sweeting, rapid pulse and heat
________3. It occurs when your blood pressure drops and cramps.
blood flow to the brain is temporarily A. body overheating B. hypothermia
reduced. C. osteoarthritis D. fatigue
A. hyperthermia B. fatigue ________12. Which of the following clinical signs is not
C. heat syncope D. body overheating associated with heatstroke?
________4. It tends to occur in people who have a diminished A. Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
ability to regulate body temperature, such as B. Hypothermia
older people, very young children or people C. Tachycardia
with chronic illnesses. D. Collapse
A. No exertional heat stroke B. Exertional heat ________13. A term used to describe an overall feeling of
C. heat stress D. hypothermia tiredness or lack of energy
________ 5. What part of the exercise workout can also A. heat stroke B. fatigue
reduce the strain on the heart imposed by C. heat stress D. hypothermia
rapidly engaging in heavy exercise, and may ________14. This occurs when people push themselves too
reduce the risk of muscle and tendon hard during physical activities like dancing.
injuries? A. heat stroke B. overexertion
A. cool-down C. strength activities C. hypothermia D. hyperthermia
B. warm – up D. aerobic activity ________15. occurs when someone is vigorously active in a
________6. A medical emergency that occurs when your hot environment, such as playing sports on a
body loses heat faster than it can produce hot summer day or participating in military
heat, causing a dangerously low body training activities.
temperature. A. No exertional heat stroke B. Exertional heat
A. heat stroke B. fatigue C. heat stress D. hypothermia
C. heat stress D. hypothermia
________7. What is the largest component of the human

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