Soil Stabilization Plastic Waste Pyrolytic Waxes
Soil Stabilization Plastic Waste Pyrolytic Waxes
Soil Stabilization Plastic Waste Pyrolytic Waxes
0 81
6 authors, including:
Paweł Kazimierski
Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery
All content following this page was uploaded by Ksawery Kuligowski on 11 July 2022.
INTRODUCTION. One of the main conditions for the functioning of a thriving economy is a well-
developed road infrastructure. In the years 2004-2020, over 5,000 km of roads and highways were
built in Poland. Currently, when building roads, before laying an asphalt or concrete surface, the
ground that is the basis of the road under construction must be compacted and stabilized. There are
two basic methods of soil stabilization: in situ and in a stationary node (ex-situ). The method of
performing stabilization in place (in-situ) is the most frequently used method due to its convenience
and lower price. The most popular type of binder for stabilization is a hydraulic binder (most often
cement and various ashes). Such stabilization is performed at a depth of 10-50 cm, achieving the
desired load-bearing parameters. In order to improve them, various chemical additives for
stabilization are often used, such as ion exchange compounds, additives based on sulfuric acid,
additives based on vinyl polymers or even organic additives using lignosulfonates. Unfortunately, the
use of such additives is associated with much greater costs, so there is a need for cheaper and
equally effective alternatives, which at the same time do not pose more environmental risks. The
win-win situation would be for instance recycling the problematic waste-based materials that on one
hand are landfilled or impossible to recycle and on the other hand cause t problems for the waste
producers. Therefore, an interesting issue is the production of stabilization additives from various
types of waste materials. The research on innovative plastic waste-based binders has been carried
out so far at the Construction Company "WACIŃSKI" via the project: “Development and
implementation of effective stabilizing mixtures for the foundation of road surfaces using fly ashes
from the coal-based energy sector in Gdansk” (Regional Development Programme of Pomorskie
Voivodeship/ Action 1.1.1 Expansion via innovations), This
construction company as partner of IMP PAN, applied and tested plastic waste products in soil
stabilisation, that were prepared by IMP PAN and Janpol Technologie LtD. (
Fig. 1. Visual effect of waste-based stabilizers affecting the soil sealing influencing its frost resistance
METHODOLOGY. Emulsions of post-pyrolytic waxes
from the pyrolysis of waste polyolefins were prepared
using the following plastic waste fractions: (1) HDPE
(High Density PolyEthylene), (2) post-separated plastic
high-calorific fraction (RDF – Refuse Derived Fuel), (3)
car tires, (4) clean PE foil. Pyrolysed products were
supplied both by the company JANPOL Technologie
Ltd and in parallel by IMP PAN. Pyrolysis is not widely
adopted yet due to environmental and legislative
reasons. The following soil mechanical parameters
were tested at the Construction Company
“WACIŃSKI”: (1) compressive strength (CS) after 7
days and after 28 days, (2) water absorption (WA)
after 4h and 24h, expressed as the amount of water Fig. 2. Manual application of liquid soil
absorbed by the soil and shown in% (g H2O/ g dry stabilizers (emulsion based on plastic
weight of soil) and (3) frost resistance (FR) as waste pyrolysis products – waxes).
compressive strength after 14 freezing cycles, related to
the initial compressive strength after 28 days, expressed as % of the initial strength. These
parameters are commonly when planning the stabilisation and come from the national standards PN-
EN 13282-1:2013-07, where all main components are specified, whereas minor additional
constituents (not more that 10% w/w in total) and additives (not more than 1% w/w in total) can be
RESULTS. The laboratory mechanical tests confirms the positive influence of these waste products on
some parameters of stabilized soil (eg. compressive strength and sealing). The positive effect of
selected additives has been observed for both cohesive (clays, silts) and non-cohesive soils (sands,
gravels). Each of these plastic waste post-pyrolytic wax/water emulsions have been tested as a stand-
alone stabilizer (+5 treatments and the analysis of full set of 3 mentioned above key parameters) as
well as hybrids with other waste additives (+10 treatments and the analysis of full set of 3 mentioned
above key parameters)). Emulsions from clean PE foil show the best effect: 37% increase in
compression strength for cohesive soils (clay) and 55% increase for non-cohesive soils (sand), then
followed by RDF-based emulsions (33% more compression strength for clay and 42% more for sands)
and HDPE-based emulsions (31% more for clay, 16% more for sand). In addition, the sealing
parameter, directly improving the frost resistance (based on ability to reduce water absorption and
soaking) having a direct effect on capillary forces was also visibly improved as for sands the frost
resistance ranged between 70% and 93% (with 46% for the control sample), which is closely related
to both low short (4h) and long-term (24h) water absorption (0.35%-2% g water/ g soil dry matter for
short-term with control at 6% and 3-8.% g water/ g soil dry matter for long-term with control at 10%)
for these soils amended with stabilizers.
The positive result of this research allows us to hope for new additions to the stabilization of waste
origin and that they will contribute to the improvement of the quality of road infrastructure along
with a neutral impact on the soil environment and positive impact on plastic waste upcycling. The
areas of further attention are (1) obtaining the permits for the potential manufacturer for processing
the plastic waste into pyrolysis products or importing them, emulsification and purification/
stabilisation, (2) products recognition and approval by national certification for hydraulic soil binders,
(3) benchmarking and parity with conventional soil stabilization products. Environmental risk
considerations are not the main concern as the potential amount of plastic waste wax in the form of
water emulsion, introduced to the soil subsurface is less than 0.5 kg/ m2, and only insignificant
amounts (below the national limits) of heavy metals and organic contaminants were
found in the leachates.
This proposal is in line with the objectives of the Circular Economy Action Plan, which focuses on the
sectors using a high amount of resources, where the potential for improvement is high, like plastics,
textiles, construction and buildings. The Plan even has a separate Plastics policy. The proposal is also
coherent with the EU Green Deal, namely it supports reduction of net greenhouse gasses emissions
by 2050 and helps decoupling the economic growth from resource use by upcycling plastic waste
products in roads. This action is in line with the Waste Framework Directive, where EU countries are
obliged among others: for re-use and the recycling of municipal waste to a minimum of 55 %, 60%
and 65% by weight by 2025, 2030 and 2035, respectively. The Directive also requires that waste will
be managed without endangering human health or harming the environment, without risk to water,
air, soil, plants or animals. The Directive criteria also specify when certain wastes cease to be waste
and become a product, or a secondary raw material.
READINESS. The Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of
ISWM Framework Positioning of the Case
this technology is around 6-7; the laboratory tests are
finished and the real scale roadworks are to be started
soon. Still some technical problems eg. development of Stakeholders: Citizens, Local Authorities
an automatic dosage system for emulsions are to be
Waste System Elements: Waste
solved (Fig. 2 shows manual way of emulsion treatment, Recycling, Reuse
application for the research reasons). The technology is
closely related to the Integrated Solid Waste Aspects: Technical, Environmental,
Management (ISWM) framework. As the intended use Financial, Socio-cultural, Institutional,
is for local and national roads construction, national
and local authorities are responsible for decision-
making and citizens (drivers) are the final users. The covered Waste System Elements are: plastic
waste treatment via pyrolysis and recycling as post-pyrolytic products (waxes) purification and
preparation of steady emulsions,. “Financial/ Economic” benefits are expected due to savings in no
use of commercial additives and making revenue on waste utilisation. Whereas “Sociocultural”,
“Institutional”, “Policy/ legal/ political” factors need to be considered if scaled out and applied in real
Lessons learned: