DLL Math 8 Q1 W4 - 093912
DLL Math 8 Q1 W4 - 093912
DLL Math 8 Q1 W4 - 093912
GRADES 1 to 12
LOG SEPTEMBER 18-22, 2023
x − 5 4 x 2 + 12x + 9 x+5 5
𝑥 ( 𝑥−3) (𝑥+1) 2. 2 • =. •
𝑥 −9 2
𝑥+1 4 x − 9 2 x 2 − 11x + 5 x x+5
(𝑥 + 3)(𝑥 − 3) Solution: x+5 5
=. •
4𝑥 2 + 6𝑥 Simplify x x+5
x−5 (2 x + 3)(2 x + 3)
6𝑥 2 + 9𝑥 = • 5
(2 x − 3)(2 x + 3) (2 x − 1)( x − 5) =
2𝑦 + 14 𝑥−3 (2 x + 3)
= a5
𝑦2 + 4𝑦 − 21 𝑦
(2 x − 3)(2 x − 1) 3. 4a 2
7𝑥2 4 4
𝑥+4 2) ∙ 2x + 3
8 3𝑥3 = Solution:
Solution: 4 x − 8x + 4
2𝑥 + 8
a3 a5 1
Express each • 2
2𝑥 2 + 6 rational expressions
4 3 4a 4
6𝑥 2 + 9 as prime factors. =
16 Final answer
3𝑥 − 12 (7)(𝑥2) 22
6𝑥 − 24 (22)(2) (3𝑥)(𝑥2)
Use cancellation
4𝑥 − 6
6𝑥 − 18
(7)(𝑥2 ) 22
(22 )(2) (3𝑥)(𝑥2 )
7 7
(2)(3𝑥) 6𝑥
D. Discussing new Video Presentation on simplifying Video presentation on
concepts and rational algebraic expressions.
multiplying rational algebraic 1. What is the first step in multiplying 1. What is the first step in dividing
practicing new skills expressions. rational algebraic expressions? rational algebraic expressions?
Write Like if the answer 2. What do you observe from each 2. What do you observe from each
given is correct and Unlike if step in multiplying rational algebraic step in dividing rational algebraic
not. expressions? expressions?
1) =𝑥
4𝑥−6 2( 2𝑥−3)
2) =
10𝑥+2 5𝑥+1
2𝑥2 +12 2𝑥+6
3) =
3𝑥+18 3+3
𝑥2 −9 𝑥+3
4) =
𝑥2 +6𝑥−27 𝑥+9
𝑥2 +6𝑥+5 𝑥+5
5) =
𝑥2 −𝑥−2 𝑥−2
F. Developing Tell whether or not each of the Simplify the following. Find the product of the Find the product. “The Fast and the Furious”
mastery following is a rational expression. 1)
= following. Simplify if possible. . Using show me board, let the
(Leads to 8 4𝑥 3z + 15z − 18 12z 2 − 17 z − 40
students find the quotient of the
1. 2𝑥−4 1. •
Formative 2𝑥 2) = 8𝑐 2 21
following. Whoever gets the
Assessment) 2. (2𝑎 + 3𝑏) −1 𝑥+2 1)
= 3z 3 − 2 z 2 8 z 2 + 2 z − 10
3. 3𝑥 + 5𝑦 3)
= correct answer first gets 1 point.
3𝑥2 −12𝑥
6 3𝑥−15 2)
(𝑎−1) 2 6 2a 2 + 6 a 2 − a − 12 b b2
𝑥 4) = 30
= 2. • 1. 4.
3 +𝑥 𝑥2 −10𝑥+25 a 3 − 2a 2 a 2 − 16 4 8 n−3 n−3
9𝑥2 −81𝑥
3 −𝑥 5) =
𝑥3 +8𝑥2 −9𝑥 x 2 − 2 x − 35 3 ab ab
3.3x 2 − 14x − 5 • 2. 9 5.
3x 2 − 20x − 7 2x cd de
𝑛2 −1 13𝑛
3) ∙ =
39𝑛 7𝑛+7
4𝑥2 −5𝑥
= 9 x 2 − 9 xy + 9 y 2 x+5 x+5
6𝑥3 40𝑥3 −50𝑥2 4. • 3
2 xy 3.
5 x y + 5 xy
2 2
3x + 3 y 3 x 5
21𝑚2 𝑚2 +3𝑚+2
5) ∙ =
3𝑚+6 7𝑚
x 2 − 5 x + 6 5 x − 15
5. • 2
10x − 20 x −9
G. Finding practical Match the rational Find the area of the plane Find the missing dimension
applications of figures below.
concepts and skills algberaic expression column of the figures.
A to its simplified form in 1. The area of a rectangular
in daily living x 2 − 100
column B. tile is x 2 − 100 while the
Like or unlike 8
Reduce the given expressions to Column A Column B Compare the sets of length is 2 x + 20
simplest forms. 4𝑥2 1 rational algebraic
1) A. 20
𝑥−3 expressions in the table
8𝑥2 2) B. 2
1) = 10𝑥−10 below. Check like if the 8 x + 64
Find the height of the
5 3)
1 entry in Column I is rectangle.
2) = 2𝑥−6 𝑥−1 equivalent to the entry in 2 x + 20
5𝑥−10 𝑥−3 1
2𝑥−4 4) D. Column II and unlike if the
3) = (𝑥−3) 2 𝑥+7 x 2 − 100
2𝑥−4 𝑥−7 𝑥−2 entries in the two columns A=
4) = 5) E. b2 8
(𝑥−2) 2 𝑥2 −49 𝑥−3 are not equivalent. 2 x + 20
𝑥2 −5𝑥+6 2−b
5) = 20
𝑥2 −9
y2 − 4
1. How did you find the area of A = x
each figure? 35 21
2. What are your steps in b=
3 x − 21
finding the area of the figures?
generalizations and ALGEBRAIC
abstractions about EXPRESSIONS
the lesson 1) Factor the
numerator and
denominator. Division of rational expression is
SIMPLIFYING RATIONAL ALGEBRAIC 2) Write a product of To multiply rational algebraic
EXPRESSIONS expressions: defined as
1) Factor the numerator and expressions one ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSIONS 1. Factor all numerators and
denominator. factor containing 1. Write each numerator and denominators as completely as Where a, b, c and d are b, d, and
2) Write a product of two rational the GCF of the possible.
denominator in factored c are nonzero.
expressions one factor containing numerator and 2. Divide both numerator and
form. To divide rational algebraic
the GCF of the numerator and denominator, and 2. Divide out any numerator denominator by any factor that both expressions:
denominator, and the other the other containing have in common.
factor with any matching 1. Multiply the dividend by the
containing the remaining factors. the remaining denominator factor. 3. Multiply remaining factors in the
3) Rewrite the factor containing the factors. reciprocal of the divisor.
3. Multiply the rational numerator and remaining factors in
GCF as 1. 3) Rewrite the factor 2. Factor the numerator and the
expressions. the denominator.
4) Multiply the remaining factors by 1. containing the GCF denominator.
4. Simplify if possible. In symbols,
*The process of cancellation can be as 1. 3. Cancel common factors.
used to reduce the number of steps in 4) Multiply the a c ac
• = , bd 0 Simplify, if possible.
simplifying rational expressions. remaining factors b d bd
by 1.
*The process of cancellation
can be used to reduce the
number of steps in
simplifying rational
I. Evaluating Simplify the given expressions to Reduce the given Find the product in simplest Solve the given rational expressions Solve the given rational
learning simplest forms. expressions to simplest form. to decode the mystery word. (Show expressions to decode the
forms. your solution) mystery word. (Show your
𝑎 3 4𝑏
= 16𝑥2 1) ∙ ∙ = solution)
30𝑦3 1) = 𝑏 2 9
16𝑥3 4𝑥 10𝑦
= 45 2) ∙ =
10𝑥−10 2) = 5𝑦 8
𝑥−4 10𝑥−10 6𝑥2 8𝑦2
3) = 3)
= 3) ∙ =
3𝑥2−12𝑥 𝑦 6
4𝑦−4 6𝑥−20
4) 2𝑥−4 21𝑥2 𝑥2 3𝑥+2
6𝑦−20 4) = 4) ∙ =
𝑥−2 3𝑥𝑦+6 7𝑥
𝑥 2 − 5𝑥 − 14 𝑥2 +3𝑥−28 5𝑥 + 30 4𝑥 2 𝑦
= 5) = ∙ =
𝑥2 −49
2𝑥 2 − 20𝑥 + 42 2𝑥𝑦 − 6𝑦 𝑥 − 6
V. REMARKS ___Lesson carried. Move on to the next ___Lesson carried. Move on ___Lesson carried. Move on ___Lesson carried. Move on to the next ___Lesson carried. Move on to the
objective. to the next objective. to the next objective. objective. next objective.
___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried.
Other reason: Other reason: Other reason: Other reason: Other reason:
VI. REFLECTION ___Students did not find difficulties in ___Students did not find ___Students did not find ___Students did not find difficulties in ___Students did not find difficulties in
answering their lesson. difficulties in answering their difficulties in answering their answering their lesson. answering their lesson.
___ Students found difficulties in lesson. lesson. ___ Students found difficulties in ___ Students found difficulties in
answering their lesson. ___ Students found ___ Students found difficulties answering their lesson. answering their lesson.
___ Students did not enjoy the lesson difficulties in answering their in answering their lesson. ___ Students did not enjoy the lesson ___ Students did not enjoy the lesson
because of lack of knowledge, skills lesson. ___ Students did not enjoy the because of lack of knowledge, skills and because of lack of knowledge, skills
and interest about the lesson. ___ Students did not enjoy lesson because of lack of interest about the lesson. and interest about the lesson.
___ Students were interested on the the lesson because of lack of knowledge, skills and interest ___ Students were interested on the ___ Students were interested on the
lesson, despite of some difficulties knowledge, skills and about the lesson. lesson, despite of some difficulties lesson, despite of some difficulties
encountered in answering the interest about the lesson. ___ Students were interested encountered in answering the questions encountered in answering the
questions asked by the teacher. ___ Students were on the lesson, despite of some asked by the teacher. questions asked by the teacher.
___ Students mastered the lesson interested on the lesson, difficulties encountered in ___ Students mastered the lesson ___ Students mastered the lesson
despite of limited resources used by the despite of some difficulties answering the questions despite of limited resources used by the despite of limited resources used by
teacher. encountered in answering asked by the teacher. teacher. the teacher.
___Majority of the pupils finished their the questions asked by the ___ Students mastered the ___Majority of the pupils finished their ___Majority of the pupils finished
work on time. teacher. lesson despite of limited work on time. their work on time.
___Some students did not finish their ___ Students mastered the resources used by the ___Some students did not finish their ___Some students did not finish their
work on time due to unnecessary lesson despite of limited teacher. work on time due to unnecessary work on time due to unnecessary
behavior. resources used by the ___Majority of the pupils behavior. behavior.
Others: teacher. finished their work on time. Others: Others:
___Majority of the pupils ___Some students did not
finished their work on time. finish their work on time due to
unnecessary behavior.
___Some students did not
finish their work on time due
to unnecessary behavior.
A. No. of learners _______of Learners who earned 80% _______of Learners who _______of Learners who _______of Learners who earned 80% _______of Learners who earned 80%
who earned 80% in above earned 80% above earned 80% above above above
the evaluation
B. No. of learners ______ of Learners who require ______ of Learners who ______ of Learners who ______ of Learners who require ______ of Learners who require
who require additional activities for remediation require additional activities require additional activities for additional activities for remediation additional activities for remediation
additional activities for remediation remediation
for remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial _____Yes _____No _____Yes _____No _____Yes _____No _____Yes _____No _____Yes _____No
lessons work? No.
of learners who ______ of Learners who caught up the ______ of Learners who ______ of Learners who ______ of Learners who caught up the ______ of Learners who caught up
have caught up with lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson lesson the lesson
the lesson
D. No. of learners ______of Learners who continue to ______of Learners who ______of Learners who ______of Learners who continue to ______of Learners who continue to
who continue to require remediation continue to require continue to require require remediation require remediation
require remediation remediation remediation
E. Which of my Techniques and Strategies used: Techniques and Strategies Techniques and Strategies Techniques and Strategies used: Techniques and Strategies used:
teaching strategies ___ Repitition used: used: ___ Repitition ___ Repitition
worked well? Why ___Manipulative Tools ___ Repitition ___ Repitition ___Manipulative Tools ___Manipulative Tools
did these worked? ___Pair Work ___Manipulative Tools ___Manipulative Tools ___Pair Work ___Pair Work
___ Explicit Teaching ___Pair Work ___Pair Work ___ Explicit Teaching ___ Explicit Teaching
___ Group collaboration ___ Explicit Teaching ___ Explicit Teaching ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration
___ Peer tutoring ___ Group collaboration ___ Group collaboration ___ Peer tutoring ___ Peer tutoring
___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Peer tutoring ___ Peer tutoring ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction
___ Discovery Method ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Differentiated Instruction ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method
___ Lecture Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery Method ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method
Other teachnique: ___ Lecture Method ___ Lecture Method Other teachnique: Other teachnique:
Other teachnique: Other teachnique:
Why? Why? Why?
___ Complete IMs Why? Why? ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs
___ Availability of Materials ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials
___Students’ eagerness to learn ___ Availability of Materials ___ Availability of Materials ___Students’ eagerness to learn ___Students’ eagerness to learn
___ Group member’s ___Students’ eagerness to ___Students’ eagerness to ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s
collaboration/cooperation learn learn collaboration/cooperation collaboration/cooperation
in doing their tasks ___ Group member’s ___ Group member’s in doing their tasks in doing their tasks
___ Audio Visual Presentation collaboration/cooperation ___ Audio Visual Presentation ___ Audio Visual Presentation
of the lesson collaboration/cooperation in doing their tasks of the lesson of the lesson
Other reason: in doing their tasks ___ Audio Visual Presentation Other reason: Other reason:
___ Audio Visual of the lesson
Presentation Other reason:
of the lesson
Other reason:
F. What difficulties __ Bullying among students __ Bullying among students __ Bullying among students __ Bullying among students __ Bullying among students
did I encounter __ Students behavior/attitude __ Students __ Students behavior/attitude __ Students behavior/attitude __ Students behavior/attitude
which my principal __ Unavailable Technology behavior/attitude __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology __ Unavailable Technology
or supervisor can Equipment (AVR/LCD) __ Unavailable Technology Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (AVR/LCD)
help me solve? __ Computer/ Internet Lab Equipment (AVR/LCD) __ Computer/ Internet Lab __ Computer/ Internet Lab __ Computer/ Internet Lab
Other reason: __ Computer/ Internet Lab Other reason: Other reason: Other reason:
Other reason:
G. What innovation Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations:
or localized __Contextualized/Localized and __Contextualized/Localized __Contextualized/Localized __Contextualized/Localized and __Contextualized/Localized and
materials did I Indigenized IM’s and Indigenized IM’s and Indigenized IM’s Indigenized IM’s Indigenized IM’s
used/discover __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos
which I wish to Other reason: Other reason: Other reason: Other reason: Other reason:
share with other
Prepared by:
Teacher III
Checked by:
Head Teacher III
Noted by:
Principal III