Organization Performance Improvement Using TQM

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Organization Performance Improvement using TQM

Article in International Journal of Computer Applications · December 2014

DOI: 10.5120/18942-0361


22 122

5 authors, including:

Ahlam Mohammed Khaled Alharthi

Caledonian College of Engineering, Oman Umm Al-Qura University


Syed Hamid
King Abdulaziz University


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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 108 – No. 9, December 2014

Organization Performance Improvement using TQM

Ahlam Mohammed Alamri, Alaa Moued Alharthi, Dina Khaled Alharthi, Walaa Saleh
Alhabashi, Syed Hamid Hasan
Department of Information Systems
Faculty of Computing and Information Technology,
Department of Information Systems
King Abdulaziz University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

ABSTRACT researches that study the effect of TQM in organization

The purpose of this research is to study the relation between performance in different countries.
the six Total Quality Management practices and the In Pakistan, a few numbers of researchers studied the
operational performance in one of the largest Saudi relationship between TQM and organization performance,
telecommunication company. The research shows how to there is a study focused on measuring the effect of TQM
improve organization performance using Total Quality independent variables (supplier relationship, degree of
Management. The data used in the research were collected customer focus, degree of employee involvement,
through a survey that distributed in 421 employees in the benchmarking, work environment) on Small to Medium
company. By using Microsoft Office Excel the Cronbach's Enterprises (SMEs) non-financial performance in Gujranwala,
coefficient alpha value used to determine the reliability of the Gujrat and Sialkot. Data were collected through a
measurement and the correlation analysis used to find out the questionnaire with Likert scale (strongly agree, agree, neither
strength of the relation between six Total Quality agree nor disagree, disagree, strongly disagree). The result
Management practices and operational performance. The shows a strong correlation between an independent variable,
results of analyzing data are the result of the research. The which is TQM practices and dependent variable, which is
research contains a literature review about different SME non-financial performance.
research that studies the effect of TQM in operational
performance in different countries. The research contains also In Jordan, researchers become more interested in TQM topics
strategies and theories of TQM, and the final part is about and some researchers studied the correlation between TQM
research methodology (analyses and calculation). practices and organizational performance in different sectors.
Ali Bakhit Jaafreh from Shaqra University worked on
General Terms research that investigates this relationship in banking sector in
Total Quality Management Jordan, he proposed a conceptual model that shows the
correlation between TQM practices and organizational
Keywords performance then a questionnaire was made and distributed to
Total Quality Management, Organizational Performance, employees in 22 banks data collected. After analyzing,
TQM practice, Saudi Arabia, Telecommunication questionnaire results strongly support Jaafreh's conceptual
In the global marketplace levels of competition are increasing, On the other hand, related industries of information have been
so this resulted in quality becoming important to organizations significantly developed in Taiwan, which effects on the global
and later Total Quality Management has become a key economy. There is one research conducted to measure the
management issue. The meaning of word quality has changed effect of TQM on organizational performance in Taiwan. The
because of the evolution of the world. Many authors defined study focuses on the correlation between TQM practices and
quality in different aspects. Phil Crosby said quality is companies’ performance, TQM practices are: process
conformance to specifications. On the other hand, Joseph management, management, leadership, design management,
Juran said quality is fitness for use. The ISO 8402 defines the suppliers' management, customer focus, reporting and quality
quality as the totality of features and characteristics of a data, human resource. The study hypothesizes that TQM
product or services that bear on its ability to meet stated or practice’s effect positively on organizational performance and
implied needs[7]. Total Quality Management (TQM) is the divided quality management, motivation into: to increase
optimization and integration of all the functions and processes product quality, to improve employees moral, to improve
of a business in order to make the customer satisfied and to firm's position in a market, to increase organization profits, to
achieve this goal the organizational processes should be follow market trends, to reduce competitors’ pressure, and to
continuously improved and this will lead to high quality in expand organization market share. To test the validity of this
products and services. The main objectives of Total Quality hypothesis a survey was conducted and distributed in 2005 to
Management are to improve the process, to prevent the SME from Information Service Industry in Taiwan, the result
defects, to measure system capacity, and to observe behavior shows that most strong quality management, motivation in
changes over a period of time. organization are increasing product quality and improving
firm's position in market, results also support the researcher’s
2. LITERATURE REVIEW hypothesis that TQM practice’s effect on organizational
In the last years, a lot of researches were conducted all over performance which increase customer satisfaction.
the world on the topic of TQM, how organizations should In Saudi Arabia, a lot of researches have been conducted in
implement it and the correlation between TQM and the domain of TQM; however, there were a few researches
organization performance. This literature review will focus on that focused on the TQM impact on organizational
performance. Abdulrahman Alsughayir from Al Imam

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 108 – No. 9, December 2014

Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University studied the Deming Prize winning and use this experience to develop
relationship between TQM and employee job satisfaction in long range main plan for in-house use.
particular, researcher focus on private firm in Saudi Arabia as
a sample for his study, then a survey was distributed in 2013 3.5 5th strategy: Award Criteria Approach
to 350 employees in a large Saudi Telecom company with a This approach, focus on the criteria of any quality awards for
74.5% response rate. organization like, European Quality Award and, Deming
Prize, to identify improvement areas. So the TQM
The result shows that TQM has a strong impact on employee implementation will focus on meeting specific award criteria.
satisfaction which increases work quality and individual Despite, there are some people argue that this is not an
productivity. appropriate use of award criteria, there are some organizations
apply this approach and success to improvements.
To be adopted any organization would be applied the quality MANAGEMENT
approach, it should be understood strategic total management The techniques and tools of TQM based on theories to
as a proactive situation rather than as just technique, or high- manage the process that concentrate on quality. Many experts
level guarantee products and services. The strategic total have helped to formalize different viewpoints in quality
quality adoption as one of organization part are supposed management. From the most popular theories:
continuous evaluating management concept and
administration practices by adopting innovation strategies, 1. Deming Theory.
also it is important to develop organizational strategic culture.
2. Joseph Juran Theory.
The following strategies help organizations to develop the
3. Crosby Theory.
TQM process:
Theory of total quality management can be summarized as
1. TQM Element Approach
2. Guru Approach
Table1: Summery of TQM Theories
3. Organization Model Approach Theory
Theory Principles
4. Japanese Total Quality Approach
Deming 1. System of profound knowledge:
5. Award Criteria Approach
 System Knowledge: understanding
Below there are a brief about each strategy and its of the organization's processes and
explanation. systems, and how they work to
achieve the organization aim.
3.1 1st strategy: TQM Element Approach
Early in 1980s the companies used his method, they learn and  Variation Knowledge:
try to implement little parts of TQM. The TQM element understanding of the causes of
approach takes all main business operations and alteration.
organizational units to use the tools of TQM to make better  Knowledge, Theory:
improvements. Quality function deployment, quality circles, understanding the knowledge that
and statistical process control are examples of this can benefit the organization.
 Psychology Knowledge:
3.2 2nd strategy: Guru Approach understanding peoples’ attitudes,
This approach used technique on one of the leading quality and how they interact and work.
thinkers as guide against which determines where the
organization has weakness and make appropriate changing to 2. Deming’s 14 points of total quality
fix that weakness. management[13].
3. The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)
3.3 3rd strategy: Organization Model cycle[13].
By using this method the Malcolm Baldrige National received Juran Quality trilogy is (Joseph M. Juran; A.
the Quality Award late of 80s, in this approach, there is Blanton Godfrey,1999):
individuals or team who visits the organization and takes the 1. Quality Planning: understanding
leadership role in TQM and determine their business customer needs and developing
process and reason of success then integrate these ideas with products that met their needs.
their own ideas to improve current organizational model
adapted for their required specific organization. 2. Quality Control: measuring and
evaluating performance.
3.4 4th strategy: Japanese Total Quality 3. Quality Improvement: achieving
Approach quality by focusing on long term goals.
Florida Power and Light used this approach to implement
TQM and to compete for and win the Deming Prize. By using Crosby 1. Define quality as a compatibility to
Japanese total quality, organization would examine the requirements.
technique of detailed implements and the strategy that used by 2. Produce quality by prevention.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 108 – No. 9, December 2014

3. The performance standard of quality  Part 4 questions about Employee relations

is Zero Defects.
 Part 5 questions about Supplier quality management
4. Measuring the quality by the price of
nonconformance.  Part 6 questions about Process management quality
 Part 7 questions focus on company operational
5. TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT Questionnaire distributed to a sample of 421 employees in the
AND ORGANIZATIONAL Saudi Telecommunication Company, using a Likert scale for
PERFORMANCE answers to score from 1 to 5, where 1 means strongly
Since TQM is an important factor in organizations disagree, 2 means disagree, 3 means neither agree nor
development in terms of decreasing product price, increasing disagree, 4 means agree and 5 means strongly agree. The
profits, increasing product quality, minimizing production discussion about each factor of sex practices in the company
costs, gain competitive advantage over other organizations as follows:
and increasing employees and managers’ satisfactions,
researchers in Saudi Arabia become more interested in TQM
5.2.1 Leadership
issues and studies, also some organizations have already Leadership is an important goal for any organization, and the
started implementing TQM in its departments. One of telecommunication company targeted in this study is a leader
important studies in TQM topic investigates the correlation in different fields. It's a leader company on employees'
between TQM and organizational performance, which this satisfaction by using a yammer social network, which is a free
paper will focus on: space for internal communications between employees,
managers and decision makers in the company, this space
5.1 Framework Model allows them to share their feelings, concerns, problems and
In order to study the relation between the operational suggestions. The company also motivates their employees to
performance and the TQM practices within the participate in competitions with others to share their
telecommunication company, a theoretical TQM model were innovative ideas related to technology, telecommunication
developed to focus how this relation correlated and the and advertising, then a voting campaign takes place and the
direction between the pairs. The figure below shows the six most innovated idea gets a financing from the company to
TQM practice in the top and operational performance in the support it. On the other hand, the company plans to be led by
bottom and the relation between them: transforming completely from telecommunication provider to
information communication technology service provider
(ICT) in 2020, by establishing data centers cross Saudi

5.2.2 Customer Focus

International Organization for Standardization ISO 9000-
14000 [15] emphasized that in order for the organizations to
be customer focus, they are supposed to focus on their
customers by understanding the requirements of their current
and future customer, and should meet customer needs and
strive to exceed customer expectations. Focusing on the
customer is one of the important objectives of quality[7].
Customers are the most important factor and are a major key
in the telecommunication company that targeted in this study
by providing them with different services to serve and cover a
big range of customers.
5.2.3 Strategic Planning
Strategic planning is a process of accomplishing the
Figure 1: Framework Model established vision, mission and goals of the organization. As
illustrated by Juran that the strategic quality planning is
5.2 Research Methodology developing a procedure to achieve the organization long-
The study is a correlation (on field) study implemented on one term goals by determining customer needs and respond to
of the largest Telecommunication Company in Saudi Arabia them by delivering the desired products or services[8]. In this
during the period of 21st September 2014 till 2 November study, the telecommunication company has clearly determined
2014, and the company applies a quality management strategy its vision, mission, objectives and values. It well defined long-
that uses management practices as an input and company term plan and a clear strategy to achieve growth and move
performance as an output. To find out how much TQM effect from mobile telecom provider to a global player in ICT.
on organizational performance specific operational
performance of the company, a questionnaire was conducted 5.2.4 Supplier Quality Management
that contain seven parts related to each quality management The organization's ability to satisfy the interests of different
practice and operational performance: suppliers is a key factor of the success of TQM. Supply chain
management in TQM "implies reducing and streamlining the
 Part 1 questions about Leadership supplier base to facilitate managing supplier relationships,
developing strategic alliances with suppliers, working with
 Part 2 questions about Customer focus
suppliers to ensure that expectations are met, and involving
 Part 3 questions about Strategic planning suppliers early in the product development process to take

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 108 – No. 9, December 2014

advantage of their capabilities and expertise"[11]. Because the Management (SQM), Process Management Quality (PMQ)
quality of input is directly related to the final product, the and, Operational Performance (OP)
relationship between the organization and the supplier is
important. Table2: Reliability test result by using Cronbach’s Alpha

5.2.5 Employee Relations Alpha Reliability

Variable No. of items
"The concept of Total Quality Management emphasizes Coefficient
continuous improvement and this requires participation of L 3 0.6812
every individual in the company"[6]. Employee relations are
important factors making TQM job successful. The way to CF 3 0.9969
encourage employees and making them responsible for SP 3 0.9956
quality decisions and improvements is sharing information
ER 3 0.9973
across functional groups of the organization[14]. If the
relationships between employees are good and strong this will SQM 3 0.9987
lead to positive results on organizations. The PMQ 3 0.9957
telecommunication company in this study often has a shorter
decision making process, enabling a faster information flow OP 18 0.9801
and improved communication [14] between employees. 6.3 Correlation Analysis
5.2.6 Process Management Quality Correlation provides answers to this study in looking the
Process management, quality mentioned as an effective relations between TQM six practices and operational
primary element of integrated quality efforts. Process refers to performance of data in a research. It also tells the direction of
all resources used in production. TQM beliefs that the product the relation between each factors and company performance
quality starts from improving process quality direct or and the magnitude of it.
indirect. Building quality process in production to reduce the The correlation coefficient value of performance and six TQM
variation of process is the main objective of process practice variables results in the table below.
management. By applying this the waste and rework costs of
resources will be decreased while quality of output will be Table3: correlation result between all varaibles
increased. The telecommunication company established a
solid track of record by its strong management team. It makes L CF SP ER SQM PMQ OP
a lot of smart systems to improve the quality management L 1
process. For example, it implements a private cloud solution
to support its business service management. By applying this CF 0.638 1
system, it allow the end users to access the cloud self-service
SP -0.539 0.306 1
portal and request services, the new service provisioning takes
a 35 minute instead of weeks, it offers a high availability of ER 0.391 0.959 0.564 1
staff for projects, it used enterprise change management to
control infrastructure resource. The service fulfillment SQM -0.711 -0.995 -0.209 -0.925 1
provisioning has a fully unattended instead of several teams. PMQ 1.000 0.649 -0.526 0.405 -0.722 1
In addition, the cloud services, catalog of the system applies
the quality and standard for all services. It gives a strong and OP 0.312 0.931 0.203 0.996 -0.891 0.327 1
efficient, utilizing reporting in the cloud.

To evaluate the results if the value is positive that means the

variables are correlated positively to each other which means
6. CORRELATION COEFFICIENT if a variable increased the other one will be increased. On
CALCULATIONS other side, if the value is negative that means the variables are
Data analyzed to calculate the correlation in two stages by negatively correlated to each other which means if a variable
using Microsoft Office Excel to analyze the data. After increased the other will be decreased. Also, if the value is
collecting the results of the survey, data inserted in Microsoft greater than 0.5 that means it is strongly correlated to each
Excel, then start analyzing the data as first stage and checked other, but if it is less than 0.5 and more than 0 that means it is
it by applying Cronbach's Alpha to gauge its reliability. In weakly correlated.
second stage is applying the correlation analysis to assess the
strength of the relationship between factors. From the result the correlation between performance the
leadership, strategic planning and, process management
6.1 Reliability Analysis quality are positively correlated to the organization
Before testing collected data, preliminary analysis applied operational performance. In the same time the company
first to check for any violations in it. This study was applied operational performance was strongly correlated to the
scale of Cronbach's coefficient alpha value which is the most customer focus and, employee relations. There is a negative
widely used statistics to determine the reliability of the correlated between supplier quality management in the
measurement. The result of Cronbach's alpha for all factors is company and performance.
above 0.68 which is acceptable range and means the data
reliable for measuring parameters.
See table below. The variables in the table are as following:
Leadership (L), Customer Focus (CF), Strategic Planning
(SP), Employee Relations (ER), Supplier Quality

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 108 – No. 9, December 2014

Table4: correlation result between performance and TQM

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