Organization Performance Improvement Using TQM
Organization Performance Improvement Using TQM
Organization Performance Improvement Using TQM
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5 authors, including:
Syed Hamid
King Abdulaziz University
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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 108 – No. 9, December 2014
Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University studied the Deming Prize winning and use this experience to develop
relationship between TQM and employee job satisfaction in long range main plan for in-house use.
particular, researcher focus on private firm in Saudi Arabia as
a sample for his study, then a survey was distributed in 2013 3.5 5th strategy: Award Criteria Approach
to 350 employees in a large Saudi Telecom company with a This approach, focus on the criteria of any quality awards for
74.5% response rate. organization like, European Quality Award and, Deming
Prize, to identify improvement areas. So the TQM
The result shows that TQM has a strong impact on employee implementation will focus on meeting specific award criteria.
satisfaction which increases work quality and individual Despite, there are some people argue that this is not an
productivity. appropriate use of award criteria, there are some organizations
apply this approach and success to improvements.
To be adopted any organization would be applied the quality MANAGEMENT
approach, it should be understood strategic total management The techniques and tools of TQM based on theories to
as a proactive situation rather than as just technique, or high- manage the process that concentrate on quality. Many experts
level guarantee products and services. The strategic total have helped to formalize different viewpoints in quality
quality adoption as one of organization part are supposed management. From the most popular theories:
continuous evaluating management concept and
administration practices by adopting innovation strategies, 1. Deming Theory.
also it is important to develop organizational strategic culture.
2. Joseph Juran Theory.
The following strategies help organizations to develop the
3. Crosby Theory.
TQM process:
Theory of total quality management can be summarized as
1. TQM Element Approach
2. Guru Approach
Table1: Summery of TQM Theories
3. Organization Model Approach Theory
Theory Principles
4. Japanese Total Quality Approach
Deming 1. System of profound knowledge:
5. Award Criteria Approach
System Knowledge: understanding
Below there are a brief about each strategy and its of the organization's processes and
explanation. systems, and how they work to
achieve the organization aim.
3.1 1st strategy: TQM Element Approach
Early in 1980s the companies used his method, they learn and Variation Knowledge:
try to implement little parts of TQM. The TQM element understanding of the causes of
approach takes all main business operations and alteration.
organizational units to use the tools of TQM to make better Knowledge, Theory:
improvements. Quality function deployment, quality circles, understanding the knowledge that
and statistical process control are examples of this can benefit the organization.
Psychology Knowledge:
3.2 2nd strategy: Guru Approach understanding peoples’ attitudes,
This approach used technique on one of the leading quality and how they interact and work.
thinkers as guide against which determines where the
organization has weakness and make appropriate changing to 2. Deming’s 14 points of total quality
fix that weakness. management[13].
3. The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)
3.3 3rd strategy: Organization Model cycle[13].
By using this method the Malcolm Baldrige National received Juran Quality trilogy is (Joseph M. Juran; A.
the Quality Award late of 80s, in this approach, there is Blanton Godfrey,1999):
individuals or team who visits the organization and takes the 1. Quality Planning: understanding
leadership role in TQM and determine their business customer needs and developing
process and reason of success then integrate these ideas with products that met their needs.
their own ideas to improve current organizational model
adapted for their required specific organization. 2. Quality Control: measuring and
evaluating performance.
3.4 4th strategy: Japanese Total Quality 3. Quality Improvement: achieving
Approach quality by focusing on long term goals.
Florida Power and Light used this approach to implement
TQM and to compete for and win the Deming Prize. By using Crosby 1. Define quality as a compatibility to
Japanese total quality, organization would examine the requirements.
technique of detailed implements and the strategy that used by 2. Produce quality by prevention.
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 108 – No. 9, December 2014
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 108 – No. 9, December 2014
advantage of their capabilities and expertise"[11]. Because the Management (SQM), Process Management Quality (PMQ)
quality of input is directly related to the final product, the and, Operational Performance (OP)
relationship between the organization and the supplier is
important. Table2: Reliability test result by using Cronbach’s Alpha
International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 108 – No. 9, December 2014
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