Annex B
Annex B
Annex B
Name of Nominee Gender: Male Female Age:
(Last, Given, M.I.)
Sector being Mill / Plant Workers’ With complete documentary No Is the group/organization registered with Yes No
represented Group requirements? Yes any government registering agency?
(pls. check appropriate box) Field Workers’ Group (pls. check appropriate box) (pls. check appropriate box)
Name of Nominating Organization/ Please indicate the name of government registering agency
Criteria In Progress Adequate Ideal SCORE
Educational Based from submitted documents Based from submitted Based from submitted documents,
Background nominee meets the basic educational documents, the nominee is the nominee is above (a college
(20%) requirement, of at least high school slightly above (less than a college graduate) the basic educational
graduate, to be able to adequately graduate) the required basic requirement, of at least a high school
represent the sector being nominated in educational requirement, of at graduate, to be able to adequately
least high school graduate, to be represent the sector being
able to adequately represent the nominated in
sector being nominated in
(10 points) (15 points) (20 points)
Work Experience Nominee has an aggregate work Nominee has an aggregate work Nominee has an aggregate work
(40%) experience of one (1) year in the sector experience of more than one (1) experience of five (5) years and
being represented year and less than five (5) years more in the sector being represented
in the sector being represented
Shows an understanding of key Shows expertise of key technologies
technologies and issues confronting the Shows detailed knowledge of key and issues confronting the industry
industry and sector being represented technologies and issues and sector being represented
Criteria In Progress Adequate Ideal SCORE
confronting the industry and
sector being represented
(20 points) (30 points) (40 points)
Organizational/ Group Nominee has an aggregate experience Nominee has an aggregate Nominee has an aggregate
Affiliation of one (1) year as member of experience of one (1) year as experience of more than one (1) year
(40%) organization being represented officer of organization being as officer of organization being
represented represented
Shows ability in dealing with a wide
spectrum of stakeholder groups (private Shows sound experience in Shows expertise in dealing with a
sector, donors, governments, media dealing with a wide spectrum of wide spectrum of stakeholder groups
etc.) stakeholder groups (private (private sector, donors,
sector, donors, governments, governments, media etc.)
Nominee represents the sector he/she media etc.) Nominee has personal networks and
is nominated in Nominee has personal networks external contacts that can help
(20 points) and external contacts that can expand the STC/DTC/TCC’s goals/
help expand the STC/DTC/TCC’s thrusts
goals/ thrusts
Nominee’s organizational affiliation
Nominee represents the sector can represent the widest range of
he/she is nominated in and shows workers within the sector he/she is
sufficient authority and ability to nominated in and shows ability to
speak with conviction on behalf of seek the consensus of the
his/her organization constituency beyond organizational
(30 points) (40 points)
Full Name
Designation/ Position
Date accomplished