Peer Observation Instruments
Peer Observation Instruments
Peer Observation Instruments
This is a confidential form between the Observer and Observee, and can be completed
during the observation or immediately afterwards. Upon completion, the form will be
returned to the Observee.
Type of session:
If Other, please add: Click or tap here to enter text.
Duration of session: Click or tap here to enter text.
Duration of observation: Click or tap here to enter text.
Approximate number students attending: Click or tap here to enter text.
If this is a taught session, what are the learning objectives (what are you planning for
the students to learn?) Click or tap here to enter text.
If this is not a taught session, what are your expectations for the students, for example,
if your observation is for resources on the VLE, asynchronous materials or feedback
given to students etc?
Click or tap here to enter text.
What areas in particular would you like the Observer to focus on during the
We agree that this is a fair record of the observation and post observation discussion:
Observee’s Signature (type name): Click or tap here to enter text. Date:
Click or tap to enter a date.
Peer Observer’s Signature (type name): Click or tap here to enter text. Date:
Click or tap to enter a date.
The Peer Observer should return the final version of this form to the Observee only, as
it is confidential.
Suggested Instrument 2 (Adopted from the University of Bristol)
Name of Teacher:
Name of Observer:
Unit Code, Name and
Title of Observed Session:
Session Learning
When commenting on these criteria, you should also make explicit reference to where the relevant UKPSF Core Knowledge
criteria have been demonstrated and identify which Professional Values criteria underpin the participant’s academic practice:
Core Knowledge
K1 The subject material
K2 Appropriate methods for teaching and learning in the subject area and at the level of the academic programme
K3 How students learn, both generally and within their subject/ disciplinary area(s)
K4 The use and value of appropriate learning technologies
K5 Methods for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching
K6 The implications of quality assurance and quality enhancement for academic and professional practice with a
particular focus on teaching
Professional Values
V1 Respect individual learners and diverse learning communities
V2 Promote participation in higher education and equality of opportunity for learners
V3 Use evidence-informed approaches and the outcomes from research, scholarship and continuing professional
V4 Acknowledge the broader context in which higher education operates, recognising the implications for professional
Developing effective learning environments and approaches to student support and guidance
(For example, use of resources including the physical learning environment,
technology-enhanced/online teaching and learning activities, and meeting individual learning needs in
an online learning environment.)