Analysis FA
Analysis FA
Analysis FA
November 2020
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Bongale, Anupkumar M. Dr.; Joshi, Rahul Raghvendra Prof.; and Kadam, Kalyani Dhananjay Prof.,
"Bibliometric Analysis of Firefly Algorithm Applications in the Field of Wireless Sensor Networks" (2020).
Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). 4567.
Bibliometric Analysis of Firefly Algorithm
Applications in the Field of Wireless Sensor
1 Introduction
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is one of the famous and vast research top-
ics that has attracted a lot of researchers in the field of computer engineering,
electronics, telecommunications and mechanical engineering. WSN is a network
of wireless sensor nodes where the role of sensor nodes is to sense the physical
parameters (examples like temperature, pollution contents in air, water quality
parameters such as pH, etc.). The purpose of the sensors and their capability
largely depends upon the application type of WSN. Irrespective of the WSN
applications, the general operating principle is that there can be several wireless
sensor nodes spread across a sensing region. These sensors will sense some physi-
cal parameters and transmit sensed information to data collection point know as
Base Station (BS). Based on the data collected at BS, meaningful insights can
be obtained, or necessary action can be taken to address the needs at sensing
region. Since nodes operate wirelessly, a battery needs to be attached on each
node for data reception and transmission among the deployed sensors. In critical
applications of WSN such as remote health monitoring, volcanic eruption moni-
Bibliometric Analysis of Firefly Algorithm for WSN 3
toring, landslide monitoring, etc. if the battery of sensor nodes dies, it is assumed
that associated node is also dead and replacement of the battery is not an op-
tion. Hence, most of the research work carried out so far revolves around energy
efficiency and network life prolongation. Energy efficiency is vital for all applica-
tions of WSNs, and it can be achieved with prudent WSN design techniques at
different layers such as physical layer, data link layer, network layer, transport
layer [47]. In particular, study related to cluster-based energy-efficient routing
methods have been extensively conducted among the WSN research community,
and some of the notable survey articles are [19, 28].
With the study and brief overview of WSNs and the importance of soft com-
puting techniques in cluster-based routing techniques, it is apparent that WSN
4 Anupkumar M Bongale et al.
is extensively studied and a lot of survey articles are available. But none of these
survey article highlight bibliometric analysis of WSNs and routing protocols.
Hence, this article is all about fulfilling such a need for bibliometric research
for the domain of WSNs. In this article, bibliometric review of a specific type
of nature-inspired optimisation technique, namely the Firefly Algorithm and its
applications in the field of WSNs is explored. The reason for writing this article
is to understand the correlation of different research work carried out so far in
the usage of FA for WSNs contribution of authors, scope and growth of the topic,
co-author analysis, network visualisations, etc.
The rest of the article is arranged as follows. Section 2 describes the pre-
liminary data and keyword string used in the Scopus database search engine.
Bibliometric information is described in section 3. Network diagrams are created
and explained in section 4. Section 5 is about research implications observed in
this article. Finally, the article is concluded in section 6.
2 Preliminary Data
Using the query string mentioned in table 1, 34 documents are obtained from
Scopus DB. All the articles collected from the query string are composed using
the English language, as mentioned in table 2.
Bibliometric Analysis of Firefly Algorithm for WSN 5
3 Bibliometric Information
Fig. 1. Yearly publication count (Source: Scopus DB accessed on 6th November 2020)
Fig. 3. Yearly document statistics (Source: Scopus DB accessed on 6th November 2020)
Fig. 5. Key contributing countries (Source: Scopus DB accessed on 6th November 2020)
From fig. 4 it is evident that the majority of the key affiliations are from India.
Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore and Anna University are the leading ones
having three papers against their affiliations. Others have only two documents.
It is clear from fig. 5 that India is leading the said research followed by Iran
then Brazil. Out of 34 publications, 25 publications are from India.
Fig. 6 shows the majority of the documents are of article type followed by
conference papers. Significantly less contribution in terms of review papers. So,
there is a scope of review papers.
The maximum contributing area is computer science followed by engineering
as shown in fig. 7. There are other areas too like biochemistry, decision science,
energy, environmental science, mathematics, material science, medicine, phar-
macology etc.
From the fig. 8 it is clear that only two funding agencies sponsored the
research work and they are from Australia mainly. No funding supports for
research work emanated from Indian origin. The reason for this could be due to
the nature of research work conducted i.e., research is mainly simulation-based.
Bibliometric Analysis of Firefly Algorithm for WSN 9
Fig. 6. Document type statistics (Source: Scopus DB accessed on 6th November 2020)
Fig. 7. Subject area statistics (Source: Scopus DB accessed on 6th November 2020)
Hence, for Indian researchers, there is a scope for extending their research work
to address the societal problems and approach for financial support from funding
10 Anupkumar M Bongale et al.
Fig. 9 denotes a networked diagram with emphasis on authors with their key-
words, related co-appearance. Firefly algorithm, clustering, cluster head, en-
ergy efficiency are the main keywords found in the articles. Akbari R, Hamid
A.A.A.A., Zivkovic M., Bezdan T. are the co-appearing authors for considered
keywords. There is a scope for consideration of other keywords too viz. mobile
sink, cluster head selection, energy consumption, chicken swarm optimisation
and shuffled frog-leaping algorithm etc.
Fig. 2 and fig. 10 clearly indicate authors viz. Bongale A. M., Kumar R.,
Sarkar A. etc. are the key authors and Journal of Circuits, Systems and Com-
puters, International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2020
(IWCMC 2020), International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems
etc. are the prominent source titles.
Source titles, author keywords and their co-appearance in the same papers
is shown in fig. 11. In addition to author keywords mentioned for fig. 9 few
additional important keywords here are ad hoc networks, open shortest path
Bibliometric Analysis of Firefly Algorithm for WSN 11
Fig. 9. Authors, author keywords and co-appearing in the same paper (Source: Scopus
DB accessed on 6th November 2020)
Fig. 10. Authors, source titles and co-appearing in the same paper (Source: Scopus
DB accessed on 6th November 2020)
12 Anupkumar M Bongale et al.
first routing protocol etc. Source titles that need to be considered are Journal
of Critical Reviews, International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing,
International Journal of Advanced Technology and Engineering Exploration and
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research etc. Networked diagram
in fig. 11 in a way clarifies about relationship between journal titles and keywords
used by authors
Fig. 11. Source titles, author keywords and co-appearing in the same papers (Source:
Scopus DB accessed on 6th November 2020)
Author keywords co-appearance is shown in fig. 14. Tree, forests, slot allo-
cation, leach-c algorithm, sensor node, adaptive search and firefly with nearest
neighbour chain clustering are the co-appearing keywords.
Bibliometric Analysis of Firefly Algorithm for WSN 13
Fig. 12. Authors linked by co-publication (Source: Scopus DB accessed on 6th Novem-
ber 2020)
Fig. 13. Papers linked by citation when they have DOI (Source: Scopus DB accessed
on 6th November 2020)
14 Anupkumar M Bongale et al.
Fig. 14. Author keywords co-appearing in the same papers (Source: Scopus DB ac-
cessed on 6th November 2020)
Fig. 16. Sankey Graph – Main Authors, main keywords, and main journals (Source:
Scopus DB accessed on 6th November 2020)
Fig. 17. Tabular Information of Sankey Graph in Fig. 15 (Source: Scopus DB accessed
on 6th November 2020)
16 Anupkumar M Bongale et al.
Fig. 18. Journals over the time (Source: Scopus DB accessed on 6th November 2020)
5 Research Implications
India is a leading country, and only a few countable universities are involved
in this research, so other universities in India can also pay attention towards
this research area. Contribution in terms of review papers is significantly less.
No funding sponsors from India. Chicken swarm optimisation, chaotic firefly
algorithm, shuffled frog leaping algorithms are the emerging algorithms in this
area. Contribution by key authors is only two papers, so there is a scope for new
authors too. 2K7 – 2K20 are the influential years which show linear progression
in the paper’s count. The formulation of this first-ever bibliometric paper on this
research topic will highlight information about attentive keywords, less focused
keywords, co-appearance in terms of authors, author keywords and source titles
which can be beneficial information for the new researchers. Reference-scape is
also throwing light on essential references to paid attention.
6 Conclusion
2. Turki Ali Alghamdi. Energy efficient protocol in wireless sensor network: optimized
cluster head selection model. Telecommunication Systems, pages 1–15, 2020.
3. Shokat Ali and Rakesh Kumar. Artificial intelligence based energy efficient grid pe-
gasis routing protocol in wsn. In 2018 7th International Conference on Reliability,
Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions)(ICRITO),
pages 1–7. IEEE, 2018.
7. Shachi Battar and Rakesh Kumar. A hybrid approach to increase network lifetime
in wsn using pso and firefly optimization. In 2019 IEEE International Conference
on Electrical, Computer and Communication Technologies (ICECCT), pages 1–7.
IEEE, 2019.
10. Vinith Chauhan and Surender Soni. Mobile sink-based energy efficient cluster head
selection strategy for wireless sensor networks. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and
Humanized Computing, pages 1–14, 2019.
11. Ravuri Daniel and Kuda Nageswara Rao. Eec-fm: Energy efficient clustering based
on firefly and midpoint algorithms in wireless sensor network. TIIS, 12(8):3683–
3703, 2018.
Bibliometric Analysis of Firefly Algorithm for WSN 19
12. Fernando Gielow, Gentian Jakllari, Michele Nogueira, and Aldri Santos. Data
similarity aware dynamic node clustering in wireless sensor networks. Ad Hoc
Networks, 24:29–45, 2015.
13. T. Gui, C. Ma, F. Wang, and D. E. Wilkins. Survey on swarm intelligence
based routing protocols for wireless sensor networks: An extensive study. In 2016
IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), pages 1944–1949,
March 2016.
14. W. Guo and W. Zhang. A survey on intelligent routing protocols in wireless sensor
networks. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 38(Supplement C):185
– 201, 2014.
15. R Harikrishnan, V Jawahar Senthil Kumar, and P Sridevi Ponmalar. Firefly algo-
rithm approach for localization in wireless sensor networks. In Proceedings of 3rd
International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics,
pages 209–214. Springer, 2016.
16. W. B. Heinzelman, A. P. Chandrakasan, and H. Balakrishnan. An application-
specific protocol architecture for wireless microsensor networks. IEEE Transactions
on Wireless Communications, 1(4):660–670, Oct 2002.
17. W. R. Heinzelman, A. Chandrakasan, and H. Balakrishnan. Energy-efficient com-
munication protocol for wireless microsensor networks. In Proceedings of the 33rd
Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, pages 10 pp. vol.2–,
Jan 2000.
18. Salem Abdulla Awadh Ba Hmaid and Vasanthi Varadharajan. Multipath data
transmission in iot networks using fractional firefly algorithm and chicken swarm
19. Akkaya Kemal and Mohamed Younis. A survey on routing protocols for wireless
sensor networks. Ad Hoc Networks, 3(3):325 – 349, 2005.
20. Mukesh Kumar, Sudhir Narayan Singh, and Nishant Mehta. A comparative review
on different power saving techniques in wireless sensor networks. In Proceedings of
the 2014 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology
for Competitive Strategies, pages 1–5, 2014.
21. Praveen Lalwani, Isha Ganguli, and Haider Banka. Farw: Firefly algorithm for
routing in wireless sensor networks. In 2016 3rd international conference on recent
advances in information technology (RAIT), pages 248–252. IEEE, 2016.
20 Anupkumar M Bongale et al.