Fieldmove Clino Android 2021
Fieldmove Clino Android 2021
Fieldmove Clino Android 2021
Table of Contents
Introduction 2
Disclaimer 3
Definitions 4
Side Panel 5
Compass / Clino 6
Map 15
Stereonet 20
Project 21
Switch Project 23
Settings 25
Export 26
Our Experience 35
System Requirements 38
The use of GPS devices and smartphones as navigation
The internal GPS in your device can be used to automatically set location
information in the app, which is recorded as latitude and longitude.
“Everyone heading into the hills needs to learn how to read a map, and be
able to navigate effectively with a paper map and traditional magnetic
compass, especially in poor visibility.”
The Clino App requires online data transfers for some features (Google
Maps, sharing exported files, etc.). Using such functionality over mobile
network services (such as 3G) may incur costs from your provider. If you
use the app and services on your mobile phone, you are responsible for any
fees that your phone service provider charges for data services, etc. Your
phone service provider is not the provider of the Clino App.
A project is a set of localities, structural data, notes and images related to a
specific mapping area. When exporting data it is the whole project that is
Localities are a way of grouping data and are user definable. For example,
localities can be applied to an outcrop or for a new day in the field.
User defined list that is used to assign a colour to structural measurements
or line objects i.e. to define a rock type or a fault. This information is
recorded as an attribute on the object.
Data Type
Defined as planar and linear data. Location can be set automatically using
the device GPS.
These are linked to specific measurements, for example describing in detail
the surface where a dip measurement has been taken from.
Notes are geo-referenced descriptions, such as a sample location or notable
change in vegetation. This is akin to the notes taken in a field notebook while
mapping. Photos may be added to notes.
Images can be shown over the online map on the Map page. Map overlays
can be loaded in as MBTile files.
Side Panel
Side Panel
The Side Panel can be opened from any page using
the icon or by swiping from the left edge of the
page. It allows navigation between the following
Compass / Clino
Take a bearing or record structural planes and
lineations with a range of attributes, and create new
Displays structural data on online and offline maps.
The stereonet displays data as poles and planes on
an equal area or equal angle stereonet plot.
Details of the active project.
Switch Projects
The Project List page displays all the projects stored
on the phone, allows creation of new projects, and
gives access to additional settings and access to
Data can be exported as a CSV, mve and Google
Earth files (.kmz).
Access to Quick Help or Extended Help (this
Compass / Clino
Compass / Clino
Navigate to the Compass / Clino page from
the Side Panel.
Compass face. Tap to set a
To take a bearing with the compass rotate the bearing.
The display on the clinometer shows a dip
symbol if planes are being recorded or an
arrow symbol if lineations are being recorded.
feature the back of the phone should be Location
placed flat on the plane to be recorded.
Location is displayed as a latitude and longitude
at the top of the page . Below this, the time
of the last location update is displayed. The text Tap coordinates to open the
gives an indication of how the location was set; Location page. Long press on the
map to set the location manually,
Updated indicates that the location was the GPS will be set to idle
received from the GPS, whilst Edited indicates
it was manually set.
The location icon without a dot indicates
that the phone’s GPS is idle. Any new data point
or note will be assigned to the last location
update the app received, either from the GPS
or set by the user.
Automatic positioning using the Location
GPS and updates
Clino uses the phone’s inbuilt GPS unit for two
Declination convention Stratigraphy
All clinometer readings must be assigned to a
unit in the Stratigraphy Column i.e. rock type or
object colour, such as a fault or joint. When
using the app for the first time, the
Stratigraphy Column is blank.
Clinometer face
Note: to change the active unit on the Units added to Rock Type list
Compass / Clino page, tap on the desired unit in
the Stratigraphy Column on the right hand side
of the page.
To change which locality new data will be
created in, tap this button and select the
desired locality from the list. Tap the plus to
create a new locality.
Data type
Tap this option to choose between a range
of planar and linear data types. Open the
Select Data Type page by tapping on the Data Type page
lineation symbols cannot be deleted.
Add a comment which will be saved with the
reading. When adding a comment for the next
data point on the Clino page, you have the
option to take a picture using the phone's
Notes & Images
Notes & Images
Navigate to the Notes & Images page from the
Side Panel. The Notes & Images page provides a
chronological record of all the data in your project,
much like a field notebook.
Data list
Note: it is not possible to edit an image, or add a Edit and Delete
new one, after the note has been created.
Editing Localities
When editing a locality, the user can change the
name, description, colour and location. The colour of
localities defaults to grey, and has no association to
rock units. The colour can by selected by tapping the
colour square next to the locality name.
Screen Options
Side Panel
photograph by tapping the capture button in your
camera app. Once you have taken the photo, a page
displaying the current location and an option to type a
note or description of the photograph will become
active. A small compass will become visible. Point the
phone in the direction you took the photo and tap the
compass to set the bearing. Tap again if you wish to
re-activate the compass. Tap the tick icon when
complete. Tap back to cancel saving the photo.
Navigate to the Map page from the Side Panel.
The Map can display the location of all the data
that has been collected, as well as Base Maps that
have been imported into the project.
Screen Options
Map page, with satellite
Side Panel overlay displayed. Blue dot
Refer to Project Set up and Settings section. shows current GPS position.
Toggle the localities which are displayed on the
map from the drop down Locality Menu.
Base Maps
Choose which map is used as the base map from
the drop down menu. Refer to Importing Map
section for more information.
Changing Maps Viewing Map
Maps will show either the satellite or the road map
of the current area. To change the map display,
touch the Base Maps icon and select the map
so that it has been ticked. This chosen map will now
display instead of the online maps.
Loading Maps
Maps (which may contain geological, topographic
and geophysical information) can be imported into
Clino as MBTiles which are created from geo-
MBTile overlay
referenced images (GeoTIFF, JPEG 2000, KMZ
etc.). See the Importing MBTiles section below for
Note: Make sure the image you use has a high MBTile loading
enough resolution for the scale of mapping being Level Metre / Pixel
performed. In low resolution files the higher you 1 78272
zoom in, the more distortion will be seen in the 2 39136
image. 3 19568
4 9784
Note: MBTiles files are locked at a minimum and
5 4892
maximum zoom level. Each zoom level increases
6 2446
the magnification by a factor of two, and as a 7 1223
result the size of the MBTiles file approximately 8 611
increases by a factor of two as well. This means 9 306
that low zoom level files take up less space on the 10 153
phone, but not as useful for mapping as higher 11 76
Once images are saved in the MBTiles format, they
can be copied to you device from your computer.
Below are the steps to following to import a new
map into your Clino project.
To add the MBTile basemap to the list of active List of loaded MBTiles
maps, select Add map, this will navigate to the
Map folder on the phones memory.
Select the desired basemap from the list. This
will automatically add it to the map selection.
When back in the main map screen, tap the Base
Map icon. Within this list will be the imported
MBTile base map. Tap on the required map name
to open it in the map view.
The Stereonet page allows the user to view
structural data on an equal area or equal angle
stereonet. The user can use filters to display a
subset of the collected data.
Display settings
There are two settings to toggle the visibility of
poles and planes on the stereonet.
Stereonet plot
There are two settings to choose from, Equal
Area (Schmidt Net) and Equal Angle (Wulff Net).
Choose the data to be displayed. Individual data
points can also be toggled on or off. A ticked Data Display Page
checkbox indicates the data is being displayed.
Side Panel
Refer to Side Panel section.
Save an image of the stereonet to the Notes & Data Type Filter Menu
Images page.
Project Details
Locality Prefix
Merging Projects
Deleting a locality
Localities can be deleted from the notebook, or the
Project Details page. Delete a locality by long
pressing on it. Note that the active locality cannot be
deleted. Change the active locality from the
Compass / Clino or Notes & Images pages.
Delete Project
This will permanently remove the project from the
device. See Switch Project section for more details.
Switch Project
Switch Project
The Projects List page lists all the current projects
stored in the phone.
App Setting
Set the Angle Convention. The Version is available
from this page. See the Settings section for more
E-mail Feedback
We are still developing this app and are always keen Project List page
Access to Quick Help or Extended Help (this
New Project
Create a new project, this opens the Project Details
First find the .fm folder that was saved onto the
computer. Connect the phone to the computer and
copy the .fm folder to the Clino/Projects/ directory on
the phone’s external storage. Open Clino and
navigate to the Switch Projects page. The imported
project should be visible. If it is not, restart Clino to
force it to synchronise the projects.
not already in use. This may lead to several projects
having the same name.
Deleting a Project
To delete a project, navigate to the Switch Project
page and long press on the project you wish to
delete. This will bring up a confirmation dialog. Tap
OK to remove the project from the device.
The App Settings gives options for:
Angle Convention
Choose between Dip / Azimuth (default) or Dip /
Strike for the right hand rule (RHR). Both
conventions are used when the project is exported.
Calibrate Accelerometer
Allows the app to calibrate the accelerometer in the
event that it does not report inclination correctly.
The version of the app currently installed on your
Android device. Please provide this information
along with your operating system when reporting
Projects can be exported by selecting the export Exporting Data
option from the Side Panel or Project Details
page. Data can be exported as:
l CSV (.csv);
l MOVE (.mve);
l Google Earth (.kmz).
the image file. All images can be found in the images
folder, which is stored in the Project folder on the
Digital Compass Calibration
Most new smartphones contain electronic magnetometer, gyroscope, and
accelerometer chips that, either individually or when combined, provide
orientation information about the device. These electronic components vary
in quality and are subject to a number of limitations. For example,
magnetometers can be strongly influenced by the magnetized iron, steel or
other permanent magnets in the device (the hard iron effect), as well as
being influenced by external magnetic material in the natural and built
environment. Gyroscopes often suffer from gyro-drift – an error caused by
the accumulation of the unique bias present in each gyroscope. We can
counteract these limitations by attempting to calibrate the sensors, or using
a combination of their output data to provide an improved result.
There are also differences between the mobile operating systems and how
they allow developers to access and manipulate the sensors available on
each device.
set out in the manufacturer’s guide, which might include rotating the phone
several times in the x-y-z planes. There are also some helpful videos on
YouTube relating to compass calibration for certain models of Android
We have found that some devices do not correctly report inclination. This is
obvious when a device is on a flat horizontal surface, yet Clino still reports a
dip. We believe this is due to components in the device not being seated
properly, as we have tested other devices of the same make and model and
not observed any problems. To counteract this, we have added an
accelerometer calibration option in the app settings. In all cases, calibration
resulted in devices correctly reporting inclination.
To get the most out of your smartphone we recommend that you collect
data with the device in a variety of orientations and compare this against a
traditional hand-held compass clinometer to work out the best orientation to
collect data in. Many Android devices work better when held against the rock
in landscape mode (long-axis horizontal) rather than in portrait mode (long-
axis vertical). When measuring lineations, some Android phones will only
record sensible measurements of plunge azimuth in one orientation - when
the device is held with the top of the screen pointing down- or up-plunge
depending on the manufacturer. This does not seem to apply to the iPhone
(all models) with good data being recorded irrespective of the orientation of
the phone.
..and finally
Clino is designed to make data collection quick and easy, facilitating the
collection of large, statistically valid data sets. We have found that there are
tremendous advantages to using Clino on a well-calibrated smartphone.
Most users will have experience with traditional analogue devices, where
often a single reading at each station is taken with the assumption that each
of these readings will have a high level of both precision and accuracy. This
assumption is normally wrong. We always recommend taking several
readings at each location, which can then be treated statistically to provide
both improved accuracy and an understanding of measurement error.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I load a base map?
Along with the online maps already installed on the app, users can import
their own basemaps. As long as the basemap is geo-referenced it can be
brought into Clino. However, we recommend importing as an MBTile via a
computer as the user can set the zoom level making faster to use in the
field. Converting to MBTile can be done in a couple of steps in MOVE, please
see the Map section of the respective guides for more information on how
to do this.
Base maps are added to a project from the Manage Maps option in the
Map page. The active base map can be selected from the basemap list and
is indicated with a tick.
The project name can be changed on the Project Details page, which is
accessed from the Project option in the Side Panel, or by tapping the
information icon in the Switch Project page.
There are 3 important items that each phone must contain to be able to take
accurate readings. They are an accelerometer, gyroscope and
magnetometer (sometimes called a geomagnetic sensor). When looking
to purchase a phone, the technical specification page will normally list what
sensors it is equipped with.
Can an external Bluetooth GPS be used with FieldMove Clino?
Yes an external Bluetooth GPS can be used with FieldMove Clino. To do this
connect the Bluetooth GPS to your device and then restart FieldMove.
FieldMove uses the devices location service. This means if the Bluetooth GPS
is compatible with your device, FieldMove will automatically use the updated
information from the location service.
Planar or linear readings are taken from the Compass / Clino page. If
required, activate the clinometer by tapping on the small clinometer to the
right of the compass face. At least one rock unit is required before taking a
reading, so select the Add rock unit option first or select the rock unit you
wish to assign to the data you are about to collect. Set the Data Type to be
collected from the list of planar or linear types. The clinometer page will
update to reflect the Data Type.
To lock the reading, tap the clinometer face. The display will change from
red (active) to locked (black). Check the location reading and associated
properties, unit type, locality and add an optional comment before tapping
In the Notes & Image page select the Note icon to take a geo-referenced
Refer to the Notes & Images section for more detailed information.
How do I take a geo-referenced photo?
In the Notes & Images page select the Camera icon to take a geo-
referenced photo. If you want to insert an image as a geo-referenced
image, use the camera option within the Note page.
Refer to the Notes & Images section for more detailed information.
All data can be viewed in the Notes & Images page, which can be opened
from the Side Panel.Data can be filtered and displayed on a stereonet.
Data can also be viewed on the Map.
Refer to the Notes & Images section for more detailed information.
Locality names and positions can be changed on the Edit Locality page,
which is accessed from the Notes & Images or Project pages. Tap on the
locality in the list to open the Edit Locality page.
The name of future localities can be set by changing the Locality Prefix in
the Project Details page, accessed from the Side Panel.
Refer to the Notes & Images or Project sections for more detailed
The Project can be deleted from the Switch Project page. Active projects
cannot be deleted. Switch projects to delete an active project. Rock Units
can be deleted from the Rock Types page. Localities can be deleted from
the Notes & Images page or the Project Details page. Notebook entries
can be deleted from the Notes & Images page.
Refer to the Compass / Clino, Notes & Images or, Project sections for
more detailed information.
Data can be exported in CSV, Move and Google Earth file formats. The
export option is accessed from the Side Panel and Project Details page.
How do I use Clino offline?
Clino requires online connectivity for the basic maps (satellite or street
views) and for accessing DropBox. If you disable online connectivity, GPS
and the map view will still work but the map view will only show a basic grid
in places where there is no cached data. Please note that activating airplane
mode on some devices will turn off the GPS. If the GPS does not work in
airplane mode, to disable online services but preserve the GPS, please
navigate to the Settings page and disable Cellular Data/Mobile Data.
Our Experience
The following comments are based on our experience of testing Clino with
an iPhone 5 running iOS 7.
Battery can last for a full field day (~8 hours, with the GPS on but when
other apps and data streaming are turned off). This is highly dependent on
the phone and we recommend experimenting with your phone to get the
best out of usage time.
When your phone is locked, the GPS will become inactive and will not drain
the battery.
There are plenty of tough cases and water proof pockets on the market that
project the phone and make it waterproof and robust, such as LifeProof,
Idry, Aquapac etc.
A common hindrance to successful digital geologic mapping is a lack of
advance preparation before leaving for the field. In addition to collation of
digital base maps, elevation models, and existing geologic maps, the most
important aspect of preparation is practice using the software and hardware
tools. As with any compass, orienteering, and basic mapping skill, advance
practice ensures that the mapping device is not the focus of the user’s
attention, leaving the field mapper to focus on 3D spatial analysis of rock
units. We find that these issues are relatively easily overcome with advance
planning and training, as well as an appreciation for the potential benefits of
digital field mapping.
Closing remarks
We find that digital mapping tools improve the 3D spatial interpretation
process by facilitating more analysis and less data management than
traditional techniques, especially in the “field office” during the evenings.
With a digital mapping workflow, data organisation largely occurs in the field
upon data collection, transcription from paper to digital format is
unnecessary, and data backup can be as simple as copying digital files to
external hard drives. Digital mapping allows more time in the evenings for
problem solving, targeting areas of uncertainty, and formulating effective
field plans.
System Requirements
Minimum iPhone model requirements
iPhone 4, running iOS 7.0 and above
About Petroleum Experts
Petroleum Experts (Petex) are the global standard in petroleum engineering
and structural geology software tools. We are a team of highly skilled
professionals with extensive experience in petroleum engineering,
structural geology, and engineering software.
Midland Valley, the world leader in the field of structural geology, providing
expert consultancy and the MOVE suite of geologcial software, joined forces
with Petroleum Experts in October 2017.
About MOVE™
The MOVEtm suite is the most complete structural modelling and analysis
toolkit available. It provides a full digital environment for best-practice
structural modelling to reduce risk and uncertainty in geological models. The
MOVE suite provides a platform for integrating and interpreting data, cross-
section construction, 3D model building, kinematic restoration and
validation, geomechanical modelling, fracture modelling, fault response
modelling, fault analysis and stress analysis.
MOVE is the only software package that offers users the full range of tools
for geometrically constrained model building and kinematic analysis in 2D
and 3D space.
While other companies market software for model building, our kinematic
modelling tools help clients challenge their assumptions, to discriminate
between alternative interpretations, and to produce more accurate models.
Further information on the principles behind our approach to model building
and structural modelling using MOVE, as well as the latest software news
can be found on our website.