Revise Bismillah Finding Research FILE
Revise Bismillah Finding Research FILE
Revise Bismillah Finding Research FILE
“Just because your process took longer than others doesn't mean you fail" -
Colonel Sanders-
Nur Islamiyah (A 121 17,075). This thesis is entitled "The Perception of English
Teachers About the Use of Crossword Puzzle Game in Teaching Vocabulary in
Junior High Schools in Palu". English Education Study Program, Department of
Language and Art Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,
Tadulako University, 2021. (Supervised by Abdul Kamaruddin and Afrilia
This research is about the perception of English teachers about the use of
crossword puzzle games in teaching vocabulary in junior high schools in Palu.
The purpose of this study was to find out whether students' vocabulary mastery
increased when using crossword puzzle techniques, identify obstacles faced by
teachers during the process of teaching vocabulary using crossword games and
identify the impact felt by teachers after using crossword games in teaching
vocabulary. In this study, the researcher used descriptive qualitative research. The
researcher used purposive sampling technique to determine the sample. The
subjects of this study were English teachers in junior high schools and the number
of samples was 5 teachers. In collecting data, researchers used two kinds of
instruments, namely: interviews, and questionnaires. The researcher used three
major data analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing
conclusions or verification. From the data analysis, the researcher found that the
obstacles faced by the teacher in teaching vocabulary using crossword puzzles
were that the class was too crowded, the teacher could not handle the class well
because some students were busy with their own business and laughed and joked
a lot. Second, another result that can be concluded is that teachers still need to
work hard for the implementation of crossword puzzles in teaching vocabulary.
Third, there are several positive impacts of using crossword puzzles in vocabulary
learning, including helping teachers make students focus on the learning process,
encouraging students to stay enthusiastic in learning and developing students’
vocabulary so that learning process between teachers and students occurs as
expected and the use of crossword puzzles affects students' vocabulary
achievement so that basically students will be more motivated to learn if they use
varied or different learning media related to the game.
Nur Islamiyah (A 121 17.075). Skripsi ini berjudul “Persepsi Guru Bahasa Inggris
Tentang Penggunaan Crossword Puzzle Game Dalam Pengajaran Kosakata Di
Sekolah Menengah Pertama Di Palu”. Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris,
Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan,
Universitas Tadulako, 2021. (Dibimbing oleh Abdul Kamaruddin dan Afrilia
Kata Kunci: Teka Teki Silang, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif Deskriptif, hambatan,
dampak, Pengajaran Kosakata
gratefulness and thanks to Allah Subhanahu wata’ala, for the blessings, health,
kindness, mercifulness and much more that the researcher could not replace all
that has been given to him during preparing proposal, conducting the research,
until completing this skripsi as one of the requirements for degree of Sarjana
shalawat and salam are given to the beloved prophet Muhammad shallallahu
„alaihi wasalam, who was led the Moslem from the murky period to the bright
The researcher would like to thank all people who have helped the researcher
in finishing this skripsi. Without them, this skripsi never been there. First, the
researcher would like to convey his special thanks to her beloved parents,
Syamsuddin and Rosdiana who have given love, care, support, help and pray
during her life. The researcher also owes thanks to her brother Zul Kifli. Without
Second, the researcher would like to deliver this thanks to the previous
would like to express her deepest gratitude to his wise supervisor, she presents her
high appreciation to her co-supervisor Afrillia Anggreni, S.Pd.I, M.Pd. for all the
this skripsi. Thereafter, the researcher would like to express her gratitude to her
reviewer Drs. Mochtar Marhum, M.Ed., Ph.D who gave precious comments and
Faculty at Tadulako University, the researcher would like to express his gratitude
and appreciation to the Rector of Tadulako University, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Mahfudz,
MP and his staff, the Dean of Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Dr. Ir.
Amiruddin Kade, S.Pd., M.Si. , the Head of the Language and Art Education
Department, Dr. Hj. Sriati Usman, M.Hum, the Coordinator of English Education
Study Program, Dr, Rofiqoh, M.Ed, all lectures in Tadulako University, especially
the lectures of the English Education Study Program for experience, suggestion,
SMP Negeri 12 Palu Yusri, S.Pd., M.Pd, Headmaster of SMP Negeri 19 Palu
Ilman Usman, S.Pd., M.Pd, Headmaster of SMP Negeri 9 Palu HILMI, S.Pd.,
Negeri 12 Palu Hj. Hartati, S.Pd, Teacher of SMP Negeri 19 Palu Hj. Gustia
SMP Negeri 18 Palu Yuli Puspitasari, S.Pd, and Teacher of SMP Negeri 20 Palu
Next, the researcher would like to thank to her beloved best friends, such as
Fernando Wijaya, S.Pd, Nurul Wahyu Wathoni S. Ak, Lilik Sriani, Ni Komang
Ayu Widari, S.Pd, Idham Katoba, S.Pd and Mardiana for their help, motivation,
and support.
Finally, the researcher would like to thank to her squad friends called nabaya
thamrin and ni komang desi cahyani and to all my tutor friends who has given so
much help, kindness, memories, togetherness, and so much advice for researchers
who has accompanied and supported him in completing this thesis whole
heartedly, the researcher would like to thank every single person who have been
involved in the completion of this thesis and parties who have not mentioned
Nur Islamiyah
APPROVAL PAGE...............................................................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS.....................................................................................iii
CHAPTER I........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the Study....................................................................................1
1.2 Problem statement..............................................................................................2
1.3 Objective of the research....................................................................................3
1.4 Significance of the research................................................................................3
1.5 Scope of the research..........................................................................................3
1.6 Operational key terms........................................................................................4
CHAPTER II......................................................................................................................5
2.1 Previous study....................................................................................................5
2.2 Literature review................................................................................................6
2.2.1 Vocabulary.................................................................................................6
2.2.2 Crossword Puzzle Game...........................................................................17
2.3 Theoretical framework.....................................................................................21
CHAPTER III..................................................................................................................23
RESEARCH METHOD..................................................................................................23
3.1 Research Design...............................................................................................23
3.2 Setting and Time of research............................................................................23
3.3 Subject of The Research...................................................................................24
3.4 Technique of Collecting Data...........................................................................24
3.4.1 Research instrument.................................................................................24
3.4.2 Data collecting technique.........................................................................25
3.5 Techniques of Data Analysis..............................................................................27
CHAPTER IV...................................................................................................................31
FINDING AND DISCUSSION.......................................................................................31
4.1 Finding...................................................................................................................31
a. Data Reduction.................................................................................................31
b. Data display......................................................................................................34
c. Conclusion Drawing/Verification.....................................................................44
4.2 Diccussion........................................................................................................46
CHAPTER V....................................................................................................................48
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION...........................................................................48
5.1 Conclusion.............................................................................................................48
5.2 suggestion..............................................................................................................48
Hatch and Brown (1995) consider vocabulary as a group of words that the
learners’ progress. Learning the vocabulary has always been a skill taught and
evaluated in other language skills such as reading, writing, listening, and speaking
(Schmitt, 2000). To achieve and master vocabulary well, Indonesia has designated
English as one of the subjects that should be taught from junior high school up to
university level. In this study, the researcher focuses on secondary or junior high
second grade junior high school in learning English involved: Understanding the
meaning of functional text and simple short essay in the form of descriptive and
such as recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive and report. This means that
pictures, cards, games, songs, etc. In this study, the researcher choosing a game
motivated to learn vocabulary, because they will learn with games. They can have
In the end, based on this case, the researcher conducted a study to reveal the
Based on the research background, there are two reasons why the
a) What are the obstacles faced by the teacher in the process of teaching
b) What are the impacts of the use crossword puzzles game in teaching
puzzle techniques, identify the obstacles are faced by the teacher during the
process of teaching vocabulary using crossword puzzle games and identify the
impact felt by the teacher after using crossword puzzles game in teaching
The researcher chose this research with the consideration that it would
teachers and schools. For another researchers, this research can enrich their
provide opportunities for researchers to apply what have been obtained from
academic learning and contribute to solve real problems in the field. In addition, it
will also provide advantages for other researchers who take the same topic to use
improve their vocabulary mastery through the use of a variety of techniques. So,
they learn English more easily and become more motivated in English class. For
English teachers can enrich their knowledge about how various teaching
This study aims to determine the teacher's perception or view of the use of
order to ease the readers. The key terms used in this research are as follows:
the learners, because the vocabulary has a primary role for all language.
Games” which conducted in 2013. His research was conducted at MTs Daarul
Rahman Jakarta. This research aimed to find out whether there is a significant
experiment method. The conclusion of his study that can be drawn was the use
crossword puzzle game has higher influence in teaching English vocabulary and it
(11306106). This type of research is classroom action research. The results of the
study show that using crossword puzzles can improve students' vocabulary
mastery. Difference between the above research with this research is a method
research. The previous research above uses classroom action research methods
and while the current uses a qualitative research design. Furthermore, the previous
research used students as research subjects of the research while researcher uses
class. Research design in this research using the Classroom Action Research
(CAR) procedure which was carried out in two cycle or can be called quantitative
The research subjects in this research are seventh grade students of Islamic
Junior High School (SMP) in Kendari. While the researcher in their proposal uses
a junior high school teacher as their research subject, the data in the previous
research is collected by: using observation and vocabulary tests. Collecting data
statistical analysis used the percentage formula while in this research data is
2.2.1 Vocabulary
as languages
are based on words. That’s why, the first thing we look forward to in learning a
the four skills; speak, listen, read and write everything”. To communicate well in
know how to use them accurately. Without having enough word mastery,
master and we can’t speak properly and understand written material if we don’t
master it. Everyone can’t master a language if they don’t learn vocabulary and
argues, one of the language skills needed is vocabulary if we don’t understand it,
we can’t speak properly. With a lack of words, interactions in other language can’t
be carried out no matter how successful the sounds of the foreign language are
While Ur (1998) states that” vocabulary can be interpreted roughly, like the
words we write in sign language, however, new vocabulary items may be more
than just single words: for example, the post office, and mother- in- law. Which
Vocabulary can also be used to convey meaning. Kamil and Hiebert (2005)
argue that words represent complex and often multiple meanings. In addition, he
line with Kamil and Hiebert on the use of contextual words, Jackson (2000) states
From the definition above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is the total
meaning. Vocabulary is quite clear that almost in the case of human life, they use
1. Grammatical word (function words) are those vocabulary items that belong to
closed word classes (i.e. word classes that do not readily admit new items or
2. Content words are those vocabulary items that belong to open word classes.
a) Words that refer to a person, a place or a thing that we might call them
c) Words are used to describe the qualities of a thing or action are called
vocabulary. It is the words which are used in speaking and writing skill
vocabulary is useful in understanding what the learners have heard and what
Based on the explanation above, the writer concludes that vocabulary has
two kinds. They were grammatical words (function words) and content words
(lexical words). Content words are those that carry high information load such as
nouns, verb, adjective, and adverbs. The membership is undistracted and still
allow for the addition of new members. Meanwhile function words are words that
How well people speak, listen, read, and write depend on the vocabulary
they have. Brown (2001)” states that in fact, survival level communication can
take place quite intelligibly when people simply string words together-without
applying grammatical rules at all”. The point is that vocabulary is what gives big
influence to the people’s communication. In line with Brown, brown and Spada
(2006) states “that we can communicate by using words that are not placed in the
morphemes, but communication often break down if we do not use the correct
component of language proficiency and provides much of the basis of how well
learners speak, listen, and write”, it explains that vocabulary plays a big role in
writing). Nation (2002), states that “in relation to reading skills, vocabulary is not
what makes the text difficult but it is a very important feature that affects the
this strengthens the perception that vocabulary is one of the factors that contribute
structure. To gain the better result on language learning process there will be a
vocabulary techniques that have been stated by Harmer (1992). They are as
a) Using Realia, the teacher gives the referent of the word being taught in the
class. He or she brings the objects that become the referent of a word into the
explain the vocabulary clearly because the picture drawn by the teacher is the
explain about the meaning of a word using the previous techniques. If this so,
there will be an action as the techniques to explain the word clearly. Most
with its opposite. Like the word black contrasted with white.
sentence or more.
g) Translation is There are always some words that the situation needs to be
translated. From the techniques used for presenting new vocabulary, Hammer
(1990) suggest many techniques that will help student learn vocabulary in
easier way. It can conclude that the better way to teach vocabulary is by
integrating and mixing them into such an attracting learning. Because there
will be a need of a tool or even an assistant to help the teacher hold the class
in order to make the learning process run well. Apart from the techniques in
teaching vocabulary above, there are also other techniques, namely with
h) Games is games bring in relaxation and fun for students, thus help them learn
and retain new words more easily. Second, games usually involve friendly
A. Games
again each other. Since games can present fun and enjoyment in a classroom, thus
convenient, comfortable, and interesting usually this situation will invite the
students to concentrate on learning activities. Ersoz (2000) states that games are
highly motivating because they are amusing and interesting. From that
description, it can be concluded that the games can be used in every field of life
then relating to the English. Particularly in teaching vocabulary by using the game
can encourage the students to be more active and participate in the classroom
Moreover, Kim (1995) states that the use of games in the classroom is:
2. Games are challenging for the students also for the teachers
Furthermore, there are many opinions supporting the idea using games in
teaching vocabulary. Games are helpful because they can make students feel that
B. Types of Games
New Edition explains the types of games that can be used to teach vocabulary,
among others:
cards with different topics and they sort the cards based on the topics.
b) Information gap games where one or more people have information and
d) Search games which are the other variant on two-way info gap games,
e) Matching games where the participants need to find a match for a word,
picture, or card.
h) Role-play games that involve students playing roles that they do not play
i) Board games that are mainly involve moving markers along a path.
The teacher needs to prepare and think the games selection carefully ahead
of time before working out the lesson plan to make learning English vocabulary
effectively and successfully, and on the other hand the teacher has to consider the
1. Easy of preparation: the time and energy required to make the game is
2. Easy of organization: using the game is easy and worth the effort
4. Density of language
students and not to long which make students bored. It can create competition and
attractive the students and also have some component language skill to obtain.
in TESOL, as follows:
• Appeal
• Simplicity
• Time Effectiveness
• Control
• Group Participation
• Language Level
• Materials
• Versatility
• Time
• Variety
From those theories, the writer concludes that principles of choosing and using
games should be easy to prepare and not take too long which can make students
feel bored and tired, and also games should be easy to play and have some
also should look out the principle of selecting games before use it, so the game
help the students to reduce students’ boredom and improving students’ interest in
learning new vocabulary, make students feel enjoy and comfortable. Hence,
Games help and encourage many learners to sustain their interest and
Games also help the teacher to create context in which the language is
useful and meaningful. The learners want to take part and in order to
must speak or write in order to express their own point of view or give
drill exercise.
Games can be found to give practice in all the skill (reading, writing,
listening, speaking).
Mostly if the student’s number is too much, it will surface to involve all of
the students in that games. A student whom did not involve will disturb the
The researcher assumes that it is difficult to use the games, because in using
games, the children have to know the principle of games and choosing the suitable
question, game or toy which you have to think about carefully in order to answer
it correctly or put it together properly. In this study, the writer tries to describe
puzzle as one of many language games used to teach vocabulary at Junior High
2,2,2,2Kinds of Puzzle
In this game the students will be given a list of encoded letters which
contain hidden names of subject. The students will have to find those names by
Find out three objects that usually we can find it at the classroom on the boxes,
letters based on the clues. This puzzle is useful primarily for the recognition of
By unscrambling the letter, you will get the members of your family.
1. M-G-A-R-R-E-N-D-O-H-T = ……………….........
2. L-E-U-N-C = ………………………....
3. T-E-S-R-I-S = ………………………….
4. H-E-T-A-F-R = ………………………….
5. O-T-H-E-R-M = ………………………….
someone’s aunt
d. a female parent
e. a male parent
3. Crossword Puzzles
This game is very familiar to the students for they can find such as
puzzles in their language in this game, the students will have to fill the boxes
For example:
Fill the in the boxes with the members of family, here are some clues
1. A female parent
someone’s aunt
1. a male parent
the definitions or synonyms of the word’s clues are right there to provide
used as a quiz.
5. Puzzle solving is a much more active type of learning, and will engage
students with the material more than passive types of review techniques
learning styles.
busy work. The teacher should like the use of all educational
in oral or written form. The limited vocabulary in also an obstacle that involves
student in learning English. When they do not know how to enrich their
just give a text to the students and translate it into Indonesian language. As a
result, the students have difficulty in memorizing new English words that have
been taught before because that strategy is not interesting and challenging to them.
To solve the problem, English teacher needs to use interesting learning strategy in
improving the students’ vocabulary mastery. O’Malley, J.M. and Chamot, A.U.
(1990) defined that learning strategies are special ways of processing information
study, the writer also used a theory about the use of games as learning strategies in
teaching vocabulary.
According to Wright et al. (1984: 1), games help the teacher to create
contexts in which the language is useful and meaningful. The learners want to
take part and in order to do so must understand what others are saying or have
written, and they must speak or write in order to express their own point of view
or give information. Besides that, the writer also used the theory from Edward
(2006), there are some of activities that will help build vocabulary that are using
game, the students will be able to learn the target language unconsciously and
they learnt some new words without any stress on their feeling.
From the theories above, the researcher assumed that crossword puzzle
Creswell (2012) describes qualitative research as: usually used to establish the
importance of the main idea and to explore problems and develop small individual
collected information for analyze the research questions and the researcher used a
This study aims to get an overview and clearer, more complete, and
Therefore, the researcher set the location research was the place where research
would be conducted. In this case, the research conducted in several junior high
schools in Palu City, Central Sulawesi. This research conducted in June until july
The subjects of this research were the English teachers at SMP Negeri 18
Palu, SMP Negeri 19 Palu, SMP Negeri 12 Palu, SMP Negeri 9 Palu, SMP Negeri
consideration “. The reason for using purposive sampling is because not all
samples have criteria that match the phenomenon under study. Therefore, the
For this study, the subject is English teachers who have certain criteria. The
In this study, there was one teacher per school who was the research
sample. Therefore, the sample that used from this research is five English
The instruments that used in this research were interviews using a voice
research. The most common are structured interview, unstructured interview, in-
depth interview, focus group interview. In this research, the researcher used A
from the subject. That is, to be real and objective information, every interviewer
The important thing if the researcher do the interview, the researcher just
give the relevance question for the interview and there are four tips for good
interviewer such as, the first is clear the topic, the second is give question based
on the research question, the third is the good respondent, the fourth is the good
questions are not set in order or in phrasing. Structured interview which was
supported by using a interview guide the interview guide itself consist of several
Asking set questions in a set order allows for easy comparison between
respondents, but it can be limiting. Having less structure can help researcher see Informants
this research, the informant referred to the English teacher in junior high school in questionnaire
ask and answer with respondents. Instrument or tool the data collection is also
written questions that used to obtain information from respondents in the sense of
reports about his personality, or things he knows. The types of questionnaires used
in this study are: closed questionnaire type, where the answers are already documentation
images, for example photos, live images, sketches and others. Document in the
form of works such as works of art, which can be in the form of pictures, statues,
films, etc.
by take pictures in the form of photos, and record the results interviews with
informants related to video and audio. Camera useful as a tool for documenting
when interviews, so that the research carried out is true as it is. In collecting data
using a camera can be used if you have obtained permission by the subject to use
description of the result of interviews and documentation studies. Data has been
the order of data, organize in into a pattern, category and basic description”. This
The data analysis technique used in this research is adopted from the
phases of data analysis: data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing and
and documentation.
abstraction and transformation of raw data emerged from written notes in the
field. This process continued throughout the research, even before the data is
reduction includes: (1) summarizing the data, (2) coding, (3) tracing themes,
c. Data display, data display or data presentation is the step where data is
form of appropriate interpretations aims to find the meaning of the data that
Data collection
interview and questionnaire. According to Miles and Huberman there are three
major phrases of data analysis, they are: data reduction, data display, and
a. Data Reduction
written up field notes or transcriptions. In data reduction the mass of data has
researcher selected which data that were used in her research. They were two
became the key instrument in this research, where questionnaire became the
supporting instrument. In this step, the researcher analyzed the data based on
each instrument.
a) Report of Interview
investigate the problem faced by the teacher and during the teaching and
that researcher asked to the teacher (see appendix 1). The first point of
puzzle could improve the students’ vocabulary mastery that was consisted of
two questions. The third point of interview was to know the teacher’s problems
during the process while applying crossword puzzle in teaching vocabulary that
Based on the interview done by the researcher, the data gathered (see
appendix 4) which were not based on the theory were reduced. The reduced
data as follows:
6. How is the students’ ability in vocabulary mastery when you have applied
8. Does the student’s vocabulary increase more after you use the crossword
b) Report of Questionnaire
The researcher also used questionnaire to support the data from interview.
The questionnaire consisted of eight questions (see appendix 2). The first
point was to know the students’ become more active and enthusiastic learning
vocabulary after using crossword puzzle. The second point was to know the
The third point was to know the teacher used additional books in vocabulary
learning using crossword puzzle. The four till the six point was to know
the whole teacher junior high school in Palu, there are two teachers per
game in teaching vocabulary, they were; students become more active and
understand better because they are looking for answer from the crossword
puzzle itself, so that they can remember well the words they get for the
crossword puzzle games, lack of time needed to apply the crossword puzzle.
result of the questionnaire gathered the data (see appendix 2) which were not
based on the theory were reduced. The reduced data were as follows:
puzzle games
learning in class
b. Data display
diagram, graph, chart, table or matrix that provides a new way of arranging
thinking about the more textually embedded data.73 In this step, the
researcher analyzed the data that have been reduced in data reduction. In this
a) interview
place between the source and the interviewer. The interview consisted of
teachers SMP Negeri 12 Palu, SMP Negeri 19 Palu, SMP Negeri 20 Palu,
SMP Negeri 9 Palu, and SMP Negeri 18 Palu, there were fifteen questions
that the researcher asked to the teacher about the process of teaching
that all teachers in this study acknowledged that the role of words /
words while they define English. If they do not know the meaning of
words, they will not able to speak, write, and translate anything in English.
learned first because it is easy to understand and does not use rules such as
grammar. The four skills exist because they are supported by vocabulary
research, the researcher found the results of interviews from five teachers
from different schools that there were problems that faced by the teacher
find vocabulary that they have not heard before, it makes students difficult
they have cause students think that learning English is a difficult thing”.
The third research question is about how much time does the teacher
from different schools, the researcher found that the teacher teaches
students who learn English. The mastery of vocabulary can support them
the meaning of words when they definite English. If they do not know the
meaning of words, they will not able to speak, write, and translate
anything English. The students can be said gaining progress in English the
motivate students and get their attention to the material that the teacher
gives. It also helps the teacher to make the students focus on the learning
process without making them feel bored in learning English. But improve
that is the students were over-crowded and some of the students were not
serious and had a lot of jokes with friends and teachers need hard work for
its implementation
games the teacher is able to motivate students and get their attention to the
material that the teacher gives. It also helps the teacher to make the
students focus on the learning process without making them feel bored in
games, not all teachers apply is smoothly because the level of interest of
learning for each student is different and teachers need hard work for its
student now spend more time playing games on smart phone so that most
vocabulary mastery when the teacher applied the crossword puzzle game.
that the use of crossword puzzle game in learning English would be very
when using crossword puzzle, the students turned out to interact and carry
research, the researcher found the results of interviews from five teachers
because crossword puzzle make students have to look for answer from the
contents of the question column so that the words from the answer that
student are looking for to complete the column are stored in students
era, most students use their smartphone to study and play games at the
same time.”
h. Does the student’s vocabulary increase more after you use the
vocabulary increase more after you use the crossword puzzle game and the
reason. Based on the findings obtained by the researcher from the results
English by translating the text given by the teacher so that the students
puzzle have a good effect.” She also stated that “by using crossword
and apply them inside or outside the classroom. And then, students can
find out how to use those words in context.” Teaching vocabulary using
Based on the data above it can be concluded that, the teacher’s obstacle
and the impact of the use crossword puzzle game in teaching vocabulary
were as follows:
of the students were not serious and had a lot of jokes with friends
in teaching vocabulary
b) Questionnaire
Based on the data number 1, 85% of the teacher stated that the
puzzle in learning vocabulary. There were 15% teacher stated that the
were more students (85%) who could improve their vocabulary mastery
From the data number 3, 62% teacher stated that they use
book. There were 37% teacher stated that there was no problem in
to support. It means that more than half of the teacher still need
From the data number 4, 62% teacher stated that the crossword
From the data number 5, 95% guru stated a using crossword puzzle
means that using crossword puzzle in class learning does not need to
use many supporting tools, making it easier for teacher for apply the
From the data number 6, 72% teacher stated that sometime they
were 28% teacher stated that they did not think so. It can be concluded
that most of the teacher not have difficulty in teaching vocabulary using
crossword puzzle.
c. Conclusion Drawing/Verification
Conclusion Drawing/Verification is the third component or level in
part, the data explained in data display were going to be discussed deeply in
order to make a finding of the research. In this part, the discussion and
findings were divided into two parts; the teacher’s obstacle that was faced
The teacher could run the entire steps in teaching vocabulary. It means
that the teacher was competent but he/she still had difficulties in teaching
six problems that may appear to teacher in teaching vocabulary, they are:
that the problems related to the story that appeared in this case was over-
crowded class. The teacher could not handle the class well because some
students were busy with their own business and had much laugh and
kidding. The researcher also concluded that from the questionnaire activity
there was no problem appeared because the teacher could run all the steps
well. It meant that the teacher was competent enough. The teacher had a
good method in teaching. It could be seen from how the way the teacher
explained the material. It means that the teacher was not apathy to new
that used by the teacher was sub-standard book. It could be concluded that
the book used by the teacher was good. Another result could be concluded
is teachers still need hard work for its implementation crossword puzzle in
teaching vocabulary because every time they start learning, the teacher
process between teachers and students occurs as expected and the use of
4.2 Diccussion
Based on the findings above, the researcher found that all teachers in this
study recognized that the role of words / vocabulary in learning English was
very important. These findings are in line with previous findings stated by
Huyen and Nga in Rouhani and Purgharib (2013). This importance is proven
by Huyen and Nga in Rouhani and Purgharib (2013) who define vocabulary
as a language element that links the four language skills including listening,
will totally help students mastering English and its four major skills which
that the problems related to the story that appeared in this case was over-
crowded class. The teacher could not handle the class well because some
students were busy with their own business and had much laugh and kidding.
The researcher also concluded that from the questionnaire activity there
was no problem appeared because the teacher could run all the steps well. It
means that the teacher was competent enough. The teacher had a good
method in teaching. It could be seen from how the way the teacher explained
the material. It means that the teacher was not apathy to new technique or
procedures and the teacher adequate in teaching. The book that used by the
teacher was sub-standard book. It could can be concluded that the book used
by the teacher was good. Another result could be concluded is teachers still
vocabulary because every time they start learning, the teacher must adjust the
researcher with five teachers from different schools, the researcher found that
develop student vocabulary so that the learning process between teachers and
students occurs as expected and the use of crossword puzzles affects students'
learn if they use varied or different learning media. related to the game.
5.1 Conclusion
vocabulary and the impacts of the strategies used by the teacher in improving
following two conclusions. First, some of the obstacle that the teacher
puzzle game were overcrowded. It is caused some of the students were not
serious and having noisy and to apply crossword puzzle in learning vocabulary
the teacher requires more time. Second, the impact of the use crossword puzzle
vocabulary so that the learning process between teachers and students occurs as
expected. Moreover, using crossword puzzles can make the techniques used by
5.2 suggestion
Based on the result of the research, the researcher makes some suggestions
to be addressed here:
b. The teacher should prepare the material well before teaching by using
c. The teacher should manage the class and the time well in order that the
a. The students should be more creative to look for the way to learn English
practice day by day with friends at school and out of the school.
a. The school provide much more English book to be read by the students
The researcher hopes that order researcher will conduct other research
English skill.
Internet sources :
Tino. Crossword Puzzle. Available on:
Davis1a, Tricia M., Brooke Shepherd, Tara Zwiefelhofer. The Journal of
Teaching 2009, Vol. 9, No. 3, 2009, 4-10. Available on :
Hendri, Jhon. Merancang Kuesioner Riset Pemasaran, Available on:
Stm.Kuosioner Riset Pemasaran Universitas Gunadarma, edu, pdf.
Indriarti. Journal of English Language Teaching ELT FORUM 3 (1) (2014): the
Effectiveness of Semantic Mapping Strategy to Improve Students` Vocabulary
Mastery. Available on :
M.C., Njoroge, Ndung’u, R.W., and Gathigia. 2013. InternationalJournal of
Research Vol. 5(2), 313- 321: The Use of Crossword Puzzles as a Vocabulary
Learning Strategy: A Case of English as a Second Language in Kenyan Secondary
Schools. Nairobi: Resources for Education. Available on :
Pinuria, Yoni, Fitrina Harmaini and Ernati. Journal FKIP Bung Hatta Vol. 3 No.
Teaching Vocabulary by Using Crossword Puzzle. Available on :
6. How is the students’ ability in vocabulary mastery when you have applied the
8. Does the student’s vocabulary increase more after you use the crossword
Interview guide 1
Name : HT
Age : 56
Gender : Female
Teacher response: Vocabulary is very important for the students who learn
certain language should know the words. The mastery of vocabulary can
support them in speaking when they are communicating to people can write
and translate the meaning of words when they definite English. If they do not
know the meaning of words, they will not be able to speak, write and translate
anything English. The students can be said gaining progress in English, the
mastery of vocabulary.
Teacher response: The lack of student interest in learning Engllish The lack
vocabulary, the lack of vocabulary they have makes them have to think about
what words will be used to answer questions until they are embarrassed to
6. How is the students’ ability in vocabulary mastery when you have applied
students begin to dare to express their opinions in class and with the increase
in their vocabulary it also affects other skills such as writing and speaking
8. Does the student’s vocabulary increase more after you use the crossword
Interview Guide 2
Name : HG
Age : 45
Gender : Female
students who learn English. The mastery of vocabulary can support them
translate the meaning of words when they definite English. If they do not
know the meaning of words, they will not able to speak, write, and
language teaching.
students play more than listen to the material explained by the teacher.
and pay more attention to the rules that are being explained by the teacher
students are easier to remember new vocabulary that they find themselves
before because when I first applied the crossword puzzle they were more
front of the class and are more enthusiastic in improving their vocabulary.
8. Does the student’s vocabulary increase more after you use the
front of the class because with the crossword puzzle game they find new
Interview Guide 3
Name : MI
Age : 41
Gender : Female
must be provided so that students are able to digest what is taught by the
6. How is the students’ ability in vocabulary mastery when you have applied
being taught.
8. Does the student’s vocabulary increase more after you use the crossword
Interview Guide 4
Name : YP
Age : 35
Gender : Female
Teacher response: the role of vocabulary is very large in the learning process and
Teacher response: lack of media to get vocabulary due to the lack of students'
Teacher response: For students who are basically curious, it will be easy to
understand vocabulary with crossword puzzles, but for students who lack
Teacher response: quite interesting, because it can increase new vocabulary and
easily remember the vocabulary they find until they can apply it in conversation
6. How is the students’ ability in vocabulary mastery when you have applied
puzzle using the word they are looking for, it makes it easier for students to
8. Does the student’s vocabulary increase more after you use the crossword
Teacher response: Yes it increases because they are looking for the answer
Interview Guide 5
Name : NWT
Age : 37
Gender : Female
and does not use rules such as grammar. The four skills exist because they
process easier.
memorize and lack of vocabulary makes them less understand the text
stronger because they themselves find the words for the answers.
8. Does the student’s vocabulary increase more after you use the
made because it is in the form of a game so students try to find their own