4.1 In organised Central Group `A' Services, there is a non-functional selection grade in the pay scale of Rs.14300-18300. This is inter-mediary scale between the pay scales corresponding to Junior Administrative Grade (Rs.12000-16500) and Senior Administrative Grade (Rs.18400-22400). In the Non-Functional Selection Grade, the duties and responsibilities attached to the posts are the same as those of the next lower grade, i.e. JAG. Such selection grade is given to a specified number of officers in the JAG under certain conditions and does not involve a change of command. As per decisions taken by Government in the light of the Fourth Central Pay Commission's recommendations, the revised orders regarding non-functional selection grade (Rs.14300-18300) will apply to the organised Group `A' Civil Cadres and the orders will apply to such cadres uniformly. Secondly, there will be no functional selection grade in such cadres. 4.2 The expression" organised Group `A' Civil Cadre" means a cadre which has all the following attributes, namely:- (i) the highest cadre post is not below the level of Rs.1840022400 (ii) it has all the standard grades, namely, Rs.8000-13500, Rs.10000-15200, Rs.1200016500, Rs.14300-18300 and Rs.22400-24500 (iii) at least 50% of the vacancies in the Junior Time Scale (Rs.8000-13500) are required to be filled by direct recruitment and (iv) all vacancies above the Junior Time Scale and upto the Senior Administrative Grade (Rs.22400-24500) are filled by promotion from the next lower grade. 4.3 Introduction of a Non-Functional Selection Grade had been specifically recommended for the first time by the Third Central Pay Commission in respect of various organised Engineering Services (besides Indian Economic Service, Indian Statistical Service and Indian Forest Service). The Commission felt that the number of posts in the higher grades of these services was relatively small in the terms of their total cadre strength and member of the Services holding JAG posts are liable to stagnate for this reason. While accepting this recommendation of the pay commission, Government decided that (i) such Selection Grade may also be introduced in various Central Group `A' Services and (ii) the strength of the Selection Grade in each Service should be determined after a detailed review of cadre structure, promotion prospects, etc. in that Service. 4.4 The Pay Commission stipulated that the officers to be placed in the Selection Grade should have reached the maximum of the Junior Administrative Grade and remained there for 2 years. This stipulation constituted the main criterion for (a) the introduction of Selection Grade in a Service, (b) the determination of the size of such Grade and (c) the eligibility of officers to be placed in Selection Grade. In essence, therefore, the nonfunctional selection grade is intended to mitigate the rigours of stagnation which the officers in the JAG may be exposed to for want of adequate number of posts in the higher grades. In this sense it is not a distinct functional grade carrying a higher level of responsibilities than those associated with JAG but part of JAG itself, the scale of pay being an extension of JAG pay scale. In other words, it is tantamount to an extended pay scale for holders of JAG posts, the pay scale of Rs.12000-16500 being extended to Rs.18300 under certain conditions. 4.5 In general, appointment of officers to a functional grade is by Selection as it involves promotion to a higher level of responsibility. On the other hand, appointment to the NonFunctional Selection Grade is by seniority subject of fitness. This is so because the
purpose of introducing a non-functional Selection Grade is to mitigate the hardships caused to officers due to stagnation and no change of command is involved. 4.6 In terms of Government decisions, Selection Grade was to be introduced in a Central Group `A' Service only after a review of its cadre structure. It was also stipulated that the Selection Grade posts were to be carved out of JAG posts. 4.7 Once the proposal to introduce Selection Grade in a cadre structure (under review) has been approved and its strength determined (on the basis of stagnation and other criteria) by Cadre Review Committee and the required number of posts created, the question arises as to the actual procedure to be adopted for placing the eligible officers in the Selection Grade. The procedure has been laid down in detail in separate guidelines prepared for the purpose by the Department of Personnel & Training. 4.8 The main features of the Selection Grade Guidelines are summarised below:(i) Central Service Group `A' where the scale of Rs.14300-18300/- exists as part of the cadre structure on functional basis will not be eligible to have non-functional Selection Grade unless the Cadre Controlling Authorities decide to do away with the functional Selection Grade. (ii) The non-functional Selection Grade posts should be carved out of the Junior Administrative Grade; they thus do not represent net additions. (iii) The strength of the Selection Grade should be equal to 30% of the senior duty post. The Selection Grade should strictly remain non-functional and in no case be converted into functional. They are thus personal to the officers concerned. An Officers to be eligible to be placed in Selection Grade must have entered the 14th year of service on the Ist January of the year calculated from the year following the year of the examination on the basis of which he was recruited. (vi) Appointment to the grade should be by seniority (i.e. seniority subject to rejection of `unfit'). (vii) The inter-se-seniority among officers appointed to non-functional Selection Grade and those in the ordinary grade of JAG shall not be changed as a result of appointment of the former to the Selection Grade. Scientific Services. 4.9 In terms of the Third Pay Commission recommendations and Government's decision thereon, Selection Grade is relevant to all Central Group `A' Service, both technical and non-technical. In certain Scientific Services, however e.g. Defence Science, Meterological Service etc. there is a system of flexible complementing designed to retain and encourage meritorious scientists engaged in research work. Under this system, while the total numbers of posts in two or more successive grades is fixed, the number in different grades are varied so as to enable officers with a stipulated period of services to be placed in next higher grade on the basis of periodical assessment of performance irrespective of number of vacancies existing at any given time. In view of this, introduction of Selection Grade in Junior Administrative Grade is not considered necessary in such Services. Engineering Services. 4.10 The 5th Central Pay Commission had recommended NFSG for Organised Group 'A' Central Engineering Services. The NFSG scale applicable is Rs. 12000-16500 i.e at level between STS and JAG. For detailed information refer O.M. No. 22/1/2000-CRD dated 6.6.2000 as clarified by O.M. No. 22/1/2000-CRD dated 20.12.2000 (Appendix IX and Appendix X).
APPENDIX IX No. 22/1/2000-CRD Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) New Delhi 110001 June 6, 2000 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Recommendations of the Fifth Central Pay Commission on scales of pay of posts of Superintending Engineers and Executive Engineers and equivalent in the Organized Group A Engineering Services. In paragraph 50.45 of their Report, the Fifth Central Pay Commission (FCPC) had recommended the following:(i) the non-functional pre-revised pay scale of Rs. 4500-5700 (revised: Rs. 14300-18300) applicable to the Superintending Engineers in the Central Public Works Department (CPWD) should be converted into a functional grade and promotions in this scale should be permitted only on completion of thirteen years of regular service in Group A; the functional pre-revised pay-scale of Rs. 3700-5000 (revised: Rs. 12000-16500) applicable to the Superintending Engineers as the first grade on their promotion from the posts of Executive Engineers should instead be a non-functional grade for Executive Engineers in the prerevised pay-scale of Rs. 3000-4500 (revised: Rs. 10000-15200).
The FCPC had also clarified that, though their recommendations in regard to the pay scales of these two posts were being made in the context of the CPWD engineers, the dispensation will be available to all engineering cadres in the Government. The revised pay scales of Superintending Engineers and Executive Engineers were also notified by the Department of Expenditure at S.Nos. VIII (a) and (b) of Part B of the First Schedule to the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1997, promulgated in that Departments Notification No. GSR. 569 (E) dated September 30, 1997. 2. Implementation of the FCPC recommendations will necessitate the restructuring of Group A cadres in the Central Engineering Service, the Central Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Service and other organised Group A Engineering Services, recruitment in which is made through the Combined Engineering Services Examination. The related recruitment/service rules will also need to be appropriately amended. In terms of the provisions contained in the preamble to Part B of the First Schedule to the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules 1997, in cases where cadre restructuring,
redistribution of posts, etc. are pre-requisites for the grant of pay-scales recommended by the FCPC for certain posts, it will be necessary for the Ministry/Department concerned to not only accept these pre-conditions but also to implement them before the recommended pay-scales are applied to these posts. It is, therefore, implicit that such scales will necessarily have only prospective effect and only the normal replacement scales will be applicable to the posts concerned until the pre-requisites are fulfilled. 3. Issues of relevance to the implementation of the FCPC recommendations and their operationalisation, the criteria to be adopted for the distribution of posts in the scales of pay recommended by the FCPC, etc. have been under Governments consideration for quite some time now. After careful consideration of all relevant aspects, the President is now pleased to decide as follows:(a) The functional grade of Rs. 14300-18300 shall be applicable to the posts of Superintending Engineers and equivalent that are variously designated and included in the organised Group A Engineering Services, recruitment to which is made through the Combined Engineering Services Examination. Placement of Personnel in this functional grade will, however, be subject to actual availability of vacancies in the grade. This shall be permitted only on completion of at least thirteen years of regular service in Group A and the prescribed regular service of four years in the scale of pay of Rs. 12000-16500, which will henceforth be the nonfunctional second grade for Executive Engineers and equivalent. It is likely that functional promotions to posts of Superintending Engineers and equivalent may be possible in some of the organised Group A Engineering Services before completion of thirteen years of regular service in Group A as stipulated by the FCPC because of the cadre structure of individual services. Members of Services so promoted will continue to remain only in the scale of pay of Rs. 12000-16500 till they become eligible for the scale of Rs. 14300-18300 in terms of (a) above. They will, however, be entitled to the benefit of pay fixation under FR 22(I)(a)(i) on promotion. This benefit will not be available again on their placement in the scale of Rs. 14300-18300. The non-functional grade of Rs. 12000-16500 now to be introduced for the Executive Engineers and equivalent will be admissible on completion of:(i) minimum regular service of nine years in Group A (four years in the pay-scale of Rs. 8000-13500 and five years in the pay-scale of Rs. 10000-15200) in respect of those officers who are directly recruited or promoted to the pay-scale of Rs. 8000-13500; and
minimum regular service of five years in the pay-scale of Rs. 10000-15200 in respect of those officers who are directly promoted from Group B to posts in this pay-scale.
The number of posts of Executive Engineers and equivalent to be operated in the non-functional pay-scale of Rs. 12000-16500 shall be restricted to 30% of the Senior Duty posts (i.e. posts in the pay-scale of Rs. 1000015200 and above) in the respective cadres, ensuring at the same time that (i) there is no increase in the overall strength of the cadre; and (ii) the number of posts to be operated in the non-functional grade (Rs. 1200016500) does not exceed the number of posts available in the pay-scale of Rs. 10000-15200. Placement of officers in the functional grade of Rs. 14300-18300 shall be done through the process of Selection by Merit subject to actual availability of vacancies in the grade. On the other hand, placement of officers in the non-functional pay scale of Rs. 12000-16500 shall be done subject to suitability in terms of guidelines contained in the Department of Personnel and Training O.M. NO. 28038/1/88-Estt. (D) dated October 9, 1989 (Appendix-VIII). These should be scrupulously adhered to. The composition of the Department Promotion Committees (including association of the Union Public Service Commission) for appointment of officers to the posts of Superintending Engineers and equivalent in the functional grade of Rs. 14300-18300 shall be the same as already prescribed in the relevant Service/Recruitment Rules for appointments to the erstwhile functional grade in the pay-scale of Rs. 12000-16500 (prerevised: Rs. 3700-5000). Similarly, the composition of the Departmental promotion Committees for appointment of officers to the posts of Executive Engineers and equivalent in the non-functional pay-scale of Rs. 12000-16500 shall be the same as already prescribed in the relevant Service/recruitment Rules for appointments to the erstwhile nonfunctional grade in the pay-scale of Rs. 14300-18300 (pre-revised: Rs. 4500-5700).
4. Only a higher eligibility criterion of thirteen years of regular Group A service has now been prescribed for appointment to the posts of Superintending Engineer and equivalent in the functional scale of pay of Rs. 14300-18300. Placement in the higher scale of pay does not, however, involve assumption of higher responsibilities in the case of regular incumbents of the post in the pay-scale of Rs. 12000-16500 (pre-revised: Rs. 3700-5000). Appointments to this scale of pay will consequently be governed by the instructions contained in paragraph 2.2 of this Departments O.M. No. 22011/10/84-Estt. (D) dated February 4, 1992. In other words, in the case of regular incumbents of these posts (Superintending Engineer), who had completed the prescribed qualifying service of thirteen years on or before January 1, 1996, they may be placed in the scale of Rs. 14300-
18300 from that date. In the case of other regular incumbents of these posts, who fulfill the qualifying service on a later date, they should be appointed to the scale of Rs. 1430018300 only from the date on which they complete thirteen years of regular service in Group A. Their placement in the scale will be further subject to the condition that they had been promoted functionally to the posts of Superintending Engineer and equivalent against vacancies and after observing the prescribed selection procedures. 5. In view, however, of the fact that the implementation of the FCPC recommendation in respect of the posts of Executive Engineers and equivalent would involve the restructuring of the cadre by re-distributing the existing posts in the functional and non-functional scales of Rs. 10000-15200 and Rs. 12000-16500 respectively in the ratio of 70 : 30, the non-functional pay-scale of Rs. 12000-16500 will be applicable only prospectively based on the recommendations of the Departmental Promotional Committees to be constituted for the purpose. Till such time as the existing regular incumbents of the posts of Executive Engineer and equivalent are appointed to the non-functional pay-scale of Rs. 12000-16500 after due observance of the prescribed procedure, they shall be entitled only to the functional scale of Rs. 10000-15200. It should also be ensured that they had been promoted functionally to the posts of Executive Engineer and equivalent against vacancies and after observing the prescribed selection procedures and that they have completed the prescribed qualifying service of nine years before they are placed in the non-functional scale. 6. Cadre controlling authorities in various Ministries and Departments should, in pursuance of the above decisions, take immediate steps to restructure the cadres, redistribute posts in the applicable revised scales of pay and to amend appropriately the relevant Service/Recruitment Rules. This exercise should be completed within a period of two months. In order to facilitate expeditious action in this regard, powers are hereby delegated to the Ministries/Departments concerned to make the necessary amendments in the relevant Service/Recruitment Rules in conformity with the above decisions, without reference to the Recruitment Rules Division in the Department of Personnel and Training. The amendments may, however, be notified in consultation with the Union Public Service Commission and the Legislative Department. (K.K. JHA) Director (Establishment) All Ministries/Departments of the Government of India Copy to:1. The Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi. 2. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India, New Delhi. 3. The Department of Expenditure (Implementation Cell), New Delhi. 4. The Legislative Department, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi with reference to paragraph 6 above. 5. Establishment (RR), DoP&T. 6. Establishment (D), DoP&T 7. Cadre Review Division, DoP&T
No. 22/1/2000-CRD
Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) New Delhi 110001 June 6, 2000. OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Grant of Non-Functional Selection Grade to the organised Group A Central Services increase in percentage ceiling. Pursuant to the recommendations of the Forth Central Pay Commission, the NonFunctional Selection Grade (NFSG) has been granted in all organised Group A Central Services subject to the conditions as prescribed/modified from time to time as per the Department of Personnel and Training (DoP&T) instructions quoted in the margin. These conditions are as follows:(i) The number of posts in NFSG shall be equal to 15% of the senior duty posts (i.e. all duty posts at the level of Senior Time Scale and above in the cadre); There shall be no increase in the overall strength of the cadre; The officer shall first hold the post in the basic grade of Junior Administrative Grade (JAG) before he could be considered for appointment to NFSG; Since NFSG is a segment of JAG, the strength in NFSG shall not exceed the number of posts available in JAG; No member (officer) of the Service shall be eligible for appointment to NFSG until he has entered the fourteenth year of service on the 1 st January of the year calculated from the year following the year of examination on the basis of which the member was recruited; Appointment to NFSG shall be made subject to suitability in terms of DoP&T O.M. No. 28038/1/88-Estt. (D) dated 09.10.1989 (AppendixVIII); and
(ii) (iii)
(iv) (v)
2. As NFSG is a segment of JAG and is also non-functional in character, appointment to NFSG is not promotion but merely placement in the higher pay-scale. 3. The matter relating to the percentage ceiling on NFSG has been reconsidered by the Government and, in modification of the aforesaid condition (i) in paragraph 1 above, it has been decided that in the case of the organised Group A Central Services, the existing ceiling of 15% in the case of NFSG shall, with prospective effect (from the date of issue of this Office Memorandum), be increased to 30%. The other conditions noted in paragraph 1 above shall remain unchanged. Particular attention is invited in this connection to the conditions in paragraphs 1 (iii) and 1 (v). 4. However, these instructions, together with the instructions quoted in paragraph 1 above, shall not apply in the case of organised Group A Engineering Services which would be governed by a separate set of instructions (of even number dated 6.6.2000) which are also being issued simultaneously. 5. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit and Accounts Department are concerned, these orders issue after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India. 6. These instructions take effect from the date of issue.
(K.K. JHA) Director (Establishment) All Ministries/Departments of the Government of India. Copy to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi-110001. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India, New Delhi-110002. The Department of Expenditure (Implementation Cell), New Delhi. Establishment (RR), DoP&T. Establishment (D), DoP&T Cadre Review Division, DoP&T
APPENDIX-X No. 22/1/2000-CRD Government of India Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions (Department of Personnel and Training) New Delhi 110001 December 20, 2000 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Revised scales of pay for Executive Engineer/Superintending Engineer and equivalent in the organised Group A Engineering Services clarifications/modifications regarding. The undersigned is directed to invite reference to the Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum (O.M.) No. 22/1/2000-CRD dated June 6, 2000 on the aforesaid subject which prescribes detailed norms for grant of the revised pay-scales of Rs. 12,000-16,500 (non-functional) and Rs. 14,300-18,300 (functional) to the Executive Engineer and Superintending Engineer (and equivalent in both the grades) respectively in the organised Group A Engineering Services. Subsequent to the issue of the aforesaid instructions, various references/representations have been received in this Department pleading for reconsideration of certain conditions as stipulated in the instructions under reference. The issues/points raised in the aforementioned references/representations have been carefully examined in consultation with the Department of Expenditure and it has been decided to issue the following clarifications/modifications in regard to various provisions (paragraphs quoted below) of the aforementioned DoP&T O.M. dated June 6, 2000: (i) The first sentence of Paragraph 2, in its modified form, will now read as follows:Implementation of the FCPC recommendations will necessitate the restructuring of Group A cadres in the Central Engineering Service, the Central Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Service and other organised Group A Engineering Services. (ii) The conditions stipulated in Paragraph 3 will be prospective in nature, and will, as such, be effective from the date of notification of the revised Service/Recruitment Rules. Sub-paragraph 3 (a), 3 (b) and 3 (c) of the said O.M., in the modified form, will now read as follows:-
Sub-para 3 (a) The functional grade of Rs. 14300-18300 will be applicable to the posts of Superintending Engineer and equivalent. Executive Engineer and equivalent may be eligible to be considered for promotion to the grade of Superintending Engineer and equivalent only on completion of nine years of regular service in the grade of Executive Engineer and equivalent, including regular service, if any, rendered in the non-functional second grade for the Executive Engineer and equivalent in the pay-scale of Rs. 12000-16500. Placement of personnel in the functional grade of Rs. 14300-18300 will, however, be subject to actual availability of vacancies in the grade. Sub-para 3 (b): It is likely that functional promotions to posts of Superintending Engineer and equivalent may be possible in some of the organised Group A Engineering Services before completion of the eligibility service prescribed at sub-para 3(a) above because of the cadre structure of individual services. Members of Services so promoted will continue to remain only in the scale of pay of Rs. 12000-16500 till they become eligible for the scale of Rs. 14300-18300 in terms of sub-para 3 (a) above. They will, however, be entitled to the benefit of pay fixation under FR 22 (I)(a)(i) on promotion. This benefit will not be available again on their placement in the scale of Rs. 14300-18300. Sub-para 3 (c): Executive Engineer and equivalent (in the pay-scale of Rs. 1000015200) may be eligible to be considered for placement in the nonfunctional grade of Rs. 12000-16500 only on completion of five years of regular service in the pay-scale of Rs. 10000-15200. Assistant Executive Engineer and equivalent (in the pay-scale of Rs. 8000-13500) may be eligible to be considered for promotion to the functional grade of Executive Engineer and equivalent in the pay-scale of Rs. 10000-15200 only on completion of four years of regular service in the pay-scale of Rs. 8000-13500/-. (iii) The conditions stipulated in Para 4 will apply in relation to the regular incumbents of the posts of the Superintending Engineer and equivalent. In its modified form it (paragraph 4) would now read as follows:Only a higher eligibility criterion as at sub-para 3 (a) above has now been prescribed for appointment to the posts of Superintending Engineer and equivalent in the functional scale of pay of Rs. 14300-
18300. Placement in the said higher scale of pay does not, however, involve assumption of higher responsibilities in the case of regular incumbents of the post in the erstwhile functional grade in the pay-scale of Rs. 12000-16500 (pre revised: Rs. 3700-5000). Appointments to this scale of pay (Rs. 14300-18300) will consequently be governed by the instructions contained in paragraph 2.2 of DoP&T O.M. No. 22011/10/84-Estt. (D) dated February 4, 1992. In other words, in the case of regular incumbents of these posts (Superintending Engineer and equivalent), who had completed the prescribed qualifying service as at sub-para 3 (a) above on or before January 1, 1996, they may be placed in the scale of Rs. 14300-18300 from that date (January 1, 1996). In the case of other regular incumbents of these posts, who fulfill the said qualifying service on a later date, they should be appointed to the scale of Rs. 14300-18300 only from the date on which they complete the prescribed qualifying service as at sub-para 3 (a) above. Their placement in the scale will be further subject to the condition that they had been promoted functionally to the posts of Superintending Engineer and equivalent against vacancies and after observing the prescribed selection procedures. (iv) Paragraph 5 in its modified form will now read as follows:In view, however, of the fact that the implementation of the FCPC recommendation in respect of the posts of Executive Engineer and equivalent would involve restructuring of the cadre by re-distributing the existing posts in the functional and non-functional scales of Rs. 1000015200 and Rs. 12000-16500 respectively, the non-functional pay-scale of Rs. 12000-16500 will be applicable only prospectively based on the recommendations of the Departmental Promotion Committees to be constituted for the purpose. Till such time as the existing regular incumbents of the posts of Executive Engineer and equivalent are appointed to the non-functional pay-scale of Rs. 12000-16500 after due observance of the prescribed procedure, they shall be entitled only to the functional scale of Rs. 10000-15200. It should also be ensured that they had been promoted functionally to the posts of Executive Engineer and equivalent (in the pay-scale of Rs. 10000-15200) against vacancies and after observing the prescribed selection procedures and that they have completed the prescribed qualifying service (in the pay-scale of Rs. 10000-15200) as at sub-para 3 (c) above before they are placed in the non-functional scale of Rs. 12000-16500. 2. There shall be no change in other conditions prescribed in the Office Memorandum of even number dated June 6, 2000. 3. The revised eligibility conditions prescribed above is meant to provide guidance for amending Service/Recruitment Rules (as already instructed/authorised vide paragraph
6 of the Office Memorandum dated June 6, 2000) for grant of promotion to the grades of the Executive Engineer/Superintending Engineer and equivalent in the organised Group A Engineering Services. 4. The Cadre Controlling Authorities are counselled to attend to the problem of stagnation in the cadres under their control by better cadre management through the prescribed mechanism of cadre review which is required to be undertaken with regular periodicity.
(K.K. JHA) Director (Establishment) All Ministries/Departments of the Government of India Copy to:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The Union Public Service Commission, New Delhi with reference to its letter No. F.5/23(1)/2000-RR dated October 25, 2000. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India, New Delhi. The Department of Expenditure (Implementation Cell), New Delhi. The Legislative Department, Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi. Establishment (RR) Section, DoP&T. Establishment (D) Section, DoP&T. Cadre Review Division, DoP&T.