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Avrimative Team

In my opinion, children are brought for 7 year old to be able to access the internet, because the
internet can be fun for children,they can exmine shcool reports,communicate with teacher and with
other children.And in modern time today where thecnolgy is growing and we as human beings
consciouly and unconsciously depen on technology is also A part of people live’s,many young to
young children are no exception the internet is also useful for children,such as following.

1.learning resource for children

The internet can be used as a learning resource for children. This is because the internet makes
things easier for children to access information and learning resource on the internet can make it
easier for children to learn

2. Children Social Media

The presence of internet thecnolgy allow children to learn how to sosialize well through being
active on various social media such as, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and so on

3. As a means of entertainment for children

The internet can be a means of entertainment for children, because it can provide various features
or item that can be accessed by children,there are several features that can be used as a means of

4. Children are more sensitive to technology advances Children who are able to access information
speard on the internet indirectly feet it technology advances. It truns qut that this can have A
positive impact on children one of which is that they Will have an open mindset about the use of
technology for human

5. Children can do school assignments more quickly

One other function of the internet is as a source of fast and updated information. Via the internet,
we can search for news sources from within and outside the country. It’s not surprising that the
internet has become a search reference besides books for children when doing school assignments.

By simply typing keywords in the Google column, within seconds children will get references or
sources of knowledge. The role of parents at this point is to provide direction so that children do not
just plagiarize answers on the internet and direct children to good and credible educational sites.

6. Children understand and teach the use of technology

The internet is useful in honing children’s skills in knowing and using technology which is increasingly
developing day by day. It is not uncommon for children and the younger generation to be more
skilled at using certain technologies than previous generations. When children understand the use of
technology, children can teach it to people who are more mature in age, especially parents or

7. Sharpen children’s non-verbal abilities

The positive impact of the internet for children will also help in honing children’s non-verbal skills
because when accessing the internet most people use symbols in their operations. So children will
learn a lot of non-verbal languages when accessing the internet.

8. Developing Children’s Creativity

When children access the internet, they will see many surprising and extraordinary things. These
conditions will give rise to critical thinking skills so that the child’s inner creativity emerges. Also, by
sitting a lot to access the internet, children will have good coordination between eyes, brain and

Opsition Team

In my opinion, underage children should be prohibited from accessing the internet. Access to the
internet is becoming easier for children to obtain. Children can use the internet not only from
computers, but also from various electronic devices (gadgets)

Others, such as smartphones, tablets, and television materials (TV). The following are the negative
impacts if children access the internet too much

1. Difficulty concentrating

Spending too much time using gadgets can make it more difficult for children to concentrate.

Children’s concentration becomes easily disturbed due to the increasing number of notices or alerts
coming into their children’s devices.

Increasingly affordable internet access makes it easier for children to get the information they want.
Not infrequently, this information requires that children be notified at all times.
As a result of this, a child’s concentration while carrying out an activity can be disturbed because
they want to see the notifications they receive. . Difficulty socializing

If children spend too much time alone playing with devices, they are at risk of decreasing their ability
to interact socially.

2. Difficulty socializing

If children spend too much time alone playing with devices, they are at risk of decreasing their ability
to interact socially.

This is because children will interact less directly with the people around them.

Although children may also interact with other people online via the internet, these interactions can
lead to different behavior than when children interact directly.

That’s why, it’s not uncommon for someone’s personality to be different when they meet in person
and when they interact in cyberspace. This condition can not only be experienced by adults, but also

Children may more easily feel uncomfortable or not confident in interacting with other people

3. Behavioral disorders

Children tend to have broader imaginations than adults. Therefore, children sometimes have
difficulty distinguishing between what is real and what is not.

As a result, children are more at risk of imitating what they see, including content on the internet
without knowing whether it is real or can be done.

For example, when seeing content that contains violent scenes, children may feel attracted to trying
to do the same thing. This can make a child become someone who behaves rudely.

On the other hand, when they see content that is too scary for children their age, children can feel
excessively afraid and become fearful.

4. Health problems

The negative impact of the internet on children not only affects their mental and behavior, but also
their physical health.
When accessing the internet via a gadget for too long, children will look for a comfortable sitting
position. In fact, this position is not necessarily good and safe for physical health.

There are several health problems that can be experienced due to an incorrect sitting position,

1. visual impairment,

2. neck pain,

3.bone posture disorders,

4. numbness in the arms, hands and fingers, as well

5. The body feels tense.

5.. Difficulty sleeping

Children who are addicted to the internet can experience sleep disorders.

Just like adults, if they use gadgets to access the internet for too long, children can become addicted
and find it difficult to stop.

Children will probably spend most of their time just playing on the internet via gadgets.

As a result, children forget about other needs they need to fulfill, including sleeping.

If allowed to continue, children can experience sleep disorders, such as insomnia or decreased sleep
quality due to not getting enough sleep.

5. Open adult films

If children access the internet too much, they can open adult films and watch them, which can
make children who watch adult films do this.

6. Depression

When they rarely socialize due to spending too long playing on the internet alone, children can feel
lonely and are at risk of experiencing depression.
The lonelier the child is, the more at risk of experiencing depression. Children can also experience
emotional disorders, such as being aggressive or completely closing themselves off from other
people, including their parents.

Therefore, if your child shows signs and symptoms of loneliness due to depression, such as often
being alone and easily anxious, you should immediately seek medical or professional help, for
example consultation with a psychologist.

7. Decreased performance

As explained above, although it can help children learn and search for new information, the internet
can also interfere with children’s concentration.

Children may be easily distracted when there is a new notification on their device, or even just want
to use the internet to play.

As a result, children will find it more difficult to focus when studying. This will disrupt children’s
learning activities and can impact their performance at school.

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